►Nabsl | |
CSourceLocation | |
►Ngtl | |
►Ndetail | |
CEnumLogger | |
CRangeLogger | |
►Ninternal | |
CEquiv | |
CLogBase | |
CLogLegacyBase | |
CLogMultilineBase | |
CLogShortBase | |
►Nstl_util_internal | |
CTransparentLess | Like std::less, but allows heterogeneous arguments |
CUnordered | |
CUnordered< T, absl::void_t< typename T::hasher > > | |
CUnordered< T, absl::void_t< typename T::hasher >, absl::void_t< typename T::reverse_iterator > > | |
CBaseDeleter | |
CElementDeleter | |
►CIntType | |
CHasher | |
Clinked_hash_map | |
CLogLegacy | |
CLogLegacyUpTo100 | |
CLogMultiline | |
CLogMultilineUpTo100 | |
CLogMultilineUpToN | |
CLogShort | |
CLogShortUpTo100 | |
CLogShortUpToN | |
CReverseView | |
Csmall_map | |
CSTLElementDeleter | |
CSTLValueDeleter | |
CTemplatedElementDeleter | |
CTemplatedValueDeleter | |
CValueDeleter | |
►Ninternal | |
►CConnectedComponentsTypeHelper | |
CSelectContainer | |
CSelectContainer< U, V, absl::enable_if_t< std::is_integral< decltype(std::declval< const U & >()(std::declval< const T & >()))>::value &&!std::is_same_v< V, void > > > | Specialization for when U is a hash functor and Eq is provided (not void) |
CSelectContainer< U, V, absl::enable_if_t< std::is_integral< decltype(std::declval< const U & >()(std::declval< const T & >()))>::value &&std::is_same_v< V, void > > > | |
►Noperations_research | In SWIG mode, we don't want anything besides these top-level includes |
►Nbase | |
►Ninternal_dump_vars | |
CDump | |
Cprint_fields | |
►Nbop | |
CAdaptiveParameterValue | |
CAssignmentAndConstraintFeasibilityMaintainer | |
CBacktrackableIntegerSet | |
CBopAdaptiveLNSOptimizer | |
CBopCompleteLNSOptimizer | |
CBopConstraintTerm | |
CBopOptimizerBase | |
CBopRandomFirstSolutionGenerator | |
CBopSolution | |
CBopSolver | Solver of Boolean Optimization Problems based on Local Search |
CConstraintBasedNeighborhood | |
CGuidedSatFirstSolutionGenerator | |
CIntegralSolver | |
CLearnedInfo | |
CLinearRelaxation | |
CLocalSearchAssignmentIterator | |
CLocalSearchOptimizer | |
CLubyAdaptiveParameterValue | |
CNeighborhoodGenerator | |
CNonOrderedSetHasher | |
CObjectiveBasedNeighborhood | |
►COneFlipConstraintRepairer | |
CConstraintTerm | |
COptimizerSelector | |
CPortfolioOptimizer | |
CProblemState | |
CRelationGraphBasedNeighborhood | |
CSatCoreBasedOptimizer | |
CSatWrapper | |
►Nfz | |
CAnnotation | |
CArgument | |
CConstraint | |
CDomain | |
CFlatzincSatParameters | |
CLexerInfo | |
CModel | |
CModelStatistics | |
CParserContext | This is the context used during parsing |
CPresolver | |
►CSolutionOutputSpecs | |
CBounds | |
CVariable | |
CVarRefOrValue | |
►Nglop | |
CAddSlackVariablesPreprocessor | |
CBasisFactorization | |
CBasisState | |
CColumnDeletionHelper | Help preprocessors deal with column deletion |
CColumnPriorityQueue | |
CColumnsSaver | |
CColumnView | |
►CCompactSparseMatrix | |
CConstView | |
CCompactSparseMatrixView | |
CDataWrapper | Data templates |
CDataWrapper< LinearProgram > | |
CDataWrapper< MPModelProto > | |
CDoubletonEqualityRowPreprocessor | |
CDoubletonFreeColumnPreprocessor | |
CDualEdgeNorms | |
CDualizerPreprocessor | |
CDynamicMaximum | |
CEmptyColumnPreprocessor | Removes the empty columns from the problem |
CEmptyConstraintPreprocessor | Removes the constraints with no coefficients from the problem |
CEnteringVariable | |
CEtaFactorization | |
CFixedVariablePreprocessor | Removes the fixed variables from the problem |
CForcingAndImpliedFreeConstraintPreprocessor | |
CFreeConstraintPreprocessor | Removes the constraints with no bounds from the problem |
CImpliedFreePreprocessor | |
CInitialBasis | |
CLinearProgram | |
CLPDecomposer | |
CLpScalingHelper | |
CLPSolver | A full-fledged linear programming solver |
CLuFactorization | |
CMainLpPreprocessor | |
CMarkowitz | |
CMatrixEntry | Holds a triplet (row, col, coefficient) |
CMatrixNonZeroPattern | |
CMatrixView | |
CPermutation | |
CPreprocessor | |
CPrimalEdgeNorms | |
CPrimalPrices | |
CProblemSolution | Contains the solution of a LinearProgram as returned by a preprocessor |
CProportionalColumnPreprocessor | |
CProportionalRowPreprocessor | |
CRandomAccessSparseColumn | |
CRankOneUpdateElementaryMatrix | |
CRankOneUpdateFactorization | |
CReducedCosts | |
CRevisedSimplex | Entry point of the revised simplex algorithm implementation |
CRevisedSimplexDictionary | |
CRowDeletionHelper | Help preprocessors deal with row deletion |
CScalingPreprocessor | |
CScatteredColumn | |
CScatteredColumnEntry | Specializations used in the code |
CScatteredRow | |
CScatteredRowEntry | |
CScatteredVector | |
CScatteredVectorEntry | |
CShiftVariableBoundsPreprocessor | |
CSingletonColumnSignPreprocessor | |
CSingletonPreprocessor | |
CSingletonUndo | Stores the information needed to undo a singleton row/column deletion |
CSparseColumn | |
CSparseColumnEntry | |
CSparseMatrix | |
CSparseMatrixScaler | |
CSparseMatrixWithReusableColumnMemory | |
CSparseRow | |
CSparseRowEntry | |
CSparseVector | |
CSparseVectorEntry | |
CStatus | |
CStrictITISpan | |
CStrictITIVector | |
CSumWithOneMissing | |
CToMinimizationPreprocessor | Changes the problem from maximization to minimization (if applicable) |
CTriangularMatrix | |
CUnconstrainedVariablePreprocessor | |
CUpdateRow | |
CVariablesInfo | |
CVariableValues | |
CVectorIterator | |
►Ngtl | |
CTopN | |
►Ninternal | End of the interface. Below is the implementation |
CAlignedBlock | |
►CAllocatorWithAlignment | |
Crebind | |
CPathWithPriority | |
CReleaseSCIPMessageHandler | |
CScipCallbackRunner | |
CScipCallbackRunnerImpl | |
CScopedSCIPMessageHandlerDisabler | |
CToUInt | |
CToUInt< double > | |
CToUInt< float > | |
CUnderlyingContainerAdapter | |
CUntypedGScipConstraintHandler | |
CUntypedGScipConstraintHandlerImpl | |
►Nlp_format | |
CConstraint | |
CLpModel | |
►Nmath_opt | An object oriented wrapper for quadratic constraints in ModelStorage |
►Ninternal | |
CArrowOperatorProxy | |
CIncrementalSolverImpl | Incremental solve of a model |
CSosConstraintData | |
CVariablesEquality | |
CAllSolversRegistry | |
►CAtomicConstraintStorage | |
CDiff | |
CAtomicConstraintTraits | |
CAtomicConstraintTraits< IndicatorConstraintId > | |
CAtomicConstraintTraits< QuadraticConstraintId > | |
CAtomicConstraintTraits< SecondOrderConeConstraintId > | |
CAtomicConstraintTraits< Sos1ConstraintId > | |
CAtomicConstraintTraits< Sos2ConstraintId > | |
►CBaseSolver | |
CComputeInfeasibleSubsystemArgs | Arguments used when calling ComputeInfeasibleSubsystem() |
CSolveArgs | Arguments used when calling Solve() to solve the problem |
CBaseSolverTest | |
CBasis | |
CBoundedLinearExpression | A LinearExpression with upper and lower bounds |
CBoundedQuadraticExpression | A QuadraticExpression with upper and lower bounds |
CBranchPrioritiesTest | |
CBranchPrioritiesTestParams | Parameters for the BranchPrioritiesTest suite below |
CBufferedMessageCallback | |
CCallbackData | |
CCallbackRegistration | |
►CCallbackResult | The value returned by the Callback function |
CGeneratedLinearConstraint | |
CCallbackTest | |
CCallbackTestParams | Parameters for CallbackTest |
CComputeInfeasibleSubsystemArguments | Arguments passed to ComputeInfeasibleSubsystem() to control the solver |
CComputeInfeasibleSubsystemResult | |
►CConcurrentCallsGuard | |
CTracker | Tracker for pending calls |
CConstantFormatter | Streaming formatter for a constant in a linear/quadratic expression |
CCpSatSolver | |
CDoubleOptions | |
CDualRay | |
CDualSolution | |
CEnum | |
CEnumProto | |
CFeasibilityCheckerOptions | |
CGenericTest | |
CGenericTestParameters | |
CGlopSolver | |
CGlpkParameters | |
CGlpkRay | |
CGlpkSolver | |
CGlpkSparseVector | |
CGScipSolver | |
CGScipSolverConstraintData | |
CGScipSolverConstraintHandler | |
►CGurobi | |
CCallbackContext | |
CSparseMat | |
CGurobiCallbackInput | |
CGurobiFreeEnv | |
CGurobiISVKey | |
CGurobiIsvKey | |
CGurobiParameters | |
CGurobiSolver | |
CHighsSolver | |
CIdNameBiMap | |
CIncrementalLogicalConstraintTest | |
CIncrementalLpTest | |
CIncrementalMipTest | |
CIncrementalMultiObjectiveTest | |
CIncrementalQcTest | |
CIncrementalQpTest | |
CIncrementalSecondOrderConeTest | |
CIncrementalSolver | |
CIndicatorConstraint | |
CIndicatorConstraintData | |
CInfeasibleSubsystemSupport | |
CInfeasibleSubsystemTest | |
CInfeasibleSubsystemTestParameters | |
►CInvalidIndicators | |
CVariableAndConstraint | |
CInvalidInputTest | |
CInvalidInputTestParameters | |
CInvalidParameterTest | |
CInvalidParameterTestParams | |
CInvertedBounds | |
CIpModelSolveParametersTest | |
CIpMultipleSolutionsTest | |
CIpMultipleSolutionsTestParams | |
CIpParameterTest | |
CIpParameterTestParameters | |
Citerator_range | |
CLargeInstanceIpParameterTest | |
CLargeInstanceTestParams | |
CLazyConstraintsTest | |
CLazyConstraintsTestParams | Parameters for the LazyConstraintsTest suite below |
CLeadingCoefficientFormatter | |
CLinearConstraint | |
►CLinearConstraintStorage | |
CDiff | |
CUpdateResult | |
CLinearExpression | |
CLinearExpressionData | |
CLinearTerm | A term in an sum of variables multiplied by coefficients |
CLogicalConstraintTestParameters | |
CLowerBoundedLinearExpression | A LinearExpression with a lower bound |
CLowerBoundedQuadraticExpression | A QuadraticExpression with a lower bound |
CLpBasisStartTest | |
CLpIncompleteSolveTest | |
CLpIncompleteSolveTestParams | Parameters for the LpIncompleteSolveTest suite below |
CLpModelSolveParametersTest | |
CLpModelSolveParametersTestParameters | |
CLpParameterTest | |
CLpParameterTestParams | Parameters for the LpParameterTest suite below |
CMapFilter | |
CMessageCallbackData | |
CMessageCallbackTest | |
CMessageCallbackTestParams | Parameters for the MessageCallbackTest suite below |
CMipSolutionHintTest | |
CModel | |
CModelRanges | |
►CModelSolveParameters | |
CObjectiveParameters | Parameters for an individual objective in a multi-objective model |
CSolutionHint | |
►CModelSubset | |
CBounds | |
CModelSummary | |
CMoveVariablesToTheirBestFeasibleValueOptions | Options for MoveVariablesToTheirBestFeasibleValue |
CMultiObjectiveTestParameters | |
CNonStreamableGurobiInitArguments | |
CNonStreamableSolverInitArguments | |
CNonStreamableSolverInitArgumentsHelper | |
CNonStreamableSolverInitArgumentsValue | |
CNontrivialInfeasibleIp | |
CObjective | |
CObjectiveBounds | Bounds on the optimal objective value |
►CObjectiveStorage | In memory representation of the objective of an optimization model |
►CDiff | |
CSingleObjective | |
CParameterSupport | |
CParamName | |
CPdlpBridge | |
CPdlpSolver | |
CPrimalRay | |
CPrimalSolution | |
CProblemStatus | |
CQcDualsTest | |
CQcTestParameters | |
CQpDualsTest | |
CQpTestParameters | |
CQuadraticConstraint | |
CQuadraticConstraintData | |
CQuadraticExpression | |
CQuadraticTerm | |
CQuadraticTermKey | |
CSecondOrderConeConstraint | |
CSecondOrderConeConstraintData | |
CSecondOrderConeTestParameters | |
CSimpleLogicalConstraintTest | |
CSimpleLpTest | |
CSimpleLpTestParameters | |
CSimpleMipTest | |
CSimpleMipTestParameters | |
CSimpleMultiObjectiveTest | |
CSimpleQcTest | |
CSimpleQpTest | |
CSimpleSecondOrderConeTest | |
CSolution | |
CSolutionHintTestParams | Parameters for the MipSolutionHintTest suite below |
CSolutionMatcherOptions | Options for IsNear(Solution) |
CSolveArguments | |
CSolvedModel | |
CSolveParameters | |
CSolver | |
CSolveResultMatcherOptions | Configures SolveResult matcher IsConsistentWith() below |
CSolveResultSupport | |
CSolverInitArguments | |
►CSolverInterface | |
CInitArgs | Initialization arguments |
CSolverResources | |
CSolveStats | |
CSos1Constraint | |
CSos2Constraint | |
CSparseCoefficientMap | |
CSparseMatrix | |
CSparseSymmetricMatrix | |
CSparseVector | |
CSparseVectorFilterPredicate | |
►CSparseVectorView | |
Cconst_iterator | |
CStatusTest | |
CStatusTestParameters | |
CStreamableCpSatInitArguments | Streamable CpSat specific parameters for solver instantiation |
CStreamableGlopInitArguments | Streamable Glop specific parameters for solver instantiation |
CStreamableGlpkInitArguments | Streamable Glpk specific parameters for solver instantiation |
CStreamableGScipInitArguments | Streamable GScip specific parameters for solver instantiation |
CStreamableGurobiInitArguments | Streamable Gurobi specific parameters for solver instantiation |
CStreamablePdlpInitArguments | Streamable Pdlp specific parameters for solver instantiation |
CStreamableSolverInitArguments | |
CSupportedProblemStructures | |
CTermination | All information regarding why a call to Solve() terminated |
CTimeLimitTest | |
CTimeLimitTestParameters | |
CUpdateDataFieldIterator | |
CUpdateResult | Result of the Update() on an incremental solver |
CUpdateTracker | |
CUpdateTrackers | |
CUpperBoundedLinearExpression | A LinearExpression with an upper bound |
CUpperBoundedQuadraticExpression | A QuadraticExpression with an upper bound |
CVariable | |
►CVariableStorage | |
CDiff | |
CUpdateResult | |
►Nor_internal | |
CGraphBuilderFromArcs | |
CGraphBuilderFromArcs< GraphType, true > | |
CTailArrayBuilder | |
CTailArrayBuilder< GraphType, false > | |
CTailArrayReleaser | |
CTailArrayReleaser< GraphType, false > | |
►Npacking | |
►Nvbp | |
CVbpParser | |
►CArcFlowGraph | |
CArc | |
CBinPacking2dParser | |
►Npdlp | Validation utilities for solvers.proto |
►Ninternal | Utility functions for internal use only |
CDualTrustRegionProblem | |
CPrimalTrustRegionProblem | |
CDiagonalTrustRegionProblem | |
CIterationCallbackInfo | |
CLagrangianPart | |
CLocalizedLagrangianBounds | |
CPrimalAndDualSolution | |
CQuadraticProgram | |
CQuadraticProgramBoundNorms | |
CRelativeConvergenceInformation | |
CRescalingOptions | |
CScalingVectors | |
CScheduler | Thread scheduling interface |
CShardedQuadraticProgram | |
CShardedWeightedAverage | |
►CSharder | |
CShard | |
CSingularValueAndIterations | |
CSolverResult | |
CTerminationReasonAndPointType | |
CTrustRegionResult | |
►Nsat | |
CActivityBoundHelper | |
CAffineExpression | |
CAllDifferentBoundsPropagator | |
CAllDifferentConstraint | Implementation of AllDifferentAC() |
CAllIntervalsHelper | |
CArcGraphNeighborhoodGenerator | |
CArcWithLpValue | |
CAssignmentInfo | Information about a variable assignment |
CAssignmentType | |
CAssignmentView | |
CAutomatonConstraint | |
CBaseEvent | Internal methods and data structures, useful for testing |
►CBasicKnapsackSolver | |
CResult | |
CBinaryClause | A binary clause. This is used by BinaryClauseManager |
CBinaryClauseManager | A simple class to manage a set of binary clauses |
CBinaryImplicationGraph | |
CBlockedClauseSimplifier | |
CBooleanOrIntegerLiteral | |
CBooleanOrIntegerVariable | |
CBooleanXorPropagator | |
CBoolRLTCutHelper | |
CBoolVar | |
CBoundedVariableElimination | |
CBruteForceResult | |
CCachedIntervalData | |
CCachedTaskBounds | |
CCanonicalBooleanLinearProblem | |
►CCapacityProfile | |
CRectangle | |
CCircuitConstraint | |
CCircuitCoveringPropagator | |
►CCircuitPropagator | |
COptions | |
CClauseInfo | |
►CClauseManager | |
CWatcher | |
CClauseWithOneMissingHasher | Class to help detects clauses that differ on a single literal |
CCombinedDisjunctive | |
CCompactVectorVector | |
CCompiledAllDiffConstraint | |
CCompiledBoolXorConstraint | The violation of a bool_xor constraint is 0 or 1 |
CCompiledCircuitConstraint | --— CompiledCircuitConstraint --— |
CCompiledConstraint | View of a generic (non linear) constraint for the LsEvaluator |
CCompiledConstraintWithProto | |
CCompiledIntDivConstraint | |
CCompiledIntModConstraint | |
CCompiledIntProdConstraint | |
CCompiledLinMaxConstraint | |
CCompiledNoOverlap2dConstraint | |
CCompiledReservoirConstraint | |
CCompoundMoveBuilder | |
CConstraint | |
CConstraintGraphNeighborhoodGenerator | |
CConstraintPropagationOrder | |
CContinuousProber | |
CCoreBasedOptimizer | |
CCoverCutHelper | Helper to find knapsack cover cuts |
CCpModelBuilder | |
CCpModelMapping | |
CCpModelPresolver | |
CCpModelProtoWrapper | This implement the implicit contract needed by the SatCnfReader class |
CCpModelView | |
CCpSolverResponseStatisticCallbacks | |
CCtEvent | |
CCumulativeConstraint | |
CCumulativeDualFeasibleEnergyConstraint | Implementation of AddCumulativeOverloadCheckerDff() |
CCumulativeEnergyConstraint | Implementation of AddCumulativeOverloadChecker() |
CCumulativeIsAfterSubsetConstraint | |
CCutData | Our cut are always of the form linear_expression <= rhs |
CCutDataBuilder | Stores temporaries used to build or manipulate a CutData |
CCutGenerator | |
CCutTerm | |
CDebugSolution | |
CDecompositionGraphNeighborhoodGenerator | |
CDelayedRootLevelDeduction | |
CDFFComposedF2F0 | |
CDiffnBaseEvent | Internal methods and data structures, useful for testing |
CDiffnCtEvent | |
CDiffnEnergyEvent | |
CDiophantineSolution | |
CDisjunctiveDetectablePrecedences | |
CDisjunctiveEdgeFinding | |
CDisjunctiveNotLast | |
CDisjunctiveOverloadChecker | |
CDisjunctivePrecedences | |
CDisjunctiveSimplePrecedences | |
CDisjunctiveWithTwoItems | |
CDivisionPropagator | |
CDomainDeductions | |
CDoubleLinearExpr | |
CDratChecker | |
CDratProofHandler | |
CDratWriter | |
CDualBoundStrengthening | |
CDualFeasibleFunctionF0 | |
CElementEncodings | |
CEncodingNode | |
CEnergyEvent | |
CEnforcementPropagator | This is meant as an helper to deal with enforcement for any constraint |
CExponentialMovingAverage | |
CFeasibilityJumpSolver | |
CFeasibilityPump | |
CFindRectanglesResult | |
CFirstFewValues | |
CFixedCapacityVector | |
CFixedDivisionPropagator | |
CFixedModuloPropagator | |
CFullIntegerPrecedence | |
CGenericLiteralWatcher | |
CGreaterThanAtLeastOneOfDetector | |
CGreaterThanAtLeastOneOfPropagator | |
CHittingSetOptimizer | |
CIdentityMap | |
CImpliedBoundEntry | |
CImpliedBounds | |
►CImpliedBoundsProcessor | |
CBestImpliedBoundInfo | |
CInclusionDetector | |
CIncrementalAverage | Manages incremental averages |
►CIndexedInterval | |
CComparatorByStart | |
CComparatorByStartThenEndThenIndex | |
CIndexReferences | |
CInprocessing | |
CIntegerDomains | |
CIntegerEncoder | |
CIntegerLiteral | |
CIntegerRoundingCutHelper | |
CIntegerSearchHelper | An helper class to share the code used by the different kind of search |
CIntegerTrail | |
►CIntervalsRepository | |
CCumulativeHelper | |
CIntervalVar | |
CIntVar | |
►CItemForPairwiseRestriction | |
CInterval | |
CJumpTable | |
CLazyReasonInterface | |
CLbTreeSearch | |
CLevelZeroCallbackHelper | |
CLevelZeroEquality | |
CLinearBooleanProblemWrapper | This implement the implicit contract needed by the SatCnfReader class |
CLinearConstraint | |
CLinearConstraintBuilder | |
►CLinearConstraintManager | |
CConstraintInfo | |
CLinearConstraintPropagator | |
CLinearExpr | |
CLinearExpression | |
CLinearIncrementalEvaluator | |
CLinearModel | |
CLinearProgrammingConstraint | |
CLinearProgrammingConstraintCollection | A class that stores the collection of all LP constraints in a model |
CLinearProgrammingDispatcher | |
CLinearPropagator | |
CLinearRelaxation | |
CLinearTerm | |
CLinMinPropagator | |
CLiteral | |
CLiteralValueValue | |
CLiteralWithCoeff | Represents a term in a pseudo-Boolean formula |
CLocalBranchingLpBasedNeighborhoodGenerator | |
CLsCounters | |
CLsEvaluator | |
CLsOptions | The parameters used by the local search code |
CLsState | |
CMaxBoundedSubsetSum | |
CMinPropagator | |
CModel | |
CModelCopy | |
CModelLpValues | |
CModelRandomGenerator | |
CModelSharedTimeLimit | The model "singleton" shared time limit |
CMultipleCircuitConstraint | |
CMutableUpperBoundedLinearConstraint | |
CNeighborhood | Neighborhood returned by Neighborhood generators |
►CNeighborhoodGenerator | Base class for a CpModelProto neighborhood generator |
CSolveData | Adds solve data about one "solved" neighborhood |
CNeighborhoodGeneratorHelper | |
CNoCyclePropagator | Enforce the fact that there is no cycle in the given directed graph |
CNonOverlappingRectanglesDisjunctivePropagator | |
CNonOverlappingRectanglesEnergyPropagator | Propagates using a box energy reasoning |
CNoOverlap2DConstraint | |
CNoOverlapBetweenTwoIntervals | |
CObjectiveDefinition | |
CObjectiveEncoder | |
CObjectiveShavingSolver | |
COpbReader | |
COrthogonalPackingInfeasibilityDetector | |
COrthogonalPackingOptions | |
►COrthogonalPackingResult | |
CItem | |
CPairwiseRestriction | |
CPbConstraints | |
►CPbConstraintsEnqueueHelper | |
CReasonInfo | |
CPercentile | |
CPermutableEvent | |
CPermutableItem | |
CPostsolveClauses | |
►CPrecedenceRelations | |
CPrecedenceData | |
CPrecedencesPropagator | |
CPresolveContext | |
CPresolveTimer | |
CProber | |
CProbingOptions | |
CProbingRectangle | |
CProductDecomposer | Helper class to express a product as a linear constraint |
CProductDetector | |
CProductPropagator | |
CPropagationGraph | |
CPropagationStatistics | Simple class to display statistics at the end if –v=1 |
CPropagatorInterface | Base class for CP like propagators |
CProtoLiteral | |
CProtoTrail | |
►CPseudoCosts | |
CBranchingInfo | |
CVariableBoundChange | |
CQuickSmallDivision | |
CRandomIntervalSchedulingNeighborhoodGenerator | |
CRandomPrecedenceSchedulingNeighborhoodGenerator | |
CRandomPrecedencesPackingNeighborhoodGenerator | |
CRandomRectanglesPackingNeighborhoodGenerator | |
CRectangle | |
CRectangleInRange | |
CRectanglePairwisePropagator | Propagator that compares the boxes pairwise |
CReducedDomainNeighborhood | |
CRelaxationInducedNeighborhoodGenerator | |
CRelaxRandomConstraintsGenerator | |
CRelaxRandomVariablesGenerator | |
CReservoirConstraint | |
CReservoirTimeTabling | |
CRestartPolicy | Contain the logic to decide when to restart a SAT tree search |
CRevIntegerValueRepository | |
CRevIntRepository | |
CRoundingDualFeasibleFunction | |
CRoundingDualFeasibleFunctionPowerOfTwo | Same as above for k = 2^log2_k |
CRoundingOptions | |
CRoutingFullPathNeighborhoodGenerator | |
CRoutingPathNeighborhoodGenerator | |
CRoutingRandomNeighborhoodGenerator | |
CSatClause | |
CSatCnfReader | |
CSatDecisionPolicy | |
CSatPostsolver | |
CSatPresolveOptions | |
CSatPresolver | |
CSatPropagator | Base class for all the SAT constraints |
►CSatSolver | |
CCounters | |
CDecision | |
CSavedLiteral | |
CSavedVariable | |
CScatteredIntegerVector | |
CSccGraph | |
►CSchedulingConstraintHelper | |
CProfileEvent | |
CSchedulingDemandHelper | |
CSchedulingResourceWindowsNeighborhoodGenerator | |
CSchedulingTimeWindowNeighborhoodGenerator | |
CSearchHeuristics | |
CSharedBoundsManager | |
CSharedClasses | |
CSharedClausesManager | |
CSharedIncompleteSolutionManager | |
CSharedLPSolutionRepository | |
CSharedLsStates | Shared set of local search states that we work on |
CSharedResponseManager | |
►CSharedSolutionRepository | |
CSolution | The solution format used by this class |
CSharedStatistics | Simple class to add statistics by name and print them at the end |
CSharedStatTables | Contains the table we display after the solver is done |
CSharedTreeManager | |
CSharedTreeWorker | |
CSlicePackingNeighborhoodGenerator | |
CSquarePropagator | |
CStampingSimplifier | |
CSubSolver | |
CSubsolverNameFilter | Simple class used to filter executed subsolver names |
CSumOfAllDiffLowerBounder | Utility class for the AllDiff cut generator |
CSymmetryPropagator | |
CSynchronizationPoint | A simple wrapper to add a synchronization point in the list of subsolvers |
CTableConstraint | |
►CTaskSet | |
CEntry | |
CTaskTime | |
CThetaLambdaTree | |
CTimeTableEdgeFinding | |
CTimeTablingPerTask | |
CTopN | |
CTopNCuts | |
CTrail | |
CUniqueClauseStream | |
CUpperBoundedLinearConstraint | |
►CValueLiteralPair | A value and a literal |
CCompareByLiteral | |
CCompareByValue | |
CVarDomainWrapper | |
CVarDomination | |
CVariableGraphNeighborhoodGenerator | |
CVariablesAssignment | |
►CVariablesShavingSolver | |
CState | |
CVariableWithSameReasonIdentifier | |
CVarValue | Stores one variable and its strategy value |
►CZeroHalfCutHelper | |
CCombinationOfRows | |
►Nscheduling | |
►Njssp | |
CJsspParser | |
►Nrcpsp | |
CRcpspParser | |
►NSource | |
CFlowArc | |
CAccurateSum | |
CAdaptiveParameterValue | |
►CAffineRelation | |
CRelation | |
CAnnotatedGraphBuildManager | |
CArc | |
CArcFunctorOrderingByTailAndHead | |
CArcIndexOrderingByTailNode | |
CArcWithLength | |
CArcWithLengthAndResources | |
CArgumentHolder | Argument Holder: useful when visiting a model |
CArrayIndexCycleHandler | |
CArrayWithOffset | |
CAssignment | |
CAssignmentContainer | |
CAssignmentElement | |
CBaseInactiveNodeToPathOperator | |
CBaseIntExpr | |
CBaseKnapsackSolver | |
CBaseLns | |
CBaseObject | |
CBasePathFilter | Generic path-based filter class |
►CBidirectionalDijkstra | |
CNodeDistance | |
CPath | |
CBinaryIndexedTree | |
►CBinCapacities | |
CLoadLimit | |
CBitmap | |
CBitQueue64 | |
►CBitset64 | |
CConstView | When speed matter, caching the base pointer helps |
CIterator | |
CView | |
►CBlossomGraph | |
CEdge | An undirected edge between two nodes: tail <-> head |
CNode | |
CBooleanVar | |
CBopInterface | |
CBoundedDijkstraWrapper | |
CBronKerboschAlgorithm | |
CCachedLog | |
CCallbackRangeConstraint | |
CCallbackSetup | |
CCallMethod0 | Demon proxy to a method on the constraint with no arguments |
CCallMethod1 | Demon proxy to a method on the constraint with one argument |
CCallMethod2 | Demon proxy to a method on the constraint with two arguments |
CCallMethod3 | Demon proxy to a method on the constraint with three arguments |
CCarpParser | |
CCastConstraint | |
CCBCInterface | |
CChangeValue | |
CCheapestAdditionFilteredHeuristic | |
►CCheapestInsertionFilteredHeuristic | |
CNodeInsertion | |
CSeed | |
CSeedQueue | Clang-format off |
CStartEndValue | |
CChristofidesFilteredHeuristic | |
CChristofidesPathSolver | |
CClosedInterval | |
CCloseRoutesRemovalRuinProcedure | Remove a number of routes that are spatially close together |
CCLPInterface | |
CComparatorCheapestAdditionFilteredHeuristic | |
CConstrainedShortestPathsOnDagWrapper | |
CConstraint | |
CCoordinates2 | Real-world coordinates |
CCoordinates3 | |
CCostValueCycleHandler | |
CCplexInterface | |
CCppBridge | |
CCppFlags | |
CCross | --— Cross --— |
CCumulBoundsPropagator | |
CCVRPToursParser | Class parsing tours (solution) data in CVRPlib format |
CDebugStringFormatter | Helper to display a object with a DebugString method in a absl::StrJoin |
CDecision | |
CDecisionBuilder | |
CDecisionVisitor | |
CDefaultPhaseParameters | |
CDefaultSolutionPool | |
CDelayedCallMethod0 | Low-priority demon proxy to a method on the constraint with no arguments |
CDelayedCallMethod1 | Low-priority demon proxy to a method on the constraint with one argument |
CDelayedCallMethod2 | Low-priority demon proxy to a method on the constraint with two arguments |
CDemon | |
CDemonProfiler | |
CDenseDoublyLinkedList | |
CDenseIntDuplicateRemover | |
CDenseSet | |
CDimension | -------— Dimension -------— |
►CDimensionChecker | |
CExtendedInterval | |
CInterval | |
CDimensionCumulOptimizerCore | |
CDisabledScopedInstructionCounter | |
CDisabledScopedTimeDistributionUpdater | |
CDisjunctiveConstraint | |
CDistanceAndParentArc | |
CDistributionStat | |
►CDomain | |
CDomainIterator | |
CDomainIteratorBeginEnd | |
CDomainIteratorBeginEndWithOwnership | |
CDoubleDistribution | Statistic on the distribution of a sequence of doubles |
►CDynamicPartition | |
CIterablePart | |
CDynamicPermutation | |
►CEbertGraph | Forward declarations |
CIncomingArcIterator | Iterator class for traversing the incoming arcs associated to a given node |
COutgoingOrOppositeIncomingArcIterator | |
►CEbertGraphBase | |
CCycleHandlerForAnnotatedArcs | |
CEdge | |
CElementDegreeSolutionGenerator | |
CElementGetter | |
CElementIterator | |
CEnabledScopedTimeDistributionUpdater | |
CEvaluatorCheapestAdditionFilteredHeuristic | |
CExchange | --— Exchange --— |
CExchangeSubtrip | |
CExtendedSwapActiveOperator | --— ExtendedSwapActiveOperator --— |
CFilteredHeuristicCloseNodesLNSOperator | |
CFilteredHeuristicExpensiveChainLNSOperator | |
CFilteredHeuristicLocalSearchOperator | |
CFilteredHeuristicPathLNSOperator | |
CFinalizerVariables | |
CFindOneNeighbor | --— Finds a neighbor of the assignment passed --— |
►CFlatMatrix | NOTE(user): T=bool is not yet supported (the [] operator doesn't work) |
CConstRows | |
CConstRowsIterator | |
CForwardEbertGraph | |
►CForwardStaticGraph | |
CCycleHandlerForAnnotatedArcs | |
CGenericMaxFlow | Forward declaration |
CGenericMinCostFlow | Forward declaration |
►CGlobalCheapestInsertionFilteredHeuristic | |
CGlobalCheapestInsertionParameters | |
►CNodeEntryQueue | |
CEntry | |
CGlobalDimensionCumulOptimizer | |
CGLOPInterface | |
CGLPKInformation | Class to store information gathered in the callback |
CGLPKInterface | |
Cgraph_traits | |
Cgraph_traits< ForwardEbertGraph< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType > > | |
Cgraph_traits< ForwardStaticGraph< NodeIndexType, ArcIndexType > > | |
CGraphs | |
CGraphs< operations_research::StarGraph > | |
CGraphSymmetryFinder | |
CGreedySolutionGenerator | |
CGroupPairAndRelocateOperator | |
CGScipCallbackStats | |
CGScipConstraintHandler | |
CGScipConstraintHandlerContext | |
CGScipConstraintHandlerProperties | |
CGScipCutOptions | Options passed to SCIP when adding a cut |
CGScipEventHandler | |
CGScipEventHandlerContext | |
CGScipEventHandlerDescription | |
CGScipIndicatorRangeConstraint | |
CGScipLazyConstraintOptions | Options passed to SCIP when adding a lazy constraint |
CGScipLinearExpr | |
CGuidedLocalSearch | |
CGuidedTabuSearch | |
CGurobiInterface | |
CHamiltonianPathSolver | |
CHighsInterface | |
CHungarianOptimizer | |
CIfThenElseCt | -------— Generalized element -------— |
CImprovementSearchLimit | |
CIndexPairSwapActiveOperator | |
►CInitAndGetValues | |
CIterator | |
►CInsertionSequenceContainer | |
CInsertion | |
CInsertionSequence | |
CInsertionSequenceIterator | |
CInsertionSequenceGenerator | Generates insertion positions respecting structural constraints |
CIntegerDistribution | Statistic on the distribution of a sequence of integers |
CIntegerPriorityQueue | |
CIntersectingSubsetsIterator | |
CIntervalVar | |
CIntervalVarElement | |
CIntExpr | |
CIntTupleSet | --— Main IntTupleSet class --— |
CIntVar | |
CIntVarElement | |
CIntVarFilteredDecisionBuilder | |
CIntVarFilteredHeuristic | Generic filter-based heuristic applied to IntVars |
CIntVarIterator | |
CIntVarLocalSearchFilter | |
CIntVarLocalSearchOperator | |
CKnapsack64ItemsSolver | |
CKnapsackAssignment | |
CKnapsackBruteForceSolver | |
CKnapsackCapacityPropagator | |
CKnapsackCpSat | --— KnapsackCpSat --— |
CKnapsackDivideAndConquerSolver | |
CKnapsackDynamicProgrammingSolver | |
CKnapsackGenericSolver | |
CKnapsackInterface | |
CKnapsackItem | |
CKnapsackItemWithEfficiency | |
CKnapsackMIPSolver | --— KnapsackMIPSolver --— |
CKnapsackPropagator | |
CKnapsackSearchNode | |
CKnapsackSearchPath | |
CKnapsackSolver | |
CKnapsackState | |
CKShortestPaths | |
CKShortestPathsOnDagWrapper | |
CLatticeMemoryManager | |
CLazyMutableCopy | |
CLightIntFunctionElementCt | --— LightIntFunctionElementCt --— |
CLightIntIntFunctionElementCt | --— LightIntIntFunctionElementCt --— |
CLightPairRelocateOperator | |
CLiLimParser | Li&Lim parser class |
CLinearExpr | |
CLinearRange | |
►CLinearSumAssignment | This class does not take ownership of its underlying graph |
CBipartiteLeftNodeIterator | |
CLinKernighan | |
CLocalCheapestInsertionFilteredHeuristic | |
CLocalDimensionCumulOptimizer | |
CLocalSearch | --— Local search decision builder --— |
CLocalSearchFilter | |
►CLocalSearchFilterManager | |
CFilterEvent | |
CLocalSearchMonitor | |
CLocalSearchMonitorPrimary | -------— Local Search Monitor Primary -------— |
CLocalSearchOperator | |
CLocalSearchOperatorState | |
CLocalSearchPhaseParameters | -------— Local Search Phase Parameters -------— |
CLocalSearchProfiler | --— LocalSearchProfiler --— |
►CLocalSearchState | |
CVariable | |
CLocationContainer | |
CMakeActiveAndRelocate | --— MakeActiveAndRelocate --— |
CMakeActiveOperator | --— MakeActiveOperator --— |
CMakeChainInactiveOperator | --— MakeChainInactiveOperator --— |
CMakeInactiveOperator | --— MakeInactiveOperator --— |
CMakePairActiveOperator | |
CMakePairInactiveOperator | Operator which makes pairs of active nodes inactive |
CMakeRelocateNeighborsOperator | |
CMathUtil | |
CMatrixOrFunction | |
CMatrixOrFunction< ScalarType, std::vector< std::vector< ScalarType > >, square > | Specialization for vector-based matrices |
CMaxFlow | |
CMaxFlowStatusClass | |
CMbLogCallback | Simple director class for C# |
CMergingPartition | |
CMinCostFlow | |
CMinCostFlowBase | |
CMinCostPerfectMatching | |
CModelBuilderHelper | |
CModelCache | |
CModelParser | Model Parser |
CModelSolverHelper | |
CModelVisitor | Model visitor |
CMonoidOperationTree | |
CMPCallback | |
CMPCallbackContext | |
CMPCallbackList | |
CMPCallbackWrapper | Wraps the MPCallback in order to catch and store exceptions |
CMPConstraint | |
CMPModelExportOptions | Export options |
CMPObjective | A class to express a linear objective |
CMPSolver | |
CMPSolverInterface | |
CMPSolverParameters | |
CMPVariable | The class for variables of a Mathematical Programming (MP) model |
CNearestNeighbors | --— Lin Kernighan --— |
CNearpParser | |
CNeighborAcceptanceCriterion | Neighbor acceptance criterion interface |
CNeighborhoodLimit | --— Limit the number of neighborhoods explored --— |
CNestedTimeLimit | |
CNumericalRev | Subclass of Rev<T> which adds numerical operations |
CNumericalRevArray | Subclass of RevArray<T> which adds numerical operations |
CObjectiveMonitor | Base objective monitor class. All metaheuristics derive from this |
COptimizeVar | |
COrToolsVersion | |
CPack | |
CPairExchangeOperator | |
CPairExchangeRelocateOperator | |
CPairNodeSwapActiveOperator | |
CPairRelocateOperator | |
CParallelSavingsFilteredHeuristic | |
CPathContainer | |
CPathContainerImpl | |
CPathEnergyCostChecker | |
CPathLns | --— Path-based Large Neighborhood Search --— |
►CPathOperator | |
CIterationParameters | Set of parameters used to configure how the neighnorhood is traversed |
►CPathState | |
►CChain | A Chain is a range of committed nodes |
CIterator | |
CChainBounds | |
►CChainRange | A ChainRange is a range of Chains, committed or not |
CIterator | |
►CNodeRange | |
CIterator | |
CPathWithLength | |
CPdlpInterface | |
CPdTspParser | |
CPermutationApplier | |
CPermutationCycleHandler | |
CPermutationIndexComparisonByArcHead | |
CPickupAndDeliveryData | A utility class to maintain pickup and delivery information of nodes |
CPickupDeliveryInsertion | |
CPickupDeliveryPair | |
CPiecewiseLinearExpr | --— Piecewise Linear --— |
CPiecewiseLinearFunction | |
CPiecewiseSegment | |
CPreprocessor | |
CPriorityQueueWithRestrictedPush | |
CProfiledDecisionBuilder | |
CPropagationBaseObject | NOLINT |
CPropagationMonitor | |
CPruningHamiltonianSolver | |
CQapProblem | |
CQueue | |
CRandomDemand | Random demand |
CRandomSolutionGenerator | |
CRangeIntToIntFunction | |
CRangeMinimumIndexQuery | |
CRangeMinimumQuery | |
CRangeMinMaxIndexFunction | |
CRatioDistribution | Statistic on the distribution of a sequence of ratios, displayed as % |
CRegularLimit | |
CRelocate | --— Relocate --— |
CRelocateAndMakeActiveOperator | -— RelocateAndMakeActiveOperator --— |
CRelocateAndMakeInactiveOperator | --— RelocateAndMakeInactiveOperator --— |
CRelocateExpensiveChain | |
CRelocatePathAndHeuristicInsertUnperformedOperator | |
CRelocateSubtrip | |
CRev | |
CRevArray | |
CRevBitMatrix | Matrix version of the RevBitSet class |
CRevBitSet | |
CReversibleInterface | |
CRevGrowingArray | |
CRevGrowingMultiMap | A basic backtrackable multi map that can only grow (except on backtrack) |
CRevImmutableMultiMap | |
CRevIntSet | |
CRevMap | |
CRevPartialSequence | --— RevPartialSequence --— |
CRevRepository | |
CRevSwitch | A reversible switch that can switch once from false to true |
CRevVector | A basic reversible vector implementation |
CRootedTree | |
CRoundTripDoubleFormat | |
CRoutingCPSatWrapper | |
CRoutingFilteredHeuristic | Filter-based heuristic dedicated to routing |
CRoutingGlopWrapper | |
CRoutingIndexManager | |
CRoutingLinearSolverWrapper | |
CRoutingModelInspector | |
►CRoutingSolution | |
CEvent | |
CRuinAndRecreateDecisionBuilder | |
CRuinProcedure | Ruin interface |
CRunningAverage | |
CRunningMax | |
CSatInterface | |
►CSavingsFilteredHeuristic | |
CSaving | |
CSavingsContainer | |
CSavingsParameters | |
CScipCallbackConstraintOptions | |
CScipConstraintHandler | |
CScipConstraintHandlerContext | |
CScipConstraintHandlerDescription | |
CScipConstraintHandlerForMPCallback | |
CSCIPInterface | |
CScipMPCallbackContext | |
CScopedFloatingPointEnv | |
CScopedLocale | |
CScopedSolveInterrupterCallback | |
CSearch | ---------------— Search class --------------— |
CSearchLimit | Base class of all search limits |
CSearchLog | |
CSearchMonitor | A search monitor is a simple set of callbacks to monitor all search events |
CSequenceVar | |
CSequenceVarElement | |
CSequentialSavingsFilteredHeuristic | |
CServiceTimePlusTransition | Service time (proportional to demand) + transition time callback |
CSet | |
CSetCoverDecision | A helper class used to store the decisions made during a search |
CSetCoverInvariant | |
CSetCoverLagrangian | |
CSetCoverMip | |
►CSetCoverModel | Main class for describing a weighted set-covering problem |
CStats | |
CSetCoverReader | |
CSetRangeIterator | |
CSetRangeWithCardinality | |
CSharedTimeLimit | Wrapper around TimeLimit to make it thread safe and add Stop() support |
CShortestPathsOnDagWrapper | |
CSigintHandler | |
CSimpleDynamicPartition | |
CSimpleLinearSumAssignment | |
CSimpleMaxFlow | |
CSimpleMinCostFlow | |
►CSimpleRevFIFO | |
CIterator | This iterator is not stable with respect to deletion |
CSimpleTimeWindow | |
CSlopeAndYIntercept | Structure to store the slope and y_intercept of a segment |
CSmallRevBitSet | |
CSolomonParser | Solomon parser class |
►CSolutionCollector | |
CSolutionData | |
CSolutionPool | |
CSolveInterrupter | |
►CSolver | For the time being, Solver is neither MT_SAFE nor MT_HOT |
CIntegerCastInfo | |
CPathEnergyCostConstraintSpecification | |
CSearchLogParameters | Creates a search monitor from logging parameters |
CSolverLogger | |
►CSortedDisjointIntervalList | |
CIntervalComparator | |
CSparseBitset | |
►CSparsePermutation | |
CIterator | |
►CStarGraphBase | |
CArcIterator | Iterator class for traversing the arcs in the graph |
CNodeIterator | Iterator class for traversing all the nodes in the graph |
COutgoingArcIterator | Iterator class for traversing the outgoing arcs associated to a given node |
CStat | Base class for a statistic that can be pretty-printed |
CStateInfo | ---------------— StateMarker / StateInfo struct --------— |
CStateMarker | |
CStatsGroup | Base class to print a nice summary of a group of statistics |
CSteepestSearch | |
CStopServiceTimePlusTransition | Stop service time + transition time callback |
CStrongIndex | |
CStrongInt64 | |
CSubDagComputer | |
CSubsetIndexWithPriority | Priority aggregate for the subset priority queue |
CSwapActiveOperator | --— SwapActiveOperator --— |
CSwapActiveToShortestPathOperator | | / \ ^ |
CSwapIndexPairOperator | |
CSweepArranger | |
CSymmetryBreaker | |
CSymmetryManager | -------— Symmetry Breaking -------— |
CTabuList | |
CTailArrayManager | |
CThreadPool | |
CTimeDistribution | |
CTimeLimit | |
CTrace | -------— Trace -------— |
CTrail | |
CTrivialSolutionGenerator | |
CTspLibParser | |
CTspLibTourParser | Class parsing tour (solution) data in TSLIB95 format |
CTSPLns | |
CTSPOpt | --— TSP-based operators --— |
CTspTWParser | |
CTwoOpt | --— 2Opt --— |
CUnsortedNullableRevBitset | |
CVectorOrFunction | Template to abstract the access to STL functions or vector values |
CVectorOrFunction< ScalarType, std::vector< ScalarType > > | Specialization for vectors |
CVehicleTypeCurator | |
CXpressInterface | |
CXpressMPCallbackContext | |
CZVector | |
►Nrecordio | |
CRecordReader | |
CRecordWriter | |
►Nstd | STL namespace |
Chash< gtl::IntType< IntTypeName, ValueType > > | |
Chash< operations_research::StrongIndex< Tag > > | |
Chash< operations_research::StrongInt64< Tag > > | |
Chash< util_intops::StrongInt< StrongIntName, ValueType > > | |
Cnumeric_limits< operations_research::StrongIndex< Tag > > | |
Cnumeric_limits< operations_research::StrongInt64< Tag > > | |
►Nstrings | #include "ortools/base/logging.h" |
CAsciiCaseInsensitiveEq | |
CAsciiCaseInsensitiveHash | |
CAsciiCaseInsensitiveLess | |
►Ntesting | |
►Ninternal | |
CProtoComparison | Options for comparing two protobufs |
CProtoMatcher | |
►Nstatus | |
►Ninternal | Implementation of IsOk() |
CIsOkAndHoldsMatcher | Implements IsOkAndHolds(m) as a polymorphic matcher |
CIsOkAndHoldsMatcherImpl | |
CIsOkMatcher | Implements IsOk() as a polymorphic matcher |
CMonoIsOkMatcherImpl | |
CMonoStatusIsMatcherImpl | |
CStatusIsMatcher | Implements StatusIs() as a polymorphic matcher |
CStatusIsMatcherCommonImpl | |
►Nutil | A collections of i/o utilities for the Graph classes in ./graph.h |
►Ninternal | |
CDenseIntTopologicalSorterTpl | |
CBaseGraph | |
CBeginEndReverseIteratorWrapper | |
CBeginEndWrapper | |
►CCompleteBipartiteGraph | |
COutgoingArcIterator | |
CCompleteGraph | |
CIntegerRange | |
CIntegerRangeIterator | Simple iterator on an integer range, see IntegerRange below |
►CListGraph | |
COutgoingArcIterator | |
COutgoingHeadIterator | |
►CMutableVectorIteration | Allow iterating over a vector<T> as a mutable vector<T*> |
CIterator | |
►CReverseArcListGraph | |
CIncomingArcIterator | |
COppositeIncomingArcIterator | |
COutgoingArcIterator | |
COutgoingHeadIterator | |
COutgoingOrOppositeIncomingArcIterator | |
►CReverseArcMixedGraph | |
CIncomingArcIterator | |
COppositeIncomingArcIterator | |
COutgoingArcIterator | |
COutgoingOrOppositeIncomingArcIterator | |
►CReverseArcStaticGraph | |
CIncomingArcIterator | |
COppositeIncomingArcIterator | |
COutgoingArcIterator | |
COutgoingOrOppositeIncomingArcIterator | |
►CStaticGraph | |
COutgoingArcIterator | |
CStatusBuilder | |
CSVector | Forward declaration |
CTopologicalSorter | |
►CUndirectedAdjacencyListsOfDirectedGraph | |
CAdjacencyListIterator | |
►Nutil_intops | |
►CStrongInt | |
CHasher | |
►CStrongIntRange | |
CStrongIntRangeIterator | Iterator over the indices |
CStrongVector | |
►Nzipfile | |
CZipArchive | |
CZipFileOptions | |
C_GRBsvec | |
CAdjustableKAryHeap | |
CAdjustablePriorityQueue | |
CConnectedComponentsFinder | |
CCycleTimer | |
CCycleTimerBase | Conversion routines between CycleTimer::GetCycles and actual times |
CDenseConnectedComponentsFinder | A connected components finder that only works on dense ints |
CDynamicLibrary | |
CFile | |
CFileLineIterator | Implements the minimum interface for a range-based for loop iterator |
CFileLines | |
CLowerPriorityThan | |
CMathOptInterrupter | |
CMPSReaderTemplate | |
Coptional | |
CRegisteredMemFile | |
CRegisteredMutableMemFile | |
CSccCounterOutput | |
CSCIP_ConsData | |
CSCIP_ConshdlrData | |
CSCIP_EventhdlrData | |
CSCIP_MessagehdlrData | This is an incomplete SCIP struct meant to be fully defined by SCIP users |
CScopedWallTime | |
CStronglyConnectedComponentsFinder | |
CTempPath | |
CTopologicalSorter | |
CWallTimer | |
Cyy_buffer_state | |
Cyy_trans_info | |
Cyyalloc | |
Cyyguts_t | |
Cyypcontext_t | |