Google OR-Tools v9.12
a fast and portable software suite for combinatorial optimization
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operations_research::internal Namespace Reference

End of the interface. Below is the implementation. More...


struct  AlignedBlock
struct  AllocatorWithAlignment
class  PathContainerImpl
class  PathWithPriority
struct  ReleaseSCIPMessageHandler
class  ScipCallbackRunner
class  ScipCallbackRunnerImpl
class  ScopedSCIPMessageHandlerDisabler
struct  ToUInt
struct  ToUInt< double >
struct  ToUInt< float >
class  UnderlyingContainerAdapter
class  UntypedGScipConstraintHandler
class  UntypedGScipConstraintHandlerImpl


template<typename T>
using to_uint = typename ToUInt<T>::type
using MessageHandlerPtr


template<class T>
bool IsNanGeneric (const T &)
bool IsNanGeneric (const float &x)
bool IsNanGeneric (const double &x)
bool IsNanGeneric (const long double &x)
template<typename T>
bool AreNumbersOfSameSign (const T &x, const T &y)
template<typename IntT>
constexpr bool UsesTwosComplement ()
uint64_t OneBit64 (int pos)
uint64_t BitPos64 (uint64_t pos)
uint64_t BitOffset64 (uint64_t pos)
uint64_t BitLength64 (uint64_t size)
bool IsBitSet64 (const uint64_t *const bitset, uint64_t pos)
void SetBit64 (uint64_t *const bitset, uint64_t pos)
void ClearBit64 (uint64_t *const bitset, uint64_t pos)
template<typename Graph>
bool GraphIsConnected (const Graph &graph)
template<class GraphType>
GraphType::ArcIndex FindArcIndex (const GraphType &graph, const typename GraphType::NodeIndex source, const typename GraphType::NodeIndex destination)
template<class GraphType>
std::tuple< std::vector< typename GraphType::NodeIndex >, PathDistanceComputeShortestPath (const GraphType &graph, const std::vector< PathDistance > &arc_lengths, const typename GraphType::NodeIndex source, const typename GraphType::NodeIndex destination)
template<class GraphType>
PathDistance ComputePathLength (const GraphType &graph, const absl::Span< const PathDistance > arc_lengths, const absl::Span< const typename GraphType::NodeIndex > path)
 Computes the total length of a path.
template<typename NodeType>
bool IsValidParent (const NodeType node, const NodeType num_tree_nodes)
template<typename NodeType>
absl::Status IsValidNode (const NodeType node, const NodeType num_tree_nodes)
template<typename NodeType>
std::vector< NodeType > ExtractCycle (absl::Span< const NodeType > parents, const NodeType node_in_cycle)
template<typename NodeType>
std::string CycleErrorMessage (absl::Span< const NodeType > cycle)
template<typename NodeType>
std::vector< NodeType > CheckForCycle (absl::Span< const NodeType > parents, std::vector< NodeType > *topological_order)
absl::Status RegisterConstraintHandler (GScip *gscip, std::unique_ptr< UntypedGScipConstraintHandler > constraint_handler)
absl::StatusOr< SCIP_CONS * > AddCallbackConstraint (GScip *gscip, const std::string &handler_name, const std::string &constraint_name, void *constraint_data, const GScipConstraintOptions &options)
MessageHandlerPtr CaptureMessageHandlerPtr (SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR *const handler)
absl::StatusOr< MessageHandlerPtrMakeSCIPMessageHandler (GScipMessageHandler gscip_message_handler)
 Make a message handler for SCIP that calls the input function.
void AddConstraintHandlerImpl (const ScipConstraintHandlerDescription &description, std::unique_ptr< ScipCallbackRunner > runner, SCIP *scip)
void AddCallbackConstraintImpl (SCIP *scip, const std::string &handler_name, const std::string &constraint_name, void *constraint_data, const ScipCallbackConstraintOptions &options)
absl::Status ScipCodeToUtilStatus (int retcode, const char *source_file, int source_line, const char *scip_statement)
 Our own version of SCIP_CALL to do error management.
template<typename Proto>
std::vector< Proto > ReadNumRecords (File *file, int expected_num_records)
template<typename Proto>
std::vector< Proto > ReadNumRecords (absl::string_view filename, int expected_num_records)
 Ditto, taking a filename as argument.
template<typename Value, size_t size>
void AddInPlace (AlignedBlock< Value, size > &out, const AlignedBlock< Value, size > &in)
template<size_t block_size, size_t num_blocks_per_iteration, typename Value>
AlignedBlock< Value, block_size > ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE AlignedBlockSum (const AlignedBlock< Value, block_size > *blocks, size_t num_blocks)
template<size_t block_size = 4, size_t num_blocks_per_iteration = 4, bool assume_aligned_at_start = false, typename Value>
Value VectorSum (absl::Span< const Value > values)


const PathDistance kMaxDistance = std::numeric_limits<PathDistance>::max() - 1
const PathDistance kDisconnectedDistance

Detailed Description

End of the interface. Below is the implementation.

Implementation details, here and below.



(user): Support arbitrary types with an int() or other numerical getter.

(user): Support the user providing already-allocated memory buffers for the radix counts and/or for the temporary vector<T> copy.

The rest of this .h is the implementation of the above templates.

(user): introduce an enum to choose the algorithm. It's useless as long as this file only provides Yen.

Template implementations

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Typedef Documentation

◆ MessageHandlerPtr

Initial value:
std::unique_ptr<SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR, ReleaseSCIPMessageHandler>

A unique_ptr that releases a SCIP message handler when destroyed.

Use CaptureMessageHandlerPtr() to create to capture an existing message handler and creates this automatic pointer that will released it on destruction.

Definition at line 54 of file gscip_message_handler.h.

◆ to_uint

template<typename T>
using operations_research::internal::to_uint = typename ToUInt<T>::type

Definition at line 87 of file radix_sort.h.

Function Documentation

◆ AddCallbackConstraint()

absl::StatusOr< SCIP_CONS * > operations_research::internal::AddCallbackConstraint ( GScip * gscip,
const std::string & handler_name,
const std::string & constraint_name,
void * constraint_data,
const GScipConstraintOptions & options )

Definition at line 615 of file

◆ AddCallbackConstraintImpl()

void operations_research::internal::AddCallbackConstraintImpl ( SCIP * scip,
const std::string & handler_name,
const std::string & constraint_name,
void * constraint_data,
const ScipCallbackConstraintOptions & options )

Definition at line 440 of file

◆ AddConstraintHandlerImpl()

void operations_research::internal::AddConstraintHandlerImpl ( const ScipConstraintHandlerDescription & description,
std::unique_ptr< ScipCallbackRunner > runner,
SCIP * scip )

Definition at line 416 of file

◆ AddInPlace()

template<typename Value, size_t size>
void operations_research::internal::AddInPlace ( AlignedBlock< Value, size > & out,
const AlignedBlock< Value, size > & in )

In-place addition for two AlignedBlock values. Adds in to out, storing the value in out. Unless something steps in, this compiles into a single *addp* instruction.

Definition at line 54 of file vector_sum_internal.h.

◆ AlignedBlockSum()

template<size_t block_size, size_t num_blocks_per_iteration, typename Value>
AlignedBlock< Value, block_size > ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE operations_research::internal::AlignedBlockSum ( const AlignedBlock< Value, block_size > * blocks,
size_t num_blocks )

Computes the sum of num_blocks aligned blocks. Proceeds in three phases:

  1. Parallel sum with N = num_blocks_per_iteration independent block-sized accumulators. At the end, accumulator i contains partial sums at indices i, i + N, i + 2*N, ..., i + M*N, where M is the largest number of blocks such that i+M*N < num_blocks for all i.
  2. Parallel addition of remaining blocks. All remaining blocks are added to accumulators 0, ..., num_remaining_blocks - 1.
  3. Sum of accumulators: all accumulators are added together. The result is a single block-sized accumulator that is returned to the caller.

The code of the function was specifically tuned for 32-bit floating point values, and works best with block_size = 4 and num_blocks_per_iteration = 4. It will likely work with other types, but may require extra care and possibly different parameters.

NOTE(user): As of 2023-04-28, Clang's auto-vectorizer is very brittle and most attempts to reduce the last accumulator from step 3 into a single value prevents the rest of the function from being vectorized. To mitigate this behavior we return the whole block (which should normally fit into a single vector register). We also mark the function with ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_NOINLINE to make prevent the inliner from merging this function with any additional code that would prevent vectorization.

Phase 1: Parallel sum of the bulk of the data.

Phase 2: Semi-parallel sum of the remaining up to num_blocks_per_iteration - 1 blocks.

Phase 3: Reduce the accumulator blocks to a single block. NOTE(user): When this code is auto-vectorized correctly, the initial copy is a no-op, and the for loop below translates to num_blocks_per_iteration - 1 vector add instructions. In 2023-05, I experimented with other versions (e.g. using sum[0] as the target or making res a const reference to sum[0], but in most cases they broke vectorization of the whole function).

Definition at line 84 of file vector_sum_internal.h.

◆ AreNumbersOfSameSign()

template<typename T>
bool operations_research::internal::AreNumbersOfSameSign ( const T & x,
const T & y )

Definition at line 153 of file binary_search.h.

◆ BitLength64()

uint64_t operations_research::internal::BitLength64 ( uint64_t size)

Definition at line 26 of file bitmap.h.

◆ BitOffset64()

uint64_t operations_research::internal::BitOffset64 ( uint64_t pos)

Definition at line 25 of file bitmap.h.

◆ BitPos64()

uint64_t operations_research::internal::BitPos64 ( uint64_t pos)

Definition at line 24 of file bitmap.h.

◆ CaptureMessageHandlerPtr()

MessageHandlerPtr operations_research::internal::CaptureMessageHandlerPtr ( SCIP_MESSAGEHDLR * handler)

Captures the input handler and returns a unique pointer that will release it when destroyed.

Definition at line 115 of file

◆ CheckForCycle()

template<typename NodeType>
std::vector< NodeType > operations_research::internal::CheckForCycle ( absl::Span< const NodeType > parents,
std::vector< NodeType > * topological_order )

Every element of parents must be in {kNullParent} union [0..parents.size()), otherwise UB.

Definition at line 390 of file rooted_tree.h.

◆ ClearBit64()

void operations_research::internal::ClearBit64 ( uint64_t *const bitset,
uint64_t pos )

Definition at line 33 of file bitmap.h.

◆ ComputePathLength()

template<class GraphType>
PathDistance operations_research::internal::ComputePathLength ( const GraphType & graph,
const absl::Span< const PathDistance > arc_lengths,
const absl::Span< const typename GraphType::NodeIndex > path )

Computes the total length of a path.

Definition at line 188 of file k_shortest_paths.h.

◆ ComputeShortestPath()

template<class GraphType>
std::tuple< std::vector< typename GraphType::NodeIndex >, PathDistance > operations_research::internal::ComputeShortestPath ( const GraphType & graph,
const std::vector< PathDistance > & arc_lengths,
const typename GraphType::NodeIndex source,
const typename GraphType::NodeIndex destination )

Determines the shortest path from the given source and destination, returns a tuple with the path (as a vector of node indices) and its cost.

There are shortest paths in this graph, just not from the source to this destination. This case only happens when some arcs have an infinite length (i.e. larger than kMaxDistance): BoundedDijkstraWrapper::NodePathTo fails to return a path, even empty.

Definition at line 157 of file k_shortest_paths.h.

◆ CycleErrorMessage()

template<typename NodeType>
std::string operations_research::internal::CycleErrorMessage ( absl::Span< const NodeType > cycle)

Definition at line 372 of file rooted_tree.h.

◆ ExtractCycle()

template<typename NodeType>
std::vector< NodeType > operations_research::internal::ExtractCycle ( absl::Span< const NodeType > parents,
const NodeType node_in_cycle )

Definition at line 352 of file rooted_tree.h.

◆ FindArcIndex()

template<class GraphType>
GraphType::ArcIndex operations_research::internal::FindArcIndex ( const GraphType & graph,
const typename GraphType::NodeIndex source,
const typename GraphType::NodeIndex destination )

Determines the arc index from a source to a destination.

This operation requires iterating through the set of outgoing arcs from the source node, which might be expensive.

In a multigraph, this function returns an index for one of the edges between the source and the destination.

Definition at line 141 of file k_shortest_paths.h.

◆ GraphIsConnected()

template<typename Graph>
bool operations_research::internal::GraphIsConnected ( const Graph & graph)

We use iterative DFS, which is probably the fastest.

Definition at line 155 of file eulerian_path.h.

◆ IsBitSet64()

bool operations_research::internal::IsBitSet64 ( const uint64_t *const bitset,
uint64_t pos )

Definition at line 27 of file bitmap.h.

◆ IsNanGeneric() [1/4]

bool operations_research::internal::IsNanGeneric ( const double & x)

Definition at line 144 of file binary_search.h.

◆ IsNanGeneric() [2/4]

bool operations_research::internal::IsNanGeneric ( const float & x)

Definition at line 140 of file binary_search.h.

◆ IsNanGeneric() [3/4]

bool operations_research::internal::IsNanGeneric ( const long double & x)

Definition at line 148 of file binary_search.h.

◆ IsNanGeneric() [4/4]

template<class T>
bool operations_research::internal::IsNanGeneric ( const T & )

Definition at line 135 of file binary_search.h.

◆ IsValidNode()

template<typename NodeType>
absl::Status operations_research::internal::IsValidNode ( const NodeType node,
const NodeType num_tree_nodes )

Definition at line 342 of file rooted_tree.h.

◆ IsValidParent()

template<typename NodeType>
bool operations_research::internal::IsValidParent ( const NodeType node,
const NodeType num_tree_nodes )

Definition at line 336 of file rooted_tree.h.

◆ MakeSCIPMessageHandler()

absl::StatusOr< MessageHandlerPtr > operations_research::internal::MakeSCIPMessageHandler ( const GScipMessageHandler gscip_message_handler)

Make a message handler for SCIP that calls the input function.

We use a unique_ptr here to make sure we delete the data if SCIPmessagehdlrCreate() fails.

SCIPmessagehdlrCreate() succeeded, we disable the deletion of the data by the unique_ptr since the ownership has been transferred to SCIP.

Definition at line 122 of file

◆ OneBit64()

uint64_t operations_research::internal::OneBit64 ( int pos)

Definition at line 23 of file bitmap.h.

◆ ReadNumRecords() [1/2]

template<typename Proto>
std::vector< Proto > operations_research::internal::ReadNumRecords ( absl::string_view filename,
int expected_num_records )

Ditto, taking a filename as argument.

Definition at line 106 of file file_util.h.

◆ ReadNumRecords() [2/2]

template<typename Proto>
std::vector< Proto > operations_research::internal::ReadNumRecords ( File * file,
int expected_num_records )

General method to read expected_num_records from a file. If expected_num_records is -1, then reads all records from the file. If not, dies if the file doesn't contain exactly expected_num_records.

Definition at line 79 of file file_util.h.

◆ RegisterConstraintHandler()

absl::Status operations_research::internal::RegisterConstraintHandler ( GScip * gscip,
std::unique_ptr< UntypedGScipConstraintHandler > constraint_handler )

Definition at line 583 of file

◆ ScipCodeToUtilStatus()

absl::Status operations_research::internal::ScipCodeToUtilStatus ( int retcode,
const char * source_file,
int source_line,
const char * scip_statement )

Our own version of SCIP_CALL to do error management.

Definition at line 24 of file scip_helper_macros.h.

◆ SetBit64()

void operations_research::internal::SetBit64 ( uint64_t *const bitset,
uint64_t pos )

Definition at line 30 of file bitmap.h.

◆ UsesTwosComplement()

template<typename IntT>
bool operations_research::internal::UsesTwosComplement ( )

Definition at line 166 of file binary_search.h.

◆ VectorSum()

template<size_t block_size = 4, size_t num_blocks_per_iteration = 4, bool assume_aligned_at_start = false, typename Value>
Value operations_research::internal::VectorSum ( absl::Span< const Value > values)

Computes the sum of values in values, by adding num_blocks_per_iteration blocks of block_size values. By default, the sum does not make any assumptions about the size or alignment of values. When the first item of values is known to be aligned to block_size * sizeof(Value) bytes, assume_aligned_at_start can be used to save a small amount of time.

With less than two blocks, there's not a lot to vectorize, and a simple sequential sum is usually faster.

Definition at line 138 of file vector_sum_internal.h.

Variable Documentation

◆ kDisconnectedDistance

const PathDistance operations_research::internal::kDisconnectedDistance
Initial value:

Definition at line 130 of file k_shortest_paths.h.

◆ kMaxDistance

const PathDistance operations_research::internal::kMaxDistance = std::numeric_limits<PathDistance>::max() - 1

Definition at line 129 of file k_shortest_paths.h.