Google OR-Tools v9.12
a fast and portable software suite for combinatorial optimization
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operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager Class Referenceabstract

#include <synchronization.h>

Public Member Functions

 SharedResponseManager (Model *model)
void InitializeObjective (const CpModelProto &cp_model)
void SetGapLimitsFromParameters (const SatParameters &parameters)
CpSolverResponse GetResponse ()
void AddSolutionPostprocessor (std::function< void(std::vector< int64_t > *)> postprocessor)
void AddResponsePostprocessor (std::function< void(CpSolverResponse *)> postprocessor)
void AddFinalResponsePostprocessor (std::function< void(CpSolverResponse *)> postprocessor)
void AddStatisticsPostprocessor (std::function< void(Model *, CpSolverResponse *)> postprocessor)
void FillSolveStatsInResponse (Model *model, CpSolverResponse *response)
int AddSolutionCallback (std::function< void(const CpSolverResponse &)> callback)
void UnregisterCallback (int callback_id)
int AddLogCallback (std::function< std::string(const CpSolverResponse &)> callback)
void UnregisterLogCallback (int callback_id)
int AddBestBoundCallback (std::function< void(double)> callback)
void UnregisterBestBoundCallback (int callback_id)
void Synchronize ()
IntegerValue GetInnerObjectiveLowerBound ()
IntegerValue GetInnerObjectiveUpperBound ()
IntegerValue BestSolutionInnerObjectiveValue ()
double GapIntegral () const
void UpdateGapIntegral ()
void SetUpdateGapIntegralOnEachChange (bool set)
void SetSynchronizationMode (bool always_synchronize)
void UpdateInnerObjectiveBounds (const std::string &update_info, IntegerValue lb, IntegerValue ub)
 Updates the inner objective bounds.
std::shared_ptr< const SharedSolutionRepository< int64_t >::Solution > NewSolution (absl::Span< const int64_t > solution_values, const std::string &solution_info, Model *model=nullptr)
void NotifyThatImprovingProblemIsInfeasible (const std::string &worker_info)
void AddUnsatCore (const std::vector< int > &core)
bool ProblemIsSolved () const
const SharedSolutionRepository< int64_t > & SolutionsRepository () const
SharedSolutionRepository< int64_t > * MutableSolutionsRepository ()
void set_dump_prefix (absl::string_view dump_prefix)
 Debug only. Set dump prefix for solutions written to file.
void DisplayImprovementStatistics ()
 Display improvement stats.
void LogMessage (absl::string_view prefix, absl::string_view message)
 Wrapper around our SolverLogger, but protected by mutex.
void LogMessageWithThrottling (const std::string &prefix, const std::string &message)
bool LoggingIsEnabled () const
void AppendResponseToBeMerged (const CpSolverResponse &response)
std::atomic< bool > * first_solution_solvers_should_stop ()
void LoadDebugSolution (absl::Span< const int64_t > solution)
const std::vector< int64_t > & DebugSolution () const

Detailed Description

Manages the global best response kept by the solver. This class is responsible for logging the progress of the solutions and bounds as they are found.

All functions are thread-safe except if specified otherwise.

Definition at line 227 of file synchronization.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SharedResponseManager()

operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::SharedResponseManager ( Model * model)

Definition at line 117 of file

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddBestBoundCallback()

int operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::AddBestBoundCallback ( std::function< void(double)> callback)

Adds a callback that will be called on each new best objective bound found. Returns its id so it can be unregistered if needed.

currently the class is waiting for the callback to finish before accepting any new updates. That could be changed if needed.

Definition at line 483 of file

◆ AddFinalResponsePostprocessor()

void operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::AddFinalResponsePostprocessor ( std::function< void(CpSolverResponse *)> postprocessor)

These "postprocessing" steps will only be applied after the others to the solution returned by GetResponse().

Definition at line 433 of file

◆ AddLogCallback()

int operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::AddLogCallback ( std::function< std::string(const CpSolverResponse &)> callback)

Adds an inline callback that will be called on each new solution (for satisfiability problem) or each improving new solution (for an optimization problem). Returns its id so it can be unregistered if needed.

adding a callback is not free since the solution will be post-solved before this is called.
currently the class is waiting for the callback to finish before accepting any new updates. That could be changed if needed.

Definition at line 464 of file

◆ AddResponsePostprocessor()

void operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::AddResponsePostprocessor ( std::function< void(CpSolverResponse *)> postprocessor)

These "postprocessing" steps will be applied in REVERSE order of registration to all solution passed to the callbacks.

Definition at line 427 of file

◆ AddSolutionCallback()

int operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::AddSolutionCallback ( std::function< void(const CpSolverResponse &)> callback)

Adds a callback that will be called on each new solution (for satisfiability problem) or each improving new solution (for an optimization problem). Returns its id so it can be unregistered if needed.

adding a callback is not free since the solution will be post-solved before this is called.
currently the class is waiting for the callback to finish before accepting any new updates. That could be changed if needed.

Definition at line 445 of file

◆ AddSolutionPostprocessor()

void operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::AddSolutionPostprocessor ( std::function< void(std::vector< int64_t > *)> postprocessor)

These will be called in REVERSE order on any feasible solution returned to the user.

Definition at line 421 of file

◆ AddStatisticsPostprocessor()

void operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::AddStatisticsPostprocessor ( std::function< void(Model *, CpSolverResponse *)> postprocessor)

Similar to the one above, but this one has access to the local model used to create the response. It can thus extract statistics and fill them.

Definition at line 439 of file

◆ AddUnsatCore()

void operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::AddUnsatCore ( const std::vector< int > & core)

Adds to the shared response a subset of assumptions that are enough to make the problem infeasible.

Definition at line 383 of file

◆ AppendResponseToBeMerged()

void operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::AppendResponseToBeMerged ( const CpSolverResponse & response)

Definition at line 584 of file

◆ BestSolutionInnerObjectiveValue()

IntegerValue operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::BestSolutionInnerObjectiveValue ( )

Returns the current best solution inner objective value or kInt64Max if there is no solution.

Definition at line 411 of file

◆ DebugSolution()

const std::vector< int64_t > & operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::DebugSolution ( ) const

Definition at line 417 of file synchronization.h.

◆ DisplayImprovementStatistics()

void operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::DisplayImprovementStatistics ( )

Display improvement stats.

Definition at line 808 of file

◆ FillSolveStatsInResponse()

void operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::FillSolveStatsInResponse ( Model * model,
CpSolverResponse * response )

Calls all registered AddStatisticsPostprocessor() with the given model on the given response.

Definition at line 149 of file

◆ first_solution_solvers_should_stop()

std::atomic< bool > * operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::first_solution_solvers_should_stop ( )

Definition at line 408 of file synchronization.h.

◆ GapIntegral()

double operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::GapIntegral ( ) const

Returns the integral of the log of the absolute gap over deterministic time. This is mainly used to compare how fast the gap closes on a particular instance. Or to evaluate how efficient our LNS code is improving solution.

The integral will start counting on the first UpdateGapIntegral() call, since before the difference is assumed to be zero.

Important: To report a proper deterministic integral, we only update it on UpdateGapIntegral() which should be called in the main subsolver synchronization loop.

Note(user): In the litterature, people use the relative gap to the optimal solution (or the best known one), but this is ill defined in many case (like if the optimal cost is zero), so I prefer this version.

Definition at line 416 of file

◆ GetInnerObjectiveLowerBound()

IntegerValue operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::GetInnerObjectiveLowerBound ( )

Definition at line 388 of file

◆ GetInnerObjectiveUpperBound()

IntegerValue operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::GetInnerObjectiveUpperBound ( )

Definition at line 393 of file

◆ GetResponse()

CpSolverResponse operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::GetResponse ( )

Returns the current solver response. That is the best known response at the time of the call with the best feasible solution and objective bounds.

We will do more postprocessing by calling all the AddFinalSolutionPostprocessor() postprocesors. Note that the response given to the AddSolutionCallback() will not call them.

If this is true, we postsolve and copy all of our solutions.

final postprocessors will print out the final log. They must be called last.

Definition at line 550 of file

◆ InitializeObjective()

void operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::InitializeObjective ( const CpModelProto & cp_model)

Loads the initial objective bounds and keep a reference to the objective to properly display the scaled bounds. This is optional if the model has no objective.

This function is not thread safe.

Definition at line 186 of file

◆ LoadDebugSolution()

void operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::LoadDebugSolution ( absl::Span< const int64_t > solution)

We just store a loaded DebugSolution here. Note that this is supposed to be stored once and then never change, so we do not need a mutex.

Definition at line 414 of file synchronization.h.

◆ LoggingIsEnabled()

bool operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::LoggingIsEnabled ( ) const

Definition at line 180 of file

◆ LogMessage()

void operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::LogMessage ( absl::string_view prefix,
absl::string_view message )

Wrapper around our SolverLogger, but protected by mutex.

Definition at line 158 of file

◆ LogMessageWithThrottling()

void operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::LogMessageWithThrottling ( const std::string & prefix,
const std::string & message )

Definition at line 165 of file

◆ MutableSolutionsRepository()

SharedSolutionRepository< int64_t > * operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::MutableSolutionsRepository ( )

Definition at line 388 of file synchronization.h.

◆ NewSolution()

std::shared_ptr< const SharedSolutionRepository< int64_t >::Solution > operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::NewSolution ( absl::Span< const int64_t > solution_values,
const std::string & solution_info,
Model * model = nullptr )

Reads the new solution from the response and update our state. For an optimization problem, we only do something if the solution is strictly improving. Returns a shared pointer to the solution that was potentially stored in the repository.

For SAT problems, we add the solution to the solution pool for retrieval later.

Add this solution to the pool, even if it is not improving.

Ignore any non-strictly improving solution.

Our inner_objective_lower_bound_ should be a globally valid bound, until the problem become infeasible (i.e the lb > ub) in which case the bound is no longer globally valid. Here, because we have a strictly improving solution, we shouldn't be in the infeasible setting yet.

Update the new bound.

In single thread, no one is synchronizing the solution manager, so we should do it from here.

the objective will be filled by FillObjectiveValuesInResponse().

Mark model as OPTIMAL if the inner bound crossed.


Compute the post-solved response once.

Same as FillSolveStatsInResponse() but since we already hold the mutex...

Call callbacks.

we cannot call function that try to get the mutex_ here.

We protect solution dumping with log_updates as LNS subsolvers share another solution manager, and we do not want to dump those.

here we only want to dump the non-post-solved solution. This is only used for debugging.

Definition at line 623 of file

◆ NotifyThatImprovingProblemIsInfeasible()

void operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::NotifyThatImprovingProblemIsInfeasible ( const std::string & worker_info)

Changes the solution to reflect the fact that the "improving" problem is infeasible. This means that if we have a solution, we have proven optimality, otherwise the global problem is infeasible.

this shouldn't be called before the solution is actually reported. We check for this case in NewSolution().

Invariant: the status always start at UNKNOWN and can only evolve as follow: UNKNOWN -> FEASIBLE -> OPTIMAL UNKNOWN -> INFEASIBLE

We also use this status to indicate that we enumerated all solutions to a feasible problem.

We just proved that the best solution cannot be improved uppon, so we have a new lower bound.

Definition at line 362 of file

◆ ProblemIsSolved()

bool operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::ProblemIsSolved ( ) const

Returns true if we found the optimal solution or the problem was proven infeasible. Note that if the gap limit is reached, we will also report OPTIMAL and consider the problem solved.

Definition at line 767 of file

◆ set_dump_prefix()

void operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::set_dump_prefix ( absl::string_view dump_prefix)

Debug only. Set dump prefix for solutions written to file.

Definition at line 393 of file synchronization.h.

◆ SetGapLimitsFromParameters()

void operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::SetGapLimitsFromParameters ( const SatParameters & parameters)

Reports OPTIMAL and stop the search if any gap limit are specified and crossed. By default, we only stop when we have the true optimal, which is well defined since we are solving our pure integer problem exactly.

Definition at line 238 of file

◆ SetSynchronizationMode()

void operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::SetSynchronizationMode ( bool always_synchronize)

Sets this to false, it you want new solutions to wait for the Synchronize() call. The default 'true' indicates that all solutions passed through NewSolution() are always propagated to the best response and to the solution manager.

Definition at line 199 of file

◆ SetUpdateGapIntegralOnEachChange()

void operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::SetUpdateGapIntegralOnEachChange ( bool set)

Sets this to true to have the "real" but non-deterministic primal integral. If this is true, then there is no need to manually call UpdateGapIntegral() but it is not an issue to do so.

Definition at line 204 of file

◆ SolutionsRepository()

const SharedSolutionRepository< int64_t > & operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::SolutionsRepository ( ) const

Returns the underlying solution repository where we keep a set of best solutions.

Definition at line 385 of file synchronization.h.

◆ Synchronize()

void operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::Synchronize ( )

The "inner" objective is the CpModelProto objective without scaling/offset.

these bound correspond to valid bound for the problem of finding a strictly better objective than the current one. Thus the lower bound is always a valid bound for the global problem, but the upper bound is NOT.

This is always the last bounds in "always_synchronize" mode, otherwise it correspond to the bounds at the last Synchronize() call.

Definition at line 398 of file

◆ UnregisterBestBoundCallback()

void operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::UnregisterBestBoundCallback ( int callback_id)

Definition at line 491 of file

◆ UnregisterCallback()

void operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::UnregisterCallback ( int callback_id)

Definition at line 453 of file

◆ UnregisterLogCallback()

void operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::UnregisterLogCallback ( int callback_id)

Definition at line 472 of file

◆ UpdateGapIntegral()

void operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::UpdateGapIntegral ( )

Definition at line 209 of file

◆ UpdateInnerObjectiveBounds()

void operations_research::sat::SharedResponseManager::UpdateInnerObjectiveBounds ( const std::string & update_info,
IntegerValue lb,
IntegerValue ub )

Updates the inner objective bounds.

The problem is already solved!

(user): A thread might not be notified right away that the new bounds that it is pushing make the problem infeasible. Fix that. For now we just abort early here to avoid logging the "#Done" message multiple times.

When the improving problem is infeasible, it is possible to report arbitrary high inner_objective_lower_bound_. We make sure it never cross the current best solution, so that we always report globally valid lower bound.

Definition at line 285 of file

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