Google OR-Tools v9.12
a fast and portable software suite for combinatorial optimization
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operations_research::glop Namespace Reference


class  AddSlackVariablesPreprocessor
class  BasisFactorization
struct  BasisState
class  ColumnDeletionHelper
 Help preprocessors deal with column deletion. More...
class  ColumnPriorityQueue
class  ColumnsSaver
class  ColumnView
class  CompactSparseMatrix
class  CompactSparseMatrixView
class  DataWrapper
 Data templates. More...
class  DataWrapper< LinearProgram >
class  DataWrapper< MPModelProto >
class  DoubletonEqualityRowPreprocessor
class  DoubletonFreeColumnPreprocessor
class  DualEdgeNorms
class  DualizerPreprocessor
class  DynamicMaximum
class  EmptyColumnPreprocessor
 Removes the empty columns from the problem. More...
class  EmptyConstraintPreprocessor
 Removes the constraints with no coefficients from the problem. More...
class  EnteringVariable
class  EtaFactorization
class  FixedVariablePreprocessor
 Removes the fixed variables from the problem. More...
class  ForcingAndImpliedFreeConstraintPreprocessor
class  FreeConstraintPreprocessor
 Removes the constraints with no bounds from the problem. More...
class  ImpliedFreePreprocessor
class  InitialBasis
class  LinearProgram
class  LPDecomposer
class  LpScalingHelper
class  LPSolver
 A full-fledged linear programming solver. More...
class  LuFactorization
class  MainLpPreprocessor
class  Markowitz
struct  MatrixEntry
 Holds a triplet (row, col, coefficient). More...
class  MatrixNonZeroPattern
class  MatrixView
class  Permutation
class  Preprocessor
class  PrimalEdgeNorms
class  PrimalPrices
struct  ProblemSolution
 Contains the solution of a LinearProgram as returned by a preprocessor. More...
class  ProportionalColumnPreprocessor
class  ProportionalRowPreprocessor
class  RandomAccessSparseColumn
class  RankOneUpdateElementaryMatrix
class  RankOneUpdateFactorization
class  ReducedCosts
class  RevisedSimplex
 Entry point of the revised simplex algorithm implementation. More...
class  RevisedSimplexDictionary
class  RowDeletionHelper
 Help preprocessors deal with row deletion. More...
class  ScalingPreprocessor
struct  ScatteredColumn
class  ScatteredColumnEntry
 Specializations used in the code. More...
struct  ScatteredRow
class  ScatteredRowEntry
struct  ScatteredVector
class  ScatteredVectorEntry
class  ShiftVariableBoundsPreprocessor
class  SingletonColumnSignPreprocessor
class  SingletonPreprocessor
class  SingletonUndo
 Stores the information needed to undo a singleton row/column deletion. More...
class  SparseColumn
class  SparseColumnEntry
class  SparseMatrix
class  SparseMatrixScaler
class  SparseMatrixWithReusableColumnMemory
class  SparseRow
class  SparseRowEntry
class  SparseVector
class  SparseVectorEntry
class  Status
class  StrictITISpan
class  StrictITIVector
class  SumWithOneMissing
class  ToMinimizationPreprocessor
 Changes the problem from maximization to minimization (if applicable). More...
class  TriangularMatrix
class  UnconstrainedVariablePreprocessor
class  UpdateRow
class  VariablesInfo
class  VariableValues
class  VectorIterator


typedef int32_t Index
typedef double Fractional
typedef StrictITIVector< ColIndex, FractionalDenseRow
 Row-vector types. Row-vector types are indexed by a column index.
typedef StrictITIVector< ColIndex, bool > DenseBooleanRow
 Row of booleans.
typedef StrictITIVector< ColIndex, ColIndex > ColMapping
 Row of column indices. Used to represent mappings between columns.
typedef std::vector< ColIndex > ColIndexVector
 Vector of row or column indices. Useful to list the non-zero positions.
typedef std::vector< RowIndex > RowIndexVector
typedef StrictITIVector< ColIndex, RowIndex > ColToRowMapping
typedef StrictITIVector< ColIndex, VariableTypeVariableTypeRow
 Row of variable types.
typedef StrictITIVector< ColIndex, VariableStatusVariableStatusRow
 Row of variable statuses.
typedef Bitset64< ColIndex > DenseBitRow
 Row of bits.
typedef StrictITIVector< RowIndex, FractionalDenseColumn
 Column-vector types. Column-vector types are indexed by a row index.
typedef StrictITIVector< RowIndex, bool > DenseBooleanColumn
 Column of booleans.
typedef Bitset64< RowIndex > DenseBitColumn
 Column of bits.
typedef StrictITIVector< RowIndex, RowIndex > RowMapping
 Column of row indices. Used to represent mappings between rows.
typedef StrictITIVector< RowIndex, ColIndex > RowToColMapping
typedef StrictITIVector< RowIndex, ConstraintStatusConstraintStatusColumn
 Column of constraints (slack variables) statuses.
typedef AccurateSum< FractionalKahanSum
typedef SumWithOneMissing< true > SumWithPositiveInfiniteAndOneMissing
typedef SumWithOneMissing< false > SumWithNegativeInfiniteAndOneMissing
typedef Permutation< RowIndex > RowPermutation
typedef Permutation< ColIndex > ColumnPermutation
using ScatteredColumnIterator = VectorIterator<ScatteredColumnEntry>
using ScatteredRowIterator = VectorIterator<ScatteredRowEntry>
using SparseColumnIterator = VectorIterator<SparseColumnEntry>
using SparseRowIterator = VectorIterator<SparseRowEntry>
typedef util_intops::StrongVector< RowIndex, SparseRowRowMajorSparseMatrix
 A matrix stored by rows.


enum class  ProblemStatus : int8_t {
 Different statuses for a given problem. More...
enum class  VariableType : int8_t {
 Different types of variables. More...
enum class  VariableStatus : int8_t {
enum class  ConstraintStatus : int8_t {


std::string ValidateParameters (const GlopParameters &params)
void FixConstraintWithFixedStatuses (const DenseColumn &row_lower_bounds, const DenseColumn &row_upper_bounds, ProblemSolution *solution)
std::string GetErrorCodeString (Status::ErrorCode error_code)
 Returns the string representation of the ErrorCode enum.
bool AreBoundsValid (Fractional lower_bound, Fractional upper_bound)
void ComputeSlackVariablesValues (const LinearProgram &linear_program, DenseRow *values)
void Scale (LinearProgram *lp, SparseMatrixScaler *scaler)
void Scale (LinearProgram *lp, SparseMatrixScaler *scaler, GlopParameters::ScalingAlgorithm scaling_method)
std::string StringifyRational (const double x, const double precision)
std::string Stringify (const Fractional x, bool fraction)
std::string StringifyMonomial (const Fractional a, absl::string_view x, bool fraction)
std::string Stringify (const float a)
std::string Stringify (const double a)
std::string GetProblemStatusString (ProblemStatus problem_status)
 Returns the string representation of the ProblemStatus enum.
std::string GetVariableTypeString (VariableType variable_type)
 Returns the string representation of the VariableType enum.
std::string GetVariableStatusString (VariableStatus status)
 Returns the string representation of the VariableStatus enum.
std::string GetConstraintStatusString (ConstraintStatus status)
 Returns the string representation of the ConstraintStatus enum.
ConstraintStatus VariableToConstraintStatus (VariableStatus status)
 Returns the ConstraintStatus corresponding to a given VariableStatus.
ColIndex RowToColIndex (RowIndex row)
 Get the ColIndex corresponding to the column # row.
RowIndex ColToRowIndex (ColIndex col)
 Get the RowIndex corresponding to the row # col.
Index ColToIntIndex (ColIndex col)
 Get the integer index corresponding to the col.
Index RowToIntIndex (RowIndex row)
 Get the integer index corresponding to the row.
static double ToDouble (double f)
bool IsFinite (Fractional value)
constexpr RowIndex kInvalidRow (-1)
constexpr ColIndex kInvalidCol (-1)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, ProblemStatus status)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, VariableType type)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, VariableStatus status)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, ConstraintStatus status)
static double DeterministicTimeForFpOperations (int64_t n)
template<typename SparseColumnLike>
Fractional SquaredNormTemplate (const SparseColumnLike &column)
Fractional SquaredNorm (const SparseColumn &v)
Fractional SquaredNorm (const ColumnView &v)
Fractional PreciseSquaredNorm (const SparseColumn &v)
Fractional SquaredNorm (const ScatteredColumn &v)
Fractional PreciseSquaredNorm (const ScatteredColumn &v)
Fractional SquaredNorm (absl::Span< const Fractional > data)
Fractional SquaredNormAndResetToZero (absl::Span< Fractional > data)
Fractional SquaredNorm (const DenseColumn &column)
Fractional PreciseSquaredNorm (const DenseColumn &column)
Fractional InfinityNorm (const DenseColumn &v)
 Returns the maximum of the coefficients of 'v'.
template<typename SparseColumnLike>
Fractional InfinityNormTemplate (const SparseColumnLike &column)
Fractional InfinityNorm (const SparseColumn &v)
Fractional InfinityNorm (const ColumnView &v)
double Density (const DenseRow &row)
void RemoveNearZeroEntries (Fractional threshold, DenseRow *row)
Fractional RestrictedInfinityNorm (const ColumnView &column, const DenseBooleanColumn &rows_to_consider, RowIndex *row_index)
void SetSupportToFalse (const ColumnView &column, DenseBooleanColumn *b)
bool IsDominated (const ColumnView &column, const DenseColumn &radius)
 Returns true iff for all 'row' we have '|column[row]| <= radius[row]'.
Fractional Square (Fractional f)
static Fractional Fractionality (Fractional f)
template<class DenseRowOrColumn1, class DenseRowOrColumn2>
Fractional ScalarProduct (const DenseRowOrColumn1 &u, const DenseRowOrColumn2 &v)
template<class DenseRowOrColumn>
Fractional ScalarProduct (const DenseRowOrColumn &u, const SparseColumn &v)
template<class DenseRowOrColumn>
Fractional ScalarProduct (const DenseRowOrColumn &u, const ScatteredColumn &v)
template<class DenseRowOrColumn, class DenseRowOrColumn2>
Fractional PreciseScalarProduct (const DenseRowOrColumn &u, const DenseRowOrColumn2 &v)
template<class DenseRowOrColumn>
Fractional PreciseScalarProduct (const DenseRowOrColumn &u, const SparseColumn &v)
template<class DenseRowOrColumn>
Fractional PartialScalarProduct (const DenseRowOrColumn &u, const SparseColumn &v, int max_index)
 Computes a scalar product for entries with index not greater than max_index.
const DenseRowTranspose (const DenseRow &row)
 Similar comment as the other Transpose() implementation above.
template<typename IndexType>
void ComputeNonZeros (const StrictITIVector< IndexType, Fractional > &input, std::vector< IndexType > *non_zeros)
 Computes the positions of the non-zeros of a dense vector.
template<typename Container>
bool IsAllZero (const Container &input)
 Returns true if the given Fractional container is all zeros.
template<typename BoolVector>
bool IsAllFalse (const BoolVector &v)
 Returns true if the given vector of bool is all false.
template<typename IndexType, typename PermutationIndexType>
void PermuteWithScratchpad (const Permutation< PermutationIndexType > &permutation, StrictITIVector< IndexType, Fractional > *zero_scratchpad, StrictITIVector< IndexType, Fractional > *input_output)
 Permutes the given dense vector. It uses for this an all zero scratchpad.
template<typename IndexType>
void PermuteWithKnownNonZeros (const Permutation< IndexType > &permutation, StrictITIVector< IndexType, Fractional > *zero_scratchpad, StrictITIVector< IndexType, Fractional > *output, std::vector< IndexType > *non_zeros)
template<typename IndexType, typename ScatteredRowOrCol>
void ClearAndResizeVectorWithNonZeros (IndexType size, ScatteredRowOrCol *v)
 Sets a dense vector for which the non zeros are known to be non_zeros.
template<typename IndexType>
void ChangeSign (StrictITIVector< IndexType, Fractional > *data)
 Changes the sign of all the entries in the given vector.
ColMapping FindProportionalColumns (const SparseMatrix &matrix, Fractional tolerance)
ColMapping FindProportionalColumnsUsingSimpleAlgorithm (const SparseMatrix &matrix, Fractional tolerance)
bool AreFirstColumnsAndRowsExactlyEquals (RowIndex num_rows, ColIndex num_cols, const SparseMatrix &matrix_a, const CompactSparseMatrix &matrix_b)
bool IsRightMostSquareMatrixIdentity (const SparseMatrix &matrix)
 Returns true iff the rightmost square matrix is an identity matrix.
bool LoadMPModelProtoFromModelOrRequest (const std::string &input_file_path, MPModelProto *model)
bool LoadLinearProgramFromModelOrRequest (const std::string &input_file_path, LinearProgram *linear_program)
absl::StatusOr< MPModelProto > MpsDataToMPModelProto (absl::string_view mps_data)
 Parses an MPS model from a string.
absl::StatusOr< MPModelProto > MpsFileToMPModelProto (absl::string_view mps_file)
 Parses an MPS model from a file.
class ABSL_DEPRECATED ("Use the direct methods instead") MPSReader
template<typename IndexType, typename ITIVectorType>
void ApplyPermutation (const Permutation< IndexType > &perm, const ITIVectorType &b, ITIVectorType *result)
template<typename IndexType, typename ITIVectorType>
void ApplyInversePermutation (const Permutation< IndexType > &perm, const ITIVectorType &b, ITIVectorType *result)
template<typename RowIndexedVector>
void ApplyColumnPermutationToRowIndexedVector (StrictITISpan< ColIndex, const ColIndex > col_perm, RowIndexedVector *v, RowIndexedVector *tmp)
void LinearProgramToMPModelProto (const LinearProgram &input, MPModelProto *output)
 Converts a LinearProgram to a MPModelProto.
void MPModelProtoToLinearProgram (const MPModelProto &input, LinearProgram *output)
 Converts a MPModelProto to a LinearProgram.
const ScatteredRowTransposedView (const ScatteredColumn &c)
const ScatteredColumnTransposedView (const ScatteredRow &r)
const RowIndex kNonPivotal (-1)
template<typename Container>
BeginEndReverseIteratorWrapper< Container > Reverse (const Container &c)
template<typename Container>
BeginEndReverseIteratorWrapper< Container > Reverse (const Container &c)


constexpr const uint64_t kDeterministicSeed = 42
constexpr double kRangeMax = std::numeric_limits<double>::max()
 Range max for type Fractional. DBL_MAX for double for example.
constexpr double kInfinity = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()
 Infinity for type Fractional.
constexpr double kEpsilon = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()
 Epsilon for type Fractional, i.e. the smallest e such that 1.0 + e != 1.0 .

Detailed Description

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.




Typedef Documentation

◆ ColIndexVector

typedef std::vector<ColIndex> operations_research::glop::ColIndexVector

Vector of row or column indices. Useful to list the non-zero positions.

Definition at line 360 of file lp_types.h.

◆ ColMapping

Row of column indices. Used to represent mappings between columns.

Definition at line 357 of file lp_types.h.

◆ ColToRowMapping

Row of row indices. Useful for knowing which row corresponds to a particular column in the basis, or for storing the number of rows for a given column.

Definition at line 366 of file lp_types.h.

◆ ColumnPermutation

Definition at line 106 of file permutation.h.

◆ ConstraintStatusColumn

Column of constraints (slack variables) statuses.

Definition at line 397 of file lp_types.h.

◆ DenseBitColumn

Column of bits.

Definition at line 386 of file lp_types.h.

◆ DenseBitRow

Row of bits.

Definition at line 375 of file lp_types.h.

◆ DenseBooleanColumn

Column of booleans.

Definition at line 383 of file lp_types.h.

◆ DenseBooleanRow

Row of booleans.

Definition at line 354 of file lp_types.h.

◆ DenseColumn

Column-vector types. Column-vector types are indexed by a row index.

Column of fractional values.

Definition at line 380 of file lp_types.h.

◆ DenseRow

Row-vector types. Row-vector types are indexed by a column index.

Row of fractional values.

Definition at line 351 of file lp_types.h.

◆ Fractional

The type Fractional denotes the type of numbers on which the computations are performed. This is defined as double here, but it could as well be float, DoubleDouble, QuadDouble, or infinite-precision rationals. Floating-point representations are binary fractional numbers, thus the name. (See .)

Definition at line 81 of file lp_types.h.

◆ Index

This type is defined to avoid cast issues during index conversions, e.g. converting ColIndex into RowIndex. All types should use 'Index' instead of int32_t.

Definition at line 43 of file lp_types.h.

◆ KahanSum

(user): For some Fractional types, it may not gain much (or even nothing if we are in infinite precision) to use this sum. A solution is to templatize this class and specialize it to a normal sum for the Fractional type we want so in this case the PreciseXXX() functions below will become equivalent to their normal version.

Definition at line 37 of file lp_utils.h.

◆ RowIndexVector

typedef std::vector<RowIndex> operations_research::glop::RowIndexVector

Definition at line 361 of file lp_types.h.

◆ RowMajorSparseMatrix

A matrix stored by rows.

Definition at line 61 of file sparse_row.h.

◆ RowMapping

Column of row indices. Used to represent mappings between rows.

Definition at line 389 of file lp_types.h.

◆ RowPermutation

Definition at line 105 of file permutation.h.

◆ RowToColMapping

Column of column indices. Used to represent which column corresponds to a particular row in the basis, or for storing the number of columns for a given row.

Definition at line 394 of file lp_types.h.

◆ ScatteredColumnIterator

◆ ScatteredRowIterator

◆ SparseColumnIterator

◆ SparseRowIterator

◆ SumWithNegativeInfiniteAndOneMissing

◆ SumWithPositiveInfiniteAndOneMissing

◆ VariableStatusRow

Row of variable statuses.

Definition at line 372 of file lp_types.h.

◆ VariableTypeRow

Row of variable types.

Definition at line 369 of file lp_types.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ ConstraintStatus

enum class operations_research::glop::ConstraintStatus : int8_t

Different constraints statuses. The meaning is the same for the constraint activity relative to its bounds as it is for a variable value relative to its bounds. Actually, this is the VariableStatus of the slack variable associated to a constraint modulo a change of sign. The difference is that because of precision error, a constraint activity cannot exactly be equal to one of its bounds or to zero.


Definition at line 234 of file lp_types.h.

◆ ProblemStatus

enum class operations_research::glop::ProblemStatus : int8_t

Different statuses for a given problem.


The problem has been solved to optimality. Both the primal and dual have a feasible solution.


The problem has been proven primal-infeasible. Note that the problem is not necessarily DUAL_UNBOUNDED (See Chvatal p.60). The solver does not have a dual unbounded ray in this case.


The problem has been proven dual-infeasible. Note that the problem is not necessarily PRIMAL_UNBOUNDED (See Chvatal p.60). The solver does note have a primal unbounded ray in this case,


The problem is either INFEASIBLE or UNBOUNDED (this applies to both the primal and dual algorithms). This status is only returned by the presolve step and means that a primal or dual unbounded ray was found during presolve. Note that because some presolve techniques assume that a feasible solution exists to simplify the problem further, it is difficult to distinguish between infeasibility and unboundedness.

If a client needs to distinguish, it is possible to run the primal algorithm on the same problem with a 0 objective function to know if the problem was PRIMAL_INFEASIBLE.


The problem has been proven feasible and unbounded. That means that the problem is DUAL_INFEASIBLE and that the solver has a primal unbounded ray.


The problem has been proven dual-feasible and dual-unbounded. That means the problem is PRIMAL_INFEASIBLE and that the solver has a dual unbounded ray to prove it.


The solver didn't had a chance to prove anything.

All the statuses below correspond to a case where the solver was interrupted. This can happen because of a timeout, an iteration limit or an error.


The problem has been proven primal-feasible but may still be PRIMAL_UNBOUNDED.


The problem has been proven dual-feasible, but may still be DUAL_UNBOUNDED. That means that if the primal is feasible, then it has a finite optimal solution.


An error occurred during the solving process.


The input problem was invalid (see LinearProgram.IsValid()).


The problem was solved to a feasible status, but the solution checker found the primal and/or dual infeasibilities too important for the specified parameters.

Definition at line 105 of file lp_types.h.

◆ VariableStatus

enum class operations_research::glop::VariableStatus : int8_t

Different variables statuses. If a solution is OPTIMAL or FEASIBLE, then all the properties described here should be satisfied. These properties should also be true during the execution of the revised simplex algorithm, except that because of bound-shifting, the variable may not be at their exact bounds until the shifts are removed.


The basic status is special and takes precedence over all the other statuses. It means that the variable is part of the basis.


Only possible status of a FIXED_VARIABLE not in the basis. The variable value should be exactly equal to its bounds (which are the same).


Only possible statuses of a non-basic variable which is not UNCONSTRAINED or FIXED. The variable value should be at its exact specified bound (which must be finite).


Only possible status of an UNCONSTRAINED non-basic variable. Its value should be zero.

during crossover, this status is relaxed, and any variable that can currently move in both directions can be marked as free.

Definition at line 200 of file lp_types.h.

◆ VariableType

enum class operations_research::glop::VariableType : int8_t

Different types of variables.


Definition at line 178 of file lp_types.h.

Function Documentation


class operations_research::glop::ABSL_DEPRECATED ( "Use the direct methods instead" )

Implementation class. Please use the 2 functions above.

Reads a linear program in the mps format.

All Parse() methods clear the previously parsed instance and store the result in the given Data class.

(user): Remove the MPSReader class.

Parses instance from a file.

Loads instance from string. Useful with MapReduce. Automatically detects the file's format (free or fixed).

Definition at line 43 of file mps_reader.h.

◆ ApplyColumnPermutationToRowIndexedVector()

template<typename RowIndexedVector>
void operations_research::glop::ApplyColumnPermutationToRowIndexedVector ( StrictITISpan< ColIndex, const ColIndex > col_perm,
RowIndexedVector * v,
RowIndexedVector * tmp )

Specialization of ApplyPermutation(): apply a column permutation to a row-indexed vector v.

Empty size means identity.

Permute into tmp and swap.

Definition at line 127 of file permutation.h.

◆ ApplyInversePermutation()

template<typename IndexType, typename ITIVectorType>
void operations_research::glop::ApplyInversePermutation ( const Permutation< IndexType > & perm,
const ITIVectorType & b,
ITIVectorType * result )

Applies the inverse of perm to the vector b. Overwrites result to store the result.

Empty size means identity.

Definition at line 237 of file permutation.h.

◆ ApplyPermutation()

template<typename IndexType, typename ITIVectorType>
void operations_research::glop::ApplyPermutation ( const Permutation< IndexType > & perm,
const ITIVectorType & b,
ITIVectorType * result )

Applies the permutation perm to the vector b. Overwrites result to store the result.

(user): Try to restrict this method to using the same integer type in the permutation and for the vector indices, i.e. IndexType == ITIVectorType::IndexType. Some client code will need to be refactored.

Empty size means identity.

Definition at line 218 of file permutation.h.

◆ AreBoundsValid()

bool operations_research::glop::AreBoundsValid ( Fractional lower_bound,
Fractional upper_bound )

Helper function to check the bounds of the SetVariableBounds() and SetConstraintBounds() functions.

Definition at line 707 of file lp_data.h.

◆ AreFirstColumnsAndRowsExactlyEquals()

bool operations_research::glop::AreFirstColumnsAndRowsExactlyEquals ( RowIndex num_rows,
ColIndex num_cols,
const SparseMatrix & matrix_a,
const CompactSparseMatrix & matrix_b )

Returns true iff the two given matrices have exactly the same first num_rows entries on the first num_cols columns. The two given matrices must be ordered by rows (this is DCHECKed, but only for the first one at this point).

(user): Also DCHECK() that matrix_b is ordered by rows.

Definition at line 198 of file

◆ ChangeSign()

template<typename IndexType>
void operations_research::glop::ChangeSign ( StrictITIVector< IndexType, Fractional > * data)

Changes the sign of all the entries in the given vector.

Definition at line 312 of file lp_utils.h.

◆ ClearAndResizeVectorWithNonZeros()

template<typename IndexType, typename ScatteredRowOrCol>
void operations_research::glop::ClearAndResizeVectorWithNonZeros ( IndexType size,
ScatteredRowOrCol * v )

Sets a dense vector for which the non zeros are known to be non_zeros.

Only use the sparse version if there is less than 5% non-zeros positions compared to the wanted size. Note that in most cases the vector will already be of the correct size.

Definition at line 290 of file lp_utils.h.

◆ ColToIntIndex()

Index operations_research::glop::ColToIntIndex ( ColIndex col)

Get the integer index corresponding to the col.

Definition at line 60 of file lp_types.h.

◆ ColToRowIndex()

RowIndex operations_research::glop::ColToRowIndex ( ColIndex col)

Get the RowIndex corresponding to the row # col.

Definition at line 57 of file lp_types.h.

◆ ComputeNonZeros()

template<typename IndexType>
void operations_research::glop::ComputeNonZeros ( const StrictITIVector< IndexType, Fractional > & input,
std::vector< IndexType > * non_zeros )

Computes the positions of the non-zeros of a dense vector.

Definition at line 216 of file lp_utils.h.

◆ ComputeSlackVariablesValues()

void operations_research::glop::ComputeSlackVariablesValues ( const LinearProgram & linear_program,
DenseRow * values )

For all constraints in linear_program, if the constraint has a slack variable, change its value in *values so that the constraints itself is satisfied.

this obviously won't always imply that the bounds of the slack variable itself will be satisfied. The code assumes (and DCHECKs) that all constraints with a slack variable have their upper and lower bounds both set to 0. This is ensured by LinearProgram::AddSlackVariablesWhereNecessary().

If there are no slack variable, we can give up.

Row in the initial matrix (column in the transposed).

Definition at line 32 of file


operations_research::glop::DEFINE_STRONG_INDEX_TYPE ( ColIndex )

ColIndex is the type for integers representing column/variable indices. int32s are enough for handling even the largest problems.


operations_research::glop::DEFINE_STRONG_INDEX_TYPE ( RowIndex )

RowIndex is the type for integers representing row/constraint indices. int32s are enough for handling even the largest problems.


operations_research::glop::DEFINE_STRONG_INT64_TYPE ( EntryIndex )

EntryIndex is the type for integers representing entry indices. An entry in a sparse matrix is a pair (row, value) for a given known column. See classes SparseColumn and SparseMatrix.

◆ Density()

double operations_research::glop::Density ( const DenseRow & row)

Returns the fraction of non-zero entries of the given row.

(user): Take a Scattered row/col instead. This is only used to report stats, but we should still have a sparse version to do it faster.

Definition at line 176 of file

◆ DeterministicTimeForFpOperations()

static double operations_research::glop::DeterministicTimeForFpOperations ( int64_t n)

This is used during the deterministic time computation to convert a given number of floating-point operations to something in the same order of magnitude as a second (on a 2014 desktop).

Definition at line 433 of file lp_types.h.

◆ FindProportionalColumns()

ColMapping operations_research::glop::FindProportionalColumns ( const SparseMatrix & matrix,
Fractional tolerance )

Finds the proportional columns of the given matrix: all the pairs of columns such that one is a non-zero scalar multiple of the other. The returned mapping for a given column will either be:

  • The index of the first column which is proportional with this one.
  • Or kInvalidCol if this column is not proportional to any other.

Because of precision errors, two columns are declared proportional if the multiples (>= 1.0) defined by all the couple of coefficients of the same row are equal up to the given absolute tolerance.

The complexity is in most cases O(num entries of the matrix). However, compared to the less efficient algorithm below, it is highly unlikely but possible that some pairs of proportional columns are not detected.

Compute the fingerprint of each columns and sort them.

Find a representative of each proportional columns class. This only compares columns with a close-enough fingerprint.

we use the same tolerance for the fingerprints.
(user): Derive precise bounds on what this tolerance should be so that no proportional columns are missed.

Sort the mapping so that the representative of each class is the smallest column. To achieve this, the current representative is used as a pointer to the new one, a bit like in an union find algorithm.

Definition at line 123 of file

◆ FindProportionalColumnsUsingSimpleAlgorithm()

ColMapping operations_research::glop::FindProportionalColumnsUsingSimpleAlgorithm ( const SparseMatrix & matrix,
Fractional tolerance )

A simple version of FindProportionalColumns() that compares all the columns pairs one by one. This is slow, but here for reference. The complexity is O(num_cols * num_entries).

Definition at line 179 of file

◆ FixConstraintWithFixedStatuses()

void operations_research::glop::FixConstraintWithFixedStatuses ( const DenseColumn & row_lower_bounds,
const DenseColumn & row_upper_bounds,
ProblemSolution * solution )

Because of numerical imprecision, a preprocessor like DoubletonEqualityRowPreprocessor can transform a constraint/variable domain like [1, 1+1e-7] to a fixed domain (for ex by multiplying the above domain by 1e9). This causes an issue because at postsolve, a FIXED_VALUE status now needs to be transformed to a AT_LOWER_BOUND/AT_UPPER_BOUND status. This is what this function is doing for the constraint statuses only.

(user): A better solution would simply be to get rid of the FIXED status altogether, it is better to simply use AT_LOWER_BOUND/AT_UPPER_BOUND depending on the constraining bound in the optimal solution. Note that we can always at the end transform any variable/constraint with a fixed domain to FIXED_VALUE if needed to keep the same external API.

We need to fix the status and we just need to make sure that the bound we choose satisfies the LP optimality conditions.

Definition at line 3402 of file

◆ Fractionality()

static Fractional operations_research::glop::Fractionality ( Fractional f)

Returns distance from a given fractional number to the closest integer. It means that the result is always contained in range of [0.0, 0.5].

Definition at line 45 of file lp_utils.h.

◆ GetConstraintStatusString()

std::string operations_research::glop::GetConstraintStatusString ( ConstraintStatus status)

Returns the string representation of the ConstraintStatus enum.

Fallback. We don't use "default:" so the compiler will return an error if we forgot one enum case above.

Definition at line 94 of file

◆ GetErrorCodeString()

std::string operations_research::glop::GetErrorCodeString ( Status::ErrorCode error_code)

Returns the string representation of the ErrorCode enum.

Fallback. We don't use "default:" so the compiler will return an error if we forgot one enum case above.

Definition at line 30 of file

◆ GetProblemStatusString()

std::string operations_research::glop::GetProblemStatusString ( ProblemStatus problem_status)

Returns the string representation of the ProblemStatus enum.

Fallback. We don't use "default:" so the compiler will return an error if we forgot one enum case above.

Definition at line 23 of file

◆ GetVariableStatusString()

std::string operations_research::glop::GetVariableStatusString ( VariableStatus status)

Returns the string representation of the VariableStatus enum.

Fallback. We don't use "default:" so the compiler will return an error if we forgot one enum case above.

Definition at line 75 of file

◆ GetVariableTypeString()

std::string operations_research::glop::GetVariableTypeString ( VariableType variable_type)

Returns the string representation of the VariableType enum.

Fallback. We don't use "default:" so the compiler will return an error if we forgot one enum case above.

Definition at line 56 of file

◆ InfinityNorm() [1/3]

Fractional operations_research::glop::InfinityNorm ( const ColumnView & v)

Definition at line 172 of file

◆ InfinityNorm() [2/3]

Fractional operations_research::glop::InfinityNorm ( const DenseColumn & v)

Returns the maximum of the coefficients of 'v'.

Definition at line 151 of file

◆ InfinityNorm() [3/3]

Fractional operations_research::glop::InfinityNorm ( const SparseColumn & v)

Definition at line 168 of file

◆ InfinityNormTemplate()

template<typename SparseColumnLike>
Fractional operations_research::glop::InfinityNormTemplate ( const SparseColumnLike & column)

Definition at line 160 of file

◆ IsAllFalse()

template<typename BoolVector>
bool operations_research::glop::IsAllFalse ( const BoolVector & v)

Returns true if the given vector of bool is all false.

Definition at line 238 of file lp_utils.h.

◆ IsAllZero()

template<typename Container>
bool operations_research::glop::IsAllZero ( const Container & input)

Returns true if the given Fractional container is all zeros.

Definition at line 229 of file lp_utils.h.

◆ IsDominated()

bool operations_research::glop::IsDominated ( const ColumnView & column,
const DenseColumn & radius )

Returns true iff for all 'row' we have '|column[row]| <= radius[row]'.

Definition at line 224 of file

◆ IsFinite()

bool operations_research::glop::IsFinite ( Fractional value)

Returns true if the given value is finite, that means for a double: not a NaN and not +/- infinity.

Definition at line 94 of file lp_types.h.

◆ IsRightMostSquareMatrixIdentity()

bool operations_research::glop::IsRightMostSquareMatrixIdentity ( const SparseMatrix & matrix)

Returns true iff the rightmost square matrix is an identity matrix.

Definition at line 239 of file

◆ kInvalidCol()

ColIndex operations_research::glop::kInvalidCol ( - 1)

◆ kInvalidRow()

RowIndex operations_research::glop::kInvalidRow ( - 1)

Constants to represent invalid row or column index. It is important that their values be the same because during transposition, one needs to be converted into the other.

◆ kNonPivotal()

const RowIndex operations_research::glop::kNonPivotal ( - 1)
(user): Consider using kInvalidRow for this?

◆ LinearProgramToMPModelProto()

void operations_research::glop::LinearProgramToMPModelProto ( const LinearProgram & input,
MPModelProto * output )

Converts a LinearProgram to a MPModelProto.

We need the matrix transpose because a LinearProgram stores the data column-wise but the MPModelProto uses a row-wise format.

Definition at line 27 of file

◆ LoadLinearProgramFromModelOrRequest()

bool operations_research::glop::LoadLinearProgramFromModelOrRequest ( const std::string & input_file_path,
LinearProgram * linear_program )

Definition at line 59 of file

◆ LoadMPModelProtoFromModelOrRequest()

bool operations_research::glop::LoadMPModelProtoFromModelOrRequest ( const std::string & input_file_path,
MPModelProto * model )

Helper function to read data from model files into MPModelProto and LinearProgram.

If the input proto is in binary format, both ReadFileToProto could return true. Instead use the actual number of variables found to test the correct format of the input.

Definition at line 27 of file

◆ MPModelProtoToLinearProgram()

void operations_research::glop::MPModelProtoToLinearProgram ( const MPModelProto & input,
LinearProgram * output )

Converts a MPModelProto to a LinearProgram.

(user): clean up loops to use natural range iteration.
(user): implement strong proto validation in the linear solver server and re-use it here.

Definition at line 58 of file

◆ MpsDataToMPModelProto()

absl::StatusOr< MPModelProto > operations_research::glop::MpsDataToMPModelProto ( absl::string_view mps_data)

Parses an MPS model from a string.

Definition at line 360 of file

◆ MpsFileToMPModelProto()

absl::StatusOr< MPModelProto > operations_research::glop::MpsFileToMPModelProto ( absl::string_view mps_file)

Parses an MPS model from a file.

Definition at line 370 of file

◆ operator<<() [1/4]

std::ostream & operations_research::glop::operator<< ( std::ostream & os,
ConstraintStatus status )

Definition at line 245 of file lp_types.h.

◆ operator<<() [2/4]

std::ostream & operations_research::glop::operator<< ( std::ostream & os,
ProblemStatus status )

Definition at line 172 of file lp_types.h.

◆ operator<<() [3/4]

std::ostream & operations_research::glop::operator<< ( std::ostream & os,
VariableStatus status )

Definition at line 223 of file lp_types.h.

◆ operator<<() [4/4]

std::ostream & operations_research::glop::operator<< ( std::ostream & os,
VariableType type )

Definition at line 189 of file lp_types.h.

◆ PartialScalarProduct()

template<class DenseRowOrColumn>
Fractional operations_research::glop::PartialScalarProduct ( const DenseRowOrColumn & u,
const SparseColumn & v,
int max_index )

Computes a scalar product for entries with index not greater than max_index.

Definition at line 134 of file lp_utils.h.

◆ PermuteWithKnownNonZeros()

template<typename IndexType>
void operations_research::glop::PermuteWithKnownNonZeros ( const Permutation< IndexType > & permutation,
StrictITIVector< IndexType, Fractional > * zero_scratchpad,
StrictITIVector< IndexType, Fractional > * output,
std::vector< IndexType > * non_zeros )

Same as PermuteAndComputeNonZeros() except that we assume that the given non-zeros are the initial non-zeros positions of output.

Definition at line 271 of file lp_utils.h.

◆ PermuteWithScratchpad()

template<typename IndexType, typename PermutationIndexType>
void operations_research::glop::PermuteWithScratchpad ( const Permutation< PermutationIndexType > & permutation,
StrictITIVector< IndexType, Fractional > * zero_scratchpad,
StrictITIVector< IndexType, Fractional > * input_output )

Permutes the given dense vector. It uses for this an all zero scratchpad.

Caching the pointers help.

Definition at line 244 of file lp_utils.h.

◆ PreciseScalarProduct() [1/2]

template<class DenseRowOrColumn, class DenseRowOrColumn2>
Fractional operations_research::glop::PreciseScalarProduct ( const DenseRowOrColumn & u,
const DenseRowOrColumn2 & v )

Definition at line 111 of file lp_utils.h.

◆ PreciseScalarProduct() [2/2]

template<class DenseRowOrColumn>
Fractional operations_research::glop::PreciseScalarProduct ( const DenseRowOrColumn & u,
const SparseColumn & v )

Definition at line 122 of file lp_utils.h.

◆ PreciseSquaredNorm() [1/3]

Fractional operations_research::glop::PreciseSquaredNorm ( const DenseColumn & column)

Definition at line 143 of file

◆ PreciseSquaredNorm() [2/3]

Fractional operations_research::glop::PreciseSquaredNorm ( const ScatteredColumn & v)

Definition at line 63 of file

◆ PreciseSquaredNorm() [3/3]

Fractional operations_research::glop::PreciseSquaredNorm ( const SparseColumn & v)

Definition at line 44 of file

◆ RemoveNearZeroEntries()

void operations_research::glop::RemoveNearZeroEntries ( Fractional threshold,
DenseRow * row )

Sets to 0.0 all entries of the given row whose fabs() is lower than the given threshold.

Definition at line 185 of file

◆ RestrictedInfinityNorm()

Fractional operations_research::glop::RestrictedInfinityNorm ( const ColumnView & column,
const DenseBooleanColumn & rows_to_consider,
RowIndex * row_index )

Returns the maximum of the coefficients of the given column restricted to the rows_to_consider. Also returns the first RowIndex 'row' that attains this maximum. If the maximum is 0.0, then row_index is left untouched.

Definition at line 203 of file

◆ Reverse() [1/2]

template<typename Container>
BeginEndReverseIteratorWrapper< Container > util::Reverse ( const Container & c)

Definition at line 99 of file iterators.h.

◆ Reverse() [2/2]

template<typename Container>
BeginEndReverseIteratorWrapper< Container > util::Reverse ( const Container & c)

Definition at line 99 of file iterators.h.

◆ RowToColIndex()

ColIndex operations_research::glop::RowToColIndex ( RowIndex row)

Get the ColIndex corresponding to the column # row.

Definition at line 54 of file lp_types.h.

◆ RowToIntIndex()

Index operations_research::glop::RowToIntIndex ( RowIndex row)

Get the integer index corresponding to the row.

Definition at line 63 of file lp_types.h.

◆ ScalarProduct() [1/3]

template<class DenseRowOrColumn>
Fractional operations_research::glop::ScalarProduct ( const DenseRowOrColumn & u,
const ScatteredColumn & v )

Definition at line 97 of file lp_utils.h.

◆ ScalarProduct() [2/3]

template<class DenseRowOrColumn>
Fractional operations_research::glop::ScalarProduct ( const DenseRowOrColumn & u,
const SparseColumn & v )
This version is heavily used in the pricing.
(user): Optimize this more (SSE or unroll with two sums). Another option is to skip the u[col] that are 0.0 rather than fetching the coeff and doing a Fractional multiplication.

Definition at line 87 of file lp_utils.h.

◆ ScalarProduct() [3/3]

template<class DenseRowOrColumn1, class DenseRowOrColumn2>
Fractional operations_research::glop::ScalarProduct ( const DenseRowOrColumn1 & u,
const DenseRowOrColumn2 & v )

Returns the scalar product between u and v. The precise versions use KahanSum and are about two times slower.

Computing the sum of 4 elements at once may allow the compiler to generate more efficient code, e.g. using SIMD and checking the loop condition much less frequently.

This produces different results from the case where each multiplication is added to sum separately. An extreme example of this can be derived using the fact that 1e11 + 2e-6 == 1e11, but 1e11 + 8e-6 > 1e11.

While the results are different, they aren't necessarily better or worse. Typically, sum will be of larger magnitude than any individual multiplication, so one might expect, in practice, this method to yield more accurate results. However, if accuracy is vital, use the precise version.

Definition at line 52 of file lp_utils.h.

◆ Scale() [1/2]

void operations_research::glop::Scale ( LinearProgram * lp,
SparseMatrixScaler * scaler )

This is separated from the LinearProgram class because of a cyclic dependency when scaling as an LP.

A convenience method for above providing a default algorithm for callers that don't specify one.

Create GlopParameters proto to get default scaling algorithm.

Definition at line 65 of file

◆ Scale() [2/2]

void operations_research::glop::Scale ( LinearProgram * lp,
SparseMatrixScaler * scaler,
GlopParameters::ScalingAlgorithm scaling_method )

This is separated from LinearProgram class because of a cyclic dependency when scaling as an LP.

Definition at line 73 of file

◆ SetSupportToFalse()

void operations_research::glop::SetSupportToFalse ( const ColumnView & column,
DenseBooleanColumn * b )

Sets to false the entry b[row] if column[row] is non null.

if 'b' was true only on the non-zero position of column, this can be used as a fast way to clear 'b'.

Definition at line 216 of file

◆ Square()

Fractional operations_research::glop::Square ( Fractional f)

Returns the square of a Fractional. Useful to shorten the code when f is an expression or a long name.

Definition at line 41 of file lp_utils.h.

◆ SquaredNorm() [1/5]

Fractional operations_research::glop::SquaredNorm ( absl::Span< const Fractional > data)

We expand ourselves since we don't really care about the floating point order of operation and this seems faster.

Definition at line 74 of file

◆ SquaredNorm() [2/5]

Fractional operations_research::glop::SquaredNorm ( const ColumnView & v)

Definition at line 40 of file

◆ SquaredNorm() [3/5]

Fractional operations_research::glop::SquaredNorm ( const DenseColumn & column)

Definition at line 139 of file

◆ SquaredNorm() [4/5]

Fractional operations_research::glop::SquaredNorm ( const ScatteredColumn & v)

Definition at line 52 of file

◆ SquaredNorm() [5/5]

Fractional operations_research::glop::SquaredNorm ( const SparseColumn & v)

Returns the norm^2 (sum of the square of the entries) of the given column. The precise version uses KahanSum and are about two times slower.

Definition at line 36 of file

◆ SquaredNormAndResetToZero()

Fractional operations_research::glop::SquaredNormAndResetToZero ( absl::Span< Fractional > data)

We expand ourselves since we don't really care about the floating point order of operation and this seems faster.

Definition at line 103 of file

◆ SquaredNormTemplate()

template<typename SparseColumnLike>
Fractional operations_research::glop::SquaredNormTemplate ( const SparseColumnLike & column)

Definition at line 28 of file

◆ Stringify() [1/3]

std::string operations_research::glop::Stringify ( const double a)

Definition at line 35 of file lp_print_utils.h.

◆ Stringify() [2/3]

std::string operations_research::glop::Stringify ( const float a)

Returns a string representing a floating-point number in decimal, with a precision corresponding to the type of the argument.

Definition at line 31 of file lp_print_utils.h.

◆ Stringify() [3/3]

std::string operations_research::glop::Stringify ( Fractional x,
bool fraction )

If fraction is true, returns a string corresponding to the rational approximation or a decimal approximation otherwise. Note that the absolute difference between the output fraction and "x" will never exceed std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon().

Definition at line 46 of file

◆ StringifyMonomial()

std::string operations_research::glop::StringifyMonomial ( const Fractional a,
absl::string_view x,
bool fraction )

Returns a string that pretty-prints a monomial ax with coefficient a and variable name x

Pretty prints a monomial a*x using Stringify(x, fraction) to display a, taking care of the sign of x, whether a is 0, 1, -1, integer. Note that the absolute difference between the output fraction and "x" will never exceed std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon().

Definition at line 54 of file

◆ StringifyRational()

std::string operations_research::glop::StringifyRational ( const double x,
const double precision )

Returns a string "num/den" representing the rational approximation of x. The absolute difference between the output fraction and the input "x" will not exceed "precision".

Definition at line 33 of file

◆ ToDouble()

static double operations_research::glop::ToDouble ( double f)

Definition at line 74 of file lp_types.h.

◆ Transpose()

const DenseRow & operations_research::glop::Transpose ( const DenseColumn & col)

Similar comment as the other Transpose() implementation above.

Transposition functions implemented below with a cast so it should actually have no complexity cost.

This cast based implementation should be safe, as long as DenseRow and DenseColumn are implemented by the same underlying type. We still do some DCHECK to be sure it works as expected in addition to the unit tests.

Definition at line 199 of file lp_utils.h.

◆ TransposedView() [1/2]

const ScatteredRow & operations_research::glop::TransposedView ( const ScatteredColumn & c)

Definition at line 201 of file scattered_vector.h.

◆ TransposedView() [2/2]

const ScatteredColumn & operations_research::glop::TransposedView ( const ScatteredRow & r)

Definition at line 204 of file scattered_vector.h.

◆ ValidateParameters()

std::string operations_research::glop::ValidateParameters ( const GlopParameters & params)

Verifies that the given parameters are correct. Returns an empty string if it is the case, or an human-readable error message otherwise.

Definition at line 52 of file

◆ VariableToConstraintStatus()

ConstraintStatus operations_research::glop::VariableToConstraintStatus ( VariableStatus status)

Returns the ConstraintStatus corresponding to a given VariableStatus.

Fallback. We don't use "default:" so the compiler will return an error if we forgot one enum case above.

This will never be reached and is here only to guarantee compilation.

Definition at line 113 of file

Variable Documentation

◆ e_


An eta matrix E corresponds to the identity matrix except for one column e of index j. In particular, B.E is the matrix of the new basis obtained from B by replacing the j-th vector of B by B.e, note that this is exactly what happens during a "pivot" of the current basis in the simplex algorithm.

E = [ 1 ... 0 e_0 0 ... 0 ... ... ... ... ... ... ...

Definition at line 41 of file basis_representation.h.

◆ kDeterministicSeed

const uint64_t operations_research::glop::kDeterministicSeed = 42

Definition at line 95 of file

◆ kEpsilon

double operations_research::glop::kEpsilon = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()

Epsilon for type Fractional, i.e. the smallest e such that 1.0 + e != 1.0 .

Definition at line 90 of file lp_types.h.

◆ kInfinity

double operations_research::glop::kInfinity = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()

Infinity for type Fractional.

Definition at line 87 of file lp_types.h.

◆ kRangeMax

double operations_research::glop::kRangeMax = std::numeric_limits<double>::max()

Range max for type Fractional. DBL_MAX for double for example.

Definition at line 84 of file lp_types.h.