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Google OR-Tools v9.12
a fast and portable software suite for combinatorial optimization
Classes | |
class | AllDifferentConstraintProto |
All affine expressions must take different values. More... | |
class | AutomatonConstraint |
Specialized automaton constraint. More... | |
class | AutomatonConstraintProto |
This constraint forces a sequence of expressions to be accepted by an automaton. More... | |
class | BestBoundCallback |
class | BestBoundCallbackDelegate |
class | BoolArgumentProto |
Argument of the constraints of the form OP(literals). More... | |
class | BooleanAssignment |
Stores an assignment of variables as a list of true literals using their signed representation. There will be at most one literal per variable. The literals will be sorted by increasing variable index. The assignment may be partial in the sense that some variables may not appear and thus not be assigned. More... | |
class | BooleanProblemReflection |
Holder for reflection information generated from ortools/sat/boolean_problem.proto. More... | |
class | BoolVar |
Holds a Boolean variable. More... | |
class | BoundedLinearExpression |
Holds a linear constraint: expression ∈ domain More... | |
class | CircuitConstraint |
Specialized circuit constraint. More... | |
class | CircuitConstraintProto |
The circuit constraint is defined on a graph where the arc presence are controlled by literals. Each arc is given by an index in the tails/heads/literals lists that must have the same size. More... | |
class | Constraint |
Wrapper around a ConstraintProto. More... | |
class | ConstraintProto |
Next id: 31. More... | |
class | CpModel |
Wrapper class around the cp_model proto. More... | |
class | CpModelProto |
A constraint programming problem. More... | |
class | CpModelReflection |
Holder for reflection information generated from ortools/sat/cp_model.proto. More... | |
class | CpModelServiceReflection |
Holder for reflection information generated from ortools/sat/cp_model_service.proto. More... | |
class | CpObjectiveProto |
Optimization objective. More... | |
class | CpSatHelper |
class | CpSolver |
Wrapper around the SAT solver. More... | |
class | CpSolverRequest |
The request sent to the remote solve service. More... | |
class | CpSolverResponse |
The response returned by a solver trying to solve a CpModelProto. More... | |
class | CpSolverSolution |
Just a message used to store dense solution. This is used by the additional_solutions field. More... | |
class | CpSolverSolutionCallback |
Parent class to create a callback called at each solution. More... | |
class | CumulativeConstraint |
Specialized cumulative constraint. More... | |
class | CumulativeConstraintProto |
The sum of the demands of the intervals at each interval point cannot exceed a capacity. Note that intervals are interpreted as [start, end) and as such intervals like [2,3) and [3,4) do not overlap for the point of view of this constraint. Moreover, intervals of size zero are ignored. More... | |
class | DecisionStrategyProto |
Define the strategy to follow when the solver needs to take a new decision. More... | |
class | DenseMatrixProto |
A dense matrix of numbers encoded in a flat way, row by row. That is matrix[i][j] = entries[i * num_cols + j];. More... | |
class | ElementConstraintProto |
The constraint target = vars[index]. This enforces that index takes one of the value in [0, vars_size()). More... | |
class | FloatObjectiveProto |
A linear floating point objective: sum coeffs[i] * vars[i] + offset. More... | |
class | HelperExtensions |
interface | ILiteral |
Holds a Boolean variable or its negation. More... | |
class | IntegerVariableProto |
An integer variable. More... | |
class | IntervalConstraintProto |
This is not really a constraint. It is there so it can be referred by other constraints using this "interval" concept. More... | |
class | IntervalVar |
An interval variable. More... | |
class | IntVar |
Holds a integer variable with a discrete domain. More... | |
class | InverseConstraintProto |
The two arrays of variable each represent a function, the second is the inverse of the first: f_direct[i] == j <=> f_inverse[j] == i. More... | |
class | LinearArgumentProto |
class | LinearBooleanConstraint |
A linear Boolean constraint which is a bounded sum of linear terms. Each term beeing a literal times an integer coefficient. If we assume that a literal takes the value 1 if it is true and 0 otherwise, the constraint is: lower_bound <= ... + coefficients[i] * literals[i] + ... <= upper_bound. More... | |
class | LinearBooleanProblem |
A linear Boolean problem. More... | |
class | LinearConstraintProto |
The linear sum vars[i] * coeffs[i] must fall in the given domain. The domain has the same format as the one in IntegerVariableProto. More... | |
class | LinearExpr |
Holds a linear expression: sum (ai * xi) + b . More... | |
class | LinearExprBuilder |
A builder class for linear expressions. More... | |
class | LinearExpressionProto |
Some constraints supports linear expression instead of just using a reference to a variable. This is especially useful during presolve to reduce the model size. More... | |
class | LinearObjective |
The objective of an optimization problem. More... | |
class | ListOfVariablesProto |
A list of variables, without any semantics. More... | |
class | LogCallback |
class | LogCallbackDelegate |
class | MultipleCircuitConstraint |
Specialized multiple circuit constraint. More... | |
class | NoOverlap2dConstraint |
Specialized NoOverlap2D constraint. More... | |
class | NoOverlap2DConstraintProto |
The boxes defined by [start_x, end_x) * [start_y, end_y) cannot overlap. Furthermore, one box is optional if at least one of the x or y interval is optional. More... | |
class | NoOverlapConstraintProto |
All the intervals (index of IntervalConstraintProto) must be disjoint. More formally, there must exist a sequence so that for each consecutive intervals, we have end_i <= start_{i+1}. In particular, intervals of size zero do matter for this constraint. This is also known as a disjunctive constraint in scheduling. More... | |
class | NotBoolVar |
class | ObjectiveSolutionPrinter |
A specialized solution printer. More... | |
class | operations_research_sat |
class | operations_research_satPINVOKE |
class | PartialVariableAssignment |
This message encodes a partial (or full) assignment of the variables of a CpModelProto. The variable indices should be unique and valid variable indices. More... | |
class | ReservoirConstraint |
Specialized reservoir constraint. More... | |
class | ReservoirConstraintProto |
Maintain a reservoir level within bounds. The water level starts at 0, and at any time, it must be within [min_level, max_level]. More... | |
class | RoutesConstraintProto |
The "VRP" (Vehicle Routing Problem) constraint. More... | |
class | SatParameters |
Contains the definitions for all the sat algorithm parameters and their default values. More... | |
class | SatParametersReflection |
Holder for reflection information generated from ortools/sat/sat_parameters.proto. More... | |
class | SolutionCallback |
class | SolveWrapper |
class | SparsePermutationProto |
A permutation of integers encoded as a list of cycles, hence the "sparse" format. The image of an element cycle[i] is cycle[(i + 1) % cycle_length]. More... | |
class | SymmetryProto |
EXPERIMENTAL. For now, this is meant to be used by the solver and not filled by clients. More... | |
class | TableConstraint |
Specialized assignment constraint. More... | |
class | TableConstraintProto |
The values of the n-tuple formed by the given expression can only be one of the listed n-tuples in values. The n-tuples are encoded in a flattened way: [tuple0_v0, tuple0_v1, ..., tuple0_v{n-1}, tuple1_v0, ...]. Expressions must be affine (a * var + b). Corner cases: More... | |
struct | Term |
Holds a term (expression * coefficient) More... | |
Enumerations | |
enum | CpSolverStatus { Unknown = 0 , ModelInvalid = 1 , Feasible = 2 , Infeasible = 3 , Optimal = 4 } |
The status returned by a solver trying to solve a CpModelProto. More... | |
Functions | |
delegate void | StringToVoidDelegate (string message) |
Used to wrap log callbacks (std::function<void(const std::string&>) | |
delegate void | DoubleToVoidDelegate (double bound) |
Used to wrap best bound callbacks (std::function<void(double>) | |
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The status returned by a solver trying to solve a CpModelProto.
Enumerator | |
Unknown | The status of the model is still unknown. A search limit has been reached before any of the statuses below could be determined. |
ModelInvalid | The given CpModelProto didn't pass the validation step. You can get a detailed error by calling ValidateCpModel(model_proto). |
Feasible | A feasible solution has been found. But the search was stopped before we could prove optimality or before we enumerated all solutions of a feasibility problem (if asked). |
Infeasible | The problem has been proven infeasible. |
Optimal | An optimal feasible solution has been found. More generally, this status represent a success. So we also return OPTIMAL if we find a solution for a pure feasibility problem or if a gap limit has been specified and we return a solution within this limit. In the case where we need to return all the feasible solution, this status will only be returned if we enumerated all of them; If we stopped before, we will return FEASIBLE. |
Definition at line 219 of file CpModel.pb.cs.
delegate void Google.OrTools.Sat.DoubleToVoidDelegate | ( | double | bound | ) |
Used to wrap best bound callbacks (std::function<void(double>)
delegate void Google.OrTools.Sat.StringToVoidDelegate | ( | string | message | ) |
Used to wrap log callbacks (std::function<void(const std::string&>)