Google OR-Tools v9.12
a fast and portable software suite for combinatorial optimization
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Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters Class Referencesealed

Contains the definitions for all the sat algorithm parameters and their default values. More...

Inheritance diagram for Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters:


class  Types
 Container for nested types declared in the SatParameters message type. More...

Public Member Functions

 SatParameters ()
 SatParameters (SatParameters other)
SatParameters Clone ()
void ClearName ()
 Clears the value of the "name" field.
void ClearPreferredVariableOrder ()
 Clears the value of the "preferred_variable_order" field.
void ClearInitialPolarity ()
 Clears the value of the "initial_polarity" field.
void ClearUsePhaseSaving ()
 Clears the value of the "use_phase_saving" field.
void ClearPolarityRephaseIncrement ()
 Clears the value of the "polarity_rephase_increment" field.
void ClearPolarityExploitLsHints ()
 Clears the value of the "polarity_exploit_ls_hints" field.
void ClearRandomPolarityRatio ()
 Clears the value of the "random_polarity_ratio" field.
void ClearRandomBranchesRatio ()
 Clears the value of the "random_branches_ratio" field.
void ClearUseErwaHeuristic ()
 Clears the value of the "use_erwa_heuristic" field.
void ClearInitialVariablesActivity ()
 Clears the value of the "initial_variables_activity" field.
void ClearAlsoBumpVariablesInConflictReasons ()
 Clears the value of the "also_bump_variables_in_conflict_reasons" field.
void ClearMinimizationAlgorithm ()
 Clears the value of the "minimization_algorithm" field.
void ClearBinaryMinimizationAlgorithm ()
 Clears the value of the "binary_minimization_algorithm" field.
void ClearSubsumptionDuringConflictAnalysis ()
 Clears the value of the "subsumption_during_conflict_analysis" field.
void ClearClauseCleanupPeriod ()
 Clears the value of the "clause_cleanup_period" field.
void ClearClauseCleanupTarget ()
 Clears the value of the "clause_cleanup_target" field.
void ClearClauseCleanupRatio ()
 Clears the value of the "clause_cleanup_ratio" field.
void ClearClauseCleanupProtection ()
 Clears the value of the "clause_cleanup_protection" field.
void ClearClauseCleanupLbdBound ()
 Clears the value of the "clause_cleanup_lbd_bound" field.
void ClearClauseCleanupOrdering ()
 Clears the value of the "clause_cleanup_ordering" field.
void ClearPbCleanupIncrement ()
 Clears the value of the "pb_cleanup_increment" field.
void ClearPbCleanupRatio ()
 Clears the value of the "pb_cleanup_ratio" field.
void ClearVariableActivityDecay ()
 Clears the value of the "variable_activity_decay" field.
void ClearMaxVariableActivityValue ()
 Clears the value of the "max_variable_activity_value" field.
void ClearGlucoseMaxDecay ()
 Clears the value of the "glucose_max_decay" field.
void ClearGlucoseDecayIncrement ()
 Clears the value of the "glucose_decay_increment" field.
void ClearGlucoseDecayIncrementPeriod ()
 Clears the value of the "glucose_decay_increment_period" field.
void ClearClauseActivityDecay ()
 Clears the value of the "clause_activity_decay" field.
void ClearMaxClauseActivityValue ()
 Clears the value of the "max_clause_activity_value" field.
void ClearDefaultRestartAlgorithms ()
 Clears the value of the "default_restart_algorithms" field.
void ClearRestartPeriod ()
 Clears the value of the "restart_period" field.
void ClearRestartRunningWindowSize ()
 Clears the value of the "restart_running_window_size" field.
void ClearRestartDlAverageRatio ()
 Clears the value of the "restart_dl_average_ratio" field.
void ClearRestartLbdAverageRatio ()
 Clears the value of the "restart_lbd_average_ratio" field.
void ClearUseBlockingRestart ()
 Clears the value of the "use_blocking_restart" field.
void ClearBlockingRestartWindowSize ()
 Clears the value of the "blocking_restart_window_size" field.
void ClearBlockingRestartMultiplier ()
 Clears the value of the "blocking_restart_multiplier" field.
void ClearNumConflictsBeforeStrategyChanges ()
 Clears the value of the "num_conflicts_before_strategy_changes" field.
void ClearStrategyChangeIncreaseRatio ()
 Clears the value of the "strategy_change_increase_ratio" field.
void ClearMaxTimeInSeconds ()
 Clears the value of the "max_time_in_seconds" field.
void ClearMaxDeterministicTime ()
 Clears the value of the "max_deterministic_time" field.
void ClearMaxNumDeterministicBatches ()
 Clears the value of the "max_num_deterministic_batches" field.
void ClearMaxNumberOfConflicts ()
 Clears the value of the "max_number_of_conflicts" field.
void ClearMaxMemoryInMb ()
 Clears the value of the "max_memory_in_mb" field.
void ClearAbsoluteGapLimit ()
 Clears the value of the "absolute_gap_limit" field.
void ClearRelativeGapLimit ()
 Clears the value of the "relative_gap_limit" field.
void ClearRandomSeed ()
 Clears the value of the "random_seed" field.
void ClearPermuteVariableRandomly ()
 Clears the value of the "permute_variable_randomly" field.
void ClearPermutePresolveConstraintOrder ()
 Clears the value of the "permute_presolve_constraint_order" field.
void ClearUseAbslRandom ()
 Clears the value of the "use_absl_random" field.
void ClearLogSearchProgress ()
 Clears the value of the "log_search_progress" field.
void ClearLogSubsolverStatistics ()
 Clears the value of the "log_subsolver_statistics" field.
void ClearLogPrefix ()
 Clears the value of the "log_prefix" field.
void ClearLogToStdout ()
 Clears the value of the "log_to_stdout" field.
void ClearLogToResponse ()
 Clears the value of the "log_to_response" field.
void ClearUsePbResolution ()
 Clears the value of the "use_pb_resolution" field.
void ClearMinimizeReductionDuringPbResolution ()
 Clears the value of the "minimize_reduction_during_pb_resolution" field.
void ClearCountAssumptionLevelsInLbd ()
 Clears the value of the "count_assumption_levels_in_lbd" field.
void ClearPresolveBveThreshold ()
 Clears the value of the "presolve_bve_threshold" field.
void ClearPresolveBveClauseWeight ()
 Clears the value of the "presolve_bve_clause_weight" field.
void ClearProbingDeterministicTimeLimit ()
 Clears the value of the "probing_deterministic_time_limit" field.
void ClearPresolveProbingDeterministicTimeLimit ()
 Clears the value of the "presolve_probing_deterministic_time_limit" field.
void ClearPresolveBlockedClause ()
 Clears the value of the "presolve_blocked_clause" field.
void ClearPresolveUseBva ()
 Clears the value of the "presolve_use_bva" field.
void ClearPresolveBvaThreshold ()
 Clears the value of the "presolve_bva_threshold" field.
void ClearMaxPresolveIterations ()
 Clears the value of the "max_presolve_iterations" field.
void ClearCpModelPresolve ()
 Clears the value of the "cp_model_presolve" field.
void ClearCpModelProbingLevel ()
 Clears the value of the "cp_model_probing_level" field.
void ClearCpModelUseSatPresolve ()
 Clears the value of the "cp_model_use_sat_presolve" field.
void ClearRemoveFixedVariablesEarly ()
 Clears the value of the "remove_fixed_variables_early" field.
void ClearDetectTableWithCost ()
 Clears the value of the "detect_table_with_cost" field.
void ClearTableCompressionLevel ()
 Clears the value of the "table_compression_level" field.
void ClearExpandAlldiffConstraints ()
 Clears the value of the "expand_alldiff_constraints" field.
void ClearExpandReservoirConstraints ()
 Clears the value of the "expand_reservoir_constraints" field.
void ClearExpandReservoirUsingCircuit ()
 Clears the value of the "expand_reservoir_using_circuit" field.
void ClearEncodeCumulativeAsReservoir ()
 Clears the value of the "encode_cumulative_as_reservoir" field.
void ClearMaxLinMaxSizeForExpansion ()
 Clears the value of the "max_lin_max_size_for_expansion" field.
void ClearDisableConstraintExpansion ()
 Clears the value of the "disable_constraint_expansion" field.
void ClearEncodeComplexLinearConstraintWithInteger ()
 Clears the value of the "encode_complex_linear_constraint_with_integer" field.
void ClearMergeNoOverlapWorkLimit ()
 Clears the value of the "merge_no_overlap_work_limit" field.
void ClearMergeAtMostOneWorkLimit ()
 Clears the value of the "merge_at_most_one_work_limit" field.
void ClearPresolveSubstitutionLevel ()
 Clears the value of the "presolve_substitution_level" field.
void ClearPresolveExtractIntegerEnforcement ()
 Clears the value of the "presolve_extract_integer_enforcement" field.
void ClearPresolveInclusionWorkLimit ()
 Clears the value of the "presolve_inclusion_work_limit" field.
void ClearIgnoreNames ()
 Clears the value of the "ignore_names" field.
void ClearInferAllDiffs ()
 Clears the value of the "infer_all_diffs" field.
void ClearFindBigLinearOverlap ()
 Clears the value of the "find_big_linear_overlap" field.
void ClearUseSatInprocessing ()
 Clears the value of the "use_sat_inprocessing" field.
void ClearInprocessingDtimeRatio ()
 Clears the value of the "inprocessing_dtime_ratio" field.
void ClearInprocessingProbingDtime ()
 Clears the value of the "inprocessing_probing_dtime" field.
void ClearInprocessingMinimizationDtime ()
 Clears the value of the "inprocessing_minimization_dtime" field.
void ClearInprocessingMinimizationUseConflictAnalysis ()
 Clears the value of the "inprocessing_minimization_use_conflict_analysis" field.
void ClearInprocessingMinimizationUseAllOrderings ()
 Clears the value of the "inprocessing_minimization_use_all_orderings" field.
void ClearNumWorkers ()
 Clears the value of the "num_workers" field.
void ClearNumSearchWorkers ()
 Clears the value of the "num_search_workers" field.
void ClearNumFullSubsolvers ()
 Clears the value of the "num_full_subsolvers" field.
void ClearInterleaveSearch ()
 Clears the value of the "interleave_search" field.
void ClearInterleaveBatchSize ()
 Clears the value of the "interleave_batch_size" field.
void ClearShareObjectiveBounds ()
 Clears the value of the "share_objective_bounds" field.
void ClearShareLevelZeroBounds ()
 Clears the value of the "share_level_zero_bounds" field.
void ClearShareBinaryClauses ()
 Clears the value of the "share_binary_clauses" field.
void ClearShareGlueClauses ()
 Clears the value of the "share_glue_clauses" field.
void ClearMinimizeSharedClauses ()
 Clears the value of the "minimize_shared_clauses" field.
void ClearDebugPostsolveWithFullSolver ()
 Clears the value of the "debug_postsolve_with_full_solver" field.
void ClearDebugMaxNumPresolveOperations ()
 Clears the value of the "debug_max_num_presolve_operations" field.
void ClearDebugCrashOnBadHint ()
 Clears the value of the "debug_crash_on_bad_hint" field.
void ClearDebugCrashIfPresolveBreaksHint ()
 Clears the value of the "debug_crash_if_presolve_breaks_hint" field.
void ClearUseOptimizationHints ()
 Clears the value of the "use_optimization_hints" field.
void ClearCoreMinimizationLevel ()
 Clears the value of the "core_minimization_level" field.
void ClearFindMultipleCores ()
 Clears the value of the "find_multiple_cores" field.
void ClearCoverOptimization ()
 Clears the value of the "cover_optimization" field.
void ClearMaxSatAssumptionOrder ()
 Clears the value of the "max_sat_assumption_order" field.
void ClearMaxSatReverseAssumptionOrder ()
 Clears the value of the "max_sat_reverse_assumption_order" field.
void ClearMaxSatStratification ()
 Clears the value of the "max_sat_stratification" field.
void ClearPropagationLoopDetectionFactor ()
 Clears the value of the "propagation_loop_detection_factor" field.
void ClearUsePrecedencesInDisjunctiveConstraint ()
 Clears the value of the "use_precedences_in_disjunctive_constraint" field.
void ClearMaxSizeToCreatePrecedenceLiteralsInDisjunctive ()
 Clears the value of the "max_size_to_create_precedence_literals_in_disjunctive" field.
void ClearUseStrongPropagationInDisjunctive ()
 Clears the value of the "use_strong_propagation_in_disjunctive" field.
void ClearUseDynamicPrecedenceInDisjunctive ()
 Clears the value of the "use_dynamic_precedence_in_disjunctive" field.
void ClearUseDynamicPrecedenceInCumulative ()
 Clears the value of the "use_dynamic_precedence_in_cumulative" field.
void ClearUseOverloadCheckerInCumulative ()
 Clears the value of the "use_overload_checker_in_cumulative" field.
void ClearUseConservativeScaleOverloadChecker ()
 Clears the value of the "use_conservative_scale_overload_checker" field.
void ClearUseTimetableEdgeFindingInCumulative ()
 Clears the value of the "use_timetable_edge_finding_in_cumulative" field.
void ClearMaxNumIntervalsForTimetableEdgeFinding ()
 Clears the value of the "max_num_intervals_for_timetable_edge_finding" field.
void ClearUseHardPrecedencesInCumulative ()
 Clears the value of the "use_hard_precedences_in_cumulative" field.
void ClearExploitAllPrecedences ()
 Clears the value of the "exploit_all_precedences" field.
void ClearUseDisjunctiveConstraintInCumulative ()
 Clears the value of the "use_disjunctive_constraint_in_cumulative" field.
void ClearUseTimetablingInNoOverlap2D ()
 Clears the value of the "use_timetabling_in_no_overlap_2d" field.
void ClearUseEnergeticReasoningInNoOverlap2D ()
 Clears the value of the "use_energetic_reasoning_in_no_overlap_2d" field.
void ClearUseAreaEnergeticReasoningInNoOverlap2D ()
 Clears the value of the "use_area_energetic_reasoning_in_no_overlap_2d" field.
void ClearUseTryEdgeReasoningInNoOverlap2D ()
 Clears the value of the "use_try_edge_reasoning_in_no_overlap_2d" field.
void ClearMaxPairsPairwiseReasoningInNoOverlap2D ()
 Clears the value of the "max_pairs_pairwise_reasoning_in_no_overlap_2d" field.
void ClearMaximumRegionsToSplitInDisconnectedNoOverlap2D ()
 Clears the value of the "maximum_regions_to_split_in_disconnected_no_overlap_2d" field.
void ClearUseDualSchedulingHeuristics ()
 Clears the value of the "use_dual_scheduling_heuristics" field.
void ClearUseAllDifferentForCircuit ()
 Clears the value of the "use_all_different_for_circuit" field.
void ClearRoutingCutSubsetSizeForBinaryRelationBound ()
 Clears the value of the "routing_cut_subset_size_for_binary_relation_bound" field.
void ClearRoutingCutSubsetSizeForTightBinaryRelationBound ()
 Clears the value of the "routing_cut_subset_size_for_tight_binary_relation_bound" field.
void ClearRoutingCutDpEffort ()
 Clears the value of the "routing_cut_dp_effort" field.
void ClearSearchBranching ()
 Clears the value of the "search_branching" field.
void ClearHintConflictLimit ()
 Clears the value of the "hint_conflict_limit" field.
void ClearRepairHint ()
 Clears the value of the "repair_hint" field.
void ClearFixVariablesToTheirHintedValue ()
 Clears the value of the "fix_variables_to_their_hinted_value" field.
void ClearUseProbingSearch ()
 Clears the value of the "use_probing_search" field.
void ClearUseExtendedProbing ()
 Clears the value of the "use_extended_probing" field.
void ClearProbingNumCombinationsLimit ()
 Clears the value of the "probing_num_combinations_limit" field.
void ClearUseShavingInProbingSearch ()
 Clears the value of the "use_shaving_in_probing_search" field.
void ClearShavingSearchDeterministicTime ()
 Clears the value of the "shaving_search_deterministic_time" field.
void ClearShavingSearchThreshold ()
 Clears the value of the "shaving_search_threshold" field.
void ClearUseObjectiveLbSearch ()
 Clears the value of the "use_objective_lb_search" field.
void ClearUseObjectiveShavingSearch ()
 Clears the value of the "use_objective_shaving_search" field.
void ClearUseVariablesShavingSearch ()
 Clears the value of the "use_variables_shaving_search" field.
void ClearPseudoCostReliabilityThreshold ()
 Clears the value of the "pseudo_cost_reliability_threshold" field.
void ClearOptimizeWithCore ()
 Clears the value of the "optimize_with_core" field.
void ClearOptimizeWithLbTreeSearch ()
 Clears the value of the "optimize_with_lb_tree_search" field.
void ClearSaveLpBasisInLbTreeSearch ()
 Clears the value of the "save_lp_basis_in_lb_tree_search" field.
void ClearBinarySearchNumConflicts ()
 Clears the value of the "binary_search_num_conflicts" field.
void ClearOptimizeWithMaxHs ()
 Clears the value of the "optimize_with_max_hs" field.
void ClearUseFeasibilityJump ()
 Clears the value of the "use_feasibility_jump" field.
void ClearUseLsOnly ()
 Clears the value of the "use_ls_only" field.
void ClearFeasibilityJumpDecay ()
 Clears the value of the "feasibility_jump_decay" field.
void ClearFeasibilityJumpLinearizationLevel ()
 Clears the value of the "feasibility_jump_linearization_level" field.
void ClearFeasibilityJumpRestartFactor ()
 Clears the value of the "feasibility_jump_restart_factor" field.
void ClearFeasibilityJumpBatchDtime ()
 Clears the value of the "feasibility_jump_batch_dtime" field.
void ClearFeasibilityJumpVarRandomizationProbability ()
 Clears the value of the "feasibility_jump_var_randomization_probability" field.
void ClearFeasibilityJumpVarPerburbationRangeRatio ()
 Clears the value of the "feasibility_jump_var_perburbation_range_ratio" field.
void ClearFeasibilityJumpEnableRestarts ()
 Clears the value of the "feasibility_jump_enable_restarts" field.
void ClearFeasibilityJumpMaxExpandedConstraintSize ()
 Clears the value of the "feasibility_jump_max_expanded_constraint_size" field.
void ClearNumViolationLs ()
 Clears the value of the "num_violation_ls" field.
void ClearViolationLsPerturbationPeriod ()
 Clears the value of the "violation_ls_perturbation_period" field.
void ClearViolationLsCompoundMoveProbability ()
 Clears the value of the "violation_ls_compound_move_probability" field.
void ClearSharedTreeNumWorkers ()
 Clears the value of the "shared_tree_num_workers" field.
void ClearUseSharedTreeSearch ()
 Clears the value of the "use_shared_tree_search" field.
void ClearSharedTreeWorkerMinRestartsPerSubtree ()
 Clears the value of the "shared_tree_worker_min_restarts_per_subtree" field.
void ClearSharedTreeWorkerEnableTrailSharing ()
 Clears the value of the "shared_tree_worker_enable_trail_sharing" field.
void ClearSharedTreeWorkerEnablePhaseSharing ()
 Clears the value of the "shared_tree_worker_enable_phase_sharing" field.
void ClearSharedTreeOpenLeavesPerWorker ()
 Clears the value of the "shared_tree_open_leaves_per_worker" field.
void ClearSharedTreeMaxNodesPerWorker ()
 Clears the value of the "shared_tree_max_nodes_per_worker" field.
void ClearSharedTreeSplitStrategy ()
 Clears the value of the "shared_tree_split_strategy" field.
void ClearSharedTreeBalanceTolerance ()
 Clears the value of the "shared_tree_balance_tolerance" field.
void ClearEnumerateAllSolutions ()
 Clears the value of the "enumerate_all_solutions" field.
void ClearKeepAllFeasibleSolutionsInPresolve ()
 Clears the value of the "keep_all_feasible_solutions_in_presolve" field.
void ClearFillTightenedDomainsInResponse ()
 Clears the value of the "fill_tightened_domains_in_response" field.
void ClearFillAdditionalSolutionsInResponse ()
 Clears the value of the "fill_additional_solutions_in_response" field.
void ClearInstantiateAllVariables ()
 Clears the value of the "instantiate_all_variables" field.
void ClearAutoDetectGreaterThanAtLeastOneOf ()
 Clears the value of the "auto_detect_greater_than_at_least_one_of" field.
void ClearStopAfterFirstSolution ()
 Clears the value of the "stop_after_first_solution" field.
void ClearStopAfterPresolve ()
 Clears the value of the "stop_after_presolve" field.
void ClearStopAfterRootPropagation ()
 Clears the value of the "stop_after_root_propagation" field.
void ClearLnsInitialDifficulty ()
 Clears the value of the "lns_initial_difficulty" field.
void ClearLnsInitialDeterministicLimit ()
 Clears the value of the "lns_initial_deterministic_limit" field.
void ClearUseLns ()
 Clears the value of the "use_lns" field.
void ClearUseLnsOnly ()
 Clears the value of the "use_lns_only" field.
void ClearSolutionPoolSize ()
 Clears the value of the "solution_pool_size" field.
void ClearUseRinsLns ()
 Clears the value of the "use_rins_lns" field.
void ClearUseFeasibilityPump ()
 Clears the value of the "use_feasibility_pump" field.
void ClearUseLbRelaxLns ()
 Clears the value of the "use_lb_relax_lns" field.
void ClearLbRelaxNumWorkersThreshold ()
 Clears the value of the "lb_relax_num_workers_threshold" field.
void ClearFpRounding ()
 Clears the value of the "fp_rounding" field.
void ClearDiversifyLnsParams ()
 Clears the value of the "diversify_lns_params" field.
void ClearRandomizeSearch ()
 Clears the value of the "randomize_search" field.
void ClearSearchRandomVariablePoolSize ()
 Clears the value of the "search_random_variable_pool_size" field.
void ClearPushAllTasksTowardStart ()
 Clears the value of the "push_all_tasks_toward_start" field.
void ClearUseOptionalVariables ()
 Clears the value of the "use_optional_variables" field.
void ClearUseExactLpReason ()
 Clears the value of the "use_exact_lp_reason" field.
void ClearUseCombinedNoOverlap ()
 Clears the value of the "use_combined_no_overlap" field.
void ClearAtMostOneMaxExpansionSize ()
 Clears the value of the "at_most_one_max_expansion_size" field.
void ClearCatchSigintSignal ()
 Clears the value of the "catch_sigint_signal" field.
void ClearUseImpliedBounds ()
 Clears the value of the "use_implied_bounds" field.
void ClearPolishLpSolution ()
 Clears the value of the "polish_lp_solution" field.
void ClearLpPrimalTolerance ()
 Clears the value of the "lp_primal_tolerance" field.
void ClearLpDualTolerance ()
 Clears the value of the "lp_dual_tolerance" field.
void ClearConvertIntervals ()
 Clears the value of the "convert_intervals" field.
void ClearSymmetryLevel ()
 Clears the value of the "symmetry_level" field.
void ClearUseSymmetryInLp ()
 Clears the value of the "use_symmetry_in_lp" field.
void ClearKeepSymmetryInPresolve ()
 Clears the value of the "keep_symmetry_in_presolve" field.
void ClearSymmetryDetectionDeterministicTimeLimit ()
 Clears the value of the "symmetry_detection_deterministic_time_limit" field.
void ClearNewLinearPropagation ()
 Clears the value of the "new_linear_propagation" field.
void ClearLinearSplitSize ()
 Clears the value of the "linear_split_size" field.
void ClearLinearizationLevel ()
 Clears the value of the "linearization_level" field.
void ClearBooleanEncodingLevel ()
 Clears the value of the "boolean_encoding_level" field.
void ClearMaxDomainSizeWhenEncodingEqNeqConstraints ()
 Clears the value of the "max_domain_size_when_encoding_eq_neq_constraints" field.
void ClearMaxNumCuts ()
 Clears the value of the "max_num_cuts" field.
void ClearCutLevel ()
 Clears the value of the "cut_level" field.
void ClearOnlyAddCutsAtLevelZero ()
 Clears the value of the "only_add_cuts_at_level_zero" field.
void ClearAddObjectiveCut ()
 Clears the value of the "add_objective_cut" field.
void ClearAddCgCuts ()
 Clears the value of the "add_cg_cuts" field.
void ClearAddMirCuts ()
 Clears the value of the "add_mir_cuts" field.
void ClearAddZeroHalfCuts ()
 Clears the value of the "add_zero_half_cuts" field.
void ClearAddCliqueCuts ()
 Clears the value of the "add_clique_cuts" field.
void ClearAddRltCuts ()
 Clears the value of the "add_rlt_cuts" field.
void ClearMaxAllDiffCutSize ()
 Clears the value of the "max_all_diff_cut_size" field.
void ClearAddLinMaxCuts ()
 Clears the value of the "add_lin_max_cuts" field.
void ClearMaxIntegerRoundingScaling ()
 Clears the value of the "max_integer_rounding_scaling" field.
void ClearAddLpConstraintsLazily ()
 Clears the value of the "add_lp_constraints_lazily" field.
void ClearRootLpIterations ()
 Clears the value of the "root_lp_iterations" field.
void ClearMinOrthogonalityForLpConstraints ()
 Clears the value of the "min_orthogonality_for_lp_constraints" field.
void ClearMaxCutRoundsAtLevelZero ()
 Clears the value of the "max_cut_rounds_at_level_zero" field.
void ClearMaxConsecutiveInactiveCount ()
 Clears the value of the "max_consecutive_inactive_count" field.
void ClearCutMaxActiveCountValue ()
 Clears the value of the "cut_max_active_count_value" field.
void ClearCutActiveCountDecay ()
 Clears the value of the "cut_active_count_decay" field.
void ClearCutCleanupTarget ()
 Clears the value of the "cut_cleanup_target" field.
void ClearNewConstraintsBatchSize ()
 Clears the value of the "new_constraints_batch_size" field.
void ClearExploitIntegerLpSolution ()
 Clears the value of the "exploit_integer_lp_solution" field.
void ClearExploitAllLpSolution ()
 Clears the value of the "exploit_all_lp_solution" field.
void ClearExploitBestSolution ()
 Clears the value of the "exploit_best_solution" field.
void ClearExploitRelaxationSolution ()
 Clears the value of the "exploit_relaxation_solution" field.
void ClearExploitObjective ()
 Clears the value of the "exploit_objective" field.
void ClearDetectLinearizedProduct ()
 Clears the value of the "detect_linearized_product" field.
void ClearMipMaxBound ()
 Clears the value of the "mip_max_bound" field.
void ClearMipVarScaling ()
 Clears the value of the "mip_var_scaling" field.
void ClearMipScaleLargeDomain ()
 Clears the value of the "mip_scale_large_domain" field.
void ClearMipAutomaticallyScaleVariables ()
 Clears the value of the "mip_automatically_scale_variables" field.
void ClearOnlySolveIp ()
 Clears the value of the "only_solve_ip" field.
void ClearMipWantedPrecision ()
 Clears the value of the "mip_wanted_precision" field.
void ClearMipMaxActivityExponent ()
 Clears the value of the "mip_max_activity_exponent" field.
void ClearMipCheckPrecision ()
 Clears the value of the "mip_check_precision" field.
void ClearMipComputeTrueObjectiveBound ()
 Clears the value of the "mip_compute_true_objective_bound" field.
void ClearMipMaxValidMagnitude ()
 Clears the value of the "mip_max_valid_magnitude" field.
void ClearMipTreatHighMagnitudeBoundsAsInfinity ()
 Clears the value of the "mip_treat_high_magnitude_bounds_as_infinity" field.
void ClearMipDropTolerance ()
 Clears the value of the "mip_drop_tolerance" field.
void ClearMipPresolveLevel ()
 Clears the value of the "mip_presolve_level" field.
override bool Equals (object other)
bool Equals (SatParameters other)
override int GetHashCode ()
override string ToString ()
void WriteTo (pb::CodedOutputStream output)
int CalculateSize ()
void MergeFrom (SatParameters other)
void MergeFrom (pb::CodedInputStream input)

Static Public Attributes

const int NameFieldNumber = 171
 Field number for the "name" field.
const int PreferredVariableOrderFieldNumber = 1
 Field number for the "preferred_variable_order" field.
const int InitialPolarityFieldNumber = 2
 Field number for the "initial_polarity" field.
const int UsePhaseSavingFieldNumber = 44
 Field number for the "use_phase_saving" field.
const int PolarityRephaseIncrementFieldNumber = 168
 Field number for the "polarity_rephase_increment" field.
const int PolarityExploitLsHintsFieldNumber = 309
 Field number for the "polarity_exploit_ls_hints" field.
const int RandomPolarityRatioFieldNumber = 45
 Field number for the "random_polarity_ratio" field.
const int RandomBranchesRatioFieldNumber = 32
 Field number for the "random_branches_ratio" field.
const int UseErwaHeuristicFieldNumber = 75
 Field number for the "use_erwa_heuristic" field.
const int InitialVariablesActivityFieldNumber = 76
 Field number for the "initial_variables_activity" field.
const int AlsoBumpVariablesInConflictReasonsFieldNumber = 77
 Field number for the "also_bump_variables_in_conflict_reasons" field.
const int MinimizationAlgorithmFieldNumber = 4
 Field number for the "minimization_algorithm" field.
const int BinaryMinimizationAlgorithmFieldNumber = 34
 Field number for the "binary_minimization_algorithm" field.
const int SubsumptionDuringConflictAnalysisFieldNumber = 56
 Field number for the "subsumption_during_conflict_analysis" field.
const int ClauseCleanupPeriodFieldNumber = 11
 Field number for the "clause_cleanup_period" field.
const int ClauseCleanupTargetFieldNumber = 13
 Field number for the "clause_cleanup_target" field.
const int ClauseCleanupRatioFieldNumber = 190
 Field number for the "clause_cleanup_ratio" field.
const int ClauseCleanupProtectionFieldNumber = 58
 Field number for the "clause_cleanup_protection" field.
const int ClauseCleanupLbdBoundFieldNumber = 59
 Field number for the "clause_cleanup_lbd_bound" field.
const int ClauseCleanupOrderingFieldNumber = 60
 Field number for the "clause_cleanup_ordering" field.
const int PbCleanupIncrementFieldNumber = 46
 Field number for the "pb_cleanup_increment" field.
const int PbCleanupRatioFieldNumber = 47
 Field number for the "pb_cleanup_ratio" field.
const int VariableActivityDecayFieldNumber = 15
 Field number for the "variable_activity_decay" field.
const int MaxVariableActivityValueFieldNumber = 16
 Field number for the "max_variable_activity_value" field.
const int GlucoseMaxDecayFieldNumber = 22
 Field number for the "glucose_max_decay" field.
const int GlucoseDecayIncrementFieldNumber = 23
 Field number for the "glucose_decay_increment" field.
const int GlucoseDecayIncrementPeriodFieldNumber = 24
 Field number for the "glucose_decay_increment_period" field.
const int ClauseActivityDecayFieldNumber = 17
 Field number for the "clause_activity_decay" field.
const int MaxClauseActivityValueFieldNumber = 18
 Field number for the "max_clause_activity_value" field.
const int RestartAlgorithmsFieldNumber = 61
 Field number for the "restart_algorithms" field.
const int DefaultRestartAlgorithmsFieldNumber = 70
 Field number for the "default_restart_algorithms" field.
const int RestartPeriodFieldNumber = 30
 Field number for the "restart_period" field.
const int RestartRunningWindowSizeFieldNumber = 62
 Field number for the "restart_running_window_size" field.
const int RestartDlAverageRatioFieldNumber = 63
 Field number for the "restart_dl_average_ratio" field.
const int RestartLbdAverageRatioFieldNumber = 71
 Field number for the "restart_lbd_average_ratio" field.
const int UseBlockingRestartFieldNumber = 64
 Field number for the "use_blocking_restart" field.
const int BlockingRestartWindowSizeFieldNumber = 65
 Field number for the "blocking_restart_window_size" field.
const int BlockingRestartMultiplierFieldNumber = 66
 Field number for the "blocking_restart_multiplier" field.
const int NumConflictsBeforeStrategyChangesFieldNumber = 68
 Field number for the "num_conflicts_before_strategy_changes" field.
const int StrategyChangeIncreaseRatioFieldNumber = 69
 Field number for the "strategy_change_increase_ratio" field.
const int MaxTimeInSecondsFieldNumber = 36
 Field number for the "max_time_in_seconds" field.
const int MaxDeterministicTimeFieldNumber = 67
 Field number for the "max_deterministic_time" field.
const int MaxNumDeterministicBatchesFieldNumber = 291
 Field number for the "max_num_deterministic_batches" field.
const int MaxNumberOfConflictsFieldNumber = 37
 Field number for the "max_number_of_conflicts" field.
const int MaxMemoryInMbFieldNumber = 40
 Field number for the "max_memory_in_mb" field.
const int AbsoluteGapLimitFieldNumber = 159
 Field number for the "absolute_gap_limit" field.
const int RelativeGapLimitFieldNumber = 160
 Field number for the "relative_gap_limit" field.
const int RandomSeedFieldNumber = 31
 Field number for the "random_seed" field.
const int PermuteVariableRandomlyFieldNumber = 178
 Field number for the "permute_variable_randomly" field.
const int PermutePresolveConstraintOrderFieldNumber = 179
 Field number for the "permute_presolve_constraint_order" field.
const int UseAbslRandomFieldNumber = 180
 Field number for the "use_absl_random" field.
const int LogSearchProgressFieldNumber = 41
 Field number for the "log_search_progress" field.
const int LogSubsolverStatisticsFieldNumber = 189
 Field number for the "log_subsolver_statistics" field.
const int LogPrefixFieldNumber = 185
 Field number for the "log_prefix" field.
const int LogToStdoutFieldNumber = 186
 Field number for the "log_to_stdout" field.
const int LogToResponseFieldNumber = 187
 Field number for the "log_to_response" field.
const int UsePbResolutionFieldNumber = 43
 Field number for the "use_pb_resolution" field.
const int MinimizeReductionDuringPbResolutionFieldNumber = 48
 Field number for the "minimize_reduction_during_pb_resolution" field.
const int CountAssumptionLevelsInLbdFieldNumber = 49
 Field number for the "count_assumption_levels_in_lbd" field.
const int PresolveBveThresholdFieldNumber = 54
 Field number for the "presolve_bve_threshold" field.
const int PresolveBveClauseWeightFieldNumber = 55
 Field number for the "presolve_bve_clause_weight" field.
const int ProbingDeterministicTimeLimitFieldNumber = 226
 Field number for the "probing_deterministic_time_limit" field.
const int PresolveProbingDeterministicTimeLimitFieldNumber = 57
 Field number for the "presolve_probing_deterministic_time_limit" field.
const int PresolveBlockedClauseFieldNumber = 88
 Field number for the "presolve_blocked_clause" field.
const int PresolveUseBvaFieldNumber = 72
 Field number for the "presolve_use_bva" field.
const int PresolveBvaThresholdFieldNumber = 73
 Field number for the "presolve_bva_threshold" field.
const int MaxPresolveIterationsFieldNumber = 138
 Field number for the "max_presolve_iterations" field.
const int CpModelPresolveFieldNumber = 86
 Field number for the "cp_model_presolve" field.
const int CpModelProbingLevelFieldNumber = 110
 Field number for the "cp_model_probing_level" field.
const int CpModelUseSatPresolveFieldNumber = 93
 Field number for the "cp_model_use_sat_presolve" field.
const int RemoveFixedVariablesEarlyFieldNumber = 310
 Field number for the "remove_fixed_variables_early" field.
const int DetectTableWithCostFieldNumber = 216
 Field number for the "detect_table_with_cost" field.
const int TableCompressionLevelFieldNumber = 217
 Field number for the "table_compression_level" field.
const int ExpandAlldiffConstraintsFieldNumber = 170
 Field number for the "expand_alldiff_constraints" field.
const int ExpandReservoirConstraintsFieldNumber = 182
 Field number for the "expand_reservoir_constraints" field.
const int ExpandReservoirUsingCircuitFieldNumber = 288
 Field number for the "expand_reservoir_using_circuit" field.
const int EncodeCumulativeAsReservoirFieldNumber = 287
 Field number for the "encode_cumulative_as_reservoir" field.
const int MaxLinMaxSizeForExpansionFieldNumber = 280
 Field number for the "max_lin_max_size_for_expansion" field.
const int DisableConstraintExpansionFieldNumber = 181
 Field number for the "disable_constraint_expansion" field.
const int EncodeComplexLinearConstraintWithIntegerFieldNumber = 223
 Field number for the "encode_complex_linear_constraint_with_integer" field.
const int MergeNoOverlapWorkLimitFieldNumber = 145
 Field number for the "merge_no_overlap_work_limit" field.
const int MergeAtMostOneWorkLimitFieldNumber = 146
 Field number for the "merge_at_most_one_work_limit" field.
const int PresolveSubstitutionLevelFieldNumber = 147
 Field number for the "presolve_substitution_level" field.
const int PresolveExtractIntegerEnforcementFieldNumber = 174
 Field number for the "presolve_extract_integer_enforcement" field.
const int PresolveInclusionWorkLimitFieldNumber = 201
 Field number for the "presolve_inclusion_work_limit" field.
const int IgnoreNamesFieldNumber = 202
 Field number for the "ignore_names" field.
const int InferAllDiffsFieldNumber = 233
 Field number for the "infer_all_diffs" field.
const int FindBigLinearOverlapFieldNumber = 234
 Field number for the "find_big_linear_overlap" field.
const int UseSatInprocessingFieldNumber = 163
 Field number for the "use_sat_inprocessing" field.
const int InprocessingDtimeRatioFieldNumber = 273
 Field number for the "inprocessing_dtime_ratio" field.
const int InprocessingProbingDtimeFieldNumber = 274
 Field number for the "inprocessing_probing_dtime" field.
const int InprocessingMinimizationDtimeFieldNumber = 275
 Field number for the "inprocessing_minimization_dtime" field.
const int InprocessingMinimizationUseConflictAnalysisFieldNumber = 297
 Field number for the "inprocessing_minimization_use_conflict_analysis" field.
const int InprocessingMinimizationUseAllOrderingsFieldNumber = 298
 Field number for the "inprocessing_minimization_use_all_orderings" field.
const int NumWorkersFieldNumber = 206
 Field number for the "num_workers" field.
const int NumSearchWorkersFieldNumber = 100
 Field number for the "num_search_workers" field.
const int NumFullSubsolversFieldNumber = 294
 Field number for the "num_full_subsolvers" field.
const int SubsolversFieldNumber = 207
 Field number for the "subsolvers" field.
const int ExtraSubsolversFieldNumber = 219
 Field number for the "extra_subsolvers" field.
const int IgnoreSubsolversFieldNumber = 209
 Field number for the "ignore_subsolvers" field.
const int FilterSubsolversFieldNumber = 293
 Field number for the "filter_subsolvers" field.
const int SubsolverParamsFieldNumber = 210
 Field number for the "subsolver_params" field.
const int InterleaveSearchFieldNumber = 136
 Field number for the "interleave_search" field.
const int InterleaveBatchSizeFieldNumber = 134
 Field number for the "interleave_batch_size" field.
const int ShareObjectiveBoundsFieldNumber = 113
 Field number for the "share_objective_bounds" field.
const int ShareLevelZeroBoundsFieldNumber = 114
 Field number for the "share_level_zero_bounds" field.
const int ShareBinaryClausesFieldNumber = 203
 Field number for the "share_binary_clauses" field.
const int ShareGlueClausesFieldNumber = 285
 Field number for the "share_glue_clauses" field.
const int MinimizeSharedClausesFieldNumber = 300
 Field number for the "minimize_shared_clauses" field.
const int DebugPostsolveWithFullSolverFieldNumber = 162
 Field number for the "debug_postsolve_with_full_solver" field.
const int DebugMaxNumPresolveOperationsFieldNumber = 151
 Field number for the "debug_max_num_presolve_operations" field.
const int DebugCrashOnBadHintFieldNumber = 195
 Field number for the "debug_crash_on_bad_hint" field.
const int DebugCrashIfPresolveBreaksHintFieldNumber = 306
 Field number for the "debug_crash_if_presolve_breaks_hint" field.
const int UseOptimizationHintsFieldNumber = 35
 Field number for the "use_optimization_hints" field.
const int CoreMinimizationLevelFieldNumber = 50
 Field number for the "core_minimization_level" field.
const int FindMultipleCoresFieldNumber = 84
 Field number for the "find_multiple_cores" field.
const int CoverOptimizationFieldNumber = 89
 Field number for the "cover_optimization" field.
const int MaxSatAssumptionOrderFieldNumber = 51
 Field number for the "max_sat_assumption_order" field.
const int MaxSatReverseAssumptionOrderFieldNumber = 52
 Field number for the "max_sat_reverse_assumption_order" field.
const int MaxSatStratificationFieldNumber = 53
 Field number for the "max_sat_stratification" field.
const int PropagationLoopDetectionFactorFieldNumber = 221
 Field number for the "propagation_loop_detection_factor" field.
const int UsePrecedencesInDisjunctiveConstraintFieldNumber = 74
 Field number for the "use_precedences_in_disjunctive_constraint" field.
const int MaxSizeToCreatePrecedenceLiteralsInDisjunctiveFieldNumber = 229
 Field number for the "max_size_to_create_precedence_literals_in_disjunctive" field.
const int UseStrongPropagationInDisjunctiveFieldNumber = 230
 Field number for the "use_strong_propagation_in_disjunctive" field.
const int UseDynamicPrecedenceInDisjunctiveFieldNumber = 263
 Field number for the "use_dynamic_precedence_in_disjunctive" field.
const int UseDynamicPrecedenceInCumulativeFieldNumber = 268
 Field number for the "use_dynamic_precedence_in_cumulative" field.
const int UseOverloadCheckerInCumulativeFieldNumber = 78
 Field number for the "use_overload_checker_in_cumulative" field.
const int UseConservativeScaleOverloadCheckerFieldNumber = 286
 Field number for the "use_conservative_scale_overload_checker" field.
const int UseTimetableEdgeFindingInCumulativeFieldNumber = 79
 Field number for the "use_timetable_edge_finding_in_cumulative" field.
const int MaxNumIntervalsForTimetableEdgeFindingFieldNumber = 260
 Field number for the "max_num_intervals_for_timetable_edge_finding" field.
const int UseHardPrecedencesInCumulativeFieldNumber = 215
 Field number for the "use_hard_precedences_in_cumulative" field.
const int ExploitAllPrecedencesFieldNumber = 220
 Field number for the "exploit_all_precedences" field.
const int UseDisjunctiveConstraintInCumulativeFieldNumber = 80
 Field number for the "use_disjunctive_constraint_in_cumulative" field.
const int UseTimetablingInNoOverlap2DFieldNumber = 200
 Field number for the "use_timetabling_in_no_overlap_2d" field.
const int UseEnergeticReasoningInNoOverlap2DFieldNumber = 213
 Field number for the "use_energetic_reasoning_in_no_overlap_2d" field.
const int UseAreaEnergeticReasoningInNoOverlap2DFieldNumber = 271
 Field number for the "use_area_energetic_reasoning_in_no_overlap_2d" field.
const int UseTryEdgeReasoningInNoOverlap2DFieldNumber = 299
 Field number for the "use_try_edge_reasoning_in_no_overlap_2d" field.
const int MaxPairsPairwiseReasoningInNoOverlap2DFieldNumber = 276
 Field number for the "max_pairs_pairwise_reasoning_in_no_overlap_2d" field.
const int MaximumRegionsToSplitInDisconnectedNoOverlap2DFieldNumber = 315
 Field number for the "maximum_regions_to_split_in_disconnected_no_overlap_2d" field.
const int UseDualSchedulingHeuristicsFieldNumber = 214
 Field number for the "use_dual_scheduling_heuristics" field.
const int UseAllDifferentForCircuitFieldNumber = 311
 Field number for the "use_all_different_for_circuit" field.
const int RoutingCutSubsetSizeForBinaryRelationBoundFieldNumber = 312
 Field number for the "routing_cut_subset_size_for_binary_relation_bound" field.
const int RoutingCutSubsetSizeForTightBinaryRelationBoundFieldNumber = 313
 Field number for the "routing_cut_subset_size_for_tight_binary_relation_bound" field.
const int RoutingCutDpEffortFieldNumber = 314
 Field number for the "routing_cut_dp_effort" field.
const int SearchBranchingFieldNumber = 82
 Field number for the "search_branching" field.
const int HintConflictLimitFieldNumber = 153
 Field number for the "hint_conflict_limit" field.
const int RepairHintFieldNumber = 167
 Field number for the "repair_hint" field.
const int FixVariablesToTheirHintedValueFieldNumber = 192
 Field number for the "fix_variables_to_their_hinted_value" field.
const int UseProbingSearchFieldNumber = 176
 Field number for the "use_probing_search" field.
const int UseExtendedProbingFieldNumber = 269
 Field number for the "use_extended_probing" field.
const int ProbingNumCombinationsLimitFieldNumber = 272
 Field number for the "probing_num_combinations_limit" field.
const int UseShavingInProbingSearchFieldNumber = 204
 Field number for the "use_shaving_in_probing_search" field.
const int ShavingSearchDeterministicTimeFieldNumber = 205
 Field number for the "shaving_search_deterministic_time" field.
const int ShavingSearchThresholdFieldNumber = 290
 Field number for the "shaving_search_threshold" field.
const int UseObjectiveLbSearchFieldNumber = 228
 Field number for the "use_objective_lb_search" field.
const int UseObjectiveShavingSearchFieldNumber = 253
 Field number for the "use_objective_shaving_search" field.
const int UseVariablesShavingSearchFieldNumber = 289
 Field number for the "use_variables_shaving_search" field.
const int PseudoCostReliabilityThresholdFieldNumber = 123
 Field number for the "pseudo_cost_reliability_threshold" field.
const int OptimizeWithCoreFieldNumber = 83
 Field number for the "optimize_with_core" field.
const int OptimizeWithLbTreeSearchFieldNumber = 188
 Field number for the "optimize_with_lb_tree_search" field.
const int SaveLpBasisInLbTreeSearchFieldNumber = 284
 Field number for the "save_lp_basis_in_lb_tree_search" field.
const int BinarySearchNumConflictsFieldNumber = 99
 Field number for the "binary_search_num_conflicts" field.
const int OptimizeWithMaxHsFieldNumber = 85
 Field number for the "optimize_with_max_hs" field.
const int UseFeasibilityJumpFieldNumber = 265
 Field number for the "use_feasibility_jump" field.
const int UseLsOnlyFieldNumber = 240
 Field number for the "use_ls_only" field.
const int FeasibilityJumpDecayFieldNumber = 242
 Field number for the "feasibility_jump_decay" field.
const int FeasibilityJumpLinearizationLevelFieldNumber = 257
 Field number for the "feasibility_jump_linearization_level" field.
const int FeasibilityJumpRestartFactorFieldNumber = 258
 Field number for the "feasibility_jump_restart_factor" field.
const int FeasibilityJumpBatchDtimeFieldNumber = 292
 Field number for the "feasibility_jump_batch_dtime" field.
const int FeasibilityJumpVarRandomizationProbabilityFieldNumber = 247
 Field number for the "feasibility_jump_var_randomization_probability" field.
const int FeasibilityJumpVarPerburbationRangeRatioFieldNumber = 248
 Field number for the "feasibility_jump_var_perburbation_range_ratio" field.
const int FeasibilityJumpEnableRestartsFieldNumber = 250
 Field number for the "feasibility_jump_enable_restarts" field.
const int FeasibilityJumpMaxExpandedConstraintSizeFieldNumber = 264
 Field number for the "feasibility_jump_max_expanded_constraint_size" field.
const int NumViolationLsFieldNumber = 244
 Field number for the "num_violation_ls" field.
const int ViolationLsPerturbationPeriodFieldNumber = 249
 Field number for the "violation_ls_perturbation_period" field.
const int ViolationLsCompoundMoveProbabilityFieldNumber = 259
 Field number for the "violation_ls_compound_move_probability" field.
const int SharedTreeNumWorkersFieldNumber = 235
 Field number for the "shared_tree_num_workers" field.
const int UseSharedTreeSearchFieldNumber = 236
 Field number for the "use_shared_tree_search" field.
const int SharedTreeWorkerMinRestartsPerSubtreeFieldNumber = 282
 Field number for the "shared_tree_worker_min_restarts_per_subtree" field.
const int SharedTreeWorkerEnableTrailSharingFieldNumber = 295
 Field number for the "shared_tree_worker_enable_trail_sharing" field.
const int SharedTreeWorkerEnablePhaseSharingFieldNumber = 304
 Field number for the "shared_tree_worker_enable_phase_sharing" field.
const int SharedTreeOpenLeavesPerWorkerFieldNumber = 281
 Field number for the "shared_tree_open_leaves_per_worker" field.
const int SharedTreeMaxNodesPerWorkerFieldNumber = 238
 Field number for the "shared_tree_max_nodes_per_worker" field.
const int SharedTreeSplitStrategyFieldNumber = 239
 Field number for the "shared_tree_split_strategy" field.
const int SharedTreeBalanceToleranceFieldNumber = 305
 Field number for the "shared_tree_balance_tolerance" field.
const int EnumerateAllSolutionsFieldNumber = 87
 Field number for the "enumerate_all_solutions" field.
const int KeepAllFeasibleSolutionsInPresolveFieldNumber = 173
 Field number for the "keep_all_feasible_solutions_in_presolve" field.
const int FillTightenedDomainsInResponseFieldNumber = 132
 Field number for the "fill_tightened_domains_in_response" field.
const int FillAdditionalSolutionsInResponseFieldNumber = 194
 Field number for the "fill_additional_solutions_in_response" field.
const int InstantiateAllVariablesFieldNumber = 106
 Field number for the "instantiate_all_variables" field.
const int AutoDetectGreaterThanAtLeastOneOfFieldNumber = 95
 Field number for the "auto_detect_greater_than_at_least_one_of" field.
const int StopAfterFirstSolutionFieldNumber = 98
 Field number for the "stop_after_first_solution" field.
const int StopAfterPresolveFieldNumber = 149
 Field number for the "stop_after_presolve" field.
const int StopAfterRootPropagationFieldNumber = 252
 Field number for the "stop_after_root_propagation" field.
const int LnsInitialDifficultyFieldNumber = 307
 Field number for the "lns_initial_difficulty" field.
const int LnsInitialDeterministicLimitFieldNumber = 308
 Field number for the "lns_initial_deterministic_limit" field.
const int UseLnsFieldNumber = 283
 Field number for the "use_lns" field.
const int UseLnsOnlyFieldNumber = 101
 Field number for the "use_lns_only" field.
const int SolutionPoolSizeFieldNumber = 193
 Field number for the "solution_pool_size" field.
const int UseRinsLnsFieldNumber = 129
 Field number for the "use_rins_lns" field.
const int UseFeasibilityPumpFieldNumber = 164
 Field number for the "use_feasibility_pump" field.
const int UseLbRelaxLnsFieldNumber = 255
 Field number for the "use_lb_relax_lns" field.
const int LbRelaxNumWorkersThresholdFieldNumber = 296
 Field number for the "lb_relax_num_workers_threshold" field.
const int FpRoundingFieldNumber = 165
 Field number for the "fp_rounding" field.
const int DiversifyLnsParamsFieldNumber = 137
 Field number for the "diversify_lns_params" field.
const int RandomizeSearchFieldNumber = 103
 Field number for the "randomize_search" field.
const int SearchRandomVariablePoolSizeFieldNumber = 104
 Field number for the "search_random_variable_pool_size" field.
const int PushAllTasksTowardStartFieldNumber = 262
 Field number for the "push_all_tasks_toward_start" field.
const int UseOptionalVariablesFieldNumber = 108
 Field number for the "use_optional_variables" field.
const int UseExactLpReasonFieldNumber = 109
 Field number for the "use_exact_lp_reason" field.
const int UseCombinedNoOverlapFieldNumber = 133
 Field number for the "use_combined_no_overlap" field.
const int AtMostOneMaxExpansionSizeFieldNumber = 270
 Field number for the "at_most_one_max_expansion_size" field.
const int CatchSigintSignalFieldNumber = 135
 Field number for the "catch_sigint_signal" field.
const int UseImpliedBoundsFieldNumber = 144
 Field number for the "use_implied_bounds" field.
const int PolishLpSolutionFieldNumber = 175
 Field number for the "polish_lp_solution" field.
const int LpPrimalToleranceFieldNumber = 266
 Field number for the "lp_primal_tolerance" field.
const int LpDualToleranceFieldNumber = 267
 Field number for the "lp_dual_tolerance" field.
const int ConvertIntervalsFieldNumber = 177
 Field number for the "convert_intervals" field.
const int SymmetryLevelFieldNumber = 183
 Field number for the "symmetry_level" field.
const int UseSymmetryInLpFieldNumber = 301
 Field number for the "use_symmetry_in_lp" field.
const int KeepSymmetryInPresolveFieldNumber = 303
 Field number for the "keep_symmetry_in_presolve" field.
const int SymmetryDetectionDeterministicTimeLimitFieldNumber = 302
 Field number for the "symmetry_detection_deterministic_time_limit" field.
const int NewLinearPropagationFieldNumber = 224
 Field number for the "new_linear_propagation" field.
const int LinearSplitSizeFieldNumber = 256
 Field number for the "linear_split_size" field.
const int LinearizationLevelFieldNumber = 90
 Field number for the "linearization_level" field.
const int BooleanEncodingLevelFieldNumber = 107
 Field number for the "boolean_encoding_level" field.
const int MaxDomainSizeWhenEncodingEqNeqConstraintsFieldNumber = 191
 Field number for the "max_domain_size_when_encoding_eq_neq_constraints" field.
const int MaxNumCutsFieldNumber = 91
 Field number for the "max_num_cuts" field.
const int CutLevelFieldNumber = 196
 Field number for the "cut_level" field.
const int OnlyAddCutsAtLevelZeroFieldNumber = 92
 Field number for the "only_add_cuts_at_level_zero" field.
const int AddObjectiveCutFieldNumber = 197
 Field number for the "add_objective_cut" field.
const int AddCgCutsFieldNumber = 117
 Field number for the "add_cg_cuts" field.
const int AddMirCutsFieldNumber = 120
 Field number for the "add_mir_cuts" field.
const int AddZeroHalfCutsFieldNumber = 169
 Field number for the "add_zero_half_cuts" field.
const int AddCliqueCutsFieldNumber = 172
 Field number for the "add_clique_cuts" field.
const int AddRltCutsFieldNumber = 279
 Field number for the "add_rlt_cuts" field.
const int MaxAllDiffCutSizeFieldNumber = 148
 Field number for the "max_all_diff_cut_size" field.
const int AddLinMaxCutsFieldNumber = 152
 Field number for the "add_lin_max_cuts" field.
const int MaxIntegerRoundingScalingFieldNumber = 119
 Field number for the "max_integer_rounding_scaling" field.
const int AddLpConstraintsLazilyFieldNumber = 112
 Field number for the "add_lp_constraints_lazily" field.
const int RootLpIterationsFieldNumber = 227
 Field number for the "root_lp_iterations" field.
const int MinOrthogonalityForLpConstraintsFieldNumber = 115
 Field number for the "min_orthogonality_for_lp_constraints" field.
const int MaxCutRoundsAtLevelZeroFieldNumber = 154
 Field number for the "max_cut_rounds_at_level_zero" field.
const int MaxConsecutiveInactiveCountFieldNumber = 121
 Field number for the "max_consecutive_inactive_count" field.
const int CutMaxActiveCountValueFieldNumber = 155
 Field number for the "cut_max_active_count_value" field.
const int CutActiveCountDecayFieldNumber = 156
 Field number for the "cut_active_count_decay" field.
const int CutCleanupTargetFieldNumber = 157
 Field number for the "cut_cleanup_target" field.
const int NewConstraintsBatchSizeFieldNumber = 122
 Field number for the "new_constraints_batch_size" field.
const int ExploitIntegerLpSolutionFieldNumber = 94
 Field number for the "exploit_integer_lp_solution" field.
const int ExploitAllLpSolutionFieldNumber = 116
 Field number for the "exploit_all_lp_solution" field.
const int ExploitBestSolutionFieldNumber = 130
 Field number for the "exploit_best_solution" field.
const int ExploitRelaxationSolutionFieldNumber = 161
 Field number for the "exploit_relaxation_solution" field.
const int ExploitObjectiveFieldNumber = 131
 Field number for the "exploit_objective" field.
const int DetectLinearizedProductFieldNumber = 277
 Field number for the "detect_linearized_product" field.
const int MipMaxBoundFieldNumber = 124
 Field number for the "mip_max_bound" field.
const int MipVarScalingFieldNumber = 125
 Field number for the "mip_var_scaling" field.
const int MipScaleLargeDomainFieldNumber = 225
 Field number for the "mip_scale_large_domain" field.
const int MipAutomaticallyScaleVariablesFieldNumber = 166
 Field number for the "mip_automatically_scale_variables" field.
const int OnlySolveIpFieldNumber = 222
 Field number for the "only_solve_ip" field.
const int MipWantedPrecisionFieldNumber = 126
 Field number for the "mip_wanted_precision" field.
const int MipMaxActivityExponentFieldNumber = 127
 Field number for the "mip_max_activity_exponent" field.
const int MipCheckPrecisionFieldNumber = 128
 Field number for the "mip_check_precision" field.
const int MipComputeTrueObjectiveBoundFieldNumber = 198
 Field number for the "mip_compute_true_objective_bound" field.
const int MipMaxValidMagnitudeFieldNumber = 199
 Field number for the "mip_max_valid_magnitude" field.
const int MipTreatHighMagnitudeBoundsAsInfinityFieldNumber = 278
 Field number for the "mip_treat_high_magnitude_bounds_as_infinity" field.
const int MipDropToleranceFieldNumber = 232
 Field number for the "mip_drop_tolerance" field.
const int MipPresolveLevelFieldNumber = 261
 Field number for the "mip_presolve_level" field.


static pb::MessageParser< SatParametersParser [get]
static pbr::MessageDescriptor Descriptor [get]
string Name [get, set]
 In some context, like in a portfolio of search, it makes sense to name a given parameters set for logging purpose.
bool HasName [get]
 Gets whether the "name" field is set.
global::Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.Types.VariableOrder PreferredVariableOrder [get, set]
bool HasPreferredVariableOrder [get]
 Gets whether the "preferred_variable_order" field is set.
global::Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.Types.Polarity InitialPolarity [get, set]
bool HasInitialPolarity [get]
 Gets whether the "initial_polarity" field is set.
bool UsePhaseSaving [get, set]
 If this is true, then the polarity of a variable will be the last value it was assigned to, or its default polarity if it was never assigned since the call to ResetDecisionHeuristic().
bool HasUsePhaseSaving [get]
 Gets whether the "use_phase_saving" field is set.
int PolarityRephaseIncrement [get, set]
 If non-zero, then we change the polarity heuristic after that many number of conflicts in an arithmetically increasing fashion. So x the first time, 2 * x the second time, etc...
bool HasPolarityRephaseIncrement [get]
 Gets whether the "polarity_rephase_increment" field is set.
bool PolarityExploitLsHints [get, set]
 If true and we have first solution LS workers, tries in some phase to follow a LS solutions that violates has litle constraints as possible.
bool HasPolarityExploitLsHints [get]
 Gets whether the "polarity_exploit_ls_hints" field is set.
double RandomPolarityRatio [get, set]
 The proportion of polarity chosen at random. Note that this take precedence over the phase saving heuristic. This is different from initial_polarity:POLARITY_RANDOM because it will select a new random polarity each time the variable is branched upon instead of selecting one initially and then always taking this choice.
bool HasRandomPolarityRatio [get]
 Gets whether the "random_polarity_ratio" field is set.
double RandomBranchesRatio [get, set]
 A number between 0 and 1 that indicates the proportion of branching variables that are selected randomly instead of choosing the first variable from the given variable_ordering strategy.
bool HasRandomBranchesRatio [get]
 Gets whether the "random_branches_ratio" field is set.
bool UseErwaHeuristic [get, set]
 Whether we use the ERWA (Exponential Recency Weighted Average) heuristic as described in "Learning Rate Based Branching Heuristic for SAT solvers", J.H.Liang, V. Ganesh, P. Poupart, K.Czarnecki, SAT 2016.
bool HasUseErwaHeuristic [get]
 Gets whether the "use_erwa_heuristic" field is set.
double InitialVariablesActivity [get, set]
 The initial value of the variables activity. A non-zero value only make sense when use_erwa_heuristic is true. Experiments with a value of 1e-2 together with the ERWA heuristic showed slighthly better result than simply using zero. The idea is that when the "learning rate" of a variable becomes lower than this value, then we prefer to branch on never explored before variables. This is not in the ERWA paper.
bool HasInitialVariablesActivity [get]
 Gets whether the "initial_variables_activity" field is set.
bool AlsoBumpVariablesInConflictReasons [get, set]
 When this is true, then the variables that appear in any of the reason of the variables in a conflict have their activity bumped. This is addition to the variables in the conflict, and the one that were used during conflict resolution.
bool HasAlsoBumpVariablesInConflictReasons [get]
 Gets whether the "also_bump_variables_in_conflict_reasons" field is set.
global::Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.Types.ConflictMinimizationAlgorithm MinimizationAlgorithm [get, set]
bool HasMinimizationAlgorithm [get]
 Gets whether the "minimization_algorithm" field is set.
global::Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.Types.BinaryMinizationAlgorithm BinaryMinimizationAlgorithm [get, set]
bool HasBinaryMinimizationAlgorithm [get]
 Gets whether the "binary_minimization_algorithm" field is set.
bool SubsumptionDuringConflictAnalysis [get, set]
 At a really low cost, during the 1-UIP conflict computation, it is easy to detect if some of the involved reasons are subsumed by the current conflict. When this is true, such clauses are detached and later removed from the problem.
bool HasSubsumptionDuringConflictAnalysis [get]
 Gets whether the "subsumption_during_conflict_analysis" field is set.
int ClauseCleanupPeriod [get, set]
 Trigger a cleanup when this number of "deletable" clauses is learned.
bool HasClauseCleanupPeriod [get]
 Gets whether the "clause_cleanup_period" field is set.
int ClauseCleanupTarget [get, set]
 During a cleanup, we will always keep that number of "deletable" clauses.
bool HasClauseCleanupTarget [get]
 Gets whether the "clause_cleanup_target" field is set.
double ClauseCleanupRatio [get, set]
 During a cleanup, if clause_cleanup_target is 0, we will delete the clause_cleanup_ratio of "deletable" clauses instead of aiming for a fixed target of clauses to keep.
bool HasClauseCleanupRatio [get]
 Gets whether the "clause_cleanup_ratio" field is set.
global::Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.Types.ClauseProtection ClauseCleanupProtection [get, set]
bool HasClauseCleanupProtection [get]
 Gets whether the "clause_cleanup_protection" field is set.
int ClauseCleanupLbdBound [get, set]
 All the clauses with a LBD (literal blocks distance) lower or equal to this parameters will always be kept.
bool HasClauseCleanupLbdBound [get]
 Gets whether the "clause_cleanup_lbd_bound" field is set.
global::Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.Types.ClauseOrdering ClauseCleanupOrdering [get, set]
bool HasClauseCleanupOrdering [get]
 Gets whether the "clause_cleanup_ordering" field is set.
int PbCleanupIncrement [get, set]
 Same as for the clauses, but for the learned pseudo-Boolean constraints.
bool HasPbCleanupIncrement [get]
 Gets whether the "pb_cleanup_increment" field is set.
double PbCleanupRatio [get, set]
bool HasPbCleanupRatio [get]
 Gets whether the "pb_cleanup_ratio" field is set.
double VariableActivityDecay [get, set]
 Each time a conflict is found, the activities of some variables are increased by one. Then, the activity of all variables are multiplied by variable_activity_decay.
bool HasVariableActivityDecay [get]
 Gets whether the "variable_activity_decay" field is set.
double MaxVariableActivityValue [get, set]
bool HasMaxVariableActivityValue [get]
 Gets whether the "max_variable_activity_value" field is set.
double GlucoseMaxDecay [get, set]
 The activity starts at 0.8 and increment by 0.01 every 5000 conflicts until 0.95. This "hack" seems to work well and comes from:
bool HasGlucoseMaxDecay [get]
 Gets whether the "glucose_max_decay" field is set.
double GlucoseDecayIncrement [get, set]
bool HasGlucoseDecayIncrement [get]
 Gets whether the "glucose_decay_increment" field is set.
int GlucoseDecayIncrementPeriod [get, set]
bool HasGlucoseDecayIncrementPeriod [get]
 Gets whether the "glucose_decay_increment_period" field is set.
double ClauseActivityDecay [get, set]
 Clause activity parameters (same effect as the one on the variables).
bool HasClauseActivityDecay [get]
 Gets whether the "clause_activity_decay" field is set.
double MaxClauseActivityValue [get, set]
bool HasMaxClauseActivityValue [get]
 Gets whether the "max_clause_activity_value" field is set.
pbc::RepeatedField< global::Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.Types.RestartAlgorithm > RestartAlgorithms [get]
 The restart strategies will change each time the strategy_counter is increased. The current strategy will simply be the one at index strategy_counter modulo the number of strategy. Note that if this list includes a NO_RESTART, nothing will change when it is reached because the strategy_counter will only increment after a restart.
string DefaultRestartAlgorithms [get, set]
bool HasDefaultRestartAlgorithms [get]
 Gets whether the "default_restart_algorithms" field is set.
int RestartPeriod [get, set]
 Restart period for the FIXED_RESTART strategy. This is also the multiplier used by the LUBY_RESTART strategy.
bool HasRestartPeriod [get]
 Gets whether the "restart_period" field is set.
int RestartRunningWindowSize [get, set]
 Size of the window for the moving average restarts.
bool HasRestartRunningWindowSize [get]
 Gets whether the "restart_running_window_size" field is set.
double RestartDlAverageRatio [get, set]
 In the moving average restart algorithms, a restart is triggered if the window average times this ratio is greater that the global average.
bool HasRestartDlAverageRatio [get]
 Gets whether the "restart_dl_average_ratio" field is set.
double RestartLbdAverageRatio [get, set]
bool HasRestartLbdAverageRatio [get]
 Gets whether the "restart_lbd_average_ratio" field is set.
bool UseBlockingRestart [get, set]
 Block a moving restart algorithm if the trail size of the current conflict is greater than the multiplier times the moving average of the trail size at the previous conflicts.
bool HasUseBlockingRestart [get]
 Gets whether the "use_blocking_restart" field is set.
int BlockingRestartWindowSize [get, set]
bool HasBlockingRestartWindowSize [get]
 Gets whether the "blocking_restart_window_size" field is set.
double BlockingRestartMultiplier [get, set]
bool HasBlockingRestartMultiplier [get]
 Gets whether the "blocking_restart_multiplier" field is set.
int NumConflictsBeforeStrategyChanges [get, set]
 After each restart, if the number of conflict since the last strategy change is greater that this, then we increment a "strategy_counter" that can be use to change the search strategy used by the following restarts.
bool HasNumConflictsBeforeStrategyChanges [get]
 Gets whether the "num_conflicts_before_strategy_changes" field is set.
double StrategyChangeIncreaseRatio [get, set]
 The parameter num_conflicts_before_strategy_changes is increased by that much after each strategy change.
bool HasStrategyChangeIncreaseRatio [get]
 Gets whether the "strategy_change_increase_ratio" field is set.
double MaxTimeInSeconds [get, set]
 Maximum time allowed in seconds to solve a problem. The counter will starts at the beginning of the Solve() call.
bool HasMaxTimeInSeconds [get]
 Gets whether the "max_time_in_seconds" field is set.
double MaxDeterministicTime [get, set]
 Maximum time allowed in deterministic time to solve a problem. The deterministic time should be correlated with the real time used by the solver, the time unit being as close as possible to a second.
bool HasMaxDeterministicTime [get]
 Gets whether the "max_deterministic_time" field is set.
int MaxNumDeterministicBatches [get, set]
 Stops after that number of batches has been scheduled. This only make sense when interleave_search is true.
bool HasMaxNumDeterministicBatches [get]
 Gets whether the "max_num_deterministic_batches" field is set.
long MaxNumberOfConflicts [get, set]
 Maximum number of conflicts allowed to solve a problem.
bool HasMaxNumberOfConflicts [get]
 Gets whether the "max_number_of_conflicts" field is set.
long MaxMemoryInMb [get, set]
 Maximum memory allowed for the whole thread containing the solver. The solver will abort as soon as it detects that this limit is crossed. As a result, this limit is approximative, but usually the solver will not go too much over.
bool HasMaxMemoryInMb [get]
 Gets whether the "max_memory_in_mb" field is set.
double AbsoluteGapLimit [get, set]
 Stop the search when the gap between the best feasible objective (O) and our best objective bound (B) is smaller than a limit. The exact definition is:
bool HasAbsoluteGapLimit [get]
 Gets whether the "absolute_gap_limit" field is set.
double RelativeGapLimit [get, set]
bool HasRelativeGapLimit [get]
 Gets whether the "relative_gap_limit" field is set.
int RandomSeed [get, set]
 At the beginning of each solve, the random number generator used in some part of the solver is reinitialized to this seed. If you change the random seed, the solver may make different choices during the solving process.
bool HasRandomSeed [get]
 Gets whether the "random_seed" field is set.
bool PermuteVariableRandomly [get, set]
 This is mainly here to test the solver variability. Note that in tests, if not explicitly set to false, all 3 options will be set to true so that clients do not rely on the solver returning a specific solution if they are many equivalent optimal solutions.
bool HasPermuteVariableRandomly [get]
 Gets whether the "permute_variable_randomly" field is set.
bool PermutePresolveConstraintOrder [get, set]
bool HasPermutePresolveConstraintOrder [get]
 Gets whether the "permute_presolve_constraint_order" field is set.
bool UseAbslRandom [get, set]
bool HasUseAbslRandom [get]
 Gets whether the "use_absl_random" field is set.
bool LogSearchProgress [get, set]
 Whether the solver should log the search progress. This is the maing logging parameter and if this is false, none of the logging (callbacks, log_to_stdout, log_to_response, ...) will do anything.
bool HasLogSearchProgress [get]
 Gets whether the "log_search_progress" field is set.
bool LogSubsolverStatistics [get, set]
 Whether the solver should display per sub-solver search statistics. This is only useful is log_search_progress is set to true, and if the number of search workers is > 1. Note that in all case we display a bit of stats with one line per subsolver.
bool HasLogSubsolverStatistics [get]
 Gets whether the "log_subsolver_statistics" field is set.
string LogPrefix [get, set]
 Add a prefix to all logs.
bool HasLogPrefix [get]
 Gets whether the "log_prefix" field is set.
bool LogToStdout [get, set]
 Log to stdout.
bool HasLogToStdout [get]
 Gets whether the "log_to_stdout" field is set.
bool LogToResponse [get, set]
 Log to response proto.
bool HasLogToResponse [get]
 Gets whether the "log_to_response" field is set.
bool UsePbResolution [get, set]
 Whether to use pseudo-Boolean resolution to analyze a conflict. Note that this option only make sense if your problem is modelized using pseudo-Boolean constraints. If you only have clauses, this shouldn't change anything (except slow the solver down).
bool HasUsePbResolution [get]
 Gets whether the "use_pb_resolution" field is set.
bool MinimizeReductionDuringPbResolution [get, set]
 A different algorithm during PB resolution. It minimizes the number of calls to ReduceCoefficients() which can be time consuming. However, the search space will be different and if the coefficients are large, this may lead to integer overflows that could otherwise be prevented.
bool HasMinimizeReductionDuringPbResolution [get]
 Gets whether the "minimize_reduction_during_pb_resolution" field is set.
bool CountAssumptionLevelsInLbd [get, set]
 Whether or not the assumption levels are taken into account during the LBD computation. According to the reference below, not counting them improves the solver in some situation. Note that this only impact solves under assumptions.
bool HasCountAssumptionLevelsInLbd [get]
 Gets whether the "count_assumption_levels_in_lbd" field is set.
int PresolveBveThreshold [get, set]
 During presolve, only try to perform the bounded variable elimination (BVE) of a variable x if the number of occurrences of x times the number of occurrences of not(x) is not greater than this parameter.
bool HasPresolveBveThreshold [get]
 Gets whether the "presolve_bve_threshold" field is set.
int PresolveBveClauseWeight [get, set]
 During presolve, we apply BVE only if this weight times the number of clauses plus the number of clause literals is not increased.
bool HasPresolveBveClauseWeight [get]
 Gets whether the "presolve_bve_clause_weight" field is set.
double ProbingDeterministicTimeLimit [get, set]
 The maximum "deterministic" time limit to spend in probing. A value of zero will disable the probing.
bool HasProbingDeterministicTimeLimit [get]
 Gets whether the "probing_deterministic_time_limit" field is set.
double PresolveProbingDeterministicTimeLimit [get, set]
bool HasPresolveProbingDeterministicTimeLimit [get]
 Gets whether the "presolve_probing_deterministic_time_limit" field is set.
bool PresolveBlockedClause [get, set]
 Whether we use an heuristic to detect some basic case of blocked clause in the SAT presolve.
bool HasPresolveBlockedClause [get]
 Gets whether the "presolve_blocked_clause" field is set.
bool PresolveUseBva [get, set]
 Whether or not we use Bounded Variable Addition (BVA) in the presolve.
bool HasPresolveUseBva [get]
 Gets whether the "presolve_use_bva" field is set.
int PresolveBvaThreshold [get, set]
 Apply Bounded Variable Addition (BVA) if the number of clauses is reduced by stricly more than this threshold. The algorithm described in the paper uses 0, but quick experiments showed that 1 is a good value. It may not be worth it to add a new variable just to remove one clause.
bool HasPresolveBvaThreshold [get]
 Gets whether the "presolve_bva_threshold" field is set.
int MaxPresolveIterations [get, set]
 In case of large reduction in a presolve iteration, we perform multiple presolve iterations. This parameter controls the maximum number of such presolve iterations.
bool HasMaxPresolveIterations [get]
 Gets whether the "max_presolve_iterations" field is set.
bool CpModelPresolve [get, set]
 Whether we presolve the cp_model before solving it.
bool HasCpModelPresolve [get]
 Gets whether the "cp_model_presolve" field is set.
int CpModelProbingLevel [get, set]
 How much effort do we spend on probing. 0 disables it completely.
bool HasCpModelProbingLevel [get]
 Gets whether the "cp_model_probing_level" field is set.
bool CpModelUseSatPresolve [get, set]
 Whether we also use the sat presolve when cp_model_presolve is true.
bool HasCpModelUseSatPresolve [get]
 Gets whether the "cp_model_use_sat_presolve" field is set.
bool RemoveFixedVariablesEarly [get, set]
 If cp_model_presolve is true and there is a large proportion of fixed variable after the first model copy, remap all the model to a dense set of variable before the full presolve even starts. This should help for LNS on large models.
bool HasRemoveFixedVariablesEarly [get]
 Gets whether the "remove_fixed_variables_early" field is set.
bool DetectTableWithCost [get, set]
 If true, we detect variable that are unique to a table constraint and only there to encode a cost on each tuple. This is usually the case when a WCSP (weighted constraint program) is encoded into CP-SAT format.
bool HasDetectTableWithCost [get]
 Gets whether the "detect_table_with_cost" field is set.
int TableCompressionLevel [get, set]
 How much we try to "compress" a table constraint. Compressing more leads to less Booleans and faster propagation but can reduced the quality of the lp relaxation. Values goes from 0 to 3 where we always try to fully compress a table. At 2, we try to automatically decide if it is worth it.
bool HasTableCompressionLevel [get]
 Gets whether the "table_compression_level" field is set.
bool ExpandAlldiffConstraints [get, set]
 If true, expand all_different constraints that are not permutations. Permutations (#Variables = #Values) are always expanded.
bool HasExpandAlldiffConstraints [get]
 Gets whether the "expand_alldiff_constraints" field is set.
bool ExpandReservoirConstraints [get, set]
 If true, expand the reservoir constraints by creating booleans for all possible precedences between event and encoding the constraint.
bool HasExpandReservoirConstraints [get]
 Gets whether the "expand_reservoir_constraints" field is set.
bool ExpandReservoirUsingCircuit [get, set]
 Mainly useful for testing.
bool HasExpandReservoirUsingCircuit [get]
 Gets whether the "expand_reservoir_using_circuit" field is set.
bool EncodeCumulativeAsReservoir [get, set]
 Encore cumulative with fixed demands and capacity as a reservoir constraint. The only reason you might want to do that is to test the reservoir propagation code!
bool HasEncodeCumulativeAsReservoir [get]
 Gets whether the "encode_cumulative_as_reservoir" field is set.
int MaxLinMaxSizeForExpansion [get, set]
 If the number of expressions in the lin_max is less that the max size parameter, model expansion replaces target = max(xi) by linear constraint with the introduction of new booleans bi such that bi => target == xi.
bool HasMaxLinMaxSizeForExpansion [get]
 Gets whether the "max_lin_max_size_for_expansion" field is set.
bool DisableConstraintExpansion [get, set]
 If true, it disable all constraint expansion. This should only be used to test the presolve of expanded constraints.
bool HasDisableConstraintExpansion [get]
 Gets whether the "disable_constraint_expansion" field is set.
bool EncodeComplexLinearConstraintWithInteger [get, set]
 Linear constraint with a complex right hand side (more than a single interval) need to be expanded, there is a couple of way to do that.
bool HasEncodeComplexLinearConstraintWithInteger [get]
 Gets whether the "encode_complex_linear_constraint_with_integer" field is set.
double MergeNoOverlapWorkLimit [get, set]
 During presolve, we use a maximum clique heuristic to merge together no-overlap constraints or at most one constraints. This code can be slow, so we have a limit in place on the number of explored nodes in the underlying graph. The internal limit is an int64, but we use double here to simplify manual input.
bool HasMergeNoOverlapWorkLimit [get]
 Gets whether the "merge_no_overlap_work_limit" field is set.
double MergeAtMostOneWorkLimit [get, set]
bool HasMergeAtMostOneWorkLimit [get]
 Gets whether the "merge_at_most_one_work_limit" field is set.
int PresolveSubstitutionLevel [get, set]
 How much substitution (also called free variable aggregation in MIP litterature) should we perform at presolve. This currently only concerns variable appearing only in linear constraints. For now the value 0 turns it off and any positive value performs substitution.
bool HasPresolveSubstitutionLevel [get]
 Gets whether the "presolve_substitution_level" field is set.
bool PresolveExtractIntegerEnforcement [get, set]
 If true, we will extract from linear constraints, enforcement literals of the form "integer variable at bound => simplified constraint". This should always be beneficial except that we don't always handle them as efficiently as we could for now. This causes problem on manna81.mps (LP relaxation not as tight it seems) and on neos-3354841-apure.mps.gz (too many literals created this way).
bool HasPresolveExtractIntegerEnforcement [get]
 Gets whether the "presolve_extract_integer_enforcement" field is set.
long PresolveInclusionWorkLimit [get, set]
 A few presolve operations involve detecting constraints included in other constraint. Since there can be a quadratic number of such pairs, and processing them usually involve scanning them, the complexity of these operations can be big. This enforce a local deterministic limit on the number of entries scanned. Default is 1e8.
bool HasPresolveInclusionWorkLimit [get]
 Gets whether the "presolve_inclusion_work_limit" field is set.
bool IgnoreNames [get, set]
 If true, we don't keep names in our internal copy of the user given model.
bool HasIgnoreNames [get]
 Gets whether the "ignore_names" field is set.
bool InferAllDiffs [get, set]
 Run a max-clique code amongst all the x != y we can find and try to infer set of variables that are all different. This allows to close neos16.mps for instance. Note that we only run this code if there is no all_diff already in the model so that if a user want to add some all_diff, we assume it is well done and do not try to add more.
bool HasInferAllDiffs [get]
 Gets whether the "infer_all_diffs" field is set.
bool FindBigLinearOverlap [get, set]
 Try to find large "rectangle" in the linear constraint matrix with identical lines. If such rectangle is big enough, we can introduce a new integer variable corresponding to the common expression and greatly reduce the number of non-zero.
bool HasFindBigLinearOverlap [get]
 Gets whether the "find_big_linear_overlap" field is set.
bool UseSatInprocessing [get, set]
 Enable or disable "inprocessing" which is some SAT presolving done at each restart to the root level.
bool HasUseSatInprocessing [get]
 Gets whether the "use_sat_inprocessing" field is set.
double InprocessingDtimeRatio [get, set]
 Proportion of deterministic time we should spend on inprocessing. At each "restart", if the proportion is below this ratio, we will do some inprocessing, otherwise, we skip it for this restart.
bool HasInprocessingDtimeRatio [get]
 Gets whether the "inprocessing_dtime_ratio" field is set.
double InprocessingProbingDtime [get, set]
 The amount of dtime we should spend on probing for each inprocessing round.
bool HasInprocessingProbingDtime [get]
 Gets whether the "inprocessing_probing_dtime" field is set.
double InprocessingMinimizationDtime [get, set]
 Parameters for an heuristic similar to the one described in "An effective learnt clause minimization approach for CDCL Sat Solvers",
bool HasInprocessingMinimizationDtime [get]
 Gets whether the "inprocessing_minimization_dtime" field is set.
bool InprocessingMinimizationUseConflictAnalysis [get, set]
bool HasInprocessingMinimizationUseConflictAnalysis [get]
 Gets whether the "inprocessing_minimization_use_conflict_analysis" field is set.
bool InprocessingMinimizationUseAllOrderings [get, set]
bool HasInprocessingMinimizationUseAllOrderings [get]
 Gets whether the "inprocessing_minimization_use_all_orderings" field is set.
int NumWorkers [get, set]
 Specify the number of parallel workers (i.e. threads) to use during search. This should usually be lower than your number of available cpus + hyperthread in your machine.
bool HasNumWorkers [get]
 Gets whether the "num_workers" field is set.
int NumSearchWorkers [get, set]
bool HasNumSearchWorkers [get]
 Gets whether the "num_search_workers" field is set.
int NumFullSubsolvers [get, set]
 We distinguish subsolvers that consume a full thread, and the ones that are always interleaved. If left at zero, we will fix this with a default formula that depends on num_workers. But if you start modifying what runs, you might want to fix that to a given value depending on the num_workers you use.
bool HasNumFullSubsolvers [get]
 Gets whether the "num_full_subsolvers" field is set.
pbc::RepeatedField< string > Subsolvers [get]
 In multi-thread, the solver can be mainly seen as a portfolio of solvers with different parameters. This field indicates the names of the parameters that are used in multithread. This only applies to "full" subsolvers.
pbc::RepeatedField< string > ExtraSubsolvers [get]
 A convenient way to add more workers types. These will be added at the beginning of the list.
pbc::RepeatedField< string > IgnoreSubsolvers [get]
 Rather than fully specifying subsolvers, it is often convenient to just remove the ones that are not useful on a given problem or only keep specific ones for testing. Each string is interpreted as a "glob", so we support '*' and '?'.
pbc::RepeatedField< string > FilterSubsolvers [get]
pbc::RepeatedField< global::Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters > SubsolverParams [get]
 It is possible to specify additional subsolver configuration. These can be referred by their in the fields above. Note that only the specified field will "overwrite" the ones of the base parameter. If a subsolver_params has the name of an existing subsolver configuration, the named parameters will be merged into the subsolver configuration.
bool InterleaveSearch [get, set]
 Experimental. If this is true, then we interleave all our major search strategy and distribute the work amongst num_workers.
bool HasInterleaveSearch [get]
 Gets whether the "interleave_search" field is set.
int InterleaveBatchSize [get, set]
bool HasInterleaveBatchSize [get]
 Gets whether the "interleave_batch_size" field is set.
bool ShareObjectiveBounds [get, set]
 Allows objective sharing between workers.
bool HasShareObjectiveBounds [get]
 Gets whether the "share_objective_bounds" field is set.
bool ShareLevelZeroBounds [get, set]
 Allows sharing of the bounds of modified variables at level 0.
bool HasShareLevelZeroBounds [get]
 Gets whether the "share_level_zero_bounds" field is set.
bool ShareBinaryClauses [get, set]
 Allows sharing of new learned binary clause between workers.
bool HasShareBinaryClauses [get]
 Gets whether the "share_binary_clauses" field is set.
bool ShareGlueClauses [get, set]
 Allows sharing of short glue clauses between workers. Implicitly disabled if share_binary_clauses is false.
bool HasShareGlueClauses [get]
 Gets whether the "share_glue_clauses" field is set.
bool MinimizeSharedClauses [get, set]
 Minimize and detect subsumption of shared clauses immediately after they are imported.
bool HasMinimizeSharedClauses [get]
 Gets whether the "minimize_shared_clauses" field is set.
bool DebugPostsolveWithFullSolver [get, set]
 We have two different postsolve code. The default one should be better and it allows for a more powerful presolve, but it can be useful to postsolve using the full solver instead.
bool HasDebugPostsolveWithFullSolver [get]
 Gets whether the "debug_postsolve_with_full_solver" field is set.
int DebugMaxNumPresolveOperations [get, set]
 If positive, try to stop just after that many presolve rules have been applied. This is mainly useful for debugging presolve.
bool HasDebugMaxNumPresolveOperations [get]
 Gets whether the "debug_max_num_presolve_operations" field is set.
bool DebugCrashOnBadHint [get, set]
 Crash if we do not manage to complete the hint into a full solution.
bool HasDebugCrashOnBadHint [get]
 Gets whether the "debug_crash_on_bad_hint" field is set.
bool DebugCrashIfPresolveBreaksHint [get, set]
 Crash if presolve breaks a feasible hint.
bool HasDebugCrashIfPresolveBreaksHint [get]
 Gets whether the "debug_crash_if_presolve_breaks_hint" field is set.
bool UseOptimizationHints [get, set]
 For an optimization problem, whether we follow some hints in order to find a better first solution. For a variable with hint, the solver will always try to follow the hint. It will revert to the variable_branching default otherwise.
bool HasUseOptimizationHints [get]
 Gets whether the "use_optimization_hints" field is set.
int CoreMinimizationLevel [get, set]
 If positive, we spend some effort on each core:
bool HasCoreMinimizationLevel [get]
 Gets whether the "core_minimization_level" field is set.
bool FindMultipleCores [get, set]
 Whether we try to find more independent cores for a given set of assumptions in the core based max-SAT algorithms.
bool HasFindMultipleCores [get]
 Gets whether the "find_multiple_cores" field is set.
bool CoverOptimization [get, set]
 If true, when the max-sat algo find a core, we compute the minimal number of literals in the core that needs to be true to have a feasible solution. This is also called core exhaustion in more recent max-SAT papers.
bool HasCoverOptimization [get]
 Gets whether the "cover_optimization" field is set.
global::Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.Types.MaxSatAssumptionOrder MaxSatAssumptionOrder [get, set]
bool HasMaxSatAssumptionOrder [get]
 Gets whether the "max_sat_assumption_order" field is set.
bool MaxSatReverseAssumptionOrder [get, set]
 If true, adds the assumption in the reverse order of the one defined by max_sat_assumption_order.
bool HasMaxSatReverseAssumptionOrder [get]
 Gets whether the "max_sat_reverse_assumption_order" field is set.
global::Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.Types.MaxSatStratificationAlgorithm MaxSatStratification [get, set]
bool HasMaxSatStratification [get]
 Gets whether the "max_sat_stratification" field is set.
double PropagationLoopDetectionFactor [get, set]
 Some search decisions might cause a really large number of propagations to happen when integer variables with large domains are only reduced by 1 at each step. If we propagate more than the number of variable times this parameters we try to take counter-measure. Setting this to 0.0 disable this feature.
bool HasPropagationLoopDetectionFactor [get]
 Gets whether the "propagation_loop_detection_factor" field is set.
bool UsePrecedencesInDisjunctiveConstraint [get, set]
 When this is true, then a disjunctive constraint will try to use the precedence relations between time intervals to propagate their bounds further. For instance if task A and B are both before C and task A and B are in disjunction, then we can deduce that task C must start after duration(A) + duration(B) instead of simply max(duration(A), duration(B)), provided that the start time for all task was currently zero.
bool HasUsePrecedencesInDisjunctiveConstraint [get]
 Gets whether the "use_precedences_in_disjunctive_constraint" field is set.
int MaxSizeToCreatePrecedenceLiteralsInDisjunctive [get, set]
 Create one literal for each disjunction of two pairs of tasks. This slows down the solve time, but improves the lower bound of the objective in the makespan case. This will be triggered if the number of intervals is less or equal than the parameter and if use_strong_propagation_in_disjunctive is true.
bool HasMaxSizeToCreatePrecedenceLiteralsInDisjunctive [get]
 Gets whether the "max_size_to_create_precedence_literals_in_disjunctive" field is set.
bool UseStrongPropagationInDisjunctive [get, set]
 Enable stronger and more expensive propagation on no_overlap constraint.
bool HasUseStrongPropagationInDisjunctive [get]
 Gets whether the "use_strong_propagation_in_disjunctive" field is set.
bool UseDynamicPrecedenceInDisjunctive [get, set]
 Whether we try to branch on decision "interval A before interval B" rather than on intervals bounds. This usually works better, but slow down a bit the time to find the first solution.
bool HasUseDynamicPrecedenceInDisjunctive [get]
 Gets whether the "use_dynamic_precedence_in_disjunctive" field is set.
bool UseDynamicPrecedenceInCumulative [get, set]
bool HasUseDynamicPrecedenceInCumulative [get]
 Gets whether the "use_dynamic_precedence_in_cumulative" field is set.
bool UseOverloadCheckerInCumulative [get, set]
 When this is true, the cumulative constraint is reinforced with overload checking, i.e., an additional level of reasoning based on energy. This additional level supplements the default level of reasoning as well as timetable edge finding.
bool HasUseOverloadCheckerInCumulative [get]
 Gets whether the "use_overload_checker_in_cumulative" field is set.
bool UseConservativeScaleOverloadChecker [get, set]
 Enable a heuristic to solve cumulative constraints using a modified energy constraint. We modify the usual energy definition by applying a super-additive function (also called "conservative scale" or "dual-feasible function") to the demand and the durations of the tasks.
bool HasUseConservativeScaleOverloadChecker [get]
 Gets whether the "use_conservative_scale_overload_checker" field is set.
bool UseTimetableEdgeFindingInCumulative [get, set]
 When this is true, the cumulative constraint is reinforced with timetable edge finding, i.e., an additional level of reasoning based on the conjunction of energy and mandatory parts. This additional level supplements the default level of reasoning as well as overload_checker.
bool HasUseTimetableEdgeFindingInCumulative [get]
 Gets whether the "use_timetable_edge_finding_in_cumulative" field is set.
int MaxNumIntervalsForTimetableEdgeFinding [get, set]
 Max number of intervals for the timetable_edge_finding algorithm to propagate. A value of 0 disables the constraint.
bool HasMaxNumIntervalsForTimetableEdgeFinding [get]
 Gets whether the "max_num_intervals_for_timetable_edge_finding" field is set.
bool UseHardPrecedencesInCumulative [get, set]
 If true, detect and create constraint for integer variable that are "after" a set of intervals in the same cumulative constraint.
bool HasUseHardPrecedencesInCumulative [get]
 Gets whether the "use_hard_precedences_in_cumulative" field is set.
bool ExploitAllPrecedences [get, set]
bool HasExploitAllPrecedences [get]
 Gets whether the "exploit_all_precedences" field is set.
bool UseDisjunctiveConstraintInCumulative [get, set]
 When this is true, the cumulative constraint is reinforced with propagators from the disjunctive constraint to improve the inference on a set of tasks that are disjunctive at the root of the problem. This additional level supplements the default level of reasoning.
bool HasUseDisjunctiveConstraintInCumulative [get]
 Gets whether the "use_disjunctive_constraint_in_cumulative" field is set.
bool UseTimetablingInNoOverlap2D [get, set]
 When this is true, the no_overlap_2d constraint is reinforced with propagators from the cumulative constraints. It consists of ignoring the position of rectangles in one position and projecting the no_overlap_2d on the other dimension to create a cumulative constraint. This is done on both axis. This additional level supplements the default level of reasoning.
bool HasUseTimetablingInNoOverlap2D [get]
 Gets whether the "use_timetabling_in_no_overlap_2d" field is set.
bool UseEnergeticReasoningInNoOverlap2D [get, set]
 When this is true, the no_overlap_2d constraint is reinforced with energetic reasoning. This additional level supplements the default level of reasoning.
bool HasUseEnergeticReasoningInNoOverlap2D [get]
 Gets whether the "use_energetic_reasoning_in_no_overlap_2d" field is set.
bool UseAreaEnergeticReasoningInNoOverlap2D [get, set]
 When this is true, the no_overlap_2d constraint is reinforced with an energetic reasoning that uses an area-based energy. This can be combined with the two other overlap heuristics above.
bool HasUseAreaEnergeticReasoningInNoOverlap2D [get]
 Gets whether the "use_area_energetic_reasoning_in_no_overlap_2d" field is set.
bool UseTryEdgeReasoningInNoOverlap2D [get, set]
bool HasUseTryEdgeReasoningInNoOverlap2D [get]
 Gets whether the "use_try_edge_reasoning_in_no_overlap_2d" field is set.
int MaxPairsPairwiseReasoningInNoOverlap2D [get, set]
 If the number of pairs to look is below this threshold, do an extra step of propagation in the no_overlap_2d constraint by looking at all pairs of intervals.
bool HasMaxPairsPairwiseReasoningInNoOverlap2D [get]
 Gets whether the "max_pairs_pairwise_reasoning_in_no_overlap_2d" field is set.
int MaximumRegionsToSplitInDisconnectedNoOverlap2D [get, set]
 Detects when the space where items of a no_overlap_2d constraint can placed is disjoint (ie., fixed boxes split the domain). When it is the case, we can introduce a boolean for each pair <item, component> encoding whether the item is in the component or not. Then we replace the original no_overlap_2d constraint by one no_overlap_2d constraint for each component, with the new booleans as the enforcement_literal of the intervals. This is equivalent to expanding the original no_overlap_2d constraint into a bin packing problem with each connected component being a bin. This heuristic is only done when the number of regions to split is less than this parameter and <= 1 disables it.
bool HasMaximumRegionsToSplitInDisconnectedNoOverlap2D [get]
 Gets whether the "maximum_regions_to_split_in_disconnected_no_overlap_2d" field is set.
bool UseDualSchedulingHeuristics [get, set]
 When set, it activates a few scheduling parameters to improve the lower bound of scheduling problems. This is only effective with multiple workers as it modifies the reduced_cost, lb_tree_search, and probing workers.
bool HasUseDualSchedulingHeuristics [get]
 Gets whether the "use_dual_scheduling_heuristics" field is set.
bool UseAllDifferentForCircuit [get, set]
 Turn on extra propagation for the circuit constraint. This can be quite slow.
bool HasUseAllDifferentForCircuit [get]
 Gets whether the "use_all_different_for_circuit" field is set.
int RoutingCutSubsetSizeForBinaryRelationBound [get, set]
 If the size of a subset of nodes of a RoutesConstraint is less than this value, use linear constraints of size 1 and 2 (such as capacity and time window constraints) enforced by the arc literals to compute cuts for this subset (unless the subset size is less than routing_cut_subset_size_for_tight_binary_relation_bound, in which case the corresponding algorithm is used instead). The algorithm for these cuts has a O(n^3) complexity, where n is the subset size. Hence the value of this parameter should not be too large (e.g. 10 or 20).
bool HasRoutingCutSubsetSizeForBinaryRelationBound [get]
 Gets whether the "routing_cut_subset_size_for_binary_relation_bound" field is set.
int RoutingCutSubsetSizeForTightBinaryRelationBound [get, set]
 Similar to above, but with a different algorithm producing better cuts, at the price of a higher O(2^n) complexity, where n is the subset size. Hence the value of this parameter should be small (e.g. less than 10).
bool HasRoutingCutSubsetSizeForTightBinaryRelationBound [get]
 Gets whether the "routing_cut_subset_size_for_tight_binary_relation_bound" field is set.
double RoutingCutDpEffort [get, set]
 The amount of "effort" to spend in dynamic programming for computing routing cuts. This is in term of basic operations needed by the algorithm in the worst case, so a value like 1e8 should take less than a second to compute.
bool HasRoutingCutDpEffort [get]
 Gets whether the "routing_cut_dp_effort" field is set.
global::Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.Types.SearchBranching SearchBranching [get, set]
bool HasSearchBranching [get]
 Gets whether the "search_branching" field is set.
int HintConflictLimit [get, set]
 Conflict limit used in the phase that exploit the solution hint.
bool HasHintConflictLimit [get]
 Gets whether the "hint_conflict_limit" field is set.
bool RepairHint [get, set]
 If true, the solver tries to repair the solution given in the hint. This search terminates after the 'hint_conflict_limit' is reached and the solver switches to regular search. If false, then we do a FIXED_SEARCH using the hint until the hint_conflict_limit is reached.
bool HasRepairHint [get]
 Gets whether the "repair_hint" field is set.
bool FixVariablesToTheirHintedValue [get, set]
 If true, variables appearing in the solution hints will be fixed to their hinted value.
bool HasFixVariablesToTheirHintedValue [get]
 Gets whether the "fix_variables_to_their_hinted_value" field is set.
bool UseProbingSearch [get, set]
 If true, search will continuously probe Boolean variables, and integer variable bounds. This parameter is set to true in parallel on the probing worker.
bool HasUseProbingSearch [get]
 Gets whether the "use_probing_search" field is set.
bool UseExtendedProbing [get, set]
 Use extended probing (probe bool_or, at_most_one, exactly_one).
bool HasUseExtendedProbing [get]
 Gets whether the "use_extended_probing" field is set.
int ProbingNumCombinationsLimit [get, set]
 How many combinations of pairs or triplets of variables we want to scan.
bool HasProbingNumCombinationsLimit [get]
 Gets whether the "probing_num_combinations_limit" field is set.
bool UseShavingInProbingSearch [get, set]
 Add a shaving phase (where the solver tries to prove that the lower or upper bound of a variable are infeasible) to the probing search.
bool HasUseShavingInProbingSearch [get]
 Gets whether the "use_shaving_in_probing_search" field is set.
double ShavingSearchDeterministicTime [get, set]
 Specifies the amount of deterministic time spent of each try at shaving a bound in the shaving search.
bool HasShavingSearchDeterministicTime [get]
 Gets whether the "shaving_search_deterministic_time" field is set.
long ShavingSearchThreshold [get, set]
 Specifies the threshold between two modes in the shaving procedure. If the range of the variable/objective is less than this threshold, then the shaving procedure will try to remove values one by one. Otherwise, it will try to remove one range at a time.
bool HasShavingSearchThreshold [get]
 Gets whether the "shaving_search_threshold" field is set.
bool UseObjectiveLbSearch [get, set]
 If true, search will search in ascending max objective value (when minimizing) starting from the lower bound of the objective.
bool HasUseObjectiveLbSearch [get]
 Gets whether the "use_objective_lb_search" field is set.
bool UseObjectiveShavingSearch [get, set]
 This search differs from the previous search as it will not use assumptions to bound the objective, and it will recreate a full model with the hardcoded objective value.
bool HasUseObjectiveShavingSearch [get]
 Gets whether the "use_objective_shaving_search" field is set.
bool UseVariablesShavingSearch [get, set]
 This search takes all Boolean or integer variables, and maximize or minimize them in order to reduce their domain.
bool HasUseVariablesShavingSearch [get]
 Gets whether the "use_variables_shaving_search" field is set.
long PseudoCostReliabilityThreshold [get, set]
 The solver ignores the pseudo costs of variables with number of recordings less than this threshold.
bool HasPseudoCostReliabilityThreshold [get]
 Gets whether the "pseudo_cost_reliability_threshold" field is set.
bool OptimizeWithCore [get, set]
 The default optimization method is a simple "linear scan", each time trying to find a better solution than the previous one. If this is true, then we use a core-based approach (like in max-SAT) when we try to increase the lower bound instead.
bool HasOptimizeWithCore [get]
 Gets whether the "optimize_with_core" field is set.
bool OptimizeWithLbTreeSearch [get, set]
 Do a more conventional tree search (by opposition to SAT based one) where we keep all the explored node in a tree. This is meant to be used in a portfolio and focus on improving the objective lower bound. Keeping the whole tree allow us to report a better objective lower bound coming from the worst open node in the tree.
bool HasOptimizeWithLbTreeSearch [get]
 Gets whether the "optimize_with_lb_tree_search" field is set.
bool SaveLpBasisInLbTreeSearch [get, set]
 Experimental. Save the current LP basis at each node of the search tree so that when we jump around, we can load it and reduce the number of LP iterations needed.
bool HasSaveLpBasisInLbTreeSearch [get]
 Gets whether the "save_lp_basis_in_lb_tree_search" field is set.
int BinarySearchNumConflicts [get, set]
 If non-negative, perform a binary search on the objective variable in order to find an [min, max] interval outside of which the solver proved unsat/sat under this amount of conflict. This can quickly reduce the objective domain on some problems.
bool HasBinarySearchNumConflicts [get]
 Gets whether the "binary_search_num_conflicts" field is set.
bool OptimizeWithMaxHs [get, set]
 This has no effect if optimize_with_core is false. If true, use a different core-based algorithm similar to the max-HS algo for max-SAT. This is a hybrid MIP/CP approach and it uses a MIP solver in addition to the CP/SAT one. This is also related to the PhD work of tobyodavies@ "Automatic Logic-Based Benders Decomposition with MiniZinc"
bool HasOptimizeWithMaxHs [get]
 Gets whether the "optimize_with_max_hs" field is set.
bool UseFeasibilityJump [get, set]
 Parameters for an heuristic similar to the one described in the paper: "Feasibility Jump: an LP-free Lagrangian MIP heuristic", Bjørnar Luteberget, Giorgio Sartor, 2023, Mathematical Programming Computation.
bool HasUseFeasibilityJump [get]
 Gets whether the "use_feasibility_jump" field is set.
bool UseLsOnly [get, set]
 Disable every other type of subsolver, setting this turns CP-SAT into a pure local-search solver.
bool HasUseLsOnly [get]
 Gets whether the "use_ls_only" field is set.
double FeasibilityJumpDecay [get, set]
 On each restart, we randomly choose if we use decay (with this parameter) or no decay.
bool HasFeasibilityJumpDecay [get]
 Gets whether the "feasibility_jump_decay" field is set.
int FeasibilityJumpLinearizationLevel [get, set]
 How much do we linearize the problem in the local search code.
bool HasFeasibilityJumpLinearizationLevel [get]
 Gets whether the "feasibility_jump_linearization_level" field is set.
int FeasibilityJumpRestartFactor [get, set]
 This is a factor that directly influence the work before each restart. Increasing it leads to longer restart.
bool HasFeasibilityJumpRestartFactor [get]
 Gets whether the "feasibility_jump_restart_factor" field is set.
double FeasibilityJumpBatchDtime [get, set]
 How much dtime for each LS batch.
bool HasFeasibilityJumpBatchDtime [get]
 Gets whether the "feasibility_jump_batch_dtime" field is set.
double FeasibilityJumpVarRandomizationProbability [get, set]
 Probability for a variable to have a non default value upon restarts or perturbations.
bool HasFeasibilityJumpVarRandomizationProbability [get]
 Gets whether the "feasibility_jump_var_randomization_probability" field is set.
double FeasibilityJumpVarPerburbationRangeRatio [get, set]
 Max distance between the default value and the pertubated value relative to the range of the domain of the variable.
bool HasFeasibilityJumpVarPerburbationRangeRatio [get]
 Gets whether the "feasibility_jump_var_perburbation_range_ratio" field is set.
bool FeasibilityJumpEnableRestarts [get, set]
 When stagnating, feasibility jump will either restart from a default solution (with some possible randomization), or randomly pertubate the current solution. This parameter selects the first option.
bool HasFeasibilityJumpEnableRestarts [get]
 Gets whether the "feasibility_jump_enable_restarts" field is set.
int FeasibilityJumpMaxExpandedConstraintSize [get, set]
 Maximum size of no_overlap or no_overlap_2d constraint for a quadratic expansion. This might look a lot, but by expanding such constraint, we get a linear time evaluation per single variable moves instead of a slow O(n log n) one.
bool HasFeasibilityJumpMaxExpandedConstraintSize [get]
 Gets whether the "feasibility_jump_max_expanded_constraint_size" field is set.
int NumViolationLs [get, set]
 This will create incomplete subsolvers (that are not LNS subsolvers) that use the feasibility jump code to find improving solution, treating the objective improvement as a hard constraint.
bool HasNumViolationLs [get]
 Gets whether the "num_violation_ls" field is set.
int ViolationLsPerturbationPeriod [get, set]
 How long violation_ls should wait before perturbating a solution.
bool HasViolationLsPerturbationPeriod [get]
 Gets whether the "violation_ls_perturbation_period" field is set.
double ViolationLsCompoundMoveProbability [get, set]
 Probability of using compound move search each restart.
bool HasViolationLsCompoundMoveProbability [get]
 Gets whether the "violation_ls_compound_move_probability" field is set.
int SharedTreeNumWorkers [get, set]
 Enables shared tree search. If positive, start this many complete worker threads to explore a shared search tree. These workers communicate objective bounds and simple decision nogoods relating to the shared prefix of the tree, and will avoid exploring the same subtrees as one another. Specifying a negative number uses a heuristic to select an appropriate number of shared tree workeres based on the total number of workers.
bool HasSharedTreeNumWorkers [get]
 Gets whether the "shared_tree_num_workers" field is set.
bool UseSharedTreeSearch [get, set]
 Set on shared subtree workers. Users should not set this directly.
bool HasUseSharedTreeSearch [get]
 Gets whether the "use_shared_tree_search" field is set.
int SharedTreeWorkerMinRestartsPerSubtree [get, set]
 Minimum restarts before a worker will replace a subtree that looks "bad" based on the average LBD of learned clauses.
bool HasSharedTreeWorkerMinRestartsPerSubtree [get]
 Gets whether the "shared_tree_worker_min_restarts_per_subtree" field is set.
bool SharedTreeWorkerEnableTrailSharing [get, set]
 If true, workers share more of the information from their local trail. Specifically, literals implied by the shared tree decisions.
bool HasSharedTreeWorkerEnableTrailSharing [get]
 Gets whether the "shared_tree_worker_enable_trail_sharing" field is set.
bool SharedTreeWorkerEnablePhaseSharing [get, set]
 If true, shared tree workers share their target phase when returning an assigned subtree for the next worker to use.
bool HasSharedTreeWorkerEnablePhaseSharing [get]
 Gets whether the "shared_tree_worker_enable_phase_sharing" field is set.
double SharedTreeOpenLeavesPerWorker [get, set]
 How many open leaf nodes should the shared tree maintain per worker.
bool HasSharedTreeOpenLeavesPerWorker [get]
 Gets whether the "shared_tree_open_leaves_per_worker" field is set.
int SharedTreeMaxNodesPerWorker [get, set]
 In order to limit total shared memory and communication overhead, limit the total number of nodes that may be generated in the shared tree. If the shared tree runs out of unassigned leaves, workers act as portfolio workers. Note: this limit includes interior nodes, not just leaves.
bool HasSharedTreeMaxNodesPerWorker [get]
 Gets whether the "shared_tree_max_nodes_per_worker" field is set.
global::Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.Types.SharedTreeSplitStrategy SharedTreeSplitStrategy [get, set]
bool HasSharedTreeSplitStrategy [get]
 Gets whether the "shared_tree_split_strategy" field is set.
int SharedTreeBalanceTolerance [get, set]
 How much deeper compared to the ideal max depth of the tree is considered "balanced" enough to still accept a split. Without such a tolerance, sometimes the tree can only be split by a single worker, and they may not generate a split for some time. In contrast, with a tolerance of 1, at least half of all workers should be able to split the tree as soon as a split becomes required. This only has an effect on SPLIT_STRATEGY_BALANCED_TREE and SPLIT_STRATEGY_DISCREPANCY.
bool HasSharedTreeBalanceTolerance [get]
 Gets whether the "shared_tree_balance_tolerance" field is set.
bool EnumerateAllSolutions [get, set]
 Whether we enumerate all solutions of a problem without objective. Note that setting this to true automatically disable some presolve reduction that can remove feasible solution. That is it has the same effect as setting keep_all_feasible_solutions_in_presolve.
bool HasEnumerateAllSolutions [get]
 Gets whether the "enumerate_all_solutions" field is set.
bool KeepAllFeasibleSolutionsInPresolve [get, set]
 If true, we disable the presolve reductions that remove feasible solutions from the search space. Such solution are usually dominated by a "better" solution that is kept, but depending on the situation, we might want to keep all solutions.
bool HasKeepAllFeasibleSolutionsInPresolve [get]
 Gets whether the "keep_all_feasible_solutions_in_presolve" field is set.
bool FillTightenedDomainsInResponse [get, set]
 If true, add information about the derived variable domains to the CpSolverResponse. It is an option because it makes the response slighly bigger and there is a bit more work involved during the postsolve to construct it, but it should still have a low overhead. See the tightened_variables field in CpSolverResponse for more details.
bool HasFillTightenedDomainsInResponse [get]
 Gets whether the "fill_tightened_domains_in_response" field is set.
bool FillAdditionalSolutionsInResponse [get, set]
 If true, the final response addition_solutions field will be filled with all solutions from our solutions pool.
bool HasFillAdditionalSolutionsInResponse [get]
 Gets whether the "fill_additional_solutions_in_response" field is set.
bool InstantiateAllVariables [get, set]
 If true, the solver will add a default integer branching strategy to the already defined search strategy. If not, some variable might still not be fixed at the end of the search. For now we assume these variable can just be set to their lower bound.
bool HasInstantiateAllVariables [get]
 Gets whether the "instantiate_all_variables" field is set.
bool AutoDetectGreaterThanAtLeastOneOf [get, set]
 If true, then the precedences propagator try to detect for each variable if it has a set of "optional incoming arc" for which at least one of them is present. This is usually useful to have but can be slow on model with a lot of precedence.
bool HasAutoDetectGreaterThanAtLeastOneOf [get]
 Gets whether the "auto_detect_greater_than_at_least_one_of" field is set.
bool StopAfterFirstSolution [get, set]
 For an optimization problem, stop the solver as soon as we have a solution.
bool HasStopAfterFirstSolution [get]
 Gets whether the "stop_after_first_solution" field is set.
bool StopAfterPresolve [get, set]
 Mainly used when improving the presolver. When true, stops the solver after the presolve is complete (or after loading and root level propagation).
bool HasStopAfterPresolve [get]
 Gets whether the "stop_after_presolve" field is set.
bool StopAfterRootPropagation [get, set]
bool HasStopAfterRootPropagation [get]
 Gets whether the "stop_after_root_propagation" field is set.
double LnsInitialDifficulty [get, set]
 Initial parameters for neighborhood generation.
bool HasLnsInitialDifficulty [get]
 Gets whether the "lns_initial_difficulty" field is set.
double LnsInitialDeterministicLimit [get, set]
bool HasLnsInitialDeterministicLimit [get]
 Gets whether the "lns_initial_deterministic_limit" field is set.
bool UseLns [get, set]
 Testing parameters used to disable all lns workers.
bool HasUseLns [get]
 Gets whether the "use_lns" field is set.
bool UseLnsOnly [get, set]
 Experimental parameters to disable everything but lns.
bool HasUseLnsOnly [get]
 Gets whether the "use_lns_only" field is set.
int SolutionPoolSize [get, set]
 Size of the top-n different solutions kept by the solver. This parameter must be > 0. Currently this only impact the "base" solution chosen for a LNS fragment.
bool HasSolutionPoolSize [get]
 Gets whether the "solution_pool_size" field is set.
bool UseRinsLns [get, set]
 Turns on relaxation induced neighborhood generator.
bool HasUseRinsLns [get]
 Gets whether the "use_rins_lns" field is set.
bool UseFeasibilityPump [get, set]
 Adds a feasibility pump subsolver along with lns subsolvers.
bool HasUseFeasibilityPump [get]
 Gets whether the "use_feasibility_pump" field is set.
bool UseLbRelaxLns [get, set]
 Turns on neighborhood generator based on local branching LP. Based on Huang et al., "Local Branching Relaxation Heuristics for Integer Linear Programs", 2023.
bool HasUseLbRelaxLns [get]
 Gets whether the "use_lb_relax_lns" field is set.
int LbRelaxNumWorkersThreshold [get, set]
 Only use lb-relax if we have at least that many workers.
bool HasLbRelaxNumWorkersThreshold [get]
 Gets whether the "lb_relax_num_workers_threshold" field is set.
global::Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.Types.FPRoundingMethod FpRounding [get, set]
bool HasFpRounding [get]
 Gets whether the "fp_rounding" field is set.
bool DiversifyLnsParams [get, set]
 If true, registers more lns subsolvers with different parameters.
bool HasDiversifyLnsParams [get]
 Gets whether the "diversify_lns_params" field is set.
bool RandomizeSearch [get, set]
 Randomize fixed search.
bool HasRandomizeSearch [get]
 Gets whether the "randomize_search" field is set.
long SearchRandomVariablePoolSize [get, set]
 Search randomization will collect the top 'search_random_variable_pool_size' valued variables, and pick one randomly. The value of the variable is specific to each strategy.
bool HasSearchRandomVariablePoolSize [get]
 Gets whether the "search_random_variable_pool_size" field is set.
bool PushAllTasksTowardStart [get, set]
 Experimental code: specify if the objective pushes all tasks toward the start of the schedule.
bool HasPushAllTasksTowardStart [get]
 Gets whether the "push_all_tasks_toward_start" field is set.
bool UseOptionalVariables [get, set]
 If true, we automatically detect variables whose constraint are always enforced by the same literal and we mark them as optional. This allows to propagate them as if they were present in some situation.
bool HasUseOptionalVariables [get]
 Gets whether the "use_optional_variables" field is set.
bool UseExactLpReason [get, set]
 The solver usually exploit the LP relaxation of a model. If this option is true, then whatever is infered by the LP will be used like an heuristic to compute EXACT propagation on the IP. So with this option, there is no numerical imprecision issues.
bool HasUseExactLpReason [get]
 Gets whether the "use_exact_lp_reason" field is set.
bool UseCombinedNoOverlap [get, set]
 This can be beneficial if there is a lot of no-overlap constraints but a relatively low number of different intervals in the problem. Like 1000 intervals, but 1M intervals in the no-overlap constraints covering them.
bool HasUseCombinedNoOverlap [get]
 Gets whether the "use_combined_no_overlap" field is set.
int AtMostOneMaxExpansionSize [get, set]
 All at_most_one constraints with a size <= param will be replaced by a quadratic number of binary implications.
bool HasAtMostOneMaxExpansionSize [get]
 Gets whether the "at_most_one_max_expansion_size" field is set.
bool CatchSigintSignal [get, set]
 Indicates if the CP-SAT layer should catch Control-C (SIGINT) signals when calling solve. If set, catching the SIGINT signal will terminate the search gracefully, as if a time limit was reached.
bool HasCatchSigintSignal [get]
 Gets whether the "catch_sigint_signal" field is set.
bool UseImpliedBounds [get, set]
 Stores and exploits "implied-bounds" in the solver. That is, relations of the form literal => (var >= bound). This is currently used to derive stronger cuts.
bool HasUseImpliedBounds [get]
 Gets whether the "use_implied_bounds" field is set.
bool PolishLpSolution [get, set]
 Whether we try to do a few degenerate iteration at the end of an LP solve to minimize the fractionality of the integer variable in the basis. This helps on some problems, but not so much on others. It also cost of bit of time to do such polish step.
bool HasPolishLpSolution [get]
 Gets whether the "polish_lp_solution" field is set.
double LpPrimalTolerance [get, set]
 The internal LP tolerances used by CP-SAT. These applies to the internal and scaled problem. If the domains of your variables are large it might be good to use lower tolerances. If your problem is binary with low coefficients, it might be good to use higher ones to speed-up the lp solves.
bool HasLpPrimalTolerance [get]
 Gets whether the "lp_primal_tolerance" field is set.
double LpDualTolerance [get, set]
bool HasLpDualTolerance [get]
 Gets whether the "lp_dual_tolerance" field is set.
bool ConvertIntervals [get, set]
 Temporary flag util the feature is more mature. This convert intervals to the newer proto format that support affine start/var/end instead of just variables.
bool HasConvertIntervals [get]
 Gets whether the "convert_intervals" field is set.
int SymmetryLevel [get, set]
 Whether we try to automatically detect the symmetries in a model and exploit them. Currently, at level 1 we detect them in presolve and try to fix Booleans. At level 2, we also do some form of dynamic symmetry breaking during search. At level 3, we also detect symmetries for very large models, which can be slow. At level 4, we try to break as much symmetry as possible in presolve.
bool HasSymmetryLevel [get]
 Gets whether the "symmetry_level" field is set.
bool UseSymmetryInLp [get, set]
 When we have symmetry, it is possible to "fold" all variables from the same orbit into a single variable, while having the same power of LP relaxation. This can help significantly on symmetric problem. However there is currently a bit of overhead as the rest of the solver need to do some translation between the folded LP and the rest of the problem.
bool HasUseSymmetryInLp [get]
 Gets whether the "use_symmetry_in_lp" field is set.
bool KeepSymmetryInPresolve [get, set]
 Experimental. This will compute the symmetry of the problem once and for all. All presolve operations we do should keep the symmetry group intact or modify it properly. For now we have really little support for this. We will disable a bunch of presolve operations that could be supported.
bool HasKeepSymmetryInPresolve [get]
 Gets whether the "keep_symmetry_in_presolve" field is set.
double SymmetryDetectionDeterministicTimeLimit [get, set]
 Deterministic time limit for symmetry detection.
bool HasSymmetryDetectionDeterministicTimeLimit [get]
 Gets whether the "symmetry_detection_deterministic_time_limit" field is set.
bool NewLinearPropagation [get, set]
 The new linear propagation code treat all constraints at once and use an adaptation of Bellman-Ford-Tarjan to propagate constraint in a smarter order and potentially detect propagation cycle earlier.
bool HasNewLinearPropagation [get]
 Gets whether the "new_linear_propagation" field is set.
int LinearSplitSize [get, set]
 Linear constraints that are not pseudo-Boolean and that are longer than this size will be split into sqrt(size) intermediate sums in order to have faster propation in the CP engine.
bool HasLinearSplitSize [get]
 Gets whether the "linear_split_size" field is set.
int LinearizationLevel [get, set]
 A non-negative level indicating the type of constraints we consider in the LP relaxation. At level zero, no LP relaxation is used. At level 1, only the linear constraint and full encoding are added. At level 2, we also add all the Boolean constraints.
bool HasLinearizationLevel [get]
 Gets whether the "linearization_level" field is set.
int BooleanEncodingLevel [get, set]
 A non-negative level indicating how much we should try to fully encode Integer variables as Boolean.
bool HasBooleanEncodingLevel [get]
 Gets whether the "boolean_encoding_level" field is set.
int MaxDomainSizeWhenEncodingEqNeqConstraints [get, set]
 When loading a*x + b*y ==/!= c when x and y are both fully encoded. The solver may decide to replace the linear equation by a set of clauses. This is triggered if the sizes of the domains of x and y are below the threshold.
bool HasMaxDomainSizeWhenEncodingEqNeqConstraints [get]
 Gets whether the "max_domain_size_when_encoding_eq_neq_constraints" field is set.
int MaxNumCuts [get, set]
 The limit on the number of cuts in our cut pool. When this is reached we do not generate cuts anymore.
bool HasMaxNumCuts [get]
 Gets whether the "max_num_cuts" field is set.
int CutLevel [get, set]
 Control the global cut effort. Zero will turn off all cut. For now we just have one level. Note also that most cuts are only used at linearization level >= 2.
bool HasCutLevel [get]
 Gets whether the "cut_level" field is set.
bool OnlyAddCutsAtLevelZero [get, set]
 For the cut that can be generated at any level, this control if we only try to generate them at the root node.
bool HasOnlyAddCutsAtLevelZero [get]
 Gets whether the "only_add_cuts_at_level_zero" field is set.
bool AddObjectiveCut [get, set]
 When the LP objective is fractional, do we add the cut that forces the linear objective expression to be greater or equal to this fractional value rounded up? We can always do that since our objective is integer, and combined with MIR heuristic to reduce the coefficient of such cut, it can help.
bool HasAddObjectiveCut [get]
 Gets whether the "add_objective_cut" field is set.
bool AddCgCuts [get, set]
 Whether we generate and add Chvatal-Gomory cuts to the LP at root node.
bool HasAddCgCuts [get]
 Gets whether the "add_cg_cuts" field is set.
bool AddMirCuts [get, set]
 Whether we generate MIR cuts at root node.
bool HasAddMirCuts [get]
 Gets whether the "add_mir_cuts" field is set.
bool AddZeroHalfCuts [get, set]
 Whether we generate Zero-Half cuts at root node.
bool HasAddZeroHalfCuts [get]
 Gets whether the "add_zero_half_cuts" field is set.
bool AddCliqueCuts [get, set]
 Whether we generate clique cuts from the binary implication graph. Note that as the search goes on, this graph will contains new binary clauses learned by the SAT engine.
bool HasAddCliqueCuts [get]
 Gets whether the "add_clique_cuts" field is set.
bool AddRltCuts [get, set]
 Whether we generate RLT cuts. This is still experimental but can help on binary problem with a lot of clauses of size 3.
bool HasAddRltCuts [get]
 Gets whether the "add_rlt_cuts" field is set.
int MaxAllDiffCutSize [get, set]
 Cut generator for all diffs can add too many cuts for large all_diff constraints. This parameter restricts the large all_diff constraints to have a cut generator.
bool HasMaxAllDiffCutSize [get]
 Gets whether the "max_all_diff_cut_size" field is set.
bool AddLinMaxCuts [get, set]
 For the lin max constraints, generates the cuts described in "Strong mixed-integer programming formulations for trained neural networks" by Ross Anderson et. (
bool HasAddLinMaxCuts [get]
 Gets whether the "add_lin_max_cuts" field is set.
int MaxIntegerRoundingScaling [get, set]
 In the integer rounding procedure used for MIR and Gomory cut, the maximum "scaling" we use (must be positive). The lower this is, the lower the integer coefficients of the cut will be. Note that cut generated by lower values are not necessarily worse than cut generated by larger value. There is no strict dominance relationship.
bool HasMaxIntegerRoundingScaling [get]
 Gets whether the "max_integer_rounding_scaling" field is set.
bool AddLpConstraintsLazily [get, set]
 If true, we start by an empty LP, and only add constraints not satisfied by the current LP solution batch by batch. A constraint that is only added like this is known as a "lazy" constraint in the literature, except that we currently consider all constraints as lazy here.
bool HasAddLpConstraintsLazily [get]
 Gets whether the "add_lp_constraints_lazily" field is set.
int RootLpIterations [get, set]
 Even at the root node, we do not want to spend too much time on the LP if it is "difficult". So we solve it in "chunks" of that many iterations. The solve will be continued down in the tree or the next time we go back to the root node.
bool HasRootLpIterations [get]
 Gets whether the "root_lp_iterations" field is set.
double MinOrthogonalityForLpConstraints [get, set]
 While adding constraints, skip the constraints which have orthogonality less than 'min_orthogonality_for_lp_constraints' with already added constraints during current call. Orthogonality is defined as 1 - cosine(vector angle between constraints). A value of zero disable this feature.
bool HasMinOrthogonalityForLpConstraints [get]
 Gets whether the "min_orthogonality_for_lp_constraints" field is set.
int MaxCutRoundsAtLevelZero [get, set]
 Max number of time we perform cut generation and resolve the LP at level 0.
bool HasMaxCutRoundsAtLevelZero [get]
 Gets whether the "max_cut_rounds_at_level_zero" field is set.
int MaxConsecutiveInactiveCount [get, set]
 If a constraint/cut in LP is not active for that many consecutive OPTIMAL solves, remove it from the LP. Note that it might be added again later if it become violated by the current LP solution.
bool HasMaxConsecutiveInactiveCount [get]
 Gets whether the "max_consecutive_inactive_count" field is set.
double CutMaxActiveCountValue [get, set]
 These parameters are similar to sat clause management activity parameters. They are effective only if the number of generated cuts exceed the storage limit. Default values are based on a few experiments on miplib instances.
bool HasCutMaxActiveCountValue [get]
 Gets whether the "cut_max_active_count_value" field is set.
double CutActiveCountDecay [get, set]
bool HasCutActiveCountDecay [get]
 Gets whether the "cut_active_count_decay" field is set.
int CutCleanupTarget [get, set]
 Target number of constraints to remove during cleanup.
bool HasCutCleanupTarget [get]
 Gets whether the "cut_cleanup_target" field is set.
int NewConstraintsBatchSize [get, set]
 Add that many lazy constraints (or cuts) at once in the LP. Note that at the beginning of the solve, we do add more than this.
bool HasNewConstraintsBatchSize [get]
 Gets whether the "new_constraints_batch_size" field is set.
bool ExploitIntegerLpSolution [get, set]
 If true and the Lp relaxation of the problem has an integer optimal solution, try to exploit it. Note that since the LP relaxation may not contain all the constraints, such a solution is not necessarily a solution of the full problem.
bool HasExploitIntegerLpSolution [get]
 Gets whether the "exploit_integer_lp_solution" field is set.
bool ExploitAllLpSolution [get, set]
 If true and the Lp relaxation of the problem has a solution, try to exploit it. This is same as above except in this case the lp solution might not be an integer solution.
bool HasExploitAllLpSolution [get]
 Gets whether the "exploit_all_lp_solution" field is set.
bool ExploitBestSolution [get, set]
 When branching on a variable, follow the last best solution value.
bool HasExploitBestSolution [get]
 Gets whether the "exploit_best_solution" field is set.
bool ExploitRelaxationSolution [get, set]
 When branching on a variable, follow the last best relaxation solution value. We use the relaxation with the tightest bound on the objective as the best relaxation solution.
bool HasExploitRelaxationSolution [get]
 Gets whether the "exploit_relaxation_solution" field is set.
bool ExploitObjective [get, set]
 When branching an a variable that directly affect the objective, branch on the value that lead to the best objective first.
bool HasExploitObjective [get]
 Gets whether the "exploit_objective" field is set.
bool DetectLinearizedProduct [get, set]
 Infer products of Boolean or of Boolean time IntegerVariable from the linear constrainst in the problem. This can be used in some cuts, altough for now we don't really exploit it.
bool HasDetectLinearizedProduct [get]
 Gets whether the "detect_linearized_product" field is set.
double MipMaxBound [get, set]
 We need to bound the maximum magnitude of the variables for CP-SAT, and that is the bound we use. If the MIP model expect larger variable value in the solution, then the converted model will likely not be relevant.
bool HasMipMaxBound [get]
 Gets whether the "mip_max_bound" field is set.
double MipVarScaling [get, set]
 All continuous variable of the problem will be multiplied by this factor. By default, we don't do any variable scaling and rely on the MIP model to specify continuous variable domain with the wanted precision.
bool HasMipVarScaling [get]
 Gets whether the "mip_var_scaling" field is set.
bool MipScaleLargeDomain [get, set]
 If this is false, then mip_var_scaling is only applied to variables with "small" domain. If it is true, we scale all floating point variable independenlty of their domain.
bool HasMipScaleLargeDomain [get]
 Gets whether the "mip_scale_large_domain" field is set.
bool MipAutomaticallyScaleVariables [get, set]
 If true, some continuous variable might be automatically scaled. For now, this is only the case where we detect that a variable is actually an integer multiple of a constant. For instance, variables of the form k * 0.5 are quite frequent, and if we detect this, we will scale such variable domain by 2 to make it implied integer.
bool HasMipAutomaticallyScaleVariables [get]
 Gets whether the "mip_automatically_scale_variables" field is set.
bool OnlySolveIp [get, set]
 If one try to solve a MIP model with CP-SAT, because we assume all variable to be integer after scaling, we will not necessarily have the correct optimal. Note however that all feasible solutions are valid since we will just solve a more restricted version of the original problem.
bool HasOnlySolveIp [get]
 Gets whether the "only_solve_ip" field is set.
double MipWantedPrecision [get, set]
 When scaling constraint with double coefficients to integer coefficients, we will multiply by a power of 2 and round the coefficients. We will choose the lowest power such that we have no potential overflow (see mip_max_activity_exponent) and the worst case constraint activity error does not exceed this threshold.
bool HasMipWantedPrecision [get]
 Gets whether the "mip_wanted_precision" field is set.
int MipMaxActivityExponent [get, set]
 To avoid integer overflow, we always force the maximum possible constraint activity (and objective value) according to the initial variable domain to be smaller than 2 to this given power. Because of this, we cannot always reach the "mip_wanted_precision" parameter above.
bool HasMipMaxActivityExponent [get]
 Gets whether the "mip_max_activity_exponent" field is set.
double MipCheckPrecision [get, set]
 As explained in mip_precision and mip_max_activity_exponent, we cannot always reach the wanted precision during scaling. We use this threshold to enphasize in the logs when the precision seems bad.
bool HasMipCheckPrecision [get]
 Gets whether the "mip_check_precision" field is set.
bool MipComputeTrueObjectiveBound [get, set]
 Even if we make big error when scaling the objective, we can always derive a correct lower bound on the original objective by using the exact lower bound on the scaled integer version of the objective. This should be fast, but if you don't care about having a precise lower bound, you can turn it off.
bool HasMipComputeTrueObjectiveBound [get]
 Gets whether the "mip_compute_true_objective_bound" field is set.
double MipMaxValidMagnitude [get, set]
 Any finite values in the input MIP must be below this threshold, otherwise the model will be reported invalid. This is needed to avoid floating point overflow when evaluating bounds * coeff for instance. We are a bit more defensive, but in practice, users shouldn't use super large values in a MIP.
bool HasMipMaxValidMagnitude [get]
 Gets whether the "mip_max_valid_magnitude" field is set.
bool MipTreatHighMagnitudeBoundsAsInfinity [get, set]
 By default, any variable/constraint bound with a finite value and a magnitude greater than the mip_max_valid_magnitude will result with a invalid model. This flags change the behavior such that such bounds are silently transformed to +∞ or -∞.
bool HasMipTreatHighMagnitudeBoundsAsInfinity [get]
 Gets whether the "mip_treat_high_magnitude_bounds_as_infinity" field is set.
double MipDropTolerance [get, set]
 Any value in the input mip with a magnitude lower than this will be set to zero. This is to avoid some issue in LP presolving.
bool HasMipDropTolerance [get]
 Gets whether the "mip_drop_tolerance" field is set.
int MipPresolveLevel [get, set]
 When solving a MIP, we do some basic floating point presolving before scaling the problem to integer to be handled by CP-SAT. This control how much of that presolve we do. It can help to better scale floating point model, but it is not always behaving nicely.
bool HasMipPresolveLevel [get]
 Gets whether the "mip_presolve_level" field is set.

Detailed Description

Contains the definitions for all the sat algorithm parameters and their default values.


Definition at line 351 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SatParameters() [1/2]

Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SatParameters ( )

Definition at line 385 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SatParameters() [2/2]

Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SatParameters ( SatParameters other)

Definition at line 393 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

Member Function Documentation

◆ CalculateSize()

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.CalculateSize ( )

Definition at line 11872 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearAbsoluteGapLimit()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearAbsoluteGapLimit ( )

Clears the value of the "absolute_gap_limit" field.

Definition at line 2097 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearAddCgCuts()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearAddCgCuts ( )

Clears the value of the "add_cg_cuts" field.

Definition at line 8017 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearAddCliqueCuts()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearAddCliqueCuts ( )

Clears the value of the "add_clique_cuts" field.

Definition at line 8111 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearAddLinMaxCuts()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearAddLinMaxCuts ( )

Clears the value of the "add_lin_max_cuts" field.

Definition at line 8206 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearAddLpConstraintsLazily()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearAddLpConstraintsLazily ( )

Clears the value of the "add_lp_constraints_lazily" field.

Definition at line 8277 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearAddMirCuts()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearAddMirCuts ( )

Clears the value of the "add_mir_cuts" field.

Definition at line 8048 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearAddObjectiveCut()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearAddObjectiveCut ( )

Clears the value of the "add_objective_cut" field.

Definition at line 7986 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearAddRltCuts()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearAddRltCuts ( )

Clears the value of the "add_rlt_cuts" field.

Definition at line 8142 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearAddZeroHalfCuts()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearAddZeroHalfCuts ( )

Clears the value of the "add_zero_half_cuts" field.

Definition at line 8079 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearAlsoBumpVariablesInConflictReasons()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearAlsoBumpVariablesInConflictReasons ( )

Clears the value of the "also_bump_variables_in_conflict_reasons" field.

Definition at line 1030 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearAtMostOneMaxExpansionSize()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearAtMostOneMaxExpansionSize ( )

Clears the value of the "at_most_one_max_expansion_size" field.

Definition at line 7371 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearAutoDetectGreaterThanAtLeastOneOf()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearAutoDetectGreaterThanAtLeastOneOf ( )

Clears the value of the "auto_detect_greater_than_at_least_one_of" field.

Definition at line 6730 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearBinaryMinimizationAlgorithm()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearBinaryMinimizationAlgorithm ( )

Clears the value of the "binary_minimization_algorithm" field.

Definition at line 1084 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearBinarySearchNumConflicts()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearBinarySearchNumConflicts ( )

Clears the value of the "binary_search_num_conflicts" field.

Definition at line 5789 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearBlockingRestartMultiplier()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearBlockingRestartMultiplier ( )

Clears the value of the "blocking_restart_multiplier" field.

Definition at line 1817 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearBlockingRestartWindowSize()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearBlockingRestartWindowSize ( )

Clears the value of the "blocking_restart_window_size" field.

Definition at line 1790 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearBooleanEncodingLevel()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearBooleanEncodingLevel ( )

Clears the value of the "boolean_encoding_level" field.

Definition at line 7821 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearCatchSigintSignal()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearCatchSigintSignal ( )

Clears the value of the "catch_sigint_signal" field.

Definition at line 7403 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearClauseActivityDecay()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearClauseActivityDecay ( )

Clears the value of the "clause_activity_decay" field.

Definition at line 1536 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearClauseCleanupLbdBound()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearClauseCleanupLbdBound ( )

Clears the value of the "clause_cleanup_lbd_bound" field.

Definition at line 1268 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearClauseCleanupOrdering()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearClauseCleanupOrdering ( )

Clears the value of the "clause_cleanup_ordering" field.

Definition at line 1295 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearClauseCleanupPeriod()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearClauseCleanupPeriod ( )

Clears the value of the "clause_cleanup_period" field.

Definition at line 1147 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearClauseCleanupProtection()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearClauseCleanupProtection ( )

Clears the value of the "clause_cleanup_protection" field.

Definition at line 1237 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearClauseCleanupRatio()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearClauseCleanupRatio ( )

Clears the value of the "clause_cleanup_ratio" field.

Definition at line 1210 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearClauseCleanupTarget()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearClauseCleanupTarget ( )

Clears the value of the "clause_cleanup_target" field.

Definition at line 1178 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearConvertIntervals()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearConvertIntervals ( )

Clears the value of the "convert_intervals" field.

Definition at line 7561 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearCoreMinimizationLevel()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearCoreMinimizationLevel ( )

Clears the value of the "core_minimization_level" field.

Definition at line 4260 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearCountAssumptionLevelsInLbd()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearCountAssumptionLevelsInLbd ( )

Clears the value of the "count_assumption_levels_in_lbd" field.

Definition at line 2507 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearCoverOptimization()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearCoverOptimization ( )

Clears the value of the "cover_optimization" field.

Definition at line 4323 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearCpModelPresolve()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearCpModelPresolve ( )

Clears the value of the "cp_model_presolve" field.

Definition at line 2788 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearCpModelProbingLevel()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearCpModelProbingLevel ( )

Clears the value of the "cp_model_probing_level" field.

Definition at line 2818 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearCpModelUseSatPresolve()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearCpModelUseSatPresolve ( )

Clears the value of the "cp_model_use_sat_presolve" field.

Definition at line 2848 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearCutActiveCountDecay()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearCutActiveCountDecay ( )

Clears the value of the "cut_active_count_decay" field.

Definition at line 8465 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearCutCleanupTarget()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearCutCleanupTarget ( )

Clears the value of the "cut_cleanup_target" field.

Definition at line 8495 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearCutLevel()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearCutLevel ( )

Clears the value of the "cut_level" field.

Definition at line 7921 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearCutMaxActiveCountValue()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearCutMaxActiveCountValue ( )

Clears the value of the "cut_max_active_count_value" field.

Definition at line 8438 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearDebugCrashIfPresolveBreaksHint()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearDebugCrashIfPresolveBreaksHint ( )

Clears the value of the "debug_crash_if_presolve_breaks_hint" field.

Definition at line 4194 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearDebugCrashOnBadHint()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearDebugCrashOnBadHint ( )

Clears the value of the "debug_crash_on_bad_hint" field.

Definition at line 4164 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearDebugMaxNumPresolveOperations()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearDebugMaxNumPresolveOperations ( )

Clears the value of the "debug_max_num_presolve_operations" field.

Definition at line 4134 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearDebugPostsolveWithFullSolver()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearDebugPostsolveWithFullSolver ( )

Clears the value of the "debug_postsolve_with_full_solver" field.

Definition at line 4103 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearDefaultRestartAlgorithms()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearDefaultRestartAlgorithms ( )

Clears the value of the "default_restart_algorithms" field.

Definition at line 1612 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearDetectLinearizedProduct()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearDetectLinearizedProduct ( )

Clears the value of the "detect_linearized_product" field.

Definition at line 8716 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearDetectTableWithCost()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearDetectTableWithCost ( )

Clears the value of the "detect_table_with_cost" field.

Definition at line 2917 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearDisableConstraintExpansion()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearDisableConstraintExpansion ( )

Clears the value of the "disable_constraint_expansion" field.

Definition at line 3155 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearDiversifyLnsParams()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearDiversifyLnsParams ( )

Clears the value of the "diversify_lns_params" field.

Definition at line 7146 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearEncodeComplexLinearConstraintWithInteger()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearEncodeComplexLinearConstraintWithInteger ( )

Clears the value of the "encode_complex_linear_constraint_with_integer" field.

Definition at line 3186 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearEncodeCumulativeAsReservoir()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearEncodeCumulativeAsReservoir ( )

Clears the value of the "encode_cumulative_as_reservoir" field.

Definition at line 3089 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearEnumerateAllSolutions()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearEnumerateAllSolutions ( )

Clears the value of the "enumerate_all_solutions" field.

Definition at line 6551 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearExpandAlldiffConstraints()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearExpandAlldiffConstraints ( )

Clears the value of the "expand_alldiff_constraints" field.

Definition at line 2981 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearExpandReservoirConstraints()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearExpandReservoirConstraints ( )

Clears the value of the "expand_reservoir_constraints" field.

Definition at line 3012 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearExpandReservoirUsingCircuit()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearExpandReservoirUsingCircuit ( )

Clears the value of the "expand_reservoir_using_circuit" field.

Definition at line 3057 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearExploitAllLpSolution()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearExploitAllLpSolution ( )

Clears the value of the "exploit_all_lp_solution" field.

Definition at line 8591 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearExploitAllPrecedences()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearExploitAllPrecedences ( )

Clears the value of the "exploit_all_precedences" field.

Definition at line 4818 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearExploitBestSolution()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearExploitBestSolution ( )

Clears the value of the "exploit_best_solution" field.

Definition at line 8621 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearExploitIntegerLpSolution()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearExploitIntegerLpSolution ( )

Clears the value of the "exploit_integer_lp_solution" field.

Definition at line 8559 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearExploitObjective()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearExploitObjective ( )

Clears the value of the "exploit_objective" field.

Definition at line 8684 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearExploitRelaxationSolution()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearExploitRelaxationSolution ( )

Clears the value of the "exploit_relaxation_solution" field.

Definition at line 8653 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearFeasibilityJumpBatchDtime()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearFeasibilityJumpBatchDtime ( )

Clears the value of the "feasibility_jump_batch_dtime" field.

Definition at line 6009 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearFeasibilityJumpDecay()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearFeasibilityJumpDecay ( )

Clears the value of the "feasibility_jump_decay" field.

Definition at line 5918 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearFeasibilityJumpEnableRestarts()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearFeasibilityJumpEnableRestarts ( )

Clears the value of the "feasibility_jump_enable_restarts" field.

Definition at line 6103 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearFeasibilityJumpLinearizationLevel()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearFeasibilityJumpLinearizationLevel ( )

Clears the value of the "feasibility_jump_linearization_level" field.

Definition at line 5948 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearFeasibilityJumpMaxExpandedConstraintSize()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearFeasibilityJumpMaxExpandedConstraintSize ( )

Clears the value of the "feasibility_jump_max_expanded_constraint_size" field.

Definition at line 6136 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearFeasibilityJumpRestartFactor()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearFeasibilityJumpRestartFactor ( )

Clears the value of the "feasibility_jump_restart_factor" field.

Definition at line 5979 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearFeasibilityJumpVarPerburbationRangeRatio()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearFeasibilityJumpVarPerburbationRangeRatio ( )

Clears the value of the "feasibility_jump_var_perburbation_range_ratio" field.

Definition at line 6071 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearFeasibilityJumpVarRandomizationProbability()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearFeasibilityJumpVarRandomizationProbability ( )

Clears the value of the "feasibility_jump_var_randomization_probability" field.

Definition at line 6040 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearFillAdditionalSolutionsInResponse()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearFillAdditionalSolutionsInResponse ( )

Clears the value of the "fill_additional_solutions_in_response" field.

Definition at line 6664 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearFillTightenedDomainsInResponse()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearFillTightenedDomainsInResponse ( )

Clears the value of the "fill_tightened_domains_in_response" field.

Definition at line 6623 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearFindBigLinearOverlap()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearFindBigLinearOverlap ( )

Clears the value of the "find_big_linear_overlap" field.

Definition at line 3453 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearFindMultipleCores()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearFindMultipleCores ( )

Clears the value of the "find_multiple_cores" field.

Definition at line 4291 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearFixVariablesToTheirHintedValue()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearFixVariablesToTheirHintedValue ( )

Clears the value of the "fix_variables_to_their_hinted_value" field.

Definition at line 5341 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearFpRounding()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearFpRounding ( )

Clears the value of the "fp_rounding" field.

Definition at line 7116 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearGlucoseDecayIncrement()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearGlucoseDecayIncrement ( )

Clears the value of the "glucose_decay_increment" field.

Definition at line 1479 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearGlucoseDecayIncrementPeriod()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearGlucoseDecayIncrementPeriod ( )

Clears the value of the "glucose_decay_increment_period" field.

Definition at line 1506 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearGlucoseMaxDecay()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearGlucoseMaxDecay ( )

Clears the value of the "glucose_max_decay" field.

Definition at line 1452 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearHintConflictLimit()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearHintConflictLimit ( )

Clears the value of the "hint_conflict_limit" field.

Definition at line 5277 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearIgnoreNames()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearIgnoreNames ( )

Clears the value of the "ignore_names" field.

Definition at line 3382 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearInferAllDiffs()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearInferAllDiffs ( )

Clears the value of the "infer_all_diffs" field.

Definition at line 3420 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearInitialPolarity()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearInitialPolarity ( )

Clears the value of the "initial_polarity" field.

Definition at line 759 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearInitialVariablesActivity()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearInitialVariablesActivity ( )

Clears the value of the "initial_variables_activity" field.

Definition at line 997 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearInprocessingDtimeRatio()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearInprocessingDtimeRatio ( )

Clears the value of the "inprocessing_dtime_ratio" field.

Definition at line 3516 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearInprocessingMinimizationDtime()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearInprocessingMinimizationDtime ( )

Clears the value of the "inprocessing_minimization_dtime" field.

Definition at line 3587 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearInprocessingMinimizationUseAllOrderings()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearInprocessingMinimizationUseAllOrderings ( )

Clears the value of the "inprocessing_minimization_use_all_orderings" field.

Definition at line 3641 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearInprocessingMinimizationUseConflictAnalysis()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearInprocessingMinimizationUseConflictAnalysis ( )

Clears the value of the "inprocessing_minimization_use_conflict_analysis" field.

Definition at line 3614 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearInprocessingProbingDtime()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearInprocessingProbingDtime ( )

Clears the value of the "inprocessing_probing_dtime" field.

Definition at line 3546 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearInstantiateAllVariables()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearInstantiateAllVariables ( )

Clears the value of the "instantiate_all_variables" field.

Definition at line 6697 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearInterleaveBatchSize()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearInterleaveBatchSize ( )

Clears the value of the "interleave_batch_size" field.

Definition at line 3919 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearInterleaveSearch()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearInterleaveSearch ( )

Clears the value of the "interleave_search" field.

Definition at line 3892 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearKeepAllFeasibleSolutionsInPresolve()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearKeepAllFeasibleSolutionsInPresolve ( )

Clears the value of the "keep_all_feasible_solutions_in_presolve" field.

Definition at line 6589 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearKeepSymmetryInPresolve()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearKeepSymmetryInPresolve ( )

Clears the value of the "keep_symmetry_in_presolve" field.

Definition at line 7663 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearLbRelaxNumWorkersThreshold()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearLbRelaxNumWorkersThreshold ( )

Clears the value of the "lb_relax_num_workers_threshold" field.

Definition at line 7089 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearLinearizationLevel()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearLinearizationLevel ( )

Clears the value of the "linearization_level" field.

Definition at line 7790 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearLinearSplitSize()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearLinearSplitSize ( )

Clears the value of the "linear_split_size" field.

Definition at line 7757 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearLnsInitialDeterministicLimit()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearLnsInitialDeterministicLimit ( )

Clears the value of the "lns_initial_deterministic_limit" field.

Definition at line 6875 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearLnsInitialDifficulty()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearLnsInitialDifficulty ( )

Clears the value of the "lns_initial_difficulty" field.

Definition at line 6848 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearLogPrefix()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearLogPrefix ( )

Clears the value of the "log_prefix" field.

Definition at line 2342 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearLogSearchProgress()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearLogSearchProgress ( )

Clears the value of the "log_search_progress" field.

Definition at line 2280 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearLogSubsolverStatistics()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearLogSubsolverStatistics ( )

Clears the value of the "log_subsolver_statistics" field.

Definition at line 2313 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearLogToResponse()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearLogToResponse ( )

Clears the value of the "log_to_response" field.

Definition at line 2402 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearLogToStdout()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearLogToStdout ( )

Clears the value of the "log_to_stdout" field.

Definition at line 2372 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearLpDualTolerance()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearLpDualTolerance ( )

Clears the value of the "lp_dual_tolerance" field.

Definition at line 7529 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearLpPrimalTolerance()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearLpPrimalTolerance ( )

Clears the value of the "lp_primal_tolerance" field.

Definition at line 7502 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMaxAllDiffCutSize()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMaxAllDiffCutSize ( )

Clears the value of the "max_all_diff_cut_size" field.

Definition at line 8174 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMaxClauseActivityValue()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMaxClauseActivityValue ( )

Clears the value of the "max_clause_activity_value" field.

Definition at line 1563 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMaxConsecutiveInactiveCount()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMaxConsecutiveInactiveCount ( )

Clears the value of the "max_consecutive_inactive_count" field.

Definition at line 8406 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMaxCutRoundsAtLevelZero()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMaxCutRoundsAtLevelZero ( )

Clears the value of the "max_cut_rounds_at_level_zero" field.

Definition at line 8374 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMaxDeterministicTime()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMaxDeterministicTime ( )

Clears the value of the "max_deterministic_time" field.

Definition at line 1943 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMaxDomainSizeWhenEncodingEqNeqConstraints()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMaxDomainSizeWhenEncodingEqNeqConstraints ( )

Clears the value of the "max_domain_size_when_encoding_eq_neq_constraints" field.

Definition at line 7854 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMaximumRegionsToSplitInDisconnectedNoOverlap2D()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMaximumRegionsToSplitInDisconnectedNoOverlap2D ( )

Clears the value of the "maximum_regions_to_split_in_disconnected_no_overlap_2d" field.

Definition at line 5055 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMaxIntegerRoundingScaling()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMaxIntegerRoundingScaling ( )

Clears the value of the "max_integer_rounding_scaling" field.

Definition at line 8244 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMaxLinMaxSizeForExpansion()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMaxLinMaxSizeForExpansion ( )

Clears the value of the "max_lin_max_size_for_expansion" field.

Definition at line 3124 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMaxMemoryInMb()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMaxMemoryInMb ( )

Clears the value of the "max_memory_in_mb" field.

Definition at line 2047 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMaxNumberOfConflicts()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMaxNumberOfConflicts ( )

Clears the value of the "max_number_of_conflicts" field.

Definition at line 2011 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMaxNumCuts()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMaxNumCuts ( )

Clears the value of the "max_num_cuts" field.

Definition at line 7889 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMaxNumDeterministicBatches()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMaxNumDeterministicBatches ( )

Clears the value of the "max_num_deterministic_batches" field.

Definition at line 1974 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMaxNumIntervalsForTimetableEdgeFinding()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMaxNumIntervalsForTimetableEdgeFinding ( )

Clears the value of the "max_num_intervals_for_timetable_edge_finding" field.

Definition at line 4755 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMaxPairsPairwiseReasoningInNoOverlap2D()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMaxPairsPairwiseReasoningInNoOverlap2D ( )

Clears the value of the "max_pairs_pairwise_reasoning_in_no_overlap_2d" field.

Definition at line 5016 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMaxPresolveIterations()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMaxPresolveIterations ( )

Clears the value of the "max_presolve_iterations" field.

Definition at line 2758 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMaxSatAssumptionOrder()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMaxSatAssumptionOrder ( )

Clears the value of the "max_sat_assumption_order" field.

Definition at line 4350 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMaxSatReverseAssumptionOrder()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMaxSatReverseAssumptionOrder ( )

Clears the value of the "max_sat_reverse_assumption_order" field.

Definition at line 4381 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMaxSatStratification()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMaxSatStratification ( )

Clears the value of the "max_sat_stratification" field.

Definition at line 4408 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMaxSizeToCreatePrecedenceLiteralsInDisjunctive()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMaxSizeToCreatePrecedenceLiteralsInDisjunctive ( )

Clears the value of the "max_size_to_create_precedence_literals_in_disjunctive" field.

Definition at line 4520 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMaxTimeInSeconds()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMaxTimeInSeconds ( )

Clears the value of the "max_time_in_seconds" field.

Definition at line 1911 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMaxVariableActivityValue()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMaxVariableActivityValue ( )

Clears the value of the "max_variable_activity_value" field.

Definition at line 1417 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMergeAtMostOneWorkLimit()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMergeAtMostOneWorkLimit ( )

Clears the value of the "merge_at_most_one_work_limit" field.

Definition at line 3247 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMergeNoOverlapWorkLimit()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMergeNoOverlapWorkLimit ( )

Clears the value of the "merge_no_overlap_work_limit" field.

Definition at line 3220 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMinimizationAlgorithm()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMinimizationAlgorithm ( )

Clears the value of the "minimization_algorithm" field.

Definition at line 1057 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMinimizeReductionDuringPbResolution()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMinimizeReductionDuringPbResolution ( )

Clears the value of the "minimize_reduction_during_pb_resolution" field.

Definition at line 2468 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMinimizeSharedClauses()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMinimizeSharedClauses ( )

Clears the value of the "minimize_shared_clauses" field.

Definition at line 4071 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMinOrthogonalityForLpConstraints()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMinOrthogonalityForLpConstraints ( )

Clears the value of the "min_orthogonality_for_lp_constraints" field.

Definition at line 8344 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMipAutomaticallyScaleVariables()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMipAutomaticallyScaleVariables ( )

Clears the value of the "mip_automatically_scale_variables" field.

Definition at line 8846 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMipCheckPrecision()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMipCheckPrecision ( )

Clears the value of the "mip_check_precision" field.

Definition at line 9008 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMipComputeTrueObjectiveBound()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMipComputeTrueObjectiveBound ( )

Clears the value of the "mip_compute_true_objective_bound" field.

Definition at line 9042 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMipDropTolerance()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMipDropTolerance ( )

Clears the value of the "mip_drop_tolerance" field.

Definition at line 9143 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMipMaxActivityExponent()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMipMaxActivityExponent ( )

Clears the value of the "mip_max_activity_exponent" field.

Definition at line 8976 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMipMaxBound()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMipMaxBound ( )

Clears the value of the "mip_max_bound" field.

Definition at line 8748 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMipMaxValidMagnitude()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMipMaxValidMagnitude ( )

Clears the value of the "mip_max_valid_magnitude" field.

Definition at line 9076 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMipPresolveLevel()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMipPresolveLevel ( )

Clears the value of the "mip_presolve_level" field.

Definition at line 9176 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMipScaleLargeDomain()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMipScaleLargeDomain ( )

Clears the value of the "mip_scale_large_domain" field.

Definition at line 8812 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMipTreatHighMagnitudeBoundsAsInfinity()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMipTreatHighMagnitudeBoundsAsInfinity ( )

Clears the value of the "mip_treat_high_magnitude_bounds_as_infinity" field.

Definition at line 9112 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMipVarScaling()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMipVarScaling ( )

Clears the value of the "mip_var_scaling" field.

Definition at line 8780 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMipWantedPrecision()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearMipWantedPrecision ( )

Clears the value of the "mip_wanted_precision" field.

Definition at line 8938 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearName()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearName ( )

Clears the value of the "name" field.

Definition at line 705 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearNewConstraintsBatchSize()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearNewConstraintsBatchSize ( )

Clears the value of the "new_constraints_batch_size" field.

Definition at line 8526 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearNewLinearPropagation()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearNewLinearPropagation ( )

Clears the value of the "new_linear_propagation" field.

Definition at line 7725 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearNumConflictsBeforeStrategyChanges()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearNumConflictsBeforeStrategyChanges ( )

Clears the value of the "num_conflicts_before_strategy_changes" field.

Definition at line 1849 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearNumFullSubsolvers()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearNumFullSubsolvers ( )

Clears the value of the "num_full_subsolvers" field.

Definition at line 3748 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearNumSearchWorkers()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearNumSearchWorkers ( )

Clears the value of the "num_search_workers" field.

Definition at line 3714 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearNumViolationLs()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearNumViolationLs ( )

Clears the value of the "num_violation_ls" field.

Definition at line 6168 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearNumWorkers()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearNumWorkers ( )

Clears the value of the "num_workers" field.

Definition at line 3687 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearOnlyAddCutsAtLevelZero()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearOnlyAddCutsAtLevelZero ( )

Clears the value of the "only_add_cuts_at_level_zero" field.

Definition at line 7952 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearOnlySolveIp()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearOnlySolveIp ( )

Clears the value of the "only_solve_ip" field.

Definition at line 8889 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearOptimizeWithCore()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearOptimizeWithCore ( )

Clears the value of the "optimize_with_core" field.

Definition at line 5686 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearOptimizeWithLbTreeSearch()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearOptimizeWithLbTreeSearch ( )

Clears the value of the "optimize_with_lb_tree_search" field.

Definition at line 5720 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearOptimizeWithMaxHs()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearOptimizeWithMaxHs ( )

Clears the value of the "optimize_with_max_hs" field.

Definition at line 5824 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearPbCleanupIncrement()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearPbCleanupIncrement ( )

Clears the value of the "pb_cleanup_increment" field.

Definition at line 1325 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearPbCleanupRatio()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearPbCleanupRatio ( )

Clears the value of the "pb_cleanup_ratio" field.

Definition at line 1352 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearPermutePresolveConstraintOrder()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearPermutePresolveConstraintOrder ( )

Clears the value of the "permute_presolve_constraint_order" field.

Definition at line 2221 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearPermuteVariableRandomly()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearPermuteVariableRandomly ( )

Clears the value of the "permute_variable_randomly" field.

Definition at line 2194 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearPolarityExploitLsHints()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearPolarityExploitLsHints ( )

Clears the value of the "polarity_exploit_ls_hints" field.

Definition at line 864 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearPolarityRephaseIncrement()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearPolarityRephaseIncrement ( )

Clears the value of the "polarity_rephase_increment" field.

Definition at line 833 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearPolishLpSolution()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearPolishLpSolution ( )

Clears the value of the "polish_lp_solution" field.

Definition at line 7468 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearPreferredVariableOrder()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearPreferredVariableOrder ( )

Clears the value of the "preferred_variable_order" field.

Definition at line 732 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearPresolveBlockedClause()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearPresolveBlockedClause ( )

Clears the value of the "presolve_blocked_clause" field.

Definition at line 2663 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearPresolveBvaThreshold()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearPresolveBvaThreshold ( )

Clears the value of the "presolve_bva_threshold" field.

Definition at line 2726 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearPresolveBveClauseWeight()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearPresolveBveClauseWeight ( )

Clears the value of the "presolve_bve_clause_weight" field.

Definition at line 2570 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearPresolveBveThreshold()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearPresolveBveThreshold ( )

Clears the value of the "presolve_bve_threshold" field.

Definition at line 2539 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearPresolveExtractIntegerEnforcement()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearPresolveExtractIntegerEnforcement ( )

Clears the value of the "presolve_extract_integer_enforcement" field.

Definition at line 3315 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearPresolveInclusionWorkLimit()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearPresolveInclusionWorkLimit ( )

Clears the value of the "presolve_inclusion_work_limit" field.

Definition at line 3352 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearPresolveProbingDeterministicTimeLimit()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearPresolveProbingDeterministicTimeLimit ( )

Clears the value of the "presolve_probing_deterministic_time_limit" field.

Definition at line 2632 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearPresolveSubstitutionLevel()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearPresolveSubstitutionLevel ( )

Clears the value of the "presolve_substitution_level" field.

Definition at line 3280 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearPresolveUseBva()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearPresolveUseBva ( )

Clears the value of the "presolve_use_bva" field.

Definition at line 2693 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearProbingDeterministicTimeLimit()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearProbingDeterministicTimeLimit ( )

Clears the value of the "probing_deterministic_time_limit" field.

Definition at line 2605 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearProbingNumCombinationsLimit()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearProbingNumCombinationsLimit ( )

Clears the value of the "probing_num_combinations_limit" field.

Definition at line 5433 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearPropagationLoopDetectionFactor()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearPropagationLoopDetectionFactor ( )

Clears the value of the "propagation_loop_detection_factor" field.

Definition at line 4447 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearPseudoCostReliabilityThreshold()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearPseudoCostReliabilityThreshold ( )

Clears the value of the "pseudo_cost_reliability_threshold" field.

Definition at line 5653 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearPushAllTasksTowardStart()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearPushAllTasksTowardStart ( )

Clears the value of the "push_all_tasks_toward_start" field.

Definition at line 7239 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearRandomBranchesRatio()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearRandomBranchesRatio ( )

Clears the value of the "random_branches_ratio" field.

Definition at line 930 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearRandomizeSearch()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearRandomizeSearch ( )

Clears the value of the "randomize_search" field.

Definition at line 7176 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearRandomPolarityRatio()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearRandomPolarityRatio ( )

Clears the value of the "random_polarity_ratio" field.

Definition at line 898 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearRandomSeed()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearRandomSeed ( )

Clears the value of the "random_seed" field.

Definition at line 2161 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearRelativeGapLimit()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearRelativeGapLimit ( )

Clears the value of the "relative_gap_limit" field.

Definition at line 2124 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearRemoveFixedVariablesEarly()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearRemoveFixedVariablesEarly ( )

Clears the value of the "remove_fixed_variables_early" field.

Definition at line 2881 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearRepairHint()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearRepairHint ( )

Clears the value of the "repair_hint" field.

Definition at line 5310 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearRestartDlAverageRatio()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearRestartDlAverageRatio ( )

Clears the value of the "restart_dl_average_ratio" field.

Definition at line 1704 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearRestartLbdAverageRatio()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearRestartLbdAverageRatio ( )

Clears the value of the "restart_lbd_average_ratio" field.

Definition at line 1731 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearRestartPeriod()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearRestartPeriod ( )

Clears the value of the "restart_period" field.

Definition at line 1643 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearRestartRunningWindowSize()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearRestartRunningWindowSize ( )

Clears the value of the "restart_running_window_size" field.

Definition at line 1673 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearRootLpIterations()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearRootLpIterations ( )

Clears the value of the "root_lp_iterations" field.

Definition at line 8310 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearRoutingCutDpEffort()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearRoutingCutDpEffort ( )

Clears the value of the "routing_cut_dp_effort" field.

Definition at line 5220 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearRoutingCutSubsetSizeForBinaryRelationBound()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearRoutingCutSubsetSizeForBinaryRelationBound ( )

Clears the value of the "routing_cut_subset_size_for_binary_relation_bound" field.

Definition at line 5155 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearRoutingCutSubsetSizeForTightBinaryRelationBound()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearRoutingCutSubsetSizeForTightBinaryRelationBound ( )

Clears the value of the "routing_cut_subset_size_for_tight_binary_relation_bound" field.

Definition at line 5187 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearSaveLpBasisInLbTreeSearch()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearSaveLpBasisInLbTreeSearch ( )

Clears the value of the "save_lp_basis_in_lb_tree_search" field.

Definition at line 5756 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearSearchBranching()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearSearchBranching ( )

Clears the value of the "search_branching" field.

Definition at line 5247 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearSearchRandomVariablePoolSize()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearSearchRandomVariablePoolSize ( )

Clears the value of the "search_random_variable_pool_size" field.

Definition at line 7208 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearShareBinaryClauses()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearShareBinaryClauses ( )

Clears the value of the "share_binary_clauses" field.

Definition at line 4009 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearSharedTreeBalanceTolerance()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearSharedTreeBalanceTolerance ( )

Clears the value of the "shared_tree_balance_tolerance" field.

Definition at line 6514 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearSharedTreeMaxNodesPerWorker()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearSharedTreeMaxNodesPerWorker ( )

Clears the value of the "shared_tree_max_nodes_per_worker" field.

Definition at line 6451 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearSharedTreeNumWorkers()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearSharedTreeNumWorkers ( )

Clears the value of the "shared_tree_num_workers" field.

Definition at line 6265 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearSharedTreeOpenLeavesPerWorker()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearSharedTreeOpenLeavesPerWorker ( )

Clears the value of the "shared_tree_open_leaves_per_worker" field.

Definition at line 6418 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearSharedTreeSplitStrategy()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearSharedTreeSplitStrategy ( )

Clears the value of the "shared_tree_split_strategy" field.

Definition at line 6478 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearSharedTreeWorkerEnablePhaseSharing()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearSharedTreeWorkerEnablePhaseSharing ( )

Clears the value of the "shared_tree_worker_enable_phase_sharing" field.

Definition at line 6388 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearSharedTreeWorkerEnableTrailSharing()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearSharedTreeWorkerEnableTrailSharing ( )

Clears the value of the "shared_tree_worker_enable_trail_sharing" field.

Definition at line 6357 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearSharedTreeWorkerMinRestartsPerSubtree()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearSharedTreeWorkerMinRestartsPerSubtree ( )

Clears the value of the "shared_tree_worker_min_restarts_per_subtree" field.

Definition at line 6326 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearShareGlueClauses()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearShareGlueClauses ( )

Clears the value of the "share_glue_clauses" field.

Definition at line 4040 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearShareLevelZeroBounds()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearShareLevelZeroBounds ( )

Clears the value of the "share_level_zero_bounds" field.

Definition at line 3979 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearShareObjectiveBounds()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearShareObjectiveBounds ( )

Clears the value of the "share_objective_bounds" field.

Definition at line 3949 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearShavingSearchDeterministicTime()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearShavingSearchDeterministicTime ( )

Clears the value of the "shaving_search_deterministic_time" field.

Definition at line 5495 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearShavingSearchThreshold()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearShavingSearchThreshold ( )

Clears the value of the "shaving_search_threshold" field.

Definition at line 5528 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearSolutionPoolSize()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearSolutionPoolSize ( )

Clears the value of the "solution_pool_size" field.

Definition at line 6967 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearStopAfterFirstSolution()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearStopAfterFirstSolution ( )

Clears the value of the "stop_after_first_solution" field.

Definition at line 6760 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearStopAfterPresolve()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearStopAfterPresolve ( )

Clears the value of the "stop_after_presolve" field.

Definition at line 6791 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearStopAfterRootPropagation()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearStopAfterRootPropagation ( )

Clears the value of the "stop_after_root_propagation" field.

Definition at line 6818 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearStrategyChangeIncreaseRatio()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearStrategyChangeIncreaseRatio ( )

Clears the value of the "strategy_change_increase_ratio" field.

Definition at line 1880 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearSubsumptionDuringConflictAnalysis()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearSubsumptionDuringConflictAnalysis ( )

Clears the value of the "subsumption_during_conflict_analysis" field.

Definition at line 1117 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearSymmetryDetectionDeterministicTimeLimit()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearSymmetryDetectionDeterministicTimeLimit ( )

Clears the value of the "symmetry_detection_deterministic_time_limit" field.

Definition at line 7693 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearSymmetryLevel()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearSymmetryLevel ( )

Clears the value of the "symmetry_level" field.

Definition at line 7596 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearTableCompressionLevel()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearTableCompressionLevel ( )

Clears the value of the "table_compression_level" field.

Definition at line 2950 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseAbslRandom()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseAbslRandom ( )

Clears the value of the "use_absl_random" field.

Definition at line 2248 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseAllDifferentForCircuit()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseAllDifferentForCircuit ( )

Clears the value of the "use_all_different_for_circuit" field.

Definition at line 5118 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseAreaEnergeticReasoningInNoOverlap2D()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseAreaEnergeticReasoningInNoOverlap2D ( )

Clears the value of the "use_area_energetic_reasoning_in_no_overlap_2d" field.

Definition at line 4957 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseBlockingRestart()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseBlockingRestart ( )

Clears the value of the "use_blocking_restart" field.

Definition at line 1763 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseCombinedNoOverlap()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseCombinedNoOverlap ( )

Clears the value of the "use_combined_no_overlap" field.

Definition at line 7340 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseConservativeScaleOverloadChecker()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseConservativeScaleOverloadChecker ( )

Clears the value of the "use_conservative_scale_overload_checker" field.

Definition at line 4687 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseDisjunctiveConstraintInCumulative()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseDisjunctiveConstraintInCumulative ( )

Clears the value of the "use_disjunctive_constraint_in_cumulative" field.

Definition at line 4859 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseDualSchedulingHeuristics()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseDualSchedulingHeuristics ( )

Clears the value of the "use_dual_scheduling_heuristics" field.

Definition at line 5087 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseDynamicPrecedenceInCumulative()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseDynamicPrecedenceInCumulative ( )

Clears the value of the "use_dynamic_precedence_in_cumulative" field.

Definition at line 4613 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseDynamicPrecedenceInDisjunctive()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseDynamicPrecedenceInDisjunctive ( )

Clears the value of the "use_dynamic_precedence_in_disjunctive" field.

Definition at line 4586 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseEnergeticReasoningInNoOverlap2D()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseEnergeticReasoningInNoOverlap2D ( )

Clears the value of the "use_energetic_reasoning_in_no_overlap_2d" field.

Definition at line 4925 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseErwaHeuristic()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseErwaHeuristic ( )

Clears the value of the "use_erwa_heuristic" field.

Definition at line 962 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseExactLpReason()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseExactLpReason ( )

Clears the value of the "use_exact_lp_reason" field.

Definition at line 7308 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseExtendedProbing()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseExtendedProbing ( )

Clears the value of the "use_extended_probing" field.

Definition at line 5403 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseFeasibilityJump()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseFeasibilityJump ( )

Clears the value of the "use_feasibility_jump" field.

Definition at line 5856 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseFeasibilityPump()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseFeasibilityPump ( )

Clears the value of the "use_feasibility_pump" field.

Definition at line 7027 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseHardPrecedencesInCumulative()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseHardPrecedencesInCumulative ( )

Clears the value of the "use_hard_precedences_in_cumulative" field.

Definition at line 4791 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseImpliedBounds()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseImpliedBounds ( )

Clears the value of the "use_implied_bounds" field.

Definition at line 7435 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseLbRelaxLns()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseLbRelaxLns ( )

Clears the value of the "use_lb_relax_lns" field.

Definition at line 7059 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseLns()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseLns ( )

Clears the value of the "use_lns" field.

Definition at line 6905 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseLnsOnly()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseLnsOnly ( )

Clears the value of the "use_lns_only" field.

Definition at line 6935 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseLsOnly()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseLsOnly ( )

Clears the value of the "use_ls_only" field.

Definition at line 5887 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseObjectiveLbSearch()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseObjectiveLbSearch ( )

Clears the value of the "use_objective_lb_search" field.

Definition at line 5559 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseObjectiveShavingSearch()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseObjectiveShavingSearch ( )

Clears the value of the "use_objective_shaving_search" field.

Definition at line 5591 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseOptimizationHints()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseOptimizationHints ( )

Clears the value of the "use_optimization_hints" field.

Definition at line 4227 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseOptionalVariables()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseOptionalVariables ( )

Clears the value of the "use_optional_variables" field.

Definition at line 7275 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseOverloadCheckerInCumulative()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseOverloadCheckerInCumulative ( )

Clears the value of the "use_overload_checker_in_cumulative" field.

Definition at line 4650 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUsePbResolution()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUsePbResolution ( )

Clears the value of the "use_pb_resolution" field.

Definition at line 2435 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUsePhaseSaving()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUsePhaseSaving ( )

Clears the value of the "use_phase_saving" field.

Definition at line 801 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUsePrecedencesInDisjunctiveConstraint()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUsePrecedencesInDisjunctiveConstraint ( )

Clears the value of the "use_precedences_in_disjunctive_constraint" field.

Definition at line 4486 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseProbingSearch()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseProbingSearch ( )

Clears the value of the "use_probing_search" field.

Definition at line 5373 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseRinsLns()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseRinsLns ( )

Clears the value of the "use_rins_lns" field.

Definition at line 6997 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseSatInprocessing()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseSatInprocessing ( )

Clears the value of the "use_sat_inprocessing" field.

Definition at line 3484 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseSharedTreeSearch()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseSharedTreeSearch ( )

Clears the value of the "use_shared_tree_search" field.

Definition at line 6295 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseShavingInProbingSearch()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseShavingInProbingSearch ( )

Clears the value of the "use_shaving_in_probing_search" field.

Definition at line 5464 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseStrongPropagationInDisjunctive()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseStrongPropagationInDisjunctive ( )

Clears the value of the "use_strong_propagation_in_disjunctive" field.

Definition at line 4550 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseSymmetryInLp()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseSymmetryInLp ( )

Clears the value of the "use_symmetry_in_lp" field.

Definition at line 7630 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseTimetableEdgeFindingInCumulative()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseTimetableEdgeFindingInCumulative ( )

Clears the value of the "use_timetable_edge_finding_in_cumulative" field.

Definition at line 4724 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseTimetablingInNoOverlap2D()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseTimetablingInNoOverlap2D ( )

Clears the value of the "use_timetabling_in_no_overlap_2d" field.

Definition at line 4893 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseTryEdgeReasoningInNoOverlap2D()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseTryEdgeReasoningInNoOverlap2D ( )

Clears the value of the "use_try_edge_reasoning_in_no_overlap_2d" field.

Definition at line 4984 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearUseVariablesShavingSearch()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearUseVariablesShavingSearch ( )

Clears the value of the "use_variables_shaving_search" field.

Definition at line 5622 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearVariableActivityDecay()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearVariableActivityDecay ( )

Clears the value of the "variable_activity_decay" field.

Definition at line 1390 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearViolationLsCompoundMoveProbability()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearViolationLsCompoundMoveProbability ( )

Clears the value of the "violation_ls_compound_move_probability" field.

Definition at line 6229 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClearViolationLsPerturbationPeriod()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClearViolationLsPerturbationPeriod ( )

Clears the value of the "violation_ls_perturbation_period" field.

Definition at line 6198 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ Clone()

SatParameters Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.Clone ( )

Definition at line 675 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ Equals() [1/2]

override bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.Equals ( object other)

Definition at line 9182 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ Equals() [2/2]

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.Equals ( SatParameters other)

Definition at line 9188 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ GetHashCode()

override int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.GetHashCode ( )

Definition at line 9467 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MergeFrom() [1/2]

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MergeFrom ( pb.CodedInputStream input)

Definition at line 13469 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MergeFrom() [2/2]

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MergeFrom ( SatParameters other)

Definition at line 12671 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ToString()

override string Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ToString ( )

Definition at line 9744 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ WriteTo()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.WriteTo ( pb.CodedOutputStream output)

Definition at line 9750 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

Member Data Documentation

◆ AbsoluteGapLimitFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.AbsoluteGapLimitFieldNumber = 159

Field number for the "absolute_gap_limit" field.

Definition at line 2052 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ AddCgCutsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.AddCgCutsFieldNumber = 117

Field number for the "add_cg_cuts" field.

Definition at line 7991 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ AddCliqueCutsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.AddCliqueCutsFieldNumber = 172

Field number for the "add_clique_cuts" field.

Definition at line 8084 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ AddLinMaxCutsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.AddLinMaxCutsFieldNumber = 152

Field number for the "add_lin_max_cuts" field.

Definition at line 8179 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ AddLpConstraintsLazilyFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.AddLpConstraintsLazilyFieldNumber = 112

Field number for the "add_lp_constraints_lazily" field.

Definition at line 8249 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ AddMirCutsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.AddMirCutsFieldNumber = 120

Field number for the "add_mir_cuts" field.

Definition at line 8022 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ AddObjectiveCutFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.AddObjectiveCutFieldNumber = 197

Field number for the "add_objective_cut" field.

Definition at line 7957 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ AddRltCutsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.AddRltCutsFieldNumber = 279

Field number for the "add_rlt_cuts" field.

Definition at line 8116 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ AddZeroHalfCutsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.AddZeroHalfCutsFieldNumber = 169

Field number for the "add_zero_half_cuts" field.

Definition at line 8053 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ AlsoBumpVariablesInConflictReasonsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.AlsoBumpVariablesInConflictReasonsFieldNumber = 77

Field number for the "also_bump_variables_in_conflict_reasons" field.

Definition at line 1002 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ AtMostOneMaxExpansionSizeFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.AtMostOneMaxExpansionSizeFieldNumber = 270

Field number for the "at_most_one_max_expansion_size" field.

Definition at line 7345 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ AutoDetectGreaterThanAtLeastOneOfFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.AutoDetectGreaterThanAtLeastOneOfFieldNumber = 95

Field number for the "auto_detect_greater_than_at_least_one_of" field.

Definition at line 6702 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ BinaryMinimizationAlgorithmFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.BinaryMinimizationAlgorithmFieldNumber = 34

Field number for the "binary_minimization_algorithm" field.

Definition at line 1062 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ BinarySearchNumConflictsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.BinarySearchNumConflictsFieldNumber = 99

Field number for the "binary_search_num_conflicts" field.

Definition at line 5761 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ BlockingRestartMultiplierFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.BlockingRestartMultiplierFieldNumber = 66

Field number for the "blocking_restart_multiplier" field.

Definition at line 1795 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ BlockingRestartWindowSizeFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.BlockingRestartWindowSizeFieldNumber = 65

Field number for the "blocking_restart_window_size" field.

Definition at line 1768 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ BooleanEncodingLevelFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.BooleanEncodingLevelFieldNumber = 107

Field number for the "boolean_encoding_level" field.

Definition at line 7795 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ CatchSigintSignalFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.CatchSigintSignalFieldNumber = 135

Field number for the "catch_sigint_signal" field.

Definition at line 7376 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClauseActivityDecayFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClauseActivityDecayFieldNumber = 17

Field number for the "clause_activity_decay" field.

Definition at line 1511 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClauseCleanupLbdBoundFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClauseCleanupLbdBoundFieldNumber = 59

Field number for the "clause_cleanup_lbd_bound" field.

Definition at line 1242 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClauseCleanupOrderingFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClauseCleanupOrderingFieldNumber = 60

Field number for the "clause_cleanup_ordering" field.

Definition at line 1273 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClauseCleanupPeriodFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClauseCleanupPeriodFieldNumber = 11

Field number for the "clause_cleanup_period" field.

Definition at line 1122 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClauseCleanupProtectionFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClauseCleanupProtectionFieldNumber = 58

Field number for the "clause_cleanup_protection" field.

Definition at line 1215 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClauseCleanupRatioFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClauseCleanupRatioFieldNumber = 190

Field number for the "clause_cleanup_ratio" field.

Definition at line 1183 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClauseCleanupTargetFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClauseCleanupTargetFieldNumber = 13

Field number for the "clause_cleanup_target" field.

Definition at line 1152 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ConvertIntervalsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ConvertIntervalsFieldNumber = 177

Field number for the "convert_intervals" field.

Definition at line 7534 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ CoreMinimizationLevelFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.CoreMinimizationLevelFieldNumber = 50

Field number for the "core_minimization_level" field.

Definition at line 4232 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ CountAssumptionLevelsInLbdFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.CountAssumptionLevelsInLbdFieldNumber = 49

Field number for the "count_assumption_levels_in_lbd" field.

Definition at line 2473 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ CoverOptimizationFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.CoverOptimizationFieldNumber = 89

Field number for the "cover_optimization" field.

Definition at line 4296 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ CpModelPresolveFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.CpModelPresolveFieldNumber = 86

Field number for the "cp_model_presolve" field.

Definition at line 2763 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ CpModelProbingLevelFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.CpModelProbingLevelFieldNumber = 110

Field number for the "cp_model_probing_level" field.

Definition at line 2793 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ CpModelUseSatPresolveFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.CpModelUseSatPresolveFieldNumber = 93

Field number for the "cp_model_use_sat_presolve" field.

Definition at line 2823 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ CutActiveCountDecayFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.CutActiveCountDecayFieldNumber = 156

Field number for the "cut_active_count_decay" field.

Definition at line 8443 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ CutCleanupTargetFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.CutCleanupTargetFieldNumber = 157

Field number for the "cut_cleanup_target" field.

Definition at line 8470 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ CutLevelFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.CutLevelFieldNumber = 196

Field number for the "cut_level" field.

Definition at line 7894 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ CutMaxActiveCountValueFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.CutMaxActiveCountValueFieldNumber = 155

Field number for the "cut_max_active_count_value" field.

Definition at line 8411 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ DebugCrashIfPresolveBreaksHintFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.DebugCrashIfPresolveBreaksHintFieldNumber = 306

Field number for the "debug_crash_if_presolve_breaks_hint" field.

Definition at line 4169 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ DebugCrashOnBadHintFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.DebugCrashOnBadHintFieldNumber = 195

Field number for the "debug_crash_on_bad_hint" field.

Definition at line 4139 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ DebugMaxNumPresolveOperationsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.DebugMaxNumPresolveOperationsFieldNumber = 151

Field number for the "debug_max_num_presolve_operations" field.

Definition at line 4108 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ DebugPostsolveWithFullSolverFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.DebugPostsolveWithFullSolverFieldNumber = 162

Field number for the "debug_postsolve_with_full_solver" field.

Definition at line 4076 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ DefaultRestartAlgorithmsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.DefaultRestartAlgorithmsFieldNumber = 70

Field number for the "default_restart_algorithms" field.

Definition at line 1591 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ DetectLinearizedProductFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.DetectLinearizedProductFieldNumber = 277

Field number for the "detect_linearized_product" field.

Definition at line 8689 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ DetectTableWithCostFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.DetectTableWithCostFieldNumber = 216

Field number for the "detect_table_with_cost" field.

Definition at line 2886 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ DisableConstraintExpansionFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.DisableConstraintExpansionFieldNumber = 181

Field number for the "disable_constraint_expansion" field.

Definition at line 3129 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ DiversifyLnsParamsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.DiversifyLnsParamsFieldNumber = 137

Field number for the "diversify_lns_params" field.

Definition at line 7121 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ EncodeComplexLinearConstraintWithIntegerFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.EncodeComplexLinearConstraintWithIntegerFieldNumber = 223

Field number for the "encode_complex_linear_constraint_with_integer" field.

Definition at line 3160 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ EncodeCumulativeAsReservoirFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.EncodeCumulativeAsReservoirFieldNumber = 287

Field number for the "encode_cumulative_as_reservoir" field.

Definition at line 3062 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ EnumerateAllSolutionsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.EnumerateAllSolutionsFieldNumber = 87

Field number for the "enumerate_all_solutions" field.

Definition at line 6519 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ExpandAlldiffConstraintsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ExpandAlldiffConstraintsFieldNumber = 170

Field number for the "expand_alldiff_constraints" field.

Definition at line 2955 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ExpandReservoirConstraintsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ExpandReservoirConstraintsFieldNumber = 182

Field number for the "expand_reservoir_constraints" field.

Definition at line 2986 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ExpandReservoirUsingCircuitFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ExpandReservoirUsingCircuitFieldNumber = 288

Field number for the "expand_reservoir_using_circuit" field.

Definition at line 3017 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ExploitAllLpSolutionFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ExploitAllLpSolutionFieldNumber = 116

Field number for the "exploit_all_lp_solution" field.

Definition at line 8564 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ExploitAllPrecedencesFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ExploitAllPrecedencesFieldNumber = 220

Field number for the "exploit_all_precedences" field.

Definition at line 4796 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ExploitBestSolutionFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ExploitBestSolutionFieldNumber = 130

Field number for the "exploit_best_solution" field.

Definition at line 8596 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ExploitIntegerLpSolutionFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ExploitIntegerLpSolutionFieldNumber = 94

Field number for the "exploit_integer_lp_solution" field.

Definition at line 8531 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ExploitObjectiveFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ExploitObjectiveFieldNumber = 131

Field number for the "exploit_objective" field.

Definition at line 8658 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ExploitRelaxationSolutionFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ExploitRelaxationSolutionFieldNumber = 161

Field number for the "exploit_relaxation_solution" field.

Definition at line 8626 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ExtraSubsolversFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ExtraSubsolversFieldNumber = 219

Field number for the "extra_subsolvers" field.

Definition at line 3794 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ FeasibilityJumpBatchDtimeFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.FeasibilityJumpBatchDtimeFieldNumber = 292

Field number for the "feasibility_jump_batch_dtime" field.

Definition at line 5984 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ FeasibilityJumpDecayFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.FeasibilityJumpDecayFieldNumber = 242

Field number for the "feasibility_jump_decay" field.

Definition at line 5892 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ FeasibilityJumpEnableRestartsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.FeasibilityJumpEnableRestartsFieldNumber = 250

Field number for the "feasibility_jump_enable_restarts" field.

Definition at line 6076 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ FeasibilityJumpLinearizationLevelFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.FeasibilityJumpLinearizationLevelFieldNumber = 257

Field number for the "feasibility_jump_linearization_level" field.

Definition at line 5923 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ FeasibilityJumpMaxExpandedConstraintSizeFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.FeasibilityJumpMaxExpandedConstraintSizeFieldNumber = 264

Field number for the "feasibility_jump_max_expanded_constraint_size" field.

Definition at line 6108 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ FeasibilityJumpRestartFactorFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.FeasibilityJumpRestartFactorFieldNumber = 258

Field number for the "feasibility_jump_restart_factor" field.

Definition at line 5953 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ FeasibilityJumpVarPerburbationRangeRatioFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.FeasibilityJumpVarPerburbationRangeRatioFieldNumber = 248

Field number for the "feasibility_jump_var_perburbation_range_ratio" field.

Definition at line 6045 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ FeasibilityJumpVarRandomizationProbabilityFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.FeasibilityJumpVarRandomizationProbabilityFieldNumber = 247

Field number for the "feasibility_jump_var_randomization_probability" field.

Definition at line 6014 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ FillAdditionalSolutionsInResponseFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.FillAdditionalSolutionsInResponseFieldNumber = 194

Field number for the "fill_additional_solutions_in_response" field.

Definition at line 6628 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ FillTightenedDomainsInResponseFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.FillTightenedDomainsInResponseFieldNumber = 132

Field number for the "fill_tightened_domains_in_response" field.

Definition at line 6594 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ FilterSubsolversFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.FilterSubsolversFieldNumber = 293

Field number for the "filter_subsolvers" field.

Definition at line 3832 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ FindBigLinearOverlapFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.FindBigLinearOverlapFieldNumber = 234

Field number for the "find_big_linear_overlap" field.

Definition at line 3425 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ FindMultipleCoresFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.FindMultipleCoresFieldNumber = 84

Field number for the "find_multiple_cores" field.

Definition at line 4265 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ FixVariablesToTheirHintedValueFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.FixVariablesToTheirHintedValueFieldNumber = 192

Field number for the "fix_variables_to_their_hinted_value" field.

Definition at line 5315 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ FpRoundingFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.FpRoundingFieldNumber = 165

Field number for the "fp_rounding" field.

Definition at line 7094 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ GlucoseDecayIncrementFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.GlucoseDecayIncrementFieldNumber = 23

Field number for the "glucose_decay_increment" field.

Definition at line 1457 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ GlucoseDecayIncrementPeriodFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.GlucoseDecayIncrementPeriodFieldNumber = 24

Field number for the "glucose_decay_increment_period" field.

Definition at line 1484 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ GlucoseMaxDecayFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.GlucoseMaxDecayFieldNumber = 22

Field number for the "glucose_max_decay" field.

Definition at line 1422 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HintConflictLimitFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HintConflictLimitFieldNumber = 153

Field number for the "hint_conflict_limit" field.

Definition at line 5252 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ IgnoreNamesFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.IgnoreNamesFieldNumber = 202

Field number for the "ignore_names" field.

Definition at line 3357 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ IgnoreSubsolversFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.IgnoreSubsolversFieldNumber = 209

Field number for the "ignore_subsolvers" field.

Definition at line 3809 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ InferAllDiffsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.InferAllDiffsFieldNumber = 233

Field number for the "infer_all_diffs" field.

Definition at line 3387 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ InitialPolarityFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.InitialPolarityFieldNumber = 2

Field number for the "initial_polarity" field.

Definition at line 737 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ InitialVariablesActivityFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.InitialVariablesActivityFieldNumber = 76

Field number for the "initial_variables_activity" field.

Definition at line 967 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ InprocessingDtimeRatioFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.InprocessingDtimeRatioFieldNumber = 273

Field number for the "inprocessing_dtime_ratio" field.

Definition at line 3489 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ InprocessingMinimizationDtimeFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.InprocessingMinimizationDtimeFieldNumber = 275

Field number for the "inprocessing_minimization_dtime" field.

Definition at line 3551 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ InprocessingMinimizationUseAllOrderingsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.InprocessingMinimizationUseAllOrderingsFieldNumber = 298

Field number for the "inprocessing_minimization_use_all_orderings" field.

Definition at line 3619 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ InprocessingMinimizationUseConflictAnalysisFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.InprocessingMinimizationUseConflictAnalysisFieldNumber = 297

Field number for the "inprocessing_minimization_use_conflict_analysis" field.

Definition at line 3592 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ InprocessingProbingDtimeFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.InprocessingProbingDtimeFieldNumber = 274

Field number for the "inprocessing_probing_dtime" field.

Definition at line 3521 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ InstantiateAllVariablesFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.InstantiateAllVariablesFieldNumber = 106

Field number for the "instantiate_all_variables" field.

Definition at line 6669 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ InterleaveBatchSizeFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.InterleaveBatchSizeFieldNumber = 134

Field number for the "interleave_batch_size" field.

Definition at line 3897 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ InterleaveSearchFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.InterleaveSearchFieldNumber = 136

Field number for the "interleave_search" field.

Definition at line 3861 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ KeepAllFeasibleSolutionsInPresolveFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.KeepAllFeasibleSolutionsInPresolveFieldNumber = 173

Field number for the "keep_all_feasible_solutions_in_presolve" field.

Definition at line 6556 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ KeepSymmetryInPresolveFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.KeepSymmetryInPresolveFieldNumber = 303

Field number for the "keep_symmetry_in_presolve" field.

Definition at line 7635 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ LbRelaxNumWorkersThresholdFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.LbRelaxNumWorkersThresholdFieldNumber = 296

Field number for the "lb_relax_num_workers_threshold" field.

Definition at line 7064 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ LinearizationLevelFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.LinearizationLevelFieldNumber = 90

Field number for the "linearization_level" field.

Definition at line 7762 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ LinearSplitSizeFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.LinearSplitSizeFieldNumber = 256

Field number for the "linear_split_size" field.

Definition at line 7730 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ LnsInitialDeterministicLimitFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.LnsInitialDeterministicLimitFieldNumber = 308

Field number for the "lns_initial_deterministic_limit" field.

Definition at line 6853 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ LnsInitialDifficultyFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.LnsInitialDifficultyFieldNumber = 307

Field number for the "lns_initial_difficulty" field.

Definition at line 6823 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ LogPrefixFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.LogPrefixFieldNumber = 185

Field number for the "log_prefix" field.

Definition at line 2318 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ LogSearchProgressFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.LogSearchProgressFieldNumber = 41

Field number for the "log_search_progress" field.

Definition at line 2253 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ LogSubsolverStatisticsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.LogSubsolverStatisticsFieldNumber = 189

Field number for the "log_subsolver_statistics" field.

Definition at line 2285 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ LogToResponseFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.LogToResponseFieldNumber = 187

Field number for the "log_to_response" field.

Definition at line 2377 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ LogToStdoutFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.LogToStdoutFieldNumber = 186

Field number for the "log_to_stdout" field.

Definition at line 2347 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ LpDualToleranceFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.LpDualToleranceFieldNumber = 267

Field number for the "lp_dual_tolerance" field.

Definition at line 7507 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ LpPrimalToleranceFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.LpPrimalToleranceFieldNumber = 266

Field number for the "lp_primal_tolerance" field.

Definition at line 7473 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxAllDiffCutSizeFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxAllDiffCutSizeFieldNumber = 148

Field number for the "max_all_diff_cut_size" field.

Definition at line 8147 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxClauseActivityValueFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxClauseActivityValueFieldNumber = 18

Field number for the "max_clause_activity_value" field.

Definition at line 1541 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxConsecutiveInactiveCountFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxConsecutiveInactiveCountFieldNumber = 121

Field number for the "max_consecutive_inactive_count" field.

Definition at line 8379 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxCutRoundsAtLevelZeroFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxCutRoundsAtLevelZeroFieldNumber = 154

Field number for the "max_cut_rounds_at_level_zero" field.

Definition at line 8349 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxDeterministicTimeFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxDeterministicTimeFieldNumber = 67

Field number for the "max_deterministic_time" field.

Definition at line 1916 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxDomainSizeWhenEncodingEqNeqConstraintsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxDomainSizeWhenEncodingEqNeqConstraintsFieldNumber = 191

Field number for the "max_domain_size_when_encoding_eq_neq_constraints" field.

Definition at line 7826 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaximumRegionsToSplitInDisconnectedNoOverlap2DFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaximumRegionsToSplitInDisconnectedNoOverlap2DFieldNumber = 315

Field number for the "maximum_regions_to_split_in_disconnected_no_overlap_2d" field.

Definition at line 5021 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxIntegerRoundingScalingFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxIntegerRoundingScalingFieldNumber = 119

Field number for the "max_integer_rounding_scaling" field.

Definition at line 8211 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxLinMaxSizeForExpansionFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxLinMaxSizeForExpansionFieldNumber = 280

Field number for the "max_lin_max_size_for_expansion" field.

Definition at line 3094 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxMemoryInMbFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxMemoryInMbFieldNumber = 40

Field number for the "max_memory_in_mb" field.

Definition at line 2016 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxNumberOfConflictsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxNumberOfConflictsFieldNumber = 37

Field number for the "max_number_of_conflicts" field.

Definition at line 1979 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxNumCutsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxNumCutsFieldNumber = 91

Field number for the "max_num_cuts" field.

Definition at line 7859 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxNumDeterministicBatchesFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxNumDeterministicBatchesFieldNumber = 291

Field number for the "max_num_deterministic_batches" field.

Definition at line 1948 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxNumIntervalsForTimetableEdgeFindingFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxNumIntervalsForTimetableEdgeFindingFieldNumber = 260

Field number for the "max_num_intervals_for_timetable_edge_finding" field.

Definition at line 4729 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxPairsPairwiseReasoningInNoOverlap2DFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxPairsPairwiseReasoningInNoOverlap2DFieldNumber = 276

Field number for the "max_pairs_pairwise_reasoning_in_no_overlap_2d" field.

Definition at line 4989 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxPresolveIterationsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxPresolveIterationsFieldNumber = 138

Field number for the "max_presolve_iterations" field.

Definition at line 2731 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxSatAssumptionOrderFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxSatAssumptionOrderFieldNumber = 51

Field number for the "max_sat_assumption_order" field.

Definition at line 4328 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxSatReverseAssumptionOrderFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxSatReverseAssumptionOrderFieldNumber = 52

Field number for the "max_sat_reverse_assumption_order" field.

Definition at line 4355 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxSatStratificationFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxSatStratificationFieldNumber = 53

Field number for the "max_sat_stratification" field.

Definition at line 4386 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxSizeToCreatePrecedenceLiteralsInDisjunctiveFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxSizeToCreatePrecedenceLiteralsInDisjunctiveFieldNumber = 229

Field number for the "max_size_to_create_precedence_literals_in_disjunctive" field.

Definition at line 4491 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxTimeInSecondsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxTimeInSecondsFieldNumber = 36

Field number for the "max_time_in_seconds" field.

Definition at line 1885 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxVariableActivityValueFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxVariableActivityValueFieldNumber = 16

Field number for the "max_variable_activity_value" field.

Definition at line 1395 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MergeAtMostOneWorkLimitFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MergeAtMostOneWorkLimitFieldNumber = 146

Field number for the "merge_at_most_one_work_limit" field.

Definition at line 3225 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MergeNoOverlapWorkLimitFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MergeNoOverlapWorkLimitFieldNumber = 145

Field number for the "merge_no_overlap_work_limit" field.

Definition at line 3191 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MinimizationAlgorithmFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MinimizationAlgorithmFieldNumber = 4

Field number for the "minimization_algorithm" field.

Definition at line 1035 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MinimizeReductionDuringPbResolutionFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MinimizeReductionDuringPbResolutionFieldNumber = 48

Field number for the "minimize_reduction_during_pb_resolution" field.

Definition at line 2440 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MinimizeSharedClausesFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MinimizeSharedClausesFieldNumber = 300

Field number for the "minimize_shared_clauses" field.

Definition at line 4045 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MinOrthogonalityForLpConstraintsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MinOrthogonalityForLpConstraintsFieldNumber = 115

Field number for the "min_orthogonality_for_lp_constraints" field.

Definition at line 8315 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MipAutomaticallyScaleVariablesFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MipAutomaticallyScaleVariablesFieldNumber = 166

Field number for the "mip_automatically_scale_variables" field.

Definition at line 8817 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MipCheckPrecisionFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MipCheckPrecisionFieldNumber = 128

Field number for the "mip_check_precision" field.

Definition at line 8981 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MipComputeTrueObjectiveBoundFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MipComputeTrueObjectiveBoundFieldNumber = 198

Field number for the "mip_compute_true_objective_bound" field.

Definition at line 9013 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MipDropToleranceFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MipDropToleranceFieldNumber = 232

Field number for the "mip_drop_tolerance" field.

Definition at line 9117 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MipMaxActivityExponentFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MipMaxActivityExponentFieldNumber = 127

Field number for the "mip_max_activity_exponent" field.

Definition at line 8943 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MipMaxBoundFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MipMaxBoundFieldNumber = 124

Field number for the "mip_max_bound" field.

Definition at line 8721 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MipMaxValidMagnitudeFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MipMaxValidMagnitudeFieldNumber = 199

Field number for the "mip_max_valid_magnitude" field.

Definition at line 9047 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MipPresolveLevelFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MipPresolveLevelFieldNumber = 261

Field number for the "mip_presolve_level" field.

Definition at line 9148 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MipScaleLargeDomainFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MipScaleLargeDomainFieldNumber = 225

Field number for the "mip_scale_large_domain" field.

Definition at line 8785 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MipTreatHighMagnitudeBoundsAsInfinityFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MipTreatHighMagnitudeBoundsAsInfinityFieldNumber = 278

Field number for the "mip_treat_high_magnitude_bounds_as_infinity" field.

Definition at line 9081 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MipVarScalingFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MipVarScalingFieldNumber = 125

Field number for the "mip_var_scaling" field.

Definition at line 8753 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MipWantedPrecisionFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MipWantedPrecisionFieldNumber = 126

Field number for the "mip_wanted_precision" field.

Definition at line 8894 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ NameFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.NameFieldNumber = 171

Field number for the "name" field.

Definition at line 680 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ NewConstraintsBatchSizeFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.NewConstraintsBatchSizeFieldNumber = 122

Field number for the "new_constraints_batch_size" field.

Definition at line 8500 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ NewLinearPropagationFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.NewLinearPropagationFieldNumber = 224

Field number for the "new_linear_propagation" field.

Definition at line 7698 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ NumConflictsBeforeStrategyChangesFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.NumConflictsBeforeStrategyChangesFieldNumber = 68

Field number for the "num_conflicts_before_strategy_changes" field.

Definition at line 1822 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ NumFullSubsolversFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.NumFullSubsolversFieldNumber = 294

Field number for the "num_full_subsolvers" field.

Definition at line 3719 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ NumSearchWorkersFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.NumSearchWorkersFieldNumber = 100

Field number for the "num_search_workers" field.

Definition at line 3692 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ NumViolationLsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.NumViolationLsFieldNumber = 244

Field number for the "num_violation_ls" field.

Definition at line 6141 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ NumWorkersFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.NumWorkersFieldNumber = 206

Field number for the "num_workers" field.

Definition at line 3646 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ OnlyAddCutsAtLevelZeroFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.OnlyAddCutsAtLevelZeroFieldNumber = 92

Field number for the "only_add_cuts_at_level_zero" field.

Definition at line 7926 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ OnlySolveIpFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.OnlySolveIpFieldNumber = 222

Field number for the "only_solve_ip" field.

Definition at line 8851 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ OptimizeWithCoreFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.OptimizeWithCoreFieldNumber = 83

Field number for the "optimize_with_core" field.

Definition at line 5658 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ OptimizeWithLbTreeSearchFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.OptimizeWithLbTreeSearchFieldNumber = 188

Field number for the "optimize_with_lb_tree_search" field.

Definition at line 5691 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ OptimizeWithMaxHsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.OptimizeWithMaxHsFieldNumber = 85

Field number for the "optimize_with_max_hs" field.

Definition at line 5794 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PbCleanupIncrementFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PbCleanupIncrementFieldNumber = 46

Field number for the "pb_cleanup_increment" field.

Definition at line 1300 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PbCleanupRatioFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PbCleanupRatioFieldNumber = 47

Field number for the "pb_cleanup_ratio" field.

Definition at line 1330 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PermutePresolveConstraintOrderFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PermutePresolveConstraintOrderFieldNumber = 179

Field number for the "permute_presolve_constraint_order" field.

Definition at line 2199 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PermuteVariableRandomlyFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PermuteVariableRandomlyFieldNumber = 178

Field number for the "permute_variable_randomly" field.

Definition at line 2166 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PolarityExploitLsHintsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PolarityExploitLsHintsFieldNumber = 309

Field number for the "polarity_exploit_ls_hints" field.

Definition at line 838 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PolarityRephaseIncrementFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PolarityRephaseIncrementFieldNumber = 168

Field number for the "polarity_rephase_increment" field.

Definition at line 806 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PolishLpSolutionFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PolishLpSolutionFieldNumber = 175

Field number for the "polish_lp_solution" field.

Definition at line 7440 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PreferredVariableOrderFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PreferredVariableOrderFieldNumber = 1

Field number for the "preferred_variable_order" field.

Definition at line 710 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PresolveBlockedClauseFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PresolveBlockedClauseFieldNumber = 88

Field number for the "presolve_blocked_clause" field.

Definition at line 2637 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PresolveBvaThresholdFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PresolveBvaThresholdFieldNumber = 73

Field number for the "presolve_bva_threshold" field.

Definition at line 2698 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PresolveBveClauseWeightFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PresolveBveClauseWeightFieldNumber = 55

Field number for the "presolve_bve_clause_weight" field.

Definition at line 2544 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PresolveBveThresholdFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PresolveBveThresholdFieldNumber = 54

Field number for the "presolve_bve_threshold" field.

Definition at line 2512 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PresolveExtractIntegerEnforcementFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PresolveExtractIntegerEnforcementFieldNumber = 174

Field number for the "presolve_extract_integer_enforcement" field.

Definition at line 3285 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PresolveInclusionWorkLimitFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PresolveInclusionWorkLimitFieldNumber = 201

Field number for the "presolve_inclusion_work_limit" field.

Definition at line 3320 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PresolveProbingDeterministicTimeLimitFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PresolveProbingDeterministicTimeLimitFieldNumber = 57

Field number for the "presolve_probing_deterministic_time_limit" field.

Definition at line 2610 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PresolveSubstitutionLevelFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PresolveSubstitutionLevelFieldNumber = 147

Field number for the "presolve_substitution_level" field.

Definition at line 3252 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PresolveUseBvaFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PresolveUseBvaFieldNumber = 72

Field number for the "presolve_use_bva" field.

Definition at line 2668 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ProbingDeterministicTimeLimitFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ProbingDeterministicTimeLimitFieldNumber = 226

Field number for the "probing_deterministic_time_limit" field.

Definition at line 2575 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ProbingNumCombinationsLimitFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ProbingNumCombinationsLimitFieldNumber = 272

Field number for the "probing_num_combinations_limit" field.

Definition at line 5408 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PropagationLoopDetectionFactorFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PropagationLoopDetectionFactorFieldNumber = 221

Field number for the "propagation_loop_detection_factor" field.

Definition at line 4413 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PseudoCostReliabilityThresholdFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PseudoCostReliabilityThresholdFieldNumber = 123

Field number for the "pseudo_cost_reliability_threshold" field.

Definition at line 5627 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PushAllTasksTowardStartFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PushAllTasksTowardStartFieldNumber = 262

Field number for the "push_all_tasks_toward_start" field.

Definition at line 7213 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ RandomBranchesRatioFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.RandomBranchesRatioFieldNumber = 32

Field number for the "random_branches_ratio" field.

Definition at line 903 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ RandomizeSearchFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.RandomizeSearchFieldNumber = 103

Field number for the "randomize_search" field.

Definition at line 7151 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ RandomPolarityRatioFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.RandomPolarityRatioFieldNumber = 45

Field number for the "random_polarity_ratio" field.

Definition at line 869 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ RandomSeedFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.RandomSeedFieldNumber = 31

Field number for the "random_seed" field.

Definition at line 2129 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ RelativeGapLimitFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.RelativeGapLimitFieldNumber = 160

Field number for the "relative_gap_limit" field.

Definition at line 2102 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ RemoveFixedVariablesEarlyFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.RemoveFixedVariablesEarlyFieldNumber = 310

Field number for the "remove_fixed_variables_early" field.

Definition at line 2853 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ RepairHintFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.RepairHintFieldNumber = 167

Field number for the "repair_hint" field.

Definition at line 5282 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ RestartAlgorithmsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.RestartAlgorithmsFieldNumber = 61

Field number for the "restart_algorithms" field.

Definition at line 1568 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ RestartDlAverageRatioFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.RestartDlAverageRatioFieldNumber = 63

Field number for the "restart_dl_average_ratio" field.

Definition at line 1678 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ RestartLbdAverageRatioFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.RestartLbdAverageRatioFieldNumber = 71

Field number for the "restart_lbd_average_ratio" field.

Definition at line 1709 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ RestartPeriodFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.RestartPeriodFieldNumber = 30

Field number for the "restart_period" field.

Definition at line 1617 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ RestartRunningWindowSizeFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.RestartRunningWindowSizeFieldNumber = 62

Field number for the "restart_running_window_size" field.

Definition at line 1648 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ RootLpIterationsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.RootLpIterationsFieldNumber = 227

Field number for the "root_lp_iterations" field.

Definition at line 8282 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ RoutingCutDpEffortFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.RoutingCutDpEffortFieldNumber = 314

Field number for the "routing_cut_dp_effort" field.

Definition at line 5192 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ RoutingCutSubsetSizeForBinaryRelationBoundFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.RoutingCutSubsetSizeForBinaryRelationBoundFieldNumber = 312

Field number for the "routing_cut_subset_size_for_binary_relation_bound" field.

Definition at line 5123 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ RoutingCutSubsetSizeForTightBinaryRelationBoundFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.RoutingCutSubsetSizeForTightBinaryRelationBoundFieldNumber = 313

Field number for the "routing_cut_subset_size_for_tight_binary_relation_bound" field.

Definition at line 5160 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SaveLpBasisInLbTreeSearchFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SaveLpBasisInLbTreeSearchFieldNumber = 284

Field number for the "save_lp_basis_in_lb_tree_search" field.

Definition at line 5725 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SearchBranchingFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SearchBranchingFieldNumber = 82

Field number for the "search_branching" field.

Definition at line 5225 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SearchRandomVariablePoolSizeFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SearchRandomVariablePoolSizeFieldNumber = 104

Field number for the "search_random_variable_pool_size" field.

Definition at line 7181 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ShareBinaryClausesFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ShareBinaryClausesFieldNumber = 203

Field number for the "share_binary_clauses" field.

Definition at line 3984 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SharedTreeBalanceToleranceFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SharedTreeBalanceToleranceFieldNumber = 305

Field number for the "shared_tree_balance_tolerance" field.

Definition at line 6483 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SharedTreeMaxNodesPerWorkerFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SharedTreeMaxNodesPerWorkerFieldNumber = 238

Field number for the "shared_tree_max_nodes_per_worker" field.

Definition at line 6423 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SharedTreeNumWorkersFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SharedTreeNumWorkersFieldNumber = 235

Field number for the "shared_tree_num_workers" field.

Definition at line 6234 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SharedTreeOpenLeavesPerWorkerFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SharedTreeOpenLeavesPerWorkerFieldNumber = 281

Field number for the "shared_tree_open_leaves_per_worker" field.

Definition at line 6393 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SharedTreeSplitStrategyFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SharedTreeSplitStrategyFieldNumber = 239

Field number for the "shared_tree_split_strategy" field.

Definition at line 6456 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SharedTreeWorkerEnablePhaseSharingFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SharedTreeWorkerEnablePhaseSharingFieldNumber = 304

Field number for the "shared_tree_worker_enable_phase_sharing" field.

Definition at line 6362 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SharedTreeWorkerEnableTrailSharingFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SharedTreeWorkerEnableTrailSharingFieldNumber = 295

Field number for the "shared_tree_worker_enable_trail_sharing" field.

Definition at line 6331 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SharedTreeWorkerMinRestartsPerSubtreeFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SharedTreeWorkerMinRestartsPerSubtreeFieldNumber = 282

Field number for the "shared_tree_worker_min_restarts_per_subtree" field.

Definition at line 6300 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ShareGlueClausesFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ShareGlueClausesFieldNumber = 285

Field number for the "share_glue_clauses" field.

Definition at line 4014 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ShareLevelZeroBoundsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ShareLevelZeroBoundsFieldNumber = 114

Field number for the "share_level_zero_bounds" field.

Definition at line 3954 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ShareObjectiveBoundsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ShareObjectiveBoundsFieldNumber = 113

Field number for the "share_objective_bounds" field.

Definition at line 3924 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ShavingSearchDeterministicTimeFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ShavingSearchDeterministicTimeFieldNumber = 205

Field number for the "shaving_search_deterministic_time" field.

Definition at line 5469 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ShavingSearchThresholdFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ShavingSearchThresholdFieldNumber = 290

Field number for the "shaving_search_threshold" field.

Definition at line 5500 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SolutionPoolSizeFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SolutionPoolSizeFieldNumber = 193

Field number for the "solution_pool_size" field.

Definition at line 6940 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ StopAfterFirstSolutionFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.StopAfterFirstSolutionFieldNumber = 98

Field number for the "stop_after_first_solution" field.

Definition at line 6735 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ StopAfterPresolveFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.StopAfterPresolveFieldNumber = 149

Field number for the "stop_after_presolve" field.

Definition at line 6765 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ StopAfterRootPropagationFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.StopAfterRootPropagationFieldNumber = 252

Field number for the "stop_after_root_propagation" field.

Definition at line 6796 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ StrategyChangeIncreaseRatioFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.StrategyChangeIncreaseRatioFieldNumber = 69

Field number for the "strategy_change_increase_ratio" field.

Definition at line 1854 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SubsolverParamsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SubsolverParamsFieldNumber = 210

Field number for the "subsolver_params" field.

Definition at line 3843 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SubsolversFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SubsolversFieldNumber = 207

Field number for the "subsolvers" field.

Definition at line 3753 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SubsumptionDuringConflictAnalysisFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SubsumptionDuringConflictAnalysisFieldNumber = 56

Field number for the "subsumption_during_conflict_analysis" field.

Definition at line 1089 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SymmetryDetectionDeterministicTimeLimitFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SymmetryDetectionDeterministicTimeLimitFieldNumber = 302

Field number for the "symmetry_detection_deterministic_time_limit" field.

Definition at line 7668 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SymmetryLevelFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SymmetryLevelFieldNumber = 183

Field number for the "symmetry_level" field.

Definition at line 7566 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ TableCompressionLevelFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.TableCompressionLevelFieldNumber = 217

Field number for the "table_compression_level" field.

Definition at line 2922 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseAbslRandomFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseAbslRandomFieldNumber = 180

Field number for the "use_absl_random" field.

Definition at line 2226 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseAllDifferentForCircuitFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseAllDifferentForCircuitFieldNumber = 311

Field number for the "use_all_different_for_circuit" field.

Definition at line 5092 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseAreaEnergeticReasoningInNoOverlap2DFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseAreaEnergeticReasoningInNoOverlap2DFieldNumber = 271

Field number for the "use_area_energetic_reasoning_in_no_overlap_2d" field.

Definition at line 4930 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseBlockingRestartFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseBlockingRestartFieldNumber = 64

Field number for the "use_blocking_restart" field.

Definition at line 1736 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseCombinedNoOverlapFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseCombinedNoOverlapFieldNumber = 133

Field number for the "use_combined_no_overlap" field.

Definition at line 7313 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseConservativeScaleOverloadCheckerFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseConservativeScaleOverloadCheckerFieldNumber = 286

Field number for the "use_conservative_scale_overload_checker" field.

Definition at line 4655 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseDisjunctiveConstraintInCumulativeFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseDisjunctiveConstraintInCumulativeFieldNumber = 80

Field number for the "use_disjunctive_constraint_in_cumulative" field.

Definition at line 4823 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseDualSchedulingHeuristicsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseDualSchedulingHeuristicsFieldNumber = 214

Field number for the "use_dual_scheduling_heuristics" field.

Definition at line 5060 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseDynamicPrecedenceInCumulativeFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseDynamicPrecedenceInCumulativeFieldNumber = 268

Field number for the "use_dynamic_precedence_in_cumulative" field.

Definition at line 4591 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseDynamicPrecedenceInDisjunctiveFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseDynamicPrecedenceInDisjunctiveFieldNumber = 263

Field number for the "use_dynamic_precedence_in_disjunctive" field.

Definition at line 4555 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseEnergeticReasoningInNoOverlap2DFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseEnergeticReasoningInNoOverlap2DFieldNumber = 213

Field number for the "use_energetic_reasoning_in_no_overlap_2d" field.

Definition at line 4898 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseErwaHeuristicFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseErwaHeuristicFieldNumber = 75

Field number for the "use_erwa_heuristic" field.

Definition at line 935 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseExactLpReasonFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseExactLpReasonFieldNumber = 109

Field number for the "use_exact_lp_reason" field.

Definition at line 7280 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseExtendedProbingFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseExtendedProbingFieldNumber = 269

Field number for the "use_extended_probing" field.

Definition at line 5378 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseFeasibilityJumpFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseFeasibilityJumpFieldNumber = 265

Field number for the "use_feasibility_jump" field.

Definition at line 5829 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseFeasibilityPumpFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseFeasibilityPumpFieldNumber = 164

Field number for the "use_feasibility_pump" field.

Definition at line 7002 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseHardPrecedencesInCumulativeFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseHardPrecedencesInCumulativeFieldNumber = 215

Field number for the "use_hard_precedences_in_cumulative" field.

Definition at line 4760 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseImpliedBoundsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseImpliedBoundsFieldNumber = 144

Field number for the "use_implied_bounds" field.

Definition at line 7408 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseLbRelaxLnsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseLbRelaxLnsFieldNumber = 255

Field number for the "use_lb_relax_lns" field.

Definition at line 7032 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseLnsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseLnsFieldNumber = 283

Field number for the "use_lns" field.

Definition at line 6880 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseLnsOnlyFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseLnsOnlyFieldNumber = 101

Field number for the "use_lns_only" field.

Definition at line 6910 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseLsOnlyFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseLsOnlyFieldNumber = 240

Field number for the "use_ls_only" field.

Definition at line 5861 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseObjectiveLbSearchFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseObjectiveLbSearchFieldNumber = 228

Field number for the "use_objective_lb_search" field.

Definition at line 5533 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseObjectiveShavingSearchFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseObjectiveShavingSearchFieldNumber = 253

Field number for the "use_objective_shaving_search" field.

Definition at line 5564 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseOptimizationHintsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseOptimizationHintsFieldNumber = 35

Field number for the "use_optimization_hints" field.

Definition at line 4199 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseOptionalVariablesFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseOptionalVariablesFieldNumber = 108

Field number for the "use_optional_variables" field.

Definition at line 7244 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseOverloadCheckerInCumulativeFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseOverloadCheckerInCumulativeFieldNumber = 78

Field number for the "use_overload_checker_in_cumulative" field.

Definition at line 4618 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UsePbResolutionFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UsePbResolutionFieldNumber = 43

Field number for the "use_pb_resolution" field.

Definition at line 2407 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UsePhaseSavingFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UsePhaseSavingFieldNumber = 44

Field number for the "use_phase_saving" field.

Definition at line 764 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UsePrecedencesInDisjunctiveConstraintFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UsePrecedencesInDisjunctiveConstraintFieldNumber = 74

Field number for the "use_precedences_in_disjunctive_constraint" field.

Definition at line 4452 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseProbingSearchFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseProbingSearchFieldNumber = 176

Field number for the "use_probing_search" field.

Definition at line 5346 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseRinsLnsFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseRinsLnsFieldNumber = 129

Field number for the "use_rins_lns" field.

Definition at line 6972 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseSatInprocessingFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseSatInprocessingFieldNumber = 163

Field number for the "use_sat_inprocessing" field.

Definition at line 3458 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseSharedTreeSearchFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseSharedTreeSearchFieldNumber = 236

Field number for the "use_shared_tree_search" field.

Definition at line 6270 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseShavingInProbingSearchFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseShavingInProbingSearchFieldNumber = 204

Field number for the "use_shaving_in_probing_search" field.

Definition at line 5438 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseStrongPropagationInDisjunctiveFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseStrongPropagationInDisjunctiveFieldNumber = 230

Field number for the "use_strong_propagation_in_disjunctive" field.

Definition at line 4525 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseSymmetryInLpFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseSymmetryInLpFieldNumber = 301

Field number for the "use_symmetry_in_lp" field.

Definition at line 7601 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseTimetableEdgeFindingInCumulativeFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseTimetableEdgeFindingInCumulativeFieldNumber = 79

Field number for the "use_timetable_edge_finding_in_cumulative" field.

Definition at line 4692 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseTimetablingInNoOverlap2DFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseTimetablingInNoOverlap2DFieldNumber = 200

Field number for the "use_timetabling_in_no_overlap_2d" field.

Definition at line 4864 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseTryEdgeReasoningInNoOverlap2DFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseTryEdgeReasoningInNoOverlap2DFieldNumber = 299

Field number for the "use_try_edge_reasoning_in_no_overlap_2d" field.

Definition at line 4962 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseVariablesShavingSearchFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseVariablesShavingSearchFieldNumber = 289

Field number for the "use_variables_shaving_search" field.

Definition at line 5596 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ VariableActivityDecayFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.VariableActivityDecayFieldNumber = 15

Field number for the "variable_activity_decay" field.

Definition at line 1357 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ViolationLsCompoundMoveProbabilityFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ViolationLsCompoundMoveProbabilityFieldNumber = 259

Field number for the "violation_ls_compound_move_probability" field.

Definition at line 6203 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ViolationLsPerturbationPeriodFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ViolationLsPerturbationPeriodFieldNumber = 249

Field number for the "violation_ls_perturbation_period" field.

Definition at line 6173 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

Property Documentation

◆ AbsoluteGapLimit

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.AbsoluteGapLimit

Stop the search when the gap between the best feasible objective (O) and our best objective bound (B) is smaller than a limit. The exact definition is:

  • Absolute: abs(O - B)
  • Relative: abs(O - B) / max(1, abs(O)). Important: The relative gap depends on the objective offset! If you artificially shift the objective, you will get widely different value of the relative gap.
    if the gap is reached, the search status will be OPTIMAL. But one can check the best objective bound to see the actual gap. If the objective is integer, then any absolute gap < 1 will lead to a true optimal. If the objective is floating point, a gap of zero make little sense so is is why we use a non-zero default value. At the end of the search, we will display a warning if OPTIMAL is reported yet the gap is greater than this absolute gap.

Definition at line 2081 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ AddCgCuts

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.AddCgCuts

Whether we generate and add Chvatal-Gomory cuts to the LP at root node.

for now, this is not heavily tuned.

Definition at line 8001 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ AddCliqueCuts

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.AddCliqueCuts

Whether we generate clique cuts from the binary implication graph. Note that as the search goes on, this graph will contains new binary clauses learned by the SAT engine.

Definition at line 8095 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ AddLinMaxCuts

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.AddLinMaxCuts

For the lin max constraints, generates the cuts described in "Strong mixed-integer programming formulations for trained neural networks" by Ross Anderson et. (

Definition at line 8190 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ AddLpConstraintsLazily

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.AddLpConstraintsLazily

If true, we start by an empty LP, and only add constraints not satisfied by the current LP solution batch by batch. A constraint that is only added like this is known as a "lazy" constraint in the literature, except that we currently consider all constraints as lazy here.

Definition at line 8261 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ AddMirCuts

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.AddMirCuts

Whether we generate MIR cuts at root node.

for now, this is not heavily tuned.

Definition at line 8032 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ AddObjectiveCut

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.AddObjectiveCut

When the LP objective is fractional, do we add the cut that forces the linear objective expression to be greater or equal to this fractional value rounded up? We can always do that since our objective is integer, and combined with MIR heuristic to reduce the coefficient of such cut, it can help.

Definition at line 7970 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ AddRltCuts

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.AddRltCuts

Whether we generate RLT cuts. This is still experimental but can help on binary problem with a lot of clauses of size 3.

Definition at line 8126 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ AddZeroHalfCuts

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.AddZeroHalfCuts

Whether we generate Zero-Half cuts at root node.

for now, this is not heavily tuned.

Definition at line 8063 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ AlsoBumpVariablesInConflictReasons

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.AlsoBumpVariablesInConflictReasons

When this is true, then the variables that appear in any of the reason of the variables in a conflict have their activity bumped. This is addition to the variables in the conflict, and the one that were used during conflict resolution.

Definition at line 1014 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ AtMostOneMaxExpansionSize

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.AtMostOneMaxExpansionSize

All at_most_one constraints with a size <= param will be replaced by a quadratic number of binary implications.

Definition at line 7355 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ AutoDetectGreaterThanAtLeastOneOf

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.AutoDetectGreaterThanAtLeastOneOf

If true, then the precedences propagator try to detect for each variable if it has a set of "optional incoming arc" for which at least one of them is present. This is usually useful to have but can be slow on model with a lot of precedence.

Definition at line 6714 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ BinaryMinimizationAlgorithm

global.Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.Types.BinaryMinizationAlgorithm Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.BinaryMinimizationAlgorithm

Definition at line 1068 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ BinarySearchNumConflicts

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.BinarySearchNumConflicts

If non-negative, perform a binary search on the objective variable in order to find an [min, max] interval outside of which the solver proved unsat/sat under this amount of conflict. This can quickly reduce the objective domain on some problems.

Definition at line 5773 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ BlockingRestartMultiplier

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.BlockingRestartMultiplier

Definition at line 1801 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ BlockingRestartWindowSize

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.BlockingRestartWindowSize

Definition at line 1774 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ BooleanEncodingLevel

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.BooleanEncodingLevel

A non-negative level indicating how much we should try to fully encode Integer variables as Boolean.

Definition at line 7805 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ CatchSigintSignal

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.CatchSigintSignal

Indicates if the CP-SAT layer should catch Control-C (SIGINT) signals when calling solve. If set, catching the SIGINT signal will terminate the search gracefully, as if a time limit was reached.

Definition at line 7387 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClauseActivityDecay

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClauseActivityDecay

Clause activity parameters (same effect as the one on the variables).

Definition at line 1520 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClauseCleanupLbdBound

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClauseCleanupLbdBound

All the clauses with a LBD (literal blocks distance) lower or equal to this parameters will always be kept.

Definition at line 1252 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClauseCleanupOrdering

global.Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.Types.ClauseOrdering Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClauseCleanupOrdering

Definition at line 1279 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClauseCleanupPeriod

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClauseCleanupPeriod

Trigger a cleanup when this number of "deletable" clauses is learned.

Definition at line 1131 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClauseCleanupProtection

global.Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.Types.ClauseProtection Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClauseCleanupProtection

Definition at line 1221 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClauseCleanupRatio

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClauseCleanupRatio

During a cleanup, if clause_cleanup_target is 0, we will delete the clause_cleanup_ratio of "deletable" clauses instead of aiming for a fixed target of clauses to keep.

Definition at line 1194 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ClauseCleanupTarget

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ClauseCleanupTarget

During a cleanup, we will always keep that number of "deletable" clauses.

this doesn't include the "protected" clauses.

Definition at line 1162 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ConvertIntervals

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ConvertIntervals

Temporary flag util the feature is more mature. This convert intervals to the newer proto format that support affine start/var/end instead of just variables.

Definition at line 7545 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ CoreMinimizationLevel

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.CoreMinimizationLevel

If positive, we spend some effort on each core:

  • At level 1, we use a simple heuristic to try to minimize an UNSAT core.
  • At level 2, we use propagation to minimize the core but also identify literal in at most one relationship in this core.

Definition at line 4244 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ CountAssumptionLevelsInLbd

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.CountAssumptionLevelsInLbd

Whether or not the assumption levels are taken into account during the LBD computation. According to the reference below, not counting them improves the solver in some situation. Note that this only impact solves under assumptions.

Gilles Audemard, Jean-Marie Lagniez, Laurent Simon, "Improving Glucose for Incremental SAT Solving with Assumptions: Application to MUS Extraction" Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 7962, 2013, pp 309-317.

Definition at line 2491 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ CoverOptimization

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.CoverOptimization

If true, when the max-sat algo find a core, we compute the minimal number of literals in the core that needs to be true to have a feasible solution. This is also called core exhaustion in more recent max-SAT papers.

Definition at line 4307 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ CpModelPresolve

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.CpModelPresolve

Whether we presolve the cp_model before solving it.

Definition at line 2772 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ CpModelProbingLevel

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.CpModelProbingLevel

How much effort do we spend on probing. 0 disables it completely.

Definition at line 2802 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ CpModelUseSatPresolve

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.CpModelUseSatPresolve

Whether we also use the sat presolve when cp_model_presolve is true.

Definition at line 2832 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ CutActiveCountDecay

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.CutActiveCountDecay

Definition at line 8449 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ CutCleanupTarget

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.CutCleanupTarget

Target number of constraints to remove during cleanup.

Definition at line 8479 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ CutLevel

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.CutLevel

Control the global cut effort. Zero will turn off all cut. For now we just have one level. Note also that most cuts are only used at linearization level >= 2.

Definition at line 7905 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ CutMaxActiveCountValue

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.CutMaxActiveCountValue

These parameters are similar to sat clause management activity parameters. They are effective only if the number of generated cuts exceed the storage limit. Default values are based on a few experiments on miplib instances.

Definition at line 8422 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ DebugCrashIfPresolveBreaksHint

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.DebugCrashIfPresolveBreaksHint

Crash if presolve breaks a feasible hint.

Definition at line 4178 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ DebugCrashOnBadHint

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.DebugCrashOnBadHint

Crash if we do not manage to complete the hint into a full solution.

Definition at line 4148 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ DebugMaxNumPresolveOperations

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.DebugMaxNumPresolveOperations

If positive, try to stop just after that many presolve rules have been applied. This is mainly useful for debugging presolve.

Definition at line 4118 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ DebugPostsolveWithFullSolver

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.DebugPostsolveWithFullSolver

We have two different postsolve code. The default one should be better and it allows for a more powerful presolve, but it can be useful to postsolve using the full solver instead.

Definition at line 4087 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ DefaultRestartAlgorithms

string Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.DefaultRestartAlgorithms

Definition at line 1597 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ Descriptor

pbr.MessageDescriptor Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.Descriptor

Definition at line 373 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ DetectLinearizedProduct

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.DetectLinearizedProduct

Infer products of Boolean or of Boolean time IntegerVariable from the linear constrainst in the problem. This can be used in some cuts, altough for now we don't really exploit it.

Definition at line 8700 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ DetectTableWithCost

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.DetectTableWithCost

If true, we detect variable that are unique to a table constraint and only there to encode a cost on each tuple. This is usually the case when a WCSP (weighted constraint program) is encoded into CP-SAT format.

This can lead to a dramatic speed-up for such problems but is still experimental at this point.

Definition at line 2901 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ DisableConstraintExpansion

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.DisableConstraintExpansion

If true, it disable all constraint expansion. This should only be used to test the presolve of expanded constraints.

Definition at line 3139 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ DiversifyLnsParams

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.DiversifyLnsParams

If true, registers more lns subsolvers with different parameters.

Definition at line 7130 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ EncodeComplexLinearConstraintWithInteger

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.EncodeComplexLinearConstraintWithInteger

Linear constraint with a complex right hand side (more than a single interval) need to be expanded, there is a couple of way to do that.

Definition at line 3170 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ EncodeCumulativeAsReservoir

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.EncodeCumulativeAsReservoir

Encore cumulative with fixed demands and capacity as a reservoir constraint. The only reason you might want to do that is to test the reservoir propagation code!

Definition at line 3073 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ EnumerateAllSolutions

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.EnumerateAllSolutions

Whether we enumerate all solutions of a problem without objective. Note that setting this to true automatically disable some presolve reduction that can remove feasible solution. That is it has the same effect as setting keep_all_feasible_solutions_in_presolve.

(user): Do not do that and let the user choose what behavior is best by setting keep_all_feasible_solutions_in_presolve ?

Definition at line 6535 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ExpandAlldiffConstraints

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ExpandAlldiffConstraints

If true, expand all_different constraints that are not permutations. Permutations (#Variables = #Values) are always expanded.

Definition at line 2965 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ExpandReservoirConstraints

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ExpandReservoirConstraints

If true, expand the reservoir constraints by creating booleans for all possible precedences between event and encoding the constraint.

Definition at line 2996 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ExpandReservoirUsingCircuit

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ExpandReservoirUsingCircuit

Mainly useful for testing.

If this and expand_reservoir_constraints is true, we use a different encoding of the reservoir constraint using circuit instead of precedences.

this is usually slower, but can exercise different part of the solver. Note that contrary to the precedence encoding, this easily support variable demands.
with this encoding, the constraint takes a slightly different meaning. There must exist a permutation of the events occurring at the same time such that the level is within the reservoir after each of these events (in this permuted order). So we cannot have +100 and -100 at the same time if the level must be between 0 and 10 (as authorized by the reservoir constraint).

Definition at line 3041 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ExploitAllLpSolution

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ExploitAllLpSolution

If true and the Lp relaxation of the problem has a solution, try to exploit it. This is same as above except in this case the lp solution might not be an integer solution.

Definition at line 8575 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ExploitAllPrecedences

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ExploitAllPrecedences

Definition at line 4802 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ExploitBestSolution

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ExploitBestSolution

When branching on a variable, follow the last best solution value.

Definition at line 8605 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ExploitIntegerLpSolution

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ExploitIntegerLpSolution

If true and the Lp relaxation of the problem has an integer optimal solution, try to exploit it. Note that since the LP relaxation may not contain all the constraints, such a solution is not necessarily a solution of the full problem.

Definition at line 8543 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ExploitObjective

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ExploitObjective

When branching an a variable that directly affect the objective, branch on the value that lead to the best objective first.

Definition at line 8668 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ExploitRelaxationSolution

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ExploitRelaxationSolution

When branching on a variable, follow the last best relaxation solution value. We use the relaxation with the tightest bound on the objective as the best relaxation solution.

Definition at line 8637 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ExtraSubsolvers

pbc.RepeatedField<string> Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ExtraSubsolvers

A convenient way to add more workers types. These will be added at the beginning of the list.

Definition at line 3804 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ FeasibilityJumpBatchDtime

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.FeasibilityJumpBatchDtime

How much dtime for each LS batch.

Definition at line 5993 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ FeasibilityJumpDecay

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.FeasibilityJumpDecay

On each restart, we randomly choose if we use decay (with this parameter) or no decay.

Definition at line 5902 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ FeasibilityJumpEnableRestarts

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.FeasibilityJumpEnableRestarts

When stagnating, feasibility jump will either restart from a default solution (with some possible randomization), or randomly pertubate the current solution. This parameter selects the first option.

Definition at line 6087 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ FeasibilityJumpLinearizationLevel

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.FeasibilityJumpLinearizationLevel

How much do we linearize the problem in the local search code.

Definition at line 5932 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ FeasibilityJumpMaxExpandedConstraintSize

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.FeasibilityJumpMaxExpandedConstraintSize

Maximum size of no_overlap or no_overlap_2d constraint for a quadratic expansion. This might look a lot, but by expanding such constraint, we get a linear time evaluation per single variable moves instead of a slow O(n log n) one.

Definition at line 6120 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ FeasibilityJumpRestartFactor

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.FeasibilityJumpRestartFactor

This is a factor that directly influence the work before each restart. Increasing it leads to longer restart.

Definition at line 5963 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ FeasibilityJumpVarPerburbationRangeRatio

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.FeasibilityJumpVarPerburbationRangeRatio

Max distance between the default value and the pertubated value relative to the range of the domain of the variable.

Definition at line 6055 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ FeasibilityJumpVarRandomizationProbability

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.FeasibilityJumpVarRandomizationProbability

Probability for a variable to have a non default value upon restarts or perturbations.

Definition at line 6024 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ FillAdditionalSolutionsInResponse

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.FillAdditionalSolutionsInResponse

If true, the final response addition_solutions field will be filled with all solutions from our solutions pool.

if both this field and enumerate_all_solutions is true, we will copy to the pool all of the solution found. So if solution_pool_size is big enough, you can get all solutions this way instead of using the solution callback.
this only affect the "final" solution, not the one passed to the solution callbacks.

Definition at line 6648 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ FillTightenedDomainsInResponse

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.FillTightenedDomainsInResponse

If true, add information about the derived variable domains to the CpSolverResponse. It is an option because it makes the response slighly bigger and there is a bit more work involved during the postsolve to construct it, but it should still have a low overhead. See the tightened_variables field in CpSolverResponse for more details.

Definition at line 6607 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ FilterSubsolvers

pbc.RepeatedField<string> Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.FilterSubsolvers

Definition at line 3838 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ FindBigLinearOverlap

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.FindBigLinearOverlap

Try to find large "rectangle" in the linear constraint matrix with identical lines. If such rectangle is big enough, we can introduce a new integer variable corresponding to the common expression and greatly reduce the number of non-zero.

Definition at line 3437 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ FindMultipleCores

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.FindMultipleCores

Whether we try to find more independent cores for a given set of assumptions in the core based max-SAT algorithms.

Definition at line 4275 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ FixVariablesToTheirHintedValue

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.FixVariablesToTheirHintedValue

If true, variables appearing in the solution hints will be fixed to their hinted value.

Definition at line 5325 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ FpRounding

global.Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.Types.FPRoundingMethod Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.FpRounding

Definition at line 7100 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ GlucoseDecayIncrement

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.GlucoseDecayIncrement

Definition at line 1463 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ GlucoseDecayIncrementPeriod

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.GlucoseDecayIncrementPeriod

Definition at line 1490 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ GlucoseMaxDecay

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.GlucoseMaxDecay

The activity starts at 0.8 and increment by 0.01 every 5000 conflicts until 0.95. This "hack" seems to work well and comes from:

Glucose 2.3 in the SAT 2013 Competition - SAT Competition 2013

Definition at line 1436 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasAbsoluteGapLimit

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasAbsoluteGapLimit

Gets whether the "absolute_gap_limit" field is set.

Definition at line 2091 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasAddCgCuts

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasAddCgCuts

Gets whether the "add_cg_cuts" field is set.

Definition at line 8011 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasAddCliqueCuts

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasAddCliqueCuts

Gets whether the "add_clique_cuts" field is set.

Definition at line 8105 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasAddLinMaxCuts

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasAddLinMaxCuts

Gets whether the "add_lin_max_cuts" field is set.

Definition at line 8200 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasAddLpConstraintsLazily

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasAddLpConstraintsLazily

Gets whether the "add_lp_constraints_lazily" field is set.

Definition at line 8271 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasAddMirCuts

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasAddMirCuts

Gets whether the "add_mir_cuts" field is set.

Definition at line 8042 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasAddObjectiveCut

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasAddObjectiveCut

Gets whether the "add_objective_cut" field is set.

Definition at line 7980 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasAddRltCuts

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasAddRltCuts

Gets whether the "add_rlt_cuts" field is set.

Definition at line 8136 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasAddZeroHalfCuts

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasAddZeroHalfCuts

Gets whether the "add_zero_half_cuts" field is set.

Definition at line 8073 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasAlsoBumpVariablesInConflictReasons

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasAlsoBumpVariablesInConflictReasons

Gets whether the "also_bump_variables_in_conflict_reasons" field is set.

Definition at line 1024 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasAtMostOneMaxExpansionSize

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasAtMostOneMaxExpansionSize

Gets whether the "at_most_one_max_expansion_size" field is set.

Definition at line 7365 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasAutoDetectGreaterThanAtLeastOneOf

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasAutoDetectGreaterThanAtLeastOneOf

Gets whether the "auto_detect_greater_than_at_least_one_of" field is set.

Definition at line 6724 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasBinaryMinimizationAlgorithm

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasBinaryMinimizationAlgorithm

Gets whether the "binary_minimization_algorithm" field is set.

Definition at line 1078 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasBinarySearchNumConflicts

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasBinarySearchNumConflicts

Gets whether the "binary_search_num_conflicts" field is set.

Definition at line 5783 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasBlockingRestartMultiplier

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasBlockingRestartMultiplier

Gets whether the "blocking_restart_multiplier" field is set.

Definition at line 1811 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasBlockingRestartWindowSize

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasBlockingRestartWindowSize

Gets whether the "blocking_restart_window_size" field is set.

Definition at line 1784 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasBooleanEncodingLevel

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasBooleanEncodingLevel

Gets whether the "boolean_encoding_level" field is set.

Definition at line 7815 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasCatchSigintSignal

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasCatchSigintSignal

Gets whether the "catch_sigint_signal" field is set.

Definition at line 7397 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasClauseActivityDecay

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasClauseActivityDecay

Gets whether the "clause_activity_decay" field is set.

Definition at line 1530 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasClauseCleanupLbdBound

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasClauseCleanupLbdBound

Gets whether the "clause_cleanup_lbd_bound" field is set.

Definition at line 1262 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasClauseCleanupOrdering

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasClauseCleanupOrdering

Gets whether the "clause_cleanup_ordering" field is set.

Definition at line 1289 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasClauseCleanupPeriod

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasClauseCleanupPeriod

Gets whether the "clause_cleanup_period" field is set.

Definition at line 1141 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasClauseCleanupProtection

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasClauseCleanupProtection

Gets whether the "clause_cleanup_protection" field is set.

Definition at line 1231 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasClauseCleanupRatio

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasClauseCleanupRatio

Gets whether the "clause_cleanup_ratio" field is set.

Definition at line 1204 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasClauseCleanupTarget

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasClauseCleanupTarget

Gets whether the "clause_cleanup_target" field is set.

Definition at line 1172 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasConvertIntervals

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasConvertIntervals

Gets whether the "convert_intervals" field is set.

Definition at line 7555 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasCoreMinimizationLevel

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasCoreMinimizationLevel

Gets whether the "core_minimization_level" field is set.

Definition at line 4254 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasCountAssumptionLevelsInLbd

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasCountAssumptionLevelsInLbd

Gets whether the "count_assumption_levels_in_lbd" field is set.

Definition at line 2501 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasCoverOptimization

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasCoverOptimization

Gets whether the "cover_optimization" field is set.

Definition at line 4317 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasCpModelPresolve

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasCpModelPresolve

Gets whether the "cp_model_presolve" field is set.

Definition at line 2782 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasCpModelProbingLevel

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasCpModelProbingLevel

Gets whether the "cp_model_probing_level" field is set.

Definition at line 2812 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasCpModelUseSatPresolve

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasCpModelUseSatPresolve

Gets whether the "cp_model_use_sat_presolve" field is set.

Definition at line 2842 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasCutActiveCountDecay

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasCutActiveCountDecay

Gets whether the "cut_active_count_decay" field is set.

Definition at line 8459 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasCutCleanupTarget

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasCutCleanupTarget

Gets whether the "cut_cleanup_target" field is set.

Definition at line 8489 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasCutLevel

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasCutLevel

Gets whether the "cut_level" field is set.

Definition at line 7915 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasCutMaxActiveCountValue

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasCutMaxActiveCountValue

Gets whether the "cut_max_active_count_value" field is set.

Definition at line 8432 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasDebugCrashIfPresolveBreaksHint

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasDebugCrashIfPresolveBreaksHint

Gets whether the "debug_crash_if_presolve_breaks_hint" field is set.

Definition at line 4188 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasDebugCrashOnBadHint

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasDebugCrashOnBadHint

Gets whether the "debug_crash_on_bad_hint" field is set.

Definition at line 4158 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasDebugMaxNumPresolveOperations

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasDebugMaxNumPresolveOperations

Gets whether the "debug_max_num_presolve_operations" field is set.

Definition at line 4128 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasDebugPostsolveWithFullSolver

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasDebugPostsolveWithFullSolver

Gets whether the "debug_postsolve_with_full_solver" field is set.

Definition at line 4097 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasDefaultRestartAlgorithms

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasDefaultRestartAlgorithms

Gets whether the "default_restart_algorithms" field is set.

Definition at line 1606 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasDetectLinearizedProduct

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasDetectLinearizedProduct

Gets whether the "detect_linearized_product" field is set.

Definition at line 8710 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasDetectTableWithCost

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasDetectTableWithCost

Gets whether the "detect_table_with_cost" field is set.

Definition at line 2911 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasDisableConstraintExpansion

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasDisableConstraintExpansion

Gets whether the "disable_constraint_expansion" field is set.

Definition at line 3149 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasDiversifyLnsParams

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasDiversifyLnsParams

Gets whether the "diversify_lns_params" field is set.

Definition at line 7140 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasEncodeComplexLinearConstraintWithInteger

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasEncodeComplexLinearConstraintWithInteger

Gets whether the "encode_complex_linear_constraint_with_integer" field is set.

Definition at line 3180 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasEncodeCumulativeAsReservoir

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasEncodeCumulativeAsReservoir

Gets whether the "encode_cumulative_as_reservoir" field is set.

Definition at line 3083 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasEnumerateAllSolutions

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasEnumerateAllSolutions

Gets whether the "enumerate_all_solutions" field is set.

Definition at line 6545 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasExpandAlldiffConstraints

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasExpandAlldiffConstraints

Gets whether the "expand_alldiff_constraints" field is set.

Definition at line 2975 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasExpandReservoirConstraints

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasExpandReservoirConstraints

Gets whether the "expand_reservoir_constraints" field is set.

Definition at line 3006 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasExpandReservoirUsingCircuit

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasExpandReservoirUsingCircuit

Gets whether the "expand_reservoir_using_circuit" field is set.

Definition at line 3051 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasExploitAllLpSolution

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasExploitAllLpSolution

Gets whether the "exploit_all_lp_solution" field is set.

Definition at line 8585 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasExploitAllPrecedences

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasExploitAllPrecedences

Gets whether the "exploit_all_precedences" field is set.

Definition at line 4812 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasExploitBestSolution

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasExploitBestSolution

Gets whether the "exploit_best_solution" field is set.

Definition at line 8615 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasExploitIntegerLpSolution

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasExploitIntegerLpSolution

Gets whether the "exploit_integer_lp_solution" field is set.

Definition at line 8553 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasExploitObjective

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasExploitObjective

Gets whether the "exploit_objective" field is set.

Definition at line 8678 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasExploitRelaxationSolution

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasExploitRelaxationSolution

Gets whether the "exploit_relaxation_solution" field is set.

Definition at line 8647 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasFeasibilityJumpBatchDtime

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasFeasibilityJumpBatchDtime

Gets whether the "feasibility_jump_batch_dtime" field is set.

Definition at line 6003 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasFeasibilityJumpDecay

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasFeasibilityJumpDecay

Gets whether the "feasibility_jump_decay" field is set.

Definition at line 5912 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasFeasibilityJumpEnableRestarts

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasFeasibilityJumpEnableRestarts

Gets whether the "feasibility_jump_enable_restarts" field is set.

Definition at line 6097 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasFeasibilityJumpLinearizationLevel

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasFeasibilityJumpLinearizationLevel

Gets whether the "feasibility_jump_linearization_level" field is set.

Definition at line 5942 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasFeasibilityJumpMaxExpandedConstraintSize

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasFeasibilityJumpMaxExpandedConstraintSize

Gets whether the "feasibility_jump_max_expanded_constraint_size" field is set.

Definition at line 6130 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasFeasibilityJumpRestartFactor

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasFeasibilityJumpRestartFactor

Gets whether the "feasibility_jump_restart_factor" field is set.

Definition at line 5973 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasFeasibilityJumpVarPerburbationRangeRatio

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasFeasibilityJumpVarPerburbationRangeRatio

Gets whether the "feasibility_jump_var_perburbation_range_ratio" field is set.

Definition at line 6065 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasFeasibilityJumpVarRandomizationProbability

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasFeasibilityJumpVarRandomizationProbability

Gets whether the "feasibility_jump_var_randomization_probability" field is set.

Definition at line 6034 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasFillAdditionalSolutionsInResponse

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasFillAdditionalSolutionsInResponse

Gets whether the "fill_additional_solutions_in_response" field is set.

Definition at line 6658 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasFillTightenedDomainsInResponse

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasFillTightenedDomainsInResponse

Gets whether the "fill_tightened_domains_in_response" field is set.

Definition at line 6617 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasFindBigLinearOverlap

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasFindBigLinearOverlap

Gets whether the "find_big_linear_overlap" field is set.

Definition at line 3447 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasFindMultipleCores

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasFindMultipleCores

Gets whether the "find_multiple_cores" field is set.

Definition at line 4285 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasFixVariablesToTheirHintedValue

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasFixVariablesToTheirHintedValue

Gets whether the "fix_variables_to_their_hinted_value" field is set.

Definition at line 5335 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasFpRounding

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasFpRounding

Gets whether the "fp_rounding" field is set.

Definition at line 7110 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasGlucoseDecayIncrement

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasGlucoseDecayIncrement

Gets whether the "glucose_decay_increment" field is set.

Definition at line 1473 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasGlucoseDecayIncrementPeriod

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasGlucoseDecayIncrementPeriod

Gets whether the "glucose_decay_increment_period" field is set.

Definition at line 1500 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasGlucoseMaxDecay

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasGlucoseMaxDecay

Gets whether the "glucose_max_decay" field is set.

Definition at line 1446 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasHintConflictLimit

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasHintConflictLimit

Gets whether the "hint_conflict_limit" field is set.

Definition at line 5271 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasIgnoreNames

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasIgnoreNames

Gets whether the "ignore_names" field is set.

Definition at line 3376 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasInferAllDiffs

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasInferAllDiffs

Gets whether the "infer_all_diffs" field is set.

Definition at line 3414 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasInitialPolarity

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasInitialPolarity

Gets whether the "initial_polarity" field is set.

Definition at line 753 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasInitialVariablesActivity

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasInitialVariablesActivity

Gets whether the "initial_variables_activity" field is set.

Definition at line 991 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasInprocessingDtimeRatio

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasInprocessingDtimeRatio

Gets whether the "inprocessing_dtime_ratio" field is set.

Definition at line 3510 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasInprocessingMinimizationDtime

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasInprocessingMinimizationDtime

Gets whether the "inprocessing_minimization_dtime" field is set.

Definition at line 3581 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasInprocessingMinimizationUseAllOrderings

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasInprocessingMinimizationUseAllOrderings

Gets whether the "inprocessing_minimization_use_all_orderings" field is set.

Definition at line 3635 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasInprocessingMinimizationUseConflictAnalysis

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasInprocessingMinimizationUseConflictAnalysis

Gets whether the "inprocessing_minimization_use_conflict_analysis" field is set.

Definition at line 3608 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasInprocessingProbingDtime

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasInprocessingProbingDtime

Gets whether the "inprocessing_probing_dtime" field is set.

Definition at line 3540 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasInstantiateAllVariables

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasInstantiateAllVariables

Gets whether the "instantiate_all_variables" field is set.

Definition at line 6691 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasInterleaveBatchSize

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasInterleaveBatchSize

Gets whether the "interleave_batch_size" field is set.

Definition at line 3913 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasInterleaveSearch

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasInterleaveSearch

Gets whether the "interleave_search" field is set.

Definition at line 3886 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasKeepAllFeasibleSolutionsInPresolve

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasKeepAllFeasibleSolutionsInPresolve

Gets whether the "keep_all_feasible_solutions_in_presolve" field is set.

Definition at line 6583 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasKeepSymmetryInPresolve

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasKeepSymmetryInPresolve

Gets whether the "keep_symmetry_in_presolve" field is set.

Definition at line 7657 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasLbRelaxNumWorkersThreshold

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasLbRelaxNumWorkersThreshold

Gets whether the "lb_relax_num_workers_threshold" field is set.

Definition at line 7083 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasLinearizationLevel

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasLinearizationLevel

Gets whether the "linearization_level" field is set.

Definition at line 7784 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasLinearSplitSize

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasLinearSplitSize

Gets whether the "linear_split_size" field is set.

Definition at line 7751 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasLnsInitialDeterministicLimit

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasLnsInitialDeterministicLimit

Gets whether the "lns_initial_deterministic_limit" field is set.

Definition at line 6869 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasLnsInitialDifficulty

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasLnsInitialDifficulty

Gets whether the "lns_initial_difficulty" field is set.

Definition at line 6842 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasLogPrefix

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasLogPrefix

Gets whether the "log_prefix" field is set.

Definition at line 2336 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasLogSearchProgress

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasLogSearchProgress

Gets whether the "log_search_progress" field is set.

Definition at line 2274 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasLogSubsolverStatistics

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasLogSubsolverStatistics

Gets whether the "log_subsolver_statistics" field is set.

Definition at line 2307 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasLogToResponse

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasLogToResponse

Gets whether the "log_to_response" field is set.

Definition at line 2396 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasLogToStdout

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasLogToStdout

Gets whether the "log_to_stdout" field is set.

Definition at line 2366 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasLpDualTolerance

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasLpDualTolerance

Gets whether the "lp_dual_tolerance" field is set.

Definition at line 7523 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasLpPrimalTolerance

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasLpPrimalTolerance

Gets whether the "lp_primal_tolerance" field is set.

Definition at line 7496 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMaxAllDiffCutSize

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMaxAllDiffCutSize

Gets whether the "max_all_diff_cut_size" field is set.

Definition at line 8168 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMaxClauseActivityValue

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMaxClauseActivityValue

Gets whether the "max_clause_activity_value" field is set.

Definition at line 1557 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMaxConsecutiveInactiveCount

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMaxConsecutiveInactiveCount

Gets whether the "max_consecutive_inactive_count" field is set.

Definition at line 8400 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMaxCutRoundsAtLevelZero

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMaxCutRoundsAtLevelZero

Gets whether the "max_cut_rounds_at_level_zero" field is set.

Definition at line 8368 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMaxDeterministicTime

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMaxDeterministicTime

Gets whether the "max_deterministic_time" field is set.

Definition at line 1937 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMaxDomainSizeWhenEncodingEqNeqConstraints

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMaxDomainSizeWhenEncodingEqNeqConstraints

Gets whether the "max_domain_size_when_encoding_eq_neq_constraints" field is set.

Definition at line 7848 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMaximumRegionsToSplitInDisconnectedNoOverlap2D

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMaximumRegionsToSplitInDisconnectedNoOverlap2D

Gets whether the "maximum_regions_to_split_in_disconnected_no_overlap_2d" field is set.

Definition at line 5049 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMaxIntegerRoundingScaling

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMaxIntegerRoundingScaling

Gets whether the "max_integer_rounding_scaling" field is set.

Definition at line 8238 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMaxLinMaxSizeForExpansion

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMaxLinMaxSizeForExpansion

Gets whether the "max_lin_max_size_for_expansion" field is set.

Definition at line 3118 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMaxMemoryInMb

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMaxMemoryInMb

Gets whether the "max_memory_in_mb" field is set.

Definition at line 2041 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMaxNumberOfConflicts

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMaxNumberOfConflicts

Gets whether the "max_number_of_conflicts" field is set.

Definition at line 2005 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMaxNumCuts

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMaxNumCuts

Gets whether the "max_num_cuts" field is set.

Definition at line 7883 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMaxNumDeterministicBatches

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMaxNumDeterministicBatches

Gets whether the "max_num_deterministic_batches" field is set.

Definition at line 1968 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMaxNumIntervalsForTimetableEdgeFinding

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMaxNumIntervalsForTimetableEdgeFinding

Gets whether the "max_num_intervals_for_timetable_edge_finding" field is set.

Definition at line 4749 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMaxPairsPairwiseReasoningInNoOverlap2D

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMaxPairsPairwiseReasoningInNoOverlap2D

Gets whether the "max_pairs_pairwise_reasoning_in_no_overlap_2d" field is set.

Definition at line 5010 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMaxPresolveIterations

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMaxPresolveIterations

Gets whether the "max_presolve_iterations" field is set.

Definition at line 2752 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMaxSatAssumptionOrder

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMaxSatAssumptionOrder

Gets whether the "max_sat_assumption_order" field is set.

Definition at line 4344 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMaxSatReverseAssumptionOrder

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMaxSatReverseAssumptionOrder

Gets whether the "max_sat_reverse_assumption_order" field is set.

Definition at line 4375 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMaxSatStratification

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMaxSatStratification

Gets whether the "max_sat_stratification" field is set.

Definition at line 4402 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMaxSizeToCreatePrecedenceLiteralsInDisjunctive

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMaxSizeToCreatePrecedenceLiteralsInDisjunctive

Gets whether the "max_size_to_create_precedence_literals_in_disjunctive" field is set.

Definition at line 4514 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMaxTimeInSeconds

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMaxTimeInSeconds

Gets whether the "max_time_in_seconds" field is set.

Definition at line 1905 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMaxVariableActivityValue

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMaxVariableActivityValue

Gets whether the "max_variable_activity_value" field is set.

Definition at line 1411 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMergeAtMostOneWorkLimit

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMergeAtMostOneWorkLimit

Gets whether the "merge_at_most_one_work_limit" field is set.

Definition at line 3241 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMergeNoOverlapWorkLimit

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMergeNoOverlapWorkLimit

Gets whether the "merge_no_overlap_work_limit" field is set.

Definition at line 3214 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMinimizationAlgorithm

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMinimizationAlgorithm

Gets whether the "minimization_algorithm" field is set.

Definition at line 1051 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMinimizeReductionDuringPbResolution

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMinimizeReductionDuringPbResolution

Gets whether the "minimize_reduction_during_pb_resolution" field is set.

Definition at line 2462 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMinimizeSharedClauses

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMinimizeSharedClauses

Gets whether the "minimize_shared_clauses" field is set.

Definition at line 4065 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMinOrthogonalityForLpConstraints

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMinOrthogonalityForLpConstraints

Gets whether the "min_orthogonality_for_lp_constraints" field is set.

Definition at line 8338 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMipAutomaticallyScaleVariables

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMipAutomaticallyScaleVariables

Gets whether the "mip_automatically_scale_variables" field is set.

Definition at line 8840 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMipCheckPrecision

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMipCheckPrecision

Gets whether the "mip_check_precision" field is set.

Definition at line 9002 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMipComputeTrueObjectiveBound

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMipComputeTrueObjectiveBound

Gets whether the "mip_compute_true_objective_bound" field is set.

Definition at line 9036 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMipDropTolerance

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMipDropTolerance

Gets whether the "mip_drop_tolerance" field is set.

Definition at line 9137 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMipMaxActivityExponent

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMipMaxActivityExponent

Gets whether the "mip_max_activity_exponent" field is set.

Definition at line 8970 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMipMaxBound

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMipMaxBound

Gets whether the "mip_max_bound" field is set.

Definition at line 8742 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMipMaxValidMagnitude

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMipMaxValidMagnitude

Gets whether the "mip_max_valid_magnitude" field is set.

Definition at line 9070 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMipPresolveLevel

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMipPresolveLevel

Gets whether the "mip_presolve_level" field is set.

Definition at line 9170 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMipScaleLargeDomain

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMipScaleLargeDomain

Gets whether the "mip_scale_large_domain" field is set.

Definition at line 8806 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMipTreatHighMagnitudeBoundsAsInfinity

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMipTreatHighMagnitudeBoundsAsInfinity

Gets whether the "mip_treat_high_magnitude_bounds_as_infinity" field is set.

Definition at line 9106 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMipVarScaling

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMipVarScaling

Gets whether the "mip_var_scaling" field is set.

Definition at line 8774 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasMipWantedPrecision

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasMipWantedPrecision

Gets whether the "mip_wanted_precision" field is set.

Definition at line 8932 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasName

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasName

Gets whether the "name" field is set.

Definition at line 699 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasNewConstraintsBatchSize

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasNewConstraintsBatchSize

Gets whether the "new_constraints_batch_size" field is set.

Definition at line 8520 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasNewLinearPropagation

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasNewLinearPropagation

Gets whether the "new_linear_propagation" field is set.

Definition at line 7719 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasNumConflictsBeforeStrategyChanges

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasNumConflictsBeforeStrategyChanges

Gets whether the "num_conflicts_before_strategy_changes" field is set.

Definition at line 1843 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasNumFullSubsolvers

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasNumFullSubsolvers

Gets whether the "num_full_subsolvers" field is set.

Definition at line 3742 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasNumSearchWorkers

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasNumSearchWorkers

Gets whether the "num_search_workers" field is set.

Definition at line 3708 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasNumViolationLs

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasNumViolationLs

Gets whether the "num_violation_ls" field is set.

Definition at line 6162 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasNumWorkers

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasNumWorkers

Gets whether the "num_workers" field is set.

Definition at line 3681 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasOnlyAddCutsAtLevelZero

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasOnlyAddCutsAtLevelZero

Gets whether the "only_add_cuts_at_level_zero" field is set.

Definition at line 7946 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasOnlySolveIp

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasOnlySolveIp

Gets whether the "only_solve_ip" field is set.

Definition at line 8883 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasOptimizeWithCore

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasOptimizeWithCore

Gets whether the "optimize_with_core" field is set.

Definition at line 5680 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasOptimizeWithLbTreeSearch

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasOptimizeWithLbTreeSearch

Gets whether the "optimize_with_lb_tree_search" field is set.

Definition at line 5714 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasOptimizeWithMaxHs

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasOptimizeWithMaxHs

Gets whether the "optimize_with_max_hs" field is set.

Definition at line 5818 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasPbCleanupIncrement

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasPbCleanupIncrement

Gets whether the "pb_cleanup_increment" field is set.

Definition at line 1319 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasPbCleanupRatio

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasPbCleanupRatio

Gets whether the "pb_cleanup_ratio" field is set.

Definition at line 1346 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasPermutePresolveConstraintOrder

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasPermutePresolveConstraintOrder

Gets whether the "permute_presolve_constraint_order" field is set.

Definition at line 2215 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasPermuteVariableRandomly

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasPermuteVariableRandomly

Gets whether the "permute_variable_randomly" field is set.

Definition at line 2188 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasPolarityExploitLsHints

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasPolarityExploitLsHints

Gets whether the "polarity_exploit_ls_hints" field is set.

Definition at line 858 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasPolarityRephaseIncrement

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasPolarityRephaseIncrement

Gets whether the "polarity_rephase_increment" field is set.

Definition at line 827 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasPolishLpSolution

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasPolishLpSolution

Gets whether the "polish_lp_solution" field is set.

Definition at line 7462 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasPreferredVariableOrder

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasPreferredVariableOrder

Gets whether the "preferred_variable_order" field is set.

Definition at line 726 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasPresolveBlockedClause

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasPresolveBlockedClause

Gets whether the "presolve_blocked_clause" field is set.

Definition at line 2657 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasPresolveBvaThreshold

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasPresolveBvaThreshold

Gets whether the "presolve_bva_threshold" field is set.

Definition at line 2720 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasPresolveBveClauseWeight

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasPresolveBveClauseWeight

Gets whether the "presolve_bve_clause_weight" field is set.

Definition at line 2564 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasPresolveBveThreshold

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasPresolveBveThreshold

Gets whether the "presolve_bve_threshold" field is set.

Definition at line 2533 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasPresolveExtractIntegerEnforcement

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasPresolveExtractIntegerEnforcement

Gets whether the "presolve_extract_integer_enforcement" field is set.

Definition at line 3309 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasPresolveInclusionWorkLimit

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasPresolveInclusionWorkLimit

Gets whether the "presolve_inclusion_work_limit" field is set.

Definition at line 3346 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasPresolveProbingDeterministicTimeLimit

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasPresolveProbingDeterministicTimeLimit

Gets whether the "presolve_probing_deterministic_time_limit" field is set.

Definition at line 2626 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasPresolveSubstitutionLevel

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasPresolveSubstitutionLevel

Gets whether the "presolve_substitution_level" field is set.

Definition at line 3274 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasPresolveUseBva

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasPresolveUseBva

Gets whether the "presolve_use_bva" field is set.

Definition at line 2687 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasProbingDeterministicTimeLimit

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasProbingDeterministicTimeLimit

Gets whether the "probing_deterministic_time_limit" field is set.

Definition at line 2599 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasProbingNumCombinationsLimit

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasProbingNumCombinationsLimit

Gets whether the "probing_num_combinations_limit" field is set.

Definition at line 5427 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasPropagationLoopDetectionFactor

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasPropagationLoopDetectionFactor

Gets whether the "propagation_loop_detection_factor" field is set.

Definition at line 4441 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasPseudoCostReliabilityThreshold

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasPseudoCostReliabilityThreshold

Gets whether the "pseudo_cost_reliability_threshold" field is set.

Definition at line 5647 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasPushAllTasksTowardStart

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasPushAllTasksTowardStart

Gets whether the "push_all_tasks_toward_start" field is set.

Definition at line 7233 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasRandomBranchesRatio

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasRandomBranchesRatio

Gets whether the "random_branches_ratio" field is set.

Definition at line 924 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasRandomizeSearch

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasRandomizeSearch

Gets whether the "randomize_search" field is set.

Definition at line 7170 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasRandomPolarityRatio

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasRandomPolarityRatio

Gets whether the "random_polarity_ratio" field is set.

Definition at line 892 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasRandomSeed

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasRandomSeed

Gets whether the "random_seed" field is set.

Definition at line 2155 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasRelativeGapLimit

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasRelativeGapLimit

Gets whether the "relative_gap_limit" field is set.

Definition at line 2118 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasRemoveFixedVariablesEarly

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasRemoveFixedVariablesEarly

Gets whether the "remove_fixed_variables_early" field is set.

Definition at line 2875 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasRepairHint

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasRepairHint

Gets whether the "repair_hint" field is set.

Definition at line 5304 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasRestartDlAverageRatio

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasRestartDlAverageRatio

Gets whether the "restart_dl_average_ratio" field is set.

Definition at line 1698 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasRestartLbdAverageRatio

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasRestartLbdAverageRatio

Gets whether the "restart_lbd_average_ratio" field is set.

Definition at line 1725 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasRestartPeriod

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasRestartPeriod

Gets whether the "restart_period" field is set.

Definition at line 1637 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasRestartRunningWindowSize

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasRestartRunningWindowSize

Gets whether the "restart_running_window_size" field is set.

Definition at line 1667 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasRootLpIterations

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasRootLpIterations

Gets whether the "root_lp_iterations" field is set.

Definition at line 8304 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasRoutingCutDpEffort

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasRoutingCutDpEffort

Gets whether the "routing_cut_dp_effort" field is set.

Definition at line 5214 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasRoutingCutSubsetSizeForBinaryRelationBound

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasRoutingCutSubsetSizeForBinaryRelationBound

Gets whether the "routing_cut_subset_size_for_binary_relation_bound" field is set.

Definition at line 5149 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasRoutingCutSubsetSizeForTightBinaryRelationBound

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasRoutingCutSubsetSizeForTightBinaryRelationBound

Gets whether the "routing_cut_subset_size_for_tight_binary_relation_bound" field is set.

Definition at line 5181 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasSaveLpBasisInLbTreeSearch

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasSaveLpBasisInLbTreeSearch

Gets whether the "save_lp_basis_in_lb_tree_search" field is set.

Definition at line 5750 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasSearchBranching

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasSearchBranching

Gets whether the "search_branching" field is set.

Definition at line 5241 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasSearchRandomVariablePoolSize

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasSearchRandomVariablePoolSize

Gets whether the "search_random_variable_pool_size" field is set.

Definition at line 7202 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasShareBinaryClauses

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasShareBinaryClauses

Gets whether the "share_binary_clauses" field is set.

Definition at line 4003 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasSharedTreeBalanceTolerance

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasSharedTreeBalanceTolerance

Gets whether the "shared_tree_balance_tolerance" field is set.

Definition at line 6508 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasSharedTreeMaxNodesPerWorker

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasSharedTreeMaxNodesPerWorker

Gets whether the "shared_tree_max_nodes_per_worker" field is set.

Definition at line 6445 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasSharedTreeNumWorkers

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasSharedTreeNumWorkers

Gets whether the "shared_tree_num_workers" field is set.

Definition at line 6259 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasSharedTreeOpenLeavesPerWorker

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasSharedTreeOpenLeavesPerWorker

Gets whether the "shared_tree_open_leaves_per_worker" field is set.

Definition at line 6412 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasSharedTreeSplitStrategy

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasSharedTreeSplitStrategy

Gets whether the "shared_tree_split_strategy" field is set.

Definition at line 6472 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasSharedTreeWorkerEnablePhaseSharing

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasSharedTreeWorkerEnablePhaseSharing

Gets whether the "shared_tree_worker_enable_phase_sharing" field is set.

Definition at line 6382 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasSharedTreeWorkerEnableTrailSharing

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasSharedTreeWorkerEnableTrailSharing

Gets whether the "shared_tree_worker_enable_trail_sharing" field is set.

Definition at line 6351 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasSharedTreeWorkerMinRestartsPerSubtree

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasSharedTreeWorkerMinRestartsPerSubtree

Gets whether the "shared_tree_worker_min_restarts_per_subtree" field is set.

Definition at line 6320 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasShareGlueClauses

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasShareGlueClauses

Gets whether the "share_glue_clauses" field is set.

Definition at line 4034 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasShareLevelZeroBounds

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasShareLevelZeroBounds

Gets whether the "share_level_zero_bounds" field is set.

Definition at line 3973 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasShareObjectiveBounds

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasShareObjectiveBounds

Gets whether the "share_objective_bounds" field is set.

Definition at line 3943 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasShavingSearchDeterministicTime

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasShavingSearchDeterministicTime

Gets whether the "shaving_search_deterministic_time" field is set.

Definition at line 5489 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasShavingSearchThreshold

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasShavingSearchThreshold

Gets whether the "shaving_search_threshold" field is set.

Definition at line 5522 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasSolutionPoolSize

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasSolutionPoolSize

Gets whether the "solution_pool_size" field is set.

Definition at line 6961 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasStopAfterFirstSolution

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasStopAfterFirstSolution

Gets whether the "stop_after_first_solution" field is set.

Definition at line 6754 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasStopAfterPresolve

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasStopAfterPresolve

Gets whether the "stop_after_presolve" field is set.

Definition at line 6785 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasStopAfterRootPropagation

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasStopAfterRootPropagation

Gets whether the "stop_after_root_propagation" field is set.

Definition at line 6812 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasStrategyChangeIncreaseRatio

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasStrategyChangeIncreaseRatio

Gets whether the "strategy_change_increase_ratio" field is set.

Definition at line 1874 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasSubsumptionDuringConflictAnalysis

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasSubsumptionDuringConflictAnalysis

Gets whether the "subsumption_during_conflict_analysis" field is set.

Definition at line 1111 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasSymmetryDetectionDeterministicTimeLimit

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasSymmetryDetectionDeterministicTimeLimit

Gets whether the "symmetry_detection_deterministic_time_limit" field is set.

Definition at line 7687 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasSymmetryLevel

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasSymmetryLevel

Gets whether the "symmetry_level" field is set.

Definition at line 7590 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasTableCompressionLevel

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasTableCompressionLevel

Gets whether the "table_compression_level" field is set.

Definition at line 2944 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseAbslRandom

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseAbslRandom

Gets whether the "use_absl_random" field is set.

Definition at line 2242 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseAllDifferentForCircuit

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseAllDifferentForCircuit

Gets whether the "use_all_different_for_circuit" field is set.

Definition at line 5112 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseAreaEnergeticReasoningInNoOverlap2D

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseAreaEnergeticReasoningInNoOverlap2D

Gets whether the "use_area_energetic_reasoning_in_no_overlap_2d" field is set.

Definition at line 4951 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseBlockingRestart

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseBlockingRestart

Gets whether the "use_blocking_restart" field is set.

Definition at line 1757 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseCombinedNoOverlap

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseCombinedNoOverlap

Gets whether the "use_combined_no_overlap" field is set.

Definition at line 7334 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseConservativeScaleOverloadChecker

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseConservativeScaleOverloadChecker

Gets whether the "use_conservative_scale_overload_checker" field is set.

Definition at line 4681 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseDisjunctiveConstraintInCumulative

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseDisjunctiveConstraintInCumulative

Gets whether the "use_disjunctive_constraint_in_cumulative" field is set.

Definition at line 4853 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseDualSchedulingHeuristics

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseDualSchedulingHeuristics

Gets whether the "use_dual_scheduling_heuristics" field is set.

Definition at line 5081 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseDynamicPrecedenceInCumulative

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseDynamicPrecedenceInCumulative

Gets whether the "use_dynamic_precedence_in_cumulative" field is set.

Definition at line 4607 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseDynamicPrecedenceInDisjunctive

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseDynamicPrecedenceInDisjunctive

Gets whether the "use_dynamic_precedence_in_disjunctive" field is set.

Definition at line 4580 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseEnergeticReasoningInNoOverlap2D

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseEnergeticReasoningInNoOverlap2D

Gets whether the "use_energetic_reasoning_in_no_overlap_2d" field is set.

Definition at line 4919 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseErwaHeuristic

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseErwaHeuristic

Gets whether the "use_erwa_heuristic" field is set.

Definition at line 956 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseExactLpReason

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseExactLpReason

Gets whether the "use_exact_lp_reason" field is set.

Definition at line 7302 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseExtendedProbing

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseExtendedProbing

Gets whether the "use_extended_probing" field is set.

Definition at line 5397 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseFeasibilityJump

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseFeasibilityJump

Gets whether the "use_feasibility_jump" field is set.

Definition at line 5850 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseFeasibilityPump

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseFeasibilityPump

Gets whether the "use_feasibility_pump" field is set.

Definition at line 7021 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseHardPrecedencesInCumulative

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseHardPrecedencesInCumulative

Gets whether the "use_hard_precedences_in_cumulative" field is set.

Definition at line 4785 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseImpliedBounds

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseImpliedBounds

Gets whether the "use_implied_bounds" field is set.

Definition at line 7429 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseLbRelaxLns

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseLbRelaxLns

Gets whether the "use_lb_relax_lns" field is set.

Definition at line 7053 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseLns

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseLns

Gets whether the "use_lns" field is set.

Definition at line 6899 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseLnsOnly

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseLnsOnly

Gets whether the "use_lns_only" field is set.

Definition at line 6929 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseLsOnly

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseLsOnly

Gets whether the "use_ls_only" field is set.

Definition at line 5881 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseObjectiveLbSearch

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseObjectiveLbSearch

Gets whether the "use_objective_lb_search" field is set.

Definition at line 5553 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseObjectiveShavingSearch

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseObjectiveShavingSearch

Gets whether the "use_objective_shaving_search" field is set.

Definition at line 5585 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseOptimizationHints

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseOptimizationHints

Gets whether the "use_optimization_hints" field is set.

Definition at line 4221 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseOptionalVariables

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseOptionalVariables

Gets whether the "use_optional_variables" field is set.

Definition at line 7269 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseOverloadCheckerInCumulative

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseOverloadCheckerInCumulative

Gets whether the "use_overload_checker_in_cumulative" field is set.

Definition at line 4644 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUsePbResolution

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUsePbResolution

Gets whether the "use_pb_resolution" field is set.

Definition at line 2429 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUsePhaseSaving

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUsePhaseSaving

Gets whether the "use_phase_saving" field is set.

Definition at line 795 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUsePrecedencesInDisjunctiveConstraint

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUsePrecedencesInDisjunctiveConstraint

Gets whether the "use_precedences_in_disjunctive_constraint" field is set.

Definition at line 4480 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseProbingSearch

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseProbingSearch

Gets whether the "use_probing_search" field is set.

Definition at line 5367 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseRinsLns

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseRinsLns

Gets whether the "use_rins_lns" field is set.

Definition at line 6991 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseSatInprocessing

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseSatInprocessing

Gets whether the "use_sat_inprocessing" field is set.

Definition at line 3478 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseSharedTreeSearch

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseSharedTreeSearch

Gets whether the "use_shared_tree_search" field is set.

Definition at line 6289 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseShavingInProbingSearch

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseShavingInProbingSearch

Gets whether the "use_shaving_in_probing_search" field is set.

Definition at line 5458 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseStrongPropagationInDisjunctive

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseStrongPropagationInDisjunctive

Gets whether the "use_strong_propagation_in_disjunctive" field is set.

Definition at line 4544 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseSymmetryInLp

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseSymmetryInLp

Gets whether the "use_symmetry_in_lp" field is set.

Definition at line 7624 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseTimetableEdgeFindingInCumulative

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseTimetableEdgeFindingInCumulative

Gets whether the "use_timetable_edge_finding_in_cumulative" field is set.

Definition at line 4718 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseTimetablingInNoOverlap2D

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseTimetablingInNoOverlap2D

Gets whether the "use_timetabling_in_no_overlap_2d" field is set.

Definition at line 4887 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseTryEdgeReasoningInNoOverlap2D

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseTryEdgeReasoningInNoOverlap2D

Gets whether the "use_try_edge_reasoning_in_no_overlap_2d" field is set.

Definition at line 4978 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasUseVariablesShavingSearch

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasUseVariablesShavingSearch

Gets whether the "use_variables_shaving_search" field is set.

Definition at line 5616 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasVariableActivityDecay

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasVariableActivityDecay

Gets whether the "variable_activity_decay" field is set.

Definition at line 1384 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasViolationLsCompoundMoveProbability

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasViolationLsCompoundMoveProbability

Gets whether the "violation_ls_compound_move_probability" field is set.

Definition at line 6223 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HasViolationLsPerturbationPeriod

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HasViolationLsPerturbationPeriod

Gets whether the "violation_ls_perturbation_period" field is set.

Definition at line 6192 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ HintConflictLimit

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.HintConflictLimit

Conflict limit used in the phase that exploit the solution hint.

Definition at line 5261 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ IgnoreNames

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.IgnoreNames

If true, we don't keep names in our internal copy of the user given model.

Definition at line 3366 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ IgnoreSubsolvers

pbc.RepeatedField<string> Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.IgnoreSubsolvers

Rather than fully specifying subsolvers, it is often convenient to just remove the ones that are not useful on a given problem or only keep specific ones for testing. Each string is interpreted as a "glob", so we support '*' and '?'.

The way this work is that we will only accept a name that match a filter pattern (if non-empty) and do not match an ignore pattern. Note also that these fields work on LNS or LS names even if these are currently not specified via the subsolvers field.

Definition at line 3827 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ InferAllDiffs

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.InferAllDiffs

Run a max-clique code amongst all the x != y we can find and try to infer set of variables that are all different. This allows to close neos16.mps for instance. Note that we only run this code if there is no all_diff already in the model so that if a user want to add some all_diff, we assume it is well done and do not try to add more.

This will also detect and add no_overlap constraints, if all the relations x != y have "offsets" between them. I.e. x > y + offset.

Definition at line 3404 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ InitialPolarity

global.Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.Types.Polarity Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.InitialPolarity

Definition at line 743 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ InitialVariablesActivity

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.InitialVariablesActivity

The initial value of the variables activity. A non-zero value only make sense when use_erwa_heuristic is true. Experiments with a value of 1e-2 together with the ERWA heuristic showed slighthly better result than simply using zero. The idea is that when the "learning rate" of a variable becomes lower than this value, then we prefer to branch on never explored before variables. This is not in the ERWA paper.

Definition at line 981 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ InprocessingDtimeRatio

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.InprocessingDtimeRatio

Proportion of deterministic time we should spend on inprocessing. At each "restart", if the proportion is below this ratio, we will do some inprocessing, otherwise, we skip it for this restart.

Definition at line 3500 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ InprocessingMinimizationDtime

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.InprocessingMinimizationDtime

Parameters for an heuristic similar to the one described in "An effective learnt clause minimization approach for CDCL Sat Solvers",

This is the amount of dtime we should spend on this technique during each inprocessing phase. The minimization technique is the same as the one used to minimize core in max-sat. We also minimize problem clauses and not just the learned clause that we keep forever like in the paper.

Definition at line 3571 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ InprocessingMinimizationUseAllOrderings

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.InprocessingMinimizationUseAllOrderings

Definition at line 3625 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ InprocessingMinimizationUseConflictAnalysis

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.InprocessingMinimizationUseConflictAnalysis

Definition at line 3598 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ InprocessingProbingDtime

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.InprocessingProbingDtime

The amount of dtime we should spend on probing for each inprocessing round.

Definition at line 3530 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ InstantiateAllVariables

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.InstantiateAllVariables

If true, the solver will add a default integer branching strategy to the already defined search strategy. If not, some variable might still not be fixed at the end of the search. For now we assume these variable can just be set to their lower bound.

Definition at line 6681 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ InterleaveBatchSize

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.InterleaveBatchSize

Definition at line 3903 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ InterleaveSearch

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.InterleaveSearch

Experimental. If this is true, then we interleave all our major search strategy and distribute the work amongst num_workers.

The search is deterministic (independently of num_workers!), and we schedule and wait for interleave_batch_size task to be completed before synchronizing and scheduling the next batch of tasks.

Definition at line 3876 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ KeepAllFeasibleSolutionsInPresolve

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.KeepAllFeasibleSolutionsInPresolve

If true, we disable the presolve reductions that remove feasible solutions from the search space. Such solution are usually dominated by a "better" solution that is kept, but depending on the situation, we might want to keep all solutions.

A trivial example is when a variable is unused. If this is true, then the presolve will not fix it to an arbitrary value and it will stay in the search space.

Definition at line 6573 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ KeepSymmetryInPresolve

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.KeepSymmetryInPresolve

Experimental. This will compute the symmetry of the problem once and for all. All presolve operations we do should keep the symmetry group intact or modify it properly. For now we have really little support for this. We will disable a bunch of presolve operations that could be supported.

Definition at line 7647 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ LbRelaxNumWorkersThreshold

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.LbRelaxNumWorkersThreshold

Only use lb-relax if we have at least that many workers.

Definition at line 7073 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ LinearizationLevel

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.LinearizationLevel

A non-negative level indicating the type of constraints we consider in the LP relaxation. At level zero, no LP relaxation is used. At level 1, only the linear constraint and full encoding are added. At level 2, we also add all the Boolean constraints.

Definition at line 7774 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ LinearSplitSize

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.LinearSplitSize

Linear constraints that are not pseudo-Boolean and that are longer than this size will be split into sqrt(size) intermediate sums in order to have faster propation in the CP engine.

Definition at line 7741 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ LnsInitialDeterministicLimit

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.LnsInitialDeterministicLimit

Definition at line 6859 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ LnsInitialDifficulty

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.LnsInitialDifficulty

Initial parameters for neighborhood generation.

Definition at line 6832 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ LogPrefix

string Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.LogPrefix

Add a prefix to all logs.

Definition at line 2327 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ LogSearchProgress

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.LogSearchProgress

Whether the solver should log the search progress. This is the maing logging parameter and if this is false, none of the logging (callbacks, log_to_stdout, log_to_response, ...) will do anything.

Definition at line 2264 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ LogSubsolverStatistics

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.LogSubsolverStatistics

Whether the solver should display per sub-solver search statistics. This is only useful is log_search_progress is set to true, and if the number of search workers is > 1. Note that in all case we display a bit of stats with one line per subsolver.

Definition at line 2297 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ LogToResponse

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.LogToResponse

Log to response proto.

Definition at line 2386 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ LogToStdout

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.LogToStdout

Log to stdout.

Definition at line 2356 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ LpDualTolerance

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.LpDualTolerance

Definition at line 7513 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ LpPrimalTolerance

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.LpPrimalTolerance

The internal LP tolerances used by CP-SAT. These applies to the internal and scaled problem. If the domains of your variables are large it might be good to use lower tolerances. If your problem is binary with low coefficients, it might be good to use higher ones to speed-up the lp solves.

Definition at line 7486 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxAllDiffCutSize

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxAllDiffCutSize

Cut generator for all diffs can add too many cuts for large all_diff constraints. This parameter restricts the large all_diff constraints to have a cut generator.

Definition at line 8158 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxClauseActivityValue

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxClauseActivityValue

Definition at line 1547 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxConsecutiveInactiveCount

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxConsecutiveInactiveCount

If a constraint/cut in LP is not active for that many consecutive OPTIMAL solves, remove it from the LP. Note that it might be added again later if it become violated by the current LP solution.

Definition at line 8390 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxCutRoundsAtLevelZero

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxCutRoundsAtLevelZero

Max number of time we perform cut generation and resolve the LP at level 0.

Definition at line 8358 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxDeterministicTime

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxDeterministicTime

Maximum time allowed in deterministic time to solve a problem. The deterministic time should be correlated with the real time used by the solver, the time unit being as close as possible to a second.

Definition at line 1927 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxDomainSizeWhenEncodingEqNeqConstraints

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxDomainSizeWhenEncodingEqNeqConstraints

When loading a*x + b*y ==/!= c when x and y are both fully encoded. The solver may decide to replace the linear equation by a set of clauses. This is triggered if the sizes of the domains of x and y are below the threshold.

Definition at line 7838 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaximumRegionsToSplitInDisconnectedNoOverlap2D

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaximumRegionsToSplitInDisconnectedNoOverlap2D

Detects when the space where items of a no_overlap_2d constraint can placed is disjoint (ie., fixed boxes split the domain). When it is the case, we can introduce a boolean for each pair <item, component> encoding whether the item is in the component or not. Then we replace the original no_overlap_2d constraint by one no_overlap_2d constraint for each component, with the new booleans as the enforcement_literal of the intervals. This is equivalent to expanding the original no_overlap_2d constraint into a bin packing problem with each connected component being a bin. This heuristic is only done when the number of regions to split is less than this parameter and <= 1 disables it.

Definition at line 5039 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxIntegerRoundingScaling

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxIntegerRoundingScaling

In the integer rounding procedure used for MIR and Gomory cut, the maximum "scaling" we use (must be positive). The lower this is, the lower the integer coefficients of the cut will be. Note that cut generated by lower values are not necessarily worse than cut generated by larger value. There is no strict dominance relationship.

Setting this to 2 result in the "strong fractional rouding" of Letchford and Lodi.

Definition at line 8228 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxLinMaxSizeForExpansion

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxLinMaxSizeForExpansion

If the number of expressions in the lin_max is less that the max size parameter, model expansion replaces target = max(xi) by linear constraint with the introduction of new booleans bi such that bi => target == xi.

This is mainly for experimenting compared to a custom lin_max propagator.

Definition at line 3108 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxMemoryInMb

long Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxMemoryInMb

Maximum memory allowed for the whole thread containing the solver. The solver will abort as soon as it detects that this limit is crossed. As a result, this limit is approximative, but usually the solver will not go too much over.

(user): This is only used by the pure SAT solver, generalize to CP-SAT.

Definition at line 2031 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxNumberOfConflicts

long Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxNumberOfConflicts

Maximum number of conflicts allowed to solve a problem.

(user): Maybe change the way the conflict limit is enforced? currently it is enforced on each independent internal SAT solve, rather than on the overall number of conflicts across all solves. So in the context of an optimization problem, this is not really usable directly by a client.

Definition at line 1995 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxNumCuts

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxNumCuts

The limit on the number of cuts in our cut pool. When this is reached we do not generate cuts anymore.

(user): We should probably remove this parameters, and just always generate cuts but only keep the best n or something.

Definition at line 7873 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxNumDeterministicBatches

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxNumDeterministicBatches

Stops after that number of batches has been scheduled. This only make sense when interleave_search is true.

Definition at line 1958 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxNumIntervalsForTimetableEdgeFinding

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxNumIntervalsForTimetableEdgeFinding

Max number of intervals for the timetable_edge_finding algorithm to propagate. A value of 0 disables the constraint.

Definition at line 4739 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxPairsPairwiseReasoningInNoOverlap2D

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxPairsPairwiseReasoningInNoOverlap2D

If the number of pairs to look is below this threshold, do an extra step of propagation in the no_overlap_2d constraint by looking at all pairs of intervals.

Definition at line 5000 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxPresolveIterations

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxPresolveIterations

In case of large reduction in a presolve iteration, we perform multiple presolve iterations. This parameter controls the maximum number of such presolve iterations.

Definition at line 2742 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxSatAssumptionOrder

global.Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.Types.MaxSatAssumptionOrder Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxSatAssumptionOrder

Definition at line 4334 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxSatReverseAssumptionOrder

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxSatReverseAssumptionOrder

If true, adds the assumption in the reverse order of the one defined by max_sat_assumption_order.

Definition at line 4365 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxSatStratification

global.Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.Types.MaxSatStratificationAlgorithm Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxSatStratification

Definition at line 4392 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxSizeToCreatePrecedenceLiteralsInDisjunctive

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxSizeToCreatePrecedenceLiteralsInDisjunctive

Create one literal for each disjunction of two pairs of tasks. This slows down the solve time, but improves the lower bound of the objective in the makespan case. This will be triggered if the number of intervals is less or equal than the parameter and if use_strong_propagation_in_disjunctive is true.

Definition at line 4504 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxTimeInSeconds

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxTimeInSeconds

Maximum time allowed in seconds to solve a problem. The counter will starts at the beginning of the Solve() call.

Definition at line 1895 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MaxVariableActivityValue

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxVariableActivityValue

Definition at line 1401 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MergeAtMostOneWorkLimit

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MergeAtMostOneWorkLimit

Definition at line 3231 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MergeNoOverlapWorkLimit

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MergeNoOverlapWorkLimit

During presolve, we use a maximum clique heuristic to merge together no-overlap constraints or at most one constraints. This code can be slow, so we have a limit in place on the number of explored nodes in the underlying graph. The internal limit is an int64, but we use double here to simplify manual input.

Definition at line 3204 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MinimizationAlgorithm

global.Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.Types.ConflictMinimizationAlgorithm Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MinimizationAlgorithm

Definition at line 1041 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MinimizeReductionDuringPbResolution

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MinimizeReductionDuringPbResolution

A different algorithm during PB resolution. It minimizes the number of calls to ReduceCoefficients() which can be time consuming. However, the search space will be different and if the coefficients are large, this may lead to integer overflows that could otherwise be prevented.

Definition at line 2452 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MinimizeSharedClauses

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MinimizeSharedClauses

Minimize and detect subsumption of shared clauses immediately after they are imported.

Definition at line 4055 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MinOrthogonalityForLpConstraints

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MinOrthogonalityForLpConstraints

While adding constraints, skip the constraints which have orthogonality less than 'min_orthogonality_for_lp_constraints' with already added constraints during current call. Orthogonality is defined as 1 - cosine(vector angle between constraints). A value of zero disable this feature.

Definition at line 8328 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MipAutomaticallyScaleVariables

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MipAutomaticallyScaleVariables

If true, some continuous variable might be automatically scaled. For now, this is only the case where we detect that a variable is actually an integer multiple of a constant. For instance, variables of the form k * 0.5 are quite frequent, and if we detect this, we will scale such variable domain by 2 to make it implied integer.

Definition at line 8830 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MipCheckPrecision

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MipCheckPrecision

As explained in mip_precision and mip_max_activity_exponent, we cannot always reach the wanted precision during scaling. We use this threshold to enphasize in the logs when the precision seems bad.

Definition at line 8992 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MipComputeTrueObjectiveBound

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MipComputeTrueObjectiveBound

Even if we make big error when scaling the objective, we can always derive a correct lower bound on the original objective by using the exact lower bound on the scaled integer version of the objective. This should be fast, but if you don't care about having a precise lower bound, you can turn it off.

Definition at line 9026 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MipDropTolerance

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MipDropTolerance

Any value in the input mip with a magnitude lower than this will be set to zero. This is to avoid some issue in LP presolving.

Definition at line 9127 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MipMaxActivityExponent

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MipMaxActivityExponent

To avoid integer overflow, we always force the maximum possible constraint activity (and objective value) according to the initial variable domain to be smaller than 2 to this given power. Because of this, we cannot always reach the "mip_wanted_precision" parameter above.

This can go as high as 62, but some internal algo currently abort early if they might run into integer overflow, so it is better to keep it a bit lower than this.

Definition at line 8960 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MipMaxBound

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MipMaxBound

We need to bound the maximum magnitude of the variables for CP-SAT, and that is the bound we use. If the MIP model expect larger variable value in the solution, then the converted model will likely not be relevant.

Definition at line 8732 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MipMaxValidMagnitude

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MipMaxValidMagnitude

Any finite values in the input MIP must be below this threshold, otherwise the model will be reported invalid. This is needed to avoid floating point overflow when evaluating bounds * coeff for instance. We are a bit more defensive, but in practice, users shouldn't use super large values in a MIP.

Definition at line 9060 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MipPresolveLevel

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MipPresolveLevel

When solving a MIP, we do some basic floating point presolving before scaling the problem to integer to be handled by CP-SAT. This control how much of that presolve we do. It can help to better scale floating point model, but it is not always behaving nicely.

Definition at line 9160 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MipScaleLargeDomain

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MipScaleLargeDomain

If this is false, then mip_var_scaling is only applied to variables with "small" domain. If it is true, we scale all floating point variable independenlty of their domain.

Definition at line 8796 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MipTreatHighMagnitudeBoundsAsInfinity

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MipTreatHighMagnitudeBoundsAsInfinity

By default, any variable/constraint bound with a finite value and a magnitude greater than the mip_max_valid_magnitude will result with a invalid model. This flags change the behavior such that such bounds are silently transformed to +∞ or -∞.

It is recommended to keep it at false, and create valid bounds.

Definition at line 9096 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MipVarScaling

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MipVarScaling

All continuous variable of the problem will be multiplied by this factor. By default, we don't do any variable scaling and rely on the MIP model to specify continuous variable domain with the wanted precision.

Definition at line 8764 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ MipWantedPrecision

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MipWantedPrecision

When scaling constraint with double coefficients to integer coefficients, we will multiply by a power of 2 and round the coefficients. We will choose the lowest power such that we have no potential overflow (see mip_max_activity_exponent) and the worst case constraint activity error does not exceed this threshold.

we also detect constraint with rational coefficients and scale them accordingly when it seems better instead of using a power of 2. We also relax all constraint bounds by this absolute value. For pure integer constraint, if this value if lower than one, this will not change anything. However it is needed when scaling MIP problems. If we manage to scale a constraint correctly, the maximum error we can make will be twice this value (once for the scaling error and once for the relaxed bounds). If we are not able to scale that well, we will display that fact but still scale as best as we can.

Definition at line 8922 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ Name

string Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.Name

In some context, like in a portfolio of search, it makes sense to name a given parameters set for logging purpose.

Definition at line 690 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ NewConstraintsBatchSize

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.NewConstraintsBatchSize

Add that many lazy constraints (or cuts) at once in the LP. Note that at the beginning of the solve, we do add more than this.

Definition at line 8510 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ NewLinearPropagation

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.NewLinearPropagation

The new linear propagation code treat all constraints at once and use an adaptation of Bellman-Ford-Tarjan to propagate constraint in a smarter order and potentially detect propagation cycle earlier.

Definition at line 7709 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ NumConflictsBeforeStrategyChanges

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.NumConflictsBeforeStrategyChanges

After each restart, if the number of conflict since the last strategy change is greater that this, then we increment a "strategy_counter" that can be use to change the search strategy used by the following restarts.

Definition at line 1833 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ NumFullSubsolvers

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.NumFullSubsolvers

We distinguish subsolvers that consume a full thread, and the ones that are always interleaved. If left at zero, we will fix this with a default formula that depends on num_workers. But if you start modifying what runs, you might want to fix that to a given value depending on the num_workers you use.

Definition at line 3732 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ NumSearchWorkers

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.NumSearchWorkers

Definition at line 3698 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ NumViolationLs

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.NumViolationLs

This will create incomplete subsolvers (that are not LNS subsolvers) that use the feasibility jump code to find improving solution, treating the objective improvement as a hard constraint.

Definition at line 6152 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ NumWorkers

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.NumWorkers

Specify the number of parallel workers (i.e. threads) to use during search. This should usually be lower than your number of available cpus + hyperthread in your machine.

A value of 0 means the solver will try to use all cores on the machine. A number of 1 means no parallelism.

'num_workers' is the preferred name, but if it is set to zero, we will still read the deprecated 'num_search_workers'. As of 2020-04-10, if you're using SAT via MPSolver (to solve integer programs) this field is overridden with a value of 8, if the field is not set explicitly. Thus, always set this field explicitly or via MPSolver::SetNumThreads().

Definition at line 3671 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ OnlyAddCutsAtLevelZero

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.OnlyAddCutsAtLevelZero

For the cut that can be generated at any level, this control if we only try to generate them at the root node.

Definition at line 7936 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ OnlySolveIp

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.OnlySolveIp

If one try to solve a MIP model with CP-SAT, because we assume all variable to be integer after scaling, we will not necessarily have the correct optimal. Note however that all feasible solutions are valid since we will just solve a more restricted version of the original problem.

This parameters is here to prevent user to think the solution is optimal when it might not be. One will need to manually set this to false to solve a MIP model where the optimal might be different.

this is tested after some MIP presolve steps, so even if not all original variable are integer, we might end up with a pure IP after presolve and after implied integer detection.

Definition at line 8873 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ OptimizeWithCore

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.OptimizeWithCore

The default optimization method is a simple "linear scan", each time trying to find a better solution than the previous one. If this is true, then we use a core-based approach (like in max-SAT) when we try to increase the lower bound instead.

Definition at line 5670 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ OptimizeWithLbTreeSearch

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.OptimizeWithLbTreeSearch

Do a more conventional tree search (by opposition to SAT based one) where we keep all the explored node in a tree. This is meant to be used in a portfolio and focus on improving the objective lower bound. Keeping the whole tree allow us to report a better objective lower bound coming from the worst open node in the tree.

Definition at line 5704 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ OptimizeWithMaxHs

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.OptimizeWithMaxHs

This has no effect if optimize_with_core is false. If true, use a different core-based algorithm similar to the max-HS algo for max-SAT. This is a hybrid MIP/CP approach and it uses a MIP solver in addition to the CP/SAT one. This is also related to the PhD work of tobyodavies@ "Automatic Logic-Based Benders Decomposition with MiniZinc"

Definition at line 5808 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ Parser

pb.MessageParser<SatParameters> Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.Parser

Definition at line 369 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PbCleanupIncrement

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PbCleanupIncrement

Same as for the clauses, but for the learned pseudo-Boolean constraints.

Definition at line 1309 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PbCleanupRatio

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PbCleanupRatio

Definition at line 1336 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PermutePresolveConstraintOrder

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PermutePresolveConstraintOrder

Definition at line 2205 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PermuteVariableRandomly

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PermuteVariableRandomly

This is mainly here to test the solver variability. Note that in tests, if not explicitly set to false, all 3 options will be set to true so that clients do not rely on the solver returning a specific solution if they are many equivalent optimal solutions.

Definition at line 2178 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PolarityExploitLsHints

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PolarityExploitLsHints

If true and we have first solution LS workers, tries in some phase to follow a LS solutions that violates has litle constraints as possible.

Definition at line 848 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PolarityRephaseIncrement

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PolarityRephaseIncrement

If non-zero, then we change the polarity heuristic after that many number of conflicts in an arithmetically increasing fashion. So x the first time, 2 * x the second time, etc...

Definition at line 817 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PolishLpSolution

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PolishLpSolution

Whether we try to do a few degenerate iteration at the end of an LP solve to minimize the fractionality of the integer variable in the basis. This helps on some problems, but not so much on others. It also cost of bit of time to do such polish step.

Definition at line 7452 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PreferredVariableOrder

global.Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.Types.VariableOrder Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PreferredVariableOrder

Definition at line 716 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PresolveBlockedClause

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PresolveBlockedClause

Whether we use an heuristic to detect some basic case of blocked clause in the SAT presolve.

Definition at line 2647 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PresolveBvaThreshold

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PresolveBvaThreshold

Apply Bounded Variable Addition (BVA) if the number of clauses is reduced by stricly more than this threshold. The algorithm described in the paper uses 0, but quick experiments showed that 1 is a good value. It may not be worth it to add a new variable just to remove one clause.

Definition at line 2710 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PresolveBveClauseWeight

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PresolveBveClauseWeight

During presolve, we apply BVE only if this weight times the number of clauses plus the number of clause literals is not increased.

Definition at line 2554 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PresolveBveThreshold

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PresolveBveThreshold

During presolve, only try to perform the bounded variable elimination (BVE) of a variable x if the number of occurrences of x times the number of occurrences of not(x) is not greater than this parameter.

Definition at line 2523 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PresolveExtractIntegerEnforcement

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PresolveExtractIntegerEnforcement

If true, we will extract from linear constraints, enforcement literals of the form "integer variable at bound => simplified constraint". This should always be beneficial except that we don't always handle them as efficiently as we could for now. This causes problem on manna81.mps (LP relaxation not as tight it seems) and on neos-3354841-apure.mps.gz (too many literals created this way).

Definition at line 3299 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PresolveInclusionWorkLimit

long Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PresolveInclusionWorkLimit

A few presolve operations involve detecting constraints included in other constraint. Since there can be a quadratic number of such pairs, and processing them usually involve scanning them, the complexity of these operations can be big. This enforce a local deterministic limit on the number of entries scanned. Default is 1e8.

A value of zero will disable these presolve rules completely.

Definition at line 3336 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PresolveProbingDeterministicTimeLimit

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PresolveProbingDeterministicTimeLimit

Definition at line 2616 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PresolveSubstitutionLevel

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PresolveSubstitutionLevel

How much substitution (also called free variable aggregation in MIP litterature) should we perform at presolve. This currently only concerns variable appearing only in linear constraints. For now the value 0 turns it off and any positive value performs substitution.

Definition at line 3264 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PresolveUseBva

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PresolveUseBva

Whether or not we use Bounded Variable Addition (BVA) in the presolve.

Definition at line 2677 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ProbingDeterministicTimeLimit

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ProbingDeterministicTimeLimit

The maximum "deterministic" time limit to spend in probing. A value of zero will disable the probing.

(user): Clean up. The first one is used in CP-SAT, the other in pure SAT presolve.

Definition at line 2589 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ProbingNumCombinationsLimit

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ProbingNumCombinationsLimit

How many combinations of pairs or triplets of variables we want to scan.

Definition at line 5417 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PropagationLoopDetectionFactor

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PropagationLoopDetectionFactor

Some search decisions might cause a really large number of propagations to happen when integer variables with large domains are only reduced by 1 at each step. If we propagate more than the number of variable times this parameters we try to take counter-measure. Setting this to 0.0 disable this feature.

(user): Setting this to something like 10 helps in most cases, but the code is currently buggy and can cause the solve to enter a bad state where no progress is made.

Definition at line 4431 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PseudoCostReliabilityThreshold

long Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PseudoCostReliabilityThreshold

The solver ignores the pseudo costs of variables with number of recordings less than this threshold.

Definition at line 5637 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ PushAllTasksTowardStart

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PushAllTasksTowardStart

Experimental code: specify if the objective pushes all tasks toward the start of the schedule.

Definition at line 7223 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ RandomBranchesRatio

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.RandomBranchesRatio

A number between 0 and 1 that indicates the proportion of branching variables that are selected randomly instead of choosing the first variable from the given variable_ordering strategy.

Definition at line 914 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ RandomizeSearch

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.RandomizeSearch

Randomize fixed search.

Definition at line 7160 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ RandomPolarityRatio

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.RandomPolarityRatio

The proportion of polarity chosen at random. Note that this take precedence over the phase saving heuristic. This is different from initial_polarity:POLARITY_RANDOM because it will select a new random polarity each time the variable is branched upon instead of selecting one initially and then always taking this choice.

Definition at line 882 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ RandomSeed

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.RandomSeed

At the beginning of each solve, the random number generator used in some part of the solver is reinitialized to this seed. If you change the random seed, the solver may make different choices during the solving process.

For some problems, the running time may vary a lot depending on small change in the solving algorithm. Running the solver with different seeds enables to have more robust benchmarks when evaluating new features.

Definition at line 2145 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ RelativeGapLimit

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.RelativeGapLimit

Definition at line 2108 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ RemoveFixedVariablesEarly

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.RemoveFixedVariablesEarly

If cp_model_presolve is true and there is a large proportion of fixed variable after the first model copy, remap all the model to a dense set of variable before the full presolve even starts. This should help for LNS on large models.

Definition at line 2865 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ RepairHint

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.RepairHint

If true, the solver tries to repair the solution given in the hint. This search terminates after the 'hint_conflict_limit' is reached and the solver switches to regular search. If false, then we do a FIXED_SEARCH using the hint until the hint_conflict_limit is reached.

Definition at line 5294 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ RestartAlgorithms

pbc.RepeatedField<global.Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.Types.RestartAlgorithm> Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.RestartAlgorithms

The restart strategies will change each time the strategy_counter is increased. The current strategy will simply be the one at index strategy_counter modulo the number of strategy. Note that if this list includes a NO_RESTART, nothing will change when it is reached because the strategy_counter will only increment after a restart.

The idea of switching of search strategy tailored for SAT/UNSAT comes from Chanseok Oh with his COMiniSatPS solver, see But more generally, it seems REALLY beneficial to try different strategy.

Definition at line 1586 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ RestartDlAverageRatio

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.RestartDlAverageRatio

In the moving average restart algorithms, a restart is triggered if the window average times this ratio is greater that the global average.

Definition at line 1688 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ RestartLbdAverageRatio

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.RestartLbdAverageRatio

Definition at line 1715 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ RestartPeriod

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.RestartPeriod

Restart period for the FIXED_RESTART strategy. This is also the multiplier used by the LUBY_RESTART strategy.

Definition at line 1627 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ RestartRunningWindowSize

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.RestartRunningWindowSize

Size of the window for the moving average restarts.

Definition at line 1657 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ RootLpIterations

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.RootLpIterations

Even at the root node, we do not want to spend too much time on the LP if it is "difficult". So we solve it in "chunks" of that many iterations. The solve will be continued down in the tree or the next time we go back to the root node.

Definition at line 8294 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ RoutingCutDpEffort

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.RoutingCutDpEffort

The amount of "effort" to spend in dynamic programming for computing routing cuts. This is in term of basic operations needed by the algorithm in the worst case, so a value like 1e8 should take less than a second to compute.

Definition at line 5204 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ RoutingCutSubsetSizeForBinaryRelationBound

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.RoutingCutSubsetSizeForBinaryRelationBound

If the size of a subset of nodes of a RoutesConstraint is less than this value, use linear constraints of size 1 and 2 (such as capacity and time window constraints) enforced by the arc literals to compute cuts for this subset (unless the subset size is less than routing_cut_subset_size_for_tight_binary_relation_bound, in which case the corresponding algorithm is used instead). The algorithm for these cuts has a O(n^3) complexity, where n is the subset size. Hence the value of this parameter should not be too large (e.g. 10 or 20).

Definition at line 5139 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ RoutingCutSubsetSizeForTightBinaryRelationBound

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.RoutingCutSubsetSizeForTightBinaryRelationBound

Similar to above, but with a different algorithm producing better cuts, at the price of a higher O(2^n) complexity, where n is the subset size. Hence the value of this parameter should be small (e.g. less than 10).

Definition at line 5171 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SaveLpBasisInLbTreeSearch

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SaveLpBasisInLbTreeSearch

Experimental. Save the current LP basis at each node of the search tree so that when we jump around, we can load it and reduce the number of LP iterations needed.

It currently works okay if we do not change the lp with cuts or simplification... More work is needed to make it robust in all cases.

Definition at line 5740 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SearchBranching

global.Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.Types.SearchBranching Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SearchBranching

Definition at line 5231 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SearchRandomVariablePoolSize

long Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SearchRandomVariablePoolSize

Search randomization will collect the top 'search_random_variable_pool_size' valued variables, and pick one randomly. The value of the variable is specific to each strategy.

Definition at line 7192 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ShareBinaryClauses

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ShareBinaryClauses

Allows sharing of new learned binary clause between workers.

Definition at line 3993 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SharedTreeBalanceTolerance

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SharedTreeBalanceTolerance

How much deeper compared to the ideal max depth of the tree is considered "balanced" enough to still accept a split. Without such a tolerance, sometimes the tree can only be split by a single worker, and they may not generate a split for some time. In contrast, with a tolerance of 1, at least half of all workers should be able to split the tree as soon as a split becomes required. This only has an effect on SPLIT_STRATEGY_BALANCED_TREE and SPLIT_STRATEGY_DISCREPANCY.

Definition at line 6498 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SharedTreeMaxNodesPerWorker

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SharedTreeMaxNodesPerWorker

In order to limit total shared memory and communication overhead, limit the total number of nodes that may be generated in the shared tree. If the shared tree runs out of unassigned leaves, workers act as portfolio workers. Note: this limit includes interior nodes, not just leaves.

Definition at line 6435 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SharedTreeNumWorkers

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SharedTreeNumWorkers

Enables shared tree search. If positive, start this many complete worker threads to explore a shared search tree. These workers communicate objective bounds and simple decision nogoods relating to the shared prefix of the tree, and will avoid exploring the same subtrees as one another. Specifying a negative number uses a heuristic to select an appropriate number of shared tree workeres based on the total number of workers.

Definition at line 6249 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SharedTreeOpenLeavesPerWorker

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SharedTreeOpenLeavesPerWorker

How many open leaf nodes should the shared tree maintain per worker.

Definition at line 6402 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SharedTreeSplitStrategy

global.Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.Types.SharedTreeSplitStrategy Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SharedTreeSplitStrategy

Definition at line 6462 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SharedTreeWorkerEnablePhaseSharing

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SharedTreeWorkerEnablePhaseSharing

If true, shared tree workers share their target phase when returning an assigned subtree for the next worker to use.

Definition at line 6372 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SharedTreeWorkerEnableTrailSharing

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SharedTreeWorkerEnableTrailSharing

If true, workers share more of the information from their local trail. Specifically, literals implied by the shared tree decisions.

Definition at line 6341 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SharedTreeWorkerMinRestartsPerSubtree

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SharedTreeWorkerMinRestartsPerSubtree

Minimum restarts before a worker will replace a subtree that looks "bad" based on the average LBD of learned clauses.

Definition at line 6310 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ShareGlueClauses

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ShareGlueClauses

Allows sharing of short glue clauses between workers. Implicitly disabled if share_binary_clauses is false.

Definition at line 4024 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ShareLevelZeroBounds

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ShareLevelZeroBounds

Allows sharing of the bounds of modified variables at level 0.

Definition at line 3963 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ShareObjectiveBounds

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ShareObjectiveBounds

Allows objective sharing between workers.

Definition at line 3933 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ShavingSearchDeterministicTime

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ShavingSearchDeterministicTime

Specifies the amount of deterministic time spent of each try at shaving a bound in the shaving search.

Definition at line 5479 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ShavingSearchThreshold

long Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ShavingSearchThreshold

Specifies the threshold between two modes in the shaving procedure. If the range of the variable/objective is less than this threshold, then the shaving procedure will try to remove values one by one. Otherwise, it will try to remove one range at a time.

Definition at line 5512 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SolutionPoolSize

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SolutionPoolSize

Size of the top-n different solutions kept by the solver. This parameter must be > 0. Currently this only impact the "base" solution chosen for a LNS fragment.

Definition at line 6951 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ StopAfterFirstSolution

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.StopAfterFirstSolution

For an optimization problem, stop the solver as soon as we have a solution.

Definition at line 6744 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ StopAfterPresolve

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.StopAfterPresolve

Mainly used when improving the presolver. When true, stops the solver after the presolve is complete (or after loading and root level propagation).

Definition at line 6775 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ StopAfterRootPropagation

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.StopAfterRootPropagation

Definition at line 6802 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ StrategyChangeIncreaseRatio

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.StrategyChangeIncreaseRatio

The parameter num_conflicts_before_strategy_changes is increased by that much after each strategy change.

Definition at line 1864 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SubsolverParams

pbc.RepeatedField<global.Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters> Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SubsolverParams

It is possible to specify additional subsolver configuration. These can be referred by their in the fields above. Note that only the specified field will "overwrite" the ones of the base parameter. If a subsolver_params has the name of an existing subsolver configuration, the named parameters will be merged into the subsolver configuration.

Definition at line 3856 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ Subsolvers

pbc.RepeatedField<string> Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.Subsolvers

In multi-thread, the solver can be mainly seen as a portfolio of solvers with different parameters. This field indicates the names of the parameters that are used in multithread. This only applies to "full" subsolvers.

See to see a list of the names and the default value (if left empty) that looks like:

  • default_lp (linearization_level:1)
  • fixed (only if fixed search specified or scheduling)
  • no_lp (linearization_level:0)
  • max_lp (linearization_level:2)
  • pseudo_costs (only if objective, change search heuristic)
  • reduced_costs (only if objective, change search heuristic)
  • quick_restart (kind of probing)
  • quick_restart_no_lp (kind of probing with linearization_level:0)
  • lb_tree_search (to improve lower bound, MIP like tree search)
  • probing (continuous probing and shaving) Also, note that some set of parameters will be ignored if they do not make sense. For instance if there is no objective, pseudo_cost or reduced_cost search will be ignored. Core based search will only work if the objective has many terms. If there is no fixed strategy fixed will be ignored. And so on. The order is important, as only the first num_full_subsolvers will be scheduled. You can see in the log which one are selected for a given run.

Definition at line 3789 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SubsumptionDuringConflictAnalysis

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SubsumptionDuringConflictAnalysis

At a really low cost, during the 1-UIP conflict computation, it is easy to detect if some of the involved reasons are subsumed by the current conflict. When this is true, such clauses are detached and later removed from the problem.

Definition at line 1101 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SymmetryDetectionDeterministicTimeLimit

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SymmetryDetectionDeterministicTimeLimit

Deterministic time limit for symmetry detection.

Definition at line 7677 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ SymmetryLevel

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.SymmetryLevel

Whether we try to automatically detect the symmetries in a model and exploit them. Currently, at level 1 we detect them in presolve and try to fix Booleans. At level 2, we also do some form of dynamic symmetry breaking during search. At level 3, we also detect symmetries for very large models, which can be slow. At level 4, we try to break as much symmetry as possible in presolve.

Definition at line 7580 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ TableCompressionLevel

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.TableCompressionLevel

How much we try to "compress" a table constraint. Compressing more leads to less Booleans and faster propagation but can reduced the quality of the lp relaxation. Values goes from 0 to 3 where we always try to fully compress a table. At 2, we try to automatically decide if it is worth it.

Definition at line 2934 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseAbslRandom

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseAbslRandom

Definition at line 2232 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseAllDifferentForCircuit

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseAllDifferentForCircuit

Turn on extra propagation for the circuit constraint. This can be quite slow.

Definition at line 5102 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseAreaEnergeticReasoningInNoOverlap2D

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseAreaEnergeticReasoningInNoOverlap2D

When this is true, the no_overlap_2d constraint is reinforced with an energetic reasoning that uses an area-based energy. This can be combined with the two other overlap heuristics above.

Definition at line 4941 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseBlockingRestart

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseBlockingRestart

Block a moving restart algorithm if the trail size of the current conflict is greater than the multiplier times the moving average of the trail size at the previous conflicts.

Definition at line 1747 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseCombinedNoOverlap

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseCombinedNoOverlap

This can be beneficial if there is a lot of no-overlap constraints but a relatively low number of different intervals in the problem. Like 1000 intervals, but 1M intervals in the no-overlap constraints covering them.

Definition at line 7324 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseConservativeScaleOverloadChecker

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseConservativeScaleOverloadChecker

Enable a heuristic to solve cumulative constraints using a modified energy constraint. We modify the usual energy definition by applying a super-additive function (also called "conservative scale" or "dual-feasible function") to the demand and the durations of the tasks.

This heuristic is fast but for most problems it does not help much to find a solution.

Definition at line 4671 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseDisjunctiveConstraintInCumulative

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseDisjunctiveConstraintInCumulative

When this is true, the cumulative constraint is reinforced with propagators from the disjunctive constraint to improve the inference on a set of tasks that are disjunctive at the root of the problem. This additional level supplements the default level of reasoning.

Propagators of the cumulative constraint will not be used at all if all the tasks are disjunctive at root node. This always result in better propagation, but it is usually slow, so depending on the problem, turning this off may lead to a faster solution.

Definition at line 4843 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseDualSchedulingHeuristics

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseDualSchedulingHeuristics

When set, it activates a few scheduling parameters to improve the lower bound of scheduling problems. This is only effective with multiple workers as it modifies the reduced_cost, lb_tree_search, and probing workers.

Definition at line 5071 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseDynamicPrecedenceInCumulative

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseDynamicPrecedenceInCumulative

Definition at line 4597 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseDynamicPrecedenceInDisjunctive

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseDynamicPrecedenceInDisjunctive

Whether we try to branch on decision "interval A before interval B" rather than on intervals bounds. This usually works better, but slow down a bit the time to find the first solution.

These parameters are still EXPERIMENTAL, the result should be correct, but it some corner cases, they can cause some failing CHECK in the solver.

Definition at line 4570 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseEnergeticReasoningInNoOverlap2D

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseEnergeticReasoningInNoOverlap2D

When this is true, the no_overlap_2d constraint is reinforced with energetic reasoning. This additional level supplements the default level of reasoning.

Definition at line 4909 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseErwaHeuristic

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseErwaHeuristic

Whether we use the ERWA (Exponential Recency Weighted Average) heuristic as described in "Learning Rate Based Branching Heuristic for SAT solvers", J.H.Liang, V. Ganesh, P. Poupart, K.Czarnecki, SAT 2016.

Definition at line 946 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseExactLpReason

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseExactLpReason

The solver usually exploit the LP relaxation of a model. If this option is true, then whatever is infered by the LP will be used like an heuristic to compute EXACT propagation on the IP. So with this option, there is no numerical imprecision issues.

Definition at line 7292 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseExtendedProbing

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseExtendedProbing

Use extended probing (probe bool_or, at_most_one, exactly_one).

Definition at line 5387 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseFeasibilityJump

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseFeasibilityJump

Parameters for an heuristic similar to the one described in the paper: "Feasibility Jump: an LP-free Lagrangian MIP heuristic", Bjørnar Luteberget, Giorgio Sartor, 2023, Mathematical Programming Computation.

Definition at line 5840 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseFeasibilityPump

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseFeasibilityPump

Adds a feasibility pump subsolver along with lns subsolvers.

Definition at line 7011 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseHardPrecedencesInCumulative

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseHardPrecedencesInCumulative

If true, detect and create constraint for integer variable that are "after" a set of intervals in the same cumulative constraint.

Experimental: by default we just use "direct" precedences. If exploit_all_precedences is true, we explore the full precedence graph. This assumes we have a DAG otherwise it fails.

Definition at line 4775 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseImpliedBounds

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseImpliedBounds

Stores and exploits "implied-bounds" in the solver. That is, relations of the form literal => (var >= bound). This is currently used to derive stronger cuts.

Definition at line 7419 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseLbRelaxLns

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseLbRelaxLns

Turns on neighborhood generator based on local branching LP. Based on Huang et al., "Local Branching Relaxation Heuristics for Integer Linear Programs", 2023.

Definition at line 7043 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseLns

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseLns

Testing parameters used to disable all lns workers.

Definition at line 6889 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseLnsOnly

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseLnsOnly

Experimental parameters to disable everything but lns.

Definition at line 6919 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseLsOnly

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseLsOnly

Disable every other type of subsolver, setting this turns CP-SAT into a pure local-search solver.

Definition at line 5871 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseObjectiveLbSearch

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseObjectiveLbSearch

If true, search will search in ascending max objective value (when minimizing) starting from the lower bound of the objective.

Definition at line 5543 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseObjectiveShavingSearch

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseObjectiveShavingSearch

This search differs from the previous search as it will not use assumptions to bound the objective, and it will recreate a full model with the hardcoded objective value.

Definition at line 5575 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseOptimizationHints

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseOptimizationHints

For an optimization problem, whether we follow some hints in order to find a better first solution. For a variable with hint, the solver will always try to follow the hint. It will revert to the variable_branching default otherwise.

Definition at line 4211 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseOptionalVariables

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseOptionalVariables

If true, we automatically detect variables whose constraint are always enforced by the same literal and we mark them as optional. This allows to propagate them as if they were present in some situation.

(user): This is experimental and seems to lead to wrong optimal in some situation. It should however gives correct solutions. Fix.

Definition at line 7259 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseOverloadCheckerInCumulative

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseOverloadCheckerInCumulative

When this is true, the cumulative constraint is reinforced with overload checking, i.e., an additional level of reasoning based on energy. This additional level supplements the default level of reasoning as well as timetable edge finding.

This always result in better propagation, but it is usually slow, so depending on the problem, turning this off may lead to a faster solution.

Definition at line 4634 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UsePbResolution

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UsePbResolution

Whether to use pseudo-Boolean resolution to analyze a conflict. Note that this option only make sense if your problem is modelized using pseudo-Boolean constraints. If you only have clauses, this shouldn't change anything (except slow the solver down).

Definition at line 2419 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UsePhaseSaving

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UsePhaseSaving

If this is true, then the polarity of a variable will be the last value it was assigned to, or its default polarity if it was never assigned since the call to ResetDecisionHeuristic().

Actually, we use a newer version where we follow the last value in the longest non-conflicting partial assignment in the current phase. This is called 'literal phase saving'. For details see 'A Lightweight Component Caching Scheme for Satisfiability Solvers' K. Pipatsrisawat and A.Darwiche, In 10th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing, 2007.

Definition at line 785 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UsePrecedencesInDisjunctiveConstraint

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UsePrecedencesInDisjunctiveConstraint

When this is true, then a disjunctive constraint will try to use the precedence relations between time intervals to propagate their bounds further. For instance if task A and B are both before C and task A and B are in disjunction, then we can deduce that task C must start after duration(A) + duration(B) instead of simply max(duration(A), duration(B)), provided that the start time for all task was currently zero.

This always result in better propagation, but it is usually slow, so depending on the problem, turning this off may lead to a faster solution.

Definition at line 4470 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseProbingSearch

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseProbingSearch

If true, search will continuously probe Boolean variables, and integer variable bounds. This parameter is set to true in parallel on the probing worker.

Definition at line 5357 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseRinsLns

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseRinsLns

Turns on relaxation induced neighborhood generator.

Definition at line 6981 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseSatInprocessing

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseSatInprocessing

Enable or disable "inprocessing" which is some SAT presolving done at each restart to the root level.

Definition at line 3468 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseSharedTreeSearch

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseSharedTreeSearch

Set on shared subtree workers. Users should not set this directly.

Definition at line 6279 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseShavingInProbingSearch

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseShavingInProbingSearch

Add a shaving phase (where the solver tries to prove that the lower or upper bound of a variable are infeasible) to the probing search.

Definition at line 5448 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseStrongPropagationInDisjunctive

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseStrongPropagationInDisjunctive

Enable stronger and more expensive propagation on no_overlap constraint.

Definition at line 4534 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseSymmetryInLp

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseSymmetryInLp

When we have symmetry, it is possible to "fold" all variables from the same orbit into a single variable, while having the same power of LP relaxation. This can help significantly on symmetric problem. However there is currently a bit of overhead as the rest of the solver need to do some translation between the folded LP and the rest of the problem.

Definition at line 7614 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseTimetableEdgeFindingInCumulative

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseTimetableEdgeFindingInCumulative

When this is true, the cumulative constraint is reinforced with timetable edge finding, i.e., an additional level of reasoning based on the conjunction of energy and mandatory parts. This additional level supplements the default level of reasoning as well as overload_checker.

This always result in better propagation, but it is usually slow, so depending on the problem, turning this off may lead to a faster solution.

Definition at line 4708 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseTimetablingInNoOverlap2D

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseTimetablingInNoOverlap2D

When this is true, the no_overlap_2d constraint is reinforced with propagators from the cumulative constraints. It consists of ignoring the position of rectangles in one position and projecting the no_overlap_2d on the other dimension to create a cumulative constraint. This is done on both axis. This additional level supplements the default level of reasoning.

Definition at line 4877 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseTryEdgeReasoningInNoOverlap2D

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseTryEdgeReasoningInNoOverlap2D

Definition at line 4968 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ UseVariablesShavingSearch

bool Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseVariablesShavingSearch

This search takes all Boolean or integer variables, and maximize or minimize them in order to reduce their domain.

Definition at line 5606 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ VariableActivityDecay

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.VariableActivityDecay

Each time a conflict is found, the activities of some variables are increased by one. Then, the activity of all variables are multiplied by variable_activity_decay.

To implement this efficiently, the activity of all the variables is not decayed at each conflict. Instead, the activity increment is multiplied by 1 / decay. When an activity reach max_variable_activity_value, all the activity are multiplied by 1 / max_variable_activity_value.

Definition at line 1374 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ViolationLsCompoundMoveProbability

double Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ViolationLsCompoundMoveProbability

Probability of using compound move search each restart.

(user): Add reference to paper when published.

Definition at line 6213 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

◆ ViolationLsPerturbationPeriod

int Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ViolationLsPerturbationPeriod

How long violation_ls should wait before perturbating a solution.

Definition at line 6182 of file SatParameters.pb.cs.

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