Google OR-Tools v9.12
a fast and portable software suite for combinatorial optimization
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Todo List
Member Google.OrTools.Bop.BopParameters.NumBopSolversUsedByDecomposition
(user): Merge this with the number_of_solvers parameter.
Member Google.OrTools.Bop.BopParameters.RandomSeed
(user): Some of our client test fail depending on this value! we need to fix them and ideally randomize our behavior from on test to the next so that this doesn't happen in the future.
Member Google.OrTools.Bop.BopParameters.UseSymmetry
(user): turn this on by default once the symmetry finder becomes fast enough to be negligeable for most problem. Or at least support a time limit.
Class Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.IntVarVector
(user): Try to move this code back to the .i with @define macros.
Member Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.NetDecision.ApplyWrapper (Solver solver)
(user): Catch only fail exceptions.
Member Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.NetDecision.RefuteWrapper (Solver solver)
(user): Catch only fail exceptions.
Member Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.NetDecisionBuilder.NextWrapper (Solver solver)
(user): Catch only fail exceptions.
Member Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.NetDemon.RunWrapper (Solver solver)
(user): Check that this is indeed a fail. Try implementing custom exceptions (hard).
Member Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.RegularLimitParameters.Time
(user): Specify the time units or switch to google.Duration proto.
Member Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.RoutingSearchParameters.SecondaryLsTimeLimitRatio
(user): Since these operators are very fast, add a parameter to cap the max time allocated for this second phase (e.g. Duration max_secondary_ls_time_limit).
Member Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.RoutingSearchParameters.Types.LocalSearchNeighborhoodOperators.UseCrossExchange
(b/68128619): Implement.
Member Google.OrTools.Glop.GlopParameters.DualSmallPivotThreshold
(user): Clean this up and use the same small pivot detection.
Member Google.OrTools.Glop.GlopParameters.MaxDeterministicTime
(user): Improve the correlation.
Member Google.OrTools.Glop.GlopParameters.RatioTestZeroThreshold
(user): Automatically increase it when we detect that the precision of the Solve() is worse than this.
Member Google.OrTools.Glop.GlopParameters.UseDedicatedDualFeasibilityAlgorithm
(user): For now we have both, but ideally the non-dedicated version will win since it is a lot less code to maintain.
Class Google.OrTools.LinearSolver.MPConstraintVector
(user): Try to move this code back to the .i with @define macros.
Class Google.OrTools.LinearSolver.MPVariableVector
(user): Try to move this code back to the .i with @define macros.
Member Google.OrTools.PDLP.PrimalDualHybridGradientParams.DiagonalQpTrustRegionSolverTolerance
(user): Find an expression for the final relative error.
Member Google.OrTools.PDLP.PrimalDualHybridGradientParams.Types.AdaptiveDistanceBased
(user): Cite paper for the restart strategy and definition of the potential function, when available.
Member Google.OrTools.PDLP.PrimalDualHybridGradientParams.UseDiagonalQpTrustRegionSolver
(user): Turn this option on by default for quadratic programs after numerical evaluation.
Member Google.OrTools.PDLP.TerminationCriteria.EpsOptimalAbsolute
(b/241462829) delete this deprecated field.
Member Google.OrTools.PDLP.TerminationCriteria.EpsOptimalRelative
(b/241462829) delete this deprecated field.
Member Google.OrTools.Sat.CpObjectiveProto.ScalingWasExact
(user): Put the error bounds we computed instead?
Member Google.OrTools.Sat.CpSolverResponse.SufficientAssumptionsForInfeasibility
(user): Allows for returning multiple core at once.
Member Google.OrTools.Sat.DecisionStrategyProto.Types.DomainReductionStrategy
(user): extend as needed.
Member Google.OrTools.Sat.DecisionStrategyProto.Types.VariableSelectionStrategy
(user): extend as needed.
Class Google.OrTools.Sat.RoutesConstraintProto
(user): It is probably possible to generalize this constraint to a no-cycle in a general graph, or a no-cycle with sum incoming <= 1 and sum outgoing <= 1 (more efficient implementation). On the other hand, having this specific constraint allow us to add specific "cuts" to a VRP problem.
Member Google.OrTools.Sat.RoutesConstraintProto.Demands
(user): Ideally, we should be able to extract any dimension like these (i.e. capacity, route_length, etc..) automatically from the encoding. The classical way to encode that is to have "current_capacity" variables along the route and linear equations of the form: arc_literal => (current_capacity_tail + demand <= current_capacity_head)
Member Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.EnumerateAllSolutions
(user): Do not do that and let the user choose what behavior is best by setting keep_all_feasible_solutions_in_presolve ?
Member Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxMemoryInMb
(user): This is only used by the pure SAT solver, generalize to CP-SAT.
Member Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxNumberOfConflicts
(user): Maybe change the way the conflict limit is enforced? currently it is enforced on each independent internal SAT solve, rather than on the overall number of conflicts across all solves. So in the context of an optimization problem, this is not really usable directly by a client.
Member Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.MaxNumCuts
(user): We should probably remove this parameters, and just always generate cuts but only keep the best n or something.
Member Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ProbingDeterministicTimeLimit
(user): Clean up. The first one is used in CP-SAT, the other in pure SAT presolve.
Member Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.PropagationLoopDetectionFactor
(user): Setting this to something like 10 helps in most cases, but the code is currently buggy and can cause the solve to enter a bad state where no progress is made.
Member Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.UseOptionalVariables
(user): This is experimental and seems to lead to wrong optimal in some situation. It should however gives correct solutions. Fix.
Member Google.OrTools.Sat.SatParameters.ViolationLsCompoundMoveProbability
(user): Add reference to paper when published.
Class OperationsResearch.SetCoverProto
(user): use uint64 instead of int32 for indices, as the solver supports it.
Member OperationsResearch.SetCoverProto.Fingerprint
(user): Implement.
Member OperationsResearch.SetCoverSolutionResponse.Fingerprint
(user): Implement.
Member OperationsResearch.SetCoverSolutionResponse.ModelFingerprint
(user): Implement.
Member OperationsResearch.SetCoverSolutionResponse.Status
(user): Implement.