Google OR-Tools v9.12
a fast and portable software suite for combinatorial optimization
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Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel Class Reference

Wrapper class around the cp_model proto. More...

Public Member Functions

 CpModel ()
IntVar NewIntVar (long lb, long ub, string name)
 Integer variables and constraints.
IntVar NewIntVarFromDomain (Domain domain, string name)
 Creates an integer variable with given domain.
IntVar NewConstant (long value)
 Creates a constant variable.
BoolVar NewBoolVar (string name)
 Creates a Boolean variable with given domain.
ILiteral TrueLiteral ()
 Returns a constant true literal.
ILiteral FalseLiteral ()
 Returns a constant false literal.
Constraint AddLinearConstraint (LinearExpr expr, long lb, long ub)
 Adds lb ≤ expr ≤ ub.
Constraint AddLinearExpressionInDomain (LinearExpr expr, Domain domain)
 Adds expr ∈ domain.
Constraint Add (BoundedLinearExpression lin)
 Adds a linear constraint to the model.
Constraint AddAllDifferent (IEnumerable< LinearExpr > exprs)
 Adds the constraint AllDifferent(exprs).
Constraint AddElement (LinearExpr index, IEnumerable< LinearExpr > exprs, LinearExpr target)
 Adds the element constraint: exprs[index] == target.
Constraint AddElement (LinearExpr index, IEnumerable< long > values, LinearExpr target)
 Adds the element constraint: values[index] == target.
Constraint AddElement (LinearExpr index, IEnumerable< int > values, LinearExpr target)
 Adds the element constraint: values[index] == target.
CircuitConstraint AddCircuit ()
 Adds and returns an empty circuit constraint.
MultipleCircuitConstraint AddMultipleCircuit ()
 Adds and returns an empty multiple circuit constraint.
TableConstraint AddAllowedAssignments (IEnumerable< LinearExpr > exprs)
 Adds AllowedAssignments(expressions).
TableConstraint AddForbiddenAssignments (IEnumerable< LinearExpr > exprs)
 Adds ForbiddenAssignments(variables).
AutomatonConstraint AddAutomaton (IEnumerable< LinearExpr > expressions, long starting_state, IEnumerable< long > final_states)
 Adds an automaton constraint.
Constraint AddInverse (IEnumerable< IntVar > direct, IEnumerable< IntVar > reverse)
 Adds Inverse(variables, inverseVariables).
ReservoirConstraint AddReservoirConstraint (long minLevel, long maxLevel)
 Adds a reservoir constraint with optional refill/emptying events.
void AddMapDomain (IntVar var, IEnumerable< IntVar > bool_vars, long offset=0)
 Adds var == i + offset ⇔ bool_vars[i] == true for all i.
Constraint AddImplication (ILiteral a, ILiteral b)
 Adds a ⇒ b.
Constraint AddBoolOr (IEnumerable< ILiteral > literals)
 Adds Or(literals) == true.
Constraint AddAtLeastOne (IEnumerable< ILiteral > literals)
 Same as AddBoolOr: ∑(literals) ≥ 1.
Constraint AddAtMostOne (IEnumerable< ILiteral > literals)
 Adds AtMostOne(literals): ∑(literals) ≤ 1.
Constraint AddExactlyOne (IEnumerable< ILiteral > literals)
 Adds ExactlyOne(literals): ∑(literals) == 1.
Constraint AddBoolAnd (IEnumerable< ILiteral > literals)
 Adds And(literals) == true.
Constraint AddBoolXor (IEnumerable< ILiteral > literals)
 Adds XOr(literals) == true.
Constraint AddMinEquality (LinearExpr target, IEnumerable< LinearExpr > exprs)
 Adds target == Min(exprs).
Constraint AddMaxEquality (LinearExpr target, IEnumerable< LinearExpr > exprs)
 Adds target == Max(exprs).
Constraint AddDivisionEquality< T, N, D > (T target, N num, D denom)
 Adds target == num / denom (integer division rounded towards 0).
Constraint AddAbsEquality (LinearExpr target, LinearExpr expr)
 Adds target == abs(expr).
Constraint AddModuloEquality< T, V, M > (T target, V v, M m)
 Adds target == v % m.
Constraint AddMultiplicationEquality (LinearExpr target, IEnumerable< LinearExpr > exprs)
 Adds target == ∏(exprs).
Constraint AddMultiplicationEquality (LinearExpr target, LinearExpr left, LinearExpr right)
 Adds target == left * right.
IntervalVar NewIntervalVar< S, D, E > (S start, D size, E end, string name)
 Scheduling support.
IntervalVar NewFixedSizeIntervalVar< S > (S start, long size, string name)
 Creates an interval variable from an affine expression start, and a fixed size.
IntervalVar NewOptionalIntervalVar< S, D, E > (S start, D size, E end, ILiteral is_present, string name)
 Creates an optional interval variable from three affine expressions start, size, and end, and a literal is_present.
IntervalVar NewOptionalFixedSizeIntervalVar< S > (S start, long size, ILiteral is_present, string name)
 Creates an optional interval variable from an affine expression start, a fixed size, and a literal is_present.
Constraint AddNoOverlap (IEnumerable< IntervalVar > intervals)
NoOverlap2dConstraint AddNoOverlap2D ()
 Adds NoOverlap2D().
CumulativeConstraint AddCumulative< C > (C capacity)
 Adds Cumulative(capacity).
void Minimize (LinearExpr obj)
void Maximize (LinearExpr obj)
 Adds a maximization objective of a linear expression.
void AddDecisionStrategy (IEnumerable< IntVar > vars, DecisionStrategyProto.Types.VariableSelectionStrategy var_str, DecisionStrategyProto.Types.DomainReductionStrategy dom_str)
 Search Decision.
void AddHint (IntVar var, long value)
 Adds variable hinting to the model.
void AddHint (ILiteral lit, bool value)
 Adds variable hinting to the model.
void ClearHints ()
 Clears all hinting from the model.
void AddAssumption (ILiteral lit)
 Adds a literal to the model as assumption.
void AddAssumptions (IEnumerable< ILiteral > literals)
 Adds multiple literals to the model as assumptions.
void ClearAssumptions ()
 Clears all assumptions from the model.
String ModelStats ()
 Returns some statistics on model as a string.
Boolean ExportToFile (String file)
 Write the model as a protocol buffer to file.
String Validate ()
 Returns a non empty string explaining the issue if the model is invalid.


CpModelProto Model [get]

Detailed Description

Wrapper class around the cp_model proto.

Definition at line 23 of file CpModel.cs.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ CpModel()

Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.CpModel ( )

Definition at line 25 of file CpModel.cs.

Member Function Documentation

◆ Add()

Constraint Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.Add ( BoundedLinearExpression lin)

Adds a linear constraint to the model.

Definition at line 192 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddAbsEquality()

Constraint Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddAbsEquality ( LinearExpr target,
LinearExpr expr )

Adds target == abs(expr).

Definition at line 737 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddAllDifferent()

Constraint Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddAllDifferent ( IEnumerable< LinearExpr > exprs)

Adds the constraint AllDifferent(exprs).

Definition at line 220 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddAllowedAssignments()

TableConstraint Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddAllowedAssignments ( IEnumerable< LinearExpr > exprs)

Adds AllowedAssignments(expressions).

An AllowedAssignments constraint is a constraint on an array of affine expressions (a * var + b) that forces, when all expressions are fixed to a single value, that the corresponding list of values is equal to one of the tuples of the tupleList.

exprsa list of affine expressions (a * var + b)
an instance of the TableConstraint class without any tuples. Tuples can be added directly to the table constraint

Definition at line 348 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddAssumption()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddAssumption ( ILiteral lit)

Adds a literal to the model as assumption.

Definition at line 1077 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddAssumptions()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddAssumptions ( IEnumerable< ILiteral > literals)

Adds multiple literals to the model as assumptions.

Definition at line 1083 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddAtLeastOne()

Constraint Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddAtLeastOne ( IEnumerable< ILiteral > literals)

Same as AddBoolOr: ∑(literals) ≥ 1.

Definition at line 593 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddAtMostOne()

Constraint Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddAtMostOne ( IEnumerable< ILiteral > literals)

Adds AtMostOne(literals): ∑(literals) ≤ 1.

Definition at line 603 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddAutomaton()

AutomatonConstraint Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddAutomaton ( IEnumerable< LinearExpr > expressions,
long starting_state,
IEnumerable< long > final_states )

Adds an automaton constraint.

An automaton constraint takes a list of affine expressions (of size n), an initial state, a set of final states, and a set of transitions that will be added incrementally directly on the returned AutomatonConstraint instance. A transition is a triplet (tail, transition, head), where tail and head are states, and transition is the label of an arc from head to tail, corresponding to the value of one expression in the list of expressions.

This automaton will be unrolled into a flow with n + 1 phases. Each phase contains the possible states of the automaton. The first state contains the initial state. The last phase contains the final states.

Between two consecutive phases i and i + 1, the automaton creates a set of arcs. For each transition (tail, label, head), it will add an arc from the state tail of phase i and the state head of phase i + 1. This arc labeled by the value label of the expression expressions[i]. That is, this arc can only be selected expressions[i]a is assigned the value label.

A feasible solution of this constraint is an assignment of expression such that, starting from the initial state in phase 0, there is a path labeled by the values of the expressions that ends in one of the final states in the final phase.

expressionsa non empty list of affine expressions (a * var + b) whose values correspond to the labels of the arcs traversed by the automaton
starting_statethe initial state of the automaton
final_statesa non empty list of admissible final states
an instance of the AutomatonConstraint class

Definition at line 418 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddBoolAnd()

Constraint Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddBoolAnd ( IEnumerable< ILiteral > literals)

Adds And(literals) == true.

Definition at line 641 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddBoolOr()

Constraint Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddBoolOr ( IEnumerable< ILiteral > literals)

Adds Or(literals) == true.

Definition at line 574 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddBoolXor()

Constraint Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddBoolXor ( IEnumerable< ILiteral > literals)

Adds XOr(literals) == true.

Definition at line 660 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddCircuit()

CircuitConstraint Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddCircuit ( )

Adds and returns an empty circuit constraint.

A circuit is a unique Hamiltonian cycle in a subgraph of the total graph. In case a node i is not in the cycle, then there must be a loop arc i -> i associated with a true literal. Otherwise this constraint will fail.

Definition at line 307 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddCumulative< C >()

CumulativeConstraint Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddCumulative< C > ( C capacity)

Adds Cumulative(capacity).

This constraint enforces that:

forall t:
∑( demands[i] if (start(intervals[t]) ≤ t < end(intervals[t])) and
(t is present) ) ≤ capacity
capacitythe maximum capacity of the cumulative constraint. It must be a positive affine expression
an instance of the CumulativeConstraint class. this class allows adding (interval, demand) pairs incrementally

Definition at line 987 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddDecisionStrategy()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddDecisionStrategy ( IEnumerable< IntVar > vars,
DecisionStrategyProto.Types.VariableSelectionStrategy var_str,
DecisionStrategyProto.Types.DomainReductionStrategy dom_str )

Search Decision.

Adds DecisionStrategy(variables, var_str, dom_str)..

Definition at line 1027 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddDivisionEquality< T, N, D >()

Constraint Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddDivisionEquality< T, N, D > ( T target,
N num,
D denom )

Adds target == num / denom (integer division rounded towards 0).

Definition at line 719 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddElement() [1/3]

Constraint Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddElement ( LinearExpr index,
IEnumerable< int > values,
LinearExpr target )

Adds the element constraint: values[index] == target.

Definition at line 281 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddElement() [2/3]

Constraint Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddElement ( LinearExpr index,
IEnumerable< LinearExpr > exprs,
LinearExpr target )

Adds the element constraint: exprs[index] == target.

Definition at line 239 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddElement() [3/3]

Constraint Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddElement ( LinearExpr index,
IEnumerable< long > values,
LinearExpr target )

Adds the element constraint: values[index] == target.

Definition at line 260 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddExactlyOne()

Constraint Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddExactlyOne ( IEnumerable< ILiteral > literals)

Adds ExactlyOne(literals): ∑(literals) == 1.

Definition at line 622 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddForbiddenAssignments()

TableConstraint Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddForbiddenAssignments ( IEnumerable< LinearExpr > exprs)

Adds ForbiddenAssignments(variables).

A ForbiddenAssignments constraint is a constraint on an array of affine expressions (a * var + b) where the list of impossible combinations is provided in the tuples list.

exprsa list of affine expressions (a * var + b)
an instance of the TableConstraint class without any tuples. Tuples can be added directly to the table constraint

Definition at line 377 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddHint() [1/2]

void Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddHint ( ILiteral lit,
bool value )

Adds variable hinting to the model.

Definition at line 1054 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddHint() [2/2]

void Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddHint ( IntVar var,
long value )

Adds variable hinting to the model.

Definition at line 1046 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddImplication()

Constraint Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddImplication ( ILiteral a,
ILiteral b )

Adds a ⇒ b.

Definition at line 557 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddInverse()

Constraint Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddInverse ( IEnumerable< IntVar > direct,
IEnumerable< IntVar > reverse )

Adds Inverse(variables, inverseVariables).

An inverse constraint enforces that if direct[i] == j, then reverse[j] == i, and vice versa.

directan array of integer variables
reversean array of integer variables
an instance of the Constraint class

Definition at line 449 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddLinearConstraint()

Constraint Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddLinearConstraint ( LinearExpr expr,
long lb,
long ub )

Adds lb ≤ expr ≤ ub.

Definition at line 141 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddLinearExpressionInDomain()

Constraint Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddLinearExpressionInDomain ( LinearExpr expr,
Domain domain )

Adds expr ∈ domain.

Definition at line 158 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddMapDomain()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddMapDomain ( IntVar var,
IEnumerable< IntVar > bool_vars,
long offset = 0 )

Adds var == i + offset ⇔ bool_vars[i] == true for all i.

Definition at line 512 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddMaxEquality()

Constraint Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddMaxEquality ( LinearExpr target,
IEnumerable< LinearExpr > exprs )

Adds target == Max(exprs).

Definition at line 699 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddMinEquality()

Constraint Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddMinEquality ( LinearExpr target,
IEnumerable< LinearExpr > exprs )

Adds target == Min(exprs).

Definition at line 679 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddModuloEquality< T, V, M >()

Constraint Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddModuloEquality< T, V, M > ( T target,
V v,
M m )

Adds target == v % m.

Definition at line 755 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddMultipleCircuit()

MultipleCircuitConstraint Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddMultipleCircuit ( )

Adds and returns an empty multiple circuit constraint.

A multiple circuit is set of cycles in a subgraph of the total graph. The node index by 0 must be part of all cycles of length > 1. Each node with index > 0 belongs to exactly one cycle. If such node does not belong in any cycle of length > 1, then there must be a looping arc on this node attached to a literal that will be true. Otherwise, the constraint will fail.

Definition at line 325 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddMultiplicationEquality() [1/2]

Constraint Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddMultiplicationEquality ( LinearExpr target,
IEnumerable< LinearExpr > exprs )

Adds target == ∏(exprs).

Definition at line 773 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddMultiplicationEquality() [2/2]

Constraint Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddMultiplicationEquality ( LinearExpr target,
LinearExpr left,
LinearExpr right )

Adds target == left * right.

Definition at line 793 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddNoOverlap()

Constraint Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddNoOverlap ( IEnumerable< IntervalVar > intervals)

Adds NoOverlap(intervalVars).

A NoOverlap constraint ensures that all present intervals do not overlap in time.

intervalsthe list of interval variables to constrain
an instance of the Constraint class

Definition at line 931 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddNoOverlap2D()

NoOverlap2dConstraint Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddNoOverlap2D ( )

Adds NoOverlap2D().

A NoOverlap2D constraint ensures that all present rectangles do not overlap on a plan. Each rectangle is aligned with the X and Y axis, and is defined by two intervals which represent its projection onto the X and Y axis.

Furthermore, one box is optional if at least one of the x or y interval is optional.

an instance of the NoOverlap2dConstraint class. This class allows adding rectangles incrementally

Definition at line 961 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ AddReservoirConstraint()

ReservoirConstraint Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.AddReservoirConstraint ( long minLevel,
long maxLevel )

Adds a reservoir constraint with optional refill/emptying events.

Maintain a reservoir level within bounds. The water level starts at 0, and at any time, it must be within [min_level, max_level].

Given an event (time, levelChange, active), if active is true, and if time is assigned a value t, then the level of the reservoir changes by levelChange (which is constant) at time t. Therefore, at any time t:

∑(levelChanges[i] * actives[i] if times[i] ≤ t) in [min_level, max_level]

Note that min level must be ≤ 0, and the max level must be ≥ 0. Please use fixed level_changes to simulate an initial state.

minLevelat any time, the level of the reservoir must be greater of equal than the min level. minLevel must me ≤ 0
maxLevelat any time, the level of the reservoir must be less or equal than the max level. maxLevel must be ≥ 0
an instance of the ReservoirConstraint class

Definition at line 495 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ ClearAssumptions()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.ClearAssumptions ( )

Clears all assumptions from the model.

Definition at line 1092 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ ClearHints()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.ClearHints ( )

Clears all hinting from the model.

Definition at line 1071 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ ExportToFile()

Boolean Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.ExportToFile ( String file)

Write the model as a protocol buffer to file.

filefile to write the model to. If the filename ends with txt, the model will be written as a text file, otherwise, the binary format will be used.
true if the model was correctly written

Definition at line 1169 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ FalseLiteral()

ILiteral Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.FalseLiteral ( )

Returns a constant false literal.

Definition at line 118 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ Maximize()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.Maximize ( LinearExpr obj)

Adds a maximization objective of a linear expression.

Definition at line 1007 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ Minimize()

void Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.Minimize ( LinearExpr obj)


Adds a minimization objective of a linear expression.

Definition at line 1001 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ ModelStats()

String Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.ModelStats ( )

Returns some statistics on model as a string.

Definition at line 1154 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ NewBoolVar()

BoolVar Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.NewBoolVar ( string name)

Creates a Boolean variable with given domain.

Definition at line 98 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ NewConstant()

IntVar Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.NewConstant ( long value)

Creates a constant variable.

Definition at line 88 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ NewFixedSizeIntervalVar< S >()

IntervalVar Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.NewFixedSizeIntervalVar< S > ( S start,
long size,
string name )

Creates an interval variable from an affine expression start, and a fixed size.

An interval variable is a constraint, that is itself used in other constraints like NoOverlap.

startthe start of the interval. It needs to be an affine or constant expression. *
sizethe fixed size of the interval
namethe name of the interval variable
An IntervalVar object

Definition at line 850 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ NewIntervalVar< S, D, E >()

IntervalVar Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.NewIntervalVar< S, D, E > ( S start,
D size,
E end,
string name )

Scheduling support.

Creates an interval variable from three affine expressions start, size, and end.

An interval variable is a constraint, that is itself used in other constraints like NoOverlap. Internally, it ensures that start + size == end.

startthe start of the interval. It needs to be an affine or constant expression.
sizethe size of the interval. It needs to be an affine or constant expression.
endthe end of the interval. It needs to be an affine or constant expression.
namethe name of the interval variable
An IntervalVar object

Definition at line 823 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ NewIntVar()

IntVar Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.NewIntVar ( long lb,
long ub,
string name )

Integer variables and constraints.

Creates an integer variable with domain [lb, ub].

lbthe lower bound of the domain
ubthe upper bound of the domain
namethe name of the variable
a variable with the given domain

Definition at line 64 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ NewIntVarFromDomain()

IntVar Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.NewIntVarFromDomain ( Domain domain,
string name )

Creates an integer variable with given domain.

domainan instance of the Domain class
namethe name of the variable
a variable with the given domain

Definition at line 78 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ NewOptionalFixedSizeIntervalVar< S >()

IntervalVar Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.NewOptionalFixedSizeIntervalVar< S > ( S start,
long size,
ILiteral is_present,
string name )

Creates an optional interval variable from an affine expression start, a fixed size, and a literal is_present.

An interval variable is a constraint, that is itself used in other constraints like NoOverlap.

startthe start of the interval. It needs to be an affine or constant expression. *
sizethe fixed size of the interval
is_presenta literal that indicates if the interval is active or not. A inactive interval is simply ignored by all constraints.
namethe name of the interval variable
An IntervalVar object

Definition at line 910 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ NewOptionalIntervalVar< S, D, E >()

IntervalVar Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.NewOptionalIntervalVar< S, D, E > ( S start,
D size,
E end,
ILiteral is_present,
string name )

Creates an optional interval variable from three affine expressions start, size, and end, and a literal is_present.

An interval variable is a constraint, that is itself used in other constraints like NoOverlap. Internally, it ensures that is_present ⇒ start + size == end.

startthe start of the interval. It needs to be an affine or constant expression.
sizethe size of the interval. It needs to be an affine or constant expression.
endthe end of the interval. It needs to be an affine or constant expression.
is_presenta literal that indicates if the interval is active or not. A inactive interval is simply ignored by all constraints.
namethe name of the interval variable
An IntervalVar object

Definition at line 880 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ TrueLiteral()

ILiteral Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.TrueLiteral ( )

Returns a constant true literal.

Definition at line 108 of file CpModel.cs.

◆ Validate()

String Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.Validate ( )

Returns a non empty string explaining the issue if the model is invalid.

Definition at line 1179 of file CpModel.cs.

Property Documentation

◆ Model

CpModelProto Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModel.Model


The underlying CpModelProto.

Definition at line 40 of file CpModel.cs.

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