Google OR-Tools v9.12
a fast and portable software suite for combinatorial optimization
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SolveLog.pb.cs File Reference

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class  Google.OrTools.PDLP.SolveLogReflection
 Holder for reflection information generated from ortools/pdlp/solve_log.proto. More...
class  Google.OrTools.PDLP.QuadraticProgramStats
 Easy-to-compute statistics for the quadratic program. More...
class  Google.OrTools.PDLP.ConvergenceInformation
 Information measuring how close a candidate is to establishing feasibility and optimality; see also TerminationCriteria. More...
class  Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation
 Information measuring how close a point is to establishing primal or dual infeasibility (i.e. has no solution); see also TerminationCriteria. More...
class  Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointMetadata
class  Google.OrTools.PDLP.IterationStats
 All values in IterationStats assume that the primal quadratic program is a minimization problem and the dual is a maximization problem. Problems should be transformed to this form if they are not already in this form. The dual vector is defined to be the vector of multipliers on the linear constraints, that is, excluding dual multipliers on variable bounds (reduced costs). More...
class  Google.OrTools.PDLP.FeasibilityPolishingDetails
 Details about one primal feasibility or dual feasibility polishing phase within a solve with use_feasibility_polishing. See SolveLog for descriptions of the fields with the same name. More...
class  Google.OrTools.PDLP.SolveLog


namespace  Google
namespace  Google.OrTools
namespace  Google.OrTools.PDLP


enum  Google.OrTools.PDLP.RestartChoice { Google.OrTools.PDLP.Unspecified = 0 , Google.OrTools.PDLP.NoRestart = 1 , Google.OrTools.PDLP.WeightedAverageReset = 2 , Google.OrTools.PDLP.RestartToAverage = 3 }
 Specifies whether a restart was performed on a given iteration. More...
enum  Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType {
  Google.OrTools.PDLP.Unspecified = 0 , Google.OrTools.PDLP.CurrentIterate = 1 , Google.OrTools.PDLP.IterateDifference = 2 , Google.OrTools.PDLP.AverageIterate = 3 ,
  Google.OrTools.PDLP.None = 4 , Google.OrTools.PDLP.PresolverSolution = 5 , Google.OrTools.PDLP.FeasibilityPolishingSolution = 6
 Identifies the type of point used to compute the fields in a given proto; see ConvergenceInformation and InfeasibilityInformation. More...
enum  Google.OrTools.PDLP.TerminationReason {
  Google.OrTools.PDLP.Unspecified = 0 , Google.OrTools.PDLP.Optimal = 1 , Google.OrTools.PDLP.PrimalInfeasible = 2 , Google.OrTools.PDLP.DualInfeasible = 3 ,
  Google.OrTools.PDLP.TimeLimit = 4 , Google.OrTools.PDLP.IterationLimit = 5 , Google.OrTools.PDLP.KktMatrixPassLimit = 8 , Google.OrTools.PDLP.InterruptedByUser = 12 ,
  Google.OrTools.PDLP.NumericalError = 6 , Google.OrTools.PDLP.InvalidProblem = 9 , Google.OrTools.PDLP.InvalidInitialSolution = 13 , Google.OrTools.PDLP.InvalidParameter = 10 ,
  Google.OrTools.PDLP.Other = 7 , Google.OrTools.PDLP.PrimalOrDualInfeasible = 11
enum  Google.OrTools.PDLP.PolishingPhaseType { Google.OrTools.PDLP.Unspecified = 0 , Google.OrTools.PDLP.PrimalFeasibility = 1 , Google.OrTools.PDLP.DualFeasibility = 2 }