Google OR-Tools v9.12
a fast and portable software suite for combinatorial optimization
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Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation Class Referencesealed

Information measuring how close a point is to establishing primal or dual infeasibility (i.e. has no solution); see also TerminationCriteria. More...

Inheritance diagram for Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation:

Public Member Functions

 InfeasibilityInformation ()
 InfeasibilityInformation (InfeasibilityInformation other)
InfeasibilityInformation Clone ()
void ClearMaxPrimalRayInfeasibility ()
 Clears the value of the "max_primal_ray_infeasibility" field.
void ClearPrimalRayLinearObjective ()
 Clears the value of the "primal_ray_linear_objective" field.
void ClearPrimalRayQuadraticNorm ()
 Clears the value of the "primal_ray_quadratic_norm" field.
void ClearMaxDualRayInfeasibility ()
 Clears the value of the "max_dual_ray_infeasibility" field.
void ClearDualRayObjective ()
 Clears the value of the "dual_ray_objective" field.
void ClearCandidateType ()
 Clears the value of the "candidate_type" field.
override bool Equals (object other)
bool Equals (InfeasibilityInformation other)
override int GetHashCode ()
override string ToString ()
void WriteTo (pb::CodedOutputStream output)
int CalculateSize ()
void MergeFrom (InfeasibilityInformation other)
void MergeFrom (pb::CodedInputStream input)

Static Public Attributes

const int MaxPrimalRayInfeasibilityFieldNumber = 1
 Field number for the "max_primal_ray_infeasibility" field.
const int PrimalRayLinearObjectiveFieldNumber = 2
 Field number for the "primal_ray_linear_objective" field.
const int PrimalRayQuadraticNormFieldNumber = 3
 Field number for the "primal_ray_quadratic_norm" field.
const int MaxDualRayInfeasibilityFieldNumber = 4
 Field number for the "max_dual_ray_infeasibility" field.
const int DualRayObjectiveFieldNumber = 5
 Field number for the "dual_ray_objective" field.
const int CandidateTypeFieldNumber = 6
 Field number for the "candidate_type" field.


static pb::MessageParser< InfeasibilityInformationParser [get]
static pbr::MessageDescriptor Descriptor [get]
double MaxPrimalRayInfeasibility [get, set]
 Let x_ray be the algorithm's estimate of the primal extreme ray where x_ray is a vector that satisfies the sign constraints for a ray, scaled such that its infinity norm is one (the sign constraints are the variable bound constraints, with all finite bounds mapped to zero). A simple and typical choice of x_ray is x_ray = x / | x |_∞ where x is the current primal iterate projected onto the primal ray sign constraints. For this value compute the maximum absolute error in the primal linear program with the right hand side set to zero.
bool HasMaxPrimalRayInfeasibility [get]
 Gets whether the "max_primal_ray_infeasibility" field is set.
double PrimalRayLinearObjective [get, set]
 The value of the linear part of the primal objective (ignoring additive constants) evaluated at x_ray, i.e., c' * x_ray where c is the objective coefficient vector.
bool HasPrimalRayLinearObjective [get]
 Gets whether the "primal_ray_linear_objective" field is set.
double PrimalRayQuadraticNorm [get, set]
 The l_∞ norm of the vector resulting from taking the quadratic matrix from primal objective and multiplying it by the primal variables. For linear programming problems this is zero.
bool HasPrimalRayQuadraticNorm [get]
 Gets whether the "primal_ray_quadratic_norm" field is set.
double MaxDualRayInfeasibility [get, set]
 Let (y_ray, r_ray) be the algorithm's estimate of the dual and reduced cost extreme ray where (y_ray, r_ray) is a vector (satisfying the dual variable constraints) scaled such that its infinity norm is one. A simple and typical choice of y_ray is (y_ray, r_ray) = (y, r) / max(| y |_∞, | r |_∞) where y is the current dual iterate and r is the current dual reduced costs. Consider the quadratic program we are solving but with the objective (both quadratic and linear terms) set to zero. This forms a linear program (label this linear program (1)) with no objective. Take the dual of (1) and compute the maximum absolute value of the constraint error for (y_ray, r_ray) to obtain the value of max_dual_ray_infeasibility.
bool HasMaxDualRayInfeasibility [get]
 Gets whether the "max_dual_ray_infeasibility" field is set.
double DualRayObjective [get, set]
 The objective of the linear program labeled (1) in the previous paragraph.
bool HasDualRayObjective [get]
 Gets whether the "dual_ray_objective" field is set.
global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType CandidateType [get, set]
 Type of the point used to compute the InfeasibilityInformation.
bool HasCandidateType [get]
 Gets whether the "candidate_type" field is set.

Detailed Description

Information measuring how close a point is to establishing primal or dual infeasibility (i.e. has no solution); see also TerminationCriteria.

Definition at line 3055 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ InfeasibilityInformation() [1/2]

Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.InfeasibilityInformation ( )

Definition at line 3081 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

◆ InfeasibilityInformation() [2/2]

Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.InfeasibilityInformation ( InfeasibilityInformation other)

Definition at line 3089 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

Member Function Documentation

◆ CalculateSize()

int Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.CalculateSize ( )

Definition at line 3424 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

◆ ClearCandidateType()

void Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.ClearCandidateType ( )

Clears the value of the "candidate_type" field.

Definition at line 3302 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

◆ ClearDualRayObjective()

void Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.ClearDualRayObjective ( )

Clears the value of the "dual_ray_objective" field.

Definition at line 3272 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMaxDualRayInfeasibility()

void Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.ClearMaxDualRayInfeasibility ( )

Clears the value of the "max_dual_ray_infeasibility" field.

Definition at line 3242 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

◆ ClearMaxPrimalRayInfeasibility()

void Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.ClearMaxPrimalRayInfeasibility ( )

Clears the value of the "max_primal_ray_infeasibility" field.

Definition at line 3139 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

◆ ClearPrimalRayLinearObjective()

void Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.ClearPrimalRayLinearObjective ( )

Clears the value of the "primal_ray_linear_objective" field.

Definition at line 3171 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

◆ ClearPrimalRayQuadraticNorm()

void Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.ClearPrimalRayQuadraticNorm ( )

Clears the value of the "primal_ray_quadratic_norm" field.

Definition at line 3203 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

◆ Clone()

InfeasibilityInformation Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.Clone ( )

Definition at line 3102 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

◆ Equals() [1/2]

bool Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.Equals ( InfeasibilityInformation other)

Definition at line 3314 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

◆ Equals() [2/2]

override bool Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.Equals ( object other)

Definition at line 3308 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

◆ GetHashCode()

override int Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.GetHashCode ( )

Definition at line 3332 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

◆ MergeFrom() [1/2]

void Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.MergeFrom ( InfeasibilityInformation other)

Definition at line 3452 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

◆ MergeFrom() [2/2]

void Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.MergeFrom ( pb.CodedInputStream input)

Definition at line 3479 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

◆ ToString()

override string Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.ToString ( )

Definition at line 3348 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

◆ WriteTo()

void Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.WriteTo ( pb.CodedOutputStream output)

Definition at line 3354 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

Member Data Documentation

◆ CandidateTypeFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.CandidateTypeFieldNumber = 6

Field number for the "candidate_type" field.

Definition at line 3277 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

◆ DualRayObjectiveFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.DualRayObjectiveFieldNumber = 5

Field number for the "dual_ray_objective" field.

Definition at line 3247 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

◆ MaxDualRayInfeasibilityFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.MaxDualRayInfeasibilityFieldNumber = 4

Field number for the "max_dual_ray_infeasibility" field.

Definition at line 3208 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

◆ MaxPrimalRayInfeasibilityFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.MaxPrimalRayInfeasibilityFieldNumber = 1

Field number for the "max_primal_ray_infeasibility" field.

Definition at line 3107 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

◆ PrimalRayLinearObjectiveFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.PrimalRayLinearObjectiveFieldNumber = 2

Field number for the "primal_ray_linear_objective" field.

Definition at line 3144 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

◆ PrimalRayQuadraticNormFieldNumber

const int Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.PrimalRayQuadraticNormFieldNumber = 3

Field number for the "primal_ray_quadratic_norm" field.

Definition at line 3176 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

Property Documentation

◆ CandidateType

global.Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.CandidateType

Type of the point used to compute the InfeasibilityInformation.

Definition at line 3286 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

◆ Descriptor

pbr.MessageDescriptor Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.Descriptor

Definition at line 3069 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

◆ DualRayObjective

double Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.DualRayObjective

The objective of the linear program labeled (1) in the previous paragraph.

Definition at line 3256 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

◆ HasCandidateType

bool Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.HasCandidateType

Gets whether the "candidate_type" field is set.

Definition at line 3296 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

◆ HasDualRayObjective

bool Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.HasDualRayObjective

Gets whether the "dual_ray_objective" field is set.

Definition at line 3266 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

◆ HasMaxDualRayInfeasibility

bool Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.HasMaxDualRayInfeasibility

Gets whether the "max_dual_ray_infeasibility" field is set.

Definition at line 3236 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

◆ HasMaxPrimalRayInfeasibility

bool Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.HasMaxPrimalRayInfeasibility

Gets whether the "max_primal_ray_infeasibility" field is set.

Definition at line 3133 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

◆ HasPrimalRayLinearObjective

bool Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.HasPrimalRayLinearObjective

Gets whether the "primal_ray_linear_objective" field is set.

Definition at line 3165 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

◆ HasPrimalRayQuadraticNorm

bool Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.HasPrimalRayQuadraticNorm

Gets whether the "primal_ray_quadratic_norm" field is set.

Definition at line 3197 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

◆ MaxDualRayInfeasibility

double Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.MaxDualRayInfeasibility

Let (y_ray, r_ray) be the algorithm's estimate of the dual and reduced cost extreme ray where (y_ray, r_ray) is a vector (satisfying the dual variable constraints) scaled such that its infinity norm is one. A simple and typical choice of y_ray is (y_ray, r_ray) = (y, r) / max(| y |_∞, | r |_∞) where y is the current dual iterate and r is the current dual reduced costs. Consider the quadratic program we are solving but with the objective (both quadratic and linear terms) set to zero. This forms a linear program (label this linear program (1)) with no objective. Take the dual of (1) and compute the maximum absolute value of the constraint error for (y_ray, r_ray) to obtain the value of max_dual_ray_infeasibility.

Definition at line 3226 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

◆ MaxPrimalRayInfeasibility

double Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.MaxPrimalRayInfeasibility

Let x_ray be the algorithm's estimate of the primal extreme ray where x_ray is a vector that satisfies the sign constraints for a ray, scaled such that its infinity norm is one (the sign constraints are the variable bound constraints, with all finite bounds mapped to zero). A simple and typical choice of x_ray is x_ray = x / | x |_∞ where x is the current primal iterate projected onto the primal ray sign constraints. For this value compute the maximum absolute error in the primal linear program with the right hand side set to zero.

Definition at line 3123 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

◆ Parser

pb.MessageParser<InfeasibilityInformation> Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.Parser

Definition at line 3065 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

◆ PrimalRayLinearObjective

double Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.PrimalRayLinearObjective

The value of the linear part of the primal objective (ignoring additive constants) evaluated at x_ray, i.e., c' * x_ray where c is the objective coefficient vector.

Definition at line 3155 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

◆ PrimalRayQuadraticNorm

double Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.PrimalRayQuadraticNorm

The l_∞ norm of the vector resulting from taking the quadratic matrix from primal objective and multiplying it by the primal variables. For linear programming problems this is zero.

Definition at line 3187 of file SolveLog.pb.cs.

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