Google OR-Tools v9.12
a fast and portable software suite for combinatorial optimization
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1// <auto-generated>
2// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!
3// source: ortools/pdlp/solve_log.proto
4// </auto-generated>
5#pragma warning disable 1591, 0612, 3021, 8981
6#region Designer generated code
8using pb = global::Google.Protobuf;
9using pbc = global::Google.Protobuf.Collections;
10using pbr = global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection;
11using scg = global::System.Collections.Generic;
15 public static partial class SolveLogReflection {
17 #region Descriptor
19 public static pbr::FileDescriptor Descriptor {
20 get { return descriptor; }
21 }
22 private static pbr::FileDescriptor descriptor;
24 static SolveLogReflection() {
25 byte[] descriptorData = global::System.Convert.FromBase64String(
26 string.Concat(
27 "ChxvcnRvb2xzL3BkbHAvc29sdmVfbG9nLnByb3RvEhhvcGVyYXRpb25zX3Jl",
28 "c2VhcmNoLnBkbHAaGm9ydG9vbHMvcGRscC9zb2x2ZXJzLnByb3RvItIIChVR",
29 "dWFkcmF0aWNQcm9ncmFtU3RhdHMSFQoNbnVtX3ZhcmlhYmxlcxgBIAEoAxIX",
30 "Cg9udW1fY29uc3RyYWludHMYAiABKAMSLAokY29uc3RyYWludF9tYXRyaXhf",
31 "Y29sX21pbl9sX2luZl9ub3JtGAMgASgBEiwKJGNvbnN0cmFpbnRfbWF0cml4",
32 "X3Jvd19taW5fbF9pbmZfbm9ybRgEIAEoARImCh5jb25zdHJhaW50X21hdHJp",
33 "eF9udW1fbm9uemVyb3MYBSABKAMSIQoZY29uc3RyYWludF9tYXRyaXhfYWJz",
34 "X21heBgGIAEoARIhChljb25zdHJhaW50X21hdHJpeF9hYnNfbWluGAcgASgB",
35 "EiEKGWNvbnN0cmFpbnRfbWF0cml4X2Fic19hdmcYCCABKAESIQoZY29uc3Ry",
36 "YWludF9tYXRyaXhfbDJfbm9ybRgZIAEoARIbChNjb21iaW5lZF9ib3VuZHNf",
37 "bWF4GAkgASgBEhsKE2NvbWJpbmVkX2JvdW5kc19taW4YCiABKAESGwoTY29t",
38 "YmluZWRfYm91bmRzX2F2ZxgLIAEoARIfChdjb21iaW5lZF9ib3VuZHNfbDJf",
39 "bm9ybRgYIAEoARIkChxjb21iaW5lZF92YXJpYWJsZV9ib3VuZHNfbWF4GBwg",
40 "ASgBEiQKHGNvbWJpbmVkX3ZhcmlhYmxlX2JvdW5kc19taW4YHSABKAESJAoc",
41 "Y29tYmluZWRfdmFyaWFibGVfYm91bmRzX2F2ZxgeIAEoARIoCiBjb21iaW5l",
42 "ZF92YXJpYWJsZV9ib3VuZHNfbDJfbm9ybRgfIAEoARImCh52YXJpYWJsZV9i",
43 "b3VuZF9nYXBzX251bV9maW5pdGUYDCABKAMSHwoXdmFyaWFibGVfYm91bmRf",
44 "Z2Fwc19tYXgYDSABKAESHwoXdmFyaWFibGVfYm91bmRfZ2Fwc19taW4YDiAB",
45 "KAESHwoXdmFyaWFibGVfYm91bmRfZ2Fwc19hdmcYDyABKAESIwobdmFyaWFi",
46 "bGVfYm91bmRfZ2Fwc19sMl9ub3JtGBogASgBEiAKGG9iamVjdGl2ZV92ZWN0",
47 "b3JfYWJzX21heBgQIAEoARIgChhvYmplY3RpdmVfdmVjdG9yX2Fic19taW4Y",
49 "amVjdGl2ZV92ZWN0b3JfbDJfbm9ybRgXIAEoARIlCh1vYmplY3RpdmVfbWF0",
50 "cml4X251bV9ub256ZXJvcxgTIAEoAxIgChhvYmplY3RpdmVfbWF0cml4X2Fi",
51 "c19tYXgYFCABKAESIAoYb2JqZWN0aXZlX21hdHJpeF9hYnNfbWluGBUgASgB",
52 "EiAKGG9iamVjdGl2ZV9tYXRyaXhfYWJzX2F2ZxgWIAEoARIgChhvYmplY3Rp",
53 "dmVfbWF0cml4X2wyX25vcm0YGyABKAEipwQKFkNvbnZlcmdlbmNlSW5mb3Jt",
54 "YXRpb24SOwoOY2FuZGlkYXRlX3R5cGUYASABKA4yIy5vcGVyYXRpb25zX3Jl",
55 "c2VhcmNoLnBkbHAuUG9pbnRUeXBlEhgKEHByaW1hbF9vYmplY3RpdmUYAiAB",
56 "KAESFgoOZHVhbF9vYmplY3RpdmUYAyABKAESIAoYY29ycmVjdGVkX2R1YWxf",
57 "b2JqZWN0aXZlGAQgASgBEh0KFWxfaW5mX3ByaW1hbF9yZXNpZHVhbBgFIAEo",
58 "ARIaChJsMl9wcmltYWxfcmVzaWR1YWwYBiABKAESKwojbF9pbmZfY29tcG9u",
59 "ZW50d2lzZV9wcmltYWxfcmVzaWR1YWwYGCABKAESGwoTbF9pbmZfZHVhbF9y",
60 "ZXNpZHVhbBgHIAEoARIYChBsMl9kdWFsX3Jlc2lkdWFsGAggASgBEikKIWxf",
61 "aW5mX2NvbXBvbmVudHdpc2VfZHVhbF9yZXNpZHVhbBgZIAEoARIdChVsX2lu",
62 "Zl9wcmltYWxfdmFyaWFibGUYDiABKAESGgoSbDJfcHJpbWFsX3ZhcmlhYmxl",
66 "ZWFzaWJpbGl0eUluZm9ybWF0aW9uEiQKHG1heF9wcmltYWxfcmF5X2luZmVh",
67 "c2liaWxpdHkYASABKAESIwobcHJpbWFsX3JheV9saW5lYXJfb2JqZWN0aXZl",
68 "GAIgASgBEiEKGXByaW1hbF9yYXlfcXVhZHJhdGljX25vcm0YAyABKAESIgoa",
69 "bWF4X2R1YWxfcmF5X2luZmVhc2liaWxpdHkYBCABKAESGgoSZHVhbF9yYXlf",
70 "b2JqZWN0aXZlGAUgASgBEjsKDmNhbmRpZGF0ZV90eXBlGAYgASgOMiMub3Bl",
71 "cmF0aW9uc19yZXNlYXJjaC5wZGxwLlBvaW50VHlwZUoECAcQCEoECAgQCSKq",
72 "AgoNUG9pbnRNZXRhZGF0YRI3Cgpwb2ludF90eXBlGAEgASgOMiMub3BlcmF0",
73 "aW9uc19yZXNlYXJjaC5wZGxwLlBvaW50VHlwZRIlChlyYW5kb21fcHJpbWFs",
74 "X3Byb2plY3Rpb25zGAIgAygBQgIQARIjChdyYW5kb21fZHVhbF9wcm9qZWN0",
75 "aW9ucxgDIAMoAUICEAESJAocYWN0aXZlX3ByaW1hbF92YXJpYWJsZV9jb3Vu",
76 "dBgEIAEoAxIiChphY3RpdmVfZHVhbF92YXJpYWJsZV9jb3VudBgFIAEoAxIl",
77 "Ch1hY3RpdmVfcHJpbWFsX3ZhcmlhYmxlX2NoYW5nZRgGIAEoAxIjChthY3Rp",
78 "dmVfZHVhbF92YXJpYWJsZV9jaGFuZ2UYByABKAMi6gMKDkl0ZXJhdGlvblN0",
79 "YXRzEhgKEGl0ZXJhdGlvbl9udW1iZXIYASABKAUSUQoXY29udmVyZ2VuY2Vf",
80 "aW5mb3JtYXRpb24YAiADKAsyMC5vcGVyYXRpb25zX3Jlc2VhcmNoLnBkbHAu",
81 "Q29udmVyZ2VuY2VJbmZvcm1hdGlvbhJVChlpbmZlYXNpYmlsaXR5X2luZm9y",
82 "bWF0aW9uGAMgAygLMjIub3BlcmF0aW9uc19yZXNlYXJjaC5wZGxwLkluZmVh",
83 "c2liaWxpdHlJbmZvcm1hdGlvbhI/Cg5wb2ludF9tZXRhZGF0YRgLIAMoCzIn",
84 "Lm9wZXJhdGlvbnNfcmVzZWFyY2gucGRscC5Qb2ludE1ldGFkYXRhEiQKHGN1",
85 "bXVsYXRpdmVfa2t0X21hdHJpeF9wYXNzZXMYBCABKAESIQoZY3VtdWxhdGl2",
86 "ZV9yZWplY3RlZF9zdGVwcxgFIAEoBRIbChNjdW11bGF0aXZlX3RpbWVfc2Vj",
87 "GAYgASgBEj0KDHJlc3RhcnRfdXNlZBgHIAEoDjInLm9wZXJhdGlvbnNfcmVz",
89 "Cg1wcmltYWxfd2VpZ2h0GAkgASgBSgQIChALIowEChtGZWFzaWJpbGl0eVBv",
90 "bGlzaGluZ0RldGFpbHMSSgoUcG9saXNoaW5nX3BoYXNlX3R5cGUYASABKA4y",
91 "LC5vcGVyYXRpb25zX3Jlc2VhcmNoLnBkbHAuUG9saXNoaW5nUGhhc2VUeXBl",
92 "EhwKFG1haW5faXRlcmF0aW9uX2NvdW50GAIgASgFEkgKBnBhcmFtcxgDIAEo",
93 "CzI4Lm9wZXJhdGlvbnNfcmVzZWFyY2gucGRscC5QcmltYWxEdWFsSHlicmlk",
94 "R3JhZGllbnRQYXJhbXMSRwoSdGVybWluYXRpb25fcmVhc29uGAQgASgOMisu",
95 "b3BlcmF0aW9uc19yZXNlYXJjaC5wZGxwLlRlcm1pbmF0aW9uUmVhc29uEhcK",
96 "D2l0ZXJhdGlvbl9jb3VudBgFIAEoBRIWCg5zb2x2ZV90aW1lX3NlYxgGIAEo",
97 "ARJACg5zb2x1dGlvbl9zdGF0cxgHIAEoCzIoLm9wZXJhdGlvbnNfcmVzZWFy",
98 "Y2gucGRscC5JdGVyYXRpb25TdGF0cxI6Cg1zb2x1dGlvbl90eXBlGAggASgO",
99 "MiMub3BlcmF0aW9uc19yZXNlYXJjaC5wZGxwLlBvaW50VHlwZRJBCg9pdGVy",
100 "YXRpb25fc3RhdHMYCSADKAsyKC5vcGVyYXRpb25zX3Jlc2VhcmNoLnBkbHAu",
101 "SXRlcmF0aW9uU3RhdHMi8gUKCFNvbHZlTG9nEhUKDWluc3RhbmNlX25hbWUY",
102 "ASABKAkSSAoGcGFyYW1zGA4gASgLMjgub3BlcmF0aW9uc19yZXNlYXJjaC5w",
103 "ZGxwLlByaW1hbER1YWxIeWJyaWRHcmFkaWVudFBhcmFtcxJHChJ0ZXJtaW5h",
104 "dGlvbl9yZWFzb24YAyABKA4yKy5vcGVyYXRpb25zX3Jlc2VhcmNoLnBkbHAu",
105 "VGVybWluYXRpb25SZWFzb24SGgoSdGVybWluYXRpb25fc3RyaW5nGAQgASgJ",
106 "EhcKD2l0ZXJhdGlvbl9jb3VudBgFIAEoBRIeChZwcmVwcm9jZXNzaW5nX3Rp",
107 "bWVfc2VjGA0gASgBEhYKDnNvbHZlX3RpbWVfc2VjGAYgASgBEkAKDnNvbHV0",
108 "aW9uX3N0YXRzGAggASgLMigub3BlcmF0aW9uc19yZXNlYXJjaC5wZGxwLkl0",
109 "ZXJhdGlvblN0YXRzEjoKDXNvbHV0aW9uX3R5cGUYCiABKA4yIy5vcGVyYXRp",
110 "b25zX3Jlc2VhcmNoLnBkbHAuUG9pbnRUeXBlEkEKD2l0ZXJhdGlvbl9zdGF0",
111 "cxgHIAMoCzIoLm9wZXJhdGlvbnNfcmVzZWFyY2gucGRscC5JdGVyYXRpb25T",
112 "dGF0cxJPChZvcmlnaW5hbF9wcm9ibGVtX3N0YXRzGAsgASgLMi8ub3BlcmF0",
113 "aW9uc19yZXNlYXJjaC5wZGxwLlF1YWRyYXRpY1Byb2dyYW1TdGF0cxJTChpw",
114 "cmVwcm9jZXNzZWRfcHJvYmxlbV9zdGF0cxgMIAEoCzIvLm9wZXJhdGlvbnNf",
115 "cmVzZWFyY2gucGRscC5RdWFkcmF0aWNQcm9ncmFtU3RhdHMSXAodZmVhc2li",
116 "aWxpdHlfcG9saXNoaW5nX2RldGFpbHMYDyADKAsyNS5vcGVyYXRpb25zX3Jl",
117 "c2VhcmNoLnBkbHAuRmVhc2liaWxpdHlQb2xpc2hpbmdEZXRhaWxzSgQIAhAD",
143 "RV9UWVBFX0RVQUxfRkVBU0lCSUxJVFkQAkIxChdjb20uZ29vZ2xlLm9ydG9v",
144 "bHMucGRscFABqgITR29vZ2xlLk9yVG9vbHMuUERMUA=="));
145 descriptor = pbr::FileDescriptor.FromGeneratedCode(descriptorData,
146 new pbr::FileDescriptor[] { global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.SolversReflection.Descriptor, },
147 new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(new[] {typeof(global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.RestartChoice), typeof(global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType), typeof(global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.TerminationReason), typeof(global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PolishingPhaseType), }, null, new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo[] {
148 new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.QuadraticProgramStats), global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.QuadraticProgramStats.Parser, new[]{ "NumVariables", "NumConstraints", "ConstraintMatrixColMinLInfNorm", "ConstraintMatrixRowMinLInfNorm", "ConstraintMatrixNumNonzeros", "ConstraintMatrixAbsMax", "ConstraintMatrixAbsMin", "ConstraintMatrixAbsAvg", "ConstraintMatrixL2Norm", "CombinedBoundsMax", "CombinedBoundsMin", "CombinedBoundsAvg", "CombinedBoundsL2Norm", "CombinedVariableBoundsMax", "CombinedVariableBoundsMin", "CombinedVariableBoundsAvg", "CombinedVariableBoundsL2Norm", "VariableBoundGapsNumFinite", "VariableBoundGapsMax", "VariableBoundGapsMin", "VariableBoundGapsAvg", "VariableBoundGapsL2Norm", "ObjectiveVectorAbsMax", "ObjectiveVectorAbsMin", "ObjectiveVectorAbsAvg", "ObjectiveVectorL2Norm", "ObjectiveMatrixNumNonzeros", "ObjectiveMatrixAbsMax", "ObjectiveMatrixAbsMin", "ObjectiveMatrixAbsAvg", "ObjectiveMatrixL2Norm" }, null, null, null, null),
149 new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.ConvergenceInformation), global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.ConvergenceInformation.Parser, new[]{ "CandidateType", "PrimalObjective", "DualObjective", "CorrectedDualObjective", "LInfPrimalResidual", "L2PrimalResidual", "LInfComponentwisePrimalResidual", "LInfDualResidual", "L2DualResidual", "LInfComponentwiseDualResidual", "LInfPrimalVariable", "L2PrimalVariable", "LInfDualVariable", "L2DualVariable" }, null, null, null, null),
150 new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation), global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.Parser, new[]{ "MaxPrimalRayInfeasibility", "PrimalRayLinearObjective", "PrimalRayQuadraticNorm", "MaxDualRayInfeasibility", "DualRayObjective", "CandidateType" }, null, null, null, null),
151 new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointMetadata), global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointMetadata.Parser, new[]{ "PointType", "RandomPrimalProjections", "RandomDualProjections", "ActivePrimalVariableCount", "ActiveDualVariableCount", "ActivePrimalVariableChange", "ActiveDualVariableChange" }, null, null, null, null),
152 new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.IterationStats), global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.IterationStats.Parser, new[]{ "IterationNumber", "ConvergenceInformation", "InfeasibilityInformation", "PointMetadata", "CumulativeKktMatrixPasses", "CumulativeRejectedSteps", "CumulativeTimeSec", "RestartUsed", "StepSize", "PrimalWeight" }, null, null, null, null),
153 new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.FeasibilityPolishingDetails), global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.FeasibilityPolishingDetails.Parser, new[]{ "PolishingPhaseType", "MainIterationCount", "Params", "TerminationReason", "IterationCount", "SolveTimeSec", "SolutionStats", "SolutionType", "IterationStats" }, null, null, null, null),
154 new pbr::GeneratedClrTypeInfo(typeof(global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.SolveLog), global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.SolveLog.Parser, new[]{ "InstanceName", "Params", "TerminationReason", "TerminationString", "IterationCount", "PreprocessingTimeSec", "SolveTimeSec", "SolutionStats", "SolutionType", "IterationStats", "OriginalProblemStats", "PreprocessedProblemStats", "FeasibilityPolishingDetails" }, null, null, null, null)
155 }));
156 }
157 #endregion
159 }
160 #region Enums
164 public enum RestartChoice {
165 [pbr::OriginalName("RESTART_CHOICE_UNSPECIFIED")] Unspecified = 0,
169 [pbr::OriginalName("RESTART_CHOICE_NO_RESTART")] NoRestart = 1,
176 [pbr::OriginalName("RESTART_CHOICE_WEIGHTED_AVERAGE_RESET")] WeightedAverageReset = 2,
181 [pbr::OriginalName("RESTART_CHOICE_RESTART_TO_AVERAGE")] RestartToAverage = 3,
182 }
188 public enum PointType {
189 [pbr::OriginalName("POINT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED")] Unspecified = 0,
193 [pbr::OriginalName("POINT_TYPE_CURRENT_ITERATE")] CurrentIterate = 1,
197 [pbr::OriginalName("POINT_TYPE_ITERATE_DIFFERENCE")] IterateDifference = 2,
201 [pbr::OriginalName("POINT_TYPE_AVERAGE_ITERATE")] AverageIterate = 3,
205 [pbr::OriginalName("POINT_TYPE_NONE")] None = 4,
209 [pbr::OriginalName("POINT_TYPE_PRESOLVER_SOLUTION")] PresolverSolution = 5,
213 [pbr::OriginalName("POINT_TYPE_FEASIBILITY_POLISHING_SOLUTION")] FeasibilityPolishingSolution = 6,
214 }
216 public enum TerminationReason {
217 [pbr::OriginalName("TERMINATION_REASON_UNSPECIFIED")] Unspecified = 0,
218 [pbr::OriginalName("TERMINATION_REASON_OPTIMAL")] Optimal = 1,
222 [pbr::OriginalName("TERMINATION_REASON_PRIMAL_INFEASIBLE")] PrimalInfeasible = 2,
226 [pbr::OriginalName("TERMINATION_REASON_DUAL_INFEASIBLE")] DualInfeasible = 3,
227 [pbr::OriginalName("TERMINATION_REASON_TIME_LIMIT")] TimeLimit = 4,
228 [pbr::OriginalName("TERMINATION_REASON_ITERATION_LIMIT")] IterationLimit = 5,
229 [pbr::OriginalName("TERMINATION_REASON_KKT_MATRIX_PASS_LIMIT")] KktMatrixPassLimit = 8,
230 [pbr::OriginalName("TERMINATION_REASON_INTERRUPTED_BY_USER")] InterruptedByUser = 12,
231 [pbr::OriginalName("TERMINATION_REASON_NUMERICAL_ERROR")] NumericalError = 6,
236 [pbr::OriginalName("TERMINATION_REASON_INVALID_PROBLEM")] InvalidProblem = 9,
241 [pbr::OriginalName("TERMINATION_REASON_INVALID_INITIAL_SOLUTION")] InvalidInitialSolution = 13,
245 [pbr::OriginalName("TERMINATION_REASON_INVALID_PARAMETER")] InvalidParameter = 10,
246 [pbr::OriginalName("TERMINATION_REASON_OTHER")] Other = 7,
251 [pbr::OriginalName("TERMINATION_REASON_PRIMAL_OR_DUAL_INFEASIBLE")] PrimalOrDualInfeasible = 11,
252 }
254 public enum PolishingPhaseType {
255 [pbr::OriginalName("POLISHING_PHASE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED")] Unspecified = 0,
256 [pbr::OriginalName("POLISHING_PHASE_TYPE_PRIMAL_FEASIBILITY")] PrimalFeasibility = 1,
257 [pbr::OriginalName("POLISHING_PHASE_TYPE_DUAL_FEASIBILITY")] DualFeasibility = 2,
258 }
260 #endregion
262 #region Messages
266 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerDisplayAttribute("{ToString(),nq}")]
267 public sealed partial class QuadraticProgramStats : pb::IMessage<QuadraticProgramStats>
269 , pb::IBufferMessage
270 #endif
271 {
272 private static readonly pb::MessageParser<QuadraticProgramStats> _parser = new pb::MessageParser<QuadraticProgramStats>(() => new QuadraticProgramStats());
273 private pb::UnknownFieldSet _unknownFields;
274 private int _hasBits0;
275 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
276 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
277 public static pb::MessageParser<QuadraticProgramStats> Parser { get { return _parser; } }
279 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
280 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
281 public static pbr::MessageDescriptor Descriptor {
282 get { return global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.SolveLogReflection.Descriptor.MessageTypes[0]; }
283 }
285 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
286 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
287 pbr::MessageDescriptor pb::IMessage.Descriptor {
288 get { return Descriptor; }
289 }
291 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
292 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
294 OnConstruction();
295 }
297 partial void OnConstruction();
299 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
300 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
302 _hasBits0 = other._hasBits0;
303 numVariables_ = other.numVariables_;
304 numConstraints_ = other.numConstraints_;
305 constraintMatrixColMinLInfNorm_ = other.constraintMatrixColMinLInfNorm_;
306 constraintMatrixRowMinLInfNorm_ = other.constraintMatrixRowMinLInfNorm_;
307 constraintMatrixNumNonzeros_ = other.constraintMatrixNumNonzeros_;
308 constraintMatrixAbsMax_ = other.constraintMatrixAbsMax_;
309 constraintMatrixAbsMin_ = other.constraintMatrixAbsMin_;
310 constraintMatrixAbsAvg_ = other.constraintMatrixAbsAvg_;
311 constraintMatrixL2Norm_ = other.constraintMatrixL2Norm_;
312 combinedBoundsMax_ = other.combinedBoundsMax_;
313 combinedBoundsMin_ = other.combinedBoundsMin_;
314 combinedBoundsAvg_ = other.combinedBoundsAvg_;
315 combinedBoundsL2Norm_ = other.combinedBoundsL2Norm_;
316 combinedVariableBoundsMax_ = other.combinedVariableBoundsMax_;
317 combinedVariableBoundsMin_ = other.combinedVariableBoundsMin_;
318 combinedVariableBoundsAvg_ = other.combinedVariableBoundsAvg_;
319 combinedVariableBoundsL2Norm_ = other.combinedVariableBoundsL2Norm_;
320 variableBoundGapsNumFinite_ = other.variableBoundGapsNumFinite_;
321 variableBoundGapsMax_ = other.variableBoundGapsMax_;
322 variableBoundGapsMin_ = other.variableBoundGapsMin_;
323 variableBoundGapsAvg_ = other.variableBoundGapsAvg_;
324 variableBoundGapsL2Norm_ = other.variableBoundGapsL2Norm_;
325 objectiveVectorAbsMax_ = other.objectiveVectorAbsMax_;
326 objectiveVectorAbsMin_ = other.objectiveVectorAbsMin_;
327 objectiveVectorAbsAvg_ = other.objectiveVectorAbsAvg_;
328 objectiveVectorL2Norm_ = other.objectiveVectorL2Norm_;
329 objectiveMatrixNumNonzeros_ = other.objectiveMatrixNumNonzeros_;
330 objectiveMatrixAbsMax_ = other.objectiveMatrixAbsMax_;
331 objectiveMatrixAbsMin_ = other.objectiveMatrixAbsMin_;
332 objectiveMatrixAbsAvg_ = other.objectiveMatrixAbsAvg_;
333 objectiveMatrixL2Norm_ = other.objectiveMatrixL2Norm_;
334 _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.Clone(other._unknownFields);
335 }
337 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
338 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
340 return new QuadraticProgramStats(this);
341 }
344 public const int NumVariablesFieldNumber = 1;
345 private readonly static long NumVariablesDefaultValue = 0L;
347 private long numVariables_;
348 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
349 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
350 public long NumVariables {
351 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 1) != 0) { return numVariables_; } else { return NumVariablesDefaultValue; } }
352 set {
353 _hasBits0 |= 1;
354 numVariables_ = value;
355 }
356 }
358 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
359 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
360 public bool HasNumVariables {
361 get { return (_hasBits0 & 1) != 0; }
362 }
364 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
365 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
366 public void ClearNumVariables() {
367 _hasBits0 &= ~1;
368 }
371 public const int NumConstraintsFieldNumber = 2;
372 private readonly static long NumConstraintsDefaultValue = 0L;
374 private long numConstraints_;
375 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
376 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
377 public long NumConstraints {
378 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 2) != 0) { return numConstraints_; } else { return NumConstraintsDefaultValue; } }
379 set {
380 _hasBits0 |= 2;
381 numConstraints_ = value;
382 }
383 }
385 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
386 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
387 public bool HasNumConstraints {
388 get { return (_hasBits0 & 2) != 0; }
389 }
391 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
392 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
393 public void ClearNumConstraints() {
394 _hasBits0 &= ~2;
395 }
399 private readonly static double ConstraintMatrixColMinLInfNormDefaultValue = 0D;
401 private double constraintMatrixColMinLInfNorm_;
407 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
408 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
410 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 4) != 0) { return constraintMatrixColMinLInfNorm_; } else { return ConstraintMatrixColMinLInfNormDefaultValue; } }
411 set {
412 _hasBits0 |= 4;
413 constraintMatrixColMinLInfNorm_ = value;
414 }
415 }
417 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
418 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
420 get { return (_hasBits0 & 4) != 0; }
421 }
423 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
424 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
426 _hasBits0 &= ~4;
427 }
431 private readonly static double ConstraintMatrixRowMinLInfNormDefaultValue = 0D;
433 private double constraintMatrixRowMinLInfNorm_;
434 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
435 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
437 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 8) != 0) { return constraintMatrixRowMinLInfNorm_; } else { return ConstraintMatrixRowMinLInfNormDefaultValue; } }
438 set {
439 _hasBits0 |= 8;
440 constraintMatrixRowMinLInfNorm_ = value;
441 }
442 }
444 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
445 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
447 get { return (_hasBits0 & 8) != 0; }
448 }
450 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
451 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
453 _hasBits0 &= ~8;
454 }
458 private readonly static long ConstraintMatrixNumNonzerosDefaultValue = 0L;
460 private long constraintMatrixNumNonzeros_;
464 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
465 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
467 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 16) != 0) { return constraintMatrixNumNonzeros_; } else { return ConstraintMatrixNumNonzerosDefaultValue; } }
468 set {
469 _hasBits0 |= 16;
470 constraintMatrixNumNonzeros_ = value;
471 }
472 }
474 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
475 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
477 get { return (_hasBits0 & 16) != 0; }
478 }
480 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
481 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
483 _hasBits0 &= ~16;
484 }
488 private readonly static double ConstraintMatrixAbsMaxDefaultValue = 0D;
490 private double constraintMatrixAbsMax_;
499 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
500 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
502 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 32) != 0) { return constraintMatrixAbsMax_; } else { return ConstraintMatrixAbsMaxDefaultValue; } }
503 set {
504 _hasBits0 |= 32;
505 constraintMatrixAbsMax_ = value;
506 }
507 }
509 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
510 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
512 get { return (_hasBits0 & 32) != 0; }
513 }
515 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
516 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
518 _hasBits0 &= ~32;
519 }
523 private readonly static double ConstraintMatrixAbsMinDefaultValue = 0D;
525 private double constraintMatrixAbsMin_;
526 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
527 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
529 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 64) != 0) { return constraintMatrixAbsMin_; } else { return ConstraintMatrixAbsMinDefaultValue; } }
530 set {
531 _hasBits0 |= 64;
532 constraintMatrixAbsMin_ = value;
533 }
534 }
536 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
537 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
539 get { return (_hasBits0 & 64) != 0; }
540 }
542 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
543 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
545 _hasBits0 &= ~64;
546 }
550 private readonly static double ConstraintMatrixAbsAvgDefaultValue = 0D;
552 private double constraintMatrixAbsAvg_;
553 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
554 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
556 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 128) != 0) { return constraintMatrixAbsAvg_; } else { return ConstraintMatrixAbsAvgDefaultValue; } }
557 set {
558 _hasBits0 |= 128;
559 constraintMatrixAbsAvg_ = value;
560 }
561 }
563 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
564 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
566 get { return (_hasBits0 & 128) != 0; }
567 }
569 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
570 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
572 _hasBits0 &= ~128;
573 }
577 private readonly static double ConstraintMatrixL2NormDefaultValue = 0D;
579 private double constraintMatrixL2Norm_;
580 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
581 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
583 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 16777216) != 0) { return constraintMatrixL2Norm_; } else { return ConstraintMatrixL2NormDefaultValue; } }
584 set {
585 _hasBits0 |= 16777216;
586 constraintMatrixL2Norm_ = value;
587 }
588 }
590 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
591 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
593 get { return (_hasBits0 & 16777216) != 0; }
594 }
596 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
597 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
599 _hasBits0 &= ~16777216;
600 }
603 public const int CombinedBoundsMaxFieldNumber = 9;
604 private readonly static double CombinedBoundsMaxDefaultValue = 0D;
606 private double combinedBoundsMax_;
616 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
617 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
618 public double CombinedBoundsMax {
619 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 256) != 0) { return combinedBoundsMax_; } else { return CombinedBoundsMaxDefaultValue; } }
620 set {
621 _hasBits0 |= 256;
622 combinedBoundsMax_ = value;
623 }
624 }
626 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
627 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
629 get { return (_hasBits0 & 256) != 0; }
630 }
632 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
633 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
635 _hasBits0 &= ~256;
636 }
639 public const int CombinedBoundsMinFieldNumber = 10;
640 private readonly static double CombinedBoundsMinDefaultValue = 0D;
642 private double combinedBoundsMin_;
643 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
644 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
645 public double CombinedBoundsMin {
646 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 512) != 0) { return combinedBoundsMin_; } else { return CombinedBoundsMinDefaultValue; } }
647 set {
648 _hasBits0 |= 512;
649 combinedBoundsMin_ = value;
650 }
651 }
653 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
654 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
656 get { return (_hasBits0 & 512) != 0; }
657 }
659 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
660 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
662 _hasBits0 &= ~512;
663 }
666 public const int CombinedBoundsAvgFieldNumber = 11;
667 private readonly static double CombinedBoundsAvgDefaultValue = 0D;
669 private double combinedBoundsAvg_;
670 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
671 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
672 public double CombinedBoundsAvg {
673 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 1024) != 0) { return combinedBoundsAvg_; } else { return CombinedBoundsAvgDefaultValue; } }
674 set {
675 _hasBits0 |= 1024;
676 combinedBoundsAvg_ = value;
677 }
678 }
680 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
681 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
683 get { return (_hasBits0 & 1024) != 0; }
684 }
686 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
687 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
689 _hasBits0 &= ~1024;
690 }
693 public const int CombinedBoundsL2NormFieldNumber = 24;
694 private readonly static double CombinedBoundsL2NormDefaultValue = 0D;
696 private double combinedBoundsL2Norm_;
697 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
698 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
699 public double CombinedBoundsL2Norm {
700 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 8388608) != 0) { return combinedBoundsL2Norm_; } else { return CombinedBoundsL2NormDefaultValue; } }
701 set {
702 _hasBits0 |= 8388608;
703 combinedBoundsL2Norm_ = value;
704 }
705 }
707 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
708 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
710 get { return (_hasBits0 & 8388608) != 0; }
711 }
713 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
714 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
716 _hasBits0 &= ~8388608;
717 }
721 private readonly static double CombinedVariableBoundsMaxDefaultValue = 0D;
723 private double combinedVariableBoundsMax_;
731 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
732 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
734 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 134217728) != 0) { return combinedVariableBoundsMax_; } else { return CombinedVariableBoundsMaxDefaultValue; } }
735 set {
736 _hasBits0 |= 134217728;
737 combinedVariableBoundsMax_ = value;
738 }
739 }
741 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
742 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
744 get { return (_hasBits0 & 134217728) != 0; }
745 }
747 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
748 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
750 _hasBits0 &= ~134217728;
751 }
755 private readonly static double CombinedVariableBoundsMinDefaultValue = 0D;
757 private double combinedVariableBoundsMin_;
758 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
759 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
761 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 268435456) != 0) { return combinedVariableBoundsMin_; } else { return CombinedVariableBoundsMinDefaultValue; } }
762 set {
763 _hasBits0 |= 268435456;
764 combinedVariableBoundsMin_ = value;
765 }
766 }
768 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
769 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
771 get { return (_hasBits0 & 268435456) != 0; }
772 }
774 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
775 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
777 _hasBits0 &= ~268435456;
778 }
782 private readonly static double CombinedVariableBoundsAvgDefaultValue = 0D;
784 private double combinedVariableBoundsAvg_;
785 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
786 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
788 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 536870912) != 0) { return combinedVariableBoundsAvg_; } else { return CombinedVariableBoundsAvgDefaultValue; } }
789 set {
790 _hasBits0 |= 536870912;
791 combinedVariableBoundsAvg_ = value;
792 }
793 }
795 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
796 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
798 get { return (_hasBits0 & 536870912) != 0; }
799 }
801 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
802 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
804 _hasBits0 &= ~536870912;
805 }
809 private readonly static double CombinedVariableBoundsL2NormDefaultValue = 0D;
811 private double combinedVariableBoundsL2Norm_;
812 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
813 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
815 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 1073741824) != 0) { return combinedVariableBoundsL2Norm_; } else { return CombinedVariableBoundsL2NormDefaultValue; } }
816 set {
817 _hasBits0 |= 1073741824;
818 combinedVariableBoundsL2Norm_ = value;
819 }
820 }
822 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
823 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
825 get { return (_hasBits0 & 1073741824) != 0; }
826 }
828 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
829 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
831 _hasBits0 &= ~1073741824;
832 }
836 private readonly static long VariableBoundGapsNumFiniteDefaultValue = 0L;
838 private long variableBoundGapsNumFinite_;
843 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
844 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
846 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 2048) != 0) { return variableBoundGapsNumFinite_; } else { return VariableBoundGapsNumFiniteDefaultValue; } }
847 set {
848 _hasBits0 |= 2048;
849 variableBoundGapsNumFinite_ = value;
850 }
851 }
853 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
854 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
856 get { return (_hasBits0 & 2048) != 0; }
857 }
859 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
860 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
862 _hasBits0 &= ~2048;
863 }
866 public const int VariableBoundGapsMaxFieldNumber = 13;
867 private readonly static double VariableBoundGapsMaxDefaultValue = 0D;
869 private double variableBoundGapsMax_;
876 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
877 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
878 public double VariableBoundGapsMax {
879 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 4096) != 0) { return variableBoundGapsMax_; } else { return VariableBoundGapsMaxDefaultValue; } }
880 set {
881 _hasBits0 |= 4096;
882 variableBoundGapsMax_ = value;
883 }
884 }
886 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
887 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
889 get { return (_hasBits0 & 4096) != 0; }
890 }
892 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
893 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
895 _hasBits0 &= ~4096;
896 }
899 public const int VariableBoundGapsMinFieldNumber = 14;
900 private readonly static double VariableBoundGapsMinDefaultValue = 0D;
902 private double variableBoundGapsMin_;
903 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
904 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
905 public double VariableBoundGapsMin {
906 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 8192) != 0) { return variableBoundGapsMin_; } else { return VariableBoundGapsMinDefaultValue; } }
907 set {
908 _hasBits0 |= 8192;
909 variableBoundGapsMin_ = value;
910 }
911 }
913 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
914 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
916 get { return (_hasBits0 & 8192) != 0; }
917 }
919 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
920 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
922 _hasBits0 &= ~8192;
923 }
926 public const int VariableBoundGapsAvgFieldNumber = 15;
927 private readonly static double VariableBoundGapsAvgDefaultValue = 0D;
929 private double variableBoundGapsAvg_;
930 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
931 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
932 public double VariableBoundGapsAvg {
933 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 16384) != 0) { return variableBoundGapsAvg_; } else { return VariableBoundGapsAvgDefaultValue; } }
934 set {
935 _hasBits0 |= 16384;
936 variableBoundGapsAvg_ = value;
937 }
938 }
940 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
941 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
943 get { return (_hasBits0 & 16384) != 0; }
944 }
946 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
947 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
949 _hasBits0 &= ~16384;
950 }
954 private readonly static double VariableBoundGapsL2NormDefaultValue = 0D;
956 private double variableBoundGapsL2Norm_;
957 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
958 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
960 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 33554432) != 0) { return variableBoundGapsL2Norm_; } else { return VariableBoundGapsL2NormDefaultValue; } }
961 set {
962 _hasBits0 |= 33554432;
963 variableBoundGapsL2Norm_ = value;
964 }
965 }
967 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
968 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
970 get { return (_hasBits0 & 33554432) != 0; }
971 }
973 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
974 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
976 _hasBits0 &= ~33554432;
977 }
980 public const int ObjectiveVectorAbsMaxFieldNumber = 16;
981 private readonly static double ObjectiveVectorAbsMaxDefaultValue = 0D;
983 private double objectiveVectorAbsMax_;
987 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
988 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
989 public double ObjectiveVectorAbsMax {
990 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 32768) != 0) { return objectiveVectorAbsMax_; } else { return ObjectiveVectorAbsMaxDefaultValue; } }
991 set {
992 _hasBits0 |= 32768;
993 objectiveVectorAbsMax_ = value;
994 }
995 }
997 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
998 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1000 get { return (_hasBits0 & 32768) != 0; }
1001 }
1003 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1004 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1006 _hasBits0 &= ~32768;
1007 }
1011 private readonly static double ObjectiveVectorAbsMinDefaultValue = 0D;
1013 private double objectiveVectorAbsMin_;
1014 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1015 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1017 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 65536) != 0) { return objectiveVectorAbsMin_; } else { return ObjectiveVectorAbsMinDefaultValue; } }
1018 set {
1019 _hasBits0 |= 65536;
1020 objectiveVectorAbsMin_ = value;
1021 }
1022 }
1024 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1025 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1027 get { return (_hasBits0 & 65536) != 0; }
1028 }
1030 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1031 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1033 _hasBits0 &= ~65536;
1034 }
1038 private readonly static double ObjectiveVectorAbsAvgDefaultValue = 0D;
1040 private double objectiveVectorAbsAvg_;
1041 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1042 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1044 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 131072) != 0) { return objectiveVectorAbsAvg_; } else { return ObjectiveVectorAbsAvgDefaultValue; } }
1045 set {
1046 _hasBits0 |= 131072;
1047 objectiveVectorAbsAvg_ = value;
1048 }
1049 }
1051 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1052 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1054 get { return (_hasBits0 & 131072) != 0; }
1055 }
1057 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1058 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1060 _hasBits0 &= ~131072;
1061 }
1065 private readonly static double ObjectiveVectorL2NormDefaultValue = 0D;
1067 private double objectiveVectorL2Norm_;
1068 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1069 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1071 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 4194304) != 0) { return objectiveVectorL2Norm_; } else { return ObjectiveVectorL2NormDefaultValue; } }
1072 set {
1073 _hasBits0 |= 4194304;
1074 objectiveVectorL2Norm_ = value;
1075 }
1076 }
1078 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1079 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1081 get { return (_hasBits0 & 4194304) != 0; }
1082 }
1084 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1085 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1087 _hasBits0 &= ~4194304;
1088 }
1092 private readonly static long ObjectiveMatrixNumNonzerosDefaultValue = 0L;
1094 private long objectiveMatrixNumNonzeros_;
1095 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1096 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1098 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 262144) != 0) { return objectiveMatrixNumNonzeros_; } else { return ObjectiveMatrixNumNonzerosDefaultValue; } }
1099 set {
1100 _hasBits0 |= 262144;
1101 objectiveMatrixNumNonzeros_ = value;
1102 }
1103 }
1105 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1106 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1108 get { return (_hasBits0 & 262144) != 0; }
1109 }
1111 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1112 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1114 _hasBits0 &= ~262144;
1115 }
1119 private readonly static double ObjectiveMatrixAbsMaxDefaultValue = 0D;
1121 private double objectiveMatrixAbsMax_;
1127 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1128 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1130 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 524288) != 0) { return objectiveMatrixAbsMax_; } else { return ObjectiveMatrixAbsMaxDefaultValue; } }
1131 set {
1132 _hasBits0 |= 524288;
1133 objectiveMatrixAbsMax_ = value;
1134 }
1135 }
1137 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1138 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1140 get { return (_hasBits0 & 524288) != 0; }
1141 }
1143 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1144 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1146 _hasBits0 &= ~524288;
1147 }
1151 private readonly static double ObjectiveMatrixAbsMinDefaultValue = 0D;
1153 private double objectiveMatrixAbsMin_;
1154 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1155 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1157 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 1048576) != 0) { return objectiveMatrixAbsMin_; } else { return ObjectiveMatrixAbsMinDefaultValue; } }
1158 set {
1159 _hasBits0 |= 1048576;
1160 objectiveMatrixAbsMin_ = value;
1161 }
1162 }
1164 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1165 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1167 get { return (_hasBits0 & 1048576) != 0; }
1168 }
1170 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1171 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1173 _hasBits0 &= ~1048576;
1174 }
1178 private readonly static double ObjectiveMatrixAbsAvgDefaultValue = 0D;
1180 private double objectiveMatrixAbsAvg_;
1181 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1182 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1184 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 2097152) != 0) { return objectiveMatrixAbsAvg_; } else { return ObjectiveMatrixAbsAvgDefaultValue; } }
1185 set {
1186 _hasBits0 |= 2097152;
1187 objectiveMatrixAbsAvg_ = value;
1188 }
1189 }
1191 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1192 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1194 get { return (_hasBits0 & 2097152) != 0; }
1195 }
1197 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1198 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1200 _hasBits0 &= ~2097152;
1201 }
1205 private readonly static double ObjectiveMatrixL2NormDefaultValue = 0D;
1207 private double objectiveMatrixL2Norm_;
1208 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1209 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1211 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 67108864) != 0) { return objectiveMatrixL2Norm_; } else { return ObjectiveMatrixL2NormDefaultValue; } }
1212 set {
1213 _hasBits0 |= 67108864;
1214 objectiveMatrixL2Norm_ = value;
1215 }
1216 }
1218 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1219 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1221 get { return (_hasBits0 & 67108864) != 0; }
1222 }
1224 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1225 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1227 _hasBits0 &= ~67108864;
1228 }
1230 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1231 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1232 public override bool Equals(object other) {
1233 return Equals(other as QuadraticProgramStats);
1234 }
1236 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1237 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1238 public bool Equals(QuadraticProgramStats other) {
1239 if (ReferenceEquals(other, null)) {
1240 return false;
1241 }
1242 if (ReferenceEquals(other, this)) {
1243 return true;
1244 }
1245 if (NumVariables != other.NumVariables) return false;
1246 if (NumConstraints != other.NumConstraints) return false;
1247 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(ConstraintMatrixColMinLInfNorm, other.ConstraintMatrixColMinLInfNorm)) return false;
1248 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(ConstraintMatrixRowMinLInfNorm, other.ConstraintMatrixRowMinLInfNorm)) return false;
1250 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(ConstraintMatrixAbsMax, other.ConstraintMatrixAbsMax)) return false;
1251 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(ConstraintMatrixAbsMin, other.ConstraintMatrixAbsMin)) return false;
1252 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(ConstraintMatrixAbsAvg, other.ConstraintMatrixAbsAvg)) return false;
1253 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(ConstraintMatrixL2Norm, other.ConstraintMatrixL2Norm)) return false;
1254 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(CombinedBoundsMax, other.CombinedBoundsMax)) return false;
1255 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(CombinedBoundsMin, other.CombinedBoundsMin)) return false;
1256 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(CombinedBoundsAvg, other.CombinedBoundsAvg)) return false;
1257 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(CombinedBoundsL2Norm, other.CombinedBoundsL2Norm)) return false;
1258 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(CombinedVariableBoundsMax, other.CombinedVariableBoundsMax)) return false;
1259 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(CombinedVariableBoundsMin, other.CombinedVariableBoundsMin)) return false;
1260 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(CombinedVariableBoundsAvg, other.CombinedVariableBoundsAvg)) return false;
1261 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(CombinedVariableBoundsL2Norm, other.CombinedVariableBoundsL2Norm)) return false;
1262 if (VariableBoundGapsNumFinite != other.VariableBoundGapsNumFinite) return false;
1263 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(VariableBoundGapsMax, other.VariableBoundGapsMax)) return false;
1264 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(VariableBoundGapsMin, other.VariableBoundGapsMin)) return false;
1265 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(VariableBoundGapsAvg, other.VariableBoundGapsAvg)) return false;
1266 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(VariableBoundGapsL2Norm, other.VariableBoundGapsL2Norm)) return false;
1267 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(ObjectiveVectorAbsMax, other.ObjectiveVectorAbsMax)) return false;
1268 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(ObjectiveVectorAbsMin, other.ObjectiveVectorAbsMin)) return false;
1269 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(ObjectiveVectorAbsAvg, other.ObjectiveVectorAbsAvg)) return false;
1270 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(ObjectiveVectorL2Norm, other.ObjectiveVectorL2Norm)) return false;
1271 if (ObjectiveMatrixNumNonzeros != other.ObjectiveMatrixNumNonzeros) return false;
1272 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(ObjectiveMatrixAbsMax, other.ObjectiveMatrixAbsMax)) return false;
1273 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(ObjectiveMatrixAbsMin, other.ObjectiveMatrixAbsMin)) return false;
1274 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(ObjectiveMatrixAbsAvg, other.ObjectiveMatrixAbsAvg)) return false;
1275 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(ObjectiveMatrixL2Norm, other.ObjectiveMatrixL2Norm)) return false;
1276 return Equals(_unknownFields, other._unknownFields);
1277 }
1279 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1280 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1281 public override int GetHashCode() {
1282 int hash = 1;
1283 if (HasNumVariables) hash ^= NumVariables.GetHashCode();
1284 if (HasNumConstraints) hash ^= NumConstraints.GetHashCode();
1285 if (HasConstraintMatrixColMinLInfNorm) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(ConstraintMatrixColMinLInfNorm);
1286 if (HasConstraintMatrixRowMinLInfNorm) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(ConstraintMatrixRowMinLInfNorm);
1288 if (HasConstraintMatrixAbsMax) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(ConstraintMatrixAbsMax);
1289 if (HasConstraintMatrixAbsMin) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(ConstraintMatrixAbsMin);
1290 if (HasConstraintMatrixAbsAvg) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(ConstraintMatrixAbsAvg);
1291 if (HasConstraintMatrixL2Norm) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(ConstraintMatrixL2Norm);
1292 if (HasCombinedBoundsMax) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(CombinedBoundsMax);
1293 if (HasCombinedBoundsMin) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(CombinedBoundsMin);
1294 if (HasCombinedBoundsAvg) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(CombinedBoundsAvg);
1295 if (HasCombinedBoundsL2Norm) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(CombinedBoundsL2Norm);
1296 if (HasCombinedVariableBoundsMax) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(CombinedVariableBoundsMax);
1297 if (HasCombinedVariableBoundsMin) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(CombinedVariableBoundsMin);
1298 if (HasCombinedVariableBoundsAvg) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(CombinedVariableBoundsAvg);
1299 if (HasCombinedVariableBoundsL2Norm) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(CombinedVariableBoundsL2Norm);
1301 if (HasVariableBoundGapsMax) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(VariableBoundGapsMax);
1302 if (HasVariableBoundGapsMin) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(VariableBoundGapsMin);
1303 if (HasVariableBoundGapsAvg) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(VariableBoundGapsAvg);
1304 if (HasVariableBoundGapsL2Norm) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(VariableBoundGapsL2Norm);
1305 if (HasObjectiveVectorAbsMax) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(ObjectiveVectorAbsMax);
1306 if (HasObjectiveVectorAbsMin) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(ObjectiveVectorAbsMin);
1307 if (HasObjectiveVectorAbsAvg) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(ObjectiveVectorAbsAvg);
1308 if (HasObjectiveVectorL2Norm) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(ObjectiveVectorL2Norm);
1310 if (HasObjectiveMatrixAbsMax) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(ObjectiveMatrixAbsMax);
1311 if (HasObjectiveMatrixAbsMin) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(ObjectiveMatrixAbsMin);
1312 if (HasObjectiveMatrixAbsAvg) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(ObjectiveMatrixAbsAvg);
1313 if (HasObjectiveMatrixL2Norm) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(ObjectiveMatrixL2Norm);
1314 if (_unknownFields != null) {
1315 hash ^= _unknownFields.GetHashCode();
1316 }
1317 return hash;
1318 }
1320 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1321 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1322 public override string ToString() {
1323 return pb::JsonFormatter.ToDiagnosticString(this);
1324 }
1326 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1327 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1328 public void WriteTo(pb::CodedOutputStream output) {
1330 output.WriteRawMessage(this);
1331 #else
1332 if (HasNumVariables) {
1333 output.WriteRawTag(8);
1334 output.WriteInt64(NumVariables);
1335 }
1336 if (HasNumConstraints) {
1337 output.WriteRawTag(16);
1338 output.WriteInt64(NumConstraints);
1339 }
1341 output.WriteRawTag(25);
1342 output.WriteDouble(ConstraintMatrixColMinLInfNorm);
1343 }
1345 output.WriteRawTag(33);
1346 output.WriteDouble(ConstraintMatrixRowMinLInfNorm);
1347 }
1349 output.WriteRawTag(40);
1350 output.WriteInt64(ConstraintMatrixNumNonzeros);
1351 }
1353 output.WriteRawTag(49);
1354 output.WriteDouble(ConstraintMatrixAbsMax);
1355 }
1357 output.WriteRawTag(57);
1358 output.WriteDouble(ConstraintMatrixAbsMin);
1359 }
1361 output.WriteRawTag(65);
1362 output.WriteDouble(ConstraintMatrixAbsAvg);
1363 }
1365 output.WriteRawTag(73);
1366 output.WriteDouble(CombinedBoundsMax);
1367 }
1369 output.WriteRawTag(81);
1370 output.WriteDouble(CombinedBoundsMin);
1371 }
1373 output.WriteRawTag(89);
1374 output.WriteDouble(CombinedBoundsAvg);
1375 }
1377 output.WriteRawTag(96);
1378 output.WriteInt64(VariableBoundGapsNumFinite);
1379 }
1381 output.WriteRawTag(105);
1382 output.WriteDouble(VariableBoundGapsMax);
1383 }
1385 output.WriteRawTag(113);
1386 output.WriteDouble(VariableBoundGapsMin);
1387 }
1389 output.WriteRawTag(121);
1390 output.WriteDouble(VariableBoundGapsAvg);
1391 }
1393 output.WriteRawTag(129, 1);
1394 output.WriteDouble(ObjectiveVectorAbsMax);
1395 }
1397 output.WriteRawTag(137, 1);
1398 output.WriteDouble(ObjectiveVectorAbsMin);
1399 }
1401 output.WriteRawTag(145, 1);
1402 output.WriteDouble(ObjectiveVectorAbsAvg);
1403 }
1405 output.WriteRawTag(152, 1);
1406 output.WriteInt64(ObjectiveMatrixNumNonzeros);
1407 }
1409 output.WriteRawTag(161, 1);
1410 output.WriteDouble(ObjectiveMatrixAbsMax);
1411 }
1413 output.WriteRawTag(169, 1);
1414 output.WriteDouble(ObjectiveMatrixAbsMin);
1415 }
1417 output.WriteRawTag(177, 1);
1418 output.WriteDouble(ObjectiveMatrixAbsAvg);
1419 }
1421 output.WriteRawTag(185, 1);
1422 output.WriteDouble(ObjectiveVectorL2Norm);
1423 }
1425 output.WriteRawTag(193, 1);
1426 output.WriteDouble(CombinedBoundsL2Norm);
1427 }
1429 output.WriteRawTag(201, 1);
1430 output.WriteDouble(ConstraintMatrixL2Norm);
1431 }
1433 output.WriteRawTag(209, 1);
1434 output.WriteDouble(VariableBoundGapsL2Norm);
1435 }
1437 output.WriteRawTag(217, 1);
1438 output.WriteDouble(ObjectiveMatrixL2Norm);
1439 }
1441 output.WriteRawTag(225, 1);
1442 output.WriteDouble(CombinedVariableBoundsMax);
1443 }
1445 output.WriteRawTag(233, 1);
1446 output.WriteDouble(CombinedVariableBoundsMin);
1447 }
1449 output.WriteRawTag(241, 1);
1450 output.WriteDouble(CombinedVariableBoundsAvg);
1451 }
1453 output.WriteRawTag(249, 1);
1454 output.WriteDouble(CombinedVariableBoundsL2Norm);
1455 }
1456 if (_unknownFields != null) {
1457 _unknownFields.WriteTo(output);
1458 }
1459 #endif
1460 }
1463 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1464 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1465 void pb::IBufferMessage.InternalWriteTo(ref pb::WriteContext output) {
1466 if (HasNumVariables) {
1467 output.WriteRawTag(8);
1468 output.WriteInt64(NumVariables);
1469 }
1470 if (HasNumConstraints) {
1471 output.WriteRawTag(16);
1472 output.WriteInt64(NumConstraints);
1473 }
1475 output.WriteRawTag(25);
1476 output.WriteDouble(ConstraintMatrixColMinLInfNorm);
1477 }
1479 output.WriteRawTag(33);
1480 output.WriteDouble(ConstraintMatrixRowMinLInfNorm);
1481 }
1483 output.WriteRawTag(40);
1484 output.WriteInt64(ConstraintMatrixNumNonzeros);
1485 }
1487 output.WriteRawTag(49);
1488 output.WriteDouble(ConstraintMatrixAbsMax);
1489 }
1491 output.WriteRawTag(57);
1492 output.WriteDouble(ConstraintMatrixAbsMin);
1493 }
1495 output.WriteRawTag(65);
1496 output.WriteDouble(ConstraintMatrixAbsAvg);
1497 }
1499 output.WriteRawTag(73);
1500 output.WriteDouble(CombinedBoundsMax);
1501 }
1503 output.WriteRawTag(81);
1504 output.WriteDouble(CombinedBoundsMin);
1505 }
1507 output.WriteRawTag(89);
1508 output.WriteDouble(CombinedBoundsAvg);
1509 }
1511 output.WriteRawTag(96);
1512 output.WriteInt64(VariableBoundGapsNumFinite);
1513 }
1515 output.WriteRawTag(105);
1516 output.WriteDouble(VariableBoundGapsMax);
1517 }
1519 output.WriteRawTag(113);
1520 output.WriteDouble(VariableBoundGapsMin);
1521 }
1523 output.WriteRawTag(121);
1524 output.WriteDouble(VariableBoundGapsAvg);
1525 }
1527 output.WriteRawTag(129, 1);
1528 output.WriteDouble(ObjectiveVectorAbsMax);
1529 }
1531 output.WriteRawTag(137, 1);
1532 output.WriteDouble(ObjectiveVectorAbsMin);
1533 }
1535 output.WriteRawTag(145, 1);
1536 output.WriteDouble(ObjectiveVectorAbsAvg);
1537 }
1539 output.WriteRawTag(152, 1);
1540 output.WriteInt64(ObjectiveMatrixNumNonzeros);
1541 }
1543 output.WriteRawTag(161, 1);
1544 output.WriteDouble(ObjectiveMatrixAbsMax);
1545 }
1547 output.WriteRawTag(169, 1);
1548 output.WriteDouble(ObjectiveMatrixAbsMin);
1549 }
1551 output.WriteRawTag(177, 1);
1552 output.WriteDouble(ObjectiveMatrixAbsAvg);
1553 }
1555 output.WriteRawTag(185, 1);
1556 output.WriteDouble(ObjectiveVectorL2Norm);
1557 }
1559 output.WriteRawTag(193, 1);
1560 output.WriteDouble(CombinedBoundsL2Norm);
1561 }
1563 output.WriteRawTag(201, 1);
1564 output.WriteDouble(ConstraintMatrixL2Norm);
1565 }
1567 output.WriteRawTag(209, 1);
1568 output.WriteDouble(VariableBoundGapsL2Norm);
1569 }
1571 output.WriteRawTag(217, 1);
1572 output.WriteDouble(ObjectiveMatrixL2Norm);
1573 }
1575 output.WriteRawTag(225, 1);
1576 output.WriteDouble(CombinedVariableBoundsMax);
1577 }
1579 output.WriteRawTag(233, 1);
1580 output.WriteDouble(CombinedVariableBoundsMin);
1581 }
1583 output.WriteRawTag(241, 1);
1584 output.WriteDouble(CombinedVariableBoundsAvg);
1585 }
1587 output.WriteRawTag(249, 1);
1588 output.WriteDouble(CombinedVariableBoundsL2Norm);
1589 }
1590 if (_unknownFields != null) {
1591 _unknownFields.WriteTo(ref output);
1592 }
1593 }
1594 #endif
1596 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1597 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1598 public int CalculateSize() {
1599 int size = 0;
1600 if (HasNumVariables) {
1601 size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64Size(NumVariables);
1602 }
1603 if (HasNumConstraints) {
1604 size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64Size(NumConstraints);
1605 }
1607 size += 1 + 8;
1608 }
1610 size += 1 + 8;
1611 }
1613 size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64Size(ConstraintMatrixNumNonzeros);
1614 }
1616 size += 1 + 8;
1617 }
1619 size += 1 + 8;
1620 }
1622 size += 1 + 8;
1623 }
1625 size += 2 + 8;
1626 }
1628 size += 1 + 8;
1629 }
1631 size += 1 + 8;
1632 }
1634 size += 1 + 8;
1635 }
1637 size += 2 + 8;
1638 }
1640 size += 2 + 8;
1641 }
1643 size += 2 + 8;
1644 }
1646 size += 2 + 8;
1647 }
1649 size += 2 + 8;
1650 }
1652 size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64Size(VariableBoundGapsNumFinite);
1653 }
1655 size += 1 + 8;
1656 }
1658 size += 1 + 8;
1659 }
1661 size += 1 + 8;
1662 }
1664 size += 2 + 8;
1665 }
1667 size += 2 + 8;
1668 }
1670 size += 2 + 8;
1671 }
1673 size += 2 + 8;
1674 }
1676 size += 2 + 8;
1677 }
1679 size += 2 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64Size(ObjectiveMatrixNumNonzeros);
1680 }
1682 size += 2 + 8;
1683 }
1685 size += 2 + 8;
1686 }
1688 size += 2 + 8;
1689 }
1691 size += 2 + 8;
1692 }
1693 if (_unknownFields != null) {
1694 size += _unknownFields.CalculateSize();
1695 }
1696 return size;
1697 }
1699 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1700 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1702 if (other == null) {
1703 return;
1704 }
1705 if (other.HasNumVariables) {
1706 NumVariables = other.NumVariables;
1707 }
1708 if (other.HasNumConstraints) {
1710 }
1713 }
1716 }
1719 }
1720 if (other.HasConstraintMatrixAbsMax) {
1722 }
1723 if (other.HasConstraintMatrixAbsMin) {
1725 }
1726 if (other.HasConstraintMatrixAbsAvg) {
1728 }
1729 if (other.HasConstraintMatrixL2Norm) {
1731 }
1732 if (other.HasCombinedBoundsMax) {
1734 }
1735 if (other.HasCombinedBoundsMin) {
1737 }
1738 if (other.HasCombinedBoundsAvg) {
1740 }
1741 if (other.HasCombinedBoundsL2Norm) {
1743 }
1744 if (other.HasCombinedVariableBoundsMax) {
1746 }
1747 if (other.HasCombinedVariableBoundsMin) {
1749 }
1750 if (other.HasCombinedVariableBoundsAvg) {
1752 }
1755 }
1758 }
1759 if (other.HasVariableBoundGapsMax) {
1761 }
1762 if (other.HasVariableBoundGapsMin) {
1764 }
1765 if (other.HasVariableBoundGapsAvg) {
1767 }
1768 if (other.HasVariableBoundGapsL2Norm) {
1770 }
1771 if (other.HasObjectiveVectorAbsMax) {
1773 }
1774 if (other.HasObjectiveVectorAbsMin) {
1776 }
1777 if (other.HasObjectiveVectorAbsAvg) {
1779 }
1780 if (other.HasObjectiveVectorL2Norm) {
1782 }
1785 }
1786 if (other.HasObjectiveMatrixAbsMax) {
1788 }
1789 if (other.HasObjectiveMatrixAbsMin) {
1791 }
1792 if (other.HasObjectiveMatrixAbsAvg) {
1794 }
1795 if (other.HasObjectiveMatrixL2Norm) {
1797 }
1798 _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFrom(_unknownFields, other._unknownFields);
1799 }
1801 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1802 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1803 public void MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {
1805 input.ReadRawMessage(this);
1806 #else
1807 uint tag;
1808 while ((tag = input.ReadTag()) != 0) {
1809 if ((tag & 7) == 4) {
1810 // Abort on any end group tag.
1811 return;
1812 }
1813 switch(tag) {
1814 default:
1815 _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFieldFrom(_unknownFields, input);
1816 break;
1817 case 8: {
1818 NumVariables = input.ReadInt64();
1819 break;
1820 }
1821 case 16: {
1822 NumConstraints = input.ReadInt64();
1823 break;
1824 }
1825 case 25: {
1826 ConstraintMatrixColMinLInfNorm = input.ReadDouble();
1827 break;
1828 }
1829 case 33: {
1830 ConstraintMatrixRowMinLInfNorm = input.ReadDouble();
1831 break;
1832 }
1833 case 40: {
1834 ConstraintMatrixNumNonzeros = input.ReadInt64();
1835 break;
1836 }
1837 case 49: {
1838 ConstraintMatrixAbsMax = input.ReadDouble();
1839 break;
1840 }
1841 case 57: {
1842 ConstraintMatrixAbsMin = input.ReadDouble();
1843 break;
1844 }
1845 case 65: {
1846 ConstraintMatrixAbsAvg = input.ReadDouble();
1847 break;
1848 }
1849 case 73: {
1850 CombinedBoundsMax = input.ReadDouble();
1851 break;
1852 }
1853 case 81: {
1854 CombinedBoundsMin = input.ReadDouble();
1855 break;
1856 }
1857 case 89: {
1858 CombinedBoundsAvg = input.ReadDouble();
1859 break;
1860 }
1861 case 96: {
1862 VariableBoundGapsNumFinite = input.ReadInt64();
1863 break;
1864 }
1865 case 105: {
1866 VariableBoundGapsMax = input.ReadDouble();
1867 break;
1868 }
1869 case 113: {
1870 VariableBoundGapsMin = input.ReadDouble();
1871 break;
1872 }
1873 case 121: {
1874 VariableBoundGapsAvg = input.ReadDouble();
1875 break;
1876 }
1877 case 129: {
1878 ObjectiveVectorAbsMax = input.ReadDouble();
1879 break;
1880 }
1881 case 137: {
1882 ObjectiveVectorAbsMin = input.ReadDouble();
1883 break;
1884 }
1885 case 145: {
1886 ObjectiveVectorAbsAvg = input.ReadDouble();
1887 break;
1888 }
1889 case 152: {
1890 ObjectiveMatrixNumNonzeros = input.ReadInt64();
1891 break;
1892 }
1893 case 161: {
1894 ObjectiveMatrixAbsMax = input.ReadDouble();
1895 break;
1896 }
1897 case 169: {
1898 ObjectiveMatrixAbsMin = input.ReadDouble();
1899 break;
1900 }
1901 case 177: {
1902 ObjectiveMatrixAbsAvg = input.ReadDouble();
1903 break;
1904 }
1905 case 185: {
1906 ObjectiveVectorL2Norm = input.ReadDouble();
1907 break;
1908 }
1909 case 193: {
1910 CombinedBoundsL2Norm = input.ReadDouble();
1911 break;
1912 }
1913 case 201: {
1914 ConstraintMatrixL2Norm = input.ReadDouble();
1915 break;
1916 }
1917 case 209: {
1918 VariableBoundGapsL2Norm = input.ReadDouble();
1919 break;
1920 }
1921 case 217: {
1922 ObjectiveMatrixL2Norm = input.ReadDouble();
1923 break;
1924 }
1925 case 225: {
1926 CombinedVariableBoundsMax = input.ReadDouble();
1927 break;
1928 }
1929 case 233: {
1930 CombinedVariableBoundsMin = input.ReadDouble();
1931 break;
1932 }
1933 case 241: {
1934 CombinedVariableBoundsAvg = input.ReadDouble();
1935 break;
1936 }
1937 case 249: {
1938 CombinedVariableBoundsL2Norm = input.ReadDouble();
1939 break;
1940 }
1941 }
1942 }
1943 #endif
1944 }
1947 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
1948 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
1949 void pb::IBufferMessage.InternalMergeFrom(ref pb::ParseContext input) {
1950 uint tag;
1951 while ((tag = input.ReadTag()) != 0) {
1952 if ((tag & 7) == 4) {
1953 // Abort on any end group tag.
1954 return;
1955 }
1956 switch(tag) {
1957 default:
1958 _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFieldFrom(_unknownFields, ref input);
1959 break;
1960 case 8: {
1961 NumVariables = input.ReadInt64();
1962 break;
1963 }
1964 case 16: {
1965 NumConstraints = input.ReadInt64();
1966 break;
1967 }
1968 case 25: {
1969 ConstraintMatrixColMinLInfNorm = input.ReadDouble();
1970 break;
1971 }
1972 case 33: {
1973 ConstraintMatrixRowMinLInfNorm = input.ReadDouble();
1974 break;
1975 }
1976 case 40: {
1977 ConstraintMatrixNumNonzeros = input.ReadInt64();
1978 break;
1979 }
1980 case 49: {
1981 ConstraintMatrixAbsMax = input.ReadDouble();
1982 break;
1983 }
1984 case 57: {
1985 ConstraintMatrixAbsMin = input.ReadDouble();
1986 break;
1987 }
1988 case 65: {
1989 ConstraintMatrixAbsAvg = input.ReadDouble();
1990 break;
1991 }
1992 case 73: {
1993 CombinedBoundsMax = input.ReadDouble();
1994 break;
1995 }
1996 case 81: {
1997 CombinedBoundsMin = input.ReadDouble();
1998 break;
1999 }
2000 case 89: {
2001 CombinedBoundsAvg = input.ReadDouble();
2002 break;
2003 }
2004 case 96: {
2005 VariableBoundGapsNumFinite = input.ReadInt64();
2006 break;
2007 }
2008 case 105: {
2009 VariableBoundGapsMax = input.ReadDouble();
2010 break;
2011 }
2012 case 113: {
2013 VariableBoundGapsMin = input.ReadDouble();
2014 break;
2015 }
2016 case 121: {
2017 VariableBoundGapsAvg = input.ReadDouble();
2018 break;
2019 }
2020 case 129: {
2021 ObjectiveVectorAbsMax = input.ReadDouble();
2022 break;
2023 }
2024 case 137: {
2025 ObjectiveVectorAbsMin = input.ReadDouble();
2026 break;
2027 }
2028 case 145: {
2029 ObjectiveVectorAbsAvg = input.ReadDouble();
2030 break;
2031 }
2032 case 152: {
2033 ObjectiveMatrixNumNonzeros = input.ReadInt64();
2034 break;
2035 }
2036 case 161: {
2037 ObjectiveMatrixAbsMax = input.ReadDouble();
2038 break;
2039 }
2040 case 169: {
2041 ObjectiveMatrixAbsMin = input.ReadDouble();
2042 break;
2043 }
2044 case 177: {
2045 ObjectiveMatrixAbsAvg = input.ReadDouble();
2046 break;
2047 }
2048 case 185: {
2049 ObjectiveVectorL2Norm = input.ReadDouble();
2050 break;
2051 }
2052 case 193: {
2053 CombinedBoundsL2Norm = input.ReadDouble();
2054 break;
2055 }
2056 case 201: {
2057 ConstraintMatrixL2Norm = input.ReadDouble();
2058 break;
2059 }
2060 case 209: {
2061 VariableBoundGapsL2Norm = input.ReadDouble();
2062 break;
2063 }
2064 case 217: {
2065 ObjectiveMatrixL2Norm = input.ReadDouble();
2066 break;
2067 }
2068 case 225: {
2069 CombinedVariableBoundsMax = input.ReadDouble();
2070 break;
2071 }
2072 case 233: {
2073 CombinedVariableBoundsMin = input.ReadDouble();
2074 break;
2075 }
2076 case 241: {
2077 CombinedVariableBoundsAvg = input.ReadDouble();
2078 break;
2079 }
2080 case 249: {
2081 CombinedVariableBoundsL2Norm = input.ReadDouble();
2082 break;
2083 }
2084 }
2085 }
2086 }
2087 #endif
2089 }
2095 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerDisplayAttribute("{ToString(),nq}")]
2096 public sealed partial class ConvergenceInformation : pb::IMessage<ConvergenceInformation>
2098 , pb::IBufferMessage
2099 #endif
2100 {
2101 private static readonly pb::MessageParser<ConvergenceInformation> _parser = new pb::MessageParser<ConvergenceInformation>(() => new ConvergenceInformation());
2102 private pb::UnknownFieldSet _unknownFields;
2103 private int _hasBits0;
2104 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2105 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2106 public static pb::MessageParser<ConvergenceInformation> Parser { get { return _parser; } }
2108 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2109 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2110 public static pbr::MessageDescriptor Descriptor {
2111 get { return global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.SolveLogReflection.Descriptor.MessageTypes[1]; }
2112 }
2114 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2115 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2116 pbr::MessageDescriptor pb::IMessage.Descriptor {
2117 get { return Descriptor; }
2118 }
2120 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2121 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2123 OnConstruction();
2124 }
2126 partial void OnConstruction();
2128 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2129 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2131 _hasBits0 = other._hasBits0;
2132 candidateType_ = other.candidateType_;
2133 primalObjective_ = other.primalObjective_;
2134 dualObjective_ = other.dualObjective_;
2135 correctedDualObjective_ = other.correctedDualObjective_;
2136 lInfPrimalResidual_ = other.lInfPrimalResidual_;
2137 l2PrimalResidual_ = other.l2PrimalResidual_;
2138 lInfComponentwisePrimalResidual_ = other.lInfComponentwisePrimalResidual_;
2139 lInfDualResidual_ = other.lInfDualResidual_;
2140 l2DualResidual_ = other.l2DualResidual_;
2141 lInfComponentwiseDualResidual_ = other.lInfComponentwiseDualResidual_;
2142 lInfPrimalVariable_ = other.lInfPrimalVariable_;
2143 l2PrimalVariable_ = other.l2PrimalVariable_;
2144 lInfDualVariable_ = other.lInfDualVariable_;
2145 l2DualVariable_ = other.l2DualVariable_;
2146 _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.Clone(other._unknownFields);
2147 }
2149 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2150 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2152 return new ConvergenceInformation(this);
2153 }
2156 public const int CandidateTypeFieldNumber = 1;
2157 private readonly static global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType CandidateTypeDefaultValue = global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType.Unspecified;
2159 private global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType candidateType_;
2163 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2164 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2165 public global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType CandidateType {
2166 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 1) != 0) { return candidateType_; } else { return CandidateTypeDefaultValue; } }
2167 set {
2168 _hasBits0 |= 1;
2169 candidateType_ = value;
2170 }
2171 }
2173 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2174 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2175 public bool HasCandidateType {
2176 get { return (_hasBits0 & 1) != 0; }
2177 }
2179 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2180 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2181 public void ClearCandidateType() {
2182 _hasBits0 &= ~1;
2183 }
2186 public const int PrimalObjectiveFieldNumber = 2;
2187 private readonly static double PrimalObjectiveDefaultValue = 0D;
2189 private double primalObjective_;
2193 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2194 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2195 public double PrimalObjective {
2196 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 2) != 0) { return primalObjective_; } else { return PrimalObjectiveDefaultValue; } }
2197 set {
2198 _hasBits0 |= 2;
2199 primalObjective_ = value;
2200 }
2201 }
2203 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2204 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2206 get { return (_hasBits0 & 2) != 0; }
2207 }
2209 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2210 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2211 public void ClearPrimalObjective() {
2212 _hasBits0 &= ~2;
2213 }
2216 public const int DualObjectiveFieldNumber = 3;
2217 private readonly static double DualObjectiveDefaultValue = 0D;
2219 private double dualObjective_;
2228 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2229 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2230 public double DualObjective {
2231 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 4) != 0) { return dualObjective_; } else { return DualObjectiveDefaultValue; } }
2232 set {
2233 _hasBits0 |= 4;
2234 dualObjective_ = value;
2235 }
2236 }
2238 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2239 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2240 public bool HasDualObjective {
2241 get { return (_hasBits0 & 4) != 0; }
2242 }
2244 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2245 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2246 public void ClearDualObjective() {
2247 _hasBits0 &= ~4;
2248 }
2252 private readonly static double CorrectedDualObjectiveDefaultValue = 0D;
2254 private double correctedDualObjective_;
2260 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2261 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2263 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 8) != 0) { return correctedDualObjective_; } else { return CorrectedDualObjectiveDefaultValue; } }
2264 set {
2265 _hasBits0 |= 8;
2266 correctedDualObjective_ = value;
2267 }
2268 }
2270 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2271 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2273 get { return (_hasBits0 & 8) != 0; }
2274 }
2276 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2277 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2279 _hasBits0 &= ~8;
2280 }
2283 public const int LInfPrimalResidualFieldNumber = 5;
2284 private readonly static double LInfPrimalResidualDefaultValue = 0D;
2286 private double lInfPrimalResidual_;
2291 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2292 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2293 public double LInfPrimalResidual {
2294 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 16) != 0) { return lInfPrimalResidual_; } else { return LInfPrimalResidualDefaultValue; } }
2295 set {
2296 _hasBits0 |= 16;
2297 lInfPrimalResidual_ = value;
2298 }
2299 }
2301 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2302 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2304 get { return (_hasBits0 & 16) != 0; }
2305 }
2307 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2308 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2310 _hasBits0 &= ~16;
2311 }
2314 public const int L2PrimalResidualFieldNumber = 6;
2315 private readonly static double L2PrimalResidualDefaultValue = 0D;
2317 private double l2PrimalResidual_;
2321 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2322 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2323 public double L2PrimalResidual {
2324 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 32) != 0) { return l2PrimalResidual_; } else { return L2PrimalResidualDefaultValue; } }
2325 set {
2326 _hasBits0 |= 32;
2327 l2PrimalResidual_ = value;
2328 }
2329 }
2331 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2332 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2334 get { return (_hasBits0 & 32) != 0; }
2335 }
2337 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2338 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2340 _hasBits0 &= ~32;
2341 }
2345 private readonly static double LInfComponentwisePrimalResidualDefaultValue = 0D;
2347 private double lInfComponentwisePrimalResidual_;
2355 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2356 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2358 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 4096) != 0) { return lInfComponentwisePrimalResidual_; } else { return LInfComponentwisePrimalResidualDefaultValue; } }
2359 set {
2360 _hasBits0 |= 4096;
2361 lInfComponentwisePrimalResidual_ = value;
2362 }
2363 }
2365 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2366 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2368 get { return (_hasBits0 & 4096) != 0; }
2369 }
2371 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2372 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2374 _hasBits0 &= ~4096;
2375 }
2378 public const int LInfDualResidualFieldNumber = 7;
2379 private readonly static double LInfDualResidualDefaultValue = 0D;
2381 private double lInfDualResidual_;
2386 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2387 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2388 public double LInfDualResidual {
2389 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 64) != 0) { return lInfDualResidual_; } else { return LInfDualResidualDefaultValue; } }
2390 set {
2391 _hasBits0 |= 64;
2392 lInfDualResidual_ = value;
2393 }
2394 }
2396 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2397 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2399 get { return (_hasBits0 & 64) != 0; }
2400 }
2402 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2403 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2405 _hasBits0 &= ~64;
2406 }
2409 public const int L2DualResidualFieldNumber = 8;
2410 private readonly static double L2DualResidualDefaultValue = 0D;
2412 private double l2DualResidual_;
2416 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2417 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2418 public double L2DualResidual {
2419 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 128) != 0) { return l2DualResidual_; } else { return L2DualResidualDefaultValue; } }
2420 set {
2421 _hasBits0 |= 128;
2422 l2DualResidual_ = value;
2423 }
2424 }
2426 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2427 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2428 public bool HasL2DualResidual {
2429 get { return (_hasBits0 & 128) != 0; }
2430 }
2432 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2433 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2434 public void ClearL2DualResidual() {
2435 _hasBits0 &= ~128;
2436 }
2440 private readonly static double LInfComponentwiseDualResidualDefaultValue = 0D;
2442 private double lInfComponentwiseDualResidual_;
2449 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2450 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2452 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 8192) != 0) { return lInfComponentwiseDualResidual_; } else { return LInfComponentwiseDualResidualDefaultValue; } }
2453 set {
2454 _hasBits0 |= 8192;
2455 lInfComponentwiseDualResidual_ = value;
2456 }
2457 }
2459 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2460 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2462 get { return (_hasBits0 & 8192) != 0; }
2463 }
2465 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2466 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2468 _hasBits0 &= ~8192;
2469 }
2472 public const int LInfPrimalVariableFieldNumber = 14;
2473 private readonly static double LInfPrimalVariableDefaultValue = 0D;
2475 private double lInfPrimalVariable_;
2482 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2483 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2484 public double LInfPrimalVariable {
2485 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 256) != 0) { return lInfPrimalVariable_; } else { return LInfPrimalVariableDefaultValue; } }
2486 set {
2487 _hasBits0 |= 256;
2488 lInfPrimalVariable_ = value;
2489 }
2490 }
2492 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2493 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2495 get { return (_hasBits0 & 256) != 0; }
2496 }
2498 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2499 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2501 _hasBits0 &= ~256;
2502 }
2505 public const int L2PrimalVariableFieldNumber = 15;
2506 private readonly static double L2PrimalVariableDefaultValue = 0D;
2508 private double l2PrimalVariable_;
2512 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2513 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2514 public double L2PrimalVariable {
2515 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 512) != 0) { return l2PrimalVariable_; } else { return L2PrimalVariableDefaultValue; } }
2516 set {
2517 _hasBits0 |= 512;
2518 l2PrimalVariable_ = value;
2519 }
2520 }
2522 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2523 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2525 get { return (_hasBits0 & 512) != 0; }
2526 }
2528 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2529 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2531 _hasBits0 &= ~512;
2532 }
2535 public const int LInfDualVariableFieldNumber = 16;
2536 private readonly static double LInfDualVariableDefaultValue = 0D;
2538 private double lInfDualVariable_;
2545 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2546 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2547 public double LInfDualVariable {
2548 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 1024) != 0) { return lInfDualVariable_; } else { return LInfDualVariableDefaultValue; } }
2549 set {
2550 _hasBits0 |= 1024;
2551 lInfDualVariable_ = value;
2552 }
2553 }
2555 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2556 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2558 get { return (_hasBits0 & 1024) != 0; }
2559 }
2561 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2562 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2564 _hasBits0 &= ~1024;
2565 }
2568 public const int L2DualVariableFieldNumber = 17;
2569 private readonly static double L2DualVariableDefaultValue = 0D;
2571 private double l2DualVariable_;
2575 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2576 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2577 public double L2DualVariable {
2578 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 2048) != 0) { return l2DualVariable_; } else { return L2DualVariableDefaultValue; } }
2579 set {
2580 _hasBits0 |= 2048;
2581 l2DualVariable_ = value;
2582 }
2583 }
2585 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2586 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2587 public bool HasL2DualVariable {
2588 get { return (_hasBits0 & 2048) != 0; }
2589 }
2591 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2592 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2593 public void ClearL2DualVariable() {
2594 _hasBits0 &= ~2048;
2595 }
2597 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2598 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2599 public override bool Equals(object other) {
2600 return Equals(other as ConvergenceInformation);
2601 }
2603 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2604 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2605 public bool Equals(ConvergenceInformation other) {
2606 if (ReferenceEquals(other, null)) {
2607 return false;
2608 }
2609 if (ReferenceEquals(other, this)) {
2610 return true;
2611 }
2612 if (CandidateType != other.CandidateType) return false;
2613 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(PrimalObjective, other.PrimalObjective)) return false;
2614 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(DualObjective, other.DualObjective)) return false;
2615 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(CorrectedDualObjective, other.CorrectedDualObjective)) return false;
2616 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(LInfPrimalResidual, other.LInfPrimalResidual)) return false;
2617 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(L2PrimalResidual, other.L2PrimalResidual)) return false;
2618 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(LInfComponentwisePrimalResidual, other.LInfComponentwisePrimalResidual)) return false;
2619 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(LInfDualResidual, other.LInfDualResidual)) return false;
2620 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(L2DualResidual, other.L2DualResidual)) return false;
2621 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(LInfComponentwiseDualResidual, other.LInfComponentwiseDualResidual)) return false;
2622 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(LInfPrimalVariable, other.LInfPrimalVariable)) return false;
2623 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(L2PrimalVariable, other.L2PrimalVariable)) return false;
2624 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(LInfDualVariable, other.LInfDualVariable)) return false;
2625 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(L2DualVariable, other.L2DualVariable)) return false;
2626 return Equals(_unknownFields, other._unknownFields);
2627 }
2629 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2630 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2631 public override int GetHashCode() {
2632 int hash = 1;
2633 if (HasCandidateType) hash ^= CandidateType.GetHashCode();
2634 if (HasPrimalObjective) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(PrimalObjective);
2635 if (HasDualObjective) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(DualObjective);
2636 if (HasCorrectedDualObjective) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(CorrectedDualObjective);
2637 if (HasLInfPrimalResidual) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(LInfPrimalResidual);
2638 if (HasL2PrimalResidual) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(L2PrimalResidual);
2639 if (HasLInfComponentwisePrimalResidual) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(LInfComponentwisePrimalResidual);
2640 if (HasLInfDualResidual) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(LInfDualResidual);
2641 if (HasL2DualResidual) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(L2DualResidual);
2642 if (HasLInfComponentwiseDualResidual) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(LInfComponentwiseDualResidual);
2643 if (HasLInfPrimalVariable) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(LInfPrimalVariable);
2644 if (HasL2PrimalVariable) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(L2PrimalVariable);
2645 if (HasLInfDualVariable) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(LInfDualVariable);
2646 if (HasL2DualVariable) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(L2DualVariable);
2647 if (_unknownFields != null) {
2648 hash ^= _unknownFields.GetHashCode();
2649 }
2650 return hash;
2651 }
2653 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2654 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2655 public override string ToString() {
2656 return pb::JsonFormatter.ToDiagnosticString(this);
2657 }
2659 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2660 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2661 public void WriteTo(pb::CodedOutputStream output) {
2663 output.WriteRawMessage(this);
2664 #else
2665 if (HasCandidateType) {
2666 output.WriteRawTag(8);
2667 output.WriteEnum((int) CandidateType);
2668 }
2669 if (HasPrimalObjective) {
2670 output.WriteRawTag(17);
2671 output.WriteDouble(PrimalObjective);
2672 }
2673 if (HasDualObjective) {
2674 output.WriteRawTag(25);
2675 output.WriteDouble(DualObjective);
2676 }
2678 output.WriteRawTag(33);
2679 output.WriteDouble(CorrectedDualObjective);
2680 }
2682 output.WriteRawTag(41);
2683 output.WriteDouble(LInfPrimalResidual);
2684 }
2685 if (HasL2PrimalResidual) {
2686 output.WriteRawTag(49);
2687 output.WriteDouble(L2PrimalResidual);
2688 }
2689 if (HasLInfDualResidual) {
2690 output.WriteRawTag(57);
2691 output.WriteDouble(LInfDualResidual);
2692 }
2693 if (HasL2DualResidual) {
2694 output.WriteRawTag(65);
2695 output.WriteDouble(L2DualResidual);
2696 }
2698 output.WriteRawTag(113);
2699 output.WriteDouble(LInfPrimalVariable);
2700 }
2701 if (HasL2PrimalVariable) {
2702 output.WriteRawTag(121);
2703 output.WriteDouble(L2PrimalVariable);
2704 }
2705 if (HasLInfDualVariable) {
2706 output.WriteRawTag(129, 1);
2707 output.WriteDouble(LInfDualVariable);
2708 }
2709 if (HasL2DualVariable) {
2710 output.WriteRawTag(137, 1);
2711 output.WriteDouble(L2DualVariable);
2712 }
2714 output.WriteRawTag(193, 1);
2715 output.WriteDouble(LInfComponentwisePrimalResidual);
2716 }
2718 output.WriteRawTag(201, 1);
2719 output.WriteDouble(LInfComponentwiseDualResidual);
2720 }
2721 if (_unknownFields != null) {
2722 _unknownFields.WriteTo(output);
2723 }
2724 #endif
2725 }
2728 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2729 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2730 void pb::IBufferMessage.InternalWriteTo(ref pb::WriteContext output) {
2731 if (HasCandidateType) {
2732 output.WriteRawTag(8);
2733 output.WriteEnum((int) CandidateType);
2734 }
2735 if (HasPrimalObjective) {
2736 output.WriteRawTag(17);
2737 output.WriteDouble(PrimalObjective);
2738 }
2739 if (HasDualObjective) {
2740 output.WriteRawTag(25);
2741 output.WriteDouble(DualObjective);
2742 }
2743 if (HasCorrectedDualObjective) {
2744 output.WriteRawTag(33);
2745 output.WriteDouble(CorrectedDualObjective);
2746 }
2747 if (HasLInfPrimalResidual) {
2748 output.WriteRawTag(41);
2749 output.WriteDouble(LInfPrimalResidual);
2750 }
2751 if (HasL2PrimalResidual) {
2752 output.WriteRawTag(49);
2753 output.WriteDouble(L2PrimalResidual);
2754 }
2755 if (HasLInfDualResidual) {
2756 output.WriteRawTag(57);
2757 output.WriteDouble(LInfDualResidual);
2758 }
2759 if (HasL2DualResidual) {
2760 output.WriteRawTag(65);
2761 output.WriteDouble(L2DualResidual);
2762 }
2763 if (HasLInfPrimalVariable) {
2764 output.WriteRawTag(113);
2765 output.WriteDouble(LInfPrimalVariable);
2766 }
2767 if (HasL2PrimalVariable) {
2768 output.WriteRawTag(121);
2769 output.WriteDouble(L2PrimalVariable);
2770 }
2771 if (HasLInfDualVariable) {
2772 output.WriteRawTag(129, 1);
2773 output.WriteDouble(LInfDualVariable);
2774 }
2775 if (HasL2DualVariable) {
2776 output.WriteRawTag(137, 1);
2777 output.WriteDouble(L2DualVariable);
2778 }
2779 if (HasLInfComponentwisePrimalResidual) {
2780 output.WriteRawTag(193, 1);
2781 output.WriteDouble(LInfComponentwisePrimalResidual);
2782 }
2783 if (HasLInfComponentwiseDualResidual) {
2784 output.WriteRawTag(201, 1);
2785 output.WriteDouble(LInfComponentwiseDualResidual);
2786 }
2787 if (_unknownFields != null) {
2788 _unknownFields.WriteTo(ref output);
2789 }
2790 }
2791 #endif
2793 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2794 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2795 public int CalculateSize() {
2796 int size = 0;
2797 if (HasCandidateType) {
2798 size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeEnumSize((int) CandidateType);
2799 }
2800 if (HasPrimalObjective) {
2801 size += 1 + 8;
2802 }
2803 if (HasDualObjective) {
2804 size += 1 + 8;
2805 }
2807 size += 1 + 8;
2808 }
2810 size += 1 + 8;
2811 }
2812 if (HasL2PrimalResidual) {
2813 size += 1 + 8;
2814 }
2816 size += 2 + 8;
2817 }
2818 if (HasLInfDualResidual) {
2819 size += 1 + 8;
2820 }
2821 if (HasL2DualResidual) {
2822 size += 1 + 8;
2823 }
2825 size += 2 + 8;
2826 }
2828 size += 1 + 8;
2829 }
2830 if (HasL2PrimalVariable) {
2831 size += 1 + 8;
2832 }
2833 if (HasLInfDualVariable) {
2834 size += 2 + 8;
2835 }
2836 if (HasL2DualVariable) {
2837 size += 2 + 8;
2838 }
2839 if (_unknownFields != null) {
2840 size += _unknownFields.CalculateSize();
2841 }
2842 return size;
2843 }
2845 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2846 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2848 if (other == null) {
2849 return;
2850 }
2851 if (other.HasCandidateType) {
2853 }
2854 if (other.HasPrimalObjective) {
2856 }
2857 if (other.HasDualObjective) {
2859 }
2860 if (other.HasCorrectedDualObjective) {
2862 }
2863 if (other.HasLInfPrimalResidual) {
2865 }
2866 if (other.HasL2PrimalResidual) {
2868 }
2871 }
2872 if (other.HasLInfDualResidual) {
2874 }
2875 if (other.HasL2DualResidual) {
2877 }
2880 }
2881 if (other.HasLInfPrimalVariable) {
2883 }
2884 if (other.HasL2PrimalVariable) {
2886 }
2887 if (other.HasLInfDualVariable) {
2889 }
2890 if (other.HasL2DualVariable) {
2892 }
2893 _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFrom(_unknownFields, other._unknownFields);
2894 }
2896 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2897 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2898 public void MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {
2900 input.ReadRawMessage(this);
2901 #else
2902 uint tag;
2903 while ((tag = input.ReadTag()) != 0) {
2904 if ((tag & 7) == 4) {
2905 // Abort on any end group tag.
2906 return;
2907 }
2908 switch(tag) {
2909 default:
2910 _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFieldFrom(_unknownFields, input);
2911 break;
2912 case 8: {
2913 CandidateType = (global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType) input.ReadEnum();
2914 break;
2915 }
2916 case 17: {
2917 PrimalObjective = input.ReadDouble();
2918 break;
2919 }
2920 case 25: {
2921 DualObjective = input.ReadDouble();
2922 break;
2923 }
2924 case 33: {
2925 CorrectedDualObjective = input.ReadDouble();
2926 break;
2927 }
2928 case 41: {
2929 LInfPrimalResidual = input.ReadDouble();
2930 break;
2931 }
2932 case 49: {
2933 L2PrimalResidual = input.ReadDouble();
2934 break;
2935 }
2936 case 57: {
2937 LInfDualResidual = input.ReadDouble();
2938 break;
2939 }
2940 case 65: {
2941 L2DualResidual = input.ReadDouble();
2942 break;
2943 }
2944 case 113: {
2945 LInfPrimalVariable = input.ReadDouble();
2946 break;
2947 }
2948 case 121: {
2949 L2PrimalVariable = input.ReadDouble();
2950 break;
2951 }
2952 case 129: {
2953 LInfDualVariable = input.ReadDouble();
2954 break;
2955 }
2956 case 137: {
2957 L2DualVariable = input.ReadDouble();
2958 break;
2959 }
2960 case 193: {
2961 LInfComponentwisePrimalResidual = input.ReadDouble();
2962 break;
2963 }
2964 case 201: {
2965 LInfComponentwiseDualResidual = input.ReadDouble();
2966 break;
2967 }
2968 }
2969 }
2970 #endif
2971 }
2974 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
2975 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
2976 void pb::IBufferMessage.InternalMergeFrom(ref pb::ParseContext input) {
2977 uint tag;
2978 while ((tag = input.ReadTag()) != 0) {
2979 if ((tag & 7) == 4) {
2980 // Abort on any end group tag.
2981 return;
2982 }
2983 switch(tag) {
2984 default:
2985 _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFieldFrom(_unknownFields, ref input);
2986 break;
2987 case 8: {
2988 CandidateType = (global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType) input.ReadEnum();
2989 break;
2990 }
2991 case 17: {
2992 PrimalObjective = input.ReadDouble();
2993 break;
2994 }
2995 case 25: {
2996 DualObjective = input.ReadDouble();
2997 break;
2998 }
2999 case 33: {
3000 CorrectedDualObjective = input.ReadDouble();
3001 break;
3002 }
3003 case 41: {
3004 LInfPrimalResidual = input.ReadDouble();
3005 break;
3006 }
3007 case 49: {
3008 L2PrimalResidual = input.ReadDouble();
3009 break;
3010 }
3011 case 57: {
3012 LInfDualResidual = input.ReadDouble();
3013 break;
3014 }
3015 case 65: {
3016 L2DualResidual = input.ReadDouble();
3017 break;
3018 }
3019 case 113: {
3020 LInfPrimalVariable = input.ReadDouble();
3021 break;
3022 }
3023 case 121: {
3024 L2PrimalVariable = input.ReadDouble();
3025 break;
3026 }
3027 case 129: {
3028 LInfDualVariable = input.ReadDouble();
3029 break;
3030 }
3031 case 137: {
3032 L2DualVariable = input.ReadDouble();
3033 break;
3034 }
3035 case 193: {
3036 LInfComponentwisePrimalResidual = input.ReadDouble();
3037 break;
3038 }
3039 case 201: {
3040 LInfComponentwiseDualResidual = input.ReadDouble();
3041 break;
3042 }
3043 }
3044 }
3045 }
3046 #endif
3048 }
3054 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerDisplayAttribute("{ToString(),nq}")]
3055 public sealed partial class InfeasibilityInformation : pb::IMessage<InfeasibilityInformation>
3057 , pb::IBufferMessage
3058 #endif
3059 {
3060 private static readonly pb::MessageParser<InfeasibilityInformation> _parser = new pb::MessageParser<InfeasibilityInformation>(() => new InfeasibilityInformation());
3061 private pb::UnknownFieldSet _unknownFields;
3062 private int _hasBits0;
3063 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3064 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3065 public static pb::MessageParser<InfeasibilityInformation> Parser { get { return _parser; } }
3067 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3068 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3069 public static pbr::MessageDescriptor Descriptor {
3070 get { return global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.SolveLogReflection.Descriptor.MessageTypes[2]; }
3071 }
3073 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3074 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3075 pbr::MessageDescriptor pb::IMessage.Descriptor {
3076 get { return Descriptor; }
3077 }
3079 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3080 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3082 OnConstruction();
3083 }
3085 partial void OnConstruction();
3087 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3088 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3090 _hasBits0 = other._hasBits0;
3091 maxPrimalRayInfeasibility_ = other.maxPrimalRayInfeasibility_;
3092 primalRayLinearObjective_ = other.primalRayLinearObjective_;
3093 primalRayQuadraticNorm_ = other.primalRayQuadraticNorm_;
3094 maxDualRayInfeasibility_ = other.maxDualRayInfeasibility_;
3095 dualRayObjective_ = other.dualRayObjective_;
3096 candidateType_ = other.candidateType_;
3097 _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.Clone(other._unknownFields);
3098 }
3100 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3101 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3103 return new InfeasibilityInformation(this);
3104 }
3108 private readonly static double MaxPrimalRayInfeasibilityDefaultValue = 0D;
3110 private double maxPrimalRayInfeasibility_;
3121 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3122 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3124 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 1) != 0) { return maxPrimalRayInfeasibility_; } else { return MaxPrimalRayInfeasibilityDefaultValue; } }
3125 set {
3126 _hasBits0 |= 1;
3127 maxPrimalRayInfeasibility_ = value;
3128 }
3129 }
3131 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3132 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3134 get { return (_hasBits0 & 1) != 0; }
3135 }
3137 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3138 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3140 _hasBits0 &= ~1;
3141 }
3145 private readonly static double PrimalRayLinearObjectiveDefaultValue = 0D;
3147 private double primalRayLinearObjective_;
3153 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3154 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3156 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 2) != 0) { return primalRayLinearObjective_; } else { return PrimalRayLinearObjectiveDefaultValue; } }
3157 set {
3158 _hasBits0 |= 2;
3159 primalRayLinearObjective_ = value;
3160 }
3161 }
3163 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3164 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3166 get { return (_hasBits0 & 2) != 0; }
3167 }
3169 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3170 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3172 _hasBits0 &= ~2;
3173 }
3177 private readonly static double PrimalRayQuadraticNormDefaultValue = 0D;
3179 private double primalRayQuadraticNorm_;
3185 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3186 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3188 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 4) != 0) { return primalRayQuadraticNorm_; } else { return PrimalRayQuadraticNormDefaultValue; } }
3189 set {
3190 _hasBits0 |= 4;
3191 primalRayQuadraticNorm_ = value;
3192 }
3193 }
3195 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3196 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3198 get { return (_hasBits0 & 4) != 0; }
3199 }
3201 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3202 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3204 _hasBits0 &= ~4;
3205 }
3209 private readonly static double MaxDualRayInfeasibilityDefaultValue = 0D;
3211 private double maxDualRayInfeasibility_;
3224 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3225 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3227 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 8) != 0) { return maxDualRayInfeasibility_; } else { return MaxDualRayInfeasibilityDefaultValue; } }
3228 set {
3229 _hasBits0 |= 8;
3230 maxDualRayInfeasibility_ = value;
3231 }
3232 }
3234 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3235 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3237 get { return (_hasBits0 & 8) != 0; }
3238 }
3240 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3241 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3243 _hasBits0 &= ~8;
3244 }
3247 public const int DualRayObjectiveFieldNumber = 5;
3248 private readonly static double DualRayObjectiveDefaultValue = 0D;
3250 private double dualRayObjective_;
3254 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3255 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3256 public double DualRayObjective {
3257 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 16) != 0) { return dualRayObjective_; } else { return DualRayObjectiveDefaultValue; } }
3258 set {
3259 _hasBits0 |= 16;
3260 dualRayObjective_ = value;
3261 }
3262 }
3264 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3265 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3267 get { return (_hasBits0 & 16) != 0; }
3268 }
3270 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3271 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3273 _hasBits0 &= ~16;
3274 }
3277 public const int CandidateTypeFieldNumber = 6;
3278 private readonly static global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType CandidateTypeDefaultValue = global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType.Unspecified;
3280 private global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType candidateType_;
3284 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3285 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3286 public global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType CandidateType {
3287 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 32) != 0) { return candidateType_; } else { return CandidateTypeDefaultValue; } }
3288 set {
3289 _hasBits0 |= 32;
3290 candidateType_ = value;
3291 }
3292 }
3294 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3295 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3296 public bool HasCandidateType {
3297 get { return (_hasBits0 & 32) != 0; }
3298 }
3300 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3301 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3302 public void ClearCandidateType() {
3303 _hasBits0 &= ~32;
3304 }
3306 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3307 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3308 public override bool Equals(object other) {
3309 return Equals(other as InfeasibilityInformation);
3310 }
3312 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3313 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3315 if (ReferenceEquals(other, null)) {
3316 return false;
3317 }
3318 if (ReferenceEquals(other, this)) {
3319 return true;
3320 }
3321 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(MaxPrimalRayInfeasibility, other.MaxPrimalRayInfeasibility)) return false;
3322 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(PrimalRayLinearObjective, other.PrimalRayLinearObjective)) return false;
3323 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(PrimalRayQuadraticNorm, other.PrimalRayQuadraticNorm)) return false;
3324 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(MaxDualRayInfeasibility, other.MaxDualRayInfeasibility)) return false;
3325 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(DualRayObjective, other.DualRayObjective)) return false;
3326 if (CandidateType != other.CandidateType) return false;
3327 return Equals(_unknownFields, other._unknownFields);
3328 }
3330 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3331 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3332 public override int GetHashCode() {
3333 int hash = 1;
3334 if (HasMaxPrimalRayInfeasibility) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(MaxPrimalRayInfeasibility);
3335 if (HasPrimalRayLinearObjective) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(PrimalRayLinearObjective);
3336 if (HasPrimalRayQuadraticNorm) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(PrimalRayQuadraticNorm);
3337 if (HasMaxDualRayInfeasibility) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(MaxDualRayInfeasibility);
3338 if (HasDualRayObjective) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(DualRayObjective);
3339 if (HasCandidateType) hash ^= CandidateType.GetHashCode();
3340 if (_unknownFields != null) {
3341 hash ^= _unknownFields.GetHashCode();
3342 }
3343 return hash;
3344 }
3346 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3347 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3348 public override string ToString() {
3349 return pb::JsonFormatter.ToDiagnosticString(this);
3350 }
3352 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3353 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3354 public void WriteTo(pb::CodedOutputStream output) {
3356 output.WriteRawMessage(this);
3357 #else
3359 output.WriteRawTag(9);
3360 output.WriteDouble(MaxPrimalRayInfeasibility);
3361 }
3363 output.WriteRawTag(17);
3364 output.WriteDouble(PrimalRayLinearObjective);
3365 }
3367 output.WriteRawTag(25);
3368 output.WriteDouble(PrimalRayQuadraticNorm);
3369 }
3371 output.WriteRawTag(33);
3372 output.WriteDouble(MaxDualRayInfeasibility);
3373 }
3374 if (HasDualRayObjective) {
3375 output.WriteRawTag(41);
3376 output.WriteDouble(DualRayObjective);
3377 }
3378 if (HasCandidateType) {
3379 output.WriteRawTag(48);
3380 output.WriteEnum((int) CandidateType);
3381 }
3382 if (_unknownFields != null) {
3383 _unknownFields.WriteTo(output);
3384 }
3385 #endif
3386 }
3389 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3390 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3391 void pb::IBufferMessage.InternalWriteTo(ref pb::WriteContext output) {
3392 if (HasMaxPrimalRayInfeasibility) {
3393 output.WriteRawTag(9);
3394 output.WriteDouble(MaxPrimalRayInfeasibility);
3395 }
3396 if (HasPrimalRayLinearObjective) {
3397 output.WriteRawTag(17);
3398 output.WriteDouble(PrimalRayLinearObjective);
3399 }
3400 if (HasPrimalRayQuadraticNorm) {
3401 output.WriteRawTag(25);
3402 output.WriteDouble(PrimalRayQuadraticNorm);
3403 }
3404 if (HasMaxDualRayInfeasibility) {
3405 output.WriteRawTag(33);
3406 output.WriteDouble(MaxDualRayInfeasibility);
3407 }
3408 if (HasDualRayObjective) {
3409 output.WriteRawTag(41);
3410 output.WriteDouble(DualRayObjective);
3411 }
3412 if (HasCandidateType) {
3413 output.WriteRawTag(48);
3414 output.WriteEnum((int) CandidateType);
3415 }
3416 if (_unknownFields != null) {
3417 _unknownFields.WriteTo(ref output);
3418 }
3419 }
3420 #endif
3422 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3423 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3424 public int CalculateSize() {
3425 int size = 0;
3427 size += 1 + 8;
3428 }
3430 size += 1 + 8;
3431 }
3433 size += 1 + 8;
3434 }
3436 size += 1 + 8;
3437 }
3438 if (HasDualRayObjective) {
3439 size += 1 + 8;
3440 }
3441 if (HasCandidateType) {
3442 size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeEnumSize((int) CandidateType);
3443 }
3444 if (_unknownFields != null) {
3445 size += _unknownFields.CalculateSize();
3446 }
3447 return size;
3448 }
3450 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3451 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3453 if (other == null) {
3454 return;
3455 }
3456 if (other.HasMaxPrimalRayInfeasibility) {
3458 }
3459 if (other.HasPrimalRayLinearObjective) {
3461 }
3462 if (other.HasPrimalRayQuadraticNorm) {
3464 }
3465 if (other.HasMaxDualRayInfeasibility) {
3467 }
3468 if (other.HasDualRayObjective) {
3470 }
3471 if (other.HasCandidateType) {
3473 }
3474 _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFrom(_unknownFields, other._unknownFields);
3475 }
3477 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3478 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3479 public void MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {
3481 input.ReadRawMessage(this);
3482 #else
3483 uint tag;
3484 while ((tag = input.ReadTag()) != 0) {
3485 if ((tag & 7) == 4) {
3486 // Abort on any end group tag.
3487 return;
3488 }
3489 switch(tag) {
3490 default:
3491 _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFieldFrom(_unknownFields, input);
3492 break;
3493 case 9: {
3494 MaxPrimalRayInfeasibility = input.ReadDouble();
3495 break;
3496 }
3497 case 17: {
3498 PrimalRayLinearObjective = input.ReadDouble();
3499 break;
3500 }
3501 case 25: {
3502 PrimalRayQuadraticNorm = input.ReadDouble();
3503 break;
3504 }
3505 case 33: {
3506 MaxDualRayInfeasibility = input.ReadDouble();
3507 break;
3508 }
3509 case 41: {
3510 DualRayObjective = input.ReadDouble();
3511 break;
3512 }
3513 case 48: {
3514 CandidateType = (global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType) input.ReadEnum();
3515 break;
3516 }
3517 }
3518 }
3519 #endif
3520 }
3523 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3524 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3525 void pb::IBufferMessage.InternalMergeFrom(ref pb::ParseContext input) {
3526 uint tag;
3527 while ((tag = input.ReadTag()) != 0) {
3528 if ((tag & 7) == 4) {
3529 // Abort on any end group tag.
3530 return;
3531 }
3532 switch(tag) {
3533 default:
3534 _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFieldFrom(_unknownFields, ref input);
3535 break;
3536 case 9: {
3537 MaxPrimalRayInfeasibility = input.ReadDouble();
3538 break;
3539 }
3540 case 17: {
3541 PrimalRayLinearObjective = input.ReadDouble();
3542 break;
3543 }
3544 case 25: {
3545 PrimalRayQuadraticNorm = input.ReadDouble();
3546 break;
3547 }
3548 case 33: {
3549 MaxDualRayInfeasibility = input.ReadDouble();
3550 break;
3551 }
3552 case 41: {
3553 DualRayObjective = input.ReadDouble();
3554 break;
3555 }
3556 case 48: {
3557 CandidateType = (global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType) input.ReadEnum();
3558 break;
3559 }
3560 }
3561 }
3562 }
3563 #endif
3565 }
3567 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerDisplayAttribute("{ToString(),nq}")]
3568 public sealed partial class PointMetadata : pb::IMessage<PointMetadata>
3570 , pb::IBufferMessage
3571 #endif
3572 {
3573 private static readonly pb::MessageParser<PointMetadata> _parser = new pb::MessageParser<PointMetadata>(() => new PointMetadata());
3574 private pb::UnknownFieldSet _unknownFields;
3575 private int _hasBits0;
3576 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3577 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3578 public static pb::MessageParser<PointMetadata> Parser { get { return _parser; } }
3580 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3581 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3582 public static pbr::MessageDescriptor Descriptor {
3583 get { return global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.SolveLogReflection.Descriptor.MessageTypes[3]; }
3584 }
3586 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3587 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3588 pbr::MessageDescriptor pb::IMessage.Descriptor {
3589 get { return Descriptor; }
3590 }
3592 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3593 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3594 public PointMetadata() {
3595 OnConstruction();
3596 }
3598 partial void OnConstruction();
3600 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3601 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3602 public PointMetadata(PointMetadata other) : this() {
3603 _hasBits0 = other._hasBits0;
3604 pointType_ = other.pointType_;
3605 randomPrimalProjections_ = other.randomPrimalProjections_.Clone();
3606 randomDualProjections_ = other.randomDualProjections_.Clone();
3607 activePrimalVariableCount_ = other.activePrimalVariableCount_;
3608 activeDualVariableCount_ = other.activeDualVariableCount_;
3609 activePrimalVariableChange_ = other.activePrimalVariableChange_;
3610 activeDualVariableChange_ = other.activeDualVariableChange_;
3611 _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.Clone(other._unknownFields);
3612 }
3614 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3615 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3617 return new PointMetadata(this);
3618 }
3621 public const int PointTypeFieldNumber = 1;
3622 private readonly static global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType PointTypeDefaultValue = global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType.Unspecified;
3624 private global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType pointType_;
3628 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3629 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3630 public global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType PointType {
3631 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 1) != 0) { return pointType_; } else { return PointTypeDefaultValue; } }
3632 set {
3633 _hasBits0 |= 1;
3634 pointType_ = value;
3635 }
3636 }
3638 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3639 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3640 public bool HasPointType {
3641 get { return (_hasBits0 & 1) != 0; }
3642 }
3644 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3645 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3646 public void ClearPointType() {
3647 _hasBits0 &= ~1;
3648 }
3652 private static readonly pb::FieldCodec<double> _repeated_randomPrimalProjections_codec
3653 = pb::FieldCodec.ForDouble(18);
3654 private readonly pbc::RepeatedField<double> randomPrimalProjections_ = new pbc::RepeatedField<double>();
3658 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3659 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3660 public pbc::RepeatedField<double> RandomPrimalProjections {
3661 get { return randomPrimalProjections_; }
3662 }
3666 private static readonly pb::FieldCodec<double> _repeated_randomDualProjections_codec
3667 = pb::FieldCodec.ForDouble(26);
3668 private readonly pbc::RepeatedField<double> randomDualProjections_ = new pbc::RepeatedField<double>();
3672 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3673 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3674 public pbc::RepeatedField<double> RandomDualProjections {
3675 get { return randomDualProjections_; }
3676 }
3680 private readonly static long ActivePrimalVariableCountDefaultValue = 0L;
3682 private long activePrimalVariableCount_;
3686 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3687 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3689 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 2) != 0) { return activePrimalVariableCount_; } else { return ActivePrimalVariableCountDefaultValue; } }
3690 set {
3691 _hasBits0 |= 2;
3692 activePrimalVariableCount_ = value;
3693 }
3694 }
3696 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3697 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3699 get { return (_hasBits0 & 2) != 0; }
3700 }
3702 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3703 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3705 _hasBits0 &= ~2;
3706 }
3710 private readonly static long ActiveDualVariableCountDefaultValue = 0L;
3712 private long activeDualVariableCount_;
3716 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3717 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3719 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 4) != 0) { return activeDualVariableCount_; } else { return ActiveDualVariableCountDefaultValue; } }
3720 set {
3721 _hasBits0 |= 4;
3722 activeDualVariableCount_ = value;
3723 }
3724 }
3726 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3727 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3729 get { return (_hasBits0 & 4) != 0; }
3730 }
3732 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3733 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3735 _hasBits0 &= ~4;
3736 }
3740 private readonly static long ActivePrimalVariableChangeDefaultValue = 0L;
3742 private long activePrimalVariableChange_;
3747 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3748 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3750 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 8) != 0) { return activePrimalVariableChange_; } else { return ActivePrimalVariableChangeDefaultValue; } }
3751 set {
3752 _hasBits0 |= 8;
3753 activePrimalVariableChange_ = value;
3754 }
3755 }
3757 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3758 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3760 get { return (_hasBits0 & 8) != 0; }
3761 }
3763 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3764 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3766 _hasBits0 &= ~8;
3767 }
3771 private readonly static long ActiveDualVariableChangeDefaultValue = 0L;
3773 private long activeDualVariableChange_;
3778 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3779 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3781 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 16) != 0) { return activeDualVariableChange_; } else { return ActiveDualVariableChangeDefaultValue; } }
3782 set {
3783 _hasBits0 |= 16;
3784 activeDualVariableChange_ = value;
3785 }
3786 }
3788 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3789 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3791 get { return (_hasBits0 & 16) != 0; }
3792 }
3794 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3795 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3797 _hasBits0 &= ~16;
3798 }
3800 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3801 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3802 public override bool Equals(object other) {
3803 return Equals(other as PointMetadata);
3804 }
3806 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3807 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3808 public bool Equals(PointMetadata other) {
3809 if (ReferenceEquals(other, null)) {
3810 return false;
3811 }
3812 if (ReferenceEquals(other, this)) {
3813 return true;
3814 }
3815 if (PointType != other.PointType) return false;
3816 if(!randomPrimalProjections_.Equals(other.randomPrimalProjections_)) return false;
3817 if(!randomDualProjections_.Equals(other.randomDualProjections_)) return false;
3818 if (ActivePrimalVariableCount != other.ActivePrimalVariableCount) return false;
3819 if (ActiveDualVariableCount != other.ActiveDualVariableCount) return false;
3820 if (ActivePrimalVariableChange != other.ActivePrimalVariableChange) return false;
3821 if (ActiveDualVariableChange != other.ActiveDualVariableChange) return false;
3822 return Equals(_unknownFields, other._unknownFields);
3823 }
3825 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3826 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3827 public override int GetHashCode() {
3828 int hash = 1;
3829 if (HasPointType) hash ^= PointType.GetHashCode();
3830 hash ^= randomPrimalProjections_.GetHashCode();
3831 hash ^= randomDualProjections_.GetHashCode();
3833 if (HasActiveDualVariableCount) hash ^= ActiveDualVariableCount.GetHashCode();
3835 if (HasActiveDualVariableChange) hash ^= ActiveDualVariableChange.GetHashCode();
3836 if (_unknownFields != null) {
3837 hash ^= _unknownFields.GetHashCode();
3838 }
3839 return hash;
3840 }
3842 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3843 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3844 public override string ToString() {
3845 return pb::JsonFormatter.ToDiagnosticString(this);
3846 }
3848 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3849 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3850 public void WriteTo(pb::CodedOutputStream output) {
3852 output.WriteRawMessage(this);
3853 #else
3854 if (HasPointType) {
3855 output.WriteRawTag(8);
3856 output.WriteEnum((int) PointType);
3857 }
3858 randomPrimalProjections_.WriteTo(output, _repeated_randomPrimalProjections_codec);
3859 randomDualProjections_.WriteTo(output, _repeated_randomDualProjections_codec);
3861 output.WriteRawTag(32);
3862 output.WriteInt64(ActivePrimalVariableCount);
3863 }
3865 output.WriteRawTag(40);
3866 output.WriteInt64(ActiveDualVariableCount);
3867 }
3869 output.WriteRawTag(48);
3870 output.WriteInt64(ActivePrimalVariableChange);
3871 }
3873 output.WriteRawTag(56);
3874 output.WriteInt64(ActiveDualVariableChange);
3875 }
3876 if (_unknownFields != null) {
3877 _unknownFields.WriteTo(output);
3878 }
3879 #endif
3880 }
3883 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3884 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3885 void pb::IBufferMessage.InternalWriteTo(ref pb::WriteContext output) {
3886 if (HasPointType) {
3887 output.WriteRawTag(8);
3888 output.WriteEnum((int) PointType);
3889 }
3890 randomPrimalProjections_.WriteTo(ref output, _repeated_randomPrimalProjections_codec);
3891 randomDualProjections_.WriteTo(ref output, _repeated_randomDualProjections_codec);
3892 if (HasActivePrimalVariableCount) {
3893 output.WriteRawTag(32);
3894 output.WriteInt64(ActivePrimalVariableCount);
3895 }
3896 if (HasActiveDualVariableCount) {
3897 output.WriteRawTag(40);
3898 output.WriteInt64(ActiveDualVariableCount);
3899 }
3900 if (HasActivePrimalVariableChange) {
3901 output.WriteRawTag(48);
3902 output.WriteInt64(ActivePrimalVariableChange);
3903 }
3904 if (HasActiveDualVariableChange) {
3905 output.WriteRawTag(56);
3906 output.WriteInt64(ActiveDualVariableChange);
3907 }
3908 if (_unknownFields != null) {
3909 _unknownFields.WriteTo(ref output);
3910 }
3911 }
3912 #endif
3914 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3915 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3916 public int CalculateSize() {
3917 int size = 0;
3918 if (HasPointType) {
3919 size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeEnumSize((int) PointType);
3920 }
3921 size += randomPrimalProjections_.CalculateSize(_repeated_randomPrimalProjections_codec);
3922 size += randomDualProjections_.CalculateSize(_repeated_randomDualProjections_codec);
3924 size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64Size(ActivePrimalVariableCount);
3925 }
3927 size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64Size(ActiveDualVariableCount);
3928 }
3930 size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64Size(ActivePrimalVariableChange);
3931 }
3933 size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt64Size(ActiveDualVariableChange);
3934 }
3935 if (_unknownFields != null) {
3936 size += _unknownFields.CalculateSize();
3937 }
3938 return size;
3939 }
3941 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3942 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3943 public void MergeFrom(PointMetadata other) {
3944 if (other == null) {
3945 return;
3946 }
3947 if (other.HasPointType) {
3948 PointType = other.PointType;
3949 }
3950 randomPrimalProjections_.Add(other.randomPrimalProjections_);
3951 randomDualProjections_.Add(other.randomDualProjections_);
3952 if (other.HasActivePrimalVariableCount) {
3954 }
3955 if (other.HasActiveDualVariableCount) {
3957 }
3960 }
3961 if (other.HasActiveDualVariableChange) {
3963 }
3964 _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFrom(_unknownFields, other._unknownFields);
3965 }
3967 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
3968 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
3969 public void MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {
3971 input.ReadRawMessage(this);
3972 #else
3973 uint tag;
3974 while ((tag = input.ReadTag()) != 0) {
3975 if ((tag & 7) == 4) {
3976 // Abort on any end group tag.
3977 return;
3978 }
3979 switch(tag) {
3980 default:
3981 _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFieldFrom(_unknownFields, input);
3982 break;
3983 case 8: {
3984 PointType = (global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType) input.ReadEnum();
3985 break;
3986 }
3987 case 18:
3988 case 17: {
3989 randomPrimalProjections_.AddEntriesFrom(input, _repeated_randomPrimalProjections_codec);
3990 break;
3991 }
3992 case 26:
3993 case 25: {
3994 randomDualProjections_.AddEntriesFrom(input, _repeated_randomDualProjections_codec);
3995 break;
3996 }
3997 case 32: {
3998 ActivePrimalVariableCount = input.ReadInt64();
3999 break;
4000 }
4001 case 40: {
4002 ActiveDualVariableCount = input.ReadInt64();
4003 break;
4004 }
4005 case 48: {
4006 ActivePrimalVariableChange = input.ReadInt64();
4007 break;
4008 }
4009 case 56: {
4010 ActiveDualVariableChange = input.ReadInt64();
4011 break;
4012 }
4013 }
4014 }
4015 #endif
4016 }
4019 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4020 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4021 void pb::IBufferMessage.InternalMergeFrom(ref pb::ParseContext input) {
4022 uint tag;
4023 while ((tag = input.ReadTag()) != 0) {
4024 if ((tag & 7) == 4) {
4025 // Abort on any end group tag.
4026 return;
4027 }
4028 switch(tag) {
4029 default:
4030 _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFieldFrom(_unknownFields, ref input);
4031 break;
4032 case 8: {
4033 PointType = (global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType) input.ReadEnum();
4034 break;
4035 }
4036 case 18:
4037 case 17: {
4038 randomPrimalProjections_.AddEntriesFrom(ref input, _repeated_randomPrimalProjections_codec);
4039 break;
4040 }
4041 case 26:
4042 case 25: {
4043 randomDualProjections_.AddEntriesFrom(ref input, _repeated_randomDualProjections_codec);
4044 break;
4045 }
4046 case 32: {
4047 ActivePrimalVariableCount = input.ReadInt64();
4048 break;
4049 }
4050 case 40: {
4051 ActiveDualVariableCount = input.ReadInt64();
4052 break;
4053 }
4054 case 48: {
4055 ActivePrimalVariableChange = input.ReadInt64();
4056 break;
4057 }
4058 case 56: {
4059 ActiveDualVariableChange = input.ReadInt64();
4060 break;
4061 }
4062 }
4063 }
4064 }
4065 #endif
4067 }
4076 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerDisplayAttribute("{ToString(),nq}")]
4077 public sealed partial class IterationStats : pb::IMessage<IterationStats>
4079 , pb::IBufferMessage
4080 #endif
4081 {
4082 private static readonly pb::MessageParser<IterationStats> _parser = new pb::MessageParser<IterationStats>(() => new IterationStats());
4083 private pb::UnknownFieldSet _unknownFields;
4084 private int _hasBits0;
4085 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4086 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4087 public static pb::MessageParser<IterationStats> Parser { get { return _parser; } }
4089 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4090 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4091 public static pbr::MessageDescriptor Descriptor {
4092 get { return global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.SolveLogReflection.Descriptor.MessageTypes[4]; }
4093 }
4095 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4096 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4097 pbr::MessageDescriptor pb::IMessage.Descriptor {
4098 get { return Descriptor; }
4099 }
4101 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4102 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4104 OnConstruction();
4105 }
4107 partial void OnConstruction();
4109 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4110 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4111 public IterationStats(IterationStats other) : this() {
4112 _hasBits0 = other._hasBits0;
4113 iterationNumber_ = other.iterationNumber_;
4114 convergenceInformation_ = other.convergenceInformation_.Clone();
4115 infeasibilityInformation_ = other.infeasibilityInformation_.Clone();
4116 pointMetadata_ = other.pointMetadata_.Clone();
4117 cumulativeKktMatrixPasses_ = other.cumulativeKktMatrixPasses_;
4118 cumulativeRejectedSteps_ = other.cumulativeRejectedSteps_;
4119 cumulativeTimeSec_ = other.cumulativeTimeSec_;
4120 restartUsed_ = other.restartUsed_;
4121 stepSize_ = other.stepSize_;
4122 primalWeight_ = other.primalWeight_;
4123 _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.Clone(other._unknownFields);
4124 }
4126 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4127 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4129 return new IterationStats(this);
4130 }
4133 public const int IterationNumberFieldNumber = 1;
4134 private readonly static int IterationNumberDefaultValue = 0;
4136 private int iterationNumber_;
4143 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4144 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4145 public int IterationNumber {
4146 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 1) != 0) { return iterationNumber_; } else { return IterationNumberDefaultValue; } }
4147 set {
4148 _hasBits0 |= 1;
4149 iterationNumber_ = value;
4150 }
4151 }
4153 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4154 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4156 get { return (_hasBits0 & 1) != 0; }
4157 }
4159 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4160 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4161 public void ClearIterationNumber() {
4162 _hasBits0 &= ~1;
4163 }
4167 private static readonly pb::FieldCodec<global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.ConvergenceInformation> _repeated_convergenceInformation_codec
4168 = pb::FieldCodec.ForMessage(18, global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.ConvergenceInformation.Parser);
4169 private readonly pbc::RepeatedField<global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.ConvergenceInformation> convergenceInformation_ = new pbc::RepeatedField<global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.ConvergenceInformation>();
4175 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4176 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4177 public pbc::RepeatedField<global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.ConvergenceInformation> ConvergenceInformation {
4178 get { return convergenceInformation_; }
4179 }
4183 private static readonly pb::FieldCodec<global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation> _repeated_infeasibilityInformation_codec
4184 = pb::FieldCodec.ForMessage(26, global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation.Parser);
4185 private readonly pbc::RepeatedField<global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation> infeasibilityInformation_ = new pbc::RepeatedField<global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation>();
4191 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4192 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4193 public pbc::RepeatedField<global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation> InfeasibilityInformation {
4194 get { return infeasibilityInformation_; }
4195 }
4198 public const int PointMetadataFieldNumber = 11;
4199 private static readonly pb::FieldCodec<global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointMetadata> _repeated_pointMetadata_codec
4200 = pb::FieldCodec.ForMessage(90, global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointMetadata.Parser);
4201 private readonly pbc::RepeatedField<global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointMetadata> pointMetadata_ = new pbc::RepeatedField<global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointMetadata>();
4205 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4206 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4207 public pbc::RepeatedField<global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointMetadata> PointMetadata {
4208 get { return pointMetadata_; }
4209 }
4213 private readonly static double CumulativeKktMatrixPassesDefaultValue = 0D;
4215 private double cumulativeKktMatrixPasses_;
4227 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4228 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4229 public double CumulativeKktMatrixPasses {
4230 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 2) != 0) { return cumulativeKktMatrixPasses_; } else { return CumulativeKktMatrixPassesDefaultValue; } }
4231 set {
4232 _hasBits0 |= 2;
4233 cumulativeKktMatrixPasses_ = value;
4234 }
4235 }
4237 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4238 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4239 public bool HasCumulativeKktMatrixPasses {
4240 get { return (_hasBits0 & 2) != 0; }
4241 }
4243 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4244 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4245 public void ClearCumulativeKktMatrixPasses() {
4246 _hasBits0 &= ~2;
4247 }
4250 public const int CumulativeRejectedStepsFieldNumber = 5;
4251 private readonly static int CumulativeRejectedStepsDefaultValue = 0;
4253 private int cumulativeRejectedSteps_;
4258 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4259 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4260 public int CumulativeRejectedSteps {
4261 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 4) != 0) { return cumulativeRejectedSteps_; } else { return CumulativeRejectedStepsDefaultValue; } }
4262 set {
4263 _hasBits0 |= 4;
4264 cumulativeRejectedSteps_ = value;
4265 }
4266 }
4268 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4269 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4270 public bool HasCumulativeRejectedSteps {
4271 get { return (_hasBits0 & 4) != 0; }
4272 }
4274 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4275 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4276 public void ClearCumulativeRejectedSteps() {
4277 _hasBits0 &= ~4;
4278 }
4281 public const int CumulativeTimeSecFieldNumber = 6;
4282 private readonly static double CumulativeTimeSecDefaultValue = 0D;
4284 private double cumulativeTimeSec_;
4289 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4290 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4291 public double CumulativeTimeSec {
4292 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 8) != 0) { return cumulativeTimeSec_; } else { return CumulativeTimeSecDefaultValue; } }
4293 set {
4294 _hasBits0 |= 8;
4295 cumulativeTimeSec_ = value;
4296 }
4297 }
4299 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4300 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4301 public bool HasCumulativeTimeSec {
4302 get { return (_hasBits0 & 8) != 0; }
4303 }
4305 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4306 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4307 public void ClearCumulativeTimeSec() {
4308 _hasBits0 &= ~8;
4309 }
4312 public const int RestartUsedFieldNumber = 7;
4313 private readonly static global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.RestartChoice RestartUsedDefaultValue = global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.RestartChoice.Unspecified;
4315 private global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.RestartChoice restartUsed_;
4320 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4321 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4322 public global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.RestartChoice RestartUsed {
4323 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 16) != 0) { return restartUsed_; } else { return RestartUsedDefaultValue; } }
4324 set {
4325 _hasBits0 |= 16;
4326 restartUsed_ = value;
4327 }
4328 }
4330 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4331 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4332 public bool HasRestartUsed {
4333 get { return (_hasBits0 & 16) != 0; }
4334 }
4336 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4337 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4338 public void ClearRestartUsed() {
4339 _hasBits0 &= ~16;
4340 }
4343 public const int StepSizeFieldNumber = 8;
4344 private readonly static double StepSizeDefaultValue = 0D;
4346 private double stepSize_;
4352 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4353 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4354 public double StepSize {
4355 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 32) != 0) { return stepSize_; } else { return StepSizeDefaultValue; } }
4356 set {
4357 _hasBits0 |= 32;
4358 stepSize_ = value;
4359 }
4360 }
4362 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4363 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4364 public bool HasStepSize {
4365 get { return (_hasBits0 & 32) != 0; }
4366 }
4368 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4369 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4370 public void ClearStepSize() {
4371 _hasBits0 &= ~32;
4372 }
4375 public const int PrimalWeightFieldNumber = 9;
4376 private readonly static double PrimalWeightDefaultValue = 0D;
4378 private double primalWeight_;
4383 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4384 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4385 public double PrimalWeight {
4386 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 64) != 0) { return primalWeight_; } else { return PrimalWeightDefaultValue; } }
4387 set {
4388 _hasBits0 |= 64;
4389 primalWeight_ = value;
4390 }
4391 }
4393 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4394 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4395 public bool HasPrimalWeight {
4396 get { return (_hasBits0 & 64) != 0; }
4397 }
4399 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4400 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4401 public void ClearPrimalWeight() {
4402 _hasBits0 &= ~64;
4403 }
4405 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4406 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4407 public override bool Equals(object other) {
4408 return Equals(other as IterationStats);
4409 }
4411 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4412 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4413 public bool Equals(IterationStats other) {
4414 if (ReferenceEquals(other, null)) {
4415 return false;
4416 }
4417 if (ReferenceEquals(other, this)) {
4418 return true;
4419 }
4420 if (IterationNumber != other.IterationNumber) return false;
4421 if(!convergenceInformation_.Equals(other.convergenceInformation_)) return false;
4422 if(!infeasibilityInformation_.Equals(other.infeasibilityInformation_)) return false;
4423 if(!pointMetadata_.Equals(other.pointMetadata_)) return false;
4424 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(CumulativeKktMatrixPasses, other.CumulativeKktMatrixPasses)) return false;
4425 if (CumulativeRejectedSteps != other.CumulativeRejectedSteps) return false;
4426 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(CumulativeTimeSec, other.CumulativeTimeSec)) return false;
4427 if (RestartUsed != other.RestartUsed) return false;
4428 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(StepSize, other.StepSize)) return false;
4429 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(PrimalWeight, other.PrimalWeight)) return false;
4430 return Equals(_unknownFields, other._unknownFields);
4431 }
4433 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4434 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4435 public override int GetHashCode() {
4436 int hash = 1;
4437 if (HasIterationNumber) hash ^= IterationNumber.GetHashCode();
4438 hash ^= convergenceInformation_.GetHashCode();
4439 hash ^= infeasibilityInformation_.GetHashCode();
4440 hash ^= pointMetadata_.GetHashCode();
4441 if (HasCumulativeKktMatrixPasses) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(CumulativeKktMatrixPasses);
4442 if (HasCumulativeRejectedSteps) hash ^= CumulativeRejectedSteps.GetHashCode();
4443 if (HasCumulativeTimeSec) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(CumulativeTimeSec);
4444 if (HasRestartUsed) hash ^= RestartUsed.GetHashCode();
4445 if (HasStepSize) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(StepSize);
4446 if (HasPrimalWeight) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(PrimalWeight);
4447 if (_unknownFields != null) {
4448 hash ^= _unknownFields.GetHashCode();
4449 }
4450 return hash;
4451 }
4453 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4454 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4455 public override string ToString() {
4456 return pb::JsonFormatter.ToDiagnosticString(this);
4457 }
4459 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4460 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4461 public void WriteTo(pb::CodedOutputStream output) {
4463 output.WriteRawMessage(this);
4464 #else
4465 if (HasIterationNumber) {
4466 output.WriteRawTag(8);
4467 output.WriteInt32(IterationNumber);
4468 }
4469 convergenceInformation_.WriteTo(output, _repeated_convergenceInformation_codec);
4470 infeasibilityInformation_.WriteTo(output, _repeated_infeasibilityInformation_codec);
4471 if (HasCumulativeKktMatrixPasses) {
4472 output.WriteRawTag(33);
4473 output.WriteDouble(CumulativeKktMatrixPasses);
4474 }
4475 if (HasCumulativeRejectedSteps) {
4476 output.WriteRawTag(40);
4477 output.WriteInt32(CumulativeRejectedSteps);
4478 }
4479 if (HasCumulativeTimeSec) {
4480 output.WriteRawTag(49);
4481 output.WriteDouble(CumulativeTimeSec);
4482 }
4483 if (HasRestartUsed) {
4484 output.WriteRawTag(56);
4485 output.WriteEnum((int) RestartUsed);
4486 }
4487 if (HasStepSize) {
4488 output.WriteRawTag(65);
4489 output.WriteDouble(StepSize);
4490 }
4491 if (HasPrimalWeight) {
4492 output.WriteRawTag(73);
4493 output.WriteDouble(PrimalWeight);
4494 }
4495 pointMetadata_.WriteTo(output, _repeated_pointMetadata_codec);
4496 if (_unknownFields != null) {
4497 _unknownFields.WriteTo(output);
4498 }
4499 #endif
4500 }
4503 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4504 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4505 void pb::IBufferMessage.InternalWriteTo(ref pb::WriteContext output) {
4506 if (HasIterationNumber) {
4507 output.WriteRawTag(8);
4508 output.WriteInt32(IterationNumber);
4509 }
4510 convergenceInformation_.WriteTo(ref output, _repeated_convergenceInformation_codec);
4511 infeasibilityInformation_.WriteTo(ref output, _repeated_infeasibilityInformation_codec);
4512 if (HasCumulativeKktMatrixPasses) {
4513 output.WriteRawTag(33);
4514 output.WriteDouble(CumulativeKktMatrixPasses);
4515 }
4516 if (HasCumulativeRejectedSteps) {
4517 output.WriteRawTag(40);
4518 output.WriteInt32(CumulativeRejectedSteps);
4519 }
4520 if (HasCumulativeTimeSec) {
4521 output.WriteRawTag(49);
4522 output.WriteDouble(CumulativeTimeSec);
4523 }
4524 if (HasRestartUsed) {
4525 output.WriteRawTag(56);
4526 output.WriteEnum((int) RestartUsed);
4527 }
4528 if (HasStepSize) {
4529 output.WriteRawTag(65);
4530 output.WriteDouble(StepSize);
4531 }
4532 if (HasPrimalWeight) {
4533 output.WriteRawTag(73);
4534 output.WriteDouble(PrimalWeight);
4535 }
4536 pointMetadata_.WriteTo(ref output, _repeated_pointMetadata_codec);
4537 if (_unknownFields != null) {
4538 _unknownFields.WriteTo(ref output);
4539 }
4540 }
4541 #endif
4543 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4544 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4545 public int CalculateSize() {
4546 int size = 0;
4547 if (HasIterationNumber) {
4548 size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(IterationNumber);
4549 }
4550 size += convergenceInformation_.CalculateSize(_repeated_convergenceInformation_codec);
4551 size += infeasibilityInformation_.CalculateSize(_repeated_infeasibilityInformation_codec);
4552 size += pointMetadata_.CalculateSize(_repeated_pointMetadata_codec);
4553 if (HasCumulativeKktMatrixPasses) {
4554 size += 1 + 8;
4555 }
4556 if (HasCumulativeRejectedSteps) {
4557 size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(CumulativeRejectedSteps);
4558 }
4559 if (HasCumulativeTimeSec) {
4560 size += 1 + 8;
4561 }
4562 if (HasRestartUsed) {
4563 size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeEnumSize((int) RestartUsed);
4564 }
4565 if (HasStepSize) {
4566 size += 1 + 8;
4567 }
4568 if (HasPrimalWeight) {
4569 size += 1 + 8;
4570 }
4571 if (_unknownFields != null) {
4572 size += _unknownFields.CalculateSize();
4573 }
4574 return size;
4575 }
4577 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4578 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4579 public void MergeFrom(IterationStats other) {
4580 if (other == null) {
4581 return;
4582 }
4583 if (other.HasIterationNumber) {
4584 IterationNumber = other.IterationNumber;
4585 }
4586 convergenceInformation_.Add(other.convergenceInformation_);
4587 infeasibilityInformation_.Add(other.infeasibilityInformation_);
4588 pointMetadata_.Add(other.pointMetadata_);
4589 if (other.HasCumulativeKktMatrixPasses) {
4590 CumulativeKktMatrixPasses = other.CumulativeKktMatrixPasses;
4591 }
4592 if (other.HasCumulativeRejectedSteps) {
4593 CumulativeRejectedSteps = other.CumulativeRejectedSteps;
4594 }
4595 if (other.HasCumulativeTimeSec) {
4596 CumulativeTimeSec = other.CumulativeTimeSec;
4597 }
4598 if (other.HasRestartUsed) {
4599 RestartUsed = other.RestartUsed;
4600 }
4601 if (other.HasStepSize) {
4602 StepSize = other.StepSize;
4603 }
4604 if (other.HasPrimalWeight) {
4605 PrimalWeight = other.PrimalWeight;
4606 }
4607 _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFrom(_unknownFields, other._unknownFields);
4608 }
4610 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4611 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4612 public void MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {
4614 input.ReadRawMessage(this);
4615 #else
4616 uint tag;
4617 while ((tag = input.ReadTag()) != 0) {
4618 if ((tag & 7) == 4) {
4619 // Abort on any end group tag.
4620 return;
4621 }
4622 switch(tag) {
4623 default:
4624 _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFieldFrom(_unknownFields, input);
4625 break;
4626 case 8: {
4627 IterationNumber = input.ReadInt32();
4628 break;
4629 }
4630 case 18: {
4631 convergenceInformation_.AddEntriesFrom(input, _repeated_convergenceInformation_codec);
4632 break;
4633 }
4634 case 26: {
4635 infeasibilityInformation_.AddEntriesFrom(input, _repeated_infeasibilityInformation_codec);
4636 break;
4637 }
4638 case 33: {
4639 CumulativeKktMatrixPasses = input.ReadDouble();
4640 break;
4641 }
4642 case 40: {
4643 CumulativeRejectedSteps = input.ReadInt32();
4644 break;
4645 }
4646 case 49: {
4647 CumulativeTimeSec = input.ReadDouble();
4648 break;
4649 }
4650 case 56: {
4651 RestartUsed = (global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.RestartChoice) input.ReadEnum();
4652 break;
4653 }
4654 case 65: {
4655 StepSize = input.ReadDouble();
4656 break;
4657 }
4658 case 73: {
4659 PrimalWeight = input.ReadDouble();
4660 break;
4661 }
4662 case 90: {
4663 pointMetadata_.AddEntriesFrom(input, _repeated_pointMetadata_codec);
4664 break;
4665 }
4666 }
4667 }
4668 #endif
4669 }
4672 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4673 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4674 void pb::IBufferMessage.InternalMergeFrom(ref pb::ParseContext input) {
4675 uint tag;
4676 while ((tag = input.ReadTag()) != 0) {
4677 if ((tag & 7) == 4) {
4678 // Abort on any end group tag.
4679 return;
4680 }
4681 switch(tag) {
4682 default:
4683 _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFieldFrom(_unknownFields, ref input);
4684 break;
4685 case 8: {
4686 IterationNumber = input.ReadInt32();
4687 break;
4688 }
4689 case 18: {
4690 convergenceInformation_.AddEntriesFrom(ref input, _repeated_convergenceInformation_codec);
4691 break;
4692 }
4693 case 26: {
4694 infeasibilityInformation_.AddEntriesFrom(ref input, _repeated_infeasibilityInformation_codec);
4695 break;
4696 }
4697 case 33: {
4698 CumulativeKktMatrixPasses = input.ReadDouble();
4699 break;
4700 }
4701 case 40: {
4702 CumulativeRejectedSteps = input.ReadInt32();
4703 break;
4704 }
4705 case 49: {
4706 CumulativeTimeSec = input.ReadDouble();
4707 break;
4708 }
4709 case 56: {
4710 RestartUsed = (global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.RestartChoice) input.ReadEnum();
4711 break;
4712 }
4713 case 65: {
4714 StepSize = input.ReadDouble();
4715 break;
4716 }
4717 case 73: {
4718 PrimalWeight = input.ReadDouble();
4719 break;
4720 }
4721 case 90: {
4722 pointMetadata_.AddEntriesFrom(ref input, _repeated_pointMetadata_codec);
4723 break;
4724 }
4725 }
4726 }
4727 }
4728 #endif
4730 }
4737 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerDisplayAttribute("{ToString(),nq}")]
4738 public sealed partial class FeasibilityPolishingDetails : pb::IMessage<FeasibilityPolishingDetails>
4740 , pb::IBufferMessage
4741 #endif
4742 {
4743 private static readonly pb::MessageParser<FeasibilityPolishingDetails> _parser = new pb::MessageParser<FeasibilityPolishingDetails>(() => new FeasibilityPolishingDetails());
4744 private pb::UnknownFieldSet _unknownFields;
4745 private int _hasBits0;
4746 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4747 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4748 public static pb::MessageParser<FeasibilityPolishingDetails> Parser { get { return _parser; } }
4750 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4751 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4752 public static pbr::MessageDescriptor Descriptor {
4753 get { return global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.SolveLogReflection.Descriptor.MessageTypes[5]; }
4754 }
4756 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4757 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4758 pbr::MessageDescriptor pb::IMessage.Descriptor {
4759 get { return Descriptor; }
4760 }
4762 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4763 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4764 public FeasibilityPolishingDetails() {
4765 OnConstruction();
4766 }
4768 partial void OnConstruction();
4770 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4771 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4773 _hasBits0 = other._hasBits0;
4774 polishingPhaseType_ = other.polishingPhaseType_;
4775 mainIterationCount_ = other.mainIterationCount_;
4776 params_ = other.params_ != null ? other.params_.Clone() : null;
4777 terminationReason_ = other.terminationReason_;
4778 iterationCount_ = other.iterationCount_;
4779 solveTimeSec_ = other.solveTimeSec_;
4780 solutionStats_ = other.solutionStats_ != null ? other.solutionStats_.Clone() : null;
4781 solutionType_ = other.solutionType_;
4782 iterationStats_ = other.iterationStats_.Clone();
4783 _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.Clone(other._unknownFields);
4784 }
4786 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4787 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4788 public FeasibilityPolishingDetails Clone() {
4790 }
4793 public const int PolishingPhaseTypeFieldNumber = 1;
4794 private readonly static global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PolishingPhaseType PolishingPhaseTypeDefaultValue = global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PolishingPhaseType.Unspecified;
4796 private global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PolishingPhaseType polishingPhaseType_;
4797 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4798 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4799 public global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PolishingPhaseType PolishingPhaseType {
4800 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 1) != 0) { return polishingPhaseType_; } else { return PolishingPhaseTypeDefaultValue; } }
4801 set {
4802 _hasBits0 |= 1;
4803 polishingPhaseType_ = value;
4804 }
4805 }
4807 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4808 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4809 public bool HasPolishingPhaseType {
4810 get { return (_hasBits0 & 1) != 0; }
4811 }
4813 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4814 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4815 public void ClearPolishingPhaseType() {
4816 _hasBits0 &= ~1;
4817 }
4820 public const int MainIterationCountFieldNumber = 2;
4821 private readonly static int MainIterationCountDefaultValue = 0;
4823 private int mainIterationCount_;
4828 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4829 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4830 public int MainIterationCount {
4831 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 2) != 0) { return mainIterationCount_; } else { return MainIterationCountDefaultValue; } }
4832 set {
4833 _hasBits0 |= 2;
4834 mainIterationCount_ = value;
4835 }
4836 }
4838 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4839 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4840 public bool HasMainIterationCount {
4841 get { return (_hasBits0 & 2) != 0; }
4842 }
4844 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4845 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4846 public void ClearMainIterationCount() {
4847 _hasBits0 &= ~2;
4848 }
4851 public const int ParamsFieldNumber = 3;
4852 private global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PrimalDualHybridGradientParams params_;
4853 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4854 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4855 public global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PrimalDualHybridGradientParams Params {
4856 get { return params_; }
4857 set {
4858 params_ = value;
4859 }
4860 }
4863 public const int TerminationReasonFieldNumber = 4;
4864 private readonly static global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.TerminationReason TerminationReasonDefaultValue = global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.TerminationReason.Unspecified;
4866 private global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.TerminationReason terminationReason_;
4867 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4868 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4869 public global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.TerminationReason TerminationReason {
4870 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 4) != 0) { return terminationReason_; } else { return TerminationReasonDefaultValue; } }
4871 set {
4872 _hasBits0 |= 4;
4873 terminationReason_ = value;
4874 }
4875 }
4877 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4878 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4879 public bool HasTerminationReason {
4880 get { return (_hasBits0 & 4) != 0; }
4881 }
4883 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4884 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4885 public void ClearTerminationReason() {
4886 _hasBits0 &= ~4;
4887 }
4890 public const int IterationCountFieldNumber = 5;
4891 private readonly static int IterationCountDefaultValue = 0;
4893 private int iterationCount_;
4894 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4895 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4896 public int IterationCount {
4897 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 8) != 0) { return iterationCount_; } else { return IterationCountDefaultValue; } }
4898 set {
4899 _hasBits0 |= 8;
4900 iterationCount_ = value;
4901 }
4902 }
4904 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4905 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4906 public bool HasIterationCount {
4907 get { return (_hasBits0 & 8) != 0; }
4908 }
4910 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4911 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4912 public void ClearIterationCount() {
4913 _hasBits0 &= ~8;
4914 }
4917 public const int SolveTimeSecFieldNumber = 6;
4918 private readonly static double SolveTimeSecDefaultValue = 0D;
4920 private double solveTimeSec_;
4921 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4922 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4923 public double SolveTimeSec {
4924 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 16) != 0) { return solveTimeSec_; } else { return SolveTimeSecDefaultValue; } }
4925 set {
4926 _hasBits0 |= 16;
4927 solveTimeSec_ = value;
4928 }
4929 }
4931 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4932 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4933 public bool HasSolveTimeSec {
4934 get { return (_hasBits0 & 16) != 0; }
4935 }
4937 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4938 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4939 public void ClearSolveTimeSec() {
4940 _hasBits0 &= ~16;
4941 }
4944 public const int SolutionStatsFieldNumber = 7;
4945 private global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.IterationStats solutionStats_;
4946 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4947 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4948 public global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.IterationStats SolutionStats {
4949 get { return solutionStats_; }
4950 set {
4951 solutionStats_ = value;
4952 }
4953 }
4956 public const int SolutionTypeFieldNumber = 8;
4957 private readonly static global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType SolutionTypeDefaultValue = global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType.Unspecified;
4959 private global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType solutionType_;
4960 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4961 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4962 public global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType SolutionType {
4963 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 32) != 0) { return solutionType_; } else { return SolutionTypeDefaultValue; } }
4964 set {
4965 _hasBits0 |= 32;
4966 solutionType_ = value;
4967 }
4968 }
4970 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4971 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4972 public bool HasSolutionType {
4973 get { return (_hasBits0 & 32) != 0; }
4974 }
4976 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4977 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4978 public void ClearSolutionType() {
4979 _hasBits0 &= ~32;
4980 }
4983 public const int IterationStatsFieldNumber = 9;
4984 private static readonly pb::FieldCodec<global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.IterationStats> _repeated_iterationStats_codec
4985 = pb::FieldCodec.ForMessage(74, global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.IterationStats.Parser);
4986 private readonly pbc::RepeatedField<global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.IterationStats> iterationStats_ = new pbc::RepeatedField<global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.IterationStats>();
4987 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4988 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4989 public pbc::RepeatedField<global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.IterationStats> IterationStats {
4990 get { return iterationStats_; }
4991 }
4993 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
4994 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
4995 public override bool Equals(object other) {
4997 }
4999 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5000 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5001 public bool Equals(FeasibilityPolishingDetails other) {
5002 if (ReferenceEquals(other, null)) {
5003 return false;
5004 }
5005 if (ReferenceEquals(other, this)) {
5006 return true;
5007 }
5008 if (PolishingPhaseType != other.PolishingPhaseType) return false;
5009 if (MainIterationCount != other.MainIterationCount) return false;
5010 if (!object.Equals(Params, other.Params)) return false;
5011 if (TerminationReason != other.TerminationReason) return false;
5012 if (IterationCount != other.IterationCount) return false;
5013 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(SolveTimeSec, other.SolveTimeSec)) return false;
5014 if (!object.Equals(SolutionStats, other.SolutionStats)) return false;
5015 if (SolutionType != other.SolutionType) return false;
5016 if(!iterationStats_.Equals(other.iterationStats_)) return false;
5017 return Equals(_unknownFields, other._unknownFields);
5018 }
5020 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5021 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5022 public override int GetHashCode() {
5023 int hash = 1;
5024 if (HasPolishingPhaseType) hash ^= PolishingPhaseType.GetHashCode();
5025 if (HasMainIterationCount) hash ^= MainIterationCount.GetHashCode();
5026 if (params_ != null) hash ^= Params.GetHashCode();
5027 if (HasTerminationReason) hash ^= TerminationReason.GetHashCode();
5028 if (HasIterationCount) hash ^= IterationCount.GetHashCode();
5029 if (HasSolveTimeSec) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(SolveTimeSec);
5030 if (solutionStats_ != null) hash ^= SolutionStats.GetHashCode();
5031 if (HasSolutionType) hash ^= SolutionType.GetHashCode();
5032 hash ^= iterationStats_.GetHashCode();
5033 if (_unknownFields != null) {
5034 hash ^= _unknownFields.GetHashCode();
5035 }
5036 return hash;
5037 }
5039 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5040 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5041 public override string ToString() {
5042 return pb::JsonFormatter.ToDiagnosticString(this);
5043 }
5045 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5046 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5047 public void WriteTo(pb::CodedOutputStream output) {
5049 output.WriteRawMessage(this);
5050 #else
5052 output.WriteRawTag(8);
5053 output.WriteEnum((int) PolishingPhaseType);
5054 }
5055 if (HasMainIterationCount) {
5056 output.WriteRawTag(16);
5057 output.WriteInt32(MainIterationCount);
5058 }
5059 if (params_ != null) {
5060 output.WriteRawTag(26);
5061 output.WriteMessage(Params);
5062 }
5063 if (HasTerminationReason) {
5064 output.WriteRawTag(32);
5065 output.WriteEnum((int) TerminationReason);
5066 }
5067 if (HasIterationCount) {
5068 output.WriteRawTag(40);
5069 output.WriteInt32(IterationCount);
5070 }
5071 if (HasSolveTimeSec) {
5072 output.WriteRawTag(49);
5073 output.WriteDouble(SolveTimeSec);
5074 }
5075 if (solutionStats_ != null) {
5076 output.WriteRawTag(58);
5077 output.WriteMessage(SolutionStats);
5078 }
5079 if (HasSolutionType) {
5080 output.WriteRawTag(64);
5081 output.WriteEnum((int) SolutionType);
5082 }
5083 iterationStats_.WriteTo(output, _repeated_iterationStats_codec);
5084 if (_unknownFields != null) {
5085 _unknownFields.WriteTo(output);
5086 }
5087 #endif
5088 }
5091 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5092 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5093 void pb::IBufferMessage.InternalWriteTo(ref pb::WriteContext output) {
5094 if (HasPolishingPhaseType) {
5095 output.WriteRawTag(8);
5096 output.WriteEnum((int) PolishingPhaseType);
5097 }
5098 if (HasMainIterationCount) {
5099 output.WriteRawTag(16);
5100 output.WriteInt32(MainIterationCount);
5101 }
5102 if (params_ != null) {
5103 output.WriteRawTag(26);
5104 output.WriteMessage(Params);
5105 }
5106 if (HasTerminationReason) {
5107 output.WriteRawTag(32);
5108 output.WriteEnum((int) TerminationReason);
5109 }
5110 if (HasIterationCount) {
5111 output.WriteRawTag(40);
5112 output.WriteInt32(IterationCount);
5113 }
5114 if (HasSolveTimeSec) {
5115 output.WriteRawTag(49);
5116 output.WriteDouble(SolveTimeSec);
5117 }
5118 if (solutionStats_ != null) {
5119 output.WriteRawTag(58);
5120 output.WriteMessage(SolutionStats);
5121 }
5122 if (HasSolutionType) {
5123 output.WriteRawTag(64);
5124 output.WriteEnum((int) SolutionType);
5125 }
5126 iterationStats_.WriteTo(ref output, _repeated_iterationStats_codec);
5127 if (_unknownFields != null) {
5128 _unknownFields.WriteTo(ref output);
5129 }
5130 }
5131 #endif
5133 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5134 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5135 public int CalculateSize() {
5136 int size = 0;
5138 size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeEnumSize((int) PolishingPhaseType);
5139 }
5140 if (HasMainIterationCount) {
5141 size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(MainIterationCount);
5142 }
5143 if (params_ != null) {
5144 size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeMessageSize(Params);
5145 }
5146 if (HasTerminationReason) {
5147 size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeEnumSize((int) TerminationReason);
5148 }
5149 if (HasIterationCount) {
5150 size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(IterationCount);
5151 }
5152 if (HasSolveTimeSec) {
5153 size += 1 + 8;
5154 }
5155 if (solutionStats_ != null) {
5156 size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeMessageSize(SolutionStats);
5157 }
5158 if (HasSolutionType) {
5159 size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeEnumSize((int) SolutionType);
5160 }
5161 size += iterationStats_.CalculateSize(_repeated_iterationStats_codec);
5162 if (_unknownFields != null) {
5163 size += _unknownFields.CalculateSize();
5164 }
5165 return size;
5166 }
5168 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5169 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5170 public void MergeFrom(FeasibilityPolishingDetails other) {
5171 if (other == null) {
5172 return;
5173 }
5174 if (other.HasPolishingPhaseType) {
5175 PolishingPhaseType = other.PolishingPhaseType;
5176 }
5177 if (other.HasMainIterationCount) {
5178 MainIterationCount = other.MainIterationCount;
5179 }
5180 if (other.params_ != null) {
5181 if (params_ == null) {
5182 Params = new global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PrimalDualHybridGradientParams();
5183 }
5184 Params.MergeFrom(other.Params);
5185 }
5186 if (other.HasTerminationReason) {
5187 TerminationReason = other.TerminationReason;
5188 }
5189 if (other.HasIterationCount) {
5190 IterationCount = other.IterationCount;
5191 }
5192 if (other.HasSolveTimeSec) {
5193 SolveTimeSec = other.SolveTimeSec;
5194 }
5195 if (other.solutionStats_ != null) {
5196 if (solutionStats_ == null) {
5197 SolutionStats = new global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.IterationStats();
5198 }
5199 SolutionStats.MergeFrom(other.SolutionStats);
5200 }
5201 if (other.HasSolutionType) {
5202 SolutionType = other.SolutionType;
5203 }
5204 iterationStats_.Add(other.iterationStats_);
5205 _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFrom(_unknownFields, other._unknownFields);
5206 }
5208 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5209 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5210 public void MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {
5212 input.ReadRawMessage(this);
5213 #else
5214 uint tag;
5215 while ((tag = input.ReadTag()) != 0) {
5216 if ((tag & 7) == 4) {
5217 // Abort on any end group tag.
5218 return;
5219 }
5220 switch(tag) {
5221 default:
5222 _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFieldFrom(_unknownFields, input);
5223 break;
5224 case 8: {
5225 PolishingPhaseType = (global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PolishingPhaseType) input.ReadEnum();
5226 break;
5227 }
5228 case 16: {
5229 MainIterationCount = input.ReadInt32();
5230 break;
5231 }
5232 case 26: {
5233 if (params_ == null) {
5234 Params = new global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PrimalDualHybridGradientParams();
5235 }
5236 input.ReadMessage(Params);
5237 break;
5238 }
5239 case 32: {
5240 TerminationReason = (global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.TerminationReason) input.ReadEnum();
5241 break;
5242 }
5243 case 40: {
5244 IterationCount = input.ReadInt32();
5245 break;
5246 }
5247 case 49: {
5248 SolveTimeSec = input.ReadDouble();
5249 break;
5250 }
5251 case 58: {
5252 if (solutionStats_ == null) {
5253 SolutionStats = new global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.IterationStats();
5254 }
5255 input.ReadMessage(SolutionStats);
5256 break;
5257 }
5258 case 64: {
5259 SolutionType = (global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType) input.ReadEnum();
5260 break;
5261 }
5262 case 74: {
5263 iterationStats_.AddEntriesFrom(input, _repeated_iterationStats_codec);
5264 break;
5265 }
5266 }
5267 }
5268 #endif
5269 }
5272 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5273 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5274 void pb::IBufferMessage.InternalMergeFrom(ref pb::ParseContext input) {
5275 uint tag;
5276 while ((tag = input.ReadTag()) != 0) {
5277 if ((tag & 7) == 4) {
5278 // Abort on any end group tag.
5279 return;
5280 }
5281 switch(tag) {
5282 default:
5283 _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFieldFrom(_unknownFields, ref input);
5284 break;
5285 case 8: {
5286 PolishingPhaseType = (global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PolishingPhaseType) input.ReadEnum();
5287 break;
5288 }
5289 case 16: {
5290 MainIterationCount = input.ReadInt32();
5291 break;
5292 }
5293 case 26: {
5294 if (params_ == null) {
5295 Params = new global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PrimalDualHybridGradientParams();
5296 }
5297 input.ReadMessage(Params);
5298 break;
5299 }
5300 case 32: {
5301 TerminationReason = (global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.TerminationReason) input.ReadEnum();
5302 break;
5303 }
5304 case 40: {
5305 IterationCount = input.ReadInt32();
5306 break;
5307 }
5308 case 49: {
5309 SolveTimeSec = input.ReadDouble();
5310 break;
5311 }
5312 case 58: {
5313 if (solutionStats_ == null) {
5314 SolutionStats = new global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.IterationStats();
5315 }
5316 input.ReadMessage(SolutionStats);
5317 break;
5318 }
5319 case 64: {
5320 SolutionType = (global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType) input.ReadEnum();
5321 break;
5322 }
5323 case 74: {
5324 iterationStats_.AddEntriesFrom(ref input, _repeated_iterationStats_codec);
5325 break;
5326 }
5327 }
5328 }
5329 }
5330 #endif
5332 }
5334 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerDisplayAttribute("{ToString(),nq}")]
5335 public sealed partial class SolveLog : pb::IMessage<SolveLog>
5337 , pb::IBufferMessage
5338 #endif
5339 {
5340 private static readonly pb::MessageParser<SolveLog> _parser = new pb::MessageParser<SolveLog>(() => new SolveLog());
5341 private pb::UnknownFieldSet _unknownFields;
5342 private int _hasBits0;
5343 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5344 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5345 public static pb::MessageParser<SolveLog> Parser { get { return _parser; } }
5347 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5348 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5349 public static pbr::MessageDescriptor Descriptor {
5350 get { return global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.SolveLogReflection.Descriptor.MessageTypes[6]; }
5351 }
5353 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5354 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5355 pbr::MessageDescriptor pb::IMessage.Descriptor {
5356 get { return Descriptor; }
5357 }
5359 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5360 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5361 public SolveLog() {
5362 OnConstruction();
5363 }
5365 partial void OnConstruction();
5367 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5368 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5369 public SolveLog(SolveLog other) : this() {
5370 _hasBits0 = other._hasBits0;
5371 instanceName_ = other.instanceName_;
5372 params_ = other.params_ != null ? other.params_.Clone() : null;
5373 terminationReason_ = other.terminationReason_;
5374 terminationString_ = other.terminationString_;
5375 iterationCount_ = other.iterationCount_;
5376 preprocessingTimeSec_ = other.preprocessingTimeSec_;
5377 solveTimeSec_ = other.solveTimeSec_;
5378 solutionStats_ = other.solutionStats_ != null ? other.solutionStats_.Clone() : null;
5379 solutionType_ = other.solutionType_;
5380 iterationStats_ = other.iterationStats_.Clone();
5381 originalProblemStats_ = other.originalProblemStats_ != null ? other.originalProblemStats_.Clone() : null;
5382 preprocessedProblemStats_ = other.preprocessedProblemStats_ != null ? other.preprocessedProblemStats_.Clone() : null;
5383 feasibilityPolishingDetails_ = other.feasibilityPolishingDetails_.Clone();
5384 _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.Clone(other._unknownFields);
5385 }
5387 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5388 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5389 public SolveLog Clone() {
5390 return new SolveLog(this);
5391 }
5394 public const int InstanceNameFieldNumber = 1;
5395 private readonly static string InstanceNameDefaultValue = "";
5397 private string instanceName_;
5401 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5402 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5403 public string InstanceName {
5404 get { return instanceName_ ?? InstanceNameDefaultValue; }
5405 set {
5406 instanceName_ = pb::ProtoPreconditions.CheckNotNull(value, "value");
5407 }
5408 }
5410 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5411 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5412 public bool HasInstanceName {
5413 get { return instanceName_ != null; }
5414 }
5416 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5417 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5418 public void ClearInstanceName() {
5419 instanceName_ = null;
5420 }
5423 public const int ParamsFieldNumber = 14;
5424 private global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PrimalDualHybridGradientParams params_;
5428 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5429 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5430 public global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PrimalDualHybridGradientParams Params {
5431 get { return params_; }
5432 set {
5433 params_ = value;
5434 }
5435 }
5438 public const int TerminationReasonFieldNumber = 3;
5439 private readonly static global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.TerminationReason TerminationReasonDefaultValue = global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.TerminationReason.Unspecified;
5441 private global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.TerminationReason terminationReason_;
5445 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5446 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5447 public global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.TerminationReason TerminationReason {
5448 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 1) != 0) { return terminationReason_; } else { return TerminationReasonDefaultValue; } }
5449 set {
5450 _hasBits0 |= 1;
5451 terminationReason_ = value;
5452 }
5453 }
5455 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5456 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5457 public bool HasTerminationReason {
5458 get { return (_hasBits0 & 1) != 0; }
5459 }
5461 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5462 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5463 public void ClearTerminationReason() {
5464 _hasBits0 &= ~1;
5465 }
5468 public const int TerminationStringFieldNumber = 4;
5469 private readonly static string TerminationStringDefaultValue = "";
5471 private string terminationString_;
5475 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5476 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5477 public string TerminationString {
5478 get { return terminationString_ ?? TerminationStringDefaultValue; }
5479 set {
5480 terminationString_ = pb::ProtoPreconditions.CheckNotNull(value, "value");
5481 }
5482 }
5484 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5485 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5486 public bool HasTerminationString {
5487 get { return terminationString_ != null; }
5488 }
5490 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5491 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5492 public void ClearTerminationString() {
5493 terminationString_ = null;
5494 }
5497 public const int IterationCountFieldNumber = 5;
5498 private readonly static int IterationCountDefaultValue = 0;
5500 private int iterationCount_;
5506 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5507 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5508 public int IterationCount {
5509 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 2) != 0) { return iterationCount_; } else { return IterationCountDefaultValue; } }
5510 set {
5511 _hasBits0 |= 2;
5512 iterationCount_ = value;
5513 }
5514 }
5516 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5517 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5518 public bool HasIterationCount {
5519 get { return (_hasBits0 & 2) != 0; }
5520 }
5522 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5523 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5524 public void ClearIterationCount() {
5525 _hasBits0 &= ~2;
5526 }
5529 public const int PreprocessingTimeSecFieldNumber = 13;
5530 private readonly static double PreprocessingTimeSecDefaultValue = 0D;
5532 private double preprocessingTimeSec_;
5537 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5538 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5539 public double PreprocessingTimeSec {
5540 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 16) != 0) { return preprocessingTimeSec_; } else { return PreprocessingTimeSecDefaultValue; } }
5541 set {
5542 _hasBits0 |= 16;
5543 preprocessingTimeSec_ = value;
5544 }
5545 }
5547 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5548 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5549 public bool HasPreprocessingTimeSec {
5550 get { return (_hasBits0 & 16) != 0; }
5551 }
5553 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5554 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5555 public void ClearPreprocessingTimeSec() {
5556 _hasBits0 &= ~16;
5557 }
5560 public const int SolveTimeSecFieldNumber = 6;
5561 private readonly static double SolveTimeSecDefaultValue = 0D;
5563 private double solveTimeSec_;
5570 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5571 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5572 public double SolveTimeSec {
5573 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 4) != 0) { return solveTimeSec_; } else { return SolveTimeSecDefaultValue; } }
5574 set {
5575 _hasBits0 |= 4;
5576 solveTimeSec_ = value;
5577 }
5578 }
5580 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5581 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5582 public bool HasSolveTimeSec {
5583 get { return (_hasBits0 & 4) != 0; }
5584 }
5586 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5587 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5588 public void ClearSolveTimeSec() {
5589 _hasBits0 &= ~4;
5590 }
5593 public const int SolutionStatsFieldNumber = 8;
5594 private global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.IterationStats solutionStats_;
5604 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5605 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5606 public global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.IterationStats SolutionStats {
5607 get { return solutionStats_; }
5608 set {
5609 solutionStats_ = value;
5610 }
5611 }
5614 public const int SolutionTypeFieldNumber = 10;
5615 private readonly static global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType SolutionTypeDefaultValue = global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType.Unspecified;
5617 private global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType solutionType_;
5634 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5635 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5636 public global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType SolutionType {
5637 get { if ((_hasBits0 & 8) != 0) { return solutionType_; } else { return SolutionTypeDefaultValue; } }
5638 set {
5639 _hasBits0 |= 8;
5640 solutionType_ = value;
5641 }
5642 }
5644 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5645 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5646 public bool HasSolutionType {
5647 get { return (_hasBits0 & 8) != 0; }
5648 }
5650 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5651 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5652 public void ClearSolutionType() {
5653 _hasBits0 &= ~8;
5654 }
5657 public const int IterationStatsFieldNumber = 7;
5658 private static readonly pb::FieldCodec<global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.IterationStats> _repeated_iterationStats_codec
5659 = pb::FieldCodec.ForMessage(58, global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.IterationStats.Parser);
5660 private readonly pbc::RepeatedField<global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.IterationStats> iterationStats_ = new pbc::RepeatedField<global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.IterationStats>();
5671 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5672 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5673 public pbc::RepeatedField<global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.IterationStats> IterationStats {
5674 get { return iterationStats_; }
5675 }
5678 public const int OriginalProblemStatsFieldNumber = 11;
5679 private global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.QuadraticProgramStats originalProblemStats_;
5683 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5684 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5686 get { return originalProblemStats_; }
5687 set {
5688 originalProblemStats_ = value;
5689 }
5690 }
5693 public const int PreprocessedProblemStatsFieldNumber = 12;
5694 private global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.QuadraticProgramStats preprocessedProblemStats_;
5698 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5699 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5701 get { return preprocessedProblemStats_; }
5702 set {
5703 preprocessedProblemStats_ = value;
5704 }
5705 }
5708 public const int FeasibilityPolishingDetailsFieldNumber = 15;
5709 private static readonly pb::FieldCodec<global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.FeasibilityPolishingDetails> _repeated_feasibilityPolishingDetails_codec
5710 = pb::FieldCodec.ForMessage(122, global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.FeasibilityPolishingDetails.Parser);
5711 private readonly pbc::RepeatedField<global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.FeasibilityPolishingDetails> feasibilityPolishingDetails_ = new pbc::RepeatedField<global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.FeasibilityPolishingDetails>();
5716 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5717 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5718 public pbc::RepeatedField<global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.FeasibilityPolishingDetails> FeasibilityPolishingDetails {
5719 get { return feasibilityPolishingDetails_; }
5720 }
5722 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5723 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5724 public override bool Equals(object other) {
5725 return Equals(other as SolveLog);
5726 }
5728 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5729 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5730 public bool Equals(SolveLog other) {
5731 if (ReferenceEquals(other, null)) {
5732 return false;
5733 }
5734 if (ReferenceEquals(other, this)) {
5735 return true;
5736 }
5737 if (InstanceName != other.InstanceName) return false;
5738 if (!object.Equals(Params, other.Params)) return false;
5739 if (TerminationReason != other.TerminationReason) return false;
5740 if (TerminationString != other.TerminationString) return false;
5741 if (IterationCount != other.IterationCount) return false;
5742 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(PreprocessingTimeSec, other.PreprocessingTimeSec)) return false;
5743 if (!pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.Equals(SolveTimeSec, other.SolveTimeSec)) return false;
5744 if (!object.Equals(SolutionStats, other.SolutionStats)) return false;
5745 if (SolutionType != other.SolutionType) return false;
5746 if(!iterationStats_.Equals(other.iterationStats_)) return false;
5747 if (!object.Equals(OriginalProblemStats, other.OriginalProblemStats)) return false;
5748 if (!object.Equals(PreprocessedProblemStats, other.PreprocessedProblemStats)) return false;
5749 if(!feasibilityPolishingDetails_.Equals(other.feasibilityPolishingDetails_)) return false;
5750 return Equals(_unknownFields, other._unknownFields);
5751 }
5753 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5754 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5755 public override int GetHashCode() {
5756 int hash = 1;
5757 if (HasInstanceName) hash ^= InstanceName.GetHashCode();
5758 if (params_ != null) hash ^= Params.GetHashCode();
5759 if (HasTerminationReason) hash ^= TerminationReason.GetHashCode();
5760 if (HasTerminationString) hash ^= TerminationString.GetHashCode();
5761 if (HasIterationCount) hash ^= IterationCount.GetHashCode();
5762 if (HasPreprocessingTimeSec) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(PreprocessingTimeSec);
5763 if (HasSolveTimeSec) hash ^= pbc::ProtobufEqualityComparers.BitwiseDoubleEqualityComparer.GetHashCode(SolveTimeSec);
5764 if (solutionStats_ != null) hash ^= SolutionStats.GetHashCode();
5765 if (HasSolutionType) hash ^= SolutionType.GetHashCode();
5766 hash ^= iterationStats_.GetHashCode();
5767 if (originalProblemStats_ != null) hash ^= OriginalProblemStats.GetHashCode();
5768 if (preprocessedProblemStats_ != null) hash ^= PreprocessedProblemStats.GetHashCode();
5769 hash ^= feasibilityPolishingDetails_.GetHashCode();
5770 if (_unknownFields != null) {
5771 hash ^= _unknownFields.GetHashCode();
5772 }
5773 return hash;
5774 }
5776 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5777 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5778 public override string ToString() {
5779 return pb::JsonFormatter.ToDiagnosticString(this);
5780 }
5782 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5783 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5784 public void WriteTo(pb::CodedOutputStream output) {
5786 output.WriteRawMessage(this);
5787 #else
5788 if (HasInstanceName) {
5789 output.WriteRawTag(10);
5790 output.WriteString(InstanceName);
5791 }
5792 if (HasTerminationReason) {
5793 output.WriteRawTag(24);
5794 output.WriteEnum((int) TerminationReason);
5795 }
5796 if (HasTerminationString) {
5797 output.WriteRawTag(34);
5798 output.WriteString(TerminationString);
5799 }
5800 if (HasIterationCount) {
5801 output.WriteRawTag(40);
5802 output.WriteInt32(IterationCount);
5803 }
5804 if (HasSolveTimeSec) {
5805 output.WriteRawTag(49);
5806 output.WriteDouble(SolveTimeSec);
5807 }
5808 iterationStats_.WriteTo(output, _repeated_iterationStats_codec);
5809 if (solutionStats_ != null) {
5810 output.WriteRawTag(66);
5811 output.WriteMessage(SolutionStats);
5812 }
5813 if (HasSolutionType) {
5814 output.WriteRawTag(80);
5815 output.WriteEnum((int) SolutionType);
5816 }
5817 if (originalProblemStats_ != null) {
5818 output.WriteRawTag(90);
5819 output.WriteMessage(OriginalProblemStats);
5820 }
5821 if (preprocessedProblemStats_ != null) {
5822 output.WriteRawTag(98);
5823 output.WriteMessage(PreprocessedProblemStats);
5824 }
5825 if (HasPreprocessingTimeSec) {
5826 output.WriteRawTag(105);
5827 output.WriteDouble(PreprocessingTimeSec);
5828 }
5829 if (params_ != null) {
5830 output.WriteRawTag(114);
5831 output.WriteMessage(Params);
5832 }
5833 feasibilityPolishingDetails_.WriteTo(output, _repeated_feasibilityPolishingDetails_codec);
5834 if (_unknownFields != null) {
5835 _unknownFields.WriteTo(output);
5836 }
5837 #endif
5838 }
5841 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5842 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5843 void pb::IBufferMessage.InternalWriteTo(ref pb::WriteContext output) {
5844 if (HasInstanceName) {
5845 output.WriteRawTag(10);
5846 output.WriteString(InstanceName);
5847 }
5848 if (HasTerminationReason) {
5849 output.WriteRawTag(24);
5850 output.WriteEnum((int) TerminationReason);
5851 }
5852 if (HasTerminationString) {
5853 output.WriteRawTag(34);
5854 output.WriteString(TerminationString);
5855 }
5856 if (HasIterationCount) {
5857 output.WriteRawTag(40);
5858 output.WriteInt32(IterationCount);
5859 }
5860 if (HasSolveTimeSec) {
5861 output.WriteRawTag(49);
5862 output.WriteDouble(SolveTimeSec);
5863 }
5864 iterationStats_.WriteTo(ref output, _repeated_iterationStats_codec);
5865 if (solutionStats_ != null) {
5866 output.WriteRawTag(66);
5867 output.WriteMessage(SolutionStats);
5868 }
5869 if (HasSolutionType) {
5870 output.WriteRawTag(80);
5871 output.WriteEnum((int) SolutionType);
5872 }
5873 if (originalProblemStats_ != null) {
5874 output.WriteRawTag(90);
5875 output.WriteMessage(OriginalProblemStats);
5876 }
5877 if (preprocessedProblemStats_ != null) {
5878 output.WriteRawTag(98);
5879 output.WriteMessage(PreprocessedProblemStats);
5880 }
5881 if (HasPreprocessingTimeSec) {
5882 output.WriteRawTag(105);
5883 output.WriteDouble(PreprocessingTimeSec);
5884 }
5885 if (params_ != null) {
5886 output.WriteRawTag(114);
5887 output.WriteMessage(Params);
5888 }
5889 feasibilityPolishingDetails_.WriteTo(ref output, _repeated_feasibilityPolishingDetails_codec);
5890 if (_unknownFields != null) {
5891 _unknownFields.WriteTo(ref output);
5892 }
5893 }
5894 #endif
5896 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5897 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5898 public int CalculateSize() {
5899 int size = 0;
5900 if (HasInstanceName) {
5901 size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeStringSize(InstanceName);
5902 }
5903 if (params_ != null) {
5904 size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeMessageSize(Params);
5905 }
5906 if (HasTerminationReason) {
5907 size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeEnumSize((int) TerminationReason);
5908 }
5909 if (HasTerminationString) {
5910 size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeStringSize(TerminationString);
5911 }
5912 if (HasIterationCount) {
5913 size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeInt32Size(IterationCount);
5914 }
5915 if (HasPreprocessingTimeSec) {
5916 size += 1 + 8;
5917 }
5918 if (HasSolveTimeSec) {
5919 size += 1 + 8;
5920 }
5921 if (solutionStats_ != null) {
5922 size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeMessageSize(SolutionStats);
5923 }
5924 if (HasSolutionType) {
5925 size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeEnumSize((int) SolutionType);
5926 }
5927 size += iterationStats_.CalculateSize(_repeated_iterationStats_codec);
5928 if (originalProblemStats_ != null) {
5929 size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeMessageSize(OriginalProblemStats);
5930 }
5931 if (preprocessedProblemStats_ != null) {
5932 size += 1 + pb::CodedOutputStream.ComputeMessageSize(PreprocessedProblemStats);
5933 }
5934 size += feasibilityPolishingDetails_.CalculateSize(_repeated_feasibilityPolishingDetails_codec);
5935 if (_unknownFields != null) {
5936 size += _unknownFields.CalculateSize();
5937 }
5938 return size;
5939 }
5941 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5942 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5943 public void MergeFrom(SolveLog other) {
5944 if (other == null) {
5945 return;
5946 }
5947 if (other.HasInstanceName) {
5948 InstanceName = other.InstanceName;
5949 }
5950 if (other.params_ != null) {
5951 if (params_ == null) {
5952 Params = new global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PrimalDualHybridGradientParams();
5953 }
5954 Params.MergeFrom(other.Params);
5955 }
5956 if (other.HasTerminationReason) {
5957 TerminationReason = other.TerminationReason;
5958 }
5959 if (other.HasTerminationString) {
5960 TerminationString = other.TerminationString;
5961 }
5962 if (other.HasIterationCount) {
5963 IterationCount = other.IterationCount;
5964 }
5965 if (other.HasPreprocessingTimeSec) {
5966 PreprocessingTimeSec = other.PreprocessingTimeSec;
5967 }
5968 if (other.HasSolveTimeSec) {
5969 SolveTimeSec = other.SolveTimeSec;
5970 }
5971 if (other.solutionStats_ != null) {
5972 if (solutionStats_ == null) {
5973 SolutionStats = new global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.IterationStats();
5974 }
5975 SolutionStats.MergeFrom(other.SolutionStats);
5976 }
5977 if (other.HasSolutionType) {
5978 SolutionType = other.SolutionType;
5979 }
5980 iterationStats_.Add(other.iterationStats_);
5981 if (other.originalProblemStats_ != null) {
5982 if (originalProblemStats_ == null) {
5983 OriginalProblemStats = new global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.QuadraticProgramStats();
5984 }
5985 OriginalProblemStats.MergeFrom(other.OriginalProblemStats);
5986 }
5987 if (other.preprocessedProblemStats_ != null) {
5988 if (preprocessedProblemStats_ == null) {
5989 PreprocessedProblemStats = new global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.QuadraticProgramStats();
5990 }
5991 PreprocessedProblemStats.MergeFrom(other.PreprocessedProblemStats);
5992 }
5993 feasibilityPolishingDetails_.Add(other.feasibilityPolishingDetails_);
5994 _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFrom(_unknownFields, other._unknownFields);
5995 }
5997 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
5998 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
5999 public void MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input) {
6001 input.ReadRawMessage(this);
6002 #else
6003 uint tag;
6004 while ((tag = input.ReadTag()) != 0) {
6005 if ((tag & 7) == 4) {
6006 // Abort on any end group tag.
6007 return;
6008 }
6009 switch(tag) {
6010 default:
6011 _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFieldFrom(_unknownFields, input);
6012 break;
6013 case 10: {
6014 InstanceName = input.ReadString();
6015 break;
6016 }
6017 case 24: {
6018 TerminationReason = (global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.TerminationReason) input.ReadEnum();
6019 break;
6020 }
6021 case 34: {
6022 TerminationString = input.ReadString();
6023 break;
6024 }
6025 case 40: {
6026 IterationCount = input.ReadInt32();
6027 break;
6028 }
6029 case 49: {
6030 SolveTimeSec = input.ReadDouble();
6031 break;
6032 }
6033 case 58: {
6034 iterationStats_.AddEntriesFrom(input, _repeated_iterationStats_codec);
6035 break;
6036 }
6037 case 66: {
6038 if (solutionStats_ == null) {
6039 SolutionStats = new global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.IterationStats();
6040 }
6041 input.ReadMessage(SolutionStats);
6042 break;
6043 }
6044 case 80: {
6045 SolutionType = (global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType) input.ReadEnum();
6046 break;
6047 }
6048 case 90: {
6049 if (originalProblemStats_ == null) {
6050 OriginalProblemStats = new global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.QuadraticProgramStats();
6051 }
6052 input.ReadMessage(OriginalProblemStats);
6053 break;
6054 }
6055 case 98: {
6056 if (preprocessedProblemStats_ == null) {
6057 PreprocessedProblemStats = new global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.QuadraticProgramStats();
6058 }
6059 input.ReadMessage(PreprocessedProblemStats);
6060 break;
6061 }
6062 case 105: {
6063 PreprocessingTimeSec = input.ReadDouble();
6064 break;
6065 }
6066 case 114: {
6067 if (params_ == null) {
6068 Params = new global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PrimalDualHybridGradientParams();
6069 }
6070 input.ReadMessage(Params);
6071 break;
6072 }
6073 case 122: {
6074 feasibilityPolishingDetails_.AddEntriesFrom(input, _repeated_feasibilityPolishingDetails_codec);
6075 break;
6076 }
6077 }
6078 }
6079 #endif
6080 }
6083 [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute]
6084 [global::System.CodeDom.Compiler.GeneratedCode("protoc", null)]
6085 void pb::IBufferMessage.InternalMergeFrom(ref pb::ParseContext input) {
6086 uint tag;
6087 while ((tag = input.ReadTag()) != 0) {
6088 if ((tag & 7) == 4) {
6089 // Abort on any end group tag.
6090 return;
6091 }
6092 switch(tag) {
6093 default:
6094 _unknownFields = pb::UnknownFieldSet.MergeFieldFrom(_unknownFields, ref input);
6095 break;
6096 case 10: {
6097 InstanceName = input.ReadString();
6098 break;
6099 }
6100 case 24: {
6101 TerminationReason = (global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.TerminationReason) input.ReadEnum();
6102 break;
6103 }
6104 case 34: {
6105 TerminationString = input.ReadString();
6106 break;
6107 }
6108 case 40: {
6109 IterationCount = input.ReadInt32();
6110 break;
6111 }
6112 case 49: {
6113 SolveTimeSec = input.ReadDouble();
6114 break;
6115 }
6116 case 58: {
6117 iterationStats_.AddEntriesFrom(ref input, _repeated_iterationStats_codec);
6118 break;
6119 }
6120 case 66: {
6121 if (solutionStats_ == null) {
6122 SolutionStats = new global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.IterationStats();
6123 }
6124 input.ReadMessage(SolutionStats);
6125 break;
6126 }
6127 case 80: {
6128 SolutionType = (global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType) input.ReadEnum();
6129 break;
6130 }
6131 case 90: {
6132 if (originalProblemStats_ == null) {
6133 OriginalProblemStats = new global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.QuadraticProgramStats();
6134 }
6135 input.ReadMessage(OriginalProblemStats);
6136 break;
6137 }
6138 case 98: {
6139 if (preprocessedProblemStats_ == null) {
6140 PreprocessedProblemStats = new global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.QuadraticProgramStats();
6141 }
6142 input.ReadMessage(PreprocessedProblemStats);
6143 break;
6144 }
6145 case 105: {
6146 PreprocessingTimeSec = input.ReadDouble();
6147 break;
6148 }
6149 case 114: {
6150 if (params_ == null) {
6151 Params = new global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PrimalDualHybridGradientParams();
6152 }
6153 input.ReadMessage(Params);
6154 break;
6155 }
6156 case 122: {
6157 feasibilityPolishingDetails_.AddEntriesFrom(ref input, _repeated_feasibilityPolishingDetails_codec);
6158 break;
6159 }
6160 }
6161 }
6162 }
6163 #endif
6165 }
6167 #endregion
6171#endregion Designer generated code
global::Google.Protobuf pb
Definition SetCover.pb.cs:8
global::Google.Protobuf.Reflection pbr
global::System.Collections.Generic scg
global::Google.Protobuf.Collections pbc
Definition SetCover.pb.cs:9
Information measuring how close a candidate is to establishing feasibility and optimality; see also T...
bool HasLInfComponentwiseDualResidual
Gets whether the "l_inf_componentwise_dual_residual" field is set.
const int LInfPrimalResidualFieldNumber
Field number for the "l_inf_primal_residual" field.
const int CandidateTypeFieldNumber
Field number for the "candidate_type" field.
const int CorrectedDualObjectiveFieldNumber
Field number for the "corrected_dual_objective" field.
const int L2DualVariableFieldNumber
Field number for the "l2_dual_variable" field.
void ClearLInfComponentwiseDualResidual()
Clears the value of the "l_inf_componentwise_dual_residual" field.
ConvergenceInformation(ConvergenceInformation other)
void WriteTo(pb::CodedOutputStream output)
const int LInfPrimalVariableFieldNumber
Field number for the "l_inf_primal_variable" field.
bool HasCorrectedDualObjective
Gets whether the "corrected_dual_objective" field is set.
void ClearLInfComponentwisePrimalResidual()
Clears the value of the "l_inf_componentwise_primal_residual" field.
bool HasLInfPrimalResidual
Gets whether the "l_inf_primal_residual" field is set.
global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType CandidateType
Type of the candidate point described by this ConvergenceInformation.
double CorrectedDualObjective
If possible (e.g., when all primal variables have lower and upper bounds), a correct dual bound....
const int L2DualResidualFieldNumber
Field number for the "l2_dual_residual" field.
bool HasLInfPrimalVariable
Gets whether the "l_inf_primal_variable" field is set.
void ClearL2DualVariable()
Clears the value of the "l2_dual_variable" field.
bool HasL2PrimalVariable
Gets whether the "l2_primal_variable" field is set.
double LInfPrimalResidual
The maximum violation of any primal constraint, i.e., the l_∞ norm of the violations.
double L2PrimalResidual
The l_2 norm of the violations of primal constraints.
bool HasLInfDualVariable
Gets whether the "l_inf_dual_variable" field is set.
bool HasLInfComponentwisePrimalResidual
Gets whether the "l_inf_componentwise_primal_residual" field is set.
double LInfComponentwisePrimalResidual
The maximum relative violation of any primal constraint, with an absolute offset, i....
double L2DualResidual
The l_2 norm of the violations of dual constraints.
const int L2PrimalVariableFieldNumber
Field number for the "l2_primal_variable" field.
const int DualObjectiveFieldNumber
Field number for the "dual_objective" field.
const int LInfDualVariableFieldNumber
Field number for the "l_inf_dual_variable" field.
bool Equals(ConvergenceInformation other)
double LInfDualResidual
The maximum violation of any dual constraint, i.e., the l_∞ norm of the violations.
double PrimalObjective
The primal objective. The primal need not be feasible.
static pbr::MessageDescriptor Descriptor
double L2DualVariable
The l_2 norm of the dual variables.
void ClearL2PrimalVariable()
Clears the value of the "l2_primal_variable" field.
void ClearCorrectedDualObjective()
Clears the value of the "corrected_dual_objective" field.
void ClearLInfDualVariable()
Clears the value of the "l_inf_dual_variable" field.
double L2PrimalVariable
The l_2 norm of the primal variables.
void ClearL2PrimalResidual()
Clears the value of the "l2_primal_residual" field.
void ClearLInfPrimalVariable()
Clears the value of the "l_inf_primal_variable" field.
bool HasPrimalObjective
Gets whether the "primal_objective" field is set.
bool HasL2DualResidual
Gets whether the "l2_dual_residual" field is set.
void ClearCandidateType()
Clears the value of the "candidate_type" field.
bool HasCandidateType
Gets whether the "candidate_type" field is set.
void ClearL2DualResidual()
Clears the value of the "l2_dual_residual" field.
void ClearLInfPrimalResidual()
Clears the value of the "l_inf_primal_residual" field.
double LInfPrimalVariable
The maximum absolute value of the primal variables, i.e., the l_∞ norm. This is useful to detect when...
const int LInfComponentwisePrimalResidualFieldNumber
Field number for the "l_inf_componentwise_primal_residual" field.
void ClearDualObjective()
Clears the value of the "dual_objective" field.
const int PrimalObjectiveFieldNumber
Field number for the "primal_objective" field.
void MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input)
static pb::MessageParser< ConvergenceInformation > Parser
double LInfDualVariable
The maximum absolute value of the dual variables, i.e., the l_∞ norm. This is useful to detect when t...
const int LInfComponentwiseDualResidualFieldNumber
Field number for the "l_inf_componentwise_dual_residual" field.
const int LInfDualResidualFieldNumber
Field number for the "l_inf_dual_residual" field.
void ClearLInfDualResidual()
Clears the value of the "l_inf_dual_residual" field.
bool HasL2DualVariable
Gets whether the "l2_dual_variable" field is set.
bool HasL2PrimalResidual
Gets whether the "l2_primal_residual" field is set.
double LInfComponentwiseDualResidual
The maximum relative violation of any dual constraint, with an absolute offset, i....
bool HasLInfDualResidual
Gets whether the "l_inf_dual_residual" field is set.
const int L2PrimalResidualFieldNumber
Field number for the "l2_primal_residual" field.
bool HasDualObjective
Gets whether the "dual_objective" field is set.
void ClearPrimalObjective()
Clears the value of the "primal_objective" field.
double DualObjective
The dual objective. The dual need not be feasible. The dual objective includes the contributions from...
void MergeFrom(ConvergenceInformation other)
Details about one primal feasibility or dual feasibility polishing phase within a solve with use_feas...
bool HasTerminationReason
Gets whether the "termination_reason" field is set.
global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PrimalDualHybridGradientParams Params
bool HasMainIterationCount
Gets whether the "main_iteration_count" field is set.
global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.TerminationReason TerminationReason
global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType SolutionType
int MainIterationCount
The iteration count for the main iteration when this feasibility polishing phase was triggered.
global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.IterationStats SolutionStats
bool HasSolutionType
Gets whether the "solution_type" field is set.
global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PolishingPhaseType PolishingPhaseType
bool HasSolveTimeSec
Gets whether the "solve_time_sec" field is set.
pbc::RepeatedField< global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.IterationStats > IterationStats
bool HasIterationCount
Gets whether the "iteration_count" field is set.
static pb::MessageParser< FeasibilityPolishingDetails > Parser
bool HasPolishingPhaseType
Gets whether the "polishing_phase_type" field is set.
Information measuring how close a point is to establishing primal or dual infeasibility (i....
bool Equals(InfeasibilityInformation other)
static pbr::MessageDescriptor Descriptor
double MaxDualRayInfeasibility
Let (y_ray, r_ray) be the algorithm's estimate of the dual and reduced cost extreme ray where (y_ray,...
void ClearMaxPrimalRayInfeasibility()
Clears the value of the "max_primal_ray_infeasibility" field.
void ClearPrimalRayLinearObjective()
Clears the value of the "primal_ray_linear_objective" field.
void MergeFrom(InfeasibilityInformation other)
bool HasMaxDualRayInfeasibility
Gets whether the "max_dual_ray_infeasibility" field is set.
void ClearCandidateType()
Clears the value of the "candidate_type" field.
const int PrimalRayLinearObjectiveFieldNumber
Field number for the "primal_ray_linear_objective" field.
void ClearMaxDualRayInfeasibility()
Clears the value of the "max_dual_ray_infeasibility" field.
const int CandidateTypeFieldNumber
Field number for the "candidate_type" field.
bool HasMaxPrimalRayInfeasibility
Gets whether the "max_primal_ray_infeasibility" field is set.
double PrimalRayLinearObjective
The value of the linear part of the primal objective (ignoring additive constants) evaluated at x_ray...
double DualRayObjective
The objective of the linear program labeled (1) in the previous paragraph.
double MaxPrimalRayInfeasibility
Let x_ray be the algorithm's estimate of the primal extreme ray where x_ray is a vector that satisfie...
bool HasPrimalRayLinearObjective
Gets whether the "primal_ray_linear_objective" field is set.
const int MaxPrimalRayInfeasibilityFieldNumber
Field number for the "max_primal_ray_infeasibility" field.
void MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input)
void ClearPrimalRayQuadraticNorm()
Clears the value of the "primal_ray_quadratic_norm" field.
const int PrimalRayQuadraticNormFieldNumber
Field number for the "primal_ray_quadratic_norm" field.
double PrimalRayQuadraticNorm
The l_∞ norm of the vector resulting from taking the quadratic matrix from primal objective and multi...
bool HasCandidateType
Gets whether the "candidate_type" field is set.
const int MaxDualRayInfeasibilityFieldNumber
Field number for the "max_dual_ray_infeasibility" field.
void WriteTo(pb::CodedOutputStream output)
bool HasPrimalRayQuadraticNorm
Gets whether the "primal_ray_quadratic_norm" field is set.
bool HasDualRayObjective
Gets whether the "dual_ray_objective" field is set.
static pb::MessageParser< InfeasibilityInformation > Parser
global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType CandidateType
Type of the point used to compute the InfeasibilityInformation.
InfeasibilityInformation(InfeasibilityInformation other)
const int DualRayObjectiveFieldNumber
Field number for the "dual_ray_objective" field.
void ClearDualRayObjective()
Clears the value of the "dual_ray_objective" field.
All values in IterationStats assume that the primal quadratic program is a minimization problem and t...
double StepSize
Step size used at this iteration. Note that the step size used for the primal update is step_size / p...
pbc::RepeatedField< global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.InfeasibilityInformation > InfeasibilityInformation
A set of statistics measuring how close a point is to establishing primal or dual infeasibility (i....
const int IterationNumberFieldNumber
Field number for the "iteration_number" field.
global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.RestartChoice RestartUsed
The kind of restart that occurred at this iteration, or NO_RESTART if a restart did not occur.
bool HasPrimalWeight
Gets whether the "primal_weight" field is set.
bool HasCumulativeRejectedSteps
Gets whether the "cumulative_rejected_steps" field is set.
IterationStats(IterationStats other)
pbc::RepeatedField< global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointMetadata > PointMetadata
Auxiliary statistics for each type of point.
int CumulativeRejectedSteps
The total number of rejected steps (e.g., within a line search procedure) since the start of the solv...
const int CumulativeKktMatrixPassesFieldNumber
Field number for the "cumulative_kkt_matrix_passes" field.
const int ConvergenceInformationFieldNumber
Field number for the "convergence_information" field.
int IterationNumber
The iteration number at which these stats were recorded. By convention, iteration counts start at 1,...
bool HasStepSize
Gets whether the "step_size" field is set.
pbc::RepeatedField< global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.ConvergenceInformation > ConvergenceInformation
A set of statistics measuring how close a point is to establishing primal and dual feasibility and op...
static pbr::MessageDescriptor Descriptor
double PrimalWeight
Primal weight controlling the relation between primal and dual step sizes. See field 'step_size' for ...
const int PointMetadataFieldNumber
Field number for the "point_metadata" field.
double CumulativeTimeSec
The amount of time passed since we started solving the problem (see solver log solve_time_sec which r...
const int InfeasibilityInformationFieldNumber
Field number for the "infeasibility_information" field.
bool HasRestartUsed
Gets whether the "restart_used" field is set.
bool HasIterationNumber
Gets whether the "iteration_number" field is set.
bool HasCumulativeKktMatrixPasses
Gets whether the "cumulative_kkt_matrix_passes" field is set.
void ClearIterationNumber()
Clears the value of the "iteration_number" field.
static pb::MessageParser< IterationStats > Parser
bool HasCumulativeTimeSec
Gets whether the "cumulative_time_sec" field is set.
double CumulativeKktMatrixPasses
The cumulative number of passes through the KKT matrix since the start of the solve....
override bool Equals(object other)
const int RandomPrimalProjectionsFieldNumber
Field number for the "random_primal_projections" field.
static pb::MessageParser< PointMetadata > Parser
const int ActivePrimalVariableCountFieldNumber
Field number for the "active_primal_variable_count" field.
void WriteTo(pb::CodedOutputStream output)
long ActivePrimalVariableChange
The number of primal variables that have a different bound status than they did at the last restart.
bool HasPointType
Gets whether the "point_type" field is set.
void ClearActiveDualVariableChange()
Clears the value of the "active_dual_variable_change" field.
override bool Equals(object other)
long ActivePrimalVariableCount
The number of primal variables that are not at their bounds.
void ClearPointType()
Clears the value of the "point_type" field.
bool HasActivePrimalVariableCount
Gets whether the "active_primal_variable_count" field is set.
bool HasActivePrimalVariableChange
Gets whether the "active_primal_variable_change" field is set.
const int ActivePrimalVariableChangeFieldNumber
Field number for the "active_primal_variable_change" field.
bool HasActiveDualVariableChange
Gets whether the "active_dual_variable_change" field is set.
void MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input)
global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType PointType
Type of the point that this metadata corresponds to.
long ActiveDualVariableChange
The number of dual variables that have a different bound status than they did at the last restart.
PointMetadata(PointMetadata other)
const int ActiveDualVariableChangeFieldNumber
Field number for the "active_dual_variable_change" field.
bool HasActiveDualVariableCount
Gets whether the "active_dual_variable_count" field is set.
const int RandomDualProjectionsFieldNumber
Field number for the "random_dual_projections" field.
void ClearActivePrimalVariableCount()
Clears the value of the "active_primal_variable_count" field.
const int PointTypeFieldNumber
Field number for the "point_type" field.
void ClearActivePrimalVariableChange()
Clears the value of the "active_primal_variable_change" field.
const int ActiveDualVariableCountFieldNumber
Field number for the "active_dual_variable_count" field.
pbc::RepeatedField< double > RandomDualProjections
Projections of the dual solution onto random planes.
void MergeFrom(PointMetadata other)
bool Equals(PointMetadata other)
pbc::RepeatedField< double > RandomPrimalProjections
Projections of the primal solution onto random planes.
void ClearActiveDualVariableCount()
Clears the value of the "active_dual_variable_count" field.
static pbr::MessageDescriptor Descriptor
long ActiveDualVariableCount
The number of dual variables that are not at their bounds.
Parameters for PrimalDualHybridGradient() in primal_dual_hybrid_gradient.h. While the defaults are ge...
Easy-to-compute statistics for the quadratic program.
double CombinedBoundsMax
Statistics of the combined vector of the constraint lower and upper bounds. Given parallel lower and ...
bool HasConstraintMatrixAbsAvg
Gets whether the "constraint_matrix_abs_avg" field is set.
bool HasObjectiveVectorAbsMax
Gets whether the "objective_vector_abs_max" field is set.
void ClearConstraintMatrixAbsMax()
Clears the value of the "constraint_matrix_abs_max" field.
bool Equals(QuadraticProgramStats other)
bool HasObjectiveMatrixL2Norm
Gets whether the "objective_matrix_l2_norm" field is set.
const int VariableBoundGapsMinFieldNumber
Field number for the "variable_bound_gaps_min" field.
void ClearVariableBoundGapsMax()
Clears the value of the "variable_bound_gaps_max" field.
const int NumConstraintsFieldNumber
Field number for the "num_constraints" field.
const int CombinedBoundsMaxFieldNumber
Field number for the "combined_bounds_max" field.
const int CombinedVariableBoundsMaxFieldNumber
Field number for the "combined_variable_bounds_max" field.
long VariableBoundGapsNumFinite
Number of finite variable bound gaps, which are the elementwise difference between the upper and lowe...
static pb::MessageParser< QuadraticProgramStats > Parser
bool HasNumConstraints
Gets whether the "num_constraints" field is set.
void ClearVariableBoundGapsNumFinite()
Clears the value of the "variable_bound_gaps_num_finite" field.
bool HasVariableBoundGapsL2Norm
Gets whether the "variable_bound_gaps_l2_norm" field is set.
void ClearConstraintMatrixAbsMin()
Clears the value of the "constraint_matrix_abs_min" field.
void ClearVariableBoundGapsAvg()
Clears the value of the "variable_bound_gaps_avg" field.
bool HasObjectiveVectorL2Norm
Gets whether the "objective_vector_l2_norm" field is set.
bool HasConstraintMatrixRowMinLInfNorm
Gets whether the "constraint_matrix_row_min_l_inf_norm" field is set.
bool HasConstraintMatrixNumNonzeros
Gets whether the "constraint_matrix_num_nonzeros" field is set.
double ObjectiveMatrixAbsMax
Max/min/mean/l2_norm of absolute values of elements of the objective matrix. The min is over nonzero ...
const int ObjectiveVectorL2NormFieldNumber
Field number for the "objective_vector_l2_norm" field.
const int ConstraintMatrixNumNonzerosFieldNumber
Field number for the "constraint_matrix_num_nonzeros" field.
bool HasConstraintMatrixColMinLInfNorm
Gets whether the "constraint_matrix_col_min_l_inf_norm" field is set.
void ClearConstraintMatrixColMinLInfNorm()
Clears the value of the "constraint_matrix_col_min_l_inf_norm" field.
const int ObjectiveMatrixAbsAvgFieldNumber
Field number for the "objective_matrix_abs_avg" field.
const int VariableBoundGapsAvgFieldNumber
Field number for the "variable_bound_gaps_avg" field.
const int CombinedVariableBoundsAvgFieldNumber
Field number for the "combined_variable_bounds_avg" field.
bool HasVariableBoundGapsAvg
Gets whether the "variable_bound_gaps_avg" field is set.
bool HasObjectiveMatrixAbsMin
Gets whether the "objective_matrix_abs_min" field is set.
void ClearObjectiveVectorAbsMax()
Clears the value of the "objective_vector_abs_max" field.
void ClearCombinedVariableBoundsMax()
Clears the value of the "combined_variable_bounds_max" field.
double ConstraintMatrixColMinLInfNorm
Minimum row and column infinity norms of the constraint matrix. All-zero rows and columns are exclude...
void ClearCombinedVariableBoundsL2Norm()
Clears the value of the "combined_variable_bounds_l2_norm" field.
const int ObjectiveVectorAbsMaxFieldNumber
Field number for the "objective_vector_abs_max" field.
const int ConstraintMatrixAbsMinFieldNumber
Field number for the "constraint_matrix_abs_min" field.
bool HasCombinedVariableBoundsMax
Gets whether the "combined_variable_bounds_max" field is set.
const int ConstraintMatrixRowMinLInfNormFieldNumber
Field number for the "constraint_matrix_row_min_l_inf_norm" field.
void ClearObjectiveMatrixAbsAvg()
Clears the value of the "objective_matrix_abs_avg" field.
const int VariableBoundGapsL2NormFieldNumber
Field number for the "variable_bound_gaps_l2_norm" field.
void ClearVariableBoundGapsL2Norm()
Clears the value of the "variable_bound_gaps_l2_norm" field.
const int CombinedVariableBoundsL2NormFieldNumber
Field number for the "combined_variable_bounds_l2_norm" field.
void ClearNumConstraints()
Clears the value of the "num_constraints" field.
const int ConstraintMatrixL2NormFieldNumber
Field number for the "constraint_matrix_l2_norm" field.
const int CombinedBoundsL2NormFieldNumber
Field number for the "combined_bounds_l2_norm" field.
void ClearObjectiveMatrixAbsMin()
Clears the value of the "objective_matrix_abs_min" field.
double CombinedVariableBoundsMax
Statistics of the combined vector of the variable lower and upper bounds. See the comment before comb...
double ConstraintMatrixAbsMax
Max/min/mean/l2_norm of absolute values of (finite) elements in constraint matrix....
const int VariableBoundGapsMaxFieldNumber
Field number for the "variable_bound_gaps_max" field.
static pbr::MessageDescriptor Descriptor
void ClearCombinedBoundsMin()
Clears the value of the "combined_bounds_min" field.
const int ConstraintMatrixAbsMaxFieldNumber
Field number for the "constraint_matrix_abs_max" field.
bool HasCombinedBoundsMin
Gets whether the "combined_bounds_min" field is set.
bool HasVariableBoundGapsMin
Gets whether the "variable_bound_gaps_min" field is set.
bool HasConstraintMatrixL2Norm
Gets whether the "constraint_matrix_l2_norm" field is set.
const int ConstraintMatrixColMinLInfNormFieldNumber
Field number for the "constraint_matrix_col_min_l_inf_norm" field.
QuadraticProgramStats(QuadraticProgramStats other)
bool HasObjectiveVectorAbsMin
Gets whether the "objective_vector_abs_min" field is set.
bool HasVariableBoundGapsMax
Gets whether the "variable_bound_gaps_max" field is set.
bool HasCombinedBoundsAvg
Gets whether the "combined_bounds_avg" field is set.
bool HasObjectiveVectorAbsAvg
Gets whether the "objective_vector_abs_avg" field is set.
void ClearObjectiveMatrixAbsMax()
Clears the value of the "objective_matrix_abs_max" field.
bool HasObjectiveMatrixAbsMax
Gets whether the "objective_matrix_abs_max" field is set.
bool HasCombinedBoundsL2Norm
Gets whether the "combined_bounds_l2_norm" field is set.
void ClearObjectiveVectorAbsAvg()
Clears the value of the "objective_vector_abs_avg" field.
const int ObjectiveMatrixAbsMinFieldNumber
Field number for the "objective_matrix_abs_min" field.
bool HasCombinedVariableBoundsMin
Gets whether the "combined_variable_bounds_min" field is set.
const int CombinedBoundsAvgFieldNumber
Field number for the "combined_bounds_avg" field.
const int NumVariablesFieldNumber
Field number for the "num_variables" field.
const int VariableBoundGapsNumFiniteFieldNumber
Field number for the "variable_bound_gaps_num_finite" field.
const int ObjectiveMatrixNumNonzerosFieldNumber
Field number for the "objective_matrix_num_nonzeros" field.
bool HasNumVariables
Gets whether the "num_variables" field is set.
void WriteTo(pb::CodedOutputStream output)
const int CombinedVariableBoundsMinFieldNumber
Field number for the "combined_variable_bounds_min" field.
const int ObjectiveMatrixAbsMaxFieldNumber
Field number for the "objective_matrix_abs_max" field.
void ClearConstraintMatrixNumNonzeros()
Clears the value of the "constraint_matrix_num_nonzeros" field.
const int ObjectiveMatrixL2NormFieldNumber
Field number for the "objective_matrix_l2_norm" field.
void ClearNumVariables()
Clears the value of the "num_variables" field.
void ClearVariableBoundGapsMin()
Clears the value of the "variable_bound_gaps_min" field.
bool HasVariableBoundGapsNumFinite
Gets whether the "variable_bound_gaps_num_finite" field is set.
bool HasCombinedVariableBoundsL2Norm
Gets whether the "combined_variable_bounds_l2_norm" field is set.
bool HasCombinedVariableBoundsAvg
Gets whether the "combined_variable_bounds_avg" field is set.
void ClearConstraintMatrixL2Norm()
Clears the value of the "constraint_matrix_l2_norm" field.
void ClearCombinedVariableBoundsAvg()
Clears the value of the "combined_variable_bounds_avg" field.
bool HasObjectiveMatrixNumNonzeros
Gets whether the "objective_matrix_num_nonzeros" field is set.
void ClearCombinedVariableBoundsMin()
Clears the value of the "combined_variable_bounds_min" field.
bool HasCombinedBoundsMax
Gets whether the "combined_bounds_max" field is set.
void ClearObjectiveMatrixL2Norm()
Clears the value of the "objective_matrix_l2_norm" field.
void ClearCombinedBoundsL2Norm()
Clears the value of the "combined_bounds_l2_norm" field.
double VariableBoundGapsMax
Max/min/mean/l2_norm over all finite variable bound gaps. The min excludes zero bound gaps (i....
bool HasConstraintMatrixAbsMax
Gets whether the "constraint_matrix_abs_max" field is set.
const int CombinedBoundsMinFieldNumber
Field number for the "combined_bounds_min" field.
double ObjectiveVectorAbsMax
Statistics of the objective vector. The min is over the nonzero terms.
void ClearObjectiveVectorL2Norm()
Clears the value of the "objective_vector_l2_norm" field.
long ConstraintMatrixNumNonzeros
The number of (finite) nonzero entries in the constraint matrix.
bool HasConstraintMatrixAbsMin
Gets whether the "constraint_matrix_abs_min" field is set.
void ClearConstraintMatrixAbsAvg()
Clears the value of the "constraint_matrix_abs_avg" field.
bool HasObjectiveMatrixAbsAvg
Gets whether the "objective_matrix_abs_avg" field is set.
override bool Equals(object other)
void MergeFrom(pb::CodedInputStream input)
void MergeFrom(QuadraticProgramStats other)
const int ConstraintMatrixAbsAvgFieldNumber
Field number for the "constraint_matrix_abs_avg" field.
void ClearCombinedBoundsAvg()
Clears the value of the "combined_bounds_avg" field.
void ClearObjectiveVectorAbsMin()
Clears the value of the "objective_vector_abs_min" field.
const int ObjectiveVectorAbsAvgFieldNumber
Field number for the "objective_vector_abs_avg" field.
void ClearConstraintMatrixRowMinLInfNorm()
Clears the value of the "constraint_matrix_row_min_l_inf_norm" field.
const int ObjectiveVectorAbsMinFieldNumber
Field number for the "objective_vector_abs_min" field.
void ClearObjectiveMatrixNumNonzeros()
Clears the value of the "objective_matrix_num_nonzeros" field.
void ClearCombinedBoundsMax()
Clears the value of the "combined_bounds_max" field.
Holder for reflection information generated from ortools/pdlp/solve_log.proto.
static pbr::FileDescriptor Descriptor
File descriptor for ortools/pdlp/solve_log.proto.
bool HasTerminationString
Gets whether the "termination_string" field is set.
static pbr::MessageDescriptor Descriptor
bool HasSolutionType
Gets whether the "solution_type" field is set.
global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.QuadraticProgramStats OriginalProblemStats
Statistics of the original problem.
bool HasIterationCount
Gets whether the "iteration_count" field is set.
string TerminationString
Optional extra information about the termination reason.
bool HasInstanceName
Gets whether the "instance_name" field is set.
pbc::RepeatedField< global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.FeasibilityPolishingDetails > FeasibilityPolishingDetails
If solving with use_feasibility_polishing, details about the primal and dual feasibility polishing ph...
pbc::RepeatedField< global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.IterationStats > IterationStats
A history of iteration stats for the solve. The iteration_number fields should be in increasing order...
static pb::MessageParser< SolveLog > Parser
global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.QuadraticProgramStats PreprocessedProblemStats
Statistics of the problem after preprocessing.
bool HasSolveTimeSec
Gets whether the "solve_time_sec" field is set.
bool HasTerminationReason
Gets whether the "termination_reason" field is set.
override bool Equals(object other)
string InstanceName
The name of the optimization problem.
double SolveTimeSec
The runtime of the solve. Note: This should not be used for comparing methods unless care is taken to...
global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.IterationStats SolutionStats
The IterationStats for the final iteration of the solver. For a solve with use_feasibility_polishing,...
double PreprocessingTimeSec
Time for preprocessing (everything before iteration 0). This is also included in solve_time_sec.
global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.TerminationReason TerminationReason
The reason that the solve terminated.
global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PointType SolutionType
The type of the output point that the solver returned. The quality of the point is reported in the co...
bool HasPreprocessingTimeSec
Gets whether the "preprocessing_time_sec" field is set.
global::Google.OrTools.PDLP.PrimalDualHybridGradientParams Params
If solved with PDLP, the parameters for this solve.
int IterationCount
The total number of iterations during the solve. For a solve with use_feasibility_polishing this coun...
Identifies the type of point used to compute the fields in a given proto; see ConvergenceInformation ...
@ FeasibilityPolishingSolution
Combined solution from primal and dual feasibility polishing.
@ None
There is no corresponding point.
@ CurrentIterate
Current iterate (x_k, y_k).
@ IterateDifference
Difference of iterates (x_{k+1} - x_k, y_{k+1} - y_k).
@ PresolverSolution
Output of presolver.
@ AverageIterate
Average of iterates since the last restart.
@ PrimalInfeasible
Note in this situation the dual could be either unbounded or infeasible.
@ InvalidInitialSolution
Indicates that the solver detected that the initial solution that was provided was invalid,...
@ InvalidParameter
Indicates that an invalid value for the parameters was detected.
@ InvalidProblem
Indicates that the solver detected invalid problem data, e.g., inconsistent bounds.
@ PrimalOrDualInfeasible
Primal or dual infeasibility was detected (e.g. by presolve) but no certificate is available.
@ DualInfeasible
Note in this situation the primal could be either unbounded or infeasible.
Specifies whether a restart was performed on a given iteration.
@ RestartToAverage
The algorithm is restarted at the average of iterates since the last restart.
@ WeightedAverageReset
The weighted average of iterates is cleared and reset to the current point.
@ NoRestart
No restart on this iteration.