![]() |
Google OR-Tools v9.12
a fast and portable software suite for combinatorial optimization
Classes | |
class | Builder |
class | ImprovementSearchLimitParameters |
interface | ImprovementSearchLimitParametersOrBuilder |
enum | InsertionSortingProperty |
class | LocalSearchNeighborhoodOperators |
interface | LocalSearchNeighborhoodOperatorsOrBuilder |
enum | PairInsertionStrategy |
enum | SchedulingSolver |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static final com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor | getDescriptor () |
static com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters | parseFrom (java.nio.ByteBuffer data) throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException |
static com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters | parseFrom (java.nio.ByteBuffer data, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException |
static com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters | parseFrom (com.google.protobuf.ByteString data) throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException |
static com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters | parseFrom (com.google.protobuf.ByteString data, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException |
static com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters | parseFrom (byte[] data) throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException |
static com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters | parseFrom (byte[] data, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) throws com.google.protobuf.InvalidProtocolBufferException |
static com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters | parseFrom (java.io.InputStream input) throws java.io.IOException |
static com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters | parseFrom (java.io.InputStream input, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) throws java.io.IOException |
static com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters | parseDelimitedFrom (java.io.InputStream input) throws java.io.IOException |
static com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters | parseDelimitedFrom (java.io.InputStream input, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) throws java.io.IOException |
static com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters | parseFrom (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream input) throws java.io.IOException |
static com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters | parseFrom (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream input, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) throws java.io.IOException |
static Builder | newBuilder () |
static Builder | newBuilder (com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters prototype) |
static com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters | getDefaultInstance () |
static com.google.protobuf.Parser< RoutingSearchParameters > | parser () |
Protected Member Functions | |
com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessage.FieldAccessorTable | internalGetFieldAccessorTable () |
Builder | newBuilderForType (com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessage.BuilderParent parent) |
Parameters defining the search used to solve vehicle routing problems. If a parameter is unset (or, equivalently, set to its default value), then the routing library will pick its preferred value for that parameter automatically: this should be the case for most parameters. To see those "default" parameters, call GetDefaultRoutingSearchParameters(). Next ID: 68
Protobuf type operations_research.RoutingSearchParameters
Definition at line 21 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
boolean com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.equals | ( | final java.lang.Object | obj | ) |
Definition at line 10727 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
boolean com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getCheapestInsertionAddUnperformedEntries | ( | ) |
Whether or not to consider entries making the nodes/pairs unperformed in the GlobalCheapestInsertion heuristic.
bool cheapest_insertion_add_unperformed_entries = 40;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9069 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
double com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getCheapestInsertionFarthestSeedsRatio | ( | ) |
Ratio (between 0 and 1) of available vehicles in the model on which farthest nodes of the model are inserted as seeds in the GlobalCheapestInsertion first solution heuristic.
double cheapest_insertion_farthest_seeds_ratio = 16;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 8968 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
int com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getCheapestInsertionFirstSolutionMinNeighbors | ( | ) |
int32 cheapest_insertion_first_solution_min_neighbors = 44;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9008 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
double com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getCheapestInsertionFirstSolutionNeighborsRatio | ( | ) |
Ratio (in ]0, 1]) of closest non start/end nodes to consider as neighbors for each node when creating new insertions in the parallel/sequential cheapest insertion heuristic. If not overridden, its default value is 1, meaning all neighbors will be considered. The neighborhood ratio is coupled with the corresponding min_neighbors integer, indicating the minimum number of neighbors to consider for each node: num_closest_neighbors = max(min_neighbors, neighbors_ratio * NUM_NON_START_END_NODES) This minimum number of neighbors must be greater or equal to 1, its default value. Neighbors ratio and minimum number of neighbors for the first solution heuristic.
double cheapest_insertion_first_solution_neighbors_ratio = 21;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 8997 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
boolean com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getCheapestInsertionFirstSolutionUseNeighborsRatioForInitialization | ( | ) |
Whether or not to only consider closest neighbors when initializing the assignment for the first solution.
bool cheapest_insertion_first_solution_use_neighbors_ratio_for_initialization = 46;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9053 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
int com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getCheapestInsertionLsOperatorMinNeighbors | ( | ) |
int32 cheapest_insertion_ls_operator_min_neighbors = 45;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9037 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
double com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getCheapestInsertionLsOperatorNeighborsRatio | ( | ) |
Neighbors ratio and minimum number of neighbors for the heuristic when used in a local search operator (see local_search_operators.use_global_cheapest_insertion_path_lns and local_search_operators.use_global_cheapest_insertion_chain_lns below).
double cheapest_insertion_ls_operator_neighbors_ratio = 31;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9026 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
boolean com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getChristofidesUseMinimumMatching | ( | ) |
If true use minimum matching instead of minimal matching in the Christofides algorithm.
bool christofides_use_minimum_matching = 30;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9244 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.SchedulingSolver com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getContinuousSchedulingSolver | ( | ) |
.operations_research.RoutingSearchParameters.SchedulingSolver continuous_scheduling_solver = 33;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9838 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
int com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getContinuousSchedulingSolverValue | ( | ) |
.operations_research.RoutingSearchParameters.SchedulingSolver continuous_scheduling_solver = 33;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9831 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 16374 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getDefaultInstanceForType | ( | ) |
Definition at line 16410 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 55 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
boolean com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getDisableSchedulingBewareThisMayDegradePerformance | ( | ) |
Setting this to true completely disables the LP and MIP scheduling in the solver. This overrides the 2 SchedulingSolver options above.
optional bool disable_scheduling_beware_this_may_degrade_performance = 50;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9886 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
int com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getFallbackToCpSatSizeThreshold | ( | ) |
If model.Size() is less than the threshold and that no solution has been found, attempt a pass with CP-SAT.
int32 fallback_to_cp_sat_size_threshold = 52;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9821 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
int com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getFirstSolutionOptimizationPeriod | ( | ) |
If non zero, a period p indicates that every p node insertions or additions to a path, an optimization of the current partial solution will be performed. As of 12/2023: - this requires that a secondary routing model has been passed to the main one, - this is only supported by LOCAL_CHEAPEST_INSERTION and LOCAL_CHEAPEST_COST_INSERTION.
int32 first_solution_optimization_period = 59;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9265 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.FirstSolutionStrategy.Value com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getFirstSolutionStrategy | ( | ) |
First solution strategies, used as starting point of local search.
.operations_research.FirstSolutionStrategy.Value first_solution_strategy = 1;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 8860 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
int com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getFirstSolutionStrategyValue | ( | ) |
First solution strategies, used as starting point of local search.
.operations_research.FirstSolutionStrategy.Value first_solution_strategy = 1;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 8849 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
double com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getGuidedLocalSearchLambdaCoefficient | ( | ) |
These are advanced settings which should not be modified unless you know what you are doing. Lambda coefficient used to penalize arc costs when GUIDED_LOCAL_SEARCH is used. Must be positive.
double guided_local_search_lambda_coefficient = 5;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9587 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
boolean com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getGuidedLocalSearchPenalizeWithVehicleClasses | ( | ) |
When an arc leaving a vehicle start or arriving at a vehicle end is penalized, this field controls whether to penalize all other equivalent arcs with starts or ends in the same vehicle class.
bool guided_local_search_penalize_with_vehicle_classes = 61;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9620 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
boolean com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getGuidedLocalSearchResetPenaltiesOnNewBestSolution | ( | ) |
Whether to reset penalties when a new best solution is found. The effect is that a greedy descent is started before the next penalization phase.
bool guided_local_search_reset_penalties_on_new_best_solution = 51;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9603 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
int com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getHeuristicCloseNodesLnsNumNodes | ( | ) |
Number of closest nodes to consider for each node during the destruction phase of the FilteredHeuristicCloseNodesLNSOperator.
int32 heuristic_close_nodes_lns_num_nodes = 35;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9439 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
int com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getHeuristicExpensiveChainLnsNumArcsToConsider | ( | ) |
Number of expensive arcs to consider cutting in the FilteredHeuristicExpensiveChainLNSOperator operator.
int32 heuristic_expensive_chain_lns_num_arcs_to_consider = 32;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9423 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.ImprovementSearchLimitParameters com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getImprovementLimitParameters | ( | ) |
The improvement search limit is added to the solver if the following parameters are set.
.operations_research.RoutingSearchParameters.ImprovementSearchLimitParameters improvement_limit_parameters = 37;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 10064 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.ImprovementSearchLimitParametersOrBuilder com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getImprovementLimitParametersOrBuilder | ( | ) |
The improvement search limit is added to the solver if the following parameters are set.
.operations_research.RoutingSearchParameters.ImprovementSearchLimitParameters improvement_limit_parameters = 37;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 10076 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.IteratedLocalSearchParameters com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getIteratedLocalSearchParameters | ( | ) |
Iterated Local Search parameters.
.operations_research.IteratedLocalSearchParameters iterated_local_search_parameters = 60;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 10246 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.IteratedLocalSearchParametersOrBuilder com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getIteratedLocalSearchParametersOrBuilder | ( | ) |
Iterated Local Search parameters.
.operations_research.IteratedLocalSearchParameters iterated_local_search_parameters = 60;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 10257 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
com.google.protobuf.Duration com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getLnsTimeLimit | ( | ) |
Limit to the time spent in the completion search for each local search neighbor.
.google.protobuf.Duration lns_time_limit = 10;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 10003 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
com.google.protobuf.DurationOrBuilder com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getLnsTimeLimitOrBuilder | ( | ) |
Limit to the time spent in the completion search for each local search neighbor.
.google.protobuf.Duration lns_time_limit = 10;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 10015 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.PairInsertionStrategy com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getLocalCheapestCostInsertionPickupDeliveryStrategy | ( | ) |
Choice of insertion strategy for pickup/delivery pairs, used in local cheapest cost insertion, both first solution heuristic and LNS.
.operations_research.RoutingSearchParameters.PairInsertionStrategy local_cheapest_cost_insertion_pickup_delivery_strategy = 55;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9124 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
int com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getLocalCheapestCostInsertionPickupDeliveryStrategyValue | ( | ) |
Choice of insertion strategy for pickup/delivery pairs, used in local cheapest cost insertion, both first solution heuristic and LNS.
.operations_research.RoutingSearchParameters.PairInsertionStrategy local_cheapest_cost_insertion_pickup_delivery_strategy = 55;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9112 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.PairInsertionStrategy com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getLocalCheapestInsertionPickupDeliveryStrategy | ( | ) |
Choice of insertion strategy for pickup/delivery pairs, used in local cheapest insertion, both first solution heuristic and LNS.
.operations_research.RoutingSearchParameters.PairInsertionStrategy local_cheapest_insertion_pickup_delivery_strategy = 49;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9096 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
int com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getLocalCheapestInsertionPickupDeliveryStrategyValue | ( | ) |
Choice of insertion strategy for pickup/delivery pairs, used in local cheapest insertion, both first solution heuristic and LNS.
.operations_research.RoutingSearchParameters.PairInsertionStrategy local_cheapest_insertion_pickup_delivery_strategy = 49;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9084 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.InsertionSortingProperty com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getLocalCheapestInsertionSortingProperties | ( | int | index | ) |
The properties used to sort insertion entries in the local cheapest insertion heuristic, in *decreasing* order of priority. The properties listed here are applied hierarchically, from highest to lowest priority. When no properties are provided (SORTING_PROPERTY_ALLOWED_VEHICLES, SORTING_PROPERTY_PENALTY) is used by default.
repeated .operations_research.RoutingSearchParameters.InsertionSortingProperty local_cheapest_insertion_sorting_properties = 67;
index | The index of the element to return. |
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9191 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
int com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getLocalCheapestInsertionSortingPropertiesCount | ( | ) |
The properties used to sort insertion entries in the local cheapest insertion heuristic, in *decreasing* order of priority. The properties listed here are applied hierarchically, from highest to lowest priority. When no properties are provided (SORTING_PROPERTY_ALLOWED_VEHICLES, SORTING_PROPERTY_PENALTY) is used by default.
repeated .operations_research.RoutingSearchParameters.InsertionSortingProperty local_cheapest_insertion_sorting_properties = 67;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9173 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
java.util.List< com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.InsertionSortingProperty > com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getLocalCheapestInsertionSortingPropertiesList | ( | ) |
The properties used to sort insertion entries in the local cheapest insertion heuristic, in *decreasing* order of priority. The properties listed here are applied hierarchically, from highest to lowest priority. When no properties are provided (SORTING_PROPERTY_ALLOWED_VEHICLES, SORTING_PROPERTY_PENALTY) is used by default.
repeated .operations_research.RoutingSearchParameters.InsertionSortingProperty local_cheapest_insertion_sorting_properties = 67;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9155 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
int com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getLocalCheapestInsertionSortingPropertiesValue | ( | int | index | ) |
The properties used to sort insertion entries in the local cheapest insertion heuristic, in *decreasing* order of priority. The properties listed here are applied hierarchically, from highest to lowest priority. When no properties are provided (SORTING_PROPERTY_ALLOWED_VEHICLES, SORTING_PROPERTY_PENALTY) is used by default.
repeated .operations_research.RoutingSearchParameters.InsertionSortingProperty local_cheapest_insertion_sorting_properties = 67;
index | The index of the value to return. |
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9227 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
java.util.List< java.lang.Integer > com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getLocalCheapestInsertionSortingPropertiesValueList | ( | ) |
The properties used to sort insertion entries in the local cheapest insertion heuristic, in *decreasing* order of priority. The properties listed here are applied hierarchically, from highest to lowest priority. When no properties are provided (SORTING_PROPERTY_ALLOWED_VEHICLES, SORTING_PROPERTY_PENALTY) is used by default.
repeated .operations_research.RoutingSearchParameters.InsertionSortingProperty local_cheapest_insertion_sorting_properties = 67;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9209 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.LocalSearchMetaheuristic.Value com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getLocalSearchMetaheuristic | ( | ) |
Local search metaheuristics used to guide the search.
.operations_research.LocalSearchMetaheuristic.Value local_search_metaheuristic = 4;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9464 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.LocalSearchMetaheuristic.Value com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getLocalSearchMetaheuristics | ( | int | index | ) |
Local search metaheuristics alternatively used to guide the search. Every num_max_local_optima_before_metaheuristic_switch local minima found by a metaheurisitic, the solver will switch to the next metaheuristic. Cannot be defined if local_search_metaheuristic is different from UNSET or AUTOMATIC.
repeated .operations_research.LocalSearchMetaheuristic.Value local_search_metaheuristics = 63;
index | The index of the element to return. |
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9525 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
int com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getLocalSearchMetaheuristicsCount | ( | ) |
Local search metaheuristics alternatively used to guide the search. Every num_max_local_optima_before_metaheuristic_switch local minima found by a metaheurisitic, the solver will switch to the next metaheuristic. Cannot be defined if local_search_metaheuristic is different from UNSET or AUTOMATIC.
repeated .operations_research.LocalSearchMetaheuristic.Value local_search_metaheuristics = 63;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9509 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
java.util.List< com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.LocalSearchMetaheuristic.Value > com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getLocalSearchMetaheuristicsList | ( | ) |
Local search metaheuristics alternatively used to guide the search. Every num_max_local_optima_before_metaheuristic_switch local minima found by a metaheurisitic, the solver will switch to the next metaheuristic. Cannot be defined if local_search_metaheuristic is different from UNSET or AUTOMATIC.
repeated .operations_research.LocalSearchMetaheuristic.Value local_search_metaheuristics = 63;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9493 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
int com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getLocalSearchMetaheuristicsValue | ( | int | index | ) |
Local search metaheuristics alternatively used to guide the search. Every num_max_local_optima_before_metaheuristic_switch local minima found by a metaheurisitic, the solver will switch to the next metaheuristic. Cannot be defined if local_search_metaheuristic is different from UNSET or AUTOMATIC.
repeated .operations_research.LocalSearchMetaheuristic.Value local_search_metaheuristics = 63;
index | The index of the value to return. |
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9557 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
java.util.List< java.lang.Integer > com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getLocalSearchMetaheuristicsValueList | ( | ) |
Local search metaheuristics alternatively used to guide the search. Every num_max_local_optima_before_metaheuristic_switch local minima found by a metaheurisitic, the solver will switch to the next metaheuristic. Cannot be defined if local_search_metaheuristic is different from UNSET or AUTOMATIC.
repeated .operations_research.LocalSearchMetaheuristic.Value local_search_metaheuristics = 63;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9541 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
int com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getLocalSearchMetaheuristicValue | ( | ) |
Local search metaheuristics used to guide the search.
.operations_research.LocalSearchMetaheuristic.Value local_search_metaheuristic = 4;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9453 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.LocalSearchNeighborhoodOperators com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getLocalSearchOperators | ( | ) |
.operations_research.RoutingSearchParameters.LocalSearchNeighborhoodOperators local_search_operators = 3;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9284 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.LocalSearchNeighborhoodOperatorsOrBuilder com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getLocalSearchOperatorsOrBuilder | ( | ) |
.operations_research.RoutingSearchParameters.LocalSearchNeighborhoodOperators local_search_operators = 3;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9291 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
double com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getLogCostOffset | ( | ) |
double log_cost_offset = 29;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 10154 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
double com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getLogCostScalingFactor | ( | ) |
In logs, cost values will be scaled and offset by the given values in the following way: log_cost_scaling_factor * (cost + log_cost_offset)
double log_cost_scaling_factor = 22;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 10143 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
boolean com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getLogSearch | ( | ) |
--- Miscellaneous --- Some of these are advanced settings which should not be modified unless you know what you are doing. Activates search logging. For each solution found during the search, the following will be displayed: its objective value, the maximum objective value since the beginning of the search, the elapsed time since the beginning of the search, the number of branches explored in the search tree, the number of failures in the search tree, the depth of the search tree, the number of local search neighbors explored, the number of local search neighbors filtered by local search filters, the number of local search neighbors accepted, the total memory used and the percentage of the search done.
bool log_search = 13;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 10127 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
java.lang.String com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getLogTag | ( | ) |
In logs, this tag will be appended to each line corresponding to a new solution. Useful to sort out logs when several solves are run in parallel.
string log_tag = 36;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 10171 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
com.google.protobuf.ByteString com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getLogTagBytes | ( | ) |
In logs, this tag will be appended to each line corresponding to a new solution. Useful to sort out logs when several solves are run in parallel.
string log_tag = 36;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 10194 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
int com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getLsOperatorMinNeighbors | ( | ) |
int32 ls_operator_min_neighbors = 54;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9319 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
double com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getLsOperatorNeighborsRatio | ( | ) |
Neighbors ratio and minimum number of neighbors considered in local search operators (see cheapest_insertion_first_solution_neighbors_ratio and cheapest_insertion_first_solution_min_neighbors for more information).
double ls_operator_neighbors_ratio = 53;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9308 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
int com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getMaxSwapActiveChainSize | ( | ) |
Maximum size of the chain to make inactive in SwapActiveChainOperator.
int32 max_swap_active_chain_size = 66;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9386 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.SchedulingSolver com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getMixedIntegerSchedulingSolver | ( | ) |
.operations_research.RoutingSearchParameters.SchedulingSolver mixed_integer_scheduling_solver = 34;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9856 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
int com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getMixedIntegerSchedulingSolverValue | ( | ) |
.operations_research.RoutingSearchParameters.SchedulingSolver mixed_integer_scheduling_solver = 34;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9849 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
double com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getMultiArmedBanditCompoundOperatorExplorationCoefficient | ( | ) |
Positive parameter defining the exploration coefficient of the multi-armed bandit compound operator. Sets how often we explore rarely used and unsuccessful in the past operators
double multi_armed_bandit_compound_operator_exploration_coefficient = 43;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9371 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
double com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getMultiArmedBanditCompoundOperatorMemoryCoefficient | ( | ) |
Memory coefficient related to the multi-armed bandit compound operator. Sets how much the objective improvement of previous accepted neighbors influence the current average improvement. This parameter should be between 0 and 1.
double multi_armed_bandit_compound_operator_memory_coefficient = 42;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9354 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
int com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getNumberOfSolutionsToCollect | ( | ) |
Number of solutions to collect during the search. Corresponds to the best solutions found during the search. 0 means "unspecified".
int32 number_of_solutions_to_collect = 17;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9919 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
int com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getNumMaxLocalOptimaBeforeMetaheuristicSwitch | ( | ) |
int32 num_max_local_optima_before_metaheuristic_switch = 64;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9569 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
double com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getOptimizationStep | ( | ) |
Minimum step by which the solution must be improved in local search. 0 means "unspecified". If this value is fractional, it will get rounded to the nearest integer.
double optimization_step = 7;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9903 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
com.google.protobuf.Parser< RoutingSearchParameters > com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getParserForType | ( | ) |
Definition at line 16405 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
int com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getRelocateExpensiveChainNumArcsToConsider | ( | ) |
Number of expensive arcs to consider cutting in the RelocateExpensiveChain neighborhood operator (see LocalSearchNeighborhoodOperators.use_relocate_expensive_chain()). This parameter must be greater than 2. NOTE(user): The number of neighbors generated by the operator for relocate_expensive_chain_num_arcs_to_consider = K is around K*(K-1)/2 * number_of_routes * number_of_nodes.
int32 relocate_expensive_chain_num_arcs_to_consider = 20;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9407 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
boolean com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getReportIntermediateCpSatSolutions | ( | ) |
If use_cp_sat or use_generalized_cp_sat is true, will report intermediate solutions found by CP-SAT to solution listeners.
bool report_intermediate_cp_sat_solutions = 56;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9805 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
com.google.ortools.sat.SatParameters com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getSatParameters | ( | ) |
If use_cp_sat or use_generalized_cp_sat is true, contains the SAT algorithm parameters which will be used.
.operations_research.sat.SatParameters sat_parameters = 48;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9777 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
com.google.ortools.sat.SatParametersOrBuilder com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getSatParametersOrBuilder | ( | ) |
If use_cp_sat or use_generalized_cp_sat is true, contains the SAT algorithm parameters which will be used.
.operations_research.sat.SatParameters sat_parameters = 48;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9789 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
boolean com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getSavingsAddReverseArcs | ( | ) |
Add savings related to reverse arcs when finding the nearest neighbors of the nodes.
bool savings_add_reverse_arcs = 15;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 8932 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
double com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getSavingsArcCoefficient | ( | ) |
Coefficient of the cost of the arc for which the saving value is being computed: Saving(a-->b) = Cost(a-->end) + Cost(start-->b) - savings_arc_coefficient * Cost(a-->b) This parameter must be greater than 0, and its default value is 1.
double savings_arc_coefficient = 18;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 8951 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
double com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getSavingsMaxMemoryUsageBytes | ( | ) |
The number of neighbors considered for each node in the Savings heuristic is chosen so that the space used to store the savings doesn't exceed savings_max_memory_usage_bytes, which must be in ]0, 1e10]. NOTE: If both savings_neighbors_ratio and savings_max_memory_usage_bytes are specified, the number of neighbors considered for each node will be the minimum of the two numbers determined by these parameters.
double savings_max_memory_usage_bytes = 23;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 8916 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
double com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getSavingsNeighborsRatio | ( | ) |
Parameters specific to the Savings first solution heuristic. Ratio (in ]0, 1]) of neighbors to consider for each node when constructing the savings. If unspecified, its value is considered to be 1.0.
double savings_neighbors_ratio = 14;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 8896 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
double com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getSecondaryLsTimeLimitRatio | ( | ) |
Ratio of the overall time limit spent in a secondary LS phase with only intra-route and insertion operators, meant to "cleanup" the current solution before stopping the search. TODO(user): Since these operators are very fast, add a parameter to cap the max time allocated for this second phase (e.g. Duration max_secondary_ls_time_limit).
double secondary_ls_time_limit_ratio = 57;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 10035 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
int com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getSerializedSize | ( | ) |
Definition at line 10465 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
long com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getSolutionLimit | ( | ) |
-- Search limits -- Limit to the number of solutions generated during the search. 0 means "unspecified".
int64 solution_limit = 8;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9936 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
com.google.protobuf.Duration com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getTimeLimit | ( | ) |
Limit to the time spent in the search.
.google.protobuf.Duration time_limit = 9;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9963 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
com.google.protobuf.DurationOrBuilder com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getTimeLimitOrBuilder | ( | ) |
Limit to the time spent in the search.
.google.protobuf.Duration time_limit = 9;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9974 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
com.google.ortools.util.OptionalBoolean com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getUseCp | ( | ) |
If true, use the CP solver to find a solution. Either local or depth-first search will be used depending on the value of use_depth_first_search. Will be run before the CP-SAT solver (cf. use_cp_sat).
.operations_research.OptionalBoolean use_cp = 28;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9683 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
com.google.ortools.util.OptionalBoolean com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getUseCpSat | ( | ) |
If true, use the CP-SAT solver to find a solution. If use_cp is also true, the CP-SAT solver will be run after the CP solver if there is time remaining and will use the CP solution as a hint for the CP-SAT search. As of 5/2019, only TSP models can be solved.
.operations_research.OptionalBoolean use_cp_sat = 27;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9715 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
int com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getUseCpSatValue | ( | ) |
If true, use the CP-SAT solver to find a solution. If use_cp is also true, the CP-SAT solver will be run after the CP solver if there is time remaining and will use the CP solution as a hint for the CP-SAT search. As of 5/2019, only TSP models can be solved.
.operations_research.OptionalBoolean use_cp_sat = 27;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9701 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
int com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getUseCpValue | ( | ) |
If true, use the CP solver to find a solution. Either local or depth-first search will be used depending on the value of use_depth_first_search. Will be run before the CP-SAT solver (cf. use_cp_sat).
.operations_research.OptionalBoolean use_cp = 28;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9670 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
boolean com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getUseDepthFirstSearch | ( | ) |
--- Search control --- If true, the solver should use depth-first search rather than local search to solve the problem.
bool use_depth_first_search = 6;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9654 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
boolean com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getUseFullPropagation | ( | ) |
--- Propagation control --- These are advanced settings which should not be modified unless you know what you are doing. Use constraints with full propagation in routing model (instead of 'light' propagation only). Full propagation is only necessary when using depth-first search or for models which require strong propagation to finalize the value of secondary variables. Changing this setting to true will slow down the search in most cases and increase memory consumption in all cases.
bool use_full_propagation = 11;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 10100 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
com.google.ortools.util.OptionalBoolean com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getUseGeneralizedCpSat | ( | ) |
If true, use the CP-SAT solver to find a solution on generalized routing model. If use_cp is also true, the CP-SAT solver will be run after the CP solver if there is time remaining and will use the CP solution as a hint for the CP-SAT search.
.operations_research.OptionalBoolean use_generalized_cp_sat = 47;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9747 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
int com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getUseGeneralizedCpSatValue | ( | ) |
If true, use the CP-SAT solver to find a solution on generalized routing model. If use_cp is also true, the CP-SAT solver will be run after the CP solver if there is time remaining and will use the CP solution as a hint for the CP-SAT search.
.operations_research.OptionalBoolean use_generalized_cp_sat = 47;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9733 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
boolean com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getUseGuidedLocalSearchPenaltiesInLocalSearchOperators | ( | ) |
Whether to consider arc penalties in cost functions used in local search operators using arc costs.
bool use_guided_local_search_penalties_in_local_search_operators = 62;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9636 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
boolean com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getUseIteratedLocalSearch | ( | ) |
Whether the solver should use an Iterated Local Search approach to solve the problem.
bool use_iterated_local_search = 58;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 10219 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
boolean com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getUseMultiArmedBanditConcatenateOperators | ( | ) |
If true, the solver will use multi-armed bandit concatenate operators. It dynamically chooses the next neighbor operator in order to get the best objective improvement.
bool use_multi_armed_bandit_concatenate_operators = 41;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9336 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
boolean com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.getUseUnfilteredFirstSolutionStrategy | ( | ) |
--- Advanced first solutions strategy settings --- Don't touch these unless you know what you are doing. Use filtered version of first solution strategy if available.
bool use_unfiltered_first_solution_strategy = 2;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 8879 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
boolean com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.hasDisableSchedulingBewareThisMayDegradePerformance | ( | ) |
Setting this to true completely disables the LP and MIP scheduling in the solver. This overrides the 2 SchedulingSolver options above.
optional bool disable_scheduling_beware_this_may_degrade_performance = 50;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9873 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
int com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.hashCode | ( | ) |
Definition at line 10883 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
boolean com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.hasImprovementLimitParameters | ( | ) |
The improvement search limit is added to the solver if the following parameters are set.
.operations_research.RoutingSearchParameters.ImprovementSearchLimitParameters improvement_limit_parameters = 37;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 10051 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
boolean com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.hasIteratedLocalSearchParameters | ( | ) |
Iterated Local Search parameters.
.operations_research.IteratedLocalSearchParameters iterated_local_search_parameters = 60;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 10234 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
boolean com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.hasLnsTimeLimit | ( | ) |
Limit to the time spent in the completion search for each local search neighbor.
.google.protobuf.Duration lns_time_limit = 10;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9990 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
boolean com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.hasLocalSearchOperators | ( | ) |
.operations_research.RoutingSearchParameters.LocalSearchNeighborhoodOperators local_search_operators = 3;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9276 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
boolean com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.hasSatParameters | ( | ) |
If use_cp_sat or use_generalized_cp_sat is true, contains the SAT algorithm parameters which will be used.
.operations_research.sat.SatParameters sat_parameters = 48;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9764 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
boolean com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.hasTimeLimit | ( | ) |
Limit to the time spent in the search.
.google.protobuf.Duration time_limit = 9;
Implements com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParametersOrBuilder.
Definition at line 9951 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
protected |
Definition at line 61 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
final boolean com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.isInitialized | ( | ) |
Definition at line 10263 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 11134 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 11137 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
Builder com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.newBuilderForType | ( | ) |
Definition at line 11133 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
protected |
Definition at line 11147 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 11105 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 11111 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 11082 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 11086 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 11071 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 11076 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 11118 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 11124 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 11092 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 11097 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 11060 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 11065 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 16400 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
Builder com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.toBuilder | ( | ) |
Definition at line 11141 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
void com.google.ortools.constraintsolver.RoutingSearchParameters.writeTo | ( | com.google.protobuf.CodedOutputStream | output | ) | throws java.io.IOException |
Definition at line 10273 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9057 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 8955 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9001 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 8972 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9041 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9030 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9012 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9232 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9825 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9861 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9809 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9248 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 8839 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9573 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9607 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9591 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9427 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9411 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 10039 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 10223 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9978 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9101 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9073 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9129 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9443 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9469 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9269 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 10147 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 10131 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 10104 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 10158 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9312 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9295 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9375 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9843 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9358 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9340 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9562 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9907 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9890 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9390 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9793 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9752 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 8920 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 8936 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 8900 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 8883 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 10019 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9923 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9940 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9658 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9688 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9640 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 10080 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9720 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9624 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 10207 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 9323 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.
static |
Definition at line 8865 of file RoutingSearchParameters.java.