Google OR-Tools v9.11
a fast and portable software suite for combinatorial optimization
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RoutingIls.pb.cs File Reference

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class  OperationsResearch.RoutingIlsReflection
 Holder for reflection information generated from ortools/constraint_solver/routing_ils.proto. More...
class  OperationsResearch.RuinStrategy
 Ruin strategies, used in perturbation based on ruin and recreate approaches. More...
class  OperationsResearch.RuinStrategy.Types
 Container for nested types declared in the RuinStrategy message type. More...
class  OperationsResearch.RuinRecreateParameters
 Parameters to configure a perturbation based on a ruin and recreate approach. More...
class  OperationsResearch.PerturbationStrategy
 Defines how a reference solution is perturbed. More...
class  OperationsResearch.PerturbationStrategy.Types
 Container for nested types declared in the PerturbationStrategy message type. More...
class  OperationsResearch.AcceptanceStrategy
 Determines when a neighbor solution, obtained by the application of a perturbation and improvement step to a reference solution, is used to replace the reference solution. More...
class  OperationsResearch.AcceptanceStrategy.Types
 Container for nested types declared in the AcceptanceStrategy message type. More...
class  OperationsResearch.IteratedLocalSearchParameters
 Specifies the behavior of a search based on ILS. More...


namespace  OperationsResearch