Ruin strategy based on the "Slack Induction by String Removals for Vehicle
Routing Problems" by Jan Christiaens and Greet Vanden Berghe, Transportation Science 2020. Link to paper:,contains,LIRIAS1988666&offset=0.
static pb::MessageParser< SISRRuinStrategy > | Parser [get] |
static pbr::MessageDescriptor | Descriptor [get] |
uint | MaxRemovedSequenceSize [get, set] |
| Maximum number of removed visits per sequence. The parameter name in the paper is L^{max} and the suggested value is 10.
bool | HasMaxRemovedSequenceSize [get] |
| Gets whether the "max_removed_sequence_size" field is set.
uint | AvgNumRemovedVisits [get, set] |
| Number of visits that are removed on average. The parameter name in the paper is \bar{c} and the suggested value is 10.
bool | HasAvgNumRemovedVisits [get] |
| Gets whether the "avg_num_removed_visits" field is set.
double | BypassFactor [get, set] |
| Value in [0, 1] ruling the number of preserved customers in the split sequence removal. The parameter name in the paper is \alpha and the suggested value is 0.01.
bool | HasBypassFactor [get] |
| Gets whether the "bypass_factor" field is set.
Ruin strategy based on the "Slack Induction by String Removals for Vehicle
Routing Problems" by Jan Christiaens and Greet Vanden Berghe, Transportation Science 2020. Link to paper:,contains,LIRIAS1988666&offset=0.
- Note
- , in this implementation, the notion of "string" is replaced by "sequence". The main idea of this ruin is to remove a number of geographically close sequences of nodes. In particular, at every ruin application, a maximum number max_ruined_routes of routes are disrupted. The value for max_ruined_routes is defined as (4 * avg_num_removed_visits) / (1 + max_sequence_size) + 1 with
- avg_num_removed_visits: user-defined parameter ruling the average number of visits that are removed in face of several ruin applications (see also the proto message below)
- max_sequence_size is defined as min{max_removed_sequence_size, average_route_size} with
- max_removed_sequence_size: user-defined parameter that specifies the maximum number of visits removed from a single route (see also the proto message below)
- average_route_size: the average size of a non-empty route in the current solution The actual number of ruined routes is then obtained as floor(U(1, max_ruined_routes + 1)) where U is a continuous uniform distribution of real values in the given interval. The routes affected by the ruin procedure are selected as follows. First, a non start/end seed node is randomly selected. The route serving this node is the first ruined route. Then, until the required number of routes has been ruined, neighbor nodes of the initial seed node are scanned and the associated not yet ruined routes are disrupted. Nodes defining the selected routes are designated as seed nodes for the "sequence" and "split sequence" removal procedures described below. For every selected route, a maximum number route_max_sequence_size of nodes are removed. In particular, route_max_sequence_size is defined as min{route_size, max_sequence_size} with route_size being the size of the current route. Then, the actual number of removed nodes num_removed_nodes is defined as floor(U(1, route_max_sequence_size + 1)) where U is a continuous uniform distribution of real values in the given interval. As mentioned above, the selected num_removed_nodes number of nodes is removed either via the "sequence" removal or "split sequence" removal procedures. The two removal procedures are executed with equal probabilities. The "sequence" removal procedure removes a randomly selected sequence of size num_removed_nodes that includes the seed node. The "split sequence" removal procedure also removes a randomly selected sequence of size num_removed_nodes that includes the seed node, but it can possibly preserve a subsequence of contiguous nodes. In particular, the procedure first selects a sequence of size num_removed_nodes + num_bypassed, then num_bypassed contiguous nodes in the selected sequence are preserved while the others removed. The definition of num_bypassed is as follows. First num_bypassed = 1. The current value of num_bypassed is maintaned if U(0, 1) < bypass_factor * U(0, 1) or the maximum value for num_bypassed, equal to route_size - num_removed_nodes is reached. The value is incremented of a unit otherwise, and the process is repeated. The value assigned to bypass_factor affects the number of preserved visits (see also the proto message below).
Definition at line 636 of file RoutingIls.pb.cs.
◆ SISRRuinStrategy() [1/2]
Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.SISRRuinStrategy.SISRRuinStrategy |
( |
| ) |
inline |
◆ SISRRuinStrategy() [2/2]
Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.SISRRuinStrategy.SISRRuinStrategy |
( |
SISRRuinStrategy | other | ) |
inline |
◆ CalculateSize()
int Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.SISRRuinStrategy.CalculateSize |
( |
| ) |
inline |
◆ ClearAvgNumRemovedVisits()
void Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.SISRRuinStrategy.ClearAvgNumRemovedVisits |
( |
| ) |
inline |
Clears the value of the "avg_num_removed_visits" field.
Definition at line 742 of file RoutingIls.pb.cs.
◆ ClearBypassFactor()
void Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.SISRRuinStrategy.ClearBypassFactor |
( |
| ) |
inline |
Clears the value of the "bypass_factor" field.
Definition at line 774 of file RoutingIls.pb.cs.
◆ ClearMaxRemovedSequenceSize()
void Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.SISRRuinStrategy.ClearMaxRemovedSequenceSize |
( |
| ) |
inline |
Clears the value of the "max_removed_sequence_size" field.
Definition at line 711 of file RoutingIls.pb.cs.
◆ Clone()
◆ Equals() [1/2]
override bool Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.SISRRuinStrategy.Equals |
( |
object | other | ) |
inline |
◆ Equals() [2/2]
bool Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.SISRRuinStrategy.Equals |
( |
SISRRuinStrategy | other | ) |
inline |
◆ GetHashCode()
override int Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.SISRRuinStrategy.GetHashCode |
( |
| ) |
inline |
◆ MergeFrom() [1/2]
void Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.SISRRuinStrategy.MergeFrom |
( |
pb.CodedInputStream | input | ) |
inline |
◆ MergeFrom() [2/2]
void Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.SISRRuinStrategy.MergeFrom |
( |
SISRRuinStrategy | other | ) |
inline |
◆ ToString()
override string Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.SISRRuinStrategy.ToString |
( |
| ) |
inline |
◆ WriteTo()
void Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.SISRRuinStrategy.WriteTo |
( |
pb.CodedOutputStream | output | ) |
inline |
◆ AvgNumRemovedVisitsFieldNumber
const int Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.SISRRuinStrategy.AvgNumRemovedVisitsFieldNumber = 2 |
static |
Field number for the "avg_num_removed_visits" field.
Definition at line 716 of file RoutingIls.pb.cs.
◆ BypassFactorFieldNumber
const int Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.SISRRuinStrategy.BypassFactorFieldNumber = 3 |
static |
◆ MaxRemovedSequenceSizeFieldNumber
const int Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.SISRRuinStrategy.MaxRemovedSequenceSizeFieldNumber = 1 |
static |
Field number for the "max_removed_sequence_size" field.
Definition at line 685 of file RoutingIls.pb.cs.
◆ AvgNumRemovedVisits
uint Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.SISRRuinStrategy.AvgNumRemovedVisits |
getset |
Number of visits that are removed on average. The parameter name in the paper is \bar{c} and the suggested value is 10.
Definition at line 726 of file RoutingIls.pb.cs.
◆ BypassFactor
double Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.SISRRuinStrategy.BypassFactor |
getset |
Value in [0, 1] ruling the number of preserved customers in the split sequence removal. The parameter name in the paper is \alpha and the suggested value is 0.01.
Definition at line 758 of file RoutingIls.pb.cs.
◆ Descriptor
pbr.MessageDescriptor Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.SISRRuinStrategy.Descriptor |
staticget |
◆ HasAvgNumRemovedVisits
bool Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.SISRRuinStrategy.HasAvgNumRemovedVisits |
get |
Gets whether the "avg_num_removed_visits" field is set.
Definition at line 736 of file RoutingIls.pb.cs.
◆ HasBypassFactor
bool Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.SISRRuinStrategy.HasBypassFactor |
get |
Gets whether the "bypass_factor" field is set.
Definition at line 768 of file RoutingIls.pb.cs.
◆ HasMaxRemovedSequenceSize
bool Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.SISRRuinStrategy.HasMaxRemovedSequenceSize |
get |
Gets whether the "max_removed_sequence_size" field is set.
Definition at line 705 of file RoutingIls.pb.cs.
◆ MaxRemovedSequenceSize
uint Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.SISRRuinStrategy.MaxRemovedSequenceSize |
getset |
Maximum number of removed visits per sequence. The parameter name in the paper is L^{max} and the suggested value is 10.
Definition at line 695 of file RoutingIls.pb.cs.
◆ Parser
pb.MessageParser<SISRRuinStrategy> Google.OrTools.ConstraintSolver.SISRRuinStrategy.Parser |
staticget |
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