Google OR-Tools v9.12
a fast and portable software suite for combinatorial optimization
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CpModel.pb.cs File Reference

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class  Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModelReflection
 Holder for reflection information generated from ortools/sat/cp_model.proto. More...
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.IntegerVariableProto
 An integer variable. More...
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.BoolArgumentProto
 Argument of the constraints of the form OP(literals). More...
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.LinearExpressionProto
 Some constraints supports linear expression instead of just using a reference to a variable. This is especially useful during presolve to reduce the model size. More...
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.LinearArgumentProto
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.AllDifferentConstraintProto
 All affine expressions must take different values. More...
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.LinearConstraintProto
 The linear sum vars[i] * coeffs[i] must fall in the given domain. The domain has the same format as the one in IntegerVariableProto. More...
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.ElementConstraintProto
 The constraint target = vars[index]. This enforces that index takes one of the value in [0, vars_size()). More...
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.IntervalConstraintProto
 This is not really a constraint. It is there so it can be referred by other constraints using this "interval" concept. More...
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.NoOverlapConstraintProto
 All the intervals (index of IntervalConstraintProto) must be disjoint. More formally, there must exist a sequence so that for each consecutive intervals, we have end_i <= start_{i+1}. In particular, intervals of size zero do matter for this constraint. This is also known as a disjunctive constraint in scheduling. More...
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.NoOverlap2DConstraintProto
 The boxes defined by [start_x, end_x) * [start_y, end_y) cannot overlap. Furthermore, one box is optional if at least one of the x or y interval is optional. More...
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.CumulativeConstraintProto
 The sum of the demands of the intervals at each interval point cannot exceed a capacity. Note that intervals are interpreted as [start, end) and as such intervals like [2,3) and [3,4) do not overlap for the point of view of this constraint. Moreover, intervals of size zero are ignored. More...
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.ReservoirConstraintProto
 Maintain a reservoir level within bounds. The water level starts at 0, and at any time, it must be within [min_level, max_level]. More...
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.CircuitConstraintProto
 The circuit constraint is defined on a graph where the arc presence are controlled by literals. Each arc is given by an index in the tails/heads/literals lists that must have the same size. More...
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.RoutesConstraintProto
 The "VRP" (Vehicle Routing Problem) constraint. More...
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.TableConstraintProto
 The values of the n-tuple formed by the given expression can only be one of the listed n-tuples in values. The n-tuples are encoded in a flattened way: [tuple0_v0, tuple0_v1, ..., tuple0_v{n-1}, tuple1_v0, ...]. Expressions must be affine (a * var + b). Corner cases: More...
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.InverseConstraintProto
 The two arrays of variable each represent a function, the second is the inverse of the first: f_direct[i] == j <=> f_inverse[j] == i. More...
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.AutomatonConstraintProto
 This constraint forces a sequence of expressions to be accepted by an automaton. More...
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.ListOfVariablesProto
 A list of variables, without any semantics. More...
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.ConstraintProto
 Next id: 31. More...
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.CpObjectiveProto
 Optimization objective. More...
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.FloatObjectiveProto
 A linear floating point objective: sum coeffs[i] * vars[i] + offset. More...
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.DecisionStrategyProto
 Define the strategy to follow when the solver needs to take a new decision. More...
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.DecisionStrategyProto.Types
 Container for nested types declared in the DecisionStrategyProto message type. More...
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.PartialVariableAssignment
 This message encodes a partial (or full) assignment of the variables of a CpModelProto. The variable indices should be unique and valid variable indices. More...
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.SparsePermutationProto
 A permutation of integers encoded as a list of cycles, hence the "sparse" format. The image of an element cycle[i] is cycle[(i + 1) % cycle_length]. More...
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.DenseMatrixProto
 A dense matrix of numbers encoded in a flat way, row by row. That is matrix[i][j] = entries[i * num_cols + j];. More...
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.SymmetryProto
 EXPERIMENTAL. For now, this is meant to be used by the solver and not filled by clients. More...
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.CpModelProto
 A constraint programming problem. More...
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.CpSolverSolution
 Just a message used to store dense solution. This is used by the additional_solutions field. More...
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.CpSolverResponse
 The response returned by a solver trying to solve a CpModelProto. More...


namespace  Google
namespace  Google.OrTools
namespace  Google.OrTools.Sat


enum  Google.OrTools.Sat.CpSolverStatus {
  Google.OrTools.Sat.Unknown = 0 , Google.OrTools.Sat.ModelInvalid = 1 , Google.OrTools.Sat.Feasible = 2 , Google.OrTools.Sat.Infeasible = 3 ,
  Google.OrTools.Sat.Optimal = 4
 The status returned by a solver trying to solve a CpModelProto. More...