Google OR-Tools v9.12
a fast and portable software suite for combinatorial optimization
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BooleanProblem.pb.cs File Reference

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class  Google.OrTools.Sat.BooleanProblemReflection
 Holder for reflection information generated from ortools/sat/boolean_problem.proto. More...
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.LinearBooleanConstraint
 A linear Boolean constraint which is a bounded sum of linear terms. Each term beeing a literal times an integer coefficient. If we assume that a literal takes the value 1 if it is true and 0 otherwise, the constraint is: lower_bound <= ... + coefficients[i] * literals[i] + ... <= upper_bound. More...
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.LinearObjective
 The objective of an optimization problem. More...
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.BooleanAssignment
 Stores an assignment of variables as a list of true literals using their signed representation. There will be at most one literal per variable. The literals will be sorted by increasing variable index. The assignment may be partial in the sense that some variables may not appear and thus not be assigned. More...
class  Google.OrTools.Sat.LinearBooleanProblem
 A linear Boolean problem. More...


namespace  Google
namespace  Google.OrTools
namespace  Google.OrTools.Sat