Google OR-Tools v9.12
a fast and portable software suite for combinatorial optimization
No Matches
ortools.math_opt.python.errors Namespace Reference


class  _StatusCode
class  InternalMathOptError


Optional[Exception] status_proto_to_exception (rpc_pb2.StatusProto status_proto)

Detailed Description

Translate C++'s absl::Status errors to Python standard errors.

Here we try to use the standard Python errors we would use if the C++ code was
instead implemented in Python. This will give Python users a more familiar API.

Function Documentation

◆ status_proto_to_exception()

Optional[Exception] ortools.math_opt.python.errors.status_proto_to_exception ( rpc_pb2.StatusProto status_proto)
Returns the Python exception that best match the input absl::Status.

There are some Status that we expect the MathOpt code to return, for those the
matching exceptions are:
- InvalidArgument: ValueError
- FailedPrecondition: AssertionError
- Unimplemented: NotImplementedError
- Internal: InternalMathOptError

Other Status's are not used by MathOpt, if they are seen a
InternalMathOptError is raised (as if the Status was Internal) and the error
message contains the unexpected code.

  status_proto: The input proto to convert to an exception.

  The corresponding exception. None if the input status is OK.

Definition at line 55 of file