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OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest Class Referencesealed

Next id: 18. More...

Inheritance diagram for OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest:


class  Types
 Container for nested types declared in the MPModelRequest message type. More...

Public Member Functions

 MPModelRequest ()
 MPModelRequest (MPModelRequest other)
MPModelRequest Clone ()
void ClearSolverType ()
 Clears the value of the "solver_type" field.
void ClearSolverTimeLimitSeconds ()
 Clears the value of the "solver_time_limit_seconds" field.
void ClearEnableInternalSolverOutput ()
 Clears the value of the "enable_internal_solver_output" field.
void ClearSolverSpecificParameters ()
 Clears the value of the "solver_specific_parameters" field.
void ClearIgnoreSolverSpecificParametersFailure ()
 Clears the value of the "ignore_solver_specific_parameters_failure" field.
void ClearPopulateAdditionalSolutionsUpTo ()
 Clears the value of the "populate_additional_solutions_up_to" field.
override bool Equals (object other)
bool Equals (MPModelRequest other)
override int GetHashCode ()
override string ToString ()
void WriteTo (pb::CodedOutputStream output)
int CalculateSize ()
void MergeFrom (MPModelRequest other)
void MergeFrom (pb::CodedInputStream input)

Static Public Attributes

const int ModelFieldNumber = 1
 Field number for the "model" field.
const int SolverTypeFieldNumber = 2
 Field number for the "solver_type" field.
const int SolverTimeLimitSecondsFieldNumber = 3
 Field number for the "solver_time_limit_seconds" field.
const int EnableInternalSolverOutputFieldNumber = 4
 Field number for the "enable_internal_solver_output" field.
const int SolverSpecificParametersFieldNumber = 5
 Field number for the "solver_specific_parameters" field.
const int IgnoreSolverSpecificParametersFailureFieldNumber = 9
 Field number for the "ignore_solver_specific_parameters_failure" field.
const int ModelDeltaFieldNumber = 8
 Field number for the "model_delta" field.
const int PopulateAdditionalSolutionsUpToFieldNumber = 11
 Field number for the "populate_additional_solutions_up_to" field.


static pb::MessageParser< MPModelRequestParser [get]
static pbr::MessageDescriptor Descriptor [get]
global::OperationsResearch.MPModelProto Model [get, set]
 The model to be optimized by the server.
global::OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.Types.SolverType SolverType [get, set]
bool HasSolverType [get]
 Gets whether the "solver_type" field is set.
double SolverTimeLimitSeconds [get, set]
 Maximum time to be spent by the solver to solve 'model'. If the server is busy and the RPC's deadline_left is less than this, it will immediately give up and return an error, without even trying to solve.
bool HasSolverTimeLimitSeconds [get]
 Gets whether the "solver_time_limit_seconds" field is set.
bool EnableInternalSolverOutput [get, set]
 If this is set, then EnableOutput() will be set on the internal MPSolver that solves the model.
bool HasEnableInternalSolverOutput [get]
 Gets whether the "enable_internal_solver_output" field is set.
string SolverSpecificParameters [get, set]
 Advanced usage. Solver-specific parameters in the solver's own format, different for each solver. For example, if you use SCIP and you want to stop the solve earlier than the time limit if it reached a solution that is at most 1% away from the optimal, you can set this to "limits/gap=0.01".
bool HasSolverSpecificParameters [get]
 Gets whether the "solver_specific_parameters" field is set.
bool IgnoreSolverSpecificParametersFailure [get, set]
bool HasIgnoreSolverSpecificParametersFailure [get]
 Gets whether the "ignore_solver_specific_parameters_failure" field is set.
global::OperationsResearch.MPModelDeltaProto ModelDelta [get, set]
 Advanced usage: model "delta". If used, "model" must be unset. See the definition of MPModelDeltaProto.
int PopulateAdditionalSolutionsUpTo [get, set]
 Controls the recovery of additional solutions, if any, saved by the underlying solver back in the MPSolutionResponse.additional_solutions. The repeated field will be length min(populate_addition_solutions_up_to, #additional_solutions_available_in_underlying_solver) These additional solutions may have a worse objective than the main solution returned in the response.
bool HasPopulateAdditionalSolutionsUpTo [get]
 Gets whether the "populate_additional_solutions_up_to" field is set.

Detailed Description

Next id: 18.

Definition at line 6393 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MPModelRequest() [1/2]

OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.MPModelRequest ( )

Definition at line 6419 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ MPModelRequest() [2/2]

OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.MPModelRequest ( MPModelRequest other)

Definition at line 6427 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

Member Function Documentation

◆ CalculateSize()

int OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.CalculateSize ( )

Definition at line 6822 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ ClearEnableInternalSolverOutput()

void OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.ClearEnableInternalSolverOutput ( )

Clears the value of the "enable_internal_solver_output" field.

Definition at line 6557 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ ClearIgnoreSolverSpecificParametersFailure()

void OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.ClearIgnoreSolverSpecificParametersFailure ( )

Clears the value of the "ignore_solver_specific_parameters_failure" field.

Definition at line 6628 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ ClearPopulateAdditionalSolutionsUpTo()

void OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.ClearPopulateAdditionalSolutionsUpTo ( )

Clears the value of the "populate_additional_solutions_up_to" field.

Definition at line 6680 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ ClearSolverSpecificParameters()

void OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.ClearSolverSpecificParameters ( )

Clears the value of the "solver_specific_parameters" field.

Definition at line 6601 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ ClearSolverTimeLimitSeconds()

void OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.ClearSolverTimeLimitSeconds ( )

Clears the value of the "solver_time_limit_seconds" field.

Definition at line 6524 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ ClearSolverType()

void OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.ClearSolverType ( )

Clears the value of the "solver_type" field.

Definition at line 6484 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ Clone()

MPModelRequest OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.Clone ( )

Definition at line 6442 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ Equals() [1/2]

bool OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.Equals ( MPModelRequest other)

Definition at line 6692 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ Equals() [2/2]

override bool OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.Equals ( object other)

Definition at line 6686 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ GetHashCode()

override int OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.GetHashCode ( )

Definition at line 6712 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ MergeFrom() [1/2]

void OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.MergeFrom ( MPModelRequest other)

Definition at line 6856 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ MergeFrom() [2/2]

void OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.MergeFrom ( pb.CodedInputStream input)

Definition at line 6895 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ ToString()

override string OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.ToString ( )

Definition at line 6730 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ WriteTo()

void OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.WriteTo ( pb.CodedOutputStream output)

Definition at line 6736 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

Member Data Documentation

◆ EnableInternalSolverOutputFieldNumber

const int OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.EnableInternalSolverOutputFieldNumber = 4

Field number for the "enable_internal_solver_output" field.

Definition at line 6529 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ IgnoreSolverSpecificParametersFailureFieldNumber

const int OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.IgnoreSolverSpecificParametersFailureFieldNumber = 9

Field number for the "ignore_solver_specific_parameters_failure" field.

Definition at line 6606 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ ModelDeltaFieldNumber

const int OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.ModelDeltaFieldNumber = 8

Field number for the "model_delta" field.

Definition at line 6633 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ ModelFieldNumber

const int OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.ModelFieldNumber = 1

Field number for the "model" field.

Definition at line 6447 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ PopulateAdditionalSolutionsUpToFieldNumber

const int OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.PopulateAdditionalSolutionsUpToFieldNumber = 11

Field number for the "populate_additional_solutions_up_to" field.

Definition at line 6649 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ SolverSpecificParametersFieldNumber

const int OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.SolverSpecificParametersFieldNumber = 5

Field number for the "solver_specific_parameters" field.

Definition at line 6562 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ SolverTimeLimitSecondsFieldNumber

const int OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.SolverTimeLimitSecondsFieldNumber = 3

Field number for the "solver_time_limit_seconds" field.

Definition at line 6489 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ SolverTypeFieldNumber

const int OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.SolverTypeFieldNumber = 2

Field number for the "solver_type" field.

Definition at line 6462 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

Property Documentation

◆ Descriptor

pbr.MessageDescriptor OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.Descriptor

Definition at line 6407 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ EnableInternalSolverOutput

bool OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.EnableInternalSolverOutput

If this is set, then EnableOutput() will be set on the internal MPSolver that solves the model.

if you set this on a request to prod servers, it will be rejected and yield the RPC Application Error code MPSOLVER_SOLVER_TYPE_UNAVAILABLE.

Definition at line 6541 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ HasEnableInternalSolverOutput

bool OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.HasEnableInternalSolverOutput

Gets whether the "enable_internal_solver_output" field is set.

Definition at line 6551 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ HasIgnoreSolverSpecificParametersFailure

bool OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.HasIgnoreSolverSpecificParametersFailure

Gets whether the "ignore_solver_specific_parameters_failure" field is set.

Definition at line 6622 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ HasPopulateAdditionalSolutionsUpTo

bool OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.HasPopulateAdditionalSolutionsUpTo

Gets whether the "populate_additional_solutions_up_to" field is set.

Definition at line 6674 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ HasSolverSpecificParameters

bool OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.HasSolverSpecificParameters

Gets whether the "solver_specific_parameters" field is set.

Definition at line 6595 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ HasSolverTimeLimitSeconds

bool OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.HasSolverTimeLimitSeconds

Gets whether the "solver_time_limit_seconds" field is set.

Definition at line 6518 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ HasSolverType

bool OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.HasSolverType

Gets whether the "solver_type" field is set.

Definition at line 6478 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ IgnoreSolverSpecificParametersFailure

bool OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.IgnoreSolverSpecificParametersFailure

Definition at line 6612 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ Model

global.OperationsResearch.MPModelProto OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.Model

The model to be optimized by the server.

Definition at line 6454 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ ModelDelta

global.OperationsResearch.MPModelDeltaProto OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.ModelDelta

Advanced usage: model "delta". If used, "model" must be unset. See the definition of MPModelDeltaProto.

Definition at line 6641 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ Parser

pb.MessageParser<MPModelRequest> OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.Parser

Definition at line 6403 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ PopulateAdditionalSolutionsUpTo

int OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.PopulateAdditionalSolutionsUpTo

Controls the recovery of additional solutions, if any, saved by the underlying solver back in the MPSolutionResponse.additional_solutions. The repeated field will be length min(populate_addition_solutions_up_to, #additional_solutions_available_in_underlying_solver) These additional solutions may have a worse objective than the main solution returned in the response.

Definition at line 6664 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ SolverSpecificParameters

string OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.SolverSpecificParameters

Advanced usage. Solver-specific parameters in the solver's own format, different for each solver. For example, if you use SCIP and you want to stop the solve earlier than the time limit if it reached a solution that is at most 1% away from the optimal, you can set this to "limits/gap=0.01".

Note however that there is no "security" mechanism in place so it is up to the client to make sure that the given options don't make the solve non thread safe or use up too much memory for instance. If the option format is not understood by the solver, the request will be rejected and yield an RPC Application error with code MPSOLVER_MODEL_INVALID_SOLVER_PARAMETERS, unless you have set ignore_solver_specific_parameters_failure=true (in which case they are simply ignored).

Definition at line 6586 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ SolverTimeLimitSeconds

double OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.SolverTimeLimitSeconds

Maximum time to be spent by the solver to solve 'model'. If the server is busy and the RPC's deadline_left is less than this, it will immediately give up and return an error, without even trying to solve.

The client can use this to have a guarantee on how much time the solver will spend on the problem (unless it finds and proves an optimal solution more quickly). If not specified, the time limit on the solver is the RPC's deadline_left.

Definition at line 6508 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

◆ SolverType

global.OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.Types.SolverType OperationsResearch.MPModelRequest.SolverType

Definition at line 6468 of file LinearSolver.pb.cs.

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