Google OR-Tools v9.12
a fast and portable software suite for combinatorial optimization
No Matches File Reference
#include "ortools/xpress/environment.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <filesystem>
#include <functional>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "absl/status/status.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_join.h"
#include "absl/synchronization/mutex.h"
#include "ortools/base/dynamic_library.h"
#include "ortools/base/logging.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  operations_research
 In SWIG mode, we don't want anything besides these top-level includes.


#define STRINGIFY2(X)
#define STRINGIFY(X)


void operations_research::LoadXpressFunctions (DynamicLibrary *xpress_dynamic_library)
void operations_research::printXpressBanner (bool error)
 clang-format on
std::vector< std::string > operations_research::XpressDynamicLibraryPotentialPaths ()
absl::Status operations_research::LoadXpressDynamicLibrary (std::string &xpresspath)
void operations_research::log_message_about_XPRSinit_argument ()
void operations_research::log_full_license_error (int code, const std::string &xpress_lib_dir)
bool operations_research::initXpressEnv (bool verbose, int xpress_oem_license_key)
 ! init XPRESS environment.
bool operations_research::XpressIsCorrectlyInstalled ()


std::function< int(XPRSprob *p_prob)> operations_research::XPRScreateprob = nullptr
 This is the 'define' section.
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob)> operations_research::XPRSdestroyprob = nullptr
std::function< int(const char *path)> operations_research::XPRSinit = nullptr
std::function< int(void)> operations_research::XPRSfree = nullptr
std::function< int(char *buffer, int maxbytes)> operations_research::XPRSgetlicerrmsg = nullptr
std::function< int(int *p_i, char *p_c)> operations_research::XPRSlicense = nullptr
std::function< int(char *banner)> operations_research::XPRSgetbanner = nullptr
std::function< int(char *version)> operations_research::XPRSgetversion = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, const char *probname)> operations_research::XPRSsetprobname = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, int control)> operations_research::XPRSsetdefaultcontrol = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, int reason)> operations_research::XPRSinterrupt = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, int control, int value)> operations_research::XPRSsetintcontrol = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, int control, XPRSint64 value)> operations_research::XPRSsetintcontrol64 = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, int control, double value)> operations_research::XPRSsetdblcontrol = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, int control, const char *value)> operations_research::XPRSsetstrcontrol = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, int control, int *p_value)> operations_research::XPRSgetintcontrol = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, int control, XPRSint64 *p_value)> operations_research::XPRSgetintcontrol64 = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, int control, double *p_value)> operations_research::XPRSgetdblcontrol = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, int control, char *value, int maxbytes, int *p_nbytes)> operations_research::XPRSgetstringcontrol = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, int attrib, int *p_value)> operations_research::XPRSgetintattrib = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, int attrib, double *p_value)> operations_research::XPRSgetdblattrib = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, const char *name, int *p_id, int *p_type)> operations_research::XPRSgetcontrolinfo = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, const char *probname, int ncols, int nrows, const char rowtype[], const double rhs[], const double rng[], const double objcoef[], const int start[], const int collen[], const int rowind[], const double rowcoef[], const double lb[], const double ub[])> operations_research::XPRSloadlp = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, const char *probname, int ncols, int nrows, const char rowtype[], const double rhs[], const double rng[], const double objcoef[], const XPRSint64 start[], const int collen[], const int rowind[], const double rowcoef[], const double lb[], const double ub[])> operations_research::XPRSloadlp64 = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, double objcoef[], int first, int last)> operations_research::XPRSgetobj = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, double rhs[], int first, int last)> operations_research::XPRSgetrhs = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, double rng[], int first, int last)> operations_research::XPRSgetrhsrange = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, double lb[], int first, int last)> operations_research::XPRSgetlb = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, double ub[], int first, int last)> operations_research::XPRSgetub = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, int row, int col, double *p_coef)> operations_research::XPRSgetcoef = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, int *status, double duals[], int first, int last)> operations_research::XPRSgetduals = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, int *status, double djs[], int first, int last)> operations_research::XPRSgetredcosts = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, int nrows, int ncoefs, const char rowtype[], const double rhs[], const double rng[], const int start[], const int colind[], const double rowcoef[])> operations_research::XPRSaddrows = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, int nrows, const int rowind[])> operations_research::XPRSdelrows = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, int ncols, int ncoefs, const double objcoef[], const int start[], const int rowind[], const double rowcoef[], const double lb[], const double ub[])> operations_research::XPRSaddcols = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, int type, const char names[], int first, int last)> operations_research::XPRSaddnames = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, int type, char names[], int first, int last)> operations_research::XPRSgetnames = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, int ncols, const int colind[])> operations_research::XPRSdelcols = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, int ncols, const int colind[], const char coltype[])> operations_research::XPRSchgcoltype = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, const int rowstat[], const int colstat[])> operations_research::XPRSloadbasis = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob)> operations_research::XPRSpostsolve = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, int objsense)> operations_research::XPRSchgobjsense = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, char *errmsg)> operations_research::XPRSgetlasterror = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, int rowstat[], int colstat[])> operations_research::XPRSgetbasis = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, const char *filename, const char *flags)> operations_research::XPRSwriteprob = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, char rowtype[], int first, int last)> operations_research::XPRSgetrowtype = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, char coltype[], int first, int last)> operations_research::XPRSgetcoltype = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, int nbounds, const int colind[], const char bndtype[], const double bndval[])> operations_research::XPRSchgbounds = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, int length, const double solval[], const int colind[], const char *name)> operations_research::XPRSaddmipsol = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, double x[], double slack[], double duals[], double djs[])> operations_research::XPRSgetlpsol = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, double x[], double slack[])> operations_research::XPRSgetmipsol = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, int ncols, const int colind[], const double objcoef[])> operations_research::XPRSchgobj = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, int row, int col, double coef)> operations_research::XPRSchgcoef = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, int ncoefs, const int rowind[], const int colind[], const double rowcoef[])> operations_research::XPRSchgmcoef = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, XPRSint64 ncoefs, const int rowind[], const int colind[], const double rowcoef[])> operations_research::XPRSchgmcoef64 = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, int ncoefs, const int objqcol1[], const int objqcol2[], const double objqcoef[])> operations_research::XPRSchgmqobj = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, int nrows, const int rowind[], const double rhs[])> operations_research::XPRSchgrhs = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, int nrows, const int rowind[], const double rng[])> operations_research::XPRSchgrhsrange = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, int nrows, const int rowind[], const char rowtype[])> operations_research::XPRSchgrowtype = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, void(XPRS_CC *f_intsol)(XPRSprob cbprob, void *cbdata), void *p, int priority)> operations_research::XPRSaddcbintsol = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, void(XPRS_CC *f_intsol)(XPRSprob cbprob, void *cbdata), void *p)> operations_research::XPRSremovecbintsol = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, void(XPRS_CC *f_message)(XPRSprob cbprob, void *cbdata, const char *msg, int msglen, int msgtype), void *p, int priority)> operations_research::XPRSaddcbmessage = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, const char *flags)> operations_research::XPRSlpoptimize = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, const char *flags)> operations_research::XPRSmipoptimize = nullptr
std::function< int(XPRSprob prob, const char *flags, int *solvestatus, int *solstatus)> operations_research::XPRSoptimize = nullptr

Macro Definition Documentation


#define STRINGIFY ( X)
#define STRINGIFY2(X)

Definition at line 35 of file


#define STRINGIFY2 ( X)

Definition at line 34 of file