24#include "absl/status/statusor.h"
25#include "gtest/gtest.h"
125 :
public ::testing::TestWithParam<IpParameterTestParameters> {
162 :
public ::testing::TestWithParam<LargeInstanceTestParams> {
164 absl::StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<Model>>
165 absl::StatusOr<std::unique_ptr<Model>>
SolverType TestedSolver() const
absl::StatusOr< std::unique_ptr< Model > > LoadBeavma()
static constexpr double kOptimalObjective
static constexpr double kLpRelaxationObjective
absl::StatusOr< std::unique_ptr< Model > > Load23588()
An object oriented wrapper for quadratic constraints in ModelStorage.
The solvers supported by MathOpt.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &ostr, const IndicatorConstraint &constraint)
In SWIG mode, we don't want anything besides these top-level includes.
ParameterSupport parameter_support
std::string presolved_regexp
SolverType solver_type
The tested solver.
SolveParameters stop_before_optimal
SolveResultSupport solve_result_support
ParameterSupport parameter_support
bool allow_limit_undetermined
SolverType solver_type
The tested solver.
SolveParameters base_parameters
bool supports_n_threads
Supports setting threads to an arbitrary value.
bool supports_one_thread
Supports setting threads = 1 (all but HiGHS support this).
bool supports_lp_algorithm_barrier
bool supports_iteration_limit
bool supports_objective_limit
bool supports_lp_algorithm_simplex
bool supports_absolute_gap_tolerance
bool supports_random_seed
bool supports_solution_limit_one
Indicates if setting solution_limit with value 1 is supported.
bool supports_bound_limit
bool node_count
If SolveStats reports the node count.
bool iteration_stats
If SolveStats reports iteration stats for LP/IPM/FOM.