Google OR-Tools v9.9
a fast and portable software suite for combinatorial optimization
No Matches File Reference
#include "ortools/gurobi/environment.h"
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include "absl/status/status.h"
#include "absl/status/statusor.h"
#include "absl/strings/match.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_cat.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_format.h"
#include "absl/strings/str_join.h"
#include "absl/synchronization/mutex.h"
#include "ortools/base/file.h"
#include "ortools/base/logging.h"
#include "ortools/base/status_macros.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


namespace  operations_research
 In SWIG mode, we don't want anything besides these top-level includes.


bool operations_research::GurobiIsCorrectlyInstalled ()
void operations_research::LoadGurobiFunctions (DynamicLibrary *gurobi_dynamic_library)
std::vector< std::string > operations_research::GurobiDynamicLibraryPotentialPaths ()
absl::Status operations_research::LoadGurobiDynamicLibrary (std::vector< std::string > potential_paths)
absl::StatusOr< GRBenv * > operations_research::GetGurobiEnv ()


std::function< int(GRBenv **, const char *, const char *, const char *, int, const char *) operations_research::GRBisqp ) = nullptr
 This is the 'define' section.
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, const char *attrname) operations_research::GRBisattravailable )
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, const char *attrname, int *valueP) operations_research::GRBgetintattr ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, const char *attrname, int newvalue) operations_research::GRBsetintattr ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, const char *attrname, int element, int *valueP) operations_research::GRBgetintattrelement ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, const char *attrname, int element, int newvalue) operations_research::GRBsetintattrelement ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, const char *attrname, int first, int len, int *values) operations_research::GRBgetintattrarray ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, const char *attrname, int first, int len, int *newvalues) operations_research::GRBsetintattrarray ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, const char *attrname, int len, int *ind, int *newvalues) operations_research::GRBsetintattrlist ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, const char *attrname, int element, char *valueP) operations_research::GRBgetcharattrelement ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, const char *attrname, int element, char newvalue) operations_research::GRBsetcharattrelement ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, const char *attrname, int first, int len, char *values) operations_research::GRBgetcharattrarray ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, const char *attrname, int first, int len, char *newvalues) operations_research::GRBsetcharattrarray ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, const char *attrname, int len, int *ind, char *newvalues) operations_research::GRBsetcharattrlist ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, const char *attrname, double *valueP) operations_research::GRBgetdblattr ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, const char *attrname, double newvalue) operations_research::GRBsetdblattr ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, const char *attrname, int element, double *valueP) operations_research::GRBgetdblattrelement ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, const char *attrname, int element, double newvalue) operations_research::GRBsetdblattrelement ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, const char *attrname, int first, int len, double *values) operations_research::GRBgetdblattrarray ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, const char *attrname, int first, int len, double *newvalues) operations_research::GRBsetdblattrarray ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, const char *attrname, int len, int *ind, double *newvalues) operations_research::GRBsetdblattrlist ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, const char *attrname, char **valueP) operations_research::GRBgetstrattr ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, const char *attrname, const char *newvalue) operations_research::GRBsetstrattr ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, int(GUROBI_STDCALL *cb)(CB_ARGS), void *usrdata)> operations_research::GRBsetcallbackfunc = nullptr
std::function< int(void *cbdata, int where, int what, void *resultP) operations_research::GRBcbget )
std::function< int(void *cbdata, const double *solution, double *objvalP) operations_research::GRBcbsolution ) = nullptr
std::function< int(void *cbdata, int cutlen, const int *cutind, const double *cutval, char cutsense, double cutrhs) operations_research::GRBcbcut ) = nullptr
std::function< int(void *cbdata, int lazylen, const int *lazyind, const double *lazyval, char lazysense, double lazyrhs) operations_research::GRBcblazy ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, int *numnzP, int *vbeg, int *vind, double *vval, int start, int len) operations_research::GRBgetvars ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *modeloperations_research::GRBoptimize ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *modeloperations_research::GRBcomputeIIS ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, const char *filename) operations_research::GRBwrite ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBenv *env, GRBmodel **modelP, const char *Pname, int numvars, double *obj, double *lb, double *ub, char *vtype, char **varnames) operations_research::GRBnewmodel ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, int numnz, int *vind, double *vval, double obj, double lb, double ub, char vtype, const char *varname) operations_research::GRBaddvar ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, int numvars, int numnz, int *vbeg, int *vind, double *vval, double *obj, double *lb, double *ub, char *vtype, char **varnames) operations_research::GRBaddvars ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, int numnz, int *cind, double *cval, char sense, double rhs, const char *constrname) operations_research::GRBaddconstr ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, int numconstrs, int numnz, int *cbeg, int *cind, double *cval, char *sense, double *rhs, char **constrnames) operations_research::GRBaddconstrs ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, int numnz, int *cind, double *cval, double lower, double upper, const char *constrname) operations_research::GRBaddrangeconstr ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, int numsos, int nummembers, int *types, int *beg, int *ind, double *weightoperations_research::GRBaddsos ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, const char *name, int resvar, int nvars, const int *vars, double constant) operations_research::GRBaddgenconstrMax ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, const char *name, int resvar, int nvars, const int *vars, double constant) operations_research::GRBaddgenconstrMin ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, const char *name, int resvar, int argvar) operations_research::GRBaddgenconstrAbs ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, const char *name, int resvar, int nvars, const int *vars) operations_research::GRBaddgenconstrAnd ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, const char *name, int resvar, int nvars, const int *vars) operations_research::GRBaddgenconstrOr ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, const char *name, int binvar, int binval, int nvars, const int *vars, const double *vals, char sense, double rhs) operations_research::GRBaddgenconstrIndicator ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, int numlnz, int *lind, double *lval, int numqnz, int *qrow, int *qcol, double *qval, char sense, double rhs, const char *QCname) operations_research::GRBaddqconstr ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, int numqnz, int *qrow, int *qcol, double *qval) operations_research::GRBaddqpterms ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, int len, int *ind) operations_research::GRBdelvars ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, int len, int *ind) operations_research::GRBdelconstrs ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, int len, int *ind) operations_research::GRBdelsos ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, int len, int *ind) operations_research::GRBdelgenconstrs )
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, int len, int *ind) operations_research::GRBdelqconstrs ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *modeloperations_research::GRBdelq ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, int cnt, int *cind, int *vind, double *val) operations_research::GRBchgcoeffs ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *modeloperations_research::GRBupdatemodel ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *modeloperations_research::GRBfreemodel ) = nullptr
std::function< void(GRBmodel *modeloperations_research::GRBterminate ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBmodel *model, int index, int priority, double weight, double abstol, double reltol, const char *name, double constant, int lnz, int *lind, double *lval) operations_research::GRBsetobjectiven ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBenv *env, const char *paramname, int *valueP) operations_research::GRBgetintparam ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBenv *env, const char *paramname, double *valueP) operations_research::GRBgetdblparam ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBenv *env, const char *paramname, char *valueP) operations_research::GRBgetstrparam ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBenv *env, const char *paramname, int *valueP, int *minP, int *maxP, int *defP) operations_research::GRBgetintparaminfo ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBenv *env, const char *paramname, double *valueP, double *minP, double *maxP, double *defP) operations_research::GRBgetdblparaminfo ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBenv *env, const char *paramname, char *valueP, char *defP) operations_research::GRBgetstrparaminfo ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBenv *env, const char *paramname) operations_research::GRBgetparamtype )
std::function< int(GRBenv *env, int i, char **paramnameP) operations_research::GRBgetparamname )
std::function< int(GRBenv *env, const char *paramname, const char *valueoperations_research::GRBsetparam ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBenv *env, const char *paramname, int valueoperations_research::GRBsetintparam ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBenv *env, const char *paramname, double valueoperations_research::GRBsetdblparam ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBenv *env, const char *paramname, const char *valueoperations_research::GRBsetstrparam ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBenv *env) operations_research::GRBresetparams ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBenv *dest, GRBenv *src) operations_research::GRBcopyparams ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBenv *env) operations_research::GRBgetnumparams ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBenv **envP) operations_research::GRBemptyenv ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBenv **envP, const char *logfilename) operations_research::GRBloadenv ) = nullptr
std::function< int(GRBenv *env) operations_research::GRBstartenv ) = nullptr
std::function< GRBenv *(GRBmodel *modeloperations_research::GRBgetenv ) = nullptr
std::function< void(GRBenv *env) operations_research::GRBfreeenv ) = nullptr
std::function< const char *(GRBenv *env) operations_research::GRBgeterrormsg ) = nullptr
std::function< void(int *majorP, int *minorP, int *technicalP) operations_research::GRBversion )
std::function< char *(void)> operations_research::GRBplatform = nullptr