int | operations_research::sat::NegatedRef (int ref) |
| Small utility functions to deal with negative variable/literal references.
int | operations_research::sat::PositiveRef (int ref) |
bool | operations_research::sat::RefIsPositive (int ref) |
bool | operations_research::sat::HasEnforcementLiteral (const ConstraintProto &ct) |
| Small utility functions to deal with half-reified constraints.
int | operations_research::sat::EnforcementLiteral (const ConstraintProto &ct) |
int64_t | operations_research::sat::LinearExpressionGcd (const LinearExpressionProto &expr, int64_t gcd) |
void | operations_research::sat::DivideLinearExpression (int64_t divisor, LinearExpressionProto *expr) |
void | operations_research::sat::SetToNegatedLinearExpression (const LinearExpressionProto &input_expr, LinearExpressionProto *output_negated_expr) |
| Fills the target as negated ref.
IndexReferences | operations_research::sat::GetReferencesUsedByConstraint (const ConstraintProto &ct) |
void | operations_research::sat::GetReferencesUsedByConstraint (const ConstraintProto &ct, std::vector< int > *variables, std::vector< int > *literals) |
void | operations_research::sat::ApplyToAllVariableIndices (const std::function< void(int *)> &f, ConstraintProto *ct) |
void | operations_research::sat::ApplyToAllLiteralIndices (const std::function< void(int *)> &f, ConstraintProto *ct) |
void | operations_research::sat::ApplyToAllIntervalIndices (const std::function< void(int *)> &f, ConstraintProto *ct) |
absl::string_view | operations_research::sat::ConstraintCaseName (ConstraintProto::ConstraintCase constraint_case) |
std::vector< int > | operations_research::sat::UsedVariables (const ConstraintProto &ct) |
std::vector< int > | operations_research::sat::UsedIntervals (const ConstraintProto &ct) |
| Returns the sorted list of interval used by a constraint.
void | operations_research::sat::InsertVariablesFromInterval (const CpModelProto &model_proto, int index, Bitset64< int > &output) |
| Insert/Remove variables from an interval constraint into a bitset.
void | operations_research::sat::RemoveVariablesFromInterval (const CpModelProto &model_proto, int index, Bitset64< int > &output) |
template<typename ProtoWithDomain> |
bool | operations_research::sat::DomainInProtoContains (const ProtoWithDomain &proto, int64_t value) |
template<typename ProtoWithDomain> |
void | operations_research::sat::FillDomainInProto (const Domain &domain, ProtoWithDomain *proto) |
| Serializes a Domain into the domain field of a proto.
template<typename ProtoWithDomain> |
Domain | operations_research::sat::ReadDomainFromProto (const ProtoWithDomain &proto) |
| Reads a Domain from the domain field of a proto.
template<typename ProtoWithDomain> |
std::vector< int64_t > | operations_research::sat::AllValuesInDomain (const ProtoWithDomain &proto) |
double | operations_research::sat::ScaleObjectiveValue (const CpObjectiveProto &proto, int64_t value) |
| Scales back a objective value to a double value from the original model.
int64_t | operations_research::sat::ScaleInnerObjectiveValue (const CpObjectiveProto &proto, int64_t value) |
| Similar to ScaleObjectiveValue() but uses the integer version.
double | operations_research::sat::UnscaleObjectiveValue (const CpObjectiveProto &proto, double value) |
| Removes the objective scaling and offset from the given value.
int64_t | operations_research::sat::ComputeInnerObjective (const CpObjectiveProto &objective, absl::Span< const int64_t > solution) |
bool | operations_research::sat::ExpressionContainsSingleRef (const LinearExpressionProto &expr) |
| Returns true if a linear expression can be reduced to a single ref.
bool | operations_research::sat::ExpressionIsAffine (const LinearExpressionProto &expr) |
| Checks if the expression is affine or constant.
int | operations_research::sat::GetSingleRefFromExpression (const LinearExpressionProto &expr) |
int64_t | operations_research::sat::AffineExpressionValueAt (const LinearExpressionProto &expr, int64_t value) |
| Evaluates an affine expression at the given value.
int64_t | operations_research::sat::GetInnerVarValue (const LinearExpressionProto &expr, int64_t value) |
bool | operations_research::sat::AffineExpressionContainsVar (const LinearExpressionProto &expr, int var) |
| Returns true if the expression is a * var + b.
void | operations_research::sat::AddLinearExpressionToLinearConstraint (const LinearExpressionProto &expr, int64_t coefficient, LinearConstraintProto *linear) |
void | operations_research::sat::AddWeightedLiteralToLinearConstraint (int lit, int64_t coeff, LinearConstraintProto *linear, int64_t *offset) |
bool | operations_research::sat::SafeAddLinearExpressionToLinearConstraint (const LinearExpressionProto &expr, int64_t coefficient, LinearConstraintProto *linear) |
| Same method, but returns if the addition was possible without overflowing.
bool | operations_research::sat::LinearExpressionProtosAreEqual (const LinearExpressionProto &a, const LinearExpressionProto &b, int64_t b_scaling=1) |
| Returns true iff a == b * b_scaling.
template<class ExpressionList> |
bool | operations_research::sat::ExpressionsContainsOnlyOneVar (const ExpressionList &exprs) |
| Returns true if there exactly one variable appearing in all the expressions.
template<class T> |
uint64_t | operations_research::sat::FingerprintRepeatedField (const google::protobuf::RepeatedField< T > &sequence, uint64_t seed) |
template<class T> |
uint64_t | operations_research::sat::FingerprintSingleField (const T &field, uint64_t seed) |
uint64_t | operations_research::sat::FingerprintExpression (const LinearExpressionProto &lin, uint64_t seed) |
| Returns a stable fingerprint of a linear expression.
uint64_t | operations_research::sat::FingerprintModel (const CpModelProto &model, uint64_t seed=kDefaultFingerprintSeed) |
| Returns a stable fingerprint of a model.
void | operations_research::sat::SetupTextFormatPrinter (google::protobuf::TextFormat::Printer *printer) |
template<class M> |
bool | operations_research::sat::WriteModelProtoToFile (const M &proto, absl::string_view filename) |
bool | operations_research::sat::operator== (const BoolArgumentProto &lhs, const BoolArgumentProto &rhs) |
template<typename H> |
H | operations_research::sat::AbslHashValue (H h, const BoolArgumentProto &m) |
bool | operations_research::sat::operator== (const LinearConstraintProto &lhs, const LinearConstraintProto &rhs) |
template<typename H> |
H | operations_research::sat::AbslHashValue (H h, const LinearConstraintProto &m) |
bool | operations_research::sat::ConvertCpModelProtoToCnf (const CpModelProto &cp_model, std::string *out) |
int | operations_research::sat::CombineSeed (int base_seed, int64_t delta) |
| We assume delta >= 0 and we only use the low bit of delta.