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operations_research::MakePairInactiveOperator Class Reference

Operator which makes pairs of active nodes inactive. More...

#include <routing_neighborhoods.h>

Inheritance diagram for operations_research::MakePairInactiveOperator:
operations_research::PathOperator operations_research::IntVarLocalSearchOperator operations_research::LocalSearchOperator operations_research::BaseObject

Public Member Functions

 MakePairInactiveOperator (const std::vector< IntVar * > &vars, const std::vector< IntVar * > &secondary_vars, std::function< int(int64_t)> start_empty_path_class, const std::vector< PickupDeliveryPair > &pairs)
bool MakeNeighbor () override
std::string DebugString () const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from operations_research::PathOperator
 PathOperator (const std::vector< IntVar * > &next_vars, const std::vector< IntVar * > &path_vars, IterationParameters iteration_parameters)
 Builds an instance of PathOperator from next and path variables.
 PathOperator (const std::vector< IntVar * > &next_vars, const std::vector< IntVar * > &path_vars, int number_of_base_nodes, bool skip_locally_optimal_paths, bool accept_path_end_base, std::function< int(int64_t)> start_empty_path_class, std::function< const std::vector< int > &(int, int)> get_neighbors)
 ~PathOperator () override
void Reset () override
bool SkipUnchanged (int index) const override
int64_t Next (int64_t node) const
 Returns the node after node in the current delta.
int64_t Prev (int64_t node) const
 Returns the node before node in the current delta.
int64_t Path (int64_t node) const
int number_of_nexts () const
 Number of next variables.
- Public Member Functions inherited from operations_research::IntVarLocalSearchOperator
 IntVarLocalSearchOperator (const std::vector< IntVar * > &vars, bool keep_inverse_values=false)
 ~IntVarLocalSearchOperator () override
bool HoldsDelta () const override
void Start (const Assignment *assignment) override
virtual bool IsIncremental () const
int Size () const
int64_t Value (int64_t index) const
IntVarVar (int64_t index) const
 Returns the variable of given index.
int64_t OldValue (int64_t index) const
int64_t PrevValue (int64_t index) const
void SetValue (int64_t index, int64_t value)
bool Activated (int64_t index) const
void Activate (int64_t index)
void Deactivate (int64_t index)
bool ApplyChanges (Assignment *delta, Assignment *deltadelta) const
void RevertChanges (bool change_was_incremental)
void AddVars (const std::vector< IntVar * > &vars)
bool MakeNextNeighbor (Assignment *delta, Assignment *deltadelta) override
 --— Base operator class for operators manipulating IntVars --—
- Public Member Functions inherited from operations_research::LocalSearchOperator
 LocalSearchOperator ()
 ~LocalSearchOperator () override
virtual const LocalSearchOperatorSelf () const
virtual bool HasFragments () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from operations_research::BaseObject
 BaseObject ()
 BaseObject (const BaseObject &)=delete
 This type is neither copyable nor movable.
BaseObjectoperator= (const BaseObject &)=delete
virtual ~BaseObject ()

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from operations_research::PathOperator
bool MakeOneNeighbor () override
 This method should not be overridden. Override MakeNeighbor() instead.
virtual void OnNodeInitialization ()
int64_t BaseNode (int i) const
 Returns the ith base node of the operator.
int BaseAlternative (int i) const
 Returns the alternative for the ith base node.
int64_t BaseAlternativeNode (int i) const
 Returns the alternative node for the ith base node.
int BaseSiblingAlternative (int i) const
 Returns the alternative for the sibling of the ith base node.
int64_t BaseSiblingAlternativeNode (int i) const
 Returns the alternative node for the sibling of the ith base node.
int64_t StartNode (int i) const
 Returns the start node of the ith base node.
int64_t EndNode (int i) const
 Returns the end node of the ith base node.
const std::vector< int64_t > & path_starts () const
 Returns the vector of path start nodes.
int PathClass (int i) const
 Returns the class of the path of the ith base node.
int PathClassFromStartNode (int64_t start_node) const
virtual bool RestartAtPathStartOnSynchronize ()
virtual bool OnSamePathAsPreviousBase (int64_t base_index)
virtual int64_t GetBaseNodeRestartPosition (int base_index)
virtual void SetNextBaseToIncrement (int64_t base_index)
virtual bool ConsiderAlternatives (int64_t base_index) const
int64_t OldNext (int64_t node) const
int64_t PrevNext (int64_t node) const
int64_t OldPrev (int64_t node) const
int64_t OldPath (int64_t node) const
int CurrentNodePathStart (int64_t node) const
int CurrentNodePathEnd (int64_t node) const
bool MoveChain (int64_t before_chain, int64_t chain_end, int64_t destination)
bool ReverseChain (int64_t before_chain, int64_t after_chain, int64_t *chain_last)
bool MakeActive (int64_t node, int64_t destination)
 Insert the inactive node after destination.
bool MakeChainInactive (int64_t before_chain, int64_t chain_end)
bool SwapActiveAndInactive (int64_t active, int64_t inactive)
 Replaces active by inactive in the current path, making active inactive.
void SetNext (int64_t from, int64_t to, int64_t path)
 Sets 'to' to be the node after 'from' on the given path.
bool IsPathEnd (int64_t node) const
bool IsPathStart (int64_t node) const
 Returns true if node is the first node on the path.
bool IsInactive (int64_t node) const
 Returns true if node is inactive.
virtual bool InitPosition () const
void ResetPosition ()
int AddAlternativeSet (const std::vector< int64_t > &alternative_set)
template<typename PairType >
void AddPairAlternativeSets (const std::vector< PairType > &pair_alternative_sets)
int64_t GetActiveInAlternativeSet (int alternative_index) const
 Returns the active node in the given alternative set.
int64_t GetActiveAlternativeNode (int node) const
 Returns the active node in the alternative set of the given node.
int GetSiblingAlternativeIndex (int node) const
 Returns the index of the alternative set of the sibling of node.
int64_t GetActiveAlternativeSibling (int node) const
bool CheckChainValidity (int64_t before_chain, int64_t chain_end, int64_t exclude) const
bool HasNeighbors () const
int GetNeighborForBaseNode (int64_t base_index) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from operations_research::IntVarLocalSearchOperator
int64_t InverseValue (int64_t index) const
int64_t OldInverseValue (int64_t index) const
void AddToAssignment (IntVar *var, int64_t value, bool active, std::vector< int > *assignment_indices, int64_t index, Assignment *assignment) const
- Protected Attributes inherited from operations_research::PathOperator
const int number_of_nexts_
const bool ignore_path_vars_

Detailed Description

Operator which makes pairs of active nodes inactive.

Definition at line 199 of file routing_neighborhoods.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MakePairInactiveOperator()

operations_research::MakePairInactiveOperator::MakePairInactiveOperator ( const std::vector< IntVar * > & vars,
const std::vector< IntVar * > & secondary_vars,
std::function< int(int64_t)> start_empty_path_class,
const std::vector< PickupDeliveryPair > & pairs )

Definition at line 320 of file

Member Function Documentation

◆ DebugString()

std::string operations_research::MakePairInactiveOperator::DebugString ( ) const

Reimplemented from operations_research::BaseObject.

Definition at line 207 of file routing_neighborhoods.h.

◆ MakeNeighbor()

bool operations_research::MakePairInactiveOperator::MakeNeighbor ( )

Implements operations_research::PathOperator.

Definition at line 330 of file

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