Google OR-Tools v9.12
a fast and portable software suite for combinatorial optimization
No Matches
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1# Copyright 2010-2025 Google LLC
2# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4# You may obtain a copy of the License at
8# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
12# limitations under the License.
14"""A minimal pure python implementation of model_storage.ModelStorage."""
16from typing import Dict, Iterable, Iterator, Optional, Set, Tuple
17import weakref
19from ortools.math_opt import model_pb2
20from ortools.math_opt import model_update_pb2
21from ortools.math_opt import sparse_containers_pb2
22from ortools.math_opt.python import model_storage
28 """Tracks model updates for HashModelStorage."""
30 def __init__(self, mod: "HashModelStorage"):
31 self.retired: bool = False
32 self.model: "HashModelStorage" = mod
33 # Changes for variables with id < variables_checkpoint are explicitly
34 # tracked.
35 self.variables_checkpoint: int = self.model._next_var_id
36 # Changes for linear constraints with id < linear_constraints_checkpoint
37 # are explicitly tracked.
38 self.linear_constraints_checkpoint: int = self.model._next_lin_con_id
40 self.objective_direction: bool = False
41 self.objective_offset: bool = False
43 self.variable_deletes: Set[int] = set()
44 self.variable_lbs: Set[int] = set()
45 self.variable_ubs: Set[int] = set()
46 self.variable_integers: Set[int] = set()
48 self.linear_objective_coefficients: Set[int] = set()
49 self.quadratic_objective_coefficients: Set[_QuadraticKey] = set()
51 self.linear_constraint_deletes: Set[int] = set()
52 self.linear_constraint_lbs: Set[int] = set()
53 self.linear_constraint_ubs: Set[int] = set()
55 self.linear_constraint_matrix: Set[Tuple[int, int]] = set()
57 def export_update(self) -> Optional[model_update_pb2.ModelUpdateProto]:
58 if self.retired:
60 if (
61 self.variables_checkpoint == self.model.next_variable_id()
62 and (
64 == self.model.next_linear_constraint_id()
65 )
66 and not self.objective_direction
67 and not self.objective_offset
68 and not self.variable_deletes
69 and not self.variable_lbs
70 and not self.variable_ubs
71 and not self.variable_integers
74 and not self.linear_constraint_deletes
75 and not self.linear_constraint_lbs
76 and not self.linear_constraint_ubs
77 and not self.linear_constraint_matrix
78 ):
79 return None
80 result = model_update_pb2.ModelUpdateProto()
81 result.deleted_variable_ids[:] = sorted(self.variable_deletes)
82 result.deleted_linear_constraint_ids[:] = sorted(self.linear_constraint_deletes)
83 # Variable updates
85 sorted((vid, self.model.get_variable_lb(vid)) for vid in self.variable_lbs),
86 result.variable_updates.lower_bounds,
87 )
89 sorted((vid, self.model.get_variable_ub(vid)) for vid in self.variable_ubs),
90 result.variable_updates.upper_bounds,
91 )
93 sorted(
94 (vid, self.model.get_variable_is_integer(vid))
95 for vid in self.variable_integers
96 ),
97 result.variable_updates.integers,
98 )
99 # Linear constraint updates
101 sorted(
102 (cid, self.model.get_linear_constraint_lb(cid))
103 for cid in self.linear_constraint_lbs
104 ),
105 result.linear_constraint_updates.lower_bounds,
106 )
108 sorted(
109 (cid, self.model.get_linear_constraint_ub(cid))
110 for cid in self.linear_constraint_ubs
111 ),
112 result.linear_constraint_updates.upper_bounds,
113 )
114 # New variables and constraints
115 new_vars = []
116 for vid in range(self.variables_checkpoint, self.model.next_variable_id()):
117 var = self.model.variables.get(vid)
118 if var is not None:
119 new_vars.append((vid, var))
120 _variables_to_proto(new_vars, result.new_variables)
121 new_lin_cons = []
122 for lin_con_id in range(
124 self.model.next_linear_constraint_id(),
125 ):
126 lin_con = self.model.linear_constraints.get(lin_con_id)
127 if lin_con is not None:
128 new_lin_cons.append((lin_con_id, lin_con))
129 _linear_constraints_to_proto(new_lin_cons, result.new_linear_constraints)
130 # Objective update
131 if self.objective_direction:
132 result.objective_updates.direction_update = self.model.get_is_maximize()
133 if self.objective_offset:
134 result.objective_updates.offset_update = self.model.get_objective_offset()
136 sorted(
137 (var, self.model.get_linear_objective_coefficient(var))
138 for var in self.linear_objective_coefficients
139 ),
140 result.objective_updates.linear_coefficients,
141 )
142 for new_var in range(self.variables_checkpoint, self.model.next_variable_id()):
143 # NOTE: the value will be 0.0 if either the coefficient is not set or the
144 # variable has been deleted. Calling
145 # model.get_linear_objective_coefficient() throws an exception if the
146 # variable has been deleted.
147 obj_coef = self.model.linear_objective_coefficient.get(new_var, 0.0)
148 if obj_coef:
149 result.objective_updates.linear_coefficients.ids.append(new_var)
150 result.objective_updates.linear_coefficients.values.append(obj_coef)
152 quadratic_objective_updates = [
153 (
154 key.id1,
155 key.id2,
156 self.model.get_quadratic_objective_coefficient(key.id1, key.id2),
157 )
159 ]
160 for new_var in range(self.variables_checkpoint, self.model.next_variable_id()):
161 if self.model.variable_exists(new_var):
162 for other_var in self.model.get_quadratic_objective_adjacent_variables(
163 new_var
164 ):
165 key = _QuadraticKey(new_var, other_var)
166 if new_var >= other_var:
167 key = _QuadraticKey(new_var, other_var)
168 quadratic_objective_updates.append(
169 (
170 key.id1,
171 key.id2,
172 self.model.get_quadratic_objective_coefficient(
173 key.id1, key.id2
174 ),
175 )
176 )
177 quadratic_objective_updates.sort()
178 if quadratic_objective_updates:
179 first_var_ids, second_var_ids, coefficients = zip(
180 *quadratic_objective_updates
181 )
182 result.objective_updates.quadratic_coefficients.row_ids[:] = first_var_ids
183 result.objective_updates.quadratic_coefficients.column_ids[:] = (
184 second_var_ids
185 )
186 result.objective_updates.quadratic_coefficients.coefficients[:] = (
187 coefficients
188 )
189 # Linear constraint matrix updates
190 matrix_updates = [
191 (l, v, self.model.get_linear_constraint_coefficient(l, v))
192 for (l, v) in self.linear_constraint_matrix
193 ]
194 for new_var in range(self.variables_checkpoint, self.model.next_variable_id()):
195 if self.model.variable_exists(new_var):
196 for lin_con in self.model.get_linear_constraints_with_variable(new_var):
197 matrix_updates.append(
198 (
199 lin_con,
200 new_var,
201 self.model.get_linear_constraint_coefficient(
202 lin_con, new_var
203 ),
204 )
205 )
206 for new_lin_con in range(
208 self.model.next_linear_constraint_id(),
209 ):
210 if self.model.linear_constraint_exists(new_lin_con):
211 for var in self.model.get_variables_for_linear_constraint(new_lin_con):
212 # We have already gotten the new variables above. Note that we do at
213 # most twice as much work as we should from this.
214 if var < self.variables_checkpoint:
215 matrix_updates.append(
216 (
217 new_lin_con,
218 var,
219 self.model.get_linear_constraint_coefficient(
220 new_lin_con, var
221 ),
222 )
223 )
224 matrix_updates.sort()
225 if matrix_updates:
226 lin_cons, variables, coefs = zip(*matrix_updates)
227 result.linear_constraint_matrix_updates.row_ids[:] = lin_cons
228 result.linear_constraint_matrix_updates.column_ids[:] = variables
229 result.linear_constraint_matrix_updates.coefficients[:] = coefs
230 return result
232 def advance_checkpoint(self) -> None:
233 if self.retired:
235 self.objective_direction = False
236 self.objective_offset = False
237 self.variable_deletes = set()
238 self.variable_lbs = set()
239 self.variable_ubs = set()
240 self.variable_integers = set()
242 self.linear_constraint_deletes = set()
243 self.linear_constraint_lbs = set()
244 self.linear_constraint_ubs = set()
245 self.linear_constraint_matrix = set()
247 self.variables_checkpoint = self.model.next_variable_id()
248 self.linear_constraints_checkpoint = self.model.next_linear_constraint_id()
252 """Data specific to each decision variable in the optimization problem."""
254 def __init__(self, lb: float, ub: float, is_integer: bool, name: str) -> None:
255 self.lower_bound: float = lb
256 self.upper_bound: float = ub
257 self.is_integer: bool = is_integer
258 str = name
259 self.linear_constraint_nonzeros: Set[int] = set()
263 """Data specific to each linear constraint in the optimization problem."""
265 def __init__(self, lb: float, ub: float, name: str) -> None:
266 self.lower_bound: float = lb
267 self.upper_bound: float = ub
268 str = name
269 self.variable_nonzeros: Set[int] = set()
273 """Data describing quadratic terms with non-zero coefficients."""
275 def __init__(self) -> None:
276 self._coefficients: Dict[_QuadraticKey, float] = {}
277 # For a variable i that does not appear in a quadratic objective term with
278 # a non-zero coefficient, we may have self._adjacent_variable[i] being an
279 # empty set or i not appearing in self._adjacent_variable.keys() (e.g.
280 # depeding on whether the variable previously appeared in a quadratic term).
281 self._adjacent_variables: Dict[int, Set[int]] = {}
283 def __bool__(self) -> bool:
284 """Returns true if and only if there are any quadratic terms with non-zero coefficients."""
285 return bool(self._coefficients)
287 def get_adjacent_variables(self, variable_id: int) -> Iterator[int]:
288 """Yields the variables multiplying a variable in the stored quadratic terms.
290 If variable_id is not in the model the function yields the empty set.
292 Args:
293 variable_id: Function yields the variables multiplying variable_id in the
294 stored quadratic terms.
296 Yields:
297 The variables multiplying variable_id in the stored quadratic terms.
298 """
299 yield from self._adjacent_variables.get(variable_id, ())
301 def keys(self) -> Iterator[_QuadraticKey]:
302 """Yields the variable-pair keys associated to the stored quadratic terms."""
303 yield from self._coefficients.keys()
305 def coefficients(self) -> Iterator[model_storage.QuadraticEntry]:
306 """Yields the stored quadratic terms as QuadraticEntry."""
307 for key, coef in self._coefficients.items():
308 yield model_storage.QuadraticEntry(id_key=key, coefficient=coef)
310 def delete_variable(self, variable_id: int) -> None:
311 """Updates the data structure to consider variable_id as deleted."""
312 if variable_id not in self._adjacent_variables.keys():
313 return
314 for adjacent_variable_id in self._adjacent_variables[variable_id]:
315 if variable_id != adjacent_variable_id:
316 self._adjacent_variables[adjacent_variable_id].remove(variable_id)
317 del self._coefficients[_QuadraticKey(variable_id, adjacent_variable_id)]
318 self._adjacent_variables[variable_id].clear()
320 def clear(self) -> None:
321 """Clears the data structure."""
322 self._coefficients.clear()
326 self, first_variable_id: int, second_variable_id: int, value: float
327 ) -> bool:
328 """Sets the coefficient for the quadratic term associated to the product between two variables.
330 The ordering of the input variables does not matter.
332 Args:
333 first_variable_id: The first variable in the product.
334 second_variable_id: The second variable in the product.
335 value: The value of the coefficient.
337 Returns:
338 True if the coefficient is updated, False otherwise.
339 """
340 key = _QuadraticKey(first_variable_id, second_variable_id)
341 if value == self._coefficients.get(key, 0.0):
342 return False
343 if value == 0.0:
344 # Assuming self._coefficients/_adjacent_variables are filled according
345 # to get_coefficient(key) != 0.0.
346 del self._coefficients[key]
347 self._adjacent_variables[first_variable_id].remove(second_variable_id)
348 if first_variable_id != second_variable_id:
349 self._adjacent_variables[second_variable_id].remove(first_variable_id)
350 else:
351 if first_variable_id not in self._adjacent_variables.keys():
352 self._adjacent_variables[first_variable_id] = set()
353 if second_variable_id not in self._adjacent_variables.keys():
354 self._adjacent_variables[second_variable_id] = set()
355 self._coefficients[key] = value
356 self._adjacent_variables[first_variable_id].add(second_variable_id)
357 self._adjacent_variables[second_variable_id].add(first_variable_id)
358 return True
360 def get_coefficient(self, first_variable_id: int, second_variable_id: int) -> float:
361 """Gets the objective coefficient for the quadratic term associated to the product between two variables.
363 The ordering of the input variables does not matter.
365 Args:
366 first_variable_id: The first variable in the product.
367 second_variable_id: The second variable in the product.
369 Returns:
370 The value of the coefficient.
371 """
372 return self._coefficients.get(
373 _QuadraticKey(first_variable_id, second_variable_id), 0.0
374 )
378 """A simple, pure python implementation of ModelStorage.
380 Attributes:
381 _linear_constraint_matrix: A dictionary with (linear_constraint_id,
382 variable_id) keys and numeric values, representing the matrix A for the
383 constraints lb_c <= A*x <= ub_c. Invariant: the values have no zeros.
384 linear_objective_coefficient: A dictionary with variable_id keys and
385 numeric values, representing the linear terms in the objective.
386 Invariant: the values have no zeros.
387 _quadratic_objective_coefficients: A data structure containing quadratic
388 terms in the objective.
389 """
391 def __init__(self, name: str = "") -> None:
392 super().__init__()
393 self._name: str = name
394 self.variables: Dict[int, _VariableStorage] = {}
395 self.linear_constraints: Dict[int, _LinearConstraintStorage] = {}
396 self._linear_constraint_matrix: Dict[Tuple[int, int], float] = {} #
397 self._is_maximize: bool = False
398 self._objective_offset: float = 0.0
399 self.linear_objective_coefficient: Dict[int, float] = {}
400 self._quadratic_objective_coefficients: _QuadraticTermStorage = (
402 )
403 self._next_var_id: int = 0
404 self._next_lin_con_id: int = 0
405 self._update_trackers: weakref.WeakSet[_UpdateTracker] = weakref.WeakSet()
407 @property
408 def name(self) -> str:
409 return self._name
411 def add_variable(self, lb: float, ub: float, is_integer: bool, name: str) -> int:
412 var_id = self._next_var_id
413 self._next_var_id += 1
414 self.variables[var_id] = _VariableStorage(lb, ub, is_integer, name)
415 return var_id
417 def delete_variable(self, variable_id: int) -> None:
418 self._check_variable_id(variable_id)
419 variable = self.variables[variable_id]
420 # First update the watchers
421 for watcher in self._update_trackers:
422 if variable_id < watcher.variables_checkpoint:
423 watcher.variable_deletes.add(variable_id)
424 watcher.variable_lbs.discard(variable_id)
425 watcher.variable_ubs.discard(variable_id)
426 watcher.variable_integers.discard(variable_id)
427 watcher.linear_objective_coefficients.discard(variable_id)
428 for (
429 other_variable_id
430 ) in self._quadratic_objective_coefficients.get_adjacent_variables(
431 variable_id
432 ):
433 key = _QuadraticKey(variable_id, other_variable_id)
434 watcher.quadratic_objective_coefficients.discard(key)
435 for lin_con_id in variable.linear_constraint_nonzeros:
436 if lin_con_id < watcher.linear_constraints_checkpoint:
437 watcher.linear_constraint_matrix.discard(
438 (lin_con_id, variable_id)
439 )
440 # Then update self.
441 for lin_con_id in variable.linear_constraint_nonzeros:
442 self.linear_constraints[lin_con_id].variable_nonzeros.remove(variable_id)
443 del self._linear_constraint_matrix[(lin_con_id, variable_id)]
444 del self.variables[variable_id]
445 self.linear_objective_coefficient.pop(variable_id, None)
448 def variable_exists(self, variable_id: int) -> bool:
449 return variable_id in self.variables
451 def next_variable_id(self) -> int:
452 return self._next_var_id
454 def set_variable_lb(self, variable_id: int, lb: float) -> None:
455 self._check_variable_id(variable_id)
456 if lb == self.variables[variable_id].lower_bound:
457 return
458 self.variables[variable_id].lower_bound = lb
459 for watcher in self._update_trackers:
460 if variable_id < watcher.variables_checkpoint:
461 watcher.variable_lbs.add(variable_id)
463 def set_variable_ub(self, variable_id: int, ub: float) -> None:
464 self._check_variable_id(variable_id)
465 if ub == self.variables[variable_id].upper_bound:
466 return
467 self.variables[variable_id].upper_bound = ub
468 for watcher in self._update_trackers:
469 if variable_id < watcher.variables_checkpoint:
470 watcher.variable_ubs.add(variable_id)
472 def set_variable_is_integer(self, variable_id: int, is_integer: bool) -> None:
473 self._check_variable_id(variable_id)
474 if is_integer == self.variables[variable_id].is_integer:
475 return
476 self.variables[variable_id].is_integer = is_integer
477 for watcher in self._update_trackers:
478 if variable_id < watcher.variables_checkpoint:
479 watcher.variable_integers.add(variable_id)
481 def get_variable_lb(self, variable_id: int) -> float:
482 self._check_variable_id(variable_id)
483 return self.variables[variable_id].lower_bound
485 def get_variable_ub(self, variable_id: int) -> float:
486 self._check_variable_id(variable_id)
487 return self.variables[variable_id].upper_bound
489 def get_variable_is_integer(self, variable_id: int) -> bool:
490 self._check_variable_id(variable_id)
491 return self.variables[variable_id].is_integer
493 def get_variable_name(self, variable_id: int) -> str:
494 self._check_variable_id(variable_id)
495 return self.variables[variable_id].name
497 def get_variables(self) -> Iterator[int]:
498 yield from self.variables.keys()
500 def add_linear_constraint(self, lb: float, ub: float, name: str) -> int:
501 lin_con_id = self._next_lin_con_id
502 self._next_lin_con_id += 1
503 self.linear_constraints[lin_con_id] = _LinearConstraintStorage(lb, ub, name)
504 return lin_con_id
506 def delete_linear_constraint(self, linear_constraint_id: int) -> None:
507 self._check_linear_constraint_id(linear_constraint_id)
508 con = self.linear_constraints[linear_constraint_id]
509 # First update the watchers
510 for watcher in self._update_trackers:
511 if linear_constraint_id < watcher.linear_constraints_checkpoint:
512 watcher.linear_constraint_deletes.add(linear_constraint_id)
513 watcher.linear_constraint_lbs.discard(linear_constraint_id)
514 watcher.linear_constraint_ubs.discard(linear_constraint_id)
515 for var_id in con.variable_nonzeros:
516 if var_id < watcher.variables_checkpoint:
517 watcher.linear_constraint_matrix.discard(
518 (linear_constraint_id, var_id)
519 )
520 # Then update self.
521 for var_id in con.variable_nonzeros:
522 self.variables[var_id].linear_constraint_nonzeros.remove(
523 linear_constraint_id
524 )
525 del self._linear_constraint_matrix[(linear_constraint_id, var_id)]
526 del self.linear_constraints[linear_constraint_id]
528 def linear_constraint_exists(self, linear_constraint_id: int) -> bool:
529 return linear_constraint_id in self.linear_constraints
532 return self._next_lin_con_id
534 def set_linear_constraint_lb(self, linear_constraint_id: int, lb: float) -> None:
535 self._check_linear_constraint_id(linear_constraint_id)
536 if lb == self.linear_constraints[linear_constraint_id].lower_bound:
537 return
538 self.linear_constraints[linear_constraint_id].lower_bound = lb
539 for watcher in self._update_trackers:
540 if linear_constraint_id < watcher.linear_constraints_checkpoint:
541 watcher.linear_constraint_lbs.add(linear_constraint_id)
543 def set_linear_constraint_ub(self, linear_constraint_id: int, ub: float) -> None:
544 self._check_linear_constraint_id(linear_constraint_id)
545 if ub == self.linear_constraints[linear_constraint_id].upper_bound:
546 return
547 self.linear_constraints[linear_constraint_id].upper_bound = ub
548 for watcher in self._update_trackers:
549 if linear_constraint_id < watcher.linear_constraints_checkpoint:
550 watcher.linear_constraint_ubs.add(linear_constraint_id)
552 def get_linear_constraint_lb(self, linear_constraint_id: int) -> float:
553 self._check_linear_constraint_id(linear_constraint_id)
554 return self.linear_constraints[linear_constraint_id].lower_bound
556 def get_linear_constraint_ub(self, linear_constraint_id: int) -> float:
557 self._check_linear_constraint_id(linear_constraint_id)
558 return self.linear_constraints[linear_constraint_id].upper_bound
560 def get_linear_constraint_name(self, linear_constraint_id: int) -> str:
561 self._check_linear_constraint_id(linear_constraint_id)
562 return self.linear_constraints[linear_constraint_id].name
564 def get_linear_constraints(self) -> Iterator[int]:
565 yield from self.linear_constraints.keys()
568 self, linear_constraint_id: int, variable_id: int, value: float
569 ) -> None:
570 self._check_linear_constraint_id(linear_constraint_id)
571 self._check_variable_id(variable_id)
572 if value == self._linear_constraint_matrix.get(
573 (linear_constraint_id, variable_id), 0.0
574 ):
575 return
576 if value == 0.0:
578 (linear_constraint_id, variable_id), None
579 )
580 self.variables[variable_id].linear_constraint_nonzeros.discard(
581 linear_constraint_id
582 )
583 self.linear_constraints[linear_constraint_id].variable_nonzeros.discard(
584 variable_id
585 )
586 else:
587 self._linear_constraint_matrix[(linear_constraint_id, variable_id)] = value
588 self.variables[variable_id].linear_constraint_nonzeros.add(
589 linear_constraint_id
590 )
591 self.linear_constraints[linear_constraint_id].variable_nonzeros.add(
592 variable_id
593 )
594 for watcher in self._update_trackers:
595 if (
596 variable_id < watcher.variables_checkpoint
597 and linear_constraint_id < watcher.linear_constraints_checkpoint
598 ):
599 watcher.linear_constraint_matrix.add(
600 (linear_constraint_id, variable_id)
601 )
604 self, linear_constraint_id: int, variable_id: int
605 ) -> float:
606 self._check_linear_constraint_id(linear_constraint_id)
607 self._check_variable_id(variable_id)
608 return self._linear_constraint_matrix.get(
609 (linear_constraint_id, variable_id), 0.0
610 )
612 def get_linear_constraints_with_variable(self, variable_id: int) -> Iterator[int]:
613 self._check_variable_id(variable_id)
614 yield from self.variables[variable_id].linear_constraint_nonzeros
617 self, linear_constraint_id: int
618 ) -> Iterator[int]:
619 self._check_linear_constraint_id(linear_constraint_id)
620 yield from self.linear_constraints[linear_constraint_id].variable_nonzeros
623 self,
624 ) -> Iterator[model_storage.LinearConstraintMatrixIdEntry]:
625 for (constraint, variable), coef in self._linear_constraint_matrix.items():
627 linear_constraint_id=constraint,
628 variable_id=variable,
629 coefficient=coef,
630 )
632 def clear_objective(self) -> None:
633 for variable_id in self.linear_objective_coefficient:
634 for watcher in self._update_trackers:
635 if variable_id < watcher.variables_checkpoint:
636 watcher.linear_objective_coefficients.add(variable_id)
638 for key in self._quadratic_objective_coefficients.keys():
639 for watcher in self._update_trackers:
640 if key.id2 < watcher.variables_checkpoint:
641 watcher.quadratic_objective_coefficients.add(key)
643 self.set_objective_offset(0.0)
645 def set_linear_objective_coefficient(self, variable_id: int, value: float) -> None:
646 self._check_variable_id(variable_id)
647 if value == self.linear_objective_coefficient.get(variable_id, 0.0):
648 return
649 if value == 0.0:
650 self.linear_objective_coefficient.pop(variable_id, None)
651 else:
652 self.linear_objective_coefficient[variable_id] = value
653 for watcher in self._update_trackers:
654 if variable_id < watcher.variables_checkpoint:
655 watcher.linear_objective_coefficients.add(variable_id)
657 def get_linear_objective_coefficient(self, variable_id: int) -> float:
658 self._check_variable_id(variable_id)
659 return self.linear_objective_coefficient.get(variable_id, 0.0)
662 self,
663 ) -> Iterator[model_storage.LinearObjectiveEntry]:
664 for var_id, coef in self.linear_objective_coefficient.items():
666 variable_id=var_id, coefficient=coef
667 )
670 self, first_variable_id: int, second_variable_id: int, value: float
671 ) -> None:
672 self._check_variable_id(first_variable_id)
673 self._check_variable_id(second_variable_id)
674 updated = self._quadratic_objective_coefficients.set_coefficient(
675 first_variable_id, second_variable_id, value
676 )
677 if updated:
678 for watcher in self._update_trackers:
679 if (
680 max(first_variable_id, second_variable_id)
681 < watcher.variables_checkpoint
682 ):
683 watcher.quadratic_objective_coefficients.add(
684 _QuadraticKey(first_variable_id, second_variable_id)
685 )
688 self, first_variable_id: int, second_variable_id: int
689 ) -> float:
690 self._check_variable_id(first_variable_id)
691 self._check_variable_id(second_variable_id)
692 return self._quadratic_objective_coefficients.get_coefficient(
693 first_variable_id, second_variable_id
694 )
697 self,
698 ) -> Iterator[model_storage.QuadraticEntry]:
699 yield from self._quadratic_objective_coefficients.coefficients()
702 self, variable_id: int
703 ) -> Iterator[int]:
704 self._check_variable_id(variable_id)
705 yield from self._quadratic_objective_coefficients.get_adjacent_variables(
706 variable_id
707 )
709 def set_is_maximize(self, is_maximize: bool) -> None:
710 if self._is_maximize == is_maximize:
711 return
712 self._is_maximize = is_maximize
713 for watcher in self._update_trackers:
714 watcher.objective_direction = True
716 def get_is_maximize(self) -> bool:
717 return self._is_maximize
719 def set_objective_offset(self, offset: float) -> None:
720 if self._objective_offset == offset:
721 return
722 self._objective_offset = offset
723 for watcher in self._update_trackers:
724 watcher.objective_offset = True
726 def get_objective_offset(self) -> float:
727 return self._objective_offset
729 def export_model(self) -> model_pb2.ModelProto:
730 m: model_pb2.ModelProto = model_pb2.ModelProto()
731 = self._name
732 _variables_to_proto(self.variables.items(), m.variables)
734 self.linear_constraints.items(), m.linear_constraints
735 )
736 m.objective.maximize = self._is_maximize
737 m.objective.offset = self._objective_offset
739 obj_ids, obj_coefs = zip(*sorted(self.linear_objective_coefficient.items()))
740 m.objective.linear_coefficients.ids.extend(obj_ids)
741 m.objective.linear_coefficients.values.extend(obj_coefs)
743 first_var_ids, second_var_ids, coefficients = zip(
744 *sorted(
745 [
746 (entry.id_key.id1, entry.id_key.id2, entry.coefficient)
747 for entry in self._quadratic_objective_coefficients.coefficients()
748 ]
749 )
750 )
751 m.objective.quadratic_coefficients.row_ids.extend(first_var_ids)
752 m.objective.quadratic_coefficients.column_ids.extend(second_var_ids)
753 m.objective.quadratic_coefficients.coefficients.extend(coefficients)
755 flat_matrix_items = [
756 (con_id, var_id, coef)
757 for ((con_id, var_id), coef) in self._linear_constraint_matrix.items()
758 ]
759 lin_con_ids, var_ids, lin_con_coefs = zip(*sorted(flat_matrix_items))
760 m.linear_constraint_matrix.row_ids.extend(lin_con_ids)
761 m.linear_constraint_matrix.column_ids.extend(var_ids)
762 m.linear_constraint_matrix.coefficients.extend(lin_con_coefs)
763 return m
765 def add_update_tracker(self) -> model_storage.StorageUpdateTracker:
766 tracker = _UpdateTracker(self)
767 self._update_trackers.add(tracker)
768 return tracker
771 self, tracker: model_storage.StorageUpdateTracker
772 ) -> None:
773 self._update_trackers.remove(tracker)
774 tracker.retired = True
776 def _check_variable_id(self, variable_id: int) -> None:
777 if variable_id not in self.variables:
778 raise model_storage.BadVariableIdError(variable_id)
780 def _check_linear_constraint_id(self, linear_constraint_id: int) -> None:
781 if linear_constraint_id not in self.linear_constraints:
782 raise model_storage.BadLinearConstraintIdError(linear_constraint_id)
786 id_value_pairs: Iterable[Tuple[int, float]],
787 proto: sparse_containers_pb2.SparseDoubleVectorProto,
788) -> None:
789 """id_value_pairs must be sorted, proto is filled."""
790 if not id_value_pairs:
791 return
792 ids, values = zip(*id_value_pairs)
793 proto.ids[:] = ids
794 proto.values[:] = values
798 id_value_pairs: Iterable[Tuple[int, bool]],
799 proto: sparse_containers_pb2.SparseBoolVectorProto,
800) -> None:
801 """id_value_pairs must be sorted, proto is filled."""
802 if not id_value_pairs:
803 return
804 ids, values = zip(*id_value_pairs)
805 proto.ids[:] = ids
806 proto.values[:] = values
810 variables: Iterable[Tuple[int, _VariableStorage]],
811 proto: model_pb2.VariablesProto,
812) -> None:
813 """Exports variables to proto."""
814 has_named_var = False
815 for _, var_storage in variables:
816 if
817 has_named_var = True
818 break
819 for var_id, var_storage in variables:
820 proto.ids.append(var_id)
821 proto.lower_bounds.append(var_storage.lower_bound)
822 proto.upper_bounds.append(var_storage.upper_bound)
823 proto.integers.append(var_storage.is_integer)
824 if has_named_var:
825 proto.names.append(
829 linear_constraints: Iterable[Tuple[int, _LinearConstraintStorage]],
830 proto: model_pb2.LinearConstraintsProto,
831) -> None:
832 """Exports variables to proto."""
833 has_named_lin_con = False
834 for _, lin_con_storage in linear_constraints:
835 if
836 has_named_lin_con = True
837 break
838 for lin_con_id, lin_con_storage in linear_constraints:
839 proto.ids.append(lin_con_id)
840 proto.lower_bounds.append(lin_con_storage.lower_bound)
841 proto.upper_bounds.append(lin_con_storage.upper_bound)
842 if has_named_lin_con:
843 proto.names.append(
None set_linear_constraint_coefficient(self, int linear_constraint_id, int variable_id, float value)
None set_variable_is_integer(self, int variable_id, bool is_integer)
float get_quadratic_objective_coefficient(self, int first_variable_id, int second_variable_id)
float get_linear_constraint_ub(self, int linear_constraint_id)
int add_linear_constraint(self, float lb, float ub, str name)
Iterator[model_storage.LinearObjectiveEntry] get_linear_objective_coefficients(self)
Iterator[model_storage.LinearConstraintMatrixIdEntry] get_linear_constraint_matrix_entries(self)
None _check_linear_constraint_id(self, int linear_constraint_id)
None set_quadratic_objective_coefficient(self, int first_variable_id, int second_variable_id, float value)
float get_linear_constraint_lb(self, int linear_constraint_id)
Iterator[model_storage.QuadraticEntry] get_quadratic_objective_coefficients(self)
None remove_update_tracker(self, model_storage.StorageUpdateTracker tracker)
Iterator[int] get_linear_constraints_with_variable(self, int variable_id)
Iterator[int] get_quadratic_objective_adjacent_variables(self, int variable_id)
int add_variable(self, float lb, float ub, bool is_integer, str name)
None set_linear_constraint_ub(self, int linear_constraint_id, float ub)
None set_linear_constraint_lb(self, int linear_constraint_id, float lb)
float get_linear_constraint_coefficient(self, int linear_constraint_id, int variable_id)
None set_linear_objective_coefficient(self, int variable_id, float value)
model_storage.StorageUpdateTracker add_update_tracker(self)
Iterator[int] get_variables_for_linear_constraint(self, int linear_constraint_id)
bool set_coefficient(self, int first_variable_id, int second_variable_id, float value)
float get_coefficient(self, int first_variable_id, int second_variable_id)
Iterator[model_storage.QuadraticEntry] coefficients(self)
Optional[model_update_pb2.ModelUpdateProto] export_update(self)
None __init__(self, float lb, float ub, bool is_integer, str name)
None _variables_to_proto(Iterable[Tuple[int, _VariableStorage]] variables, model_pb2.VariablesProto proto)
None _set_sparse_double_vector(Iterable[Tuple[int, float]] id_value_pairs, sparse_containers_pb2.SparseDoubleVectorProto proto)
None _linear_constraints_to_proto(Iterable[Tuple[int, _LinearConstraintStorage]] linear_constraints, model_pb2.LinearConstraintsProto proto)
None _set_sparse_bool_vector(Iterable[Tuple[int, bool]] id_value_pairs, sparse_containers_pb2.SparseBoolVectorProto proto)