
The solution to an optimization problem defined by Model in model.py.

  1# Copyright 2010-2024 Google LLC
  2# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  3# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  4# You may obtain a copy of the License at
  6#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
  8# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  9# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 10# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 11# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 12# limitations under the License.
 14"""The solution to an optimization problem defined by Model in model.py."""
 15import dataclasses
 16import enum
 17from typing import Dict, Optional, TypeVar
 19from ortools.math_opt import solution_pb2
 20from ortools.math_opt.python import model
 21from ortools.math_opt.python import sparse_containers
 25class BasisStatus(enum.Enum):
 26    """Status of a variable/constraint in a LP basis.
 28    Attributes:
 29      FREE: The variable/constraint is free (it has no finite bounds).
 30      AT_LOWER_BOUND: The variable/constraint is at its lower bound (which must be
 31        finite).
 32      AT_UPPER_BOUND: The variable/constraint is at its upper bound (which must be
 33        finite).
 34      FIXED_VALUE: The variable/constraint has identical finite lower and upper
 35        bounds.
 36      BASIC: The variable/constraint is basic.
 37    """
 39    FREE = solution_pb2.BASIS_STATUS_FREE
 43    BASIC = solution_pb2.BASIS_STATUS_BASIC
 47class SolutionStatus(enum.Enum):
 48    """Feasibility of a primal or dual solution as claimed by the solver.
 50    Attributes:
 51      UNDETERMINED: Solver does not claim a feasibility status.
 52      FEASIBLE: Solver claims the solution is feasible.
 53      INFEASIBLE: Solver claims the solution is infeasible.
 54    """
 61def parse_optional_solution_status(
 62    proto: solution_pb2.SolutionStatusProto,
 63) -> Optional[SolutionStatus]:
 64    """Converts a proto SolutionStatus to an optional Python SolutionStatus."""
 65    return (
 66        None
 67        if proto == solution_pb2.SOLUTION_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED
 68        else SolutionStatus(proto)
 69    )
 72def optional_solution_status_to_proto(
 73    status: Optional[SolutionStatus],
 74) -> solution_pb2.SolutionStatusProto:
 75    """Converts an optional Python SolutionStatus to a proto SolutionStatus."""
 76    return solution_pb2.SOLUTION_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED if status is None else status.value
 80class PrimalSolution:
 81    """A solution to the optimization problem in a Model.
 83    E.g. consider a simple linear program:
 84      min c * x
 85      s.t. A * x >= b
 86      x >= 0.
 87    A primal solution is assignment values to x. It is feasible if it satisfies
 88    A * x >= b and x >= 0 from above. In the class PrimalSolution variable_values
 89    is x and objective_value is c * x.
 91    For the general case of a MathOpt optimization model, see go/mathopt-solutions
 92    for details.
 94    Attributes:
 95      variable_values: The value assigned for each Variable in the model.
 96      objective_value: The value of the objective value at this solution. This
 97        value may not be always populated.
 98      feasibility_status: The feasibility of the solution as claimed by the
 99        solver.
100    """
102    variable_values: Dict[model.Variable, float] = dataclasses.field(
103        default_factory=dict
104    )
105    objective_value: float = 0.0
106    feasibility_status: SolutionStatus = SolutionStatus.UNDETERMINED
108    def to_proto(self) -> solution_pb2.PrimalSolutionProto:
109        """Returns an equivalent proto for a primal solution."""
110        return solution_pb2.PrimalSolutionProto(
111            variable_values=sparse_containers.to_sparse_double_vector_proto(
112                self.variable_values
113            ),
114            objective_value=self.objective_value,
115            feasibility_status=self.feasibility_status.value,
116        )
119def parse_primal_solution(
120    proto: solution_pb2.PrimalSolutionProto, mod: model.Model
121) -> PrimalSolution:
122    """Returns an equivalent PrimalSolution from the input proto."""
123    result = PrimalSolution()
124    result.objective_value = proto.objective_value
125    result.variable_values = sparse_containers.parse_variable_map(
126        proto.variable_values, mod
127    )
128    status_proto = proto.feasibility_status
129    if status_proto == solution_pb2.SOLUTION_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED:
130        raise ValueError("Primal solution feasibility status should not be UNSPECIFIED")
131    result.feasibility_status = SolutionStatus(status_proto)
132    return result
136class PrimalRay:
137    """A direction of unbounded objective improvement in an optimization Model.
139    Equivalently, a certificate of infeasibility for the dual of the optimization
140    problem.
142    E.g. consider a simple linear program:
143      min c * x
144      s.t. A * x >= b
145      x >= 0.
146    A primal ray is an x that satisfies:
147      c * x < 0
148      A * x >= 0
149      x >= 0.
150    Observe that given a feasible solution, any positive multiple of the primal
151    ray plus that solution is still feasible, and gives a better objective
152    value. A primal ray also proves the dual optimization problem infeasible.
154    In the class PrimalRay, variable_values is this x.
156    For the general case of a MathOpt optimization model, see
157    go/mathopt-solutions for details.
159    Attributes:
160      variable_values: The value assigned for each Variable in the model.
161    """
163    variable_values: Dict[model.Variable, float] = dataclasses.field(
164        default_factory=dict
165    )
168def parse_primal_ray(proto: solution_pb2.PrimalRayProto, mod: model.Model) -> PrimalRay:
169    """Returns an equivalent PrimalRay from the input proto."""
170    result = PrimalRay()
171    result.variable_values = sparse_containers.parse_variable_map(
172        proto.variable_values, mod
173    )
174    return result
178class DualSolution:
179    """A solution to the dual of the optimization problem given by a Model.
181    E.g. consider the primal dual pair linear program pair:
182      (Primal)              (Dual)
183      min c * x             max b * y
184      s.t. A * x >= b       s.t. y * A + r = c
185      x >= 0                y, r >= 0.
186    The dual solution is the pair (y, r). It is feasible if it satisfies the
187    constraints from (Dual) above.
189    Below, y is dual_values, r is reduced_costs, and b * y is objective_value.
191    For the general case, see go/mathopt-solutions and go/mathopt-dual (and note
192    that the dual objective depends on r in the general case).
194    Attributes:
195      dual_values: The value assigned for each LinearConstraint in the model.
196      reduced_costs: The value assigned for each Variable in the model.
197      objective_value: The value of the dual objective value at this solution.
198        This value may not be always populated.
199      feasibility_status: The feasibility of the solution as claimed by the
200        solver.
201    """
203    dual_values: Dict[model.LinearConstraint, float] = dataclasses.field(
204        default_factory=dict
205    )
206    reduced_costs: Dict[model.Variable, float] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)
207    objective_value: Optional[float] = None
208    feasibility_status: SolutionStatus = SolutionStatus.UNDETERMINED
210    def to_proto(self) -> solution_pb2.DualSolutionProto:
211        """Returns an equivalent proto for a dual solution."""
212        return solution_pb2.DualSolutionProto(
213            dual_values=sparse_containers.to_sparse_double_vector_proto(
214                self.dual_values
215            ),
216            reduced_costs=sparse_containers.to_sparse_double_vector_proto(
217                self.reduced_costs
218            ),
219            objective_value=self.objective_value,
220            feasibility_status=self.feasibility_status.value,
221        )
224def parse_dual_solution(
225    proto: solution_pb2.DualSolutionProto, mod: model.Model
226) -> DualSolution:
227    """Returns an equivalent DualSolution from the input proto."""
228    result = DualSolution()
229    result.objective_value = (
230        proto.objective_value if proto.HasField("objective_value") else None
231    )
232    result.dual_values = sparse_containers.parse_linear_constraint_map(
233        proto.dual_values, mod
234    )
235    result.reduced_costs = sparse_containers.parse_variable_map(
236        proto.reduced_costs, mod
237    )
238    status_proto = proto.feasibility_status
239    if status_proto == solution_pb2.SOLUTION_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED:
240        raise ValueError("Dual solution feasibility status should not be UNSPECIFIED")
241    result.feasibility_status = SolutionStatus(status_proto)
242    return result
246class DualRay:
247    """A direction of unbounded objective improvement in an optimization Model.
249    A direction of unbounded improvement to the dual of an optimization,
250    problem; equivalently, a certificate of primal infeasibility.
252    E.g. consider the primal dual pair linear program pair:
253      (Primal)              (Dual)
254      min c * x             max b * y
255      s.t. A * x >= b       s.t. y * A + r = c
256      x >= 0                y, r >= 0.
258    The dual ray is the pair (y, r) satisfying:
259      b * y > 0
260      y * A + r = 0
261      y, r >= 0.
262    Observe that adding a positive multiple of (y, r) to dual feasible solution
263    maintains dual feasibility and improves the objective (proving the dual is
264    unbounded). The dual ray also proves the primal problem is infeasible.
266    In the class DualRay below, y is dual_values and r is reduced_costs.
268    For the general case, see go/mathopt-solutions and go/mathopt-dual (and note
269    that the dual objective depends on r in the general case).
271    Attributes:
272      dual_values: The value assigned for each LinearConstraint in the model.
273      reduced_costs: The value assigned for each Variable in the model.
274    """
276    dual_values: Dict[model.LinearConstraint, float] = dataclasses.field(
277        default_factory=dict
278    )
279    reduced_costs: Dict[model.Variable, float] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)
282def parse_dual_ray(proto: solution_pb2.DualRayProto, mod: model.Model) -> DualRay:
283    """Returns an equivalent DualRay from the input proto."""
284    result = DualRay()
285    result.dual_values = sparse_containers.parse_linear_constraint_map(
286        proto.dual_values, mod
287    )
288    result.reduced_costs = sparse_containers.parse_variable_map(
289        proto.reduced_costs, mod
290    )
291    return result
295class Basis:
296    """A combinatorial characterization for a solution to a linear program.
298    The simplex method for solving linear programs always returns a "basic
299    feasible solution" which can be described combinatorially as a Basis. A basis
300    assigns a BasisStatus for every variable and linear constraint.
302    E.g. consider a standard form LP:
303      min c * x
304      s.t. A * x = b
305      x >= 0
306    that has more variables than constraints and with full row rank A.
308    Let n be the number of variables and m the number of linear constraints. A
309    valid basis for this problem can be constructed as follows:
310     * All constraints will have basis status FIXED.
311     * Pick m variables such that the columns of A are linearly independent and
312       assign the status BASIC.
313     * Assign the status AT_LOWER for the remaining n - m variables.
315    The basic solution for this basis is the unique solution of A * x = b that has
316    all variables with status AT_LOWER fixed to their lower bounds (all zero). The
317    resulting solution is called a basic feasible solution if it also satisfies
318    x >= 0.
320    See go/mathopt-basis for treatment of the general case and an explanation of
321    how a dual solution is determined for a basis.
323    Attributes:
324      variable_status: The basis status for each variable in the model.
325      constraint_status: The basis status for each linear constraint in the model.
326      basic_dual_feasibility: This is an advanced feature used by MathOpt to
327        characterize feasibility of suboptimal LP solutions (optimal solutions
328        will always have status SolutionStatus.FEASIBLE). For single-sided LPs it
329        should be equal to the feasibility status of the associated dual solution.
330        For two-sided LPs it may be different in some edge cases (e.g. incomplete
331        solves with primal simplex). For more details see
332        go/mathopt-basis-advanced#dualfeasibility. If you are providing a starting
333        basis via ModelSolveParameters.initial_basis, this value is ignored and
334        can be None. It is only relevant for the basis returned by Solution.basis,
335        and it is never None when returned from solve(). This is an advanced
336        status. For single-sided LPs it should be equal to the feasibility status
337        of the associated dual solution. For two-sided LPs it may be different in
338        some edge cases (e.g. incomplete solves with primal simplex). For more
339        details see go/mathopt-basis-advanced#dualfeasibility.
340    """
342    variable_status: Dict[model.Variable, BasisStatus] = dataclasses.field(
343        default_factory=dict
344    )
345    constraint_status: Dict[model.LinearConstraint, BasisStatus] = dataclasses.field(
346        default_factory=dict
347    )
348    basic_dual_feasibility: Optional[SolutionStatus] = None
350    def to_proto(self) -> solution_pb2.BasisProto:
351        """Returns an equivalent proto for the basis."""
352        return solution_pb2.BasisProto(
353            variable_status=_to_sparse_basis_status_vector_proto(self.variable_status),
354            constraint_status=_to_sparse_basis_status_vector_proto(
355                self.constraint_status
356            ),
357            basic_dual_feasibility=optional_solution_status_to_proto(
358                self.basic_dual_feasibility
359            ),
360        )
363def parse_basis(proto: solution_pb2.BasisProto, mod: model.Model) -> Basis:
364    """Returns an equivalent Basis to the input proto."""
365    result = Basis()
366    for index, vid in enumerate(proto.variable_status.ids):
367        status_proto = proto.variable_status.values[index]
368        if status_proto == solution_pb2.BASIS_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED:
369            raise ValueError("Variable basis status should not be UNSPECIFIED")
370        result.variable_status[mod.get_variable(vid)] = BasisStatus(status_proto)
371    for index, cid in enumerate(proto.constraint_status.ids):
372        status_proto = proto.constraint_status.values[index]
373        if status_proto == solution_pb2.BASIS_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED:
374            raise ValueError("Constraint basis status should not be UNSPECIFIED")
375        result.constraint_status[mod.get_linear_constraint(cid)] = BasisStatus(
376            status_proto
377        )
378    result.basic_dual_feasibility = parse_optional_solution_status(
379        proto.basic_dual_feasibility
380    )
381    return result
384T = TypeVar("T", model.Variable, model.LinearConstraint)
387def _to_sparse_basis_status_vector_proto(
388    terms: Dict[T, BasisStatus]
389) -> solution_pb2.SparseBasisStatusVector:
390    """Converts a basis vector from a python Dict to a protocol buffer."""
391    result = solution_pb2.SparseBasisStatusVector()
392    if terms:
393        id_and_status = sorted(
394            (key.id, status.value) for (key, status) in terms.items()
395        )
396        ids, values = zip(*id_and_status)
397        result.ids[:] = ids
398        result.values[:] = values
399    return result
403class Solution:
404    """A solution to the optimization problem in a Model."""
406    primal_solution: Optional[PrimalSolution] = None
407    dual_solution: Optional[DualSolution] = None
408    basis: Optional[Basis] = None
410    def to_proto(self) -> solution_pb2.SolutionProto:
411        """Returns an equivalent proto for a solution."""
412        return solution_pb2.SolutionProto(
413            primal_solution=(
414                self.primal_solution.to_proto()
415                if self.primal_solution is not None
416                else None
417            ),
418            dual_solution=(
419                self.dual_solution.to_proto()
420                if self.dual_solution is not None
421                else None
422            ),
423            basis=self.basis.to_proto() if self.basis is not None else None,
424        )
427def parse_solution(proto: solution_pb2.SolutionProto, mod: model.Model) -> Solution:
428    """Returns a Solution equivalent to the input proto."""
429    result = Solution()
430    if proto.HasField("primal_solution"):
431        result.primal_solution = parse_primal_solution(proto.primal_solution, mod)
432    if proto.HasField("dual_solution"):
433        result.dual_solution = parse_dual_solution(proto.dual_solution, mod)
434    result.basis = parse_basis(proto.basis, mod) if proto.HasField("basis") else None
435    return result
class BasisStatus(enum.Enum):
26class BasisStatus(enum.Enum):
27    """Status of a variable/constraint in a LP basis.
29    Attributes:
30      FREE: The variable/constraint is free (it has no finite bounds).
31      AT_LOWER_BOUND: The variable/constraint is at its lower bound (which must be
32        finite).
33      AT_UPPER_BOUND: The variable/constraint is at its upper bound (which must be
34        finite).
35      FIXED_VALUE: The variable/constraint has identical finite lower and upper
36        bounds.
37      BASIC: The variable/constraint is basic.
38    """
40    FREE = solution_pb2.BASIS_STATUS_FREE
44    BASIC = solution_pb2.BASIS_STATUS_BASIC

Status of a variable/constraint in a LP basis.

  • FREE: The variable/constraint is free (it has no finite bounds).
  • AT_LOWER_BOUND: The variable/constraint is at its lower bound (which must be finite).
  • AT_UPPER_BOUND: The variable/constraint is at its upper bound (which must be finite).
  • FIXED_VALUE: The variable/constraint has identical finite lower and upper bounds.
  • BASIC: The variable/constraint is basic.
FREE = <BasisStatus.FREE: 1>
BASIC = <BasisStatus.BASIC: 5>
Inherited Members
class SolutionStatus(enum.Enum):
48class SolutionStatus(enum.Enum):
49    """Feasibility of a primal or dual solution as claimed by the solver.
51    Attributes:
52      UNDETERMINED: Solver does not claim a feasibility status.
53      FEASIBLE: Solver claims the solution is feasible.
54      INFEASIBLE: Solver claims the solution is infeasible.
55    """

Feasibility of a primal or dual solution as claimed by the solver.

  • UNDETERMINED: Solver does not claim a feasibility status.
  • FEASIBLE: Solver claims the solution is feasible.
  • INFEASIBLE: Solver claims the solution is infeasible.
FEASIBLE = <SolutionStatus.FEASIBLE: 2>
Inherited Members
def parse_optional_solution_status( proto: <google.protobuf.internal.enum_type_wrapper.EnumTypeWrapper object>) -> Optional[SolutionStatus]:
62def parse_optional_solution_status(
63    proto: solution_pb2.SolutionStatusProto,
64) -> Optional[SolutionStatus]:
65    """Converts a proto SolutionStatus to an optional Python SolutionStatus."""
66    return (
67        None
68        if proto == solution_pb2.SOLUTION_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED
69        else SolutionStatus(proto)
70    )

Converts a proto SolutionStatus to an optional Python SolutionStatus.

def optional_solution_status_to_proto( status: Optional[SolutionStatus]) -> <google.protobuf.internal.enum_type_wrapper.EnumTypeWrapper object at 0x7facdc435ac0>:
73def optional_solution_status_to_proto(
74    status: Optional[SolutionStatus],
75) -> solution_pb2.SolutionStatusProto:
76    """Converts an optional Python SolutionStatus to a proto SolutionStatus."""
77    return solution_pb2.SOLUTION_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED if status is None else status.value

Converts an optional Python SolutionStatus to a proto SolutionStatus.

class PrimalSolution:
 81class PrimalSolution:
 82    """A solution to the optimization problem in a Model.
 84    E.g. consider a simple linear program:
 85      min c * x
 86      s.t. A * x >= b
 87      x >= 0.
 88    A primal solution is assignment values to x. It is feasible if it satisfies
 89    A * x >= b and x >= 0 from above. In the class PrimalSolution variable_values
 90    is x and objective_value is c * x.
 92    For the general case of a MathOpt optimization model, see go/mathopt-solutions
 93    for details.
 95    Attributes:
 96      variable_values: The value assigned for each Variable in the model.
 97      objective_value: The value of the objective value at this solution. This
 98        value may not be always populated.
 99      feasibility_status: The feasibility of the solution as claimed by the
100        solver.
101    """
103    variable_values: Dict[model.Variable, float] = dataclasses.field(
104        default_factory=dict
105    )
106    objective_value: float = 0.0
107    feasibility_status: SolutionStatus = SolutionStatus.UNDETERMINED
109    def to_proto(self) -> solution_pb2.PrimalSolutionProto:
110        """Returns an equivalent proto for a primal solution."""
111        return solution_pb2.PrimalSolutionProto(
112            variable_values=sparse_containers.to_sparse_double_vector_proto(
113                self.variable_values
114            ),
115            objective_value=self.objective_value,
116            feasibility_status=self.feasibility_status.value,
117        )

A solution to the optimization problem in a Model.

E.g. consider a simple linear program: min c * x s.t. A * x >= b x >= 0. A primal solution is assignment values to x. It is feasible if it satisfies A * x >= b and x >= 0 from above. In the class PrimalSolution variable_values is x and objective_value is c * x.

For the general case of a MathOpt optimization model, see go/mathopt-solutions for details.

  • variable_values: The value assigned for each Variable in the model.
  • objective_value: The value of the objective value at this solution. This value may not be always populated.
  • feasibility_status: The feasibility of the solution as claimed by the solver.
PrimalSolution( variable_values: Dict[ortools.math_opt.python.model.Variable, float] = <factory>, objective_value: float = 0.0, feasibility_status: SolutionStatus = <SolutionStatus.UNDETERMINED: 1>)
variable_values: Dict[ortools.math_opt.python.model.Variable, float]
objective_value: float = 0.0
feasibility_status: SolutionStatus = <SolutionStatus.UNDETERMINED: 1>
def to_proto(self) -> ortools.math_opt.solution_pb2.PrimalSolutionProto:
109    def to_proto(self) -> solution_pb2.PrimalSolutionProto:
110        """Returns an equivalent proto for a primal solution."""
111        return solution_pb2.PrimalSolutionProto(
112            variable_values=sparse_containers.to_sparse_double_vector_proto(
113                self.variable_values
114            ),
115            objective_value=self.objective_value,
116            feasibility_status=self.feasibility_status.value,
117        )

Returns an equivalent proto for a primal solution.

120def parse_primal_solution(
121    proto: solution_pb2.PrimalSolutionProto, mod: model.Model
122) -> PrimalSolution:
123    """Returns an equivalent PrimalSolution from the input proto."""
124    result = PrimalSolution()
125    result.objective_value = proto.objective_value
126    result.variable_values = sparse_containers.parse_variable_map(
127        proto.variable_values, mod
128    )
129    status_proto = proto.feasibility_status
130    if status_proto == solution_pb2.SOLUTION_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED:
131        raise ValueError("Primal solution feasibility status should not be UNSPECIFIED")
132    result.feasibility_status = SolutionStatus(status_proto)
133    return result

Returns an equivalent PrimalSolution from the input proto.

class PrimalRay:
137class PrimalRay:
138    """A direction of unbounded objective improvement in an optimization Model.
140    Equivalently, a certificate of infeasibility for the dual of the optimization
141    problem.
143    E.g. consider a simple linear program:
144      min c * x
145      s.t. A * x >= b
146      x >= 0.
147    A primal ray is an x that satisfies:
148      c * x < 0
149      A * x >= 0
150      x >= 0.
151    Observe that given a feasible solution, any positive multiple of the primal
152    ray plus that solution is still feasible, and gives a better objective
153    value. A primal ray also proves the dual optimization problem infeasible.
155    In the class PrimalRay, variable_values is this x.
157    For the general case of a MathOpt optimization model, see
158    go/mathopt-solutions for details.
160    Attributes:
161      variable_values: The value assigned for each Variable in the model.
162    """
164    variable_values: Dict[model.Variable, float] = dataclasses.field(
165        default_factory=dict
166    )

A direction of unbounded objective improvement in an optimization Model.

Equivalently, a certificate of infeasibility for the dual of the optimization problem.

E.g. consider a simple linear program: min c * x s.t. A * x >= b x >= 0.

A primal ray is an x that satisfies:

c * x < 0 A * x >= 0 x >= 0.

Observe that given a feasible solution, any positive multiple of the primal ray plus that solution is still feasible, and gives a better objective value. A primal ray also proves the dual optimization problem infeasible.

In the class PrimalRay, variable_values is this x.

For the general case of a MathOpt optimization model, see go/mathopt-solutions for details.

  • variable_values: The value assigned for each Variable in the model.
PrimalRay( variable_values: Dict[ortools.math_opt.python.model.Variable, float] = <factory>)
variable_values: Dict[ortools.math_opt.python.model.Variable, float]
169def parse_primal_ray(proto: solution_pb2.PrimalRayProto, mod: model.Model) -> PrimalRay:
170    """Returns an equivalent PrimalRay from the input proto."""
171    result = PrimalRay()
172    result.variable_values = sparse_containers.parse_variable_map(
173        proto.variable_values, mod
174    )
175    return result

Returns an equivalent PrimalRay from the input proto.

class DualSolution:
179class DualSolution:
180    """A solution to the dual of the optimization problem given by a Model.
182    E.g. consider the primal dual pair linear program pair:
183      (Primal)              (Dual)
184      min c * x             max b * y
185      s.t. A * x >= b       s.t. y * A + r = c
186      x >= 0                y, r >= 0.
187    The dual solution is the pair (y, r). It is feasible if it satisfies the
188    constraints from (Dual) above.
190    Below, y is dual_values, r is reduced_costs, and b * y is objective_value.
192    For the general case, see go/mathopt-solutions and go/mathopt-dual (and note
193    that the dual objective depends on r in the general case).
195    Attributes:
196      dual_values: The value assigned for each LinearConstraint in the model.
197      reduced_costs: The value assigned for each Variable in the model.
198      objective_value: The value of the dual objective value at this solution.
199        This value may not be always populated.
200      feasibility_status: The feasibility of the solution as claimed by the
201        solver.
202    """
204    dual_values: Dict[model.LinearConstraint, float] = dataclasses.field(
205        default_factory=dict
206    )
207    reduced_costs: Dict[model.Variable, float] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)
208    objective_value: Optional[float] = None
209    feasibility_status: SolutionStatus = SolutionStatus.UNDETERMINED
211    def to_proto(self) -> solution_pb2.DualSolutionProto:
212        """Returns an equivalent proto for a dual solution."""
213        return solution_pb2.DualSolutionProto(
214            dual_values=sparse_containers.to_sparse_double_vector_proto(
215                self.dual_values
216            ),
217            reduced_costs=sparse_containers.to_sparse_double_vector_proto(
218                self.reduced_costs
219            ),
220            objective_value=self.objective_value,
221            feasibility_status=self.feasibility_status.value,
222        )

A solution to the dual of the optimization problem given by a Model.

E.g. consider the primal dual pair linear program pair: (Primal)            (Dual) min c * x             max b * y s.t. A * x >= b       s.t. y * A + r = c x >= 0              y, r >= 0. The dual solution is the pair (y, r). It is feasible if it satisfies the constraints from (Dual) above.

Below, y is dual_values, r is reduced_costs, and b * y is objective_value.

For the general case, see go/mathopt-solutions and go/mathopt-dual (and note that the dual objective depends on r in the general case).

  • dual_values: The value assigned for each LinearConstraint in the model.
  • reduced_costs: The value assigned for each Variable in the model.
  • objective_value: The value of the dual objective value at this solution. This value may not be always populated.
  • feasibility_status: The feasibility of the solution as claimed by the solver.
DualSolution( dual_values: Dict[ortools.math_opt.python.model.LinearConstraint, float] = <factory>, reduced_costs: Dict[ortools.math_opt.python.model.Variable, float] = <factory>, objective_value: Optional[float] = None, feasibility_status: SolutionStatus = <SolutionStatus.UNDETERMINED: 1>)
reduced_costs: Dict[ortools.math_opt.python.model.Variable, float]
objective_value: Optional[float] = None
feasibility_status: SolutionStatus = <SolutionStatus.UNDETERMINED: 1>
def to_proto(self) -> ortools.math_opt.solution_pb2.DualSolutionProto:
211    def to_proto(self) -> solution_pb2.DualSolutionProto:
212        """Returns an equivalent proto for a dual solution."""
213        return solution_pb2.DualSolutionProto(
214            dual_values=sparse_containers.to_sparse_double_vector_proto(
215                self.dual_values
216            ),
217            reduced_costs=sparse_containers.to_sparse_double_vector_proto(
218                self.reduced_costs
219            ),
220            objective_value=self.objective_value,
221            feasibility_status=self.feasibility_status.value,
222        )

Returns an equivalent proto for a dual solution.

225def parse_dual_solution(
226    proto: solution_pb2.DualSolutionProto, mod: model.Model
227) -> DualSolution:
228    """Returns an equivalent DualSolution from the input proto."""
229    result = DualSolution()
230    result.objective_value = (
231        proto.objective_value if proto.HasField("objective_value") else None
232    )
233    result.dual_values = sparse_containers.parse_linear_constraint_map(
234        proto.dual_values, mod
235    )
236    result.reduced_costs = sparse_containers.parse_variable_map(
237        proto.reduced_costs, mod
238    )
239    status_proto = proto.feasibility_status
240    if status_proto == solution_pb2.SOLUTION_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED:
241        raise ValueError("Dual solution feasibility status should not be UNSPECIFIED")
242    result.feasibility_status = SolutionStatus(status_proto)
243    return result

Returns an equivalent DualSolution from the input proto.

class DualRay:
247class DualRay:
248    """A direction of unbounded objective improvement in an optimization Model.
250    A direction of unbounded improvement to the dual of an optimization,
251    problem; equivalently, a certificate of primal infeasibility.
253    E.g. consider the primal dual pair linear program pair:
254      (Primal)              (Dual)
255      min c * x             max b * y
256      s.t. A * x >= b       s.t. y * A + r = c
257      x >= 0                y, r >= 0.
259    The dual ray is the pair (y, r) satisfying:
260      b * y > 0
261      y * A + r = 0
262      y, r >= 0.
263    Observe that adding a positive multiple of (y, r) to dual feasible solution
264    maintains dual feasibility and improves the objective (proving the dual is
265    unbounded). The dual ray also proves the primal problem is infeasible.
267    In the class DualRay below, y is dual_values and r is reduced_costs.
269    For the general case, see go/mathopt-solutions and go/mathopt-dual (and note
270    that the dual objective depends on r in the general case).
272    Attributes:
273      dual_values: The value assigned for each LinearConstraint in the model.
274      reduced_costs: The value assigned for each Variable in the model.
275    """
277    dual_values: Dict[model.LinearConstraint, float] = dataclasses.field(
278        default_factory=dict
279    )
280    reduced_costs: Dict[model.Variable, float] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)

A direction of unbounded objective improvement in an optimization Model.

A direction of unbounded improvement to the dual of an optimization, problem; equivalently, a certificate of primal infeasibility.

E.g. consider the primal dual pair linear program pair: (Primal)            (Dual) min c * x             max b * y s.t. A * x >= b       s.t. y * A + r = c x >= 0              y, r >= 0.

The dual ray is the pair (y, r) satisfying: b * y > 0 y * A + r = 0 y, r >= 0. Observe that adding a positive multiple of (y, r) to dual feasible solution maintains dual feasibility and improves the objective (proving the dual is unbounded). The dual ray also proves the primal problem is infeasible.

In the class DualRay below, y is dual_values and r is reduced_costs.

For the general case, see go/mathopt-solutions and go/mathopt-dual (and note that the dual objective depends on r in the general case).

  • dual_values: The value assigned for each LinearConstraint in the model.
  • reduced_costs: The value assigned for each Variable in the model.
DualRay( dual_values: Dict[ortools.math_opt.python.model.LinearConstraint, float] = <factory>, reduced_costs: Dict[ortools.math_opt.python.model.Variable, float] = <factory>)
reduced_costs: Dict[ortools.math_opt.python.model.Variable, float]
283def parse_dual_ray(proto: solution_pb2.DualRayProto, mod: model.Model) -> DualRay:
284    """Returns an equivalent DualRay from the input proto."""
285    result = DualRay()
286    result.dual_values = sparse_containers.parse_linear_constraint_map(
287        proto.dual_values, mod
288    )
289    result.reduced_costs = sparse_containers.parse_variable_map(
290        proto.reduced_costs, mod
291    )
292    return result

Returns an equivalent DualRay from the input proto.

class Basis:
296class Basis:
297    """A combinatorial characterization for a solution to a linear program.
299    The simplex method for solving linear programs always returns a "basic
300    feasible solution" which can be described combinatorially as a Basis. A basis
301    assigns a BasisStatus for every variable and linear constraint.
303    E.g. consider a standard form LP:
304      min c * x
305      s.t. A * x = b
306      x >= 0
307    that has more variables than constraints and with full row rank A.
309    Let n be the number of variables and m the number of linear constraints. A
310    valid basis for this problem can be constructed as follows:
311     * All constraints will have basis status FIXED.
312     * Pick m variables such that the columns of A are linearly independent and
313       assign the status BASIC.
314     * Assign the status AT_LOWER for the remaining n - m variables.
316    The basic solution for this basis is the unique solution of A * x = b that has
317    all variables with status AT_LOWER fixed to their lower bounds (all zero). The
318    resulting solution is called a basic feasible solution if it also satisfies
319    x >= 0.
321    See go/mathopt-basis for treatment of the general case and an explanation of
322    how a dual solution is determined for a basis.
324    Attributes:
325      variable_status: The basis status for each variable in the model.
326      constraint_status: The basis status for each linear constraint in the model.
327      basic_dual_feasibility: This is an advanced feature used by MathOpt to
328        characterize feasibility of suboptimal LP solutions (optimal solutions
329        will always have status SolutionStatus.FEASIBLE). For single-sided LPs it
330        should be equal to the feasibility status of the associated dual solution.
331        For two-sided LPs it may be different in some edge cases (e.g. incomplete
332        solves with primal simplex). For more details see
333        go/mathopt-basis-advanced#dualfeasibility. If you are providing a starting
334        basis via ModelSolveParameters.initial_basis, this value is ignored and
335        can be None. It is only relevant for the basis returned by Solution.basis,
336        and it is never None when returned from solve(). This is an advanced
337        status. For single-sided LPs it should be equal to the feasibility status
338        of the associated dual solution. For two-sided LPs it may be different in
339        some edge cases (e.g. incomplete solves with primal simplex). For more
340        details see go/mathopt-basis-advanced#dualfeasibility.
341    """
343    variable_status: Dict[model.Variable, BasisStatus] = dataclasses.field(
344        default_factory=dict
345    )
346    constraint_status: Dict[model.LinearConstraint, BasisStatus] = dataclasses.field(
347        default_factory=dict
348    )
349    basic_dual_feasibility: Optional[SolutionStatus] = None
351    def to_proto(self) -> solution_pb2.BasisProto:
352        """Returns an equivalent proto for the basis."""
353        return solution_pb2.BasisProto(
354            variable_status=_to_sparse_basis_status_vector_proto(self.variable_status),
355            constraint_status=_to_sparse_basis_status_vector_proto(
356                self.constraint_status
357            ),
358            basic_dual_feasibility=optional_solution_status_to_proto(
359                self.basic_dual_feasibility
360            ),
361        )

A combinatorial characterization for a solution to a linear program.

The simplex method for solving linear programs always returns a "basic feasible solution" which can be described combinatorially as a Basis. A basis assigns a BasisStatus for every variable and linear constraint.

E.g. consider a standard form LP: min c * x s.t. A * x = b x >= 0 that has more variables than constraints and with full row rank A.

Let n be the number of variables and m the number of linear constraints. A valid basis for this problem can be constructed as follows:

  • All constraints will have basis status FIXED.
  • Pick m variables such that the columns of A are linearly independent and assign the status BASIC.
  • Assign the status AT_LOWER for the remaining n - m variables.

The basic solution for this basis is the unique solution of A * x = b that has all variables with status AT_LOWER fixed to their lower bounds (all zero). The resulting solution is called a basic feasible solution if it also satisfies x >= 0.

See go/mathopt-basis for treatment of the general case and an explanation of how a dual solution is determined for a basis.

  • variable_status: The basis status for each variable in the model.
  • constraint_status: The basis status for each linear constraint in the model.
  • basic_dual_feasibility: This is an advanced feature used by MathOpt to characterize feasibility of suboptimal LP solutions (optimal solutions will always have status SolutionStatus.FEASIBLE). For single-sided LPs it should be equal to the feasibility status of the associated dual solution. For two-sided LPs it may be different in some edge cases (e.g. incomplete solves with primal simplex). For more details see go/mathopt-basis-advanced#dualfeasibility. If you are providing a starting basis via ModelSolveParameters.initial_basis, this value is ignored and can be None. It is only relevant for the basis returned by Solution.basis, and it is never None when returned from solve(). This is an advanced status. For single-sided LPs it should be equal to the feasibility status of the associated dual solution. For two-sided LPs it may be different in some edge cases (e.g. incomplete solves with primal simplex). For more details see go/mathopt-basis-advanced#dualfeasibility.
Basis( variable_status: Dict[ortools.math_opt.python.model.Variable, BasisStatus] = <factory>, constraint_status: Dict[ortools.math_opt.python.model.LinearConstraint, BasisStatus] = <factory>, basic_dual_feasibility: Optional[SolutionStatus] = None)
basic_dual_feasibility: Optional[SolutionStatus] = None
def to_proto(self) -> ortools.math_opt.solution_pb2.BasisProto:
351    def to_proto(self) -> solution_pb2.BasisProto:
352        """Returns an equivalent proto for the basis."""
353        return solution_pb2.BasisProto(
354            variable_status=_to_sparse_basis_status_vector_proto(self.variable_status),
355            constraint_status=_to_sparse_basis_status_vector_proto(
356                self.constraint_status
357            ),
358            basic_dual_feasibility=optional_solution_status_to_proto(
359                self.basic_dual_feasibility
360            ),
361        )

Returns an equivalent proto for the basis.

364def parse_basis(proto: solution_pb2.BasisProto, mod: model.Model) -> Basis:
365    """Returns an equivalent Basis to the input proto."""
366    result = Basis()
367    for index, vid in enumerate(proto.variable_status.ids):
368        status_proto = proto.variable_status.values[index]
369        if status_proto == solution_pb2.BASIS_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED:
370            raise ValueError("Variable basis status should not be UNSPECIFIED")
371        result.variable_status[mod.get_variable(vid)] = BasisStatus(status_proto)
372    for index, cid in enumerate(proto.constraint_status.ids):
373        status_proto = proto.constraint_status.values[index]
374        if status_proto == solution_pb2.BASIS_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED:
375            raise ValueError("Constraint basis status should not be UNSPECIFIED")
376        result.constraint_status[mod.get_linear_constraint(cid)] = BasisStatus(
377            status_proto
378        )
379    result.basic_dual_feasibility = parse_optional_solution_status(
380        proto.basic_dual_feasibility
381    )
382    return result

Returns an equivalent Basis to the input proto.

class Solution:
404class Solution:
405    """A solution to the optimization problem in a Model."""
407    primal_solution: Optional[PrimalSolution] = None
408    dual_solution: Optional[DualSolution] = None
409    basis: Optional[Basis] = None
411    def to_proto(self) -> solution_pb2.SolutionProto:
412        """Returns an equivalent proto for a solution."""
413        return solution_pb2.SolutionProto(
414            primal_solution=(
415                self.primal_solution.to_proto()
416                if self.primal_solution is not None
417                else None
418            ),
419            dual_solution=(
420                self.dual_solution.to_proto()
421                if self.dual_solution is not None
422                else None
423            ),
424            basis=self.basis.to_proto() if self.basis is not None else None,
425        )

A solution to the optimization problem in a Model.

Solution( primal_solution: Optional[PrimalSolution] = None, dual_solution: Optional[DualSolution] = None, basis: Optional[Basis] = None)
primal_solution: Optional[PrimalSolution] = None
dual_solution: Optional[DualSolution] = None
basis: Optional[Basis] = None
def to_proto(self) -> ortools.math_opt.solution_pb2.SolutionProto:
411    def to_proto(self) -> solution_pb2.SolutionProto:
412        """Returns an equivalent proto for a solution."""
413        return solution_pb2.SolutionProto(
414            primal_solution=(
415                self.primal_solution.to_proto()
416                if self.primal_solution is not None
417                else None
418            ),
419            dual_solution=(
420                self.dual_solution.to_proto()
421                if self.dual_solution is not None
422                else None
423            ),
424            basis=self.basis.to_proto() if self.basis is not None else None,
425        )

Returns an equivalent proto for a solution.

428def parse_solution(proto: solution_pb2.SolutionProto, mod: model.Model) -> Solution:
429    """Returns a Solution equivalent to the input proto."""
430    result = Solution()
431    if proto.HasField("primal_solution"):
432        result.primal_solution = parse_primal_solution(proto.primal_solution, mod)
433    if proto.HasField("dual_solution"):
434        result.dual_solution = parse_dual_solution(proto.dual_solution, mod)
435    result.basis = parse_basis(proto.basis, mod) if proto.HasField("basis") else None
436    return result

Returns a Solution equivalent to the input proto.