
Patch to the python wrapper of ../linear_solver.h providing an algebraic API.

This is directly imported, and use exclusively in ./linear_solver.i. See that file. For examples leveraging the code defined here, see ./pywraplp_test.py and ../../../python/linear_programming.py.

  1# Copyright 2010-2024 Google LLC
  2# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
  3# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
  4# You may obtain a copy of the License at
  6#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
  8# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  9# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 10# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 11# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 12# limitations under the License.
 14"""Patch to the python wrapper of ../linear_solver.h providing an algebraic API.
 16This is directly imported, and use exclusively in ./linear_solver.i. See that
 18For examples leveraging the code defined here, see ./pywraplp_test.py and
 22import collections
 23import numbers
 25# The classes below allow linear expressions to be expressed naturally with the
 26# usual arithmetic operators +-*/ and with constant numbers, which makes the
 27# python API very intuitive. See the top-level comment for examples.
 30inf = float("inf")
 33class _FakeMPVariableRepresentingTheConstantOffset:
 34    """A dummy class for a singleton instance used to represent the constant.
 36    To represent linear expressions, we store a dictionary
 37    MPVariable->coefficient. To represent the constant offset of the expression,
 38    we use this class as a substitute: its coefficient will be the offset. To
 39    properly be evaluated, its solution_value() needs to be 1.
 40    """
 42    def solution_value(self):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
 43        return 1
 45    def __repr__(self):
 46        return "OFFSET_KEY"
 49OFFSET_KEY = _FakeMPVariableRepresentingTheConstantOffset()
 52def CastToLinExp(v):
 53    if isinstance(v, numbers.Number):
 54        return Constant(v)
 55    else:
 56        return v
 59class LinearExpr:
 60    """Holds linear expressions.
 62    A linear expression is essentially an offset (floating-point value), and a
 63    dictionary mapping MPVariable objects to their coefficient (which is also a
 64    floating-point value).
 65    """
 68        "__%s__" % opname
 69        for opname in [
 70            "add",
 71            "radd",
 72            "sub",
 73            "rsub",
 74            "mul",
 75            "rmul",
 76            "div",
 77            "truediv",
 78            "neg",
 79            "eq",
 80            "ge",
 81            "le",
 82            "gt",
 83            "lt",
 84            "ne",
 85        ]
 86    ]
 88    def solution_value(self):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
 89        """Value of this linear expr, using the solution_value of its vars."""
 90        coeffs = self.GetCoeffs()
 91        return sum(var.solution_value() * coeff for var, coeff in coeffs.items())
 93    def AddSelfToCoeffMapOrStack(self, coeffs, multiplier, stack):
 94        """Private function used by GetCoeffs() to delegate processing.
 96        Implementation must either update coeffs or push to the stack a
 97        sub-expression and the accumulated multiplier that applies to it.
 99        Args:
100          coeffs: A dictionary of variables' coefficients. It is a defaultdict that
101              initializes the new values to 0 by default.
102          multiplier: The current accumulated multiplier to apply to this
103              expression.
104          stack: A list to append to if the current expression is composed of
105              sub-expressions. The elements of the stack are pair tuples
106              (multiplier, linear_expression).
107        """
108        raise NotImplementedError
110    def GetCoeffs(self):
111        coeffs = collections.defaultdict(float)
112        stack = [(1.0, self)]
113        while stack:
114            current_multiplier, current_expression = stack.pop()
115            current_expression.AddSelfToCoeffMapOrStack(
116                coeffs, current_multiplier, stack
117            )
118        return coeffs
120    def __add__(self, expr):
121        return Sum(self, expr)
123    def __radd__(self, cst):
124        return Sum(self, cst)
126    def __sub__(self, expr):
127        return Sum(self, -expr)
129    def __rsub__(self, cst):
130        return Sum(-self, cst)
132    def __mul__(self, cst):
133        return ProductCst(self, cst)
135    def __rmul__(self, cst):
136        return ProductCst(self, cst)
138    def __div__(self, cst):
139        return ProductCst(self, 1.0 / cst)
141    def __truediv__(self, cst):
142        return ProductCst(self, 1.0 / cst)
144    def __neg__(self):
145        return ProductCst(self, -1)
147    def __eq__(self, arg):
148        if isinstance(arg, numbers.Number):
149            return LinearConstraint(self, arg, arg)
150        else:
151            return LinearConstraint(self - arg, 0.0, 0.0)
153    def __ge__(self, arg):
154        if isinstance(arg, numbers.Number):
155            return LinearConstraint(self, arg, inf)
156        else:
157            return LinearConstraint(self - arg, 0.0, inf)
159    def __le__(self, arg):
160        if isinstance(arg, numbers.Number):
161            return LinearConstraint(self, -inf, arg)
162        else:
163            return LinearConstraint(self - arg, -inf, 0.0)
165    def __lt__(self, arg):
166        raise ValueError('Operators "<" and ">" not supported with the linear solver')
168    def __gt__(self, arg):
169        raise ValueError('Operators "<" and ">" not supported with the linear solver')
171    def __ne__(self, arg):
172        raise ValueError('Operator "!=" not supported with the linear solver')
175class VariableExpr(LinearExpr):
176    """Represents a LinearExpr containing only a single variable."""
178    def __init__(self, mpvar):
179        self.__var = mpvar
181    def __str__(self):
182        return str(self.__var)
184    def AddSelfToCoeffMapOrStack(self, coeffs, multiplier, stack):
185        coeffs[self.__var] += multiplier
188class ProductCst(LinearExpr):
189    """Represents the product of a LinearExpr by a constant."""
191    def __init__(self, expr, coef):
192        self.__expr = CastToLinExp(expr)
193        if isinstance(coef, numbers.Number):
194            self.__coef = coef
195        else:
196            raise TypeError
198    def __str__(self):
199        if self.__coef == -1:
200            return "-" + str(self.__expr)
201        else:
202            return "(" + str(self.__coef) + " * " + str(self.__expr) + ")"
204    def AddSelfToCoeffMapOrStack(self, coeffs, multiplier, stack):
205        current_multiplier = multiplier * self.__coef
206        if current_multiplier:
207            stack.append((current_multiplier, self.__expr))
210class Constant(LinearExpr):
212    def __init__(self, val):
213        self.__val = val
215    def __str__(self):
216        return str(self.__val)
218    def AddSelfToCoeffMapOrStack(self, coeffs, multiplier, stack):
219        coeffs[OFFSET_KEY] += self.__val * multiplier
222class SumArray(LinearExpr):
223    """Represents the sum of a list of LinearExpr."""
225    def __init__(self, array):
226        self.__array = [CastToLinExp(elem) for elem in array]
228    def __str__(self):
229        parts = []
230        for term in map(str, self.__array):
231            if not parts:
232                parts.append(term)
233                continue
234            if term[0] == "-":
235                parts.append(" - " + term[1:])
236            else:
237                parts.append(" + " + term)
238        return f'({"".join(parts)})'
240    def AddSelfToCoeffMapOrStack(self, coeffs, multiplier, stack):
241        # Append elements in reversed order so that the first popped from the stack
242        # in the next iteration of the evaluation loop will be the first item of the
243        # array. This keeps the end result of the floating point computation
244        # predictable from user perspective.
245        for arg in reversed(self.__array):
246            stack.append((multiplier, arg))
249def Sum(*args):
250    return SumArray(args)
253SumCst = Sum  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
256class LinearConstraint:
257    """Represents a linear constraint: LowerBound <= LinearExpr <= UpperBound."""
259    def __init__(self, expr, lb, ub):
260        self.__expr = expr
261        self.__lb = lb
262        self.__ub = ub
264    def __str__(self):
265        if self.__lb > -inf and self.__ub < inf:
266            if self.__lb == self.__ub:
267                return str(self.__expr) + " == " + str(self.__lb)
268            else:
269                return (
270                    str(self.__lb) + " <= " + str(self.__expr) + " <= " + str(self.__ub)
271                )
272        elif self.__lb > -inf:
273            return str(self.__expr) + " >= " + str(self.__lb)
274        elif self.__ub < inf:
275            return str(self.__expr) + " <= " + str(self.__ub)
276        else:
277            return "Trivial inequality (always true)"
279    def Extract(self, solver, name=""):
280        """Performs the actual creation of the constraint object."""
281        coeffs = self.__expr.GetCoeffs()
282        constant = coeffs.pop(OFFSET_KEY, 0.0)
283        lb = -solver.infinity()
284        ub = solver.infinity()
285        if self.__lb > -inf:
286            lb = self.__lb - constant
287        if self.__ub < inf:
288            ub = self.__ub - constant
290        constraint = solver.RowConstraint(lb, ub, name)
291        for (
292            v,
293            c,
294        ) in coeffs.items():
295            constraint.SetCoefficient(v, float(c))
296        return constraint
inf = inf
def CastToLinExp(v):
53def CastToLinExp(v):
54    if isinstance(v, numbers.Number):
55        return Constant(v)
56    else:
57        return v
class LinearExpr:
 60class LinearExpr:
 61    """Holds linear expressions.
 63    A linear expression is essentially an offset (floating-point value), and a
 64    dictionary mapping MPVariable objects to their coefficient (which is also a
 65    floating-point value).
 66    """
 69        "__%s__" % opname
 70        for opname in [
 71            "add",
 72            "radd",
 73            "sub",
 74            "rsub",
 75            "mul",
 76            "rmul",
 77            "div",
 78            "truediv",
 79            "neg",
 80            "eq",
 81            "ge",
 82            "le",
 83            "gt",
 84            "lt",
 85            "ne",
 86        ]
 87    ]
 89    def solution_value(self):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
 90        """Value of this linear expr, using the solution_value of its vars."""
 91        coeffs = self.GetCoeffs()
 92        return sum(var.solution_value() * coeff for var, coeff in coeffs.items())
 94    def AddSelfToCoeffMapOrStack(self, coeffs, multiplier, stack):
 95        """Private function used by GetCoeffs() to delegate processing.
 97        Implementation must either update coeffs or push to the stack a
 98        sub-expression and the accumulated multiplier that applies to it.
100        Args:
101          coeffs: A dictionary of variables' coefficients. It is a defaultdict that
102              initializes the new values to 0 by default.
103          multiplier: The current accumulated multiplier to apply to this
104              expression.
105          stack: A list to append to if the current expression is composed of
106              sub-expressions. The elements of the stack are pair tuples
107              (multiplier, linear_expression).
108        """
109        raise NotImplementedError
111    def GetCoeffs(self):
112        coeffs = collections.defaultdict(float)
113        stack = [(1.0, self)]
114        while stack:
115            current_multiplier, current_expression = stack.pop()
116            current_expression.AddSelfToCoeffMapOrStack(
117                coeffs, current_multiplier, stack
118            )
119        return coeffs
121    def __add__(self, expr):
122        return Sum(self, expr)
124    def __radd__(self, cst):
125        return Sum(self, cst)
127    def __sub__(self, expr):
128        return Sum(self, -expr)
130    def __rsub__(self, cst):
131        return Sum(-self, cst)
133    def __mul__(self, cst):
134        return ProductCst(self, cst)
136    def __rmul__(self, cst):
137        return ProductCst(self, cst)
139    def __div__(self, cst):
140        return ProductCst(self, 1.0 / cst)
142    def __truediv__(self, cst):
143        return ProductCst(self, 1.0 / cst)
145    def __neg__(self):
146        return ProductCst(self, -1)
148    def __eq__(self, arg):
149        if isinstance(arg, numbers.Number):
150            return LinearConstraint(self, arg, arg)
151        else:
152            return LinearConstraint(self - arg, 0.0, 0.0)
154    def __ge__(self, arg):
155        if isinstance(arg, numbers.Number):
156            return LinearConstraint(self, arg, inf)
157        else:
158            return LinearConstraint(self - arg, 0.0, inf)
160    def __le__(self, arg):
161        if isinstance(arg, numbers.Number):
162            return LinearConstraint(self, -inf, arg)
163        else:
164            return LinearConstraint(self - arg, -inf, 0.0)
166    def __lt__(self, arg):
167        raise ValueError('Operators "<" and ">" not supported with the linear solver')
169    def __gt__(self, arg):
170        raise ValueError('Operators "<" and ">" not supported with the linear solver')
172    def __ne__(self, arg):
173        raise ValueError('Operator "!=" not supported with the linear solver')

Holds linear expressions.

A linear expression is essentially an offset (floating-point value), and a dictionary mapping MPVariable objects to their coefficient (which is also a floating-point value).

OVERRIDDEN_OPERATOR_METHODS = ['__add__', '__radd__', '__sub__', '__rsub__', '__mul__', '__rmul__', '__div__', '__truediv__', '__neg__', '__eq__', '__ge__', '__le__', '__gt__', '__lt__', '__ne__']
def solution_value(self):
89    def solution_value(self):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
90        """Value of this linear expr, using the solution_value of its vars."""
91        coeffs = self.GetCoeffs()
92        return sum(var.solution_value() * coeff for var, coeff in coeffs.items())

Value of this linear expr, using the solution_value of its vars.

def AddSelfToCoeffMapOrStack(self, coeffs, multiplier, stack):
 94    def AddSelfToCoeffMapOrStack(self, coeffs, multiplier, stack):
 95        """Private function used by GetCoeffs() to delegate processing.
 97        Implementation must either update coeffs or push to the stack a
 98        sub-expression and the accumulated multiplier that applies to it.
100        Args:
101          coeffs: A dictionary of variables' coefficients. It is a defaultdict that
102              initializes the new values to 0 by default.
103          multiplier: The current accumulated multiplier to apply to this
104              expression.
105          stack: A list to append to if the current expression is composed of
106              sub-expressions. The elements of the stack are pair tuples
107              (multiplier, linear_expression).
108        """
109        raise NotImplementedError

Private function used by GetCoeffs() to delegate processing.

Implementation must either update coeffs or push to the stack a sub-expression and the accumulated multiplier that applies to it.

  • coeffs: A dictionary of variables' coefficients. It is a defaultdict that initializes the new values to 0 by default.
  • multiplier: The current accumulated multiplier to apply to this expression.
  • stack: A list to append to if the current expression is composed of sub-expressions. The elements of the stack are pair tuples (multiplier, linear_expression).
def GetCoeffs(self):
111    def GetCoeffs(self):
112        coeffs = collections.defaultdict(float)
113        stack = [(1.0, self)]
114        while stack:
115            current_multiplier, current_expression = stack.pop()
116            current_expression.AddSelfToCoeffMapOrStack(
117                coeffs, current_multiplier, stack
118            )
119        return coeffs
class VariableExpr(LinearExpr):
176class VariableExpr(LinearExpr):
177    """Represents a LinearExpr containing only a single variable."""
179    def __init__(self, mpvar):
180        self.__var = mpvar
182    def __str__(self):
183        return str(self.__var)
185    def AddSelfToCoeffMapOrStack(self, coeffs, multiplier, stack):
186        coeffs[self.__var] += multiplier

Represents a LinearExpr containing only a single variable.

179    def __init__(self, mpvar):
180        self.__var = mpvar
def AddSelfToCoeffMapOrStack(self, coeffs, multiplier, stack):
185    def AddSelfToCoeffMapOrStack(self, coeffs, multiplier, stack):
186        coeffs[self.__var] += multiplier

Private function used by GetCoeffs() to delegate processing.

Implementation must either update coeffs or push to the stack a sub-expression and the accumulated multiplier that applies to it.

  • coeffs: A dictionary of variables' coefficients. It is a defaultdict that initializes the new values to 0 by default.
  • multiplier: The current accumulated multiplier to apply to this expression.
  • stack: A list to append to if the current expression is composed of sub-expressions. The elements of the stack are pair tuples (multiplier, linear_expression).
class ProductCst(LinearExpr):
189class ProductCst(LinearExpr):
190    """Represents the product of a LinearExpr by a constant."""
192    def __init__(self, expr, coef):
193        self.__expr = CastToLinExp(expr)
194        if isinstance(coef, numbers.Number):
195            self.__coef = coef
196        else:
197            raise TypeError
199    def __str__(self):
200        if self.__coef == -1:
201            return "-" + str(self.__expr)
202        else:
203            return "(" + str(self.__coef) + " * " + str(self.__expr) + ")"
205    def AddSelfToCoeffMapOrStack(self, coeffs, multiplier, stack):
206        current_multiplier = multiplier * self.__coef
207        if current_multiplier:
208            stack.append((current_multiplier, self.__expr))

Represents the product of a LinearExpr by a constant.

ProductCst(expr, coef)
192    def __init__(self, expr, coef):
193        self.__expr = CastToLinExp(expr)
194        if isinstance(coef, numbers.Number):
195            self.__coef = coef
196        else:
197            raise TypeError
def AddSelfToCoeffMapOrStack(self, coeffs, multiplier, stack):
205    def AddSelfToCoeffMapOrStack(self, coeffs, multiplier, stack):
206        current_multiplier = multiplier * self.__coef
207        if current_multiplier:
208            stack.append((current_multiplier, self.__expr))

Private function used by GetCoeffs() to delegate processing.

Implementation must either update coeffs or push to the stack a sub-expression and the accumulated multiplier that applies to it.

  • coeffs: A dictionary of variables' coefficients. It is a defaultdict that initializes the new values to 0 by default.
  • multiplier: The current accumulated multiplier to apply to this expression.
  • stack: A list to append to if the current expression is composed of sub-expressions. The elements of the stack are pair tuples (multiplier, linear_expression).
class Constant(LinearExpr):
211class Constant(LinearExpr):
213    def __init__(self, val):
214        self.__val = val
216    def __str__(self):
217        return str(self.__val)
219    def AddSelfToCoeffMapOrStack(self, coeffs, multiplier, stack):
220        coeffs[OFFSET_KEY] += self.__val * multiplier

Holds linear expressions.

A linear expression is essentially an offset (floating-point value), and a dictionary mapping MPVariable objects to their coefficient (which is also a floating-point value).

213    def __init__(self, val):
214        self.__val = val
def AddSelfToCoeffMapOrStack(self, coeffs, multiplier, stack):
219    def AddSelfToCoeffMapOrStack(self, coeffs, multiplier, stack):
220        coeffs[OFFSET_KEY] += self.__val * multiplier

Private function used by GetCoeffs() to delegate processing.

Implementation must either update coeffs or push to the stack a sub-expression and the accumulated multiplier that applies to it.

  • coeffs: A dictionary of variables' coefficients. It is a defaultdict that initializes the new values to 0 by default.
  • multiplier: The current accumulated multiplier to apply to this expression.
  • stack: A list to append to if the current expression is composed of sub-expressions. The elements of the stack are pair tuples (multiplier, linear_expression).
class SumArray(LinearExpr):
223class SumArray(LinearExpr):
224    """Represents the sum of a list of LinearExpr."""
226    def __init__(self, array):
227        self.__array = [CastToLinExp(elem) for elem in array]
229    def __str__(self):
230        parts = []
231        for term in map(str, self.__array):
232            if not parts:
233                parts.append(term)
234                continue
235            if term[0] == "-":
236                parts.append(" - " + term[1:])
237            else:
238                parts.append(" + " + term)
239        return f'({"".join(parts)})'
241    def AddSelfToCoeffMapOrStack(self, coeffs, multiplier, stack):
242        # Append elements in reversed order so that the first popped from the stack
243        # in the next iteration of the evaluation loop will be the first item of the
244        # array. This keeps the end result of the floating point computation
245        # predictable from user perspective.
246        for arg in reversed(self.__array):
247            stack.append((multiplier, arg))

Represents the sum of a list of LinearExpr.

226    def __init__(self, array):
227        self.__array = [CastToLinExp(elem) for elem in array]
def AddSelfToCoeffMapOrStack(self, coeffs, multiplier, stack):
241    def AddSelfToCoeffMapOrStack(self, coeffs, multiplier, stack):
242        # Append elements in reversed order so that the first popped from the stack
243        # in the next iteration of the evaluation loop will be the first item of the
244        # array. This keeps the end result of the floating point computation
245        # predictable from user perspective.
246        for arg in reversed(self.__array):
247            stack.append((multiplier, arg))

Private function used by GetCoeffs() to delegate processing.

Implementation must either update coeffs or push to the stack a sub-expression and the accumulated multiplier that applies to it.

  • coeffs: A dictionary of variables' coefficients. It is a defaultdict that initializes the new values to 0 by default.
  • multiplier: The current accumulated multiplier to apply to this expression.
  • stack: A list to append to if the current expression is composed of sub-expressions. The elements of the stack are pair tuples (multiplier, linear_expression).
def Sum(*args):
250def Sum(*args):
251    return SumArray(args)
def SumCst(*args):
250def Sum(*args):
251    return SumArray(args)
class LinearConstraint:
257class LinearConstraint:
258    """Represents a linear constraint: LowerBound <= LinearExpr <= UpperBound."""
260    def __init__(self, expr, lb, ub):
261        self.__expr = expr
262        self.__lb = lb
263        self.__ub = ub
265    def __str__(self):
266        if self.__lb > -inf and self.__ub < inf:
267            if self.__lb == self.__ub:
268                return str(self.__expr) + " == " + str(self.__lb)
269            else:
270                return (
271                    str(self.__lb) + " <= " + str(self.__expr) + " <= " + str(self.__ub)
272                )
273        elif self.__lb > -inf:
274            return str(self.__expr) + " >= " + str(self.__lb)
275        elif self.__ub < inf:
276            return str(self.__expr) + " <= " + str(self.__ub)
277        else:
278            return "Trivial inequality (always true)"
280    def Extract(self, solver, name=""):
281        """Performs the actual creation of the constraint object."""
282        coeffs = self.__expr.GetCoeffs()
283        constant = coeffs.pop(OFFSET_KEY, 0.0)
284        lb = -solver.infinity()
285        ub = solver.infinity()
286        if self.__lb > -inf:
287            lb = self.__lb - constant
288        if self.__ub < inf:
289            ub = self.__ub - constant
291        constraint = solver.RowConstraint(lb, ub, name)
292        for (
293            v,
294            c,
295        ) in coeffs.items():
296            constraint.SetCoefficient(v, float(c))
297        return constraint

Represents a linear constraint: LowerBound <= LinearExpr <= UpperBound.

LinearConstraint(expr, lb, ub)
260    def __init__(self, expr, lb, ub):
261        self.__expr = expr
262        self.__lb = lb
263        self.__ub = ub
def Extract(self, solver, name=''):
280    def Extract(self, solver, name=""):
281        """Performs the actual creation of the constraint object."""
282        coeffs = self.__expr.GetCoeffs()
283        constant = coeffs.pop(OFFSET_KEY, 0.0)
284        lb = -solver.infinity()
285        ub = solver.infinity()
286        if self.__lb > -inf:
287            lb = self.__lb - constant
288        if self.__ub < inf:
289            ub = self.__ub - constant
291        constraint = solver.RowConstraint(lb, ub, name)
292        for (
293            v,
294            c,
295        ) in coeffs.items():
296            constraint.SetCoefficient(v, float(c))
297        return constraint

Performs the actual creation of the constraint object.