19#include "gtest/gtest.h"
84 :
public ::testing::TestWithParam<LpIncompleteSolveTestParams> {
SolverType TestedSolver() const
An object oriented wrapper for quadratic constraints in ModelStorage.
The solvers supported by MathOpt.
In SWIG mode, we don't want anything besides these top-level includes.
bool supports_presolve
Indicates if the solver supports setting the presolve emphasis.
SolverType solver_type
The tested solver.
LpIncompleteSolveTestParams(SolverType solver_type, std::optional< LPAlgorithm > lp_algorithm, bool supports_iteration_limit, bool supports_initial_basis, bool supports_incremental_solve, bool supports_basis, bool supports_presolve, bool check_primal_objective, bool primal_solution_status_always_set, bool dual_solution_status_always_set)
bool supports_iteration_limit
Indicates if the solver supports iteration limit.
bool supports_basis
Indicates if the solver supports returning a basis.
bool dual_solution_status_always_set
bool check_primal_objective
Indicates if we should check primal objective values.
bool primal_solution_status_always_set
std::optional< LPAlgorithm > lp_algorithm
The tested algorithm.
bool supports_incremental_solve
Indicates if the solver supports incremental solves.
bool supports_initial_basis
Indicates if the solver supports initial basis.