Google OR-Tools v9.12
a fast and portable software suite for combinatorial optimization
No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// Copyright 2010-2025 Google LLC
2// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4// You may obtain a copy of the License at
8// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
12// limitations under the License.
17#include <stdint.h>
19#include <deque>
20#include <functional>
21#include <limits>
22#include <ostream>
23#include <string>
24#include <utility>
25#include <vector>
27#include "absl/base/attributes.h"
28#include "absl/container/inlined_vector.h"
29#include "absl/log/check.h"
30#include "absl/types/span.h"
32#include "ortools/sat/integer.h"
34#include "ortools/sat/model.h"
38#include "ortools/sat/util.h"
39#include "ortools/util/bitset.h"
40#include "ortools/util/rev.h"
44namespace operations_research {
45namespace sat {
49// An enforced constraint can be in one of these 4 states.
50// Note that we rely on the integer encoding to take 2 bits for optimization.
52 // One enforcement literal is false.
54 // More than two literals are unassigned.
56 // All enforcement literals are true but one.
58 // All enforcement literals are true.
62std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const EnforcementStatus& e);
64// This is meant as an helper to deal with enforcement for any constraint.
66 public:
67 explicit EnforcementPropagator(Model* model);
69 // SatPropagator interface.
70 bool Propagate(Trail* trail) final;
71 void Untrail(const Trail& trail, int trail_index) final;
73 // Adds a new constraint to the class and register a callback that will
74 // be called on status change. Note that we also call the callback with the
75 // initial status if different from CANNOT_PROPAGATE when added.
76 //
77 // It is better to not call this for empty enforcement list, but you can. A
78 // negative id means the level zero status will never change, and only the
79 // first call to callback() should be necessary, we don't save it.
80 EnforcementId Register(
81 absl::Span<const Literal> enforcement,
82 std::function<void(EnforcementId, EnforcementStatus)> callback = nullptr);
84 // Add the enforcement reason to the given vector.
85 void AddEnforcementReason(EnforcementId id,
86 std::vector<Literal>* reason) const;
88 // Try to propagate when the enforced constraint is not satisfiable.
89 // This is currently in O(enforcement_size).
90 ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool PropagateWhenFalse(
91 EnforcementId id, absl::Span<const Literal> literal_reason,
92 absl::Span<const IntegerLiteral> integer_reason);
94 EnforcementStatus Status(EnforcementId id) const { return statuses_[id]; }
96 // Recompute the status from the current assignment.
97 // This should only used in DCHECK().
98 EnforcementStatus DebugStatus(EnforcementId id);
100 // Returns the enforcement literals of the given id.
101 absl::Span<const Literal> GetEnforcementLiterals(EnforcementId id) const {
102 if (id < 0) return {};
103 return GetSpan(id);
104 }
106 private:
107 absl::Span<Literal> GetSpan(EnforcementId id);
108 absl::Span<const Literal> GetSpan(EnforcementId id) const;
109 void ChangeStatus(EnforcementId id, EnforcementStatus new_status);
111 // Returns kNoLiteralIndex if nothing need to change or a new literal to
112 // watch. This also calls the registered callback.
113 LiteralIndex ProcessIdOnTrue(Literal watched, EnforcementId id);
115 // External classes.
116 const Trail& trail_;
117 const VariablesAssignment& assignment_;
118 IntegerTrail* integer_trail_;
119 RevIntRepository* rev_int_repository_;
121 // All enforcement will be copied there, and we will create Span out of this.
122 // Note that we don't store the span so that we are not invalidated on buffer_
123 // resizing.
125 std::vector<Literal> buffer_;
129 EnforcementId, std::function<void(EnforcementId, EnforcementStatus)>>
130 callbacks_;
132 // Used to restore status and call callback on untrail.
133 std::vector<std::pair<EnforcementId, EnforcementStatus>> untrail_stack_;
134 int rev_stack_size_ = 0;
135 int64_t rev_stamp_ = 0;
137 // We use a two watcher scheme.
139 watcher_;
141 std::vector<Literal> temp_literals_;
142 std::vector<Literal> temp_reason_;
144 std::vector<EnforcementId> ids_to_fix_until_next_root_level_;
147// Helper class to decide on the constraint propagation order.
149// Each constraint might push some variables which might in turn make other
150// constraint tighter. In general, it seems better to make sure we push first
151// constraints that are not affected by other variables and delay the
152// propagation of constraint that we know will become tigher.
154// Note that we can have cycle in this graph, and that this is not necessarily a
155// conflict.
157 public:
159 ModelRandomGenerator* random,
160 std::function<absl::Span<const IntegerVariable>(int)> id_to_vars)
161 : random_(random), id_to_vars_func_(std::move(id_to_vars)) {}
163 void Resize(int num_vars, int num_ids) {
164 var_has_entry_.Resize(IntegerVariable(num_vars));
165 var_to_id_.resize(num_vars);
166 var_to_lb_.resize(num_vars);
167 var_to_pos_.resize(num_vars);
169 in_ids_.Resize(num_ids);
170 }
172 void Register(int id, IntegerVariable var, IntegerValue lb) {
173 DCHECK_LT(id, in_ids_.size());
174 DCHECK_LT(var.value(), var_to_id_.size());
175 if (var_has_entry_[var]) {
176 if (var_to_lb_[var] >= lb) return;
177 } else {
178 var_has_entry_.Set(var);
179 var_to_pos_[var] = to_clear_.size();
180 to_clear_.push_back(var);
181 }
182 var_to_lb_[var] = lb;
183 var_to_id_[var] = id;
184 if (!in_ids_[id]) {
185 in_ids_.Set(id);
187 // All new ids are likely not in a cycle, we want to test them first.
188 ids_.push_front(id);
189 }
190 }
192 void Clear() {
193 for (const IntegerVariable var : to_clear_) {
194 var_has_entry_.Clear(var);
195 }
196 to_clear_.clear();
197 for (const int id : ids_) {
198 in_ids_.Clear(id);
199 }
200 ids_.clear();
201 }
203 // Return -1 if there is none.
204 // This returns a constraint with min degree.
205 //
206 // TODO(user): fix quadratic algo? We can use var_to_ids_func_() to maintain
207 // the degree. But note that with the start_ optim and because we expect
208 // mainly degree zero, this seems to be faster.
209 int NextId() {
210 if (ids_.empty()) return -1;
212 int best_id = 0;
213 int best_num_vars = 0;
214 int best_degree = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
215 const int size = ids_.size();
216 const auto var_has_entry = var_has_entry_.const_view();
217 for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
218 const int id = ids_.front();
219 ids_.pop_front();
220 DCHECK(in_ids_[id]);
222 int degree = 0;
223 absl::Span<const IntegerVariable> vars = id_to_vars_func_(id);
224 for (const IntegerVariable var : vars) {
225 if (var_has_entry[var]) ++degree;
226 }
228 // We select the min-degree and prefer lower constraint size.
229 // We however stop at the first degree zero.
230 if (degree < best_degree ||
231 (degree == best_degree && vars.size() < best_num_vars)) {
232 best_degree = degree;
233 best_num_vars = vars.size();
234 best_id = id;
235 if (best_degree == 0) {
236 in_ids_.Clear(best_id);
237 return best_id;
238 }
239 }
241 ids_.push_back(id);
242 }
244 // We didn't find any degree zero, we scanned the whole queue.
245 // Extract best_id while keeping the order stable.
246 //
247 // We tried to randomize the order, it does add more variance but also seem
248 // worse overall.
249 int new_size = 0;
250 for (const int id : ids_) {
251 if (id == best_id) continue;
252 ids_[new_size++] = id;
253 }
254 ids_.resize(new_size);
255 in_ids_.Clear(best_id);
256 return best_id;
257 }
259 void UpdateBound(IntegerVariable var, IntegerValue lb) {
260 if (!var_has_entry_[var]) return;
261 if (lb < var_to_lb_[var]) return;
263 var_has_entry_.Clear(var);
264 const int pos = var_to_pos_[var];
265 to_clear_[pos] = to_clear_.back();
266 var_to_pos_[to_clear_.back()] = pos;
267 to_clear_.pop_back();
268 }
270 bool IsEmpty() const { return ids_.empty(); }
272 bool VarShouldBePushedById(IntegerVariable var, int id) {
273 if (!var_has_entry_[var]) return false;
274 if (var_to_id_[var] != id) return false;
275 return true;
276 }
278 public:
280 std::function<absl::Span<const IntegerVariable>(int)> id_to_vars_func_;
282 // For each variable we only keep the constraint id that pushes it further.
283 // In case of tie, we only keep the first to be registered.
288 std::vector<IntegerVariable> to_clear_;
290 // Set/queue of constraints to be propagated.
291 int start_ = 0;
293 std::deque<int> ids_;
296// This is meant to supersede both IntegerSumLE and the PrecedencePropagator.
298// TODO(user): This is a work in progress and is currently incomplete:
299// - Lack more incremental support for faster propag.
300// - Lack detection and propagation of at least one of these linear is true
301// which can be used to propagate more bound if a variable appear in all these
302// constraint.
306 public:
307 explicit LinearPropagator(Model* model);
308 ~LinearPropagator() override;
309 bool Propagate() final;
310 void SetLevel(int level) final;
312 // Adds a new constraint to the propagator.
313 // We support adding constraint at a positive level:
314 // - This will push new propagation right away.
315 // - This will returns false if the constraint is currently a conflict.
316 bool AddConstraint(absl::Span<const Literal> enforcement_literals,
317 absl::Span<const IntegerVariable> vars,
318 absl::Span<const IntegerValue> coeffs,
319 IntegerValue upper_bound);
321 // For LazyReasonInterface.
322 void Explain(int id, IntegerValue propagation_slack,
323 IntegerVariable var_to_explain, int trail_index,
324 std::vector<Literal>* literals_reason,
325 std::vector<int>* trail_indices_reason) final;
327 private:
328 // We try to pack the struct as much as possible. Using a maximum size of
329 // 1 << 29 should be okay since we split long constraint anyway. Technically
330 // we could use int16_t or even int8_t if we wanted, but we just need to make
331 // sure we do split ALL constraints, not just the one from the initial model.
332 //
333 // TODO(user): We could also move some less often used fields out. like
334 // initial size and enf_id that are only needed when we push something.
335 struct ConstraintInfo {
336 unsigned int enf_status : 2;
337 // With Visual Studio or minGW, using bool here breaks the struct packing.
338 unsigned int all_coeffs_are_one : 1;
339 unsigned int initial_size : 29; // Const. The size including all terms.
341 EnforcementId enf_id; // Const. The id in enforcement_propagator_.
342 int start; // Const. The start of the constraint in the buffers.
343 int rev_size; // The size of the non-fixed terms.
344 IntegerValue rev_rhs; // The current rhs, updated on fixed terms.
345 };
347 static_assert(sizeof(ConstraintInfo) == 24,
348 "ERROR_ConstraintInfo_is_not_well_compacted");
350 absl::Span<IntegerValue> GetCoeffs(const ConstraintInfo& info);
351 absl::Span<IntegerVariable> GetVariables(const ConstraintInfo& info);
353 // Called when the lower bound of a variable changed. The id is the constraint
354 // id that caused this change or -1 if it comes from an external source.
355 void OnVariableChange(IntegerVariable var, IntegerValue lb, int id);
357 // Returns false on conflict.
358 ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool PropagateOneConstraint(int id);
359 ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool PropagateInfeasibleConstraint(int id,
360 IntegerValue slack);
361 ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool ReportConflictingCycle();
362 ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool DisassembleSubtree(int root_id, int num_tight);
364 // This loops over the given constraint and returns the coefficient of var and
365 // NegationOf(next_var). Both should be non-zero (Checked).
366 //
367 // If the slack of this constraint was tight for next_var, then pushing var
368 // will push next_var again depending on these coefficients.
369 std::pair<IntegerValue, IntegerValue> GetCycleCoefficients(
370 int id, IntegerVariable var, IntegerVariable next_var);
372 // Returns (slack, num_to_push) of the given constraint.
373 // If slack < 0 we have a conflict or might push the enforcement.
374 // If slack >= 0 the first num_to_push variables can be pushed.
375 std::pair<IntegerValue, int> AnalyzeConstraint(int id);
377 void ClearPropagatedBy();
378 void CanonicalizeConstraint(int id);
379 void AddToQueueIfNeeded(int id);
380 void SetPropagatedBy(IntegerVariable var, int id);
381 std::string ConstraintDebugString(int id);
383 // External class needed.
384 Trail* trail_;
385 IntegerTrail* integer_trail_;
386 EnforcementPropagator* enforcement_propagator_;
387 GenericLiteralWatcher* watcher_;
388 TimeLimit* time_limit_;
389 RevIntRepository* rev_int_repository_;
390 RevIntegerValueRepository* rev_integer_value_repository_;
391 PrecedenceRelations* precedences_;
392 ModelRandomGenerator* random_;
393 SharedStatistics* shared_stats_ = nullptr;
394 const int watcher_id_;
396 // To know when we backtracked. See SetLevel().
397 int previous_level_ = 0;
399 // The key to our incrementality. This will be cleared once the propagation
400 // is done, and automatically updated by the integer_trail_ with all the
401 // IntegerVariable that changed since the last clear.
402 SparseBitset<IntegerVariable> modified_vars_;
404 // Per constraint info used during propagation. Note that we keep pointer for
405 // the rev_size/rhs there, so we do need a deque.
406 std::deque<ConstraintInfo> infos_;
407 std::vector<IntegerValue> initial_rhs_;
409 // Buffer of the constraints data.
410 std::vector<IntegerVariable> variables_buffer_;
411 std::vector<IntegerValue> coeffs_buffer_;
412 std::vector<IntegerValue> buffer_of_ones_;
414 // Filled by PropagateOneConstraint().
415 std::vector<IntegerValue> max_variations_;
417 // For reasons computation. Parallel vectors.
418 std::vector<IntegerLiteral> integer_reason_;
419 std::vector<IntegerValue> reason_coeffs_;
420 std::vector<Literal> literal_reason_;
422 // Queue of constraint to propagate.
423 Bitset64<int> in_queue_;
424 std::deque<int> propagation_queue_;
426 // This only contain constraint that currently push some bounds.
429 // Unenforced constraints are marked as "in_queue_" but not actually added
430 // to the propagation_queue_.
431 int rev_unenforced_size_ = 0;
432 std::vector<int> unenforced_constraints_;
434 // Watchers.
437 var_to_constraint_ids_;
439 // For an heuristic similar to Tarjan contribution to Bellman-Ford algorithm.
440 // We mark for each variable the last constraint that pushed it, and also keep
441 // the count of propagated variable for each constraint.
442 SparseBitset<IntegerVariable> propagated_by_was_set_;
444 std::vector<int> id_to_propagation_count_;
446 // Used by DissasembleSubtreeAndAddToQueue().
447 struct DissasembleQueueEntry {
448 int id;
449 IntegerVariable var;
450 IntegerValue increase;
451 };
452 std::vector<DissasembleQueueEntry> disassemble_queue_;
453 std::vector<DissasembleQueueEntry> disassemble_branch_;
454 std::vector<std::pair<IntegerVariable, IntegerValue>> disassemble_candidates_;
456 // This is used to update the deterministic time.
457 int64_t num_terms_for_dtime_update_ = 0;
459 // Stats.
460 int64_t num_pushes_ = 0;
461 int64_t num_enforcement_pushes_ = 0;
462 int64_t num_cycles_ = 0;
463 int64_t num_failed_cycles_ = 0;
464 int64_t num_short_reasons_ = 0;
465 int64_t num_long_reasons_ = 0;
466 int64_t num_scanned_ = 0;
467 int64_t num_explored_in_disassemble_ = 0;
468 int64_t num_delayed_ = 0;
469 int64_t num_bool_aborts_ = 0;
470 int64_t num_loop_aborts_ = 0;
471 int64_t num_ignored_ = 0;
474} // namespace sat
475} // namespace operations_research
void UpdateBound(IntegerVariable var, IntegerValue lb)
util_intops::StrongVector< IntegerVariable, IntegerValue > var_to_lb_
util_intops::StrongVector< IntegerVariable, int > var_to_id_
bool VarShouldBePushedById(IntegerVariable var, int id)
std::function< absl::Span< const IntegerVariable >(int)> id_to_vars_func_
ConstraintPropagationOrder(ModelRandomGenerator *random, std::function< absl::Span< const IntegerVariable >(int)> id_to_vars)
int start_
Set/queue of constraints to be propagated.
util_intops::StrongVector< IntegerVariable, int > var_to_pos_
void Register(int id, IntegerVariable var, IntegerValue lb)
This is meant as an helper to deal with enforcement for any constraint.
bool Propagate(Trail *trail) final
SatPropagator interface.
EnforcementStatus Status(EnforcementId id) const
void AddEnforcementReason(EnforcementId id, std::vector< Literal > *reason) const
Add the enforcement reason to the given vector.
ABSL_MUST_USE_RESULT bool PropagateWhenFalse(EnforcementId id, absl::Span< const Literal > literal_reason, absl::Span< const IntegerLiteral > integer_reason)
void Untrail(const Trail &trail, int trail_index) final
EnforcementId Register(absl::Span< const Literal > enforcement, std::function< void(EnforcementId, EnforcementStatus)> callback=nullptr)
absl::Span< const Literal > GetEnforcementLiterals(EnforcementId id) const
Returns the enforcement literals of the given id.
EnforcementStatus DebugStatus(EnforcementId id)
bool AddConstraint(absl::Span< const Literal > enforcement_literals, absl::Span< const IntegerVariable > vars, absl::Span< const IntegerValue > coeffs, IntegerValue upper_bound)
Adds a new constraint to the propagator.
void Explain(int id, IntegerValue propagation_slack, IntegerVariable var_to_explain, int trail_index, std::vector< Literal > *literals_reason, std::vector< int > *trail_indices_reason) final
For LazyReasonInterface.
SatPropagator(const std::string &name)
Definition sat_base.h:535
Simple class to add statistics by name and print them at the end.
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const BoolVar &var)
All enforcement literals are true.
More than two literals are unassigned.
One enforcement literal is false.
All enforcement literals are true but one.
In SWIG mode, we don't want anything besides these top-level includes.
STL namespace.
#define DEFINE_STRONG_INDEX_TYPE(index_type_name)