Google OR-Tools v9.12
a fast and portable software suite for combinatorial optimization
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1// Copyright 2010-2025 Google LLC
2// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4// You may obtain a copy of the License at
8// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
12// limitations under the License.
14// Protocol buffer to encode a Boolean satisfiability/optimization problem.
16syntax = "proto2";
18package operations_research.sat;
20option csharp_namespace = "Google.OrTools.Sat";
21option java_package = "";
22option java_multiple_files = true;
24// A linear Boolean constraint which is a bounded sum of linear terms. Each term
25// beeing a literal times an integer coefficient. If we assume that a literal
26// takes the value 1 if it is true and 0 otherwise, the constraint is:
27// lower_bound <= ... + coefficients[i] * literals[i] + ... <= upper_bound
28message LinearBooleanConstraint {
29 // Linear terms involved in this constraint.
30 //
31 // literals[i] is the signed representation of the i-th literal of the
32 // constraint and coefficients[i] its coefficients. The signed representation
33 // is as follow: for a 0-based variable index x, (x + 1) represents the
34 // variable x and -(x + 1) represents its negation.
35 //
36 // Note that the same variable shouldn't appear twice and that zero
37 // coefficients are not allowed.
38 repeated int32 literals = 1;
39 repeated int64 coefficients = 2;
41 // Optional lower (resp. upper) bound of the constraint. If not present, it
42 // means that the constraint is not bounded in this direction. The bounds
43 // are INCLUSIVE.
44 optional int64 lower_bound = 3;
45 optional int64 upper_bound = 4;
47 // The name of this constraint.
48 optional string name = 5 [default = ""];
51// The objective of an optimization problem.
52message LinearObjective {
53 // The goal is always to minimize the linear Boolean formula defined by these
54 // two fields: sum_i literal_i * coefficient_i where literal_i is 1 iff
55 // literal_i is true in a given assignment.
56 //
57 // Note that the same variable shouldn't appear twice and that zero
58 // coefficients are not allowed.
59 repeated int32 literals = 1;
60 repeated int64 coefficients = 2;
62 // For a given variable assignment, the "real" problem objective value is
63 // 'scaling_factor * (minimization_objective + offset)' where
64 // 'minimization_objective is the one defined just above.
65 //
66 // Note that this is not what we minimize, but it is what we display.
67 // In particular if scaling_factor is negative, then the "real" problem is
68 // a maximization problem, even if the "internal" objective is minimized.
69 optional double offset = 3 [default = 0.0];
70 optional double scaling_factor = 4 [default = 1.0];
73// Stores an assignment of variables as a list of true literals using their
74// signed representation. There will be at most one literal per variable. The
75// literals will be sorted by increasing variable index. The assignment may be
76// partial in the sense that some variables may not appear and thus not be
77// assigned.
78message BooleanAssignment {
79 repeated int32 literals = 1;
82// A linear Boolean problem.
83message LinearBooleanProblem {
84 // The name of the problem.
85 optional string name = 1 [default = ""];
87 // The number of variables in the problem.
88 // All the signed representation of the problem literals must be in
89 // [-num_variables, num_variables], excluding 0.
90 optional int32 num_variables = 3;
92 // The constraints of the problem.
93 repeated LinearBooleanConstraint constraints = 4;
95 // The objective of the problem.
96 // If left empty, we just have a satisfiability problem.
97 optional LinearObjective objective = 5;
99 // The names of the problem variables. The variables index are 0-based and
100 // var_names[i] will be the name of the i-th variable which correspond to
101 // literals +(i + 1) or -(i + 1). This is optional and can be left empty.
102 repeated string var_names = 6;
104 // Stores an assignment of the problem variables. That may be an initial
105 // feasible solution, just a partial assignment or the optimal solution.
106 optional BooleanAssignment assignment = 7;
108 // Hack: When converting a wcnf formulat to a LinearBooleanProblem, extra
109 // variables need to be created. This stores the number of variables in the
110 // original problem (which are in one to one correspondence with the first
111 // variables of this problem).
112 optional int32 original_num_variables = 8;